[PLUG] udev rule working

2012-09-17 Thread Saurabh Shandilya
hello experts,

I am kindof stuck at a point, and really need your help.

I wrote a simple rule for my udev, which is as follows,
KERNEL=="sd?", ATTRS{idVendor}=="", ATTRS{idProduct}=="",
ATTRS{serial}=="-", SYMLINK+="mydrive", RUN+="/home/beyond/runn.sh"


runn.sh is as follows:
echo "it is being executed"
echo "writing to file" > /home/beyond/Downloads/abc.txt
echo "done"

Whenever I inserts my pandrive, I got the abc.txt file in my folder, but
not able to get the display of the echo  lines and also I am not able to
execute any other C program using this script.

Kindly tell and help me out,
Udev is an user space process, so it executes the rules with super user
when the abc. txt file is executed, then why the echo commands are not
displayed & actually where are they expected to be displayed? I mean what
is the standard output of the echo command when such a file is executed?
Also, the C program executable binary is not executed, ((myfile is a simple
opengl based green coloured window pop up))

saurabh shandilya
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] udev rule working

2012-09-17 Thread Arun Khan
On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Saurabh Shandilya
> hello experts,

I am been no means an expert on udev stuff.

> I am kindof stuck at a point, and really need your help.
> I wrote a simple rule for my udev, which is as follows,
> KERNEL=="sd?", ATTRS{idVendor}=="", ATTRS{idProduct}=="",
> ATTRS{serial}=="-", SYMLINK+="mydrive", RUN+="/home/beyond/runn.sh"
> &
> runn.sh is as follows:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "it is being executed"
> echo "writing to file" > /home/beyond/Downloads/abc.txt
> /home/beyond/myfile
> echo "done"
> Whenever I inserts my pandrive, I got the abc.txt file in my folder, but
> not able to get the display of the echo  lines and also I am not able to
> execute any other C program using this script.

The udev stuff happens in the background (daemon) so the std out/err
goes to the log (if configured).   Try for each echo line:

echo "blahh" 1> /some/file

> Kindly tell and help me out,
> Udev is an user space process, so it executes the rules with super user
> rights??


> when the abc. txt file is executed, then why the echo commands are not
> displayed & actually where are they expected to be displayed? I mean what
> is the standard output of the echo command when such a file is executed?

See above.

> Also, the C program executable binary is not executed, ((myfile is a simple
> opengl based green coloured window pop up))

Have you checked it's perms?

You can also check the KDE code for the USB pop up window.

-- Arun Khan

-- Arun

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

[PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Vikas Damodar Garud

I am looking for NAS for my home use.  I want to store data so that it may be 
accessed through multiple devices - laptops and smart phones through WiFi 
network connection.  At present, I a using SuSE and Ubuntu Linux on my 
laptops.  I have a broadband connection, accessed through WiFi router (Belkin 
N150).  The router has 4 Ethernet ports, currently unused.  I am planning to 
connect the NAS drive to one of the Ethernet ports on the router.

I looked through Seagate and Western Digital websites.  Both of them have NAS 
products/personal cloud products.  Both of them specify Windows and MAC OS as 
the supported operating systems.  Linux is not specified.  Does it mean that 
NAS drives from these manufacturers won't be useful for me at my home?  Or 
does it mean that I need to make some changes to some settings (if available) 
to access the drive through laptops and smart phone?  Or does it mean that 
Windows or MAC OS is necessary for initial set-up (That is manageable).  Or 

Any experience?  Any suggestion for useful drive for home use?  Any place 
(retailer, dealer) where I can buy the same?

Vikas Garud

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Arun Khan
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Vikas Damodar Garud  wrote:
> I am looking for NAS for my home use.  I want to store data so that it may be
> accessed through multiple devices - laptops and smart phones through WiFi
> network connection.  At present, I a using SuSE and Ubuntu Linux on my
> laptops.  I have a broadband connection, accessed through WiFi router (Belkin
> N150).  The router has 4 Ethernet ports, currently unused.  I am planning to
> connect the NAS drive to one of the Ethernet ports on the router.

For a home grown solution search "Linux NAS" and one of the ref. links is

that lists quite a few open source NAS solutions.

IMO,  you should have done this in the first place.

> I looked through Seagate and Western Digital websites.  Both of them have NAS
> products/personal cloud products.  Both of them specify Windows and MAC OS as
> the supported operating systems.  Linux is not specified.  Does it mean that
> NAS drives from these manufacturers won't be useful for me at my home?

AFAIK,  in Linux you can mount CIFS (Windows Shares) as well NFS (Mac
OS X -- Apple's version of FreeBSD).

It is the vendor's short shortsightedness when they don't mention
Linux in the box.   I have paid extra money for hardware that
explicitly mentioned Linux.  The Linux mascot has given me the comfort
I will not be hassled looking for drivers.

> Or
> does it mean that I need to make some changes to some settings (if available)
> to access the drive through laptops and smart phone?  Or does it mean that
> Windows or MAC OS is necessary for initial set-up (That is manageable).  Or
> ...

I have stayed away from such products so no first hand experience.
The usual suspect would be the initial configuration which may require
IE with Active X!

