Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread Christophe Demarey
Hi Stefan,

> Le 8 nov. 2017 à 15:56, stephan  a écrit :
> I run into all kinds of issues with the directory structure used by the new 
> PharoLauncher. pharo-local seems to be shared now for multiple images.

I never saw this issue.
PharoLauncher does not have influence on the pharo-local directory of launched 
images. pharo-local directory is located in the same directory as the image run.

in a Pharo 6.1 image:
^ self class userLocalDirectory 
ifNil: [ (self imageDirectory / self class 
defaultLocalDirectoryName) ensureCreateDirectory ]

^ UserLocalDirectory ifNil: [ 
FileLocator workingDirectory / self defaultLocalDirectoryName  ]

Maybe you run Pharo 7 images and this change «  Build #203: 
05723-Default-Working-Directory »  has a side effect?

> That makes using configurations practically impossible as they are not 
> expecting to have to deal with pre-downloaded older and newer monticello 
> files. The missing sources files is less of a problem.
> Stephan

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread Guillermo Polito
An analysis of the situation so people out of context can understand better
the forces in play here :)

 - *Working directory and files constant property:* files defined using a
*relative path* are created relative to the working directory.
In other words:
   File named: 'something/other/myfile.txt'
will be created in FileSystem workingDirectory.
This was always like this when we used the file primitives.
The diverging behaviour was introduced actually by FileSystem:
FileSystem used to create by default all files relative to the image
directory. And at some point all tools adapted to that and the correct
behaviour was hidden.

- *Change in working directory:* Before, pharo always satisfied the
following property:
   FileSystem workingDirectory = FileSystem imageDirectory

   This is no longer true for every case.
   Now, the workingDirectory is aligned with the process' working directory
(This is the equivalent to getcwd() in C, pwd command in linux, $PWD in
   I explained a couple of weeks ago in an email, this may break some eggs,
specially for those tools that wrongly assume FileSystem workingDirectory =
FileSystem imageDirectory.
   Tools requiring imageDirectory should use imageDirectory explicit. At
least that will keep backwards compatibility.
   For other cases, we should probably study them case by case and provide
a satisfying solution.

   This change does however not affect everybody, and most of the times it
is backwards compatible:

   ** This does not affect in general people launching usually pharo from
the command line and using zeroconf:
   $ wget
   $ ./pharo Pharo.image
   ## Here, FileSystem workingDirectory *=* FileSystem imageDirectory
because I launched my image from the directory where my image is!

   ** This does affect people that are:
  - launching Pharo doing double click.
  In this case, we saw with Denis and Pavel a week ago that osx
assigns as working directory the root directory "/"
  Users of files should be aware of this and applications should
not abuse the workingDirectory. If they want to enforce the imageDirectory,
they should do so explicitly.

 - launching Pharo from the pharo launcher (taken from this thread)
 Apparently the pharo launcher is launching the image from a
directory internal to the launcher. This means that the working directory
will be assigned to that directory. I'd expect that the directory structure
is private to the launcher...
I find even strange that the launcher puts pharo-local where the
image is...

Given this, possible solutions are:
  - On fileout, chose a correct directory when launched from double click
  - Make the pharo launcher set a well-known working directory when
launching an image
  - one possibility is to set $HOME
  - another possibility is to set the image directory (this will keep
backwards compatibility)

@Stef: about the #fullname. It is not there because it is not implemented
:). We did not have the possibility of calculating a correct full path
until a couple of weeks ago (and before, even if we did so, it couldn't be
done without introducing a dependency to a non-kernel package).

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Christophe Demarey <> wrote:

> Hi Stefan,
> > Le 8 nov. 2017 à 15:56, stephan  a écrit :
> >
> > I run into all kinds of issues with the directory structure used by the
> new PharoLauncher. pharo-local seems to be shared now for multiple images.
> I never saw this issue.
> PharoLauncher does not have influence on the pharo-local directory of
> launched images. pharo-local directory is located in the same directory as
> the image run.
> in a Pharo 6.1 image:
> localDirectory
> ^ self class userLocalDirectory
> ifNil: [ (self imageDirectory / self class
> defaultLocalDirectoryName) ensureCreateDirectory ]
> userLocalDirectory
> ^ UserLocalDirectory ifNil: [
> FileLocator workingDirectory / self
> defaultLocalDirectoryName  ]
> Maybe you run Pharo 7 images and this change «  Build #203:
> 05723-Default-Working-Directory »  has a side effect?
> > That makes using configurations practically impossible as they are not
> expecting to have to deal with pre-downloaded older and newer monticello
> files. The missing sources files is less of a problem.
> >
> > Stephan
> >
> >


Guille Polito

Research Engineer

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille

CRIStAL - UMR 9189

French National Center for Scientific Research - *

*Web:* ** 

*Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread stephan

On 09-11-17 10:18, Guillermo Polito wrote:
An analysis of the situation so people out of context can understand 
better the forces in play here :)

Thanks Guille, that clears up a number of my misunderstandings


Re: [Pharo-users] Soup bug(fix)

2017-11-09 Thread Siemen Baader
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:45 PM, PBKResearch 

> Siemen
> Stef should have added that XPath depends on using Monty's XMLParser
> suite. I tried your snippet on XMLDOMParser, and it parses correctly. I
> always use XMLHTMLParser for parsing HTML, because I can always see the
> exact relationship between the parsed structure and the original HTML. With
> Soup I often found the match difficult or even impossible.

Thanks Stef & Peter. I'm going with XMLHTMLParser, it is indeed nicer to
work with in the inspector. I'm scraping my own html files (to create a
mock DOM object of my HTML to work with in Pharo) so I think I will switch
to xhtml too to reduce the complexity.

Nice chapter, I only saw it briefly before and didn't realize that
XMLHTMLParser is a newer replacement for Soup.

-- Siemen

[Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Tim Mackinnon
Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I was 
preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t ashamed of 
our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact - letting you 
poke around and get your thoughts straight).

However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through a test 
and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser always shows a 
red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I have to run the test 

This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or something?


Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread Christophe Demarey

> Le 9 nov. 2017 à 10:18, Guillermo Polito  a écrit :
>  - launching Pharo from the pharo launcher (taken from this thread)
>  Apparently the pharo launcher is launching the image from a 
> directory internal to the launcher.

In the Pharo launcher, I explicitly set the current working directory to the VM 
directory so that the VM can find its files.

> This means that the working directory will be assigned to that directory. I'd 
> expect that the directory structure is private to the launcher...
> I find even strange that the launcher puts pharo-local where the 
> image is…

Pharo Launcher does not choose where to put pharo-local. It just stands in the 
standard place aside the launched image.

