Hello, Google Apps Scripts allows me to create a webapp function that returns json. For security reasons the url to call the function returns a redirection. For example
Curl https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec Returns an html page with the redirection information, whereas curl -L https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec Returns the json value (currently 13) I tried to use ZnClient to do the same thing, and I thought that ZnClient automatically followed redirections, but when I inspect the value it seems to actually return a larger html page, rather than the json. My Pharo code is: (ZnClient new) get: ' https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyjVyXa9cYqYZg6kfSdiT8l6S0Q3LEzn6FvonoI1G1MzXeegrOB/exec '. Do I have to set any other options? Please Note: this is my first experiment with Google App Scripts, so it is very likely that the problem is with my script, rather than Pharo. However, the script does seem to be returning the correct value in the browser, so it might be some interaction between the two. Cheers Andy ᐧ