Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

in fact, I think you made quite the contrary: you declared a code subdirectory 
that does not exits.
what you need to do is to press “Edit…” button and clean anything that appears 
in “code subdirectory” field.

also, I have no idea why you have two entries for same project :)


> On 23 Jul 2017, at 23:22, Hernán Morales Durand  
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository:
> The repository doesn't
> include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
> expression right?
> I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:
> I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
> exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
> code from that repository was already loaded in my image.
> The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
> ghost text is:
> Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?
> Cheers,
> Hernán

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

> On 24 Jul 2017, at 09:10, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
> Hi,
> in fact, I think you made quite the contrary: you declared a code 
> subdirectory that does not exits.
> what you need to do is to press “Edit…” button and clean anything that 
> appears in “code subdirectory” field.
> also, I have no idea why you have two entries for same project :)

and there is a bug on version 0.4 when cleaning repositories (because UI models 
are stored in a weak dictionary kept by name).
so if you “forget” one, probably you will have problems unless you execute :

IceAbstractModel allSubclassesDo: #clearModels. 

… right after forgetting the repository, with the iceberg browser closed.
I’m fixing this, but that version on P6 is older (Pharo 6.1 will have a new 


> Esteban
>> On 23 Jul 2017, at 23:22, Hernán Morales Durand  
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository:
>> The repository doesn't
>> include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
>> expression right?
>> I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:
>> I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
>> exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
>> code from that repository was already loaded in my image.
>> The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
>> ghost text is:
>> Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán

Re: [Pharo-users] Compiling documents with Pillar

2017-07-24 Thread
You do it with Docker.




On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 8:29 PM, Myroslava Romaniuk 

> Hi,
> how do I compile a document using Pillar if I want to get a PDF? I tried
> googling but didn't get anything helpful. Btw I'm using Windows.
> Thanks,
> Myroslava

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Alistair Grant
Hi Hernan,

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 06:22:52PM -0300, Hern??n Morales Durand wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository:
> The repository doesn't
> include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
> expression right?
> I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:
> I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
> exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
> code from that repository was already loaded in my image.
> The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
> ghost text is:
> Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?

I just:

1. opened Icerberg
2. pressed "Clone repository"
3. Entered as the URL
4. Left the subdirectory blank (opening the repository in a browser you
   can see that the packages are in the top level directory)
5. Clicked Create repository
6. Selected the repository, the packages tab and loaded the

without any problem.

Pharo 6.0
Latest update: #60501

Is there an easy way to tell which version of Iceberg I have loaded?
I'm sure it is 0.5.x, but not what the x is.


Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Hernán Morales Durand

2017-07-24 4:10 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano :
> Hi,
> in fact, I think you made quite the contrary: you declared a code 
> subdirectory that does not exits.
> what you need to do is to press “Edit…” button and clean anything that 
> appears in “code subdirectory” field.

Thanks, that fixed it.

> also, I have no idea why you have two entries for same project :)

Because I clicked "Clone repository" again, and tried to fill the
"Code subdirectory" with another value to see what happens :)



> Esteban
>> On 23 Jul 2017, at 23:22, Hernán Morales Durand  
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository:
>> The repository doesn't
>> include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
>> expression right?
>> I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:
>> I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
>> exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
>> code from that repository was already loaded in my image.
>> The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
>> ghost text is:
>> Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán

[Pharo-users] Question

2017-07-24 Thread Koos Brandt

I am still learning but something weird happened.

In a new Workspace

Do-it   myVar := LargeInteger new 

When I inspect it I get 
SubclassResponsibility: LargeInteger had the subclass responsibility to 
implement #printOn:base:

When I browse LargeInteger, then at Integer level I get a message “new” as 


self == Integer ifTrue: [
^ self error: 'Integer is an abstract class.  Make a concrete 
^ super new

I looked for new higher up in the hierarchy(super), but could not see it. Maybe 
I am a bit dumb still with looking up.