>  Given this, possible solutions are:
>   - On fileout, chose a correct directory when launched from double click
>   - Make the pharo launcher set a well-known working directory when launching 
> an image
>   - one possibility is to set $HOME
>   - another possibility is to set the image directory (this will keep 
> backwards compatibility)

I think the last solution: set the working directory to the image directory is 
the best option.
It will require to find another way to get the vm find its files (probably with 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, do not know if it will be enough) and a lot of testing.
I will try to work on it next week.

Stephan, could you open an issue for that on GH?

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Denis Kudriashov
Hi Tim.

Fix is here
Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never
take it seriously :)

2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :

> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I
> was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t
> ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact -
> letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through a
> test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser always
> shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I have to
> run the test again.
> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or
> something?
> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Denis Kudriashov
And now it is in latest Pharo

2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :

> Hi Tim.
> Fix is here 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-
> green-when-proceed  .
> Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never
> take it seriously :)
> 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
>> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I
>> was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t
>> ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact -
>> letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
>> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through
>> a test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser
>> always shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I
>> have to run the test again.
>> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or
>> something?
>> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Andrew Glynn
Lol, you can joke from where you are, my father-in-law firmly believes I’m a 
member of the “Illuminati” due to having gone to Jesuit seminaries until the 
end of secondary school.

Then again, it makes him more polite since he’s a bit scared of me, so I 
suppose it has its benefits …


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source and died 
before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati conspiracy of porting 
Smalltalk break througts to "inferior" technology, as happens once and again 

On 09/11/17 02:40, Norbert Hartl wrote:
Everytime I read such discussions I wonder what happened to the Sophie code. 
There be might be some gems in it to achieve what you want


Am 09.11.2017 um 03:49 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
I remember using CompendiumNG some time ago, but not for presentations. 
Hopefully, we will have something better, with metamedium capabilities, 
including embedding other media and make it programmable in Pharo, without 
going to the "disastrous" slide metaphor.

On 08/11/17 20:31, Andrew Glynn wrote:
I agree with you – on the rare occasions I do still do presentations I tend to 
use CompendiumNG, which is similar to a mind map but can contain any content, 
including multimedia content.  It was an Open University project but was used 
sufficiently elsewhere that when the Open University decided they were done 
with it the project was forked and continued by others.
It’s written in Java, currently I believe there’s no binary although it’s easy 
to build.  If you just wanted the installer jar to try it out though let me 
Honestly though I’d probably still use Director if it weren’t for Adobe’s 
Andrew Glynn
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?
On 07/11/17 19:39, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>> The idea of slides seems
>> pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.
> Amen, brother! Alan Kay would be proud :)
Maybe. I refer the whole aesthetics of slides (even the ones with
animations or simulations). You go in slide at the time, bullet point by
bullet point, loosing context and perspective. My usual approach is mind
maps. In [1] you can see the exported SVG version of the one I use in a
Grafoscopio workshop. Source code is in [2].

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source and
died before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati conspiracy of
porting Smalltalk break througts to "inferior" technology, as happens
once and again :-P).


On 09/11/17 02:40, Norbert Hartl wrote:
> Everytime I read such discussions I wonder what happened to the Sophie
> code. There be might be some gems in it to achieve what you want
> Norbert
> Am 09.11.2017 um 03:49 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> I remember using CompendiumNG some time ago, but not for
>> presentations. Hopefully, we will have something better, with
>> metamedium capabilities, including embedding other media and make it
>> programmable in Pharo, without going to the "disastrous" slide metaphor.
>> Cheers,
>> Offray
>> On 08/11/17 20:31, Andrew Glynn wrote:
>>> I agree with you – on the rare occasions I do still do presentations
>>> I tend to use CompendiumNG, which is similar to a mind map but can
>>> contain any content, including multimedia content.  It was an Open
>>> University project but was used sufficiently elsewhere that when the
>>> Open University decided they were done with it the project was
>>> forked and continued by others.
>>> It’s written in Java, currently I believe there’s no binary although
>>> it’s easy to build.  If you just wanted the installer jar to try it
>>> out though let me know.
>>> Honestly though I’d probably still use Director if it weren’t for
>>> Adobe’s pricing.
>>> Andrew Glynn
>>> Sent from Mail  for
>>> Windows 10
>>> *From: *Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>>> *Sent: *Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:45 AM
>>> *To: * 
>>> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations
>>> in Pharo?
>>> On 07/11/17 19:39, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
>>> > Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>>> >> The idea of slides seems
>>> >> pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.
>>> > Amen, brother! Alan Kay would be proud :)
>>> > 
>>> Maybe. I refer the whole aesthetics of slides (even the ones with
>>> animations or simulations). You go in slide at the time, bullet point by
>>> bullet point, loosing context and perspective. My usual approach is mind
>>> maps. In [1] you can see the exported SVG version of the one I use in a
>>> Grafoscopio workshop. Source code is in [2].
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
As said, Illuminati everywhere... :-D

On 09/11/17 08:26, Andrew Glynn wrote:
> Lol, you can joke from where you are, my father-in-law firmly believes
> I’m a member of the “Illuminati” due to having gone to Jesuit
> seminaries until the end of secondary school.
> Then again, it makes him more polite since he’s a bit scared of me, so
> I suppose it has its benefits …
> Andrew
> Sent from Mail  for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> *Sent: *Thursday, November 9, 2017 8:23 AM
> *To: * 
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations
> in Pharo?
> Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source
> and died before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati
> conspiracy of porting Smalltalk break througts to "inferior"
> technology, as happens once and again :-P).
> Offray
> On 09/11/17 02:40, Norbert Hartl wrote:
> Everytime I read such discussions I wonder what happened to the
> Sophie code. There be might be some gems in it to achieve what you
> want
> Norbert
> Am 09.11.2017 um 03:49 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> I remember using CompendiumNG some time ago, but not for
> presentations. Hopefully, we will have something better, with
> metamedium capabilities, including embedding other media and
> make it programmable in Pharo, without going to the
> "disastrous" slide metaphor.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 08/11/17 20:31, Andrew Glynn wrote:
> I agree with you – on the rare occasions I do still do
> presentations I tend to use CompendiumNG, which is similar
> to a mind map but can contain any content, including
> multimedia content.  It was an Open University project but
> was used sufficiently elsewhere that when the Open
> University decided they were done with it the project was
> forked and continued by others.
> It’s written in Java, currently I believe there’s no
> binary although it’s easy to build.  If you just wanted
> the installer jar to try it out though let me know.
> Honestly though I’d probably still use Director if it
> weren’t for Adobe’s pricing.
> Andrew Glynn
> Sent from Mail
>  for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> *Sent: *Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:45 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like
> presentations in Pharo?
> On 07/11/17 19:39, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> > Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
> >> The idea of slides seems
> >> pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.
> > Amen, brother! Alan Kay would be proud :)
> > 
> Maybe. I refer the whole aesthetics of slides (even the
> ones with
> animations or simulations). You go in slide at the time,
> bullet point by
> bullet point, loosing context and perspective. My usual
> approach is mind
> maps. In [1] you can see the exported SVG version of the
> one I use in a
> Grafoscopio workshop. Source code is in [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers,
> Offray

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Andrew Glynn
Search and ye shall receive! … Or find, or whatever …

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfFFI';

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFFI) project latestVersion) load.

