Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Denis Kudriashov
Hi Hilaire.

Can you reproduce it?

пн, 14 янв. 2019 г. в 23:24, Hilaire via Pharo-users <>:

> Hi,
> After installing drgeo and save some modification on tonel repo. I got
> this persisting error on calypso whatever the button I click on the
> browser ui.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] splitting a string using regex

2019-01-15 Thread Carlo
Hi Steve

If you use \n then that is trying to match a non-printable character i.e. 
linefeed. The \\n will match the text '\n'.

Example matching linefeed:

> myString := 'one{1}{1}two{1}{1}' format: {String lf}.
> re := '\n' asRegex.
> myString splitOn: re. 

Answers a collection of 5 elements.


On 15 Jan 2019, at 06:25, Steve Quezadas  wrote:

I am answering my own question because I found the solution for it.

This is the code that didn't work:
> myString := 'one\n\ntwo\n\n'.
> re := '\n\n' asRegex.
> myString splitOn: re.

The reason it didn't work was because you apparently have to escape the 
newlines pattern in the regex line. So the correct (working) example is here:
> myString := 'one\n\ntwo\n\n'.
> re := '\\n\\n' asRegex.
> myString splitOn: re.

I am putting this on here just in case someone else runs into the same problem.

- Steve

On 01/14/2019 09:06 AM, Steve Quezadas wrote:
> I am trying to split a string in pharo using a regular expression.
> A simple example that works:
> myString := 'one\n\ntwo\n\n'.
> myString splitOn: '\n\n'.
> A simple example that does not work:
> myString := 'one\n\ntwo\n\n'.
> re := '\n\n' asRegex.
> myString splitOn: re.
> The result of the above is I get the regular old string back 
> ('one\n\ntwo\n\n'). I went through the source code and it should be able to 
> handle a regex object:
> > "splitter - can be a subsequence, a Block or a Regex (String receiver
> > only). Any other object used as a splitter is treated as an Array
> > containing that object."
> I am baffled as to why it's not working. is there something simple I am 
> missing?
> - Steve

[Pharo-users] Pier CMS

2019-01-15 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
I'm looking at Pier CMS and it appears to require (32-bit) Pharo 1.3. Since
I'm running 64-bit Pharo on 64-bit Linux, this is a problem, am I right?

Re: [Pharo-users] Pier CMS

2019-01-15 Thread Pierce Ng via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:08:43AM -0500, Richard Kenneth Eng wrote:
> I'm looking at Pier CMS and it appears to require (32-bit) Pharo 1.3. Since
> I'm running 64-bit Pharo on 64-bit Linux, this is a problem, am I right?

You can install 32-bit run-time libraries on your 64-bit Linux to run
32-bit Pharo. I'm still running Pharo 5 and 6 images that way. However,
Pier on Pharo 1.3 is ancient by Internet time scale and you are unlikely
to get much help if/when you run into problems.


--- End Message ---

Re: [Pharo-users] Pier CMS

2019-01-15 Thread Ben Coman via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 22:49, Pierce Ng via Pharo-users <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:08:43AM -0500, Richard Kenneth Eng wrote:
> > I'm looking at Pier CMS and it appears to require (32-bit) Pharo 1.3.
> Since
> > I'm running 64-bit Pharo on 64-bit Linux, this is a problem, am I right?

What features are you looking for?

cheers -ben

> You can install 32-bit run-time libraries on your 64-bit Linux to run
> 32-bit Pharo. I'm still running Pharo 5 and 6 images that way. However,
> Pier on Pharo 1.3 is ancient by Internet time scale and you are unlikely
> to get much help if/when you run into problems.
> Pierce
--- End Message ---

[Pharo-users] A volunteer is desperately needed

2019-01-15 Thread Richard Kenneth Eng
As you know, the James Robertson Memorial Programming Competition (or
JRMPC) is proceeding. You may recall that the decision was made to use
VisualWorks for the competition.

