This is a great step to show we have a stable consistent base for the year 
ahead - thanks for pulling this off!

One small caveat on the 64bit angle - there are still some known outstanding 
bugs with 64bits - meaning that Fuel is known not to work (which might be for 
more specialised things - but it does mean we have to careful about how 64bits 
its advertised : 


> On 24 Jul 2017, at 12:56, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:
> Hi, 
> We are releasing Pharo 6.1. 
> Usually, between each major version we just apply bugfixes changing the build 
> number and not announcing new versions but this time is different since the 
> fixes applied required a new VM. 
> The principal reason for the new version is to update Iceberg support, 
> bringing it to macOS 64bits version. 
> So, now Pharo 6.1 comes with Iceberg 0.5.5, which includes: 
> - running on macOS 64bits
> - adds cherry pick 
> - adds major improvements on performance for big repositories
> - adds pull request review plugin
> - repositories browser: group branches by remote
> - adds bitbucket and gitlab to recognised providers on metacello integration
> - uses libgit v0.25.1 as backend
> - several bugfixes
> Other important change: 
> - linux vm by default is now vm threaded heartbeat. 
> We still miss 64bits Windows (sorry for that), but we are getting there. I 
> hope to have it running right after ESUG.
> To download 6.1 version, you can go to 
> <> page, or with zeroconf: 
> wget -O- <> | bash
> Enjoy!
> Esteban

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