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'SophieGoldDig';
package: 'SpdQT';

Warning, this was last tested as far as I can tell in Pharo 1.1.1.


From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source and died 
before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati conspiracy of porting 
Smalltalk break througts to "inferior" technology, as happens once and again 

On 09/11/17 02:40, Norbert Hartl wrote:
Everytime I read such discussions I wonder what happened to the Sophie code. 
There be might be some gems in it to achieve what you want


Am 09.11.2017 um 03:49 schrieb Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
I remember using CompendiumNG some time ago, but not for presentations. 
Hopefully, we will have something better, with metamedium capabilities, 
including embedding other media and make it programmable in Pharo, without 
going to the "disastrous" slide metaphor.

On 08/11/17 20:31, Andrew Glynn wrote:
I agree with you – on the rare occasions I do still do presentations I tend to 
use CompendiumNG, which is similar to a mind map but can contain any content, 
including multimedia content.  It was an Open University project but was used 
sufficiently elsewhere that when the Open University decided they were done 
with it the project was forked and continued by others.
It’s written in Java, currently I believe there’s no binary although it’s easy 
to build.  If you just wanted the installer jar to try it out though let me 
Honestly though I’d probably still use Director if it weren’t for Adobe’s 
Andrew Glynn
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?
On 07/11/17 19:39, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
> Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2 wrote
>> The idea of slides seems
>> pretty anachronistic/boring for making presentations.
> Amen, brother! Alan Kay would be proud :)
Maybe. I refer the whole aesthetics of slides (even the ones with
animations or simulations). You go in slide at the time, bullet point by
bullet point, loosing context and perspective. My usual approach is mind
maps. In [1] you can see the exported SVG version of the one I use in a
Grafoscopio workshop. Source code is in [2].

Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Marcus Denker

> On 9 Nov 2017, at 14:22, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>  wrote:
> Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source and died 
> before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati conspiracy of porting 
> Smalltalk break througts to "inferior" technology, as happens once and again 
> :-P).
Sophie was one of the reason I got so, umm, upset? about Squeak… I mean even 
though the project failed, the results where on a level that
they could have been used to improve Squeak quite radically. All the base 
technology was more or less finished and working 
(maybe a bit complex at times, cf. Tweak…).

I still do not understand why everyone back then had this “Squeak is 
untouchable, you can only build on top or you are an evil person” view
of the world.

Just imagine the people who did Sophie would have done their work by 
*contributing* to Squeak in a serious way (in the sense of evolving it into the 
thing). The resulting system would have been amazing. 

The fact that Sophie failed as a project would have been not important *at all*.
You could finance an amazing platform by just doing failed projects. As long as 
you do them open source and feed back the results.

The same happened with everything Etoys, with everything Croquet. And even 
though there where people working on all these things
at the same time. To me this is a mystery. It made no sense, at all. 


Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

2017-11-09 Thread Andrew Glynn
People mistake my notion of a platform having a stable core so that it can be 
built on, with never changing that core one bit.  A stable, evolving core is 
precisely what allows rapid and flexible new product improvement. 

Wasn’t that the whole point of deprecation rather than replacement?  It gives 
developers of a given product a version or two to update their code when the 
base evolves.

It’s a mystery to me overall though, as well.


From: Marcus Denker
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 8:48 AM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?

On 9 Nov 2017, at 14:22, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 

Sophie looked very promising... Unfortunately it was not open source and died 
before porting it to Java (following the Illuminati conspiracy of porting 
Smalltalk break througts to "inferior" technology, as happens once and again 

Sophie was one of the reason I got so, umm, upset? about Squeak… I mean even 
though the project failed, the results where on a level that
they could have been used to improve Squeak quite radically. All the base 
technology was more or less finished and working 
(maybe a bit complex at times, cf. Tweak…).

I still do not understand why everyone back then had this “Squeak is 
untouchable, you can only build on top or you are an evil person” view
of the world.

Just imagine the people who did Sophie would have done their work by 
*contributing* to Squeak in a serious way (in the sense of evolving it into the 
thing). The resulting system would have been amazing. 

The fact that Sophie failed as a project would have been not important *at all*.
You could finance an amazing platform by just doing failed projects. As long as 
you do them open source and feed back the results.

The same happened with everything Etoys, with everything Croquet. And even 
though there where people working on all these things
at the same time. To me this is a mystery. It made no sense, at all. 


Re: [Pharo-users] LiteratureResearcher - where graphs, PDFs, and BibTex happily live together

2017-11-09 Thread Manuel Leuenberger
Hi everyone,

The estimation of packaging everything over the weekend was overly optimistic. 
There were just too many issues with portability and dependencies, leading to a 
long chain of installation requirements. Nevertheless, I decided to publish 
what I have so far, maybe some of you have more experience in making Pharo 
applications like this portable, especially Python is giving me a headache 

So, here are two source repositories and a all-in-one package, which may work 
for some of you (still macOS only):

LiteratureResearcher sources 
 contains the main sources and 
make scripts. Installation through Metacello should make the project, takes a 
PharoUriScheme source 
 contains the sources for the pharo:// 
protocol wrapper. This is mainly an Xcode project, which introduces the 
platform dependency. This project can also be extended to support Linux and 
The all-in-one package 
contains the LiteratureResearcher, still requires Java, Python 2.7, and 
virtualenv (shame on you, Python). Might work for some.

