Hi Rui - on my system (Windows 10, Pharo 11 with Pharo-OS-Windows package) both 
of the following work fine:

WinShell shellOpen: 'd:\temp\test audio.mp3’.

WinShell shellOpen: 'd:/temp/test audio.mp3’.

Evaluating either one from a Playground opens the mp3 file with the registered 
app (VLC in this case).

WinExplorer explore: does nothing when passed a filename, but with just a 
pathname (e.g. ‘d:/temp’) opens a Windows Explorer on that path 

Hope this helps?


> On 6 Dec 2023, at 15:56, Rui Viana Pereira <ruivianapere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Guillermo: Very useful remark, it made me review my code. First of all, I 
> refactored it to assure the address is written correctly, that is, with a 
> separator '\' instead of  '/'. (I suppose there is a method to convert paths 
> from Pharo to DOS, but I couldn't find it, so I reinvented the wheel.)
> Still, nothing happens.
> Then, I evaluated 
> WinExplorer explore: 'D:\Sonoteca_sample\CRIANCAS\criancas_001.wav'
> putting the argument by hand. This is a file that exists and the argument 
> worked well when introduced directly on the Win explorer search bar, without 
> complaints from Windows. Still nothing happens, and the Inspector tells a 
> WinHandle(@ 16r0000001F).
> Is the #explore: method the right one to use? (I mean, to open the file with 
> the registered program in Windows).
> This is quite annoying, because apart from that the app is working well in 
> Pharo, even if it needs some cleaning. But after a lot of weeks of work (I'm 
> a beginner, I go very slowly in my spare time) I came to the conclusion that 
> it was useless work, because I can't communicate with Windows shell, which is 
> a very important part of my aims.
> [Side note: 
> What I'm building is a very simple app, ment to organize and classify my 
> field sound recordings. A kind of database for a sound library. It has only 2 
> classes: SoundRecording and SoundLibrary. And a few presenters. SoundLibrary 
> holds <recordings> (aSet), <tags> (aSet) and <directory> (aFileReference, 
> which allows the library folder to be movable). A SoundRecording holds a 
> bunch of properties needed for professional information and editing on sound 
> files, plus an <address> (a relative FileReference), which is the central 
> piece for identifying each recording/file. There is some automatic methods, 
> including a scanner to search for files in the library and automatically 
> create SoundRecording objects from each file found. This is crucial, because 
> by now I have thousands of recordings.
> Next step would be to do the same with my books/docs library, which also goes 
> by thousands and is an awful amount of garbage - non organized, classified 
> and cross referenced information is nothing more than garbage]
> Rui Viana Pereira
> Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:guillermopol...@gmail.com>> escreveu no dia quarta, 6/12/2023 à(s) 
> 08:23:
> Hi Rui,
> Just a quick look at the Win32 error codes
> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-
> <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499->
> It tells me that 16r00000002 means “File not found”.
> Are you sure that c:\pharo.pdf is there and that you have permission to open 
> it?
> G
>> El 5 dic. 2023, a las 21:12, Rui Viana Pereira <ruivianapere...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:ruivianapere...@gmail.com>> escribió:
>> I'm building an app with Pharo 11.
>> The OS (for the moment) is Windows 10 home.
>> At a certain point I need to open several types of files (pdf, wav, url, 
>> etc.) with the registered apps in Windows (or any other OS) and keep working 
>> in Pharo, in parallel.
>> I couldn't find the way to do it - that is, to use the Windows shell.
>> I loaded the Pharo-OS-Windows package, but when I evaluate something like 
>> WinShell shellOpen: 'c:\pharo.pdf'
>> apparently nothing happens.
>> The inspector gives me
>> a WinHandle(@ 16r00000002) 
>> Which is the right way to do it?
>> Rui Viana Pereira

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