[Pharo-users] How do you store and manage small programs?

2017-11-25 Thread Andy Burnett
I have just created a couple of small playground scripts that do some useful 
data wrangling. The chances are that I will reuse them from time to time, but 
with tweaks. Does version 6 Have some way to store them? I think I am after a 
sort of scripts catalogue.

Re: [Pharo-users] How do you store and manage small programs?

2017-11-27 Thread Andy Burnett
Wow! What a great collection of answers. Thanks everyone, I learned a lot
from that relatively simple question.

I have installed QuickAccess - that's very cool. And, I have also tried the

[Pharo-users] Is there a way to set form colours using a 'fuzzy' option?

2017-12-27 Thread Andy Burnett
I have an image with black text, and a white background. I would like to
set the white pixels to transparent. I worked out how to do this, but of
course it leaves me with a white halo around the text, where the border
pixels are almost white, but not quite.

In googling about this, I discovered that RMagick has the idea of replacing
pixels which are almost any particular colour. I didn't find anything
similar in the ColorForm class. Is there a way to do this within Pharo?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to set form colours using a 'fuzzy' option?

2017-12-28 Thread Andy Burnett
Nicolai wrote

You can draw a new form with copybits and use your own color mapping.

First, I thought there would be a bitblt operation that you could use
without explicit calculating the color mapping, a paint operation that
would convert a gray-value to an alpha value. But I could find it.

In this special case (black text on white background) you can use an
existing method for calculating this color map. This method is used by
strike font to create apropriate glyph forms from its font bitmap. (A large
bitmap with black characters on a white background.)

Here is an example that first, creates a form with black text on white
background, and than computes the color map and copys the source form in a
new form:

"create a test form "
sourceForm := Form extent: 300@150 depth: 32.
sourceForm fillColor: Color white.

"draw some black, bold text"
text := 'Hello World' asText.
text addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: (LogicalFont familyName:
'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 32)).
text addAttribute: (TextColor color: Color black).
text addAttribute: (TextEmphasis bold).
text asMorph drawOn: sourceForm getCanvas.

"create a morph for displaying this form"
sourceImageMorph := ImageMorph withForm: sourceForm.
sourceImageMorph openInWorld; topLeft: 300@300.

"calculate the colormap"
colorMap := Color computeColorConvertingMap: Color black from: 32 to: 32
keepSubPixelAA: false.

"copy the source form bits to a new form of the same size"
newForm := sourceForm deepCopy copyBits: sourceForm boundingBox from:
sourceForm at: 0@0 colorMap: (colorMap).

"create a morph for displaying this form"
newImageMorph := ImageMorph withForm: newForm.
newImageMorph openInWorld; topLeft: 300@500.


Thanks Nicolai
That is very helpful. However, I agree with you that this is probably
something BitBlt should be able to handle. I have been looking at how they
do this in mathematica, and they have some interesting approaches.


[Pharo-users] Is there a way to stop arrays sorting automatically?

2017-12-30 Thread Andy Burnett
I suspect I am missing something very obvious, in which case could some
kind soul put me straight?

I have the following code

col := OrderedCollection new.
(1 to: 9) permutationsDo: [ :each | col add: (each )].

I thought this would give me a collection containing all the permutations.
However, what actually happens is that each of the arrays has been
'magically' sorted back into numerical order.  If I change the code to read

col := OrderedCollection new.
(1 to: 9) permutationsDo: [ :each | col add: (each asOrderedCollection )].

Then the permutations are retained.  Is this how it is supposed to work?
Or, am I doing something wrong?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to stop arrays sorting automatically?

2017-12-31 Thread Andy Burnett
Ben wrote >>>

Its not so much that your first example sorted the permutations, but that
the collection contained only one permutation.
I've swapped the order of your examples and downsized them to the simplest
case to observe.
Something seems broken.  It works as expected if the "copy" is uncommented.

  Transcript clear.
  oc1 := OrderedCollection new.
  oc2 := OrderedCollection new.
  Transcript crShow:'a---'.
  (1 to: 3) permutationsDo: [ :each | Transcript crShow: each.   oc1 add:
each asOrderedCollection].
  Transcript crShow:'b---'.
  (1 to: 3) permutationsDo: [ :each | Transcript crShow: each.   oc2 add:
each "copy"].
  Transcript crShow:'c---'.
  Transcript crShow: { oc1 asSet size. oc2 asSet size}.
  Transcript crShow:'d---'.
  oc2 do: [ :x | Transcript crShow: x ].

#(1 2 3)
#(1 3 2)
#(2 1 3)
#(2 3 1)
#(3 2 1)
#(3 1 2)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 3 2)
#(2 1 3)
#(2 3 1)
#(3 2 1)
#(3 1 2)
#(6 1)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 2 3)
#(1 2 3)

cheers -ben


Thanks Ben,
That is really interesting. I had completely misunderstood the problem.
Checking the items in oc2 shows that they are literally the same object.
So, it would seem that I have to run copy, or some other method to get a
unique object.

I can see that this would make sense from an efficiency perspective.
Reusing the same object would presumably save memory space. However, it
would probably be good to update the comment to let people know that this
will happen.

What is the process for submitting suggested improvements to class comments?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to stop arrays sorting automatically?

2017-12-31 Thread Andy Burnett
Denis wrote

It's same as any other code. Just follow instructions
https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki/Contribute-a-fix-to-Pharo. It
is now simplified a lot.


Wow! That has improved a lot. I have bookmarked the site, and I now have a
reason to learn iceberg.

Out of curiosity, and perhaps this has been answered elsewhere, why are we
using fogbugz for issue tracking, rather than github's issue tracker? I
know nothing much about either of them. I am just curious if fogbugz is
much better?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to stop arrays sorting automatically?

2018-01-02 Thread Andy Burnett
Henry said

It's not broken, but certainly deserves a comment as to why it operates
In the general case, one should not use/care about any given permutation
outside the block.
Allocating n! instances of an n-sized array by default, is a bad tradeoff
considering performance degradation for uses where n >> 3.
In the first case, a user can add a simple #copy, while in the second case,
a user would probably want/have to reimplement the method entirely.

Thanks, that makes perfect sense. I will have a go at adding a suitable comment.



Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to stop arrays sorting automatically?