Comments and contributors are very welcome, post issues, fork, create PRs, 


> On 2 Nov 2017, at 20:33, Manuel Leuenberger  wrote:
> Hi Stef,
> The PDF integration consists of three parts:
> 1. CERMINE ( 
> ) is fed with the PDF and outputs metadata 
> as BibTex and a structured XML (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, 
> keyword, references, …). This is not perfect, but way better than any other 
> metadata extractor I could find.
> 2. From the metadata I generate hyperlinks that are anchored in the PDF by a 
> text key. pdf-linker ( 
> ) then searches for the anchors in the 
> PDF text, using heuristics, as PDF has a document model that is primarily 
> intended for rendering and printing, but not for processing. The hyperlinks 
> are then inserted using the awesome Apache PDFBox ( 
> ).
> 3. Those hyperlinks point to an URI like 
> “pharo://handle/ 
> ” to represent a reference 1 
> in the paper 2. Now comes the magic part: The OS allows you to register 
> custom handlers for custom URI schemes like pharo://. For that I created a 
> simple Objective-C app that handles the event and passes it over as a HTTP 
> message to a server running in Pharo ( 
> ). The OS will even start the 
> application if it is not yet running.
> While the custom URI scheme approach is super powerful, it has critical 
> drawbacks. Any application can request to be the receiver of a URI scheme, 
> just as browser are for http://. Especially on mobile devices with limited 
> access to the OS, this opens up an attack point for malware apps that 
> replicate original apps that make use of schemes like facebook:// and 
> eavesdrop all interactions. If an original app transmits any unencrypted 
> secrets or user data encoded in those URIs, malware can easily intercept it 
> without the user noticing the leak. I guess this is the reason why many PDF 
> viewer just support the standard http:// and mailto:// schemes. E.g., macOS 
> Preview gives just an audible beep when I click on a pharo:// link, Chromes 
> viewer doesn’t even bother giving any feedback. Only Adobe Acrobat allows you 
> to relax security settings to make them work (How could it be someone else 
> than Adobe, when it’s a security issue? ;).
> I finished basic packaging today and will continue with some READMEs and a 
> nearly-all-in-one distribution tomorrow, I’ll keep you posted in this thread.
> Cheers,
> Manuel
>> On 2 Nov 2017, at 18:08, Stephane Ducasse > > wrote:
>> Hi manuel
>> this is super cool :)
>> Could you describe how you did the pdf integration?
>> And yes please package it :)
>> I want to try it.
>> Stef
>> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:16 PM, Manuel Leuenberger
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I was experimenting in the last few weeks with my take on literature
>>> research. For me, the corpus of scientific papers form an interconnected
>>> graph, not those plain lists and tables we keep in our bibliographies. So,
>>> here is the first prototype that has Google Scholar integration for search,
>>> can fetch PDFs from IEEE and ACM, extracts metadata from PDFs - all this
>>> results in hyperlinked PDFs!
>>> See a demo here: 

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Tim Mackinnon
Thanks for looking at this - there is an issue however - when you apply that 
change (at least in a Pharo 6.1 image) - it shows green even when a test fails? 
So I think its turned one problem into the opposite one.

Unfortunately I haven’t got a chance to look a bit deeper to help - but it 
might be worth rolling back this change for now. We should fix it though - and 
the answer must be in the area you have identified.


> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:43, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> And now it is in latest Pharo
> 2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov  >:
> Hi Tim.
> Fix is here 
> 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-green-when-proceed 
>  . 
> Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never 
> take it seriously :)
> 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon  >:
> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I was 
> preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t ashamed 
> of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact - letting 
> you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through a 
> test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser always 
> shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I have to run 
> the test again.
> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or something?
> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Richard Sargent
I saw this earlier and thought it was wrong to make that change. You cannot
assign a colour to the test if it does not run all the way through without
interruption. You cannot know whether it truly succeeded or not until you
finally run it all the way through without error or interruption.

Leave it uncoloured until you (can) know for certain.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Tim Mackinnon  wrote:

> Thanks for looking at this - there is an issue however - when you apply
> that change (at least in a Pharo 6.1 image) - it shows green even when a
> test fails? So I think its turned one problem into the opposite one.
> Unfortunately I haven’t got a chance to look a bit deeper to help - but it
> might be worth rolling back this change for now. We should fix it though -
> and the answer must be in the area you have identified.
> tim
> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:43, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> And now it is in latest Pharo
> 2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :
>> Hi Tim.
>> Fix is here 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-gre
>> en-when-proceed  .
>> Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never
>> take it seriously :)
>> 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
>>> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I
>>> was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t
>>> ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact -
>>> letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
>>> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through
>>> a test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser
>>> always shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I
>>> have to run the test again.
>>> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or
>>> something?
>>> Tim

[Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Federico.Balaguer
I would like to check if I need to use SmaCC for a project. I tried to
install it on Pharo 6.1 32bits with iceberg but I was not able to do it.

Then I tried to get SmaCC on an Pharo5 and Pharo6  images with "Catalog
Browser" but I was not able to do it neither. The tool did pop up a message
saying that Smacc was not tested for Pharo6 which was nice.

Then I tried to clone the git repository to my local machine,  I pointed
iceberg to that local repository and then I loaded each package by hand. I
was able to load BaselineOfSmaccBrowser but SmaCC-Rewrite-Engine failed to
load with a debugger with a list of classes and methods that are missing
(they are listed at the end of this message). 

Could some give an idea how to fix this?

Thanks. Federico

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Thierry Goubier

Hi Frederico,

could you try in a Pharo6.1 image

Metacello new
baseline: 'SmaCC';
repository: 'github://ThierryGoubier/SmaCC';

SmaCC has a fairly complex set of dependencies, so loading it via the 
baseline should be the preferred way.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions on SmaCC.



Le 09/11/2017 à 19:06, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :

I would like to check if I need to use SmaCC for a project. I tried to
install it on Pharo 6.1 32bits with iceberg but I was not able to do it.

Then I tried to get SmaCC on an Pharo5 and Pharo6  images with "Catalog
Browser" but I was not able to do it neither. The tool did pop up a message
saying that Smacc was not tested for Pharo6 which was nice.

Then I tried to clone the git repository to my local machine,  I pointed
iceberg to that local repository and then I loaded each package by hand. I
was able to load BaselineOfSmaccBrowser but SmaCC-Rewrite-Engine failed to
load with a debugger with a list of classes and methods that are missing
(they are listed at the end of this message).

Could some give an idea how to fix this?

Thanks. Federico

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Federico.Balaguer
It works! Thanks a lot and I will be asking questions for sure.

Thanks for your quick reply


Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread stephan

On 09-11-17 11:49, Christophe Demarey wrote:

Stephan, could you open an issue for that on GH?


Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Federico.Balaguer
I am following this tutorial

I typed the first example and when I try to compile either LR(1) or LALR(1)
there is a pop-up saying that both clases where not specified. I also tried
adding the classes for the scanner and parser manually but I got the result.

