Re: [Pharo-users] XSD handling in Pharo

2013-10-01 Thread Norbert Hartl

Am 30.09.2013 um 19:35 schrieb

> XSD is not the same.
What do you mean?


> Guess you want to do something like JAXB or schema validation. But I don't 
> know of anything like that in Pharo...
> Phil

Re: [Pharo-users] XSD handling in Pharo

2013-10-01 Thread
I mean that XSD is XML indeed but the usage is for defining structures, and
crafting all kinds of artifacts from there.

I was involved with a project where a ton of XSDs were used to define
business message structures.

Reading XML is not giving us reading XML with XSD schema validation nor
Classes generated from XSD files (as does Java JAXB).


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Norbert Hartl  wrote:

> Am 30.09.2013 um 19:35 schrieb
> > XSD is not the same.
> >
> What do you mean?
> Norbert
> > Guess you want to do something like JAXB or schema validation. But I
> don't know of anything like that in Pharo...
> >
> > Phil

Re: [Pharo-users] Morphic text filed plus autocompetion

2013-10-01 Thread plantec
Hi all,
also notice that the default text entry widget has already an autocompletion 
see WidgetExamples>>exampleTextEntryWithCompletionDialog
You can find several uses of it. See 
EditorFindReplaceDialogWindow>>newFindTextEntryMorph as another example.

"self new exampleTextEntryWithCompletionDialog"
| applicants entryCompletion |
applicants := (Array
streamContents: [:strm | Symbol
allSymbolTablesDo: [:each | 
(each notEmpty
[each first canBeGlobalVarInitial

and: [Smalltalk globals includesKey: each]])
ifTrue: [strm 
nextPut: each]]]) sort.
entryCompletion := EntryCompletion new
dataSourceBlock: [:currText | applicants];

filterBlock: [:currApplicant :currText | 
currText size > 3
and: [currApplicant asUppercase 
includesSubstring: currText asString asUppercase]].
UIManager default
request: 'Enter a class name fragment (at least 4 characters)'
initialAnswer: ''
title: 'Text entry with completion example: simple find a class'
entryCompletion: entryCompletion

Le 30 sept. 2013 à 15:06, Benjamin  a 
écrit :

> You may have a look at the Spotlight widget Esteban made.
> It's mainly a text area with auto completion
> Ben
> On Sep 30, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
>> I like to make myself a little command shell inside the image. For this I 
>> would need a textfield that can popup somewhere on the screen and that has 
>> enough hooks for text entry events and hooks/support for auto-completion.
>> What would be the best things to read/the best code to look at in order to 
>> learn how I can accomplish that.
>> thanks,
>> Norbert

Re: [Pharo-users] XSD handling in Pharo

2013-10-01 Thread Brenda Larcom
I have some partly-finished Squeak code that creates a schema-specific 
validating XML parser & generator (well, data objects that do this) given an 
XSD.  My motivating use case is to enable quick support of new XML-based file 
formats.  So, you would design your objects as usual, then run my schema 
parser, which would stub out objects to parse & generate the new format.  Then 
you would write tiny conversion methods between your objects and the new ones.  
Poof!  Support for a new file format.

Partway through I found an enormous Java library that did something similar; it 
may be the one Phil mentions below. The one I recall was pretty big (13 
namespaces) and I decided not to just port it because it seemed more complex 
than I thought was needed.  On the other hand, it is finished, whereas..

I have been too busy to work on mine for several years now :( .  So, I will 
hunt for it tonight & put the latest version somewhere other people can get & 
work on it.  I don't remember what state it is in, but I never do so I 
think/hope it has lots of comments & tests for how I intended it to work.  

The other catch (besides it being half-finished) is, if/when I eventually start 
working on it again, I will turn it into a completely pedantic validating 
parser/emitter, because I want it to e.g. prevent XML injection without 
conscious thought from the developer using it.  I am happy to help/advise 
anyone who wants this same goal to meet it, but if you want to add direct 
accessors or anything else that routes around the validation, please do so in a 
package that extends mine (in the same classes is fine) so that I can still 
meet my original intent when I eventually get back to it.