I tried on SmallInteger a new, but got back 
Error: SmallIntegers can only be created by performing arithmetic.

I then checked and noticed that SmallInteger actually have new and basicNew 
implemented (override)

So the error I got on smallinteger was from the override
LargeInteger has no override, but has a “silent" error

This seems a bit weird to me

Just so you know I also tried
Do-it   myVar := LargeInteger new: 1
Print-itmyVar class.-> LargeInteger
Dot-it  myVar := myVar + 1

The last statement hangs the image! (Tried 3 times)

1. I am surprised that Do-it did not give me an error on the new: (there is a 
message is the hierarchy of new:neg and maybe the neg is optional?)
2. The new: seemed to have created 1 LargeIntegers
3. I tried the new: also with just 5, and same result, image hang. (I thought 
10,000 was maybe a very large loop for the + 1..)

Did I damage something in the image maybe? I started this one just yesterday to 
look at MOOC week1.

I do not need LargeIntegers for now but …

This is Pharo 6.0 64 Bit on Mac OSX Sierra 10.12.5 (iMac 27, 2.9GHz Intel Core 
i5, 16GB RAM)


Koos Brandt

Re: [Pharo-users] Question

2017-07-24 Thread
LargeInteger is not what you should use.

Try this:

v:= SmallInteger minVal - 1

In 64-bit, one gets:"-1152921504606846977"

and there you have a LargeNegativeInteger that prints properly.

v := SmallInteger maxval + 1


same but positive.

You have Integers that are Numbers and why bother with the large or small
thing? It works.

If things are getting slow, well, profile and optimize.


On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Koos Brandt  wrote:

> Hi
> I am still learning but something weird happened.
> In a new Workspace
> Do-it myVar := LargeInteger new
> Print-it myVar 
> When I inspect it I get
> SubclassResponsibility: LargeInteger had the subclass responsibility to
> implement #printOn:base:
> When I browse LargeInteger, then at Integer level I get a message “new” as
> follows:
> *new*
> * self == Integer ifTrue: [*
> * ^ self error: 'Integer is an abstract class.  Make a concrete
> subclass.'].*
> * ^ super new*
> I looked for new higher up in the hierarchy(super), but could not see it.
> Maybe I am a bit dumb still with looking up.
> I tried on SmallInteger a new, but got back
> Error: SmallIntegers can only be created by performing arithmetic.
> I then checked and noticed that SmallInteger actually have new and
> basicNew implemented (override)
> So the error I got on smallinteger was from the override
> LargeInteger has no override, but has a “silent" error
> This seems a bit weird to me
> Just so you know I also tried
> Do-it myVar := LargeInteger new: 1
> Print-it myVar class.-> LargeInteger
> Dot-it myVar := myVar + 1
> The last statement hangs the image! (Tried 3 times)
> Comment:
> 1. I am surprised that Do-it did not give me an error on the new: (there
> is a message is the hierarchy of new:neg and maybe the neg is optional?)
> 2. The new: seemed to have created 1 LargeIntegers
> 3. I tried the new: also with just 5, and same result, image hang. (I
> thought 10,000 was maybe a very large loop for the + 1..)
> Did I damage something in the image maybe? I started this one just
> yesterday to look at MOOC week1.
> I do not need LargeIntegers for now but …
> This is Pharo 6.0 64 Bit on Mac OSX Sierra 10.12.5 (iMac 27, 2.9GHz Intel
> Core i5, 16GB RAM)
> Regards
> Koos Brandt
> 0824542028

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Esteban Lorenzano

We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
fixes applied required a new VM. 
The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, bringing 
it to macOS 64bits version. 

So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 

- running on macOS 64bits
- adds cherry pick 
- adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
- adds pull request review plugin
- repositories browser: group branches by remote
- adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
- uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
- several bugfixes

Other important change: 

- linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 

We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I hope 
to have it running right after ESUG.