There are a couple other things in the tutorial at the very start that
didn't add up. I can send an annotated pdf if that is of any help



Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 09/11/2017 à 20:15, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :

I am following this tutorial

I typed the first example and when I try to compile either LR(1) or LALR(1)
there is a pop-up saying that both clases where not specified. I also tried
adding the classes for the scanner and parser manually but I got the result.

Yes. I changed the GUI and that means I need to update the booklet.

This part:

• Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
• Once you are done:
– Click on the Scanner class and type ExpressionScanner.
– Click on the Parser class and type ExpressionParser.
• press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.

Should now be:

• Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
• Once you are done:
– Type ExpressionParser and return in the text field left of Parser:.
• press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.

There are a couple other things in the tutorial at the very start that
didn't add up. I can send an annotated pdf if that is of any help

Yes, that would be very helpfull!





Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Denis Kudriashov
In Pharo 7 it works.

2017-11-09 18:29 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :

> Thanks for looking at this - there is an issue however - when you apply
> that change (at least in a Pharo 6.1 image) - it shows green even when a
> test fails? So I think its turned one problem into the opposite one.
> Unfortunately I haven’t got a chance to look a bit deeper to help - but it
> might be worth rolling back this change for now. We should fix it though -
> and the answer must be in the area you have identified.
> tim
> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:43, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> And now it is in latest Pharo
> 2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :
>> Hi Tim.
>> Fix is here 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-gre
>> en-when-proceed  .
>> Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never
>> take it seriously :)
>> 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
>>> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I
>>> was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t
>>> ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact -
>>> letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
>>> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through
>>> a test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser
>>> always shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I
>>> have to run the test again.
>>> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or
>>> something?
>>> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Yes thierry :) your turn now :)


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:41 PM, Thierry Goubier
> Le 09/11/2017 à 20:15, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :
>> I am following this tutorial
>> I typed the first example and when I try to compile either LR(1) or
>> LALR(1)
>> there is a pop-up saying that both clases where not specified. I also
>> tried
>> adding the classes for the scanner and parser manually but I got the
>> result.
> Yes. I changed the GUI and that means I need to update the booklet.
> This part:
> • Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
> • Once you are done:
> – Click on the Scanner class and type ExpressionScanner.
> – Click on the Parser class and type ExpressionParser.
> • press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.
> Should now be:
> • Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
> • Once you are done:
> – Type ExpressionParser and return in the text field left of Parser:.
> • press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.
>> There are a couple other things in the tutorial at the very start that
>> didn't add up. I can send an annotated pdf if that is of any help
> Yes, that would be very helpfull!
> Thanks,
> Thierry
>> Thanks!!
>> Federico
>> --
>> Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread Christophe Demarey

> Le 9 nov. 2017 à 20:10, stephan  a écrit :
> On 09-11-17 11:49, Christophe Demarey wrote:
>> Stephan, could you open an issue for that on GH?
> Stephan

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Thierry andrew would like to write a new chapter. Now as soon as you
fix the current version I will publish it on the


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Stephane Ducasse
> Yes thierry :) your turn now :)
> Stef
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:41 PM, Thierry Goubier
>  wrote:
>> Le 09/11/2017 à 20:15, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :
>>> I am following this tutorial
>>> I typed the first example and when I try to compile either LR(1) or
>>> LALR(1)
>>> there is a pop-up saying that both clases where not specified. I also
>>> tried
>>> adding the classes for the scanner and parser manually but I got the
>>> result.
>> Yes. I changed the GUI and that means I need to update the booklet.
>> This part:
>> • Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
>> • Once you are done:
>> – Click on the Scanner class and type ExpressionScanner.
>> – Click on the Parser class and type ExpressionParser.
>> • press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.
>> Should now be:
>> • Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
>> • Once you are done:
>> – Type ExpressionParser and return in the text field left of Parser:.
>> • press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.
>>> There are a couple other things in the tutorial at the very start that
>>> didn't add up. I can send an annotated pdf if that is of any help
>> Yes, that would be very helpfull!
>> Thanks,
>> Thierry
>>> Thanks!!
>>> Federico
>>> --
>>> Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] PharoLauncher directories

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Thanks Christophe!!!

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Christophe Demarey
> thanks
>> Le 9 nov. 2017 à 20:10, stephan  a écrit :
>> On 09-11-17 11:49, Christophe Demarey wrote:
>>> Stephan, could you open an issue for that on GH?
>> Stephan

[Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Викентий Потапов

Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where 
translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally 
changed without changing my application.

It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with lots of 
UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.

I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia due to 
politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple 
internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but 
sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.

By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1 installation 
("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load - error caused by 
cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i had no feedback from 

best regards,
Vikenti Potapov. 

Re: [Pharo-users] Soup bug(fix)

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
You should try the Xpath tutorial because the code of the magic the
gathering was quite ugly generated html and I could find my way.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Kjell Godo  wrote:
> i like to collect some newspaper comics from an online newspaper
>  but it takes really long to do it by hand by hand
> i tried Soup but i didn’t get anywhere
>  the pictures were hidden behind a script or something
> is there anything to do about that? i don’t want to collect them all
> i have the XPath .pdf but i haven’t read it yet
> these browsers seem to gobble up memory
>  and while open they just keep getting bigger till the OS session crash
>  might there be a browser that is more minimal?
> Vivaldi seems better at not bloating up RAM

Re: [Pharo-users] Soup bug(fix)

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Indeed the interaction with the inspector is great.
Now could you still improve soup?
What is your smalltalkhub account?

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Siemen Baader  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:45 PM, PBKResearch 
> wrote:
>> Siemen
>> Stef should have added that XPath depends on using Monty's XMLParser
>> suite. I tried your snippet on XMLDOMParser, and it parses correctly. I
>> always use XMLHTMLParser for parsing HTML, because I can always see the
>> exact relationship between the parsed structure and the original HTML. With
>> Soup I often found the match difficult or even impossible.
> Thanks Stef & Peter. I'm going with XMLHTMLParser, it is indeed nicer to
> work with in the inspector. I'm scraping my own html files (to create a mock
> DOM object of my HTML to work with in Pharo) so I think I will switch to
> xhtml too to reduce the complexity.
> Nice chapter, I only saw it briefly before and didn't realize that
> XMLHTMLParser is a newer replacement for Soup.
> -- Siemen

[Pharo-users] FileReference basename of current dir

2017-11-09 Thread Norbert Hartl
is there a good explanation why

‚foo‘ asFileReference parent basename 

gives ‚/‘ ?

Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Stephane Ducasse
Hi vikenti

I would love. Now if nobody using a different alphabet does not give
us feedback and help we will not really make progress.
Denis how do you it?
Hilaire is using gettext or something like that in DrGeo.