2018-01-07 Thread Andy Burnett
Richard wrote

I would check this in Pharo, but have so far failed to get it running under
Ubuntu 17.10.
Squeak _is_ running there, sort of, and the definition of #permutationsDo:
in Interval
is this code:

permutationsDo: aBlock
"Repeatly value aBlock with a single copy of the receiver. Reorder the copy
so that aBlock is presented all (self size factorial) possible
"(1 to: 4) permutationsDo: [:each | Transcript cr; show: each printString]"

self asArray permutationsDo: aBlock

Exactly the same comment is found in SequenceableCollections.

Are you sure that Pharo has something different?  "with a SINGLE COPY of
the receiver" is pretty important.

Thanks Richard. The Pharo comment is identical. The problem was simply that
I hadn't understood what it was - quite clearly - telling me. Now that I
understand the problem, the explanation makes perfect sense :-)


[Pharo-users] Strange colour reversal on the Spec site

2014-09-10 Thread Andy Burnett

I am posting here, because I couldn't find a Spec specific list.
Two things:

   1. The colour scheme for all the code examples on the site seems to have
   gone very odd. The text is now a light blue/green on a white background.
   Almost completely illegible. Has someone changed a css file?
   2. I noticed in the news section that the license has changed to GPL,
   because of a disagreement with the direction of Pharo.  Could someone
   explain what the disagreement was, and whether this is something we should
   be concerned about?


Re: [Pharo-users] Strange colour reversal on the Spec site

2014-09-10 Thread Andy Burnett
Thanks very much for such a comprehensive answer. I shall look forward to 
hearing from the board. 


[Pharo-users] Is anyone interested in developing a package for Google's Data API?

2014-09-11 Thread Andy Burnett
I use Google's spreadsheet and word processor a lot. I would love to be
able to access the data through Pharo. I can envisage all sorts of
use-cases such as manipulating data collected through the spreadsheet
forms, through to generating slide shows by writing to their presentation

The thing that has held me back is the lack of a package which presents
e.g. Spreadsheet as an object with a collection of methods.

There are libraries for Java/Python/etc., but nothing - that I am aware of
- for Pharo.  Would anyone be interested in developing one?  I could
certainly contribute some funds towards the effort, and others may be able
to do likewise.


Re: [Pharo-users] Is anyone interested in developing a package for Google's Data API?

2014-09-12 Thread Andy Burnett
Sven said

Hi Andy,

I think we have all the building blocks to do this (ZnClient from Zinc,
HTTPS from Zodiac, OAuth2 from Zinc-SSO, JSON from NeoJSON), so that is
good. But there are a large number of Google APIs (
https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/directory), each of them
containing lots of functionality. There are deprecation warnings on some of
them. It is of course necessary to first fully familiarise oneself with
each of them and the application they connect to. When some basic calls
work, the next step would indeed be to make nice object models for each of

Some people on this list have built these kinds of API before (like Sean's
Flicker Client). I also think that once one of them is done, others could
be implemented by many different people, like students.


Yup, I totally agree. We have most of the pieces, and we just need a
project to assemble them.  My suggestion is that we focus on the
Spreadsheet services first. This seems to be the most flexible/useful one.
Once that is working, we could develop the other packages.

So, would anyone like to take up this project?


[Pharo-users] Is there a way to store workspace 'gists' in Pharo?

2014-11-10 Thread Andy Burnett
>From time to time I write a workspace script that I would like to keep.
Obviously, I could save them to a file, but I was wondering if there was a
way of saving them in the image, and browsing them in some friendly way?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to store workspace 'gists' in Pharo?

2014-11-10 Thread Andy Burnett
Doru said
If you work with Pharo 4, they should already be saved in a play-cache

Great, I shall go and experiment.


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there a way to store workspace 'gists' in Pharo?

2014-11-11 Thread Andy Burnett
Stef said:
I usually create a method and a class.
because script do not compose well.

Thanks, that sounds interesting. And, just for clarity, do you mean that
you create a single class e.g. MyGists and then create methods for each of
your useful snippets? Or, is there a benefit in creating a class per gist?


[Pharo-users] Has anyone tried compiling the Pharo VM into JS using Emscripten?

2014-11-14 Thread Andy Burnett
I just saw this implementation of SQLite as a JS system, via Emscripten,
and I was curious whether something similar would be even vaguely possible
for the VM.


Re: [Pharo-users] Has anyone tried compiling the Pharo VM into JS using Emscripten?