However, I now realize that it was the wrong decision. VisualWorks presents
a number of issues, such as:

   1. licensing, esp. to minors (all high school students are minors)
   2. awkward installation
   3. poor community support – their forum is dead and their mailing list
   is a PITA to use
   4. lack of GitHub support – GitHub rules the programming world now
   5. aging IDE and lack of innovation

All of this makes for a bad image, which is disastrous from the marketing

David Buck coded the competition in VisualWorks because he wasn't familiar
with Pharo. His code is quite functional and he says it's about 80%
complete. He started coding just six weeks ago! So the remaining 20%
shouldn't be arduous.

Here are the things left to do:

   - complete the OpenGL rendering of the competition and video recording
   - add code to scan source code submitted by students to prevent malware
   and cheating
   - add code to allow full automation of the competition

The OpenGL rendering and video recordings will make the competition look
much more attractive to the public. This is vital because the competition
is a promotional and marketing event, and it has to look really good.

I need a Pharo expert to take over from David and convert the code base to
Pharo, then finish the remaining 20%. This needs to be done by September.

I'd really hate to scrap the project when we've made so much progress
already. I just need one Pharoer who truly believes that this marketing
event is worthwhile. Please give it serious consideration.


Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Denis Kudriashov
Hi Andrei.
The error is related to absent package of selected method.
Calypso assumes that method always has a package because otherwise many
other things will not work.
Even if this case will be protected by ifNotNil check it looks like a
broken system state.

Can you check following script?

SystemNavigation default allMethodsSelect: [ :each | each package isNil ]

вт, 15 янв. 2019 г. в 16:08, Andrei Chis :

> I also get every few clicks the error below.
> [image: Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 17.00.41.png]
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 4:59 PM Andrei Chis 
> wrote:
>> I think I get the same error in a GToolkit image that I build today on
>> top of
>> (64
>> Bit).
>> [image: Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 16.52.51.png]
>> In `ClyIcebergShowMethodVersionCommand>>canBeExecutedInContext:`
>> executing `aToolContext lastSelectedMethod package` returns nil. So I get a
>> compiled method having the package as nil.
>> The error seems to happen more randomly, but after selecting 3-4 methods
>> from a package where I did a commit using iceberg it mostly appears.
>> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #name
>> [ :each | each includesPackageNamed: aPackage name ] in IceRepository
>> class>>registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage: in Block: [ :each | each
>> includesPackageNamed: aPackage name...etc...
>> [ :each |
>> (aBlock value: each)
>> ifTrue: [ ^ foundBlock cull: each ] ] in
>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone: in Block: [ :each |
>> ...
>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone:
>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifNone:
>> IceRepository class>>registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage:
>> ClyIcebergShowMethodVersionCommand class>>canBeExecutedInContext:
>> ClyMethodContextOfFullBrowser(CmdToolContext)>>allowsExecutionOf:
>> ClyBrowserTabCommandActivation(CmdCommandActivationStrategy)>>isActiveInContext:
>> CmdCommandActivator>>canExecuteCommand
>> CmdCommandActivator>>buildBrowserTabActions
>> CmdCommandMenuItem>>buildBrowserTabActions
>> [ :each | each buildBrowserTabActions ] in
>> CmdRootMenuGroup(CmdMenuGroup)>>buildBrowserTabActions in Block: [ :each |
>> each buildBrowserTabActions ]
>> [ :each | col addAll: (aBlock value: each) ] in
>> SortedCollection(Collection)>>flatCollect:as: in Block: [ :each | col
>> addAll: (aBlock value: each) ]
>> SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do:
>> SortedCollection(Collection)>>flatCollect:as:
>> SortedCollection>>flatCollect:
>> CmdRootMenuGroup(CmdMenuGroup)>>buildBrowserTabActions
>> CmdMenu>>buildBrowserTabActions
>> ClyMethodCodeEditorToolMorph(ClyBrowserToolMorph)>>createTab
>> ClyTabManager>>addTool:
>> [ :each | self addTool: each ] in ClyTabManager>>updateTabsWith: in
>> Block: [ :each | self addTool: each ]
>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>> ClyTabManager>>updateTabsWith:
>> [ newTools := OrderedCollection new.
>> browser
>> navigationContextsDo: [ :each | self buildToolsOn: newTools for: each ].
>> needsNewSelection := self requiresNewDesiredSelection.
>> selectedTools := self selectedTools.
>> currentTools := tools copy.
>> self updateTabsWith: newTools.
>> tools ~= currentTools | needsNewSelection
>> ifTrue: [ self restoreSelectedTools: selectedTools ] ] in
>> ClyTabManager>>updateTools in Block: [ newTools := OrderedCollection new
>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>> ClyTabManager>>updateToolsBy:
>> ClyTabManager>>updateTools
>> ClyFullBrowser(ClyBrowserMorph)>>rebuildAllTools
>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:23 AM Denis Kudriashov 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Hilaire.
>>> Can you reproduce it?
>>> пн, 14 янв. 2019 г. в 23:24, Hilaire via Pharo-users <