Vikenti did you check the Entreprise Pharo book because it contains
nice chapters from svn on cahracter encoding.

By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1
installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image
load - error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't
solved and i had no feedback from community.

Did you report it?
We are slowly deprecating the old streams (because they are messy) and
replacing then with ZnStreams.
Now if you want to help this would be useful to produce a better Pharo.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:29 PM, Викентий Потапов
> Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
> I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where 
> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally 
> changed without changing my application.
> It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with lots 
> of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
> I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia due to 
> politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple 
> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but 
> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1 
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load - 
> error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i had 
> no feedback from community.
> best regards,
> Vikenti Potapov.

Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Denis Kudriashov

2017-11-09 22:15 GMT+01:00 Stephane Ducasse :

> Hi vikenti
> I would love. Now if nobody using a different alphabet does not give
> us feedback and help we will not really make progress.
> Denis how do you it?

I got this kind of errors in past with Pharo 1 on Windows XP. Now I was
sure that it was fixed. I checked it with Pharo 3 (I guess).
Now I have no such environment to test.

> Hilaire is using gettext or something like that in DrGeo.
> Vikenti did you check the Entreprise Pharo book because it contains
> nice chapters from svn on cahracter encoding.
> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image
> load - error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't
> solved and i had no feedback from community.
> Did you report it?
> We are slowly deprecating the old streams (because they are messy) and
> replacing then with ZnStreams.
> Now if you want to help this would be useful to produce a better Pharo.
> Stef
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:29 PM, Викентий Потапов
>  wrote:
> >
> > Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
> > I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where
> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally
> changed without changing my application.
> >
> > It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with
> lots of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
> >
> > I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia
> due to politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple
> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but
> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
> >
> > By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load
> - error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i
> had no feedback from community.
> >
> > best regards,
> > Vikenti Potapov.
> >
> >

Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Denis Kudriashov
In my experience I used my own custom implementation to support multiple
languages. It was based on super simple dictionary of
lang->labelName->text. I loaded it from custom xml file.
My problem was that I never understood how gettext is supposed to be used
on Windows.

2017-11-09 21:29 GMT+01:00 Викентий Потапов :

> Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
> I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where
> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally
> changed without changing my application.
> It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with
> lots of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
> I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia due
> to politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple
> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but
> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load
> - error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i
> had no feedback from community.
> best regards,
> Vikenti Potapov.

Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Torsten Bergmann
The Pharo 7/8 roadmap does not (yet) include I18N:

and the Pharo core image still includes the "NaturalLanguageTranslator" 
solution still from Squeak. See this class for more details and 
all senders of #translated message. So far the whole Pharo UI is in English and 
while books, the mooc or others were translated the Pharo
image so far is not.
I guess some more work would be needed also on the font frontier to provide an 
internationalized image and the different languages.

But for own applications (like web applications) there are some more (external) 

1. I once wrote and announced an own I18N framwork:
   which is fully documented on!/~TorstenBergmann/I18N but is a completely 
proprietary solution.

2. There is also some stuff from Jan van de Sandt:

3. And there is GetText (from Seaside web framework) which I guess is either 
   or now maintained here:

   Unfortunately back at the time this one was not independently loadable and 
had other trouble which I critisized on

   Maybe situation for this project has improved.

But so far nobody pushed I18N really into Pharo ... 

4. Therefore back in 2014 I started with a consolidation by starting a clean 
room implementation of Gettext - based on code from 3.
   but now with tests and Pharo Spec based tools (see screenshot attached). I 
did it in an own repo to be able to experiment and
   not break the Seaside solution right in the beginning.

   My code is on STHub!/~TorstenBergmann/Gettext  
and it is not yet fully usable and so far still 

   But one can load the project still in Pharo 7 using

 Gofer it 
   smalltalkhubUser: 'TorstenBergmann' project: 'Gettext';

 (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGettext) project bleedingEdge load

   All 11 Tests are green so at least what is there should work. Check the 
world menu and the code. Load the "Foo" package from the same repository 
   to see something in the tools. The idea was to have support for MO and PO 
files completely written in Smalltalk as well as tools that allow you 
   to find and translate internationalized text. 

   But as always: this would require more work. I would still favour a fully in 
Pharo written solution (following the gettext formats) but maybe for
   performance reasons then also bind to libgettext using UFFI.

Hope this gives some insights on the current existing solutions/status.


> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 09. November 2017 um 21:29 Uhr
> Von: "Викентий Потапов" 
> An:
> Betreff: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo
> Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
> I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where 
> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally 
> changed without changing my application.
> It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with lots 
> of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
> I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia due to 
> politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple 
> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but 
> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1 
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load - 
> error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i had 
> no feedback from community. 
> best regards,
> Vikenti Potapov. 

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Tim Mackinnon
Thanks Denis - I'll try my simple TDD test case in Pharo 7 (I haven't tried it 
yet - probably time to).

I think it is correct to show green if you fix your problem in the debugger and 
then proceed and  it passes all assertions. But it should equally fail if you 
proceed and it asserts false or craps out.

Strange it would vary in 6.1 - but I'll check.


Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone
> On 9 Nov 2017, at 19:54, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> In Pharo 7 it works.
> 2017-11-09 18:29 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
>> Thanks for looking at this - there is an issue however - when you apply that 
>> change (at least in a Pharo 6.1 image) - it shows green even when a test 
>> fails? So I think its turned one problem into the opposite one.
>> Unfortunately I haven’t got a chance to look a bit deeper to help - but it 
>> might be worth rolling back this change for now. We should fix it though - 
>> and the answer must be in the area you have identified.
>> tim
>>> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:43, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
>>> And now it is in latest Pharo
>>> 2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :
 Hi Tim.
 Fix is here 
 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-green-when-proceed . 
 Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but never 
 take it seriously :)
 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
> Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and I 
> was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t 
> ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact 
> - letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).
> However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step through 
> a test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the browser 
> always shows a red failure, even though the execution is now correct. I 
> have to run the test again.
> This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or 
> something?
> Tim

Re: [Pharo-users] Why does the test runner show red when I correct a test?

2017-11-09 Thread Richard Sargent
> I think it is correct to show green if you fix your problem in the
> debugger and then proceed and  it passes all assertions. But it should
> equally fail if you proceed and it asserts false or craps out.

It would be a lie. The truth is only that from that point on, it is
correct. You have no guarantee that your correction hasn't broken something
that would occur in the next run prior to the point at which you applied
the correction.