2014-11-14 Thread Andy Burnett
, with about 500k deficiencies.  Each month some
>>> deficiencies are added to the file and some are resolved. So the total
>>> number of deficiencies in the image is about 500k.  Of those records that
>>> don't expire in a given month I'm adding the published date to a
>>> collection of published dates for the record and also adding the "time to
>>> expiration" to a collection of those to record what was made public and
>>> letting the rest of the data get GC'd.  I don't only load those two
>>> records because the other fields of the record in the CSV could change.
>>> I have not calculated the memory usage for the collection because I
>>> thought it would have no problem fitting in the 2GB of RAM I have on this
>>> machine.  
>>>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 22:34, Paul DeBruicker <
>>> pdebruic@
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Yes. With the image & vm I'm having trouble with I get an array with
>>>> 9,942
>>>> elements in it.  So its works as you'd expect.
>>>> While processing the CSV file the image stays at about 60MB in RAM.  
>>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>>>>> Can you successfully run my example code ?
>>>>>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 22:03, Paul DeBruicker <
>>>>> pdebruic@
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Sven,
>>>>>> Thanks for taking a look and testing the NeoCSVReader portion for me. 
>>>>>> You're right of course that there's something I'm doing that's slow. 
>>>>>> But. 
>>>>>> There is something I can't figure out yet.  
>>>>>> To provide a little more detail:
>>>>>> When the 'csv reading' process completes successfully profiling shows
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> most of the time is spent in NeoCSVReader>>#peekChar and using
>>>>>> NeoCSVReader>>##addField: to convert a string to a DateAndTime. 
>>>>>> Dropping
>>>>>> the DateAndTime conversion speeds things up but doesn't stop it from
>>>>>> running
>>>>>> out of memory.  
>>>>>> I start the image with 
>>>>>> ./pharo-ui --memory 1000m myimage.image   
>>>>>> Splitting the CSV file helps:
>>>>>> ~1.5MB  5,000 lines = 1.2 seconds.
>>>>>> ~15MB   50,000 lines = 8 seconds.
>>>>>> ~30MB   100,000 lines = 16 seconds.
>>>>>> ~60MB   200,000 lines  = 45 seconds.
>>>>>> It seems that when the CSV file crosses ~70MB in size things start
>>>>>> going
>>>>>> haywire with performance, and leads to the out of memory condition. 
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> processing never ends.  Sending "kill -SIGUSR1" prints a stack
>>>>>> primarily
>>>>>> composed of:
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d08 M OutOfMemory class(Exception class)>signal 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d20 M OutOfMemory class(Behavior)>basicNew 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d38 M OutOfMemory class(Behavior)>new 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d50 M OutOfMemory class(Exception class)>signal 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d68 M OutOfMemory class(Behavior)>basicNew 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d80 M OutOfMemory class(Behavior)>new 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> 0xbffc5d98 M OutOfMemory class(Exception class)>signal 0x1f7ac060: a(n)
>>>>>> OutOfMemory class
>>>>>> So it seems like its trying to signal that its out of memory after its
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> of memory which triggers another OutOfMemory error.  So that's why
>>>>>> progress
>>>>>> stops.  
>>>>>> ** Aside - OutOfMemory should probably be refactored to be able to
>>>>>> signal
>>>>>> itself without taking up more memory, triggering itself infinitely. 
>>>>>> Maybe
>>>>>> it & its signalling morph infrastructure would be good as a singleton
>>>>>> **
>>>>>> I'm confused about why it runs out of memory.  According to htop the
>>>>>> image
>>>>>> only takes up about 520-540 MB of RAM when it reaches the 'OutOfMemory'
>>>>>> condition.  This Macbook Air laptop has 4GB, and has plenty of room for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> image to grow.  Also I've specified a 1,000MB image size when starting. 
>>>>>> So
>>>>>> it should have plenty of room.  Is there something I should check or a
>>>>>> flag
>>>>>> somewhere that prevents it from growing on a Mac?  This is the latest
>>>>>> Pharo30 VM.  
>>>>>> Thanks for helping me get to the bottom of this
>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>>>>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>>>>> I think you must be doing something wrong with your class, the #do: is
>>>>>>> implemented as streaming over the record one by one, never holding
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>> than one in memory.
>>>>>>> This is what I tried:
>>>>>>> 'paul.csv' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :file|
>>>>>>> ZnBufferedWriteStream on: file do: [ :out |
>>>>>>> (NeoCSVWriter on: out) in: [ :writer |
>>>>>>>   writer writeHeader: { #Number. #Color. #Integer. #Boolean}.
>>>>>>>   1 to: 1e7 do: [ :each |
>>>>>>> writer nextPut: { each. #(Red Green Blue) atRandom. 1e6
>>>>>>> atRandom.
>>>>>>> #(true false) atRandom } ] ] ] ].
>>>>>>> This results in a 300Mb file:
>>>>>>> $ ls -lah paul.csv 
>>>>>>> -rw-r--r--@ 1 sven  staff   327M Nov 14 20:45 paul.csv
>>>>>>> $ wc paul.csv 
>>>>>>> 1001 1001 342781577 paul.csv
>>>>>>> This is a selective read and collect (loads about 10K records):
>>>>>>> Array streamContents: [ :out |
>>>>>>> 'paul.csv' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :in |
>>>>>>> (NeoCSVReader on: (ZnBufferedReadStream on: in)) in: [ :reader |
>>>>>>>   reader skipHeader; addIntegerField; addSymbolField;
>>>>>>> addIntegerField;
>>>>>>> addFieldConverter: [ :x | x = #true ].
>>>>>>>   reader do: [ :each | each third < 1000 ifTrue: [ out nextPut: each
>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>> ] ] ] ].
>>>>>>> This worked fine on my MacBook Air, no memory problems. It takes a
>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>> to parse that much data, of course.
>>>>>>> Sven
>>>>>>>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 19:08, Paul DeBruicker <
>>>>>>> pdebruic@
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi -
>>>>>>>> I'm processing a 9 GBs of CSV files (the biggest file is 220MB or
>>>>>>>> so). 
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if its because of the size of the files or the code I've
>>>>>>>> written to keep track of the domain objects I'm interested in, but
>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>> getting out of memory errors & crashes in Pharo 3 on Mac with the
>>>>>>>> latest
>>>>>>>> VM.  I haven't checked other vms.  
>>>>>>>> I'm going to profile my own code and attempt to split the files
>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>> for now to see what else it could be. 
>>>>>>>> Right now I'm doing something similar to
>>>>>>>>|file reader|
>>>>>>>>file:= '/path/to/file/myfile.csv' asFileReference readStream.
>>>>>>>>reader: NeoCSVReader on: file
>>>>>>>>recordClass: MyClass; 
>>>>>>>>addField: #myField:;
>>>>>>>>reader do:[:eachRecord | self seeIfRecordIsInterestingAndIfSoKeepIt:
>>>>>>>> eachRecord].
>>>>>>>>file close.
>>>>>>>> Is there a facility in NeoCSVReader to read a file in batches (e.g.
>>>>>>>> 1000
>>>>>>>> lines at a time) or an easy way to do that ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>>> http://forum.world.st/running-out-of-memory-while-processing-a-220MB-csv-file-with-NeoCSVReader-tips-tp4790264p4790319.html
>>>>>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> http://forum.world.st/running-out-of-memory-while-processing-a-220MB-csv-file-with-NeoCSVReader-tips-tp4790264p4790328.html
>>>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://forum.world.st/running-out-of-memory-while-processing-a-220MB-csv-file-with-NeoCSVReader-tips-tp4790264p4790341.html
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:09:48 +0100
> From: Alain Rastoul 
> To: pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Has anyone tried compiling the Pharo VM
>into JSusing Emscripten?
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Hi Andy,
> If I understand your question, you want to remake Dan Ingall's lively 
> kernel ?
> :)
> http://lively-web.org/welcome.html
> Cheers,
> Alain
> Le 14/11/2014 22:31, Andy Burnett a ?crit :
>> I just saw this implementation of SQLite as a JS system, via Emscripten,
>> and I was curious whether something similar would be even vaguely
>> possible for the VM.
>> Cheers
>> Andy
>> ?
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> Pharo-users mailing list
> Pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> http://lists.pharo.org/mailman/listinfo/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org
> --
> End of Pharo-users Digest, Vol 19, Issue 53
> ***

[Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-21 Thread Andy Burnett
I am interested in building a system that uses co-operating agents to parse

Is Pharo a suitable system for this? I ask because given that it is single
threaded, I wondered whether running multiple agents would present any sort
of problem. Has anyone got experience of building something like this? And,
if so, what did you use for your basic queue? Is there a suitable FIFO
style queue within Pharo?


Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-22 Thread Andy Burnett
Sven wrote
The standard VM is using a single OS process (and thus uses a single core)
but manages its own user land threads called Processes. The cool thing is
that you can read/understand all this threading code (ProcessorScheduler,
Process, Semaphore, Monitor, Delay, ..). There few if any limits to the
amount of processes you can have.

To answer the second question: I believe SharedQueue is the class you
should be looking at (first).


Great, that sounds very encouraging. Thanks very much.


Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-22 Thread Andy Burnett
> Stef said

> Andy which kind of agents would you like to build?
> I was playing with Actalk (I should resurrect it in Pharo 40.
> But in essence an object with a thread and a mailbox
> Stef
> >>

Hi Stef,

In very simple terms I want to build a system that would look at what you
are typing in a text box, and have various agents that analyse the text and
modify/augment it.

Simple Examples:

   1. If I enter a web address it could look it up on Delicious.com and
   extract links that had been similarly tagged.
   2. If I enter something that looks like a name, it would search google
   scholar, or mendeley and include links to any documents
   3. If I entered "call david tomorrow" it would be able to add something
   to my things to do list.

My - very early - thoughts are that I need to continually parse the text,
as I type, and various agents would look for the things they are interested
in.  The question is how best to model this, and process the data.


Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread Andy Burnett
Stef wrote

You see this is what the color higlighting is doing.
You type and in parallel it is trying to colorize the text.
After I'm not sure that you need agents running all the time (reacting
to each characters you type).
I would be you I would
  - prototype a hierarchy of classes whose instances have a kind of
patterns to know if they should be kick in
  - at the end of each line, I would send the line to a list of such
"agent" and react

- then only then, I would consider to fork the behavior of the agents.
why? because when you can avoid concurrency this is simpler :)


Thanks, that sounds like a very good way forward. I will go and try to
understand the highlighting code.


Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-23 Thread Andy Burnett
Doru wrote
Hi Andy,

You can also just hook into GTSpotter. It already provides the
infrastructure for handling parallel search and lets you focus only on
specifying the search logic.



Brilliant!  I am very impressed with GTSpotter. In fact, I am impressed
with the whole GT suite.  I think I will build a first prototype with
Glamour and GTSpotter.

By the way, what really motivated me to do this experiment is the tools -
from the 90's - that were presented in this "Story of Siri" video.  If you
have the time, it is well worth watching.  Being able to build this sort of
capability into an environment like Pharo would be amazing



Re: [Pharo-users] Building agents in Pharo

2014-12-24 Thread Andy Burnett
Kish wrote <<<

How about this:


Not really free form text but quite a bit keyword dependent. Closer to what
will make good sense on Pharo / every enterprise app also more contextual
based on what the app does.


Yup, totally agree. I have been playing with Mathematica a lot recently,
and there are a number of things I would love to see in Pharo.  The ability
to pull in data sets in computable form is really useful. Being able to say
something like Population London UK, and have the data returned as a
collection is great.  In theory we could do the same with e.g. DataWiki.


[Pharo-users] Updated Pharo Days Schedule

2015-01-27 Thread Andy Burnett
Any chance that the presentations will be video recorded? I can't attend but I 
would love to watch. 


[Pharo-users] Problems evaluating message sends in run-time arrays

2015-02-10 Thread Andy Burnett
I would like to create an array with a collection of colour values.

I tried both:

colorList := {Color blue}
colourList := {Color named: #blue.}.

In both cases it evaluates to 'Color blue' rather than the Color object.

What surprised me was that:

charList := {Character digitValue:35. Character digitValue:33.}.

Does evaluate to an array of two characters.  What is going on?


Re: [Pharo-users] Problems evaluating message sends in run-time arrays

2015-02-11 Thread Andy Burnett
Sean P. DeNigris wrote

Andy Burnett wrote
> In both cases it evaluates to 'Color blue' rather than the Color object.

'Color blue' is the Color object you created and put in your array. It is
aColor object. It's print string is 'Color blue'. See Color>>#printOn: for
more info.


Ah, of course! I completely misunderstood what the inspector was telling me.
Thanks very much

Re: [Pharo-users] Using Google service discovery API's with Pharo Smalltalk by Richard J. Prinz

2015-03-24 Thread Andy Burnett
Sven wrote
I hadn't seen this posted on the mailing list, but this is really cool

Using Google service discovery API's with Pharo Smalltalk by Richard J.

http://www.min.at/prinz/?x=entry:entry150318-104537 <


I totally agree with this.  I have played with the code, and started
writing some code which manipulates the Google services. It is really

Also, Richard has developed a slick way of dealing with OAuth when running
a client app.  This is great!

[Pharo-users] Can we have NeoCSV, and NeoJSON included in the base image?

2015-05-02 Thread Andy Burnett
I would find it really useful to have some more classes included in the base 
image. The Neo system would be particularly useful, but I would also find an 
XML reader valuable.

What is the process for deciding which classes get included by default?


Re: [Pharo-users] Can we have NeoCSV, and NeoJSON included in the base image?

2015-05-02 Thread Andy Burnett
Thanks Ben, and Cyril.

I liked Mariano's approach, and I will play with that. However, I think the
suggestion about using Moose may be exactly what I need.

I have been playing with Mathematica a lot lately, and I really appreciated
the fact that you got the kitchen sink with it.

What I was wondering - taking Cyril's comment into account - is whether
there is an argument for producing a kitchen sink image which contains the
stable versions of all the key tools.  Obviously, that requires some
discussion/analysis of what the key tools are, but it shouldn't be
impossible to do.

In the meantime, I am off to play with Moose :-)


Re: [Pharo-users] Can we have NeoCSV, and NeoJSON included in the base image?

2015-05-02 Thread Andy Burnett
> Stephan Eggermont said:
> <<<
> What is stopping you from adding a build 'Andy's Base Image' to the
> Pharo-Contribution CI?
> >>>

Ignorance :-)

I had no idea such a thing was possible.  It sounds like the ideal
solution.  Is the process documented somewhere?


[Pharo-users] Configuring where ZnServer serves files from

2013-06-13 Thread Andy Burnett
I needed to serve some (amber) files from a local host - it was just a
quick hack. I fired up the 2.0 one click image on my mac, and looked at the
instructions for running the server. I can see how it would work if I
installed it on Ubuntu, but I can't work out where my website's root folder
would be on the mac.  i tried the various folders inside the package, but
none worked.

