On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Saurabh Shandilya <saurabhshandilya.1...@gmail.com> wrote: > hello experts,
I am been no means an expert on udev stuff. > I am kindof stuck at a point, and really need your help. > > I wrote a simple rule for my udev, which is as follows, > KERNEL=="sd?", ATTRS{idVendor}=="xxxx", ATTRS{idProduct}=="xxxx", > ATTRS{serial}=="-----", SYMLINK+="mydrive", RUN+="/home/beyond/runn.sh" > > & > > runn.sh is as follows: > #!/bin/sh > echo "it is being executed" > echo "writing to file" > /home/beyond/Downloads/abc.txt > /home/beyond/myfile > echo "done" > > > Whenever I inserts my pandrive, I got the abc.txt file in my folder, but > not able to get the display of the echo lines and also I am not able to > execute any other C program using this script. > The udev stuff happens in the background (daemon) so the std out/err goes to the log (if configured). Try for each echo line: echo "blahh" 1> /some/file > Kindly tell and help me out, > Udev is an user space process, so it executes the rules with super user > rights?? Yes. > when the abc. txt file is executed, then why the echo commands are not > displayed & actually where are they expected to be displayed? I mean what > is the standard output of the echo command when such a file is executed? See above. > Also, the C program executable binary is not executed, ((myfile is a simple > opengl based green coloured window pop up)) Have you checked it's perms? You can also check the KDE code for the USB pop up window. -- Arun Khan -- Arun _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List