[Pharo-users] Re: How to open files in the underlying OS

2023-12-06 Thread Guillermo Polito
Hi Rui,

Just a quick look at the Win32 error codes


It tells me that 16r0002 means “File not found”.
Are you sure that c:\pharo.pdf is there and that you have permission to open it?


> El 5 dic. 2023, a las 21:12, Rui Viana Pereira  
> escribió:
> I'm building an app with Pharo 11.
> The OS (for the moment) is Windows 10 home.
> At a certain point I need to open several types of files (pdf, wav, url, 
> etc.) with the registered apps in Windows (or any other OS) and keep working 
> in Pharo, in parallel.
> I couldn't find the way to do it - that is, to use the Windows shell.
> I loaded the Pharo-OS-Windows package, but when I evaluate something like 
> WinShell shellOpen: 'c:\pharo.pdf'
> apparently nothing happens.
> The inspector gives me
> a WinHandle(@ 16r0002) 
> Which is the right way to do it?
> Rui Viana Pereira

[Pharo-users] Re: How to open files in the underlying OS

2023-12-06 Thread Rui Viana Pereira
@Guillermo: Very useful remark, it made me review my code. First of all, I
refactored it to assure the address is written correctly, that is, with a
separator '\' instead of  '/'. (I suppose there is a method to convert
paths from Pharo to DOS, but I couldn't find it, so I reinvented the wheel.)
Still, nothing happens.

Then, I evaluated
WinExplorer explore: 'D:\Sonoteca_sample\CRIANCAS\criancas_001.wav'
putting the argument by hand. This is a file that exists and the argument
worked well when introduced directly on the Win explorer search bar,
without complaints from Windows. Still nothing happens, and the Inspector
tells a WinHandle(@ 16r001F).

Is the #explore: method the right one to use? (I mean, to open the file
with the registered program in Windows).

This is quite annoying, because apart from that the app is working well in
Pharo, even if it needs some cleaning. But after a lot of weeks of work
(I'm a beginner, I go very slowly in my spare time) I came to the
conclusion that it was useless work, because I can't communicate with
Windows shell, which is a very important part of my aims.

[Side note:
What I'm building is a very simple app, ment to organize and classify my
field sound recordings. A kind of database for a sound library. It has only
2 classes: SoundRecording and SoundLibrary. And a few presenters.
SoundLibrary holds  (aSet),  (aSet) and 
(aFileReference, which allows the library folder to be movable). A
SoundRecording holds a bunch of properties needed for professional
information and editing on sound files, plus an  (a relative
FileReference), which is the central piece for identifying each
recording/file. There is some automatic methods, including a scanner to
search for files in the library and automatically create SoundRecording
objects from each file found. This is crucial, because by now I have
thousands of recordings.
Next step would be to do the same with my books/docs library, which also
goes by thousands and is an awful amount of garbage - non organized,
classified and cross referenced information is nothing more than garbage]

*Rui Viana Pereira*

Guillermo Polito  escreveu no dia quarta,
6/12/2023 à(s) 08:23:

> Hi Rui,
> Just a quick look at the Win32 error codes
> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-
> It tells me that 16r0002 means “File not found”.
> Are you sure that c:\pharo.pdf is there and that you have permission to
> open it?
> G
> El 5 dic. 2023, a las 21:12, Rui Viana Pereira 
> escribió:
> I'm building an app with Pharo 11.
> The OS (for the moment) is Windows 10 home.
> At a certain point I need to open several types of files (pdf, wav, url,
> etc.) with the registered apps in Windows (or any other OS) and keep
> working in Pharo, in parallel.
> I couldn't find the way to do it - that is, to use the Windows shell.
> I loaded the Pharo-OS-Windows package, but when I evaluate something like
> WinShell shellOpen: 'c:\pharo.pdf'
> apparently nothing happens.
> The inspector gives me
> a WinHandle(@ 16r0002)
> Which is the right way to do it?
> Rui Viana Pereira

[Pharo-users] Re: How to open files in the underlying OS

2023-12-06 Thread John Aspinall
Hi Rui - on my system (Windows 10, Pharo 11 with Pharo-OS-Windows package) both 
of the following work fine:

WinShell shellOpen: 'd:\temp\test audio.mp3’.