Which brings me to the basic question, how do I configure the path for a
ZnServer - i am sure it is very simple, but I couldn't work it out.


Re: [Pharo-users] Configuring where ZnServer serves files from

2013-06-14 Thread Andy Burnett
This should work:

(ZnServer defaultOn: 1701)
delegate: ((ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new)
'/Library/WebServer/Documents' asFileReference;

ZnClient new get: 'http://localhost:1701/apple/macosx/'.

If there is no index.html in the directory, you'll need to refer to an
actual file.


Thanks Sven, that's great!  And, I am glad I asked, because I wouldn't have
worked that out.

It seems to me that Zinc is becoming sufficiently powerful that it could do
with a section in the  collaboractive cookbook.  Could someone on this list
give me an account? I could start to capture bits and pieces.


Re: [Pharo-users] Configuring where ZnServer serves files

2013-06-15 Thread Andy Burnett
have a look on git
I started to convert all the zinc documentation that sven wrote.

We can add a new chapter on Zinc Usage.

We are working on a format that generates autoamtically PDF and html for
the next books.


What a cool idea!  So, just to be clear, if I wanted to help, all i would
have to do is fork the repo, write / improve a section and then issue a
pull request?


[Pharo-users] Does zinc support server sent events?

2013-08-03 Thread Andy Burnett
I was wondering about using them instead of Websockets.


Re: [Pharo-users] Does zinc support server sent events?

2013-08-04 Thread Andy Burnett
Sven said >>>

Assuming you mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events the
answer is no or not yet. It doesn't look very complicated though, given the
fact that Zinc WebSockets do already work. I will start by reading the


Sounds great! Please let me know if I can help in any way.


[Pharo-users] Halos in pharo 3

2013-10-03 Thread Andy Burnett
I have two related questions:
1. how does one bring up halos in the 3.0 image. I tried Cmd + Shift + two
fingers (on my track pad), but nothing happens.

2. How does one get rid of the Pomodoro timers? I assumed I could use Halos
- see question 1 - but maybe there is a better way?


Re: [Pharo-users] Halos in pharo 3

2013-10-04 Thread Andy Burnett
Sean said

Settings). Text search on halos and then enable "Cycle both

Thanks, that worked perfectly.


[Pharo-users] Pyret: adding tests directly into classes

2013-11-17 Thread Andy Burnett
I have just come across the Pyret language. It looks interesting, but the
part which particularly caught my interest was the way that they had built
the unit tests directly into the classes, rather than having separate test

I think this is an interesting idea. It seems as though it would be easier
to manage writing tests if everything were in one location. And this -
might - mean that people were more likely to write tests.

Has anyone else looked at this, and have an opinion on whether it would be
a good addition to Pharo 4/5/X?


Re: [Pharo-users] Pyret: adding tests directly into classes

2013-11-17 Thread Andy Burnett
Doru said:
I stumbled across this idea when Markus Gaelli chose it as a PhD topic
about ten years ago (man, I'm old). The main idea was not to provide tests,
but examples that happened to have assertions. The goal was twofold: (1)
provide live documentation with real objects, (2) provide another way of
composing tests.

The project did not really come to fruition, but I still think this is
highly interesting topic. Part of the ideas were later implemented in
Phexample (http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Phexample/Phexample/) and
JExample (http://scg.unibe.ch/research/jexample).


That's really interesting. I had never heard of Phexample - so many
interesting projects, so little time! - I like the approach of building on
tests.  Do you know if this will work in Pharo 3?

Also, I may have misunderstood what Pyret was doing. Perhaps it is more
about examples.

Re: [Pharo-users] Pyret: adding tests directly into classes

2013-11-17 Thread Andy Burnett
Esteban said


It does not really matters where you put the test.
What matters is to have the tools that show them properly, and we are going
in that direction. We already have ways to "jump to tests" in Nautilus, and
we will continue improving that to show them together (for example).
But I do not think the tests need to be *in* the class definition to have
same level of interoperation.


I agree. The actual architecture doesn't matter. The critical factor is
making it as easy as possible to write/navigate tests. I didn't know about
the Nautilus features. I shall have to go and experiment.

Also, thinking about Doru's point. I wonder if we could write
tests/examples in the comments section of code. It might be an interesting

[Pharo-users] PharoLauncher as the default Pharo download

2013-12-20 Thread Andy Burnett
That is a good question. I have to admit that I do use iTunes, and I have
often been annoyed by not being able to - easily - find the files.  I can
certainly see the value of presenting end users with simple interfaces, but
I am with Johan, I would like to be able to put my images somewhere more
obvious - to a developer - particularly because this would make
Dropbox/google drive synching easier.

Obviously, we can do all of this, but it has never been quite as obvious as
I would like it to be.


> Just of curiosity, do you use iTunes, or organise music in directories by
> yourself? :)
> Uko
> On 20 Dec 2013, at 14:54, Johan Fabry  wrote:
> >
> > Sure. As I said before, I am old-school and double click on my images.
> So for me they are just documents, like any other, and I use the finder
> extensively for all my document manipulation stuff. I don't want to open a
> special tool to do the stuff I can do already in the finder. Also having
> megas and megas of images (which are just documents) in a "hidden, black
> magic" folder just makes my hairs stand on end, so I needed to communicate
> all those feelings.
> >
> > On Dec 20, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Yes, but this depends if you want to show image, changes, etc? file to
> users or not. For me it?s ok as far as I have enough tools to manipulate
> images
> >>
> >> Uko
> >>
> >> On 20 Dec 2013, at 14:40, Johan Fabry  wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Also, I think it is very wrong to keep the images in the Library
> folder by default. The Library is "hidden" and a "black magic - do not
> touch" area for the common user. A sensible default is the Documents folder.
> >>>
> >>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 6:44 AM, Damien Cassou 
> wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi guys,
>  what do you think about setting the PharoLauncher as the default
>  download for mac os x users?
>  If you never tried the launcher, please try it now:
>  Mac OS X:
> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoLauncher-Mac-Package/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/pharo-ci/Pharo%203.0.0.dmg
>  Ubuntu : https://launchpad.net/~pharo/+archive/stable
>  Others: http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
>  --
>  Damien Cassou
>  http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>  "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>  losing enthusiasm."
>  Winston Churchill
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
> >>>
> >>> Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
> >>> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of
> Chile
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ---> Save our in-boxes! http://emailcharter.org <---
> >
> > Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
> > PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile
> >
> >
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> Pharo-users mailing list
> Pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> http://lists.pharo.org/mailman/listinfo/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org
> --
> End of Pharo-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 56
> **

[Pharo-users] Is there any fundamental technical barrier to compiling to JVM byte codes?

