
I tried something similar on (X)ubuntu using this: 

OSSUnixSubprocess new

        command: '/bin/ls';

        arguments: #('-la' '/tmp/' '|' '/usr/bin/grep unix');


        runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString  |

                outString inspect


and looking at the output in xtrerm I got a message like this: 

/bin/ls: cannot access '|': No such file or directory

/bin/ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/grep unix': No such file or directory.

So I think it regards anything after the first item in the arguments as a file 
or directory.

This means you will have to write a bash script instead. So I wrote a script 
called my_grep:


cd $1

ls -la | grep unix

and called it with: 

OSSUnixSubprocess new

        command: '/tmp/my_grep';

        arguments: #('/tmp');


        runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString  |

                outString inspect


and it worked.


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