To download 6.1 version, you can go to 
 page, or with zeroconf: 

wget -O- | bash


Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Tudor Girba
Great job!


> On Jul 24, 2017, at 1:56 PM, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
> Hi, 
> We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
> Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
> number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
> fixes applied required a new VM. 
> The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, 
> bringing it to macOS 64bits version. 
> So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 
> - running on macOS 64bits
> - adds cherry pick 
> - adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
> - adds pull request review plugin
> - repositories browser: group branches by remote
> - adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
> - uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
> - several bugfixes
> Other important change: 
> - linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 
> We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I 
> hope to have it running right after ESUG.
> To download 6.1 version, you can go to page, or 
> with zeroconf: 
> wget -O- | bash
> Enjoy!
> Esteban


"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Sven Van Caekenberghe
Thank you, sounds like a really cool move.

> On 24 Jul 2017, at 13:56, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
> Hi, 
> We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
> Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
> number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
> fixes applied required a new VM. 
> The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, 
> bringing it to macOS 64bits version. 
> So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 
> - running on macOS 64bits
> - adds cherry pick 
> - adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
> - adds pull request review plugin
> - repositories browser: group branches by remote
> - adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
> - uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
> - several bugfixes
> Other important change: 
> - linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 
> We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I 
> hope to have it running right after ESUG.
> To download 6.1 version, you can go to page, or 
> with zeroconf: 
> wget -O- | bash
> Enjoy!
> Esteban

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Norbert Hartl
Thank you! That is so cool.


> Am 24.07.2017 um 13:56 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano :
> Hi, 
> We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
> Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
> number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
> fixes applied required a new VM. 
> The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, 
> bringing it to macOS 64bits version. 
> So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 
> - running on macOS 64bits
> - adds cherry pick 
> - adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
> - adds pull request review plugin
> - repositories browser: group branches by remote
> - adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
> - uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
> - several bugfixes
> Other important change: 
> - linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 
> We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I 
> hope to have it running right after ESUG.
> To download 6.1 version, you can go to 
>  page, or with zeroconf: 
> wget -O-  | bash
> Enjoy!
> Esteban

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Herby Vojčík

Esteban Lorenzano wrote:


We are releasing Pharo 6.1.
Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the
build number and not announcing new versions but this time is different
since the fixes applied required a new VM.
The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support,
bringing it to macOS 64bits version.

So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes:

- running on macOS 64bits
- adds cherry pick
- adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
- adds pull request review plugin
- repositories browser: group branches by remote
- adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
- uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
- several bugfixes

Nice, thanks.

Alas, the issue I mentioned in Iceberg + github is still present (though 
the compile: workaround still works).

Other important change:

- linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat.

We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there.
I hope to have it running right after ESUG.

To download 6.1 version, you can go to page,
or with zeroconf:

wget -O-  | bash



Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo based system monitoring (Nagios like)?

2017-07-24 Thread Alistair Grant
Hi Norbet,

On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 10:52:16PM +0200, Norbert Hartl wrote:
> Hi, 
> I just made it nagios compatible. I developed it because I'm using munin [1].
> You can look at this [2] blog post how to do it. If you have questions just
> ask. 
> Norbert
> [1]
> [2]
> system-monitoring-for-pharo-images/

Thanks very much for your reply.

What I was hoping to find was something that acted as the server, not
just an agent.  But I'll still have a look at this as it will be useful
to help monitor pharo processes.

Thanks again,

> Am 22.07.2017 um 19:41 schrieb Alistair Grant :
> Hi Everyone,
> Does anyone know of a system monitoring library written in Pharo (or at
> least smalltalk)?
> I'm looking for something that provides functionality similar to nagios
> and will allow me to monitor the basics, e.g. free disk space, cpu
> usage, process presence, etc.
> I found Norbert Hartl's Monitoring library, but that looks like it acts
> as an agent for nagios or similar.
> Thanks,
> Alistair

Re: [Pharo-users] Compiling documents with Pillar

2017-07-24 Thread Damien Pollet
Docker provides a working and sufficiently complete TeX installation which
is used on Travis to build the most recent books (e..g the booklets with
the blue cover plus a couple other ones). But the build itself relies on
makefiles, templates etc. Pillar is only one step in that process.