2013-12-22 Thread Andy Burnett
I am sure it would be a huge amount of work, and may not be a good idea at all.

However, given the number of dynamic languages that now compile to JVM
byte codes, I am curious whether there is anything about Pharo that
would make this impossible?


Re: [Pharo-users] Is there any fundamental technical barrier to compiling to JVM byte codes?

2013-12-27 Thread Andy Burnett

The fun is important.
What we want is well designed and powerful libraries that enabled people.
For the JVM question: it is a question of resources + the fact that jvm do
not really support well some key smalltalk operations.
Now I do not understand why people develop their own vm instead of joining
Doing in the long term something and finishing a task are the most
difficult things.

Thank you to everyone for your comments. I am replying to Stephane's email,
just as a catch all.

I am curious to know more about the limitations in the JVM. My thinking was
sparked - in part - by Mark Roos's work on RTalk. I realised, after my
post, that he had actually worked the other way around, i.e. I think he
built a Digitalk bytecode layer on top of the JVM, rather than compiling to
JVM bytecodes.

Either way, what I was vaguely wondering about was how difficult it would
be to have a 'compile to JVM' option in Pharo. I could probably live -
quite happily - developing in 'real' Pharo, and then deploying an app to
e.g. Google App Engine, as a compiled Jar. Obviously, it would be much
better to retain all the dynamism of a true Smalltalk environment even when
the app has been deployed, but it it gave simple hosting, and scaling, it
might be a reasonable trade off.

I agree with Stephane, it would be great for people to join forces around a
vm. Would make like so much easier.



Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Application Security for your domains

2014-03-28 Thread Andy Burnett

Hello guys,
I'm doing a double announcement here.

First, a new blog about development with Pharo, and Smalltalk:


Second, my first entry contains a post about Application Security, a new
package to make Pharo applications more secure. You can start playing with
the objects right now, while more documentation is being written for the
next release.

That's great!  I think it would be wonderful if we could - collectively -
develop a really secure base framework.  There was some interesting
discussion of this topic, regarding clojure, on HN (
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7472841). It made me wonder how secure
Pharo/Seaside/Aidaweb etc are in comparison.

Couple of minor points:

   1. The blog doesn't seem to have an RSS feed.  At least, not one that
   Feedly can find. Is there a setting you can turn on?
   2. The correct link to the package is:


[Pharo-users] Best/simplest way to read and write to a MySQL database

2014-05-07 Thread Andy Burnett
I need to write some agents that will process data in a MySQL database.
 They don't need to do anything particularly clever, and performance isn't
a huge issue.

I read the threads about Glorp and DBXTalk, and I was left feeling a bit
confused about the best approach.  Given that my needs are simple, what
would be the recommended way to interface with the database?


Re: [Pharo-users] Best/simplest way to read and write to a MySQL database

2014-05-09 Thread Andy Burnett
Thanks everyone, I shall try the DBXTalk approach. It seems as though it is
being actively developed.

As a side note, I think it would be great if Pharo could identify a 'main
stream' route for dealing with RDBMS. It would be similar to the way in
which Zinc is the main way to do http etc.

I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from doing interestng experiments,
it's just that a main stream route would help people to get going.


[Pharo-users] How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

2014-08-16 Thread Andy Burnett

Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns
json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a
redirection. For example


Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas

curl -L

Returns the json value  (currently 13)

I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient
automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems
to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My Pharo code

(ZnClient new) get: '

Do I have to set any other options?

Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is
very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However,
the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so
it might be some interaction between the two.


Re: [Pharo-users] How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

2014-08-16 Thread Andy Burnett

> Hi Sven,
That sounds encouraging.

I am running Pharo 3.0, but I don't know how to get the release number of
Zinc. Is it stored in the class comments, or can I use monticello to get
the info?

I am not behind a proxy

By the way, using the ZnClient returns about 53K of text. The first chunk
of which is:



> Hi Andy,
> Your URL actually does return '13' for me with Zinc following the redirect:
> So the question is why doesn't it work for you ?
> Which version of Pharo and/or Zinc are you using ?
> Are you behind a proxy ?
> Sven
> On 16 Aug 2014, at 16:55, Andy Burnett 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns
> json.  For security reasons the url to call the function returns a
> redirection. For example
> >
> > Curl
> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec
> >
> > Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas
> >
> > curl -L
> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec
> >
> > Returns the json value  (currently 13)
> >
> > I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that
> ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value
> it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json.  My
> Pharo code is:
> >
> > (ZnClient new) get: '
> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec
> '.
> >
> > Do I have to set any other options?
> >
> > Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it
> is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo.
> However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the
> browser, so it might be some interaction between the two.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Andy
> > ?
> -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org/attachments/20140816/7b068587/attachment.html
> >
> -- next part --
> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
> Name: Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 17.18.11.png
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> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org/attachments/20140816/7b068587/attachment.png
> >
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> Pharo-users mailing list
> Pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
> http://lists.pharo.org/mailman/listinfo/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org
> --
> End of Pharo-users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 61
> ***

Re: [Pharo-users] How do I get ZnClient to follow redirects from Google App Scripts

2014-08-18 Thread Andy Burnett
And then, as if by magic, the problem vanished!

I think the problem must have been something I was doing wrong at the
Google end.  Everything now works.

Thanks Sven

[Pharo-users] PharoJS

2015-07-13 Thread Andy Burnett
Is anyone experimenting with PharoJS?

I managed to get the page with the core javascript functions to load - as
localhost - but I couldn't get any of the actions in the workspace to have
any effect on the web browser console.

Has anyone had any success?


Re: [Pharo-users] PharoJS

2015-07-14 Thread Andy Burnett
Hi guys,
It is a project from Noury - at the Mines school. Just do a google for Noury 
and PharoJs

I found out about it from Torsten's blog - always worth reading :-)

AIUI, what it does is convert Pharo code - in the fly - to JavaScript. 

I can't say much more because I haven't got it to run. However, it is on small 
talk hub, so ease give it a go. 

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoJS

2015-07-15 Thread Andy Burnett
Hi Noury,

Thanks for the link to the documentation. I have managed to get up and
running now - very cool!