 After installing drgeo and save some modification on tonel repo. I got
 this persisting error on calypso whatever the button I click on the
 browser ui.


 Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Andrei Chis
Hi Denis,

We debugged a bit and this is what we found:
Could you try to reproduce and see if you get the same error?
Seems that adding methods to classes that have a superclass with traits is


On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 5:36 PM Denis Kudriashov 

> Hi Andrei.
> The error is related to absent package of selected method.
> Calypso assumes that method always has a package because otherwise many
> other things will not work.
> Even if this case will be protected by ifNotNil check it looks like a
> broken system state.
> Can you check following script?
> SystemNavigation default allMethodsSelect: [ :each | each package isNil ]
> вт, 15 янв. 2019 г. в 16:08, Andrei Chis :
>> I also get every few clicks the error below.
>> [image: Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 17.00.41.png]
>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 4:59 PM Andrei Chis 
>> wrote:
>>> I think I get the same error in a GToolkit image that I build today on
>>> top of
>>> (64
>>> Bit).
>>> [image: Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 16.52.51.png]
>>> In `ClyIcebergShowMethodVersionCommand>>canBeExecutedInContext:`
>>> executing `aToolContext lastSelectedMethod package` returns nil. So I get a
>>> compiled method having the package as nil.
>>> The error seems to happen more randomly, but after selecting 3-4 methods
>>> from a package where I did a commit using iceberg it mostly appears.
>>> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #name
>>> [ :each | each includesPackageNamed: aPackage name ] in IceRepository
>>> class>>registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage: in Block: [ :each | each
>>> includesPackageNamed: aPackage name...etc...
>>> [ :each |
>>> (aBlock value: each)
>>> ifTrue: [ ^ foundBlock cull: each ] ] in
>>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone: in Block: [ :each |
>>> ...
>>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifFound:ifNone:
>>> OrderedCollection(Collection)>>detect:ifNone:
>>> IceRepository class>>registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage:
>>> ClyIcebergShowMethodVersionCommand class>>canBeExecutedInContext:
>>> ClyMethodContextOfFullBrowser(CmdToolContext)>>allowsExecutionOf:
>>> ClyBrowserTabCommandActivation(CmdCommandActivationStrategy)>>isActiveInContext:
>>> CmdCommandActivator>>canExecuteCommand
>>> CmdCommandActivator>>buildBrowserTabActions
>>> CmdCommandMenuItem>>buildBrowserTabActions
>>> [ :each | each buildBrowserTabActions ] in
>>> CmdRootMenuGroup(CmdMenuGroup)>>buildBrowserTabActions in Block: [ :each |
>>> each buildBrowserTabActions ]
>>> [ :each | col addAll: (aBlock value: each) ] in
>>> SortedCollection(Collection)>>flatCollect:as: in Block: [ :each | col
>>> addAll: (aBlock value: each) ]
>>> SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>>do:
>>> SortedCollection(Collection)>>flatCollect:as:
>>> SortedCollection>>flatCollect:
>>> CmdRootMenuGroup(CmdMenuGroup)>>buildBrowserTabActions
>>> CmdMenu>>buildBrowserTabActions
>>> ClyMethodCodeEditorToolMorph(ClyBrowserToolMorph)>>createTab
>>> ClyTabManager>>addTool:
>>> [ :each | self addTool: each ] in ClyTabManager>>updateTabsWith: in
>>> Block: [ :each | self addTool: each ]
>>> OrderedCollection>>do:
>>> ClyTabManager>>updateTabsWith:
>>> [ newTools := OrderedCollection new.
>>> browser
>>> navigationContextsDo: [ :each | self buildToolsOn: newTools for: each ].
>>> needsNewSelection := self requiresNewDesiredSelection.
>>> selectedTools := self selectedTools.
>>> currentTools := tools copy.
>>> self updateTabsWith: newTools.
>>> tools ~= currentTools | needsNewSelection
>>> ifTrue: [ self restoreSelectedTools: selectedTools ] ] in
>>> ClyTabManager>>updateTools in Block: [ newTools := OrderedCollection new
>>> BlockClosure>>ensure:
>>> ClyTabManager>>updateToolsBy:
>>> ClyTabManager>>updateTools
>>> ClyFullBrowser(ClyBrowserMorph)>>rebuildAllTools
>>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:23 AM Denis Kudriashov 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Hilaire.