WinShell shellOpen: 'd:/temp/test audio.mp3’.

Evaluating either one from a Playground opens the mp3 file with the registered 
app (VLC in this case).

WinExplorer explore: does nothing when passed a filename, but with just a 
pathname (e.g. ‘d:/temp’) opens a Windows Explorer on that path 

Hope this helps?


> On 6 Dec 2023, at 15:56, Rui Viana Pereira  wrote:
> @Guillermo: Very useful remark, it made me review my code. First of all, I 
> refactored it to assure the address is written correctly, that is, with a 
> separator '\' instead of  '/'. (I suppose there is a method to convert paths 
> from Pharo to DOS, but I couldn't find it, so I reinvented the wheel.)
> Still, nothing happens.
> Then, I evaluated 
> WinExplorer explore: 'D:\Sonoteca_sample\CRIANCAS\criancas_001.wav'
> putting the argument by hand. This is a file that exists and the argument 
> worked well when introduced directly on the Win explorer search bar, without 
> complaints from Windows. Still nothing happens, and the Inspector tells a 
> WinHandle(@ 16r001F).
> Is the #explore: method the right one to use? (I mean, to open the file with 
> the registered program in Windows).
> This is quite annoying, because apart from that the app is working well in 
> Pharo, even if it needs some cleaning. But after a lot of weeks of work (I'm 
> a beginner, I go very slowly in my spare time) I came to the conclusion that 
> it was useless work, because I can't communicate with Windows shell, which is 
> a very important part of my aims.
> [Side note: 
> What I'm building is a very simple app, ment to organize and classify my 
> field sound recordings. A kind of database for a sound library. It has only 2 
> classes: SoundRecording and SoundLibrary. And a few presenters. SoundLibrary 
> holds  (aSet),  (aSet) and  (aFileReference, 
> which allows the library folder to be movable). A SoundRecording holds a 
> bunch of properties needed for professional information and editing on sound 
> files, plus an  (a relative FileReference), which is the central 
> piece for identifying each recording/file. There is some automatic methods, 
> including a scanner to search for files in the library and automatically 
> create SoundRecording objects from each file found. This is crucial, because 
> by now I have thousands of recordings.
> Next step would be to do the same with my books/docs library, which also goes 
> by thousands and is an awful amount of garbage - non organized, classified 
> and cross referenced information is nothing more than garbage]
> Rui Viana Pereira
> Guillermo Polito  > escreveu no dia quarta, 6/12/2023 à(s) 
> 08:23:
> Hi Rui,
> Just a quick look at the Win32 error codes
> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-
> It tells me that 16r0002 means “File not found”.
> Are you sure that c:\pharo.pdf is there and that you have permission to open 
> it?
> G
>> El 5 dic. 2023, a las 21:12, Rui Viana Pereira > > escribió:
>> I'm building an app with Pharo 11.
>> The OS (for the moment) is Windows 10 home.
>> At a certain point I need to open several types of files (pdf, wav, url, 
>> etc.) with the registered apps in Windows (or any other OS) and keep working 
>> in Pharo, in parallel.
>> I couldn't find the way to do it - that is, to use the Windows shell.
>> I loaded the Pharo-OS-Windows package, but when I evaluate something like 
>> WinShell shellOpen: 'c:\pharo.pdf'
>> apparently nothing happens.
>> The inspector gives me
>> a WinHandle(@ 16r0002) 
>> Which is the right way to do it?
>> Rui Viana Pereira

[Pharo-users] Re: How to open files in the underlying OS

2023-12-06 Thread Rui Viana Pereira
@John: That solves the problem, in fact. Many thanks.

