[Pharo-users] OSSUnixSubprocess - not getting output from a command that pipes to grep
Hi, I have a command that works fine in terminal, and I'm able to retrieve the output using OSUnixSubprocess. However, when I grep the output in the command, I don't receive any output from OSUnixSubprocess. So I get output from: "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X" 2>&1 but not from: "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X" 2>&1 | grep '==>' However both work fine when the enclosing .command script is run directly in the terminal. I'm a bit out of my depth here, but I would have thought OSUnixSubprocess would just retrieve the output from grep? Is this a problem with my .command or is this a problem with how I'm using OSUnixSubprocess. Code below: Cheers, Stewart >>startUpLogic Transcript cr; show: 'Starting up Logic...'. logicOSProcess := OSSUnixSubprocess new. logicReadProcess := [logicOSProcess command: '/Users/stewart/Desktop/LogicFiltered.command'; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitPollingEvery: (Delay forMilliseconds: 50) doing: [: process : outStream : errorStream | errorStream upToEnd ifNotEmpty: [: value | Transcript cr; show: value]. outStream upToEnd ifNotEmpty: [: value | Transcript cr; show: value]] onExitDo: [: process : outStream : errStream | process closeAndCleanStreams. self log: 'Logic exited with: ', process exitStatusInterpreter printString]] newProcess. logicReadProcess name: 'Logic Read Process'; priority: 50; "Processor userInterruptPriority" resume I get output using OSSUnixSubprocess from this .command #!/bin/sh # xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/stewart/Desktop/Logic.command cd "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/" "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X" 2>&1 but not this .command #!/bin/sh # xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/stewart/Desktop/LogicFiltered.command cd "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/" "/Applications/Logic Pro X.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro X" 2>&1 | grep '==>'
[Pharo-users] Re: OSSUnixSubprocess - not getting output from a command that pipes to grep
Hi I tried something similar on (X)ubuntu using this: ``` OSSUnixSubprocess new ``` ``` command: '/bin/ls'; ``` ``` arguments: #('-la' '/tmp/' '|' '/usr/bin/grep unix'); ``` ``` redirectStdout; ``` ``` runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ``` ``` outString inspect ``` ``` ] ``` and looking at the output in xtrerm I got a message like this: ``` /bin/ls: cannot access '|': No such file or directory ``` ``` /bin/ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/grep unix': No such file or directory. ``` So I think it regards anything after the first item in the arguments as a file or directory. This means you will have to write a bash script instead. So I wrote a script called my_grep: ``` #!/bin/bash ``` ``` cd $1 ``` ``` ls -la | grep unix ``` and called it with: ``` OSSUnixSubprocess new ``` ``` command: '/tmp/my_grep'; ``` ``` arguments: #('/tmp'); ``` ``` redirectStdout; ``` ``` runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ``` ``` outString inspect ``` ``` ] ``` and it worked. Vince
[Pharo-users] Re: OSSUnixSubprocess - not getting output from a command that pipes to grep
The equivalent of running in a Terminal is to run it in a shell. Try the following code: OSSUnixSubprocess new command: '/bin/bash'; arguments: #('-c' 'ls /'); redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | outString inspect ]. OSSUnixSubprocess new command: '/bin/bash'; arguments: #('-c' 'ls / | grep bin'); redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | outString inspect ]. You’ll need to be careful to properly shell escape the shell command arguments if they are not hard coded (especially things like file names from users). HTH. —Yanni On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 7:51 AM wrote: > Hi > > I tried something similar on (X)ubuntu using this: > > OSSUnixSubprocess new > > command: '/bin/ls'; > > arguments: #('-la' '/tmp/' '|' '/usr/bin/grep unix'); > > redirectStdout; > > runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | > > outString inspect > > ] > > > and looking at the output in xtrerm I got a message like this: > > /bin/ls: cannot access '|': No such file or directory > > /bin/ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/grep unix': No such file or directory. > > > So I think it regards anything after the first item in the arguments as a > file or directory. > > This means you will have to write a bash script instead. So I wrote a > script called my_grep: > > #!/bin/bash > > cd $1 > > ls -la | grep unix > > and called it with: > > OSSUnixSubprocess new > > command: '/tmp/my_grep'; > > arguments: #('/tmp'); > > redirectStdout; > > runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | > > outString inspect > > ] > > and it worked. > > > Vince > > >
[Pharo-users] Re: OSSUnixSubprocess - not getting output from a command that pipes to grep
Hi Yanni, Thanks for this. Actually I discovered the equivalent by using shellCommand: instead of command:. What an excellent utility! Cheers, Stewart On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 3:12 AM Yanni Chiu wrote: > The equivalent of running in a Terminal is to run it in a shell. Try the > following code: > > OSSUnixSubprocess new > command: '/bin/bash'; > arguments: #('-c' 'ls /'); > redirectStdout; > runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | > outString inspect > ]. > > OSSUnixSubprocess new > command: '/bin/bash'; > arguments: #('-c' 'ls / | grep bin'); > redirectStdout; > runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | > outString inspect > ]. > > You’ll need to be careful to properly shell escape the shell command > arguments if they are not hard coded (especially things like file names > from users). HTH. —Yanni > > On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 7:51 AM wrote: > >> Hi >> >> I tried something similar on (X)ubuntu using this: >> >> OSSUnixSubprocess new >> >> command: '/bin/ls'; >> >> arguments: #('-la' '/tmp/' '|' '/usr/bin/grep unix'); >> >> redirectStdout; >> >> runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | >> >> outString inspect >> >> ] >> >> >> and looking at the output in xtrerm I got a message like this: >> >> /bin/ls: cannot access '|': No such file or directory >> >> /bin/ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/grep unix': No such file or directory. >> >> >> So I think it regards anything after the first item in the arguments as a >> file or directory. >> >> This means you will have to write a bash script instead. So I wrote a >> script called my_grep: >> >> #!/bin/bash >> >> cd $1 >> >> ls -la | grep unix >> >> and called it with: >> >> OSSUnixSubprocess new >> >> command: '/tmp/my_grep'; >> >> arguments: #('/tmp'); >> >> redirectStdout; >> >> runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | >> >> outString inspect >> >> ] >> >> and it worked. >> >> >> Vince >> >> >>