 Can you reproduce it?

 пн, 14 янв. 2019 г. в 23:24, Hilaire via Pharo-users <>:

> Hi,
> After installing drgeo and save some modification on tonel repo. I got
> this persisting error on calypso whatever the button I click on the
> browser ui.
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Hilaire
Yes, it happens on two images. One fresh P7 where I installed GToolkit
and DrGeo then use its tonel repo (save changes). And the other one from
the GToolkit image download from and installed DrGeo then
use its tonel repo (save changes)

I don't use trait in DrGeo.


Le 15/01/2019 à 10:17, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :
> Can you reproduce it?

Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Andrei Chis
It happens if you create methods in a class having a superclass with
traits. For example if you create a subclass of BlElement you will get this

What class are you editing when you get this errror?


On Tue, 15 Jan 2019, 21:17 Hilaire  Yes, it happens on two images. One fresh P7 where I installed GToolkit
> and DrGeo then use its tonel repo (save changes). And the other one from
> the GToolkit image download from and installed DrGeo then
> use its tonel repo (save changes)
> I don't use trait in DrGeo.
> Hilaire
> Le 15/01/2019 à 10:17, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :
> > Can you reproduce it?
> --
> Dr. Geo

Re: [Pharo-users] #select was sent to nil

2019-01-15 Thread Hilaire via Pharo-users
--- Begin Message ---
Indeed, seems to only happen in a subclass of BlEement.


Le 15/01/2019 à 21:33, Andrei Chis a écrit :
> It happens if you create methods in a class having a superclass with
> traits. For example if you create a subclass of BlElement you will get
> this error.
> What class are you editing when you get this errror?
Dr. Geo

--- End Message ---

Re: [Pharo-users] A volunteer is desperately needed

2019-01-15 Thread Ben Coman
Hi Richard,

I like the way you've persevered to get it to this stage, so I'll be glad
to pitch in
now that its got some physicality to the project.

I'm not currently familiar with Bloc and Woden.  They are systems I've
been wanting to learn more about but I've not had a "need" to drive me to
So I'd value some goal directed learning to help me focus on it.