Currently I'd advise checking the books from that have recent changes and a
successful build on Travis, and checking their build process. The build
process has evolved this last spring, so it might differ from books that
were not updated recently.

Other than that Stef and I are probably the most able to mentor someone
about Pillar, unfortunately we're currently both on holidays for a couple
of weeks.

On 24 July 2017 at 09:25,  wrote:

> You do it with Docker.
> Check:
> and
> Phil
> On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 8:29 PM, Myroslava Romaniuk 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how do I compile a document using Pillar if I want to get a PDF? I tried
>> googling but didn't get anything helpful. Btw I'm using Windows.
>> Thanks,
>> Myroslava

Re: [Pharo-users] [Pharo-dev] [ANN] Pharo 6.1 (summer) released!

2017-07-24 Thread Tim Mackinnon
This is a great step to show we have a stable consistent base for the year 
ahead - thanks for pulling this off!

One small caveat on the 64bit angle - there are still some known outstanding 
bugs with 64bits - meaning that Fuel is known not to work (which might be for 
more specialised things - but it does mean we have to careful about how 64bits 
its advertised : 



> On 24 Jul 2017, at 12:56, Esteban Lorenzano  wrote:
> Hi, 
> We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
> Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
> number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
> fixes applied required a new VM. 
> The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, 
> bringing it to macOS 64bits version. 
> So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 
> - running on macOS 64bits
> - adds cherry pick 
> - adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
> - adds pull request review plugin
> - repositories browser: group branches by remote
> - adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
> - uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
> - several bugfixes
> Other important change: 
> - linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 
> We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I 
> hope to have it running right after ESUG.
> To download 6.1 version, you can go to 
>  page, or with zeroconf: 
> wget -O-  | bash
> Enjoy!
> Esteban

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Jigyasa Grover
Hello Hernán, I guess you were able to resolve the issue. Any queries ?

Also, really glad you are playing with the CORMAS Pharo project Any vision
or specific task you are planning to work ? :)

Thank You

Jigyasa Grover

View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Beyond Live Coding

2017-07-24 Thread Jimmie Houchin
My apologies if I wasn't clear. I wasn't stating that Pharo was crash 
prone. I was stating the exact opposite and that other languages are 
crash prone. That in other languages that a program crashing or 
misbehaving in some way is a normal part of the development process. It 
is one of the ways of discovering problems in the developing app. I am 
no way saying that deployed apps are crash prone  What I was saying is 
that in any language, I the programmer can do something stupid. In 
Pharo, I can recover from my errors without my object environment 
crashing. Other languages my errors crash my program and I start the 
process all over with external editor, debugger, repl, or compiler. I 
will readily admit I am not expert or good in that world and probably 
lack knowledge.

What I seemingly failed to express is that I believe Pharo (Smalltalk) 
is far more robust than most any other language I have experienced. 
Because programmer errors are most frequently caught by the debugger and 
not crash the environment. Then you the programmer have the ability to 
correct your errors in the same environment you develop, debug and 
execute the application. Where else does this happen? Maybe some Lisp 

The fact that the Pharo (Smalltalk) live object environment is basically 
an operating system. So it provides certain robustness that other live 
coding doesn't. And unlike any current operating system I have used or 
am aware of, Pharo (Smalltalk) has no concept of restart. Everything 
happens by adding, deleting or evolving internally to the environment. 
In fact application development is the same. App version 2 can be easily 
arrived at by evolving App version 1 live.