On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:38 AM, ""  wrote:

> I mean that XSD is XML indeed but the usage is for defining structures, and 
> crafting all kinds of artifacts from there.
> I was involved with a project where a ton of XSDs were used to define 
> business message structures.
> Reading XML is not giving us reading XML with XSD schema validation nor 
> Classes generated from XSD files (as does Java JAXB).
> Phil
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Norbert Hartl  wrote:
>> Am 30.09.2013 um 19:35 schrieb
>> > XSD is not the same.
>> >
>> What do you mean?
>> Norbert
>> > Guess you want to do something like JAXB or schema validation. But I don't 
>> > know of anything like that in Pharo...
>> >
>> > Phil

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Pharo-users] Magritte descriptions generation: quick way to do that?

2013-10-01 Thread Stephan Eggermont
You probably want to do something similar to what we have done in 
Deltawerken-Framework. (on ss3)


[Pharo-users] Muiltple images / FFI

2013-10-01 Thread recursive68

I have an app (seaside) that is configured with multiple pharo (1.3) images
behind an apache proxy, using a FFI wrapper to a OCI native library to
connect to Oracle. It works fine with one image but with multiple images it
crashes with a seg fault/memory error when under user load. The error
appears to happen when the wrapper code closes an OCI statement/connection.
It appears with multiple images  that they are allocating/de-allocating
memory via the wrapper/OCI and over-writing each over. Is that possible ?


Re: [Pharo-users] Muiltple images / FFI

2013-10-01 Thread Clément Bera

How did you bind your native library, with FFI, alien or NativeBoost ? I
guessed FFI but I'm not sure.

Did you try to run all the images on several VM (1 VM per image) ? If so,
did it solve the problem ?

What version of the VM are you using ? (Evaluate Smalltalk vm version).
Retry with the latest stable version of the VM and check if it does not
solve the problem (latest stable here:,
select your os then download stable).

I'm not sure about the overwriting problem, I'll ask other people on
thursday (if they don't answer).


> Hi,
> I have an app (seaside) that is configured with multiple pharo (1.3)
> images behind an apache proxy, using a FFI wrapper to a OCI native library
> to connect to Oracle. It works fine with one image but with multiple images
> it crashes with a seg fault/memory error when under user load. The error
> appears to happen when the wrapper code closes an OCI statement/connection.
> It appears with multiple images  that they are allocating/de-allocating
> memory via the wrapper/OCI and over-writing each over. Is that possible ?
> Thanks

Re: [Pharo-users] Muiltple images / FFI

2013-10-01 Thread Guillermo Polito
Hmm, pharo processes should share no memory at all. Then the question is,
is Oracle library doing something strange? Maybe the library suggests to be
used in some special way for your setup?

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 6:58 PM,  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an app (seaside) that is configured with multiple pharo (1.3)
> images behind an apache proxy, using a FFI wrapper to a OCI native library
> to connect to Oracle. It works fine with one image but with multiple images
> it crashes with a seg fault/memory error when under user load. The error
> appears to happen when the wrapper code closes an OCI statement/connection.
> It appears with multiple images  that they are allocating/de-allocating
> memory via the wrapper/OCI and over-writing each over. Is that possible ?
> Thanks

[Pharo-users] Thanks for Athens and Esse and a question about Freetype support for Athens in Pharo 3.0 image on Arch Gnu/Linux 64 bits

2013-10-01 Thread Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas


Yesterday I was again take a look back into pharo. I really like 
zoomable interfaces and despite that most of my hobby programming today 
is done on python/web2py I would like to keep pharo on the radar and not 
loosing touch with the language and community. So I would like to make 
some minor experiments about prezi like presentations on using 
Esse[1][2] and Athens. I just want to thank you about that projects and 
let you know that support for Athens was really smooth on Pharo 3.0


There is a minor glitch about freetype fonts support that I image is 
related with the path of the for 64 bit systems as a 32 bit library. The 
same happen some time ago with cairo, so, if someone knows where to find 
to declare the path for that fonts I would really appreciate that.