One question. When I execute 1+1 on the Pharo (pink) playground, I see the
code appearing in the web browser log, but it doesn't appear to execute.
Is it supposed to, or at this stage is it just showing that it made it over
to the web browser?


Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo-users Digest, Vol 27, Issue 62

2015-07-17 Thread Andy Burnett
The main thing I am wondering about is how to build portable interfaces. 

My ideal situation would be to use something like Spec to prototype within 
Pharo, and then generate something similar in JS. 

Alternatively, perhaps we could create mock objects for something like 

Noury, have you done any experiments with this?


Re: [Pharo-users] Ephemeric Cloud - new platform to publish Pharo web applications

2015-07-20 Thread Andy Burnett
Mike, that sounds really interesting.  Will the instances support websocket
connections, and if so, will that stop them from sleeping, i.e. if I had an
app that sent out news updates via wss every 15 minutes to any listening
clients, could it just continue to run, or does it have to receive a
get/post request every 30 mins?


Re: [Pharo-users] Ephemeric Cloud - new platform to publish Pharo web applications

2015-07-21 Thread Andy Burnett
Mike wrote
Thanks for pointing this out! When websocket support is ready on the
ephemeric gate I'll add a ping to API server so application will work
continuously without any effort. I think conceptually it should "just work".

Also I plan to have a "sticky-run" option so you can mark some of ephemerics
not to go to sleep mode.

What do you think?

That sounds like a good approach. Just to dig into this a bit more, here is
our first use case.

We have an iPhone/web app which is a multiuser countdown timer. The data
are hosted on Firebase.  The iPhone app can set the time, and control
start/pause. The web apps count down by themselves, but the
start/stop/reset signalling is done in real time by the Firebase server.

So, if you imagine a timer that is set to run for 45 minutes, we would need
to signal start to the image. That would be reflected to all connected
clients via wss, and then, for example, stopped with 5 minutes to go.

We would need the app to remain live whilst a timer was running. However,
we don't use the timers all the time, so keeping the whole app live might
burn up more of the server's resources than necessary.


Re: [Pharo-users] PharoJS Status

2015-11-30 Thread Andy Burnett
>>> Craig said
Hi All,

I'd like to start messing around with PharoJS.  Can anybody tell what
the status is?  (Stable, broken, etc.)

And, which Pharo version should I use for this?

I have just started playing with it. I have had some difficulty getting a
running image. Following the instructions - should - work, but I found that
I needed to install the NewExternalWebBrowser package separately before it
would run.

[Pharo-users] Using Playgrounds as a notepad

2016-01-03 Thread Andy Burnett
I often find that I need to do simple manipulations to passages of text,
e.g. remove all carriage returns, or extract email addresses etc.

Pasting the text into a Playground doesn't work because there is always an
apostrophe, or line break or... etc. and the playground complains.

Is there a way to tell a Playground to just ignore the text, and give me a
handle to its contents, so that I can then do something like

playgroundId contents splitOn:Character space.

Alternatively, is there another object that would be more appropriate?
Playground would be really useful just because it is in the menu, and
always available.


Re: [Pharo-users] Using Playgrounds as a notepad

2016-01-04 Thread Andy Burnett

Thanks for the Workspace idea. That is pretty much what I am looking for.
However, I am struggling to get it to behave the way I want.
When I type into the Workspace, and then inspect

ws contents

I just get an empty string. Is there a simple way to get the ws to update
its contents so that I can access it?

@Sven, @Doru. Thanks. The Clipboard approach is very slick. I will use that
for the time being. Out of curiosity, is it possible to access any other
data on the clipboard. For instance, if I copy a pictured from my desktop,
is that accessible via the Clipboard object? I only saw text oriented


Re: [Pharo-users] Using Playgrounds as a notepad

2016-01-05 Thread Andy Burnett
Thanks everyone!
I completely forgot that I should ctrl+s on the workspace. I think I have
just become too used to google docs etc., and it didn't occur to me that I
had to save in order to update a model.

Right, I now have two ways forward, and they both look useful for different

ws := Workspace open

Gives me a simple way to paste in text, and do some initial hand editing

Clipboard clipboardText

Will be great when I know there is a 'clean-up' method that I need to run
on e.g. a table I have grabbed from the web.


[Pharo-users] Re RFC Minecraft Server

2016-03-12 Thread Andy Burnett
I think that is a really exciting idea. I would love to help.

Are you thinking about a minecraft, or minecraft PE server?

My kids play minecraft on their iPads and this isn't compatible with PC based 
minecraft. However, there is a nice minecraft PE server - written in PHP.


[Pharo-users] Re RFC Minecraft Server

2016-03-13 Thread Andy Burnett
Ben said
Which one?

The one people seem to use is called pocket mine. (https://www.pocketmine.net). 
There may be others.

I was thinking of the standard PC version since I understood the PE
version was not so amenable to mods. Actually my kids have been
playing PE edition on iPads, and I bought them second hand laptops to
run the PC edition to do modding. Still discovering how it all works.

The PE (iPad etc) version seems to be catching up in terms of features, and it 
does allow some level of mods. However, I agree that the full PC version is 
probably the better target.

I wonder if there are any docs that list the Api we need to support.

[Pharo-users] Interleaving strings

2016-03-14 Thread Andy Burnett
I have two strings, which are typically of different lengths, and I want to
interleave them, i.e.:

'abcdefg' interleaveWith: '123'

Would produce


I know how to write this procedurally, but I have been very impressed by
what Sven shows in his Medium articles, so I wondered if there is any
existing mechanism that would allow me to solve this elegantly?
 with:collection: almost does it, but the collections have to be the same


[Pharo-users] Machine learning in Pharo

2016-04-30 Thread Andy Burnett
Are there any ML libraries in Pharo? I want to build a document classifier for 
the contents of an RSS feed. I was hoping to try this in Pharo.


[Pharo-users] Why is split: implemented in the separator rather than the string?

2016-05-19 Thread Andy Burnett
I keep getting this wrong, which makes me wonder why we send split: to the
separator rather than the thing to be split. Is there a benefit to doing

$- split: '1969-07-20'

rather than

'1969-07-20' split: $-  (which somehow seems more natural to me).


[Pharo-users] Why is split: implemented in the separator rather than the string?

2016-05-20 Thread Andy Burnett
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 20:18:09 -0700
> From: John Pfersich 
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome 
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Why is split: implemented in the separator
> rather  than the string?
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii
> If you want to do it reversed, do it like this:
> '1969-07-20' splitOn: '-'
> Thanks to both of you for responding. Makes sense.


