Hello All,

           Linux System Programming is an intensive hands-on course designed by 
Concepts Systems to provide a detailed examination of each topic is presented 
along with a supporting laboratory exercise before moving on to the next topic.
          This Course is intended for programmers who wish to write programs 
which interface with the Linux kernel through the system call interface.Such 
programs may constitute a turnkey system where Linux is embedded.Students gain 
a general understanding of basic tools and interfaces in order to successfully 
modify features and develop new aspects of the kernel.

Course Highlights:

Linux System Programming:
-Operating Systems Basics
-System Calls for I/O
-Multithreading and Synchronization
-Interprocess communication
-Memory Management
-Memory mapped files
-UNIX/ POSIX files and File Systems
Detail syllabus is available at 
Starting Date      : October 24, 2009. 
Duration             : 1.5 months  
Days & Timings  : Saturday and Sunday, 3 Hours Per day.
Concepts Systems,
602-603, The Pentagon, Shahu College Road, 
Next to Pune-Satara Road, 
Near Panchami Hotel, Parvati. Pune - 411009. 

Registration: We encourage you to register at the earliest since there are 
limited seats.

If you have any queries feel free to call us on 020-24216888 / 9960638738 or 
mail us at train...@conceptssys.com.
About Us:
Concepts Systems is Pune based consultancy and training company having 
expertise in core systems; Windows as well as Linux. Concepts Corporate 
Educational Services division has already delivered trainings in many leading 
software companies like EMC & HP (Bangalore), NVIDIA & KPIT Cummins (Pune), 
Oracle India (Hyderabad) etc. Systems’ Technical Experts having Industry 
exposure forms the backbone of Concepts Educational Services Division.

Thanks & Regards,
Concepts Systems
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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