I'm a bit ashamed that I couldn't find such a simple solution.
But I'm happy, because now I can get back on track.

*Rui Viana Pereira*

John Aspinall  escreveu no dia quarta, 6/12/2023
à(s) 16:13:

> Hi Rui - on my system (Windows 10, Pharo 11 with Pharo-OS-Windows package)
> both of the following work fine:
> WinShell shellOpen: 'd:\temp\test audio.mp3’.
> WinShell shellOpen: 'd:/temp/test audio.mp3’.
> Evaluating either one from a Playground opens the mp3 file with the
> registered app (VLC in this case).
> WinExplorer explore: does nothing when passed a filename, but with just a
> pathname (e.g. ‘d:/temp’) opens a Windows Explorer on that path
> Hope this helps?
> John
> On 6 Dec 2023, at 15:56, Rui Viana Pereira 
> wrote:
> @Guillermo: Very useful remark, it made me review my code. First of all, I
> refactored it to assure the address is written correctly, that is, with a
> separator '\' instead of  '/'. (I suppose there is a method to convert
> paths from Pharo to DOS, but I couldn't find it, so I reinvented the wheel.)
> Still, nothing happens.
> Then, I evaluated
> WinExplorer explore: 'D:\Sonoteca_sample\CRIANCAS\criancas_001.wav'
> putting the argument by hand. This is a file that exists and the argument
> worked well when introduced directly on the Win explorer search bar,
> without complaints from Windows. Still nothing happens, and the Inspector
> tells a WinHandle(@ 16r001F).
> Is the #explore: method the right one to use? (I mean, to open the file
> with the registered program in Windows).
> This is quite annoying, because apart from that the app is working well in
> Pharo, even if it needs some cleaning. But after a lot of weeks of work
> (I'm a beginner, I go very slowly in my spare time) I came to the
> conclusion that it was useless work, because I can't communicate with
> Windows shell, which is a very important part of my aims.
> [Side note:
> What I'm building is a very simple app, ment to organize and classify my
> field sound recordings. A kind of database for a sound library. It has only
> 2 classes: SoundRecording and SoundLibrary. And a few presenters.
> SoundLibrary holds  (aSet),  (aSet) and 
> (aFileReference, which allows the library folder to be movable). A
> SoundRecording holds a bunch of properties needed for professional
> information and editing on sound files, plus an  (a relative
> FileReference), which is the central piece for identifying each
> recording/file. There is some automatic methods, including a scanner to
> search for files in the library and automatically create SoundRecording
> objects from each file found. This is crucial, because by now I have
> thousands of recordings.
> Next step would be to do the same with my books/docs library, which also
> goes by thousands and is an awful amount of garbage - non organized,
> classified and cross referenced information is nothing more than garbage]
> *Rui Viana Pereira*
> Guillermo Polito  escreveu no dia quarta,
> 6/12/2023 à(s) 08:23:
>> Hi Rui,
>> Just a quick look at the Win32 error codes
>> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-
>> It tells me that 16r0002 means “File not found”.
>> Are you sure that c:\pharo.pdf is there and that you have permission to
>> open it?
>> G
>> El 5 dic. 2023, a las 21:12, Rui Viana Pereira 
>> escribió:
>> I'm building an app with Pharo 11.
>> The OS (for the moment) is Windows 10 home.
>> At a certain point I need to open several types of files (pdf, wav, url,
>> etc.) with the registered apps in Windows (or any other OS) and keep
>> working in Pharo, in parallel.
>> I couldn't find the way to do it - that is, to use the Windows shell.
>> I loaded the Pharo-OS-Windows package, but when I evaluate something like
>> WinShell shellOpen: 'c:\pharo.pdf'
>> apparently nothing happens.
>> The inspector gives me
>> a WinHandle(@ 16r0002)
>> Which is the right way to do it?
>> Rui Viana Pereira