Pharo's (Smalltalk) live object environment in some ways exceed what 
current OSes do. Let alone simple isolated environments such as Python. 
Can you suspend Python's (or any other language) environment. Restart 
your OS, move to a different computer, to a different OS, any of these 
and then resume with your environment's state completely intact and 
ready to continue from where you stopped? Unless I am completely out of 
date with Python (and I may be), I do not think you can do this. I do 
not know of where else you can do any of that.

And yes we can drop down into the everything is Turing complete and 
everything can do anything that anything else can do type of argument. 
Yes we can accomplish this. We hold all state in a database. The app is 
functions on top of that database. ... And then we accomplish some poor 
facsimile of this. But it is not natural nor native to the development 
processes of other languages.

A person brand new to Pharo gives no thought to persistence of state, or 
committing of code or a whole host of details which go into providing 
this luxury we enjoy. What is implicit in Pharo must be come explicit 
elsewhere with difficulty and still will not quite reach where we are by 

Pharo (Smalltalk) is different. It is so much bigger, more complete and 
seamless than the concept of live coding anywhere else. I don't think 
that most of us here would be fighting this battle (and I include you as 
one of Pharo people :) if other more "practical" languages approached 
what Pharo (Smalltalk) offers. If we thought that X language had 80%+ of 
these features and with some effort we could start bringing the rest. I 
don't know that we would be here. But they don't.

And nothing in Pharo prevents you from doing similar. Persist your state 
in an external database. Have your app operate over that database. Use 
Iceberg to commit your app code to git. And I would wager that it is 
still a much better experience than other languages doing the same 
thing. Simply because the Pharo environment understands your code, 
because your code is its code. The lines are blurred. No big 
distinction. My separate editor/IDE, my separate debugger, my separate 
execution environment. Yes I know there are many programmers (probably 
most) who prefer this separation. I would actually say most don't even 
know that what Pharo (Smalltalk) does is possible. They have only been 
taught the other way.

Once again. In other languages everything is external to the 
environment. The editor, the debugger, the database, ...  Whereas Pharo, 
all is inside the environment. It opens the capabilities tremendously.

I have played with Jetbrains Community edition. It is very nice for what 
it is. A dead file language IDE. It possibly is the best. I played with 
it for a while to consider Kotlin. I opened IntelliJ IDEA. It opened one 
window, with one Kotlin project, with one 65 line file, and that one 
file open in the editor. It consumed 710mb of ram. In order to perform 
the magic it does on dead external languages and source in files 
requires extraordinary memory. Now if I open a Kotlin REPL within 
IntelliJ in order to be able to do something remotely lively. It goes up 
another 10mb and opens an external REPL which now consumes 5

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
Hello Jigyasa,

For now I am reading the Cormas mailing-list and annotating
requirements, issues, etc.
Also I started to port the VW UI (the easy parts) to Pharo.

I will post some questions on the mailing-list tomorrow.
Thank you,


2017-07-24 13:30 GMT-03:00 Jigyasa Grover :
> Hello Hernán, I guess you were able to resolve the issue. Any queries ?
> Also, really glad you are playing with the CORMAS Pharo project Any vision
> or specific task you are planning to work ? :)
> Thank You
> Best
> Jigyasa Grover
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Jigyasa Grover
Hello Hernán
Great ! It shall be really nice to have your contributions to the project.
What is your Github handle ? Perhaps I can add you as a contributor to the
project on Github so that it's easy to push commits for the new UI stuff
you shall be doing :)
Jigyasa Grover
Github: jigyasa-grover

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:31 AM, hernanmd [via Smalltalk] <> wrote:

> Hello Jigyasa,
> For now I am reading the Cormas mailing-list and annotating
> requirements, issues, etc.
> Also I started to port the VW UI (the easy parts) to Pharo.
> I will post some questions on the mailing-list tomorrow.
> Thank you,
> Hernán
> 2017-07-24 13:30 GMT-03:00 Jigyasa Grover <[hidden email]
> >:
> > Hello Hernán, I guess you were able to resolve the issue. Any queries ?
> >
> > Also, really glad you are playing with the CORMAS Pharo project Any
> vision
> > or specific task you are planning to work ? :)
> >
> > Thank You
> >
> > Best
> > Jigyasa Grover
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> code-from-GitHub-using-Iceberg-tp4956481p4956569.html
> > Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at
> >
> --
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> Iceberg-tp4956481p4956580.html
> To unsubscribe from Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg, click here
> .