@all, what recipies are you using to kickoff your Visualworks to Pharo
I know I've seen several options mentioned before, but I can't pin them
down in the archives.
Also I imagine this area is improving over time, so looking for updated

cheers -ben

On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 at 05:44, Richard Kenneth Eng 

> I guess I should provide some more information about the competition. If
> you visit, you will see what it is that David was coding under
> the section, "Competition Rules."
> Here are some screen shots:
> A 2D view:
> [image: 2d-view.png]
> An OpenGL view:
> [image: opengl-view.png]
> The OpenGL view is *only* for making videos of the Competition to show to
> the public. The teams will be working with the 2D view.
> Attached is the VisualWorks source that needs to be converted to Pharo. I
> imagine the real work is re-implementing the graphics using Bloc and Woden.
> The competition engine should be fairly portable (Famous Last Words).
> It's not *that* big of an application. After all, David did it in only
> six weeks, even with his really busy schedule.
> I suppose I could try to do it myself, but since I'm hardly a Pharo
> expert, it would take me much, much longer. Could I do it by September?
> Maybe. I don't know that I'd put money on me, though.
> R
> On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 11:21, Richard Kenneth Eng <
>> wrote:
>> As you know, the James Robertson Memorial Programming Competition (or
>> JRMPC) is proceeding. You may recall that the decision was made to use
>> VisualWorks for the competition.
>> However, I now realize that it was the wrong decision. VisualWorks
>> presents a number of issues, such as:
>>1. licensing, esp. to minors (all high school students are minors)
>>2. awkward installation
>>3. poor community support – their forum is dead and their mailing
>>list is a PITA to use
>>4. lack of GitHub support – GitHub rules the programming world now
>>5. aging IDE and lack of innovation
>> All of this makes for a bad image, which is disastrous from the marketing
>> perspective.
>> David Buck coded the competition in VisualWorks because he wasn't
>> familiar with Pharo. His code is quite functional and he says it's about
>> 80% complete. He started coding just six weeks ago! So the remaining 20%
>> shouldn't be arduous.
>> Here are the things left to do:
>>- complete the OpenGL rendering of the competition and video recording
>>- add code to scan source code submitted by students to prevent
>>malware and cheating
>>- add code to allow full automation of the competition
>> The OpenGL rendering and video recordings will make the competition look
>> much more attractive to the public. This is vital because the competition
>> is a promotional and marketing event, and it has to look really good.
>> I need a Pharo expert to take over from David and convert the code base
>> to Pharo, then finish the remaining 20%. This needs to be done by September.
>> I'd really hate to scrap the project when we've made so much progress
>> already. I just need one Pharoer who truly believes that this marketing
>> event is worthwhile. Please give it serious consideration.
>> Thanks.

Re: [Pharo-users] A volunteer is desperately needed

2019-01-15 Thread tomo

For OpenGL stuff, I partially ported an OpenGL library for VisualWorks
called "Jun" to Pharo.
The Pharo version is available at .

The 3D pic that Richard posted looks like a simple polygon with a 3D image
as a texture.
The following code does something like that.

| square form rc projection morph |
square := Jun3dDisplayPolygon
with: -1 ,, 0 ,, -1
with: 1 ,, 0 ,, -1
with: 1 ,, 0 ,, 1
with: -1 ,, 0 ,, 1).
setTexture: (JunTexture on: JunSystem logo)
with: 0 ,, 1
with: 1 ,, 1
with: 1 ,, 0
with: 0 ,, 0).
projection := JunPerspectiveProjection
eyePoint: 2,, -2 ,, 2
sightPoint: 0 ,, 0 ,, 0
upVector: 0 ,, 0 ,, 1
fovy: 60 asDegrees
near: 0.1
far: 100.0.
form := Form extent: 500 @ 500 depth: 32.
rc := form renderingContext.
rc backgroundColor: (Color white alpha: 0.0).
rc projection: projection.
rc clear.
rc ambientLight: Color gray.
rc lightIndex: 0 parallel: projection eyePoint negated color: Color 
square renderOn: rc.
rc flush.
form asMorph openInWindow

Best Regards,

Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] A volunteer is desperately needed

2019-01-15 Thread horrido
Fantastic! I have your email, so we can begin collaboration. David Buck has
offered to give continuing advice and guidance, should you need it.