Hence my assertion that you cannot determine the colour until the next run.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Tim Mackinnon  wrote:

> Thanks Denis - I'll try my simple TDD test case in Pharo 7 (I haven't
> tried it yet - probably time to).
> I think it is correct to show green if you fix your problem in the
> debugger and then proceed and  it passes all assertions. But it should
> equally fail if you proceed and it asserts false or craps out.
> Strange it would vary in 6.1 - but I'll check.
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 9 Nov 2017, at 19:54, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
> In Pharo 7 it works.
> 2017-11-09 18:29 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
>> Thanks for looking at this - there is an issue however - when you apply
>> that change (at least in a Pharo 6.1 image) - it shows green even when a
>> test fails? So I think its turned one problem into the opposite one.
>> Unfortunately I haven’t got a chance to look a bit deeper to help - but
>> it might be worth rolling back this change for now. We should fix it though
>> - and the answer must be in the area you have identified.
>> tim
>> On 9 Nov 2017, at 12:43, Denis Kudriashov  wrote:
>> And now it is in latest Pharo
>> 2017-11-09 12:16 GMT+01:00 Denis Kudriashov :
>>> Hi Tim.
>>> Fix is here 20661-Fixing-test-from-debugger-should-mark-test-as-gre
>>> en-when-proceed  .
>>> Thank's for reporting. It forces me to fix. I always noticed it but
>>> never take it seriously :)
>>> 2017-11-09 11:32 GMT+01:00 Tim Mackinnon :
 Hi - I really like the build in test runner in the Pharo browsers, and
 I was preparing a talk to show how great TDD is in Pharo and how we aren’t
 ashamed of our debugger when testing (it augments the experience in fact -
 letting you poke around and get your thoughts straight).

 However - if I pick rerun in the test runner debugger - and step
 through a test and then correct the failing code, and hit resume - the
 browser always shows a red failure, even though the execution is now
 correct. I have to run the test again.

 This doesn’t seem right to me - are we missing a success event or



Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Esteban Lorenzano
I think this is two different problems: 

1. pharo itself supporting different languages/keyboards, etc. 
2. pharo allowing the development of i18n applications

I think we still need to work on point 1, but for point 2 we already have 
gettext package, which is a standard we can/should use. Maybe that needs to be 
better documented (as everything), but well… we have a solution there :)


> On 9 Nov 2017, at 18:58, Torsten Bergmann  wrote:
> The Pharo 7/8 roadmap does not (yet) include I18N: 
> and the Pharo core image still includes the "NaturalLanguageTranslator" 
> solution still from Squeak. See this class for more details and 
> all senders of #translated message. So far the whole Pharo UI is in English 
> and while books, the mooc or others were translated the Pharo
> image so far is not.
> I guess some more work would be needed also on the font frontier to provide 
> an internationalized image and the different languages.
> But for own applications (like web applications) there are some more 
> (external) solutions:
> 1. I once wrote and announced an own I18N framwork:  
>   which is fully documented on 
>!/~TorstenBergmann/I18N but is a completely 
> proprietary solution.
> 2. There is also some stuff from Jan van de Sandt:
> 3. And there is GetText (from Seaside web framework) which I guess is either 
> here!/~PharoExtras/Gettext
>   or now maintained here:
>   Unfortunately back at the time this one was not independently loadable and 
> had other trouble which I critisized on 
>   Maybe situation for this project has improved.
> But so far nobody pushed I18N really into Pharo ... 
> 4. Therefore back in 2014 I started with a consolidation by starting a clean 
> room implementation of Gettext - based on code from 3.
>   but now with tests and Pharo Spec based tools (see screenshot attached). I 
> did it in an own repo to be able to experiment and
>   not break the Seaside solution right in the beginning.
>   My code is on STHub!/~TorstenBergmann/Gettext  
> and it is not yet fully usable and so far still 
>   unfinished
>   But one can load the project still in Pharo 7 using
> Gofer it 
>   smalltalkhubUser: 'TorstenBergmann' project: 'Gettext';
>   configuration;
>   load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGettext) project bleedingEdge load
>   All 11 Tests are green so at least what is there should work. Check the 
> world menu and the code. Load the "Foo" package from the same repository 
>   to see something in the tools. The idea was to have support for MO and PO 
> files completely written in Smalltalk as well as tools that allow you 
>   to find and translate internationalized text. 
>   But as always: this would require more work. I would still favour a fully 
> in Pharo written solution (following the gettext formats) but maybe for
>   performance reasons then also bind to libgettext using UFFI.
> Hope this gives some insights on the current existing solutions/status.
> Thanks
> Torsten
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 09. November 2017 um 21:29 Uhr
>> Von: "Викентий Потапов" 
>> An:
>> Betreff: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo
>> Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
>> I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where 
>> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally 
>> changed without changing my application.
>> It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with lots 
>> of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
>> I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia due to 
>> politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple 
>> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but 
>> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
>> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1 
>> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load - 
>> error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i had 
>> no feedback from community. 
>> best regards,
>> Vikenti Potapov. 

Re: [Pharo-users] Unable to load SmaCC on pharo6 (or pharo5)

2017-11-09 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 09/11/2017 à 21:02, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :

Yes thierry :) your turn now :)

That's will be harder than I expected. I have issues in the LaTeX setup 
used by the booklet.



On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:41 PM, Thierry Goubier

Le 09/11/2017 à 20:15, Federico.Balaguer a écrit :

I am following this tutorial

I typed the first example and when I try to compile either LR(1) or
there is a pop-up saying that both clases where not specified. I also
adding the classes for the scanner and parser manually but I got the

Yes. I changed the GUI and that means I need to update the booklet.

This part:

• Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
• Once you are done:
– Click on the Scanner class and type ExpressionScanner.
– Click on the Parser class and type ExpressionParser.
• press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.

Should now be:

• Edit the definition the pane below the compile LR(1) buttons.
• Once you are done:
– Type ExpressionParser and return in the text field left of Parser:.
• press either Compiler LR(1) or Compiled LALR(1) buttons.

There are a couple other things in the tutorial at the very start that
didn't add up. I can send an annotated pdf if that is of any help

Yes, that would be very helpfull!





Sent from:

[Pharo-users] i18n in Pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Викентий Потапов

Thanks all for a feedback! I really feel that i'm not alone :)

> Vikenti did you check the Entreprise Pharo book because it contains
> nice chapters from svn on cahracter encoding.

Thank you, i'll take a look at this chapter. And i'll look at gettext.

> Did you report it?
Yes, i reported it from Pharo IDE. If i need to create a ticket in some 
bugtracker please explain me where and how to do it.