Re: [Pharo-users] Call for feedbacks: Enterprise Pharo ePub version

2016-05-30 Thread Andy Burnett
> Hi,
> I created an ePub version of the book Enterprise Pharo for electronic
> readers.
> It would be great if you could test it and give me feedbacks on everything
> that shocks you.
> You can downlod the file here<
> http://files.pharo.org/books-ressources/entreprise-pharo/>.
> Thanks,
> Thibault

Works very nicely on my iPhone. It would be great to have all the books in
this format.


Re: [Pharo-users] Call for feedbacks: Enterprise Pharo ePub version

2016-05-30 Thread Andy Burnett
On 30 May 2016 at 11:32, Damien Cassou  wrote:

> Andy Burnett  writes:
> > Works very nicely on my iPhone. It would be great to have all the books
> in
> > this format.
> you can encourage us doing so by making a donation to ESUG which
> sponsors our books.
Great idea!  And, I have just done it :-)

Re: [Pharo-users] If you have to do web data scraping, what tool would you use?

2016-06-26 Thread Andy Burnett
I had a similar question, which led me to the Webdriver project (now part of 

I haven't done any experiments yet, but the idea of driving the browser via its 
API is appealing.

The Parasol project says it is a Webdriver implementation for Pharo, and it 
looks quite exciting. The build is currently failing, but that seems to be a 
gemstone problem.


If you have time to play with it I would love to hear your experience.



Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] JSONWebToken

2016-07-22 Thread Andy Burnett
I am really interested in this work on JWT. We've been using it quite a lot. 
For instance we use JWT to link an application written in PHP to a Firebase 

Works beautifully.

The thing that I am still trying to wrap my head around, is whether there is a 
– standard – way of using the claims asserted in the JWT token to control 
access to objects in a Pharo/seaside application.

I know that gemstone has an access control list system but does anything like 
that exist in Pharo? If not, how do people control access to the data?



[Pharo-users] How does one specify a format for an ImageMorph based on a binary stream

2016-08-13 Thread Andy Burnett
I am trying to do some simple image manipulation. Basically, I want to
subtract one image from another, to see what's left.

As an experiment, did

aStream := ReadStream on: image1 imageExport.
newImageMorph := ImageMorph fromStream:aStream.

Unfortunately, this fails because there is no subclass to handle the binary
stream. I couldn't find a way to specify what format the image was in.
Does anyone know how to do this?


Re: [Pharo-users] How does one specify a format for an ImageMorph based on a binary stream

2016-08-14 Thread Andy Burnett
Thanks @Hilaire and @Sven. I had misunderstood the purpose of the imageExport 


Re: [Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group Meeting - Wednesday, May 27th

2020-05-21 Thread Andy Burnett
> Any chance the meeting could be recorded? I want to attend, but it is 
> clashing with a work meeting. 


[Pharo-users] Dynamically updating the inspector window

2018-02-28 Thread Andy Burnett
Is there a way to make the inspector automatically update itself, when the
value it is inspecting changes?  For example, if I were inspecting an
array, and at:1 put: 'blah' I would like the inspector to reflect that

I know I can get the window to update by clicking the refresh icon, I just
wondered if there is a 'live' way to do this?


Re: [Pharo-users] Dynamically updating the inspector window

2018-03-01 Thread Andy Burnett
Andrei said
Are you in Pharo 6.1? There is a setting to enable automatic refresh in the 
inspector. I think it's called Step Refresh in the settings browser.Should be 
enabled by default in Pharo 7.

Just now all presentations from the inspector have the automatic refresh 

That’s great!
Thanks very much.

[Pharo-users] Gemstone as a service?

2018-08-18 Thread Andy Burnett
I was wondering if anyone offers GaaS? I would love to be able to just
focus on writing code, and leave the system management to others. Gemstone
does seem to offer a very complete package.

Also, does anyone know what's happening with Pharocloud? The site is still
running, but it seems to be very quiet.


Re: [Pharo-users] Gemstone as a service?

2018-08-19 Thread Andy Burnett
James wrote:
Will you be coming to ESUG? Perhaps we could discuss this in more detail
after my talk on Wednesday at 12:30 (https://esug.github.io/2018-
Conference/conf2018.html ).


Unfortunately not, so I will have to wait for the slides, and video.
However, this does sound encouraging.

Might GemTalk get into the business of offering GaaS? Perhaps through
Heroku or similar.


[Pharo-users] Adding an Authorization Bearer header via Zinc

2018-08-27 Thread Andy Burnett
I am building some pharo scripts to edit tasks in the Asana.com system.

I have generated a Personal Access Token, and the terminal command of:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 12345abc"

Returns 200/ok, and the right data.

However, the pharo commands

tmp1 := ZnClient new.
tmp1 headerAt: 'Authorization:' put: 'Bearer 12345abc'.
tmp1 url: 'https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/users/me'.
tmp1 get.

Results in an authorisation error.

I haven't tried using Zinc to access authenticated sites before, what am I
doing wrong?


Re: [Pharo-users] Adding an Authorization Bearer header via Zinc

2018-08-27 Thread Andy Burnett
Norbert said

You have a colon in the name of the header. I?m not sure zinc removes it.
It could be a problem.


Ah, spot on. Apparently, we need the colon for Curl, but not for Pharo.
Also, response setAuthorization turned out to be the best approach. For
anyone searching this list, in the future,  for Asana connectivity, my PoC

tmp1 := ZnClient new.
tmp1 request setAuthorization: 'Bearer ';
url: 'https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/users/me'.
tmpJSON := NeoJSONReader fromString: tmp1 get.

[Pharo-users] Using ZnEasy getPng: with an octet-stream

2018-08-27 Thread Andy Burnett
Next step of my Asana adventure.

In a browser


downloads a png.

When I try ZnEasy getPng: with the same address, I get a walkback saying
expected image/png actual application/octet-stream.

Is it possible to handle this with ZnEasy, or do I have to use the ZnClient
and handle the stream first?


Re: [Pharo-users] About the IoT Hackathon last Friday

2018-11-17 Thread Andy Burnett
Do you think there is anyway we could run one of these virtually? I would love 
to have been involved, but finding time to travel is tricky. A virtual (or 
blended) event would be much easier. If it helps, I have a corporate Zoom 
account thst would support up to 500 participants - gotta think big :-)