Re: [Pharo-users] Thanks for Athens and Esse and a question about Freetype support for Athens in Pharo 3.0 image on Arch Gnu/Linux 64 bits

2013-10-01 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

> Yesterday I was again take a look back into pharo. I really like zoomable 
> interfaces and despite that most of my hobby programming today is done on 
> python/web2py I would like to keep pharo on the radar and not loosing touch 
> with the language and community. So I would like to make some minor 
> experiments about prezi like presentations on using Esse[1][2] and Athens. I 
> just want to thank you about that projects and let you know that support for 
> Athens was really smooth on Pharo 3.0

Thanks this is a good feedback.
I looked at the video and I saw that not everything is displayed using Athens, 
so if you want to help we should convert some morphic rendering to athens.
> [1]
> [2]
> There is a minor glitch about freetype fonts support that I image is related 
> with the path of the for 64 bit systems as a 32 bit library. The same happen 
> some time ago with cairo, so, if someone knows where to find to declare the 
> path for that fonts I would really appreciate that.
> Cheers,
> Offray

Re: [Pharo-users] Thanks for Athens and Esse and a question about Freetype support for Athens in Pharo 3.0 image on Arch Gnu/Linux 64 bits

2013-10-01 Thread
I discovered that the LineMorph was still around in the image.

I kind of like that Morph.

Esse looks very nice indeed. I'll try it out for a presentation this week
(nothing better than deadlines to make one learn fast...).


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Stéphane Ducasse

> Hi
> > Yesterday I was again take a look back into pharo. I really like
> zoomable interfaces and despite that most of my hobby programming today is
> done on python/web2py I would like to keep pharo on the radar and not
> loosing touch with the language and community. So I would like to make some
> minor experiments about prezi like presentations on using Esse[1][2] and
> Athens. I just want to thank you about that projects and let you know that
> support for Athens was really smooth on Pharo 3.0
> Thanks this is a good feedback.
> I looked at the video and I saw that not everything is displayed using
> Athens, so if you want to help we should convert some morphic rendering to
> athens.
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > There is a minor glitch about freetype fonts support that I image is
> related with the path of the for 64 bit systems as a 32 bit library. The
> same happen some time ago with cairo, so, if someone knows where to find to
> declare the path for that fonts I would really appreciate that.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Offray
> >

Re: [Pharo-users] Thanks for Athens and Esse and a question about Freetype support for Athens in Pharo 3.0 image on Arch Gnu/Linux 64 bits

2013-10-01 Thread
I tried to load this but Esse loads from,
while Esse.2 (package) hasse a number of Esse.2.* versions which are
**empty** :-(

So, p := EsseProject new doesn't work as there is no EsseProject class

Looks like Esse has the main classes and Esse.2 has the EsseProject, which
just isn't there.

Anyone to move all of this to SmalltalkHub BTW? With MIT licence?


Re: [Pharo-users] Thanks for Athens and Esse and a question about Freetype support for Athens in Pharo 3.0 image on Arch Gnu/Linux 64 bits

2013-10-01 Thread Stéphane Ducasse

On Oct 2, 2013, at 8:06 AM, ""  wrote:

> I tried to load this but Esse loads from, 
> while Esse.2 (package) hasse a number of Esse.2.* versions which are 
> **empty** :-(
> So, p := EsseProject new doesn't work as there is no EsseProject class loaded.
> Looks like Esse has the main classes and Esse.2 has the EsseProject, which 
> just isn't there.
> Anyone to move all of this to SmalltalkHub BTW?


> With MIT licence?

Yes but may be you should contact his author.
> Phil