> We are slowly deprecating the old streams (because they are messy) and
> replacing then with ZnStreams.
> Now if you want to help this would be useful to produce a better Pharo.

I'll be glad to help to make Pharo better. I think there's some basic tasks 
every language\platform should do. For example, starting from windows 3.1 there 
was a way to put resources with application and load it - strings, images, 
bytearrays. Delphi goes further and created the advanced system to store almost 
any resource in simple standard way.  And so on.

Now, we live in 2017 year, XXIst century has come and for me it is very strange 
to solve such standard tasks every time i need it. I feel like i'm back to 90's 
- first of all, you waste your time to create libs for all your stadard needs, 
then you begin to create applications.

I think, Pharo is very great system, but lacks of some basic things to create 
commercial applications (and to involve more people!).
These things (in my case) are:

1. standard way to create UI. Spec is great, though it has some bugs (i put a 
treeview into tabbed view and have some unpredictable bugs with drag-n-drop 
while alone drag-n-drop works fine if not in tabbed view).

If there will be a form constructor like in Cincom VW, Dolphin Smalltalk or ... 
QT designer - it will significantly lower time costs on constructing lots of 
forms and.
This is the way that make Delphi popular, and now Lazarus goes this way.

+ there should be documentation on creating custom components. Pharo book 
contains more on this topic but not all. Lots of time is wasted to look for 
code and understand what is going on. 

2. Common way to store resources. Like in Cincom VW - "install bytearray on 
accessor" or via text representation. It is simple but we always waste time to 
create some unique mechanism to load resources. We shouldn't waste this time, 
just need to make few calls using single simple api.

3. I18n. The app i working on now need english\french\german + russian + 
chineese\japaneese + (maybe arabic) languages. It was simple to do this with 
Cincom VW but it is hell with Pharo. Even Delphi from yearly 2000 could do this.

4. Deployment of applications. We don't play childish games, we are not 
students, we make serious applications for serious tasks, and we want to sell 
them, so we must have a common tool to delpoy:
- strip code
- maybe some cryptography on loaging code or hash-sum to check if code is 
changed by third side.
- create a number of files for simple start of application. And this tool 
should work on all main systems: windows, *nix, MacOS.
(+ optional additional functions to check license key\generate licenses etc).

These tasks are always solved in commercial - oriented solutions. And while 
Pharo has no standard ways to do them ... there will be less big projects 
despite the fact Pharo is very powerful platform.

It is only my opinion.
best regards, Vikenti Potapov.


Re: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo

2017-11-09 Thread Pavel Krivanek
2017-11-09 23:50 GMT+01:00 Esteban Lorenzano :

> I think this is two different problems:
> 1. pharo itself supporting different languages/keyboards, etc.
> 2. pharo allowing the development of i18n applications
> I think we still need to work on point 1, but for point 2 we already have
> gettext package, which is a standard we can/should use. Maybe that needs to
> be better documented (as everything), but well… we have a solution there :)

Will we include it into the standard image?

-- Pavel

> Esteban
> > On 9 Nov 2017, at 18:58, Torsten Bergmann  wrote:
> >
> > The Pharo 7/8 roadmap does not (yet) include I18N:
> blob/master/Pharo7/
> >
> > and the Pharo core image still includes the "NaturalLanguageTranslator"
> solution still from Squeak. See this class for more details and
> > all senders of #translated message. So far the whole Pharo UI is in
> English and while books, the mooc or others were translated the Pharo
> > image so far is not.
> > I guess some more work would be needed also on the font frontier to
> provide an internationalized image and the different languages.
> >
> >
> >
> > But for own applications (like web applications) there are some more
> (external) solutions:
> >
> >
> > 1. I once wrote and announced an own I18N framwork:
> 100247.html
> >   which is fully documented on!/~
> TorstenBergmann/I18N but is a completely proprietary solution.
> >
> > 2. There is also some stuff from Jan van de Sandt:
> >
> October/070652.html
> >
> > 3. And there is GetText (from Seaside web framework) which I guess is
> either here!/~PharoExtras/Gettext
> >   or now maintained here:
> Seaside/wiki/Gettext
> >
> >   Unfortunately back at the time this one was not independently loadable
> and had other trouble which I critisized on
> >
> >
> >   Maybe situation for this project has improved.
> >
> >
> > But so far nobody pushed I18N really into Pharo ...
> >
> > 4. Therefore back in 2014 I started with a consolidation by starting a
> clean room implementation of Gettext - based on code from 3.
> >   but now with tests and Pharo Spec based tools (see screenshot
> attached). I did it in an own repo to be able to experiment and
> >   not break the Seaside solution right in the beginning.
> >
> >   My code is on STHub!/~
> TorstenBergmann/Gettext  and it is not yet fully usable and so far still
> >   unfinished
> >
> >   But one can load the project still in Pharo 7 using
> >
> > Gofer it
> >   smalltalkhubUser: 'TorstenBergmann' project: 'Gettext';
> >   configuration;
> >   load.
> >
> > (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGettext) project bleedingEdge load
> >
> >   All 11 Tests are green so at least what is there should work. Check
> the world menu and the code. Load the "Foo" package from the same repository
> >   to see something in the tools. The idea was to have support for MO and
> PO files completely written in Smalltalk as well as tools that allow you
> >   to find and translate internationalized text.
> >
> >   But as always: this would require more work. I would still favour a
> fully in Pharo written solution (following the gettext formats) but maybe
> for
> >   performance reasons then also bind to libgettext using UFFI.
> >
> >
> > Hope this gives some insights on the current existing solutions/status.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Torsten
> >
> >
> >> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 09. November 2017 um 21:29 Uhr
> >> Von: "Викентий Потапов" 
> >> An:
> >> Betreff: [Pharo-users] I18n in pharo
> >>
> >>
> >> Will Pharo 7 be ready for i18n of applications?
> >> I mean some simple and useful way like in Cincom Visual Works, where
> translation dictionaries are separated from code and could be dinamycally
> changed without changing my application.
> >>
> >> It is very important for huge commercial applications, especially with
> lots of UI forms, dialogs and user-messages.
> >>
> >> I transfer my code from Cincom VW (VW is not available now for Russia
> due to politic situation) to Pharo and is very interested in simple
> internationalization mechanism. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but
> sometimes it seems to me that pharo developers are forced to do it.
> >>
> >> By the way, the error i had last week with clean Pharo 6\Pharo 6.1
> installation ("UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" on image load
> - error caused by cyrillic path to application folder) didn't solved and i
> had no feedback from community.
> >>
> >> best regards,
> >> Vikenti Potapov.
> >>
> >>
> > 