Re: [Pharo-users] Tree API blog post

2019-07-18 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi Smiljana,

In the ideas/inspiration front maybe you could check my outliner
prototype for data activism, visualization and storytelling, called


The notebook interface models a document as a tree. It was my first
program made on Pharo to learn it (and also to make research based
design for my PhD), so there is newbie code still there. I'm slowly
remaking it, but was really helpful to have an environment that didn't
punish me for my learning process and allowed me to refactor the
prototype as my understanding of the problem, prototype and coding
environment as improving. In any case, I remember needing tree objects
implemented in Pharo, but I didn't find anything, so I implemented them
by my own.

Install it and check the manual (is a little bit outdated, but it should

Hopefully Grafoscopio can be insightful for your project and also I'm
interested in feedback about it (and with more time to address it, after
finally finishing the PhD and just waiting for the long bureaucratic
graduation process and paperwork to finish).



On 30/06/19 5:38 a. m., Smiljana Knezev wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Next week I'm consulting with mentors on how to design an API for Tree
> data structures. I was researching a bit and wrote this blog post as a
> starting
> point: 
> Feedback and ideas are more than welcome :)
> Best regards,
> Smiljana Knezev

Re: [Pharo-users] Playground auto-save?

2019-07-18 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

You may try to use Grafoscopio [1], so you can save several nested
and/or sequential playgrounds explicitly as a Grafoscopio notebook.


I'll be pretty interested in the feedback from you and your
kids/students and I'm working on improving the Grafoscopio DOM to
support a better user experience (selected and expanded nodes, warnings
on unsaved documents and so on).



On 18/06/19 2:53 p. m., Hilaire wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to admit it is working randomly in P7 with Dr.Geo. (19.06 rel)
> Sometime script can be retrieved with the playpage button other time no:
> executed script can not be retrieved.
> Its behavior is not predictable and it is a problem for me and the kids
> playing code.
> Hilaire

Re: [Pharo-users] Tree API blog post

2019-07-18 Thread Smiljana Knezev
Hi Offray,

Thank you for your suggestion I will definitely look into it and tell you
what I think. It sounds interesting.

Good luck with your PhD! I hope everything goes well :)

All the best,


чет, 18. јул 2019. у 23:23 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <> је написао/ла:

> Hi Smiljana,
> In the ideas/inspiration front maybe you could check my outliner
> prototype for data activism, visualization and storytelling, called
> Grafoscopio[1]
> [1]
> The notebook interface models a document as a tree. It was my first
> program made on Pharo to learn it (and also to make research based
> design for my PhD), so there is newbie code still there. I'm slowly
> remaking it, but was really helpful to have an environment that didn't
> punish me for my learning process and allowed me to refactor the
> prototype as my understanding of the problem, prototype and coding
> environment as improving. In any case, I remember needing tree objects
> implemented in Pharo, but I didn't find anything, so I implemented them
> by my own.
> Install it and check the manual (is a little bit outdated, but it should
> work).
> Hopefully Grafoscopio can be insightful for your project and also I'm
> interested in feedback about it (and with more time to address it, after
> finally finishing the PhD and just waiting for the long bureaucratic
> graduation process and paperwork to finish).
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 30/06/19 5:38 a. m., Smiljana Knezev wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > Next week I'm consulting with mentors on how to design an API for Tree
> > data structures. I was researching a bit and wrote this blog post as a
> > starting
> > point:
> >
> > Feedback and ideas are more than welcome :)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Smiljana Knezev

Re: [Pharo-users] Tree API blog post

2019-07-18 Thread Richard O'Keefe
I've been pondering this reply for a while.
There are so *many* kinds of tree.
There are rooted trees (very popular in computing) and unrooted trees (what
you get from some phylogenetic reconstructions and of course the spanning
tree of a graph).
There are trees with and without parent links.
There are inverted trees with child->parent but no parent->child links.
There are fully threaded, half threaded, and unthreaded trees.
There are binary, ternary, ..., and rose trees.
There are ordered and unordered trees.
There are unbalanced, height balanced, and weight balanced trees.
There are trees with shareable substructures and trees where everything is
locked into place (the DOM).
There are trees with no fingers, single fingers, and multiple fingers.
There are trees that do not support concurrency, that support concurrent
lookup, and that support concurrent changes.

The model described at your link is pretty close to the DOM except for
modelling the child sequence of a node as an array instead of a doubly
linked list.  This means that while you *can* implement "left/right sibling"
 - if no parent, return nil
 - find index of node in parent's child array
 - if at beginning/end return nil
 - otherwise report previous/next element of parent's child array
but it takes O(#children) time instead of O(1) time.

For argument's sake, let us imagine a storage model in which
- an object with n slots takes n+1 words
- an array with n elements takes n+2 words
and let us consider a node with n children.
Your structure (label, array of children, parent) takes 6+n words in
addition to the space needed by the child nodes themselves.  A (label,
first child, next sibling) structure takes 4 words.  With a grand total of
M nodes, your structure takes 7M words, while the other takes 4M words.

The two data structures can represent exactly the same abstract values, but
they are good at different things.

My library, for example, contains
  SortedSet (a splay tree)
  SortedBag (a splay tree)
  SortedDictionary (a splay tree)
  TernarySet (a ternary search tree)
  TernaryBag (ditto)
  TernaryDictionary (ditto)
The sets, bags, and dictionaries *hide* the internal trees; what matters is
that they are sets, bags, and dictionaries, not that they are trees.

With such a great variety, I think it would be most useful to pick a *task*
for which some kind of tree is useful and implement *that* kind of tree and
use it for *that* task.  As one possible example, consider the Document
Object Model,
which can be implemented using (parent, first child, last child, previous
sibling, next sibling) with node-specific additional data, and build an
implementation of CSS selectors atop it.

plus a number of other kinds of trees, including

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 22:39, Smiljana Knezev 

> Hello everyone,
> Next week I'm consulting with mentors on how to design an API for Tree
> data structures. I was researching a bit and wrote this blog post as a
> starting point:
> Feedback and ideas are more than welcome :)
> Best regards,
> Smiljana Knezev