Hi Smiljana,

In the ideas/inspiration front maybe you could check my outliner
prototype for data activism, visualization and storytelling, called

[1] https://mutabit.com/grafoscopio/index.en.html

The notebook interface models a document as a tree. It was my first
program made on Pharo to learn it (and also to make research based
design for my PhD), so there is newbie code still there. I'm slowly
remaking it, but was really helpful to have an environment that didn't
punish me for my learning process and allowed me to refactor the
prototype as my understanding of the problem, prototype and coding
environment as improving. In any case, I remember needing tree objects
implemented in Pharo, but I didn't find anything, so I implemented them
by my own.

Install it and check the manual (is a little bit outdated, but it should

Hopefully Grafoscopio can be insightful for your project and also I'm
interested in feedback about it (and with more time to address it, after
finally finishing the PhD and just waiting for the long bureaucratic
graduation process and paperwork to finish).



On 30/06/19 5:38 a. m., Smiljana Knezev wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Next week I'm consulting with mentors on how to design an API for Tree
> data structures. I was researching a bit and wrote this blog post as a
> starting
> point: 
> https://pharokeepers.github.io/pharo/2019/06/30/Application-Programming-Interface-API.html
> Feedback and ideas are more than welcome :)
> Best regards,
> Smiljana Knezev

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