View this message in context:
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] Looking for small boards and tiny computers which can run Pharo

2017-07-24 Thread Steven Costiou

i am looking for: 

- small hardware, boards/computers, "embeddable" devices, etc. that can
run Pharo (except Raspberry pi that i already know) 

- robots, flying drones or things alike with an open linux which can
possibly run Pharo 

Could somebody points me to documentation or web sites where such things
can be found ? 



Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Hernán Morales Durand
2017-07-24 4:29 GMT-03:00 Alistair Grant :
> Hi Hernan,
> On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 06:22:52PM -0300, Hern??n Morales Durand wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository:
>> The repository doesn't
>> include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
>> expression right?
>> I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:
>> I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
>> exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
>> code from that repository was already loaded in my image.
>> The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
>> ghost text is:
>> Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?
> I just:
> 1. opened Icerberg
> 2. pressed "Clone repository"
> 3. Entered as the URL
> 4. Left the subdirectory blank (opening the repository in a browser you
>can see that the packages are in the top level directory)
> 5. Clicked Create repository
> 6. Selected the repository, the packages tab and loaded the
> without any problem.
> Pharo 6.0
> Latest update: #60501

Thank you! This worked also in 6.1.

> Is there an easy way to tell which version of Iceberg I have loaded?
> I'm sure it is 0.5.x, but not what the x is.

It would be nice to have something like

(RPackage organizer packageNamed: 'Iceberg') version



> Cheers,
> Alistair

Re: [Pharo-users] Cloning code from GitHub using Iceberg

2017-07-24 Thread Thierry Goubier

Le 24/07/2017 à 21:55, Hernán Morales Durand a écrit :

2017-07-24 4:29 GMT-03:00 Alistair Grant :

Hi Hernan,

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 06:22:52PM -0300, Hern??n Morales Durand wrote:

Hi guys,

I am trying to import code - in Pharo 6 - from a GitHub repository: The repository doesn't
include a Baseline, and so it is not loadable using a Metacello
expression right?

I've tried to clone it with Iceberg with Remote URL:

I ended with a "Repository CORMAS-Pharo is invalid" so I wonder what's
exactly is invalid? I can browse the history but I don't know if any
code from that repository was already loaded in my image.

The URL should be specified as the ghost text suggest? Currently the
ghost text is:

Should I fill the "Code subdirectory" field?

I just:

1. opened Icerberg
2. pressed "Clone repository"
3. Entered as the URL
4. Left the subdirectory blank (opening the repository in a browser you
can see that the packages are in the top level directory)
5. Clicked Create repository
6. Selected the repository, the packages tab and loaded the

without any problem.

Pharo 6.0
Latest update: #60501

Thank you! This worked also in 6.1.

Is there an easy way to tell which version of Iceberg I have loaded?
I'm sure it is 0.5.x, but not what the x is.

It would be nice to have something like

(RPackage organizer packageNamed: 'Iceberg') version

This information is available via Metacello, if it was properly loaded 
via a configuration.

(MetacelloProjectRegistration registry
registrationForExactClassNamed: ConfigurationOfIceberg
ifAbsent: [  ]) ifNotNil: [:r | r printString]

See MetacelloProjectRegistration>>#printOn: for the details of querying 
the spec of the project.

Baselines have no version information; if there is (like in git-based 
scenario), it is in the repository url and one has to decrypt it.





[Pharo-users] Pharo support

2017-07-24 Thread John Pfersich
If you want to support the Pharo project financially, go to or to 

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