
How did you bind your native library, with FFI, alien or NativeBoost ? I
guessed FFI but I'm not sure.

Did you try to run all the images on several VM (1 VM per image) ? If so,
did it solve the problem ?

What version of the VM are you using ? (Evaluate Smalltalk vm version).
Retry with the latest stable version of the VM and check if it does not
solve the problem (latest stable here: http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/,
select your os then download stable).

I'm not sure about the overwriting problem, I'll ask other people on
thursday (if they don't answer).

2013/10/1 <recursiv...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have an app (seaside) that is configured with multiple pharo (1.3)
> images behind an apache proxy, using a FFI wrapper to a OCI native library
> to connect to Oracle. It works fine with one image but with multiple images
> it crashes with a seg fault/memory error when under user load. The error
> appears to happen when the wrapper code closes an OCI statement/connection.
> It appears with multiple images  that they are allocating/de-allocating
> memory via the wrapper/OCI and over-writing each over. Is that possible ?
> Thanks

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