> Any experience?  Any suggestion for useful drive for home use?  Any place
> (retailer, dealer) where I can buy the same?

See above.   I am using FreeNAS and I like it a lot.   You can
experiment with FreeNAS in a virtual machine - install it on one 1GB
disk image with a 25GB disk image for storage.   When you are familiar
with the Web UI, deploy it on a bare metal hardware.   Any old PC with
about 2GB RAM should be enough for your home use.

-- Arun Khan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Vikas Damodar Garud wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for NAS for my home use.  I want to store data so that it may
> be
> accessed through multiple devices - laptops and smart phones through WiFi
> network connection.  At present, I a using SuSE and Ubuntu Linux on my
> laptops.  I have a broadband connection, accessed through WiFi router
> (Belkin
> N150).  The router has 4 Ethernet ports, currently unused.  I am planning
> to
> connect the NAS drive to one of the Ethernet ports on the router.
> I looked through Seagate and Western Digital websites.  Both of them have
> products/personal cloud products.  Both of them specify Windows and MAC OS
> as
> the supported operating systems.  Linux is not specified.  Does it mean
> that
> NAS drives from these manufacturers won't be useful for me at my home?  Or
> does it mean that I need to make some changes to some settings (if
> available)
> to access the drive through laptops and smart phone?  Or does it mean that
> Windows or MAC OS is necessary for initial set-up (That is manageable).  Or
> ...

Try Freenas. Check out  http://www.freenas.org

I have not tried it myself but people say it is good.


web: www.sudhanwa.com  blog: www.sudhanwa.in
Twitter: sudhanwa Check on FB, Linkedin for more.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Vikas Damodar Garud
On Monday 17 Sep 2012 4:18:27 PM you wrote:
> open filer...
> http://www.openfiler.com/community/download/

Thanks for very quick response.  However, I'm still at loss.  Perhaps I should 
have mentioned that I'm not an expert, just a user who prefers Linux.

Looking through the openfiler website (the link posted by you), I saw that it 
is a Linux distribution that needs to be installed.  I am not clear where I 
should install it.  I already have laptops - One with SuSE Linux and another 
with Ubuntu Linux which I want to to use for my day to day work.  Replacing 
current OS from any of those laptops does not make sense to me.

I am looking to buy an external Hard Disk that can be connected to Ethernet 
post on existing router so that I can store and access data on this disk from 
any device (laptop/Smart phone) connected to the network.

Vikas Garud.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Vikas Damodar Garud
On Monday 17 Sep 2012 4:40:20 PM Arun Khan wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Vikas Damodar Garud  
> For a home grown solution search "Linux NAS" and one of the ref. links is
> that lists quite a few open source NAS solutions.
> IMO,  you should have done this in the first place.

Thanks for quick response.  I had seen through this link, and some more.  
Sorry, I did not mention it in my mail.   However, they talk about running a 
file server connected to network.  Whereas, the network storage drives (from 
Seagate or Western Digital) connect to the router - all the hardware is 
contained in the disk enclosure itself.  I was wondering if I can use the 

Looks like I need to use a old desktop as file server if I want to be certain 
about storing and accessing my data from any connected devices.

Thanks once again for the help.

Vikas Garud

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Mayuresh
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 04:10:36PM +0530, Vikas Damodar Garud wrote:
> Hi,  
> I am looking for NAS for my home use.  I want to store data so that it may be 
> accessed through multiple devices - laptops and smart phones through WiFi 

For a similar requirement I purchased a router with USB port - WRT160NL.
Though I had another router, this one besides serving as nas came handy as
a range extender also making internet connection reach every corner of the

I use ext2 formated disk, which is supported by DD-WRT, though not out of
the box.

NAS (whichever way done) is very attractive for homes. One of my favorite
applications is a cron job on my mobile phone that wakes us up to one of
the randomly chosen song sequences from a huge music collection dumped on
1TB sized NAS.

Movies, photos etc. too, go to NAS and can be viewed on TV using mobile's
video out, without any bulky devices in picture anywhere.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

Re: [PLUG] Network Attached Storage - Linux experience

2012-09-17 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Vikas Damodar Garud wrote:

> On Monday 17 Sep 2012 4:40:20 PM Arun Khan wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Vikas Damodar Garud  >
> wrote:
> >
> > For a home grown solution search "Linux NAS" and one of the ref. links is
> > 
> > that lists quite a few open source NAS solutions.
> >
> > IMO,  you should have done this in the first place.
> Thanks for quick response.  I had seen through this link, and some more.
> Sorry, I did not mention it in my mail.   However, they talk about running
> a
> file server connected to network.  Whereas, the network storage drives
> (from
> Seagate or Western Digital) connect to the router - all the hardware is
> contained in the disk enclosure itself.  I was wondering if I can use the
> same.
> Looks like I need to use a old desktop as file server if I want to be
> certain
> about storing and accessing my data from any connected devices.
> Thanks once again for the help.

IIRC, Dlink and some other companies had some low cost NAS boxes products.
Get one of those boxes, add whatever disks you want and connect on the
network. It should be as simple as that.


web: www.sudhanwa.com  blog: www.sudhanwa.in
Twitter: sudhanwa Check on FB, Linkedin for more.
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List