[Pharo-users] Re: Exercism v3 problems

2021-08-15 Thread Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users

  The spec and other information can be found here :
  I hoping we can get number 2 or 3 working.
  Op 15-8-2021 om 15:15 schreef stephane.duca...@free.fr:





There are already some test which are written
with Sunit from v2 challenges. 
and for the new one I could write the tests.

But what  I mean is that exercismv 3 wants that
the code written by a student is submitted and
that then the tests are run and a json file with
if a test is successfull or with the tests
errors is made. 


  We do that for our server (not
  Do you have a spec of what
  should be the output?
  It could be occasion for us to
  extract a runner and strengthen the logic of the test

On v2 the tests were on the same image as the
code written by a student.


Op 13-8-2021 om 22:14 schreef stephane.duca...@free.fr:



far as I see it standalone means work 
without a image.
the other test-runners run in  a vm as
far as I know how exercism works.

Nope. :)
You see in ruby or
python or _javascript_, you cannot run a
software without a kernel (and a kernek is
an image that cannot be saved and it often
using some hardcoded C
code - but this is the same). They just
cannot save the kernel once loaded with
libraries but this is the same. 

So if we can load
tests and execute tests without clicking on
a button interactively.
we can. 

This is what we are
doing since we have the jenkins test runner
(since 2009 or before) and this is what you
have when you 
run tests on travis or
github actions. 

So now the point is to
know if their infrastructure needs a script
to run the tests
how to identify them
how to execute them

Because in Pharo we
can write tests, identify them and execute
Interactively but also
from the command-line. 

Did you already write
a test?
Because if not, it
super super important and I will release
some a booklet on Testing in Pharo.
and also a new chapter
ofr Pharo by example 9


[Pharo-users] File-in Issue - Pharo 9

2021-08-15 Thread Craig Johnson

Hi All,

I just filed-out a small project that I playing with, and refreshed the 
image.  The new image cannot file-in the package from the File Browser.

"Instance of RubSmalltalkEditor did not understand #fileItIn".

Is there another way to file-in the package?



[Pharo-users] Re: Exercism v3 problems

2021-08-15 Thread Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
I understand.

Hopefully someone can and is willing to help me and we can give the user the 
experience he/she needs.

I think that what you have said earlier, could be very in hand. That Syunit 
could be working standalone.

> Op 15 augustus 2021 om 23:16 schreef "stephane.duca...@free.fr" 
> :
> Thanks for the info. 
> I read a bit the “spec” 
> I do not really get the test method cannot be passed? Anyway….
> This is the body of the command that is being tested. For example, the 
> following Ruby test:
> def test_duplicate_items_uniqs_list
>   cart = ShoppingCart.new
>   cart.add(:STARIC)
>   cart.add(:MEDNEW)
>   cart.add(:MEDNEW)
>   assert_equal 'Newspaper, Rice', cart.items_list
> end
> should return a test_code value of:
> "cart = ShoppingCart.new
> cart.add(:STARIC)
> cart.add(:MEDNEW)
> cart.add(:MEDNEW)
> assert_equal 'Newspaper, Rice', cart.items_list"
> Looking at the other implementation can help. 
> https://github.com/exercism?q=-test-runner
> Now my plate is more than full. So I cannot really help because I have too 
> many things unfinished and that should be done. 
> S
> > On 15 Aug 2021, at 21:02, Roelof Wobben  wrote:
> > 
> > Yep, 
> > 
> > The spec and other information can be found here : 
> > https://github.com/exercism/docs/blob/main/building/tooling/test-runners/interface.md
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > I hoping we can get number 2 or 3 working.
> > 
> > Roelof
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Op 15-8-2021 om 15:15 schreef stephane.duca...@free.fr 
> > :
> >> 
> >>> Yes, 
> >>> 
> >>> There are already some test which are written with Sunit from v2 
> >>> challenges. 
> >>> and for the new one I could write the tests.
> >>> 
> >>> But what  I mean is that exercismv 3 wants that the code written by a 
> >>> student is submitted and that then the tests are run and a json file with 
> >>> if a test is successfull or with the tests errors is made. 
> >> 
> >> We do that for our server (not Json). 
> >> Do you have a spec of what should be the output?
> >> It could be occasion for us to extract a runner and strengthen the logic 
> >> of the test execution.
> >> S
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> On v2 the tests were on the same image as the code written by a student.
> >>> 
> >>> Roelof
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Op 13-8-2021 om 22:14 schreef stephane.duca...@free.fr 
> >>> :
>  Hi
> > As far as I see it standalone means work  without a image.
> > all the other test-runners run in  a vm as far as I know how exercism 
> > works.
>  Nope. :)
>  You see in ruby or python or Javascript, you cannot run a software 
>  without a kernel (and a kernek is an image that cannot be saved and it 
>  often created
>  using some hardcoded C code - but this is the same). They just cannot 
>  save the kernel once loaded with libraries but this is the same. 
>  So if we can load tests and execute tests without clicking on a button 
>  interactively.
>   Yes we can. 
>  This is what we are doing since we have the jenkins test runner (since 
>  2009 or before) and this is what you have when you 
>  run tests on travis or github actions. 
>  So now the point is to know if their infrastructure needs a script to 
>  run the tests
>   - how to identify them
>   - how to execute them
>  Because in Pharo we can write tests, identify them and execute them
>  Interactively but also from the command-line. 
>  Did you already write a test?
>  Because if not, it super super important and I will release some a 
>  booklet on Testing in Pharo.
>  and also a new chapter ofr Pharo by example 9
>  https://pharoweekly.wordpress.com/2021/08/04/ann-chapter-sunit-of-pharo-9-by-example/
>  S
> > 
> > Roelof
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Op 13-8-2021 om 21:50 schreef stephane.duca...@free.fr 
> > :
> >> Hello
> >> 
> >> Can you be more specific because Pharo got since day 0  (and I would 
> >> say even before) a test runner?
> >> The SUnit framework is there already.
> >> We were thinking to extract a runner object to make it first class 
> >> from the core framework.
> >> But beside that it is working, maintained, extended (now we have 
> >> parametrised tests) and we have (I should publish it) supports for 
> >> example (tests without setUp)
> >> 
> >> Then what is standalone?
> >> 
> >> S.
> >>> 
> >>> Hello,
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> For the new version of exercism which is due in a few weeks, the 
> >>> pharo track needs a test-runner,
> >>> 
> >>>