I may start looking into Bloc and Woden, as well. I don't know how helpful
I'll be, since I haven't done much programming in the past decade.

Much thanks.

Ben Coman wrote
> Hi Richard,
> I like the way you've persevered to get it to this stage, so I'll be glad
> to pitch in
> now that its got some physicality to the project.
> I'm not currently familiar with Bloc and Woden.  They are systems I've
> been wanting to learn more about but I've not had a "need" to drive me to
> it.
> So I'd value some goal directed learning to help me focus on it.
> @all, what recipies are you using to kickoff your Visualworks to Pharo
> ports?
> I know I've seen several options mentioned before, but I can't pin them
> down in the archives.
> Also I imagine this area is improving over time, so looking for updated
> info.
> cheers -ben
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 at 05:44, Richard Kenneth Eng <

> horrido.hobbies@

> >
> wrote:
>> I guess I should provide some more information about the competition. If
>> you visit, you will see what it is that David was coding under
>> the section, "Competition Rules."
>> Here are some screen shots:
>> A 2D view:
>> [image: 2d-view.png]
>> An OpenGL view:
>> [image: opengl-view.png]
>> The OpenGL view is *only* for making videos of the Competition to show to
>> the public. The teams will be working with the 2D view.
>> Attached is the VisualWorks source that needs to be converted to Pharo. I
>> imagine the real work is re-implementing the graphics using Bloc and
>> Woden.
>> The competition engine should be fairly portable (Famous Last Words).
>> It's not *that* big of an application. After all, David did it in only
>> six weeks, even with his really busy schedule.
>> I suppose I could try to do it myself, but since I'm hardly a Pharo
>> expert, it would take me much, much longer. Could I do it by September?
>> Maybe. I don't know that I'd put money on me, though.
>> R
>> On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 11:21, Richard Kenneth Eng <

> horrido.hobbies@

>> wrote:
>>> As you know, the James Robertson Memorial Programming Competition (or
>>> JRMPC) is proceeding. You may recall that the decision was made to use
>>> VisualWorks for the competition.
>>> However, I now realize that it was the wrong decision. VisualWorks
>>> presents a number of issues, such as:
>>>1. licensing, esp. to minors (all high school students are minors)
>>>2. awkward installation
>>>3. poor community support – their forum is dead and their mailing
>>>list is a PITA to use
>>>4. lack of GitHub support – GitHub rules the programming world now
>>>5. aging IDE and lack of innovation
>>> All of this makes for a bad image, which is disastrous from the
>>> marketing
>>> perspective.
>>> David Buck coded the competition in VisualWorks because he wasn't
>>> familiar with Pharo. His code is quite functional and he says it's about
>>> 80% complete. He started coding just six weeks ago! So the remaining 20%
>>> shouldn't be arduous.
>>> Here are the things left to do:
>>>- complete the OpenGL rendering of the competition and video
>>> recording
>>>- add code to scan source code submitted by students to prevent
>>>malware and cheating
>>>- add code to allow full automation of the competition
>>> The OpenGL rendering and video recordings will make the competition look
>>> much more attractive to the public. This is vital because the
>>> competition
>>> is a promotional and marketing event, and it has to look really good.
>>> I need a Pharo expert to take over from David and convert the code base
>>> to Pharo, then finish the remaining 20%. This needs to be done by
>>> September.
>>> I'd really hate to scrap the project when we've made so much progress
>>> already. I just need one Pharoer who truly believes that this marketing
>>> event is worthwhile. Please give it serious consideration.
>>> Thanks.
> 2d-view.png (21K)
> ;
> opengl-view.png (102K)
> ;

Sent from: