[GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-12 Thread Ron Peterson
How does one convert an octet string (e.g. something like a varlena
structure) to a Datum?  I want to create datums for use w/
heap_form_tuple in a function returning a tuple containing bytea
representations of very large integers.


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-12 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-12_22:22:32-0400 Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> How does one convert an octet string (e.g. something like a varlena
> structure) to a Datum?  I want to create datums for use w/
> heap_form_tuple in a function returning a tuple containing bytea
> representations of very large integers.

Is this a legitimate/blessed way to go about it?

aval = (bytea *)palloc( len + VARHDRSZ );
memcpy( VARDATA(aval), myrawdata, len );

values[0] = PointerGetDatum(aval);


tuple = heap_formtuple( tupdesc, values, &isNull );

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_01:22:06-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Ron Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is this a legitimate/blessed way to go about it?
> >
> > aval = (bytea *)palloc( len + VARHDRSZ );
> > VARATT_SIZEP(aval) = len + VARHDRSZ;
> > memcpy( VARDATA(aval), myrawdata, len );
> > values[0] = PointerGetDatum(aval);
> > ...etc
> > tuple = heap_formtuple( tupdesc, values, &isNull );
> Yes, assuming that your tuple descriptor there does in fact have a varlena
> data type in column 1.

I think that's the part I'm missing.  I'm doing:

   if( get_call_result_type( fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc ) !=
  ereport( ERROR,
 errmsg( "function returning record called in context "
 "that cannot accept type record" )));

   BlessTupleDesc( tupdesc );

I'm not doing anything explicit to set a varlena datatype in column 1.
How would I do that?

> And normally you would define your own datatype and not use bytea.

Actually, I already have my data in a structure much like varlena.  I
see PointerGetDatum basically just casts it's argument to (Datum), which
is ultimately defined as an unsigned long, I believe.  I'm not
understanding the magic that PostgreSQL uses to understand whether this
is a value or a reference, and whether it's fixed or variable length
though.  That must be what the tupledesc does, but I don't think I'm
setting that up right.  I think.  Maybe.


Personally I'm not entirely clear why we don't just use void* for
> text and bytea though.
> Postgres 8.3 has a different macro api here though. If you want to
> future-proof your code you could do (put the macro definition somewhere in
> your private header file after including postgres.h).
> #ifndef SET_VARSIZE
> #define SET_VARSIZE(v,l) (VARATT_SIZEP(v) = (l))
> #endif
> aval = (bytea *)palloc( len + VARHDRSZ );
> SET_VARSIZE(aval, len + VARHDRSZ);
> memcpy( VARDATA(aval), myrawdata, len );
> values[0] = PointerGetDatum(aval);
> ...etc
> tuple = heap_formtuple( tupdesc, values, &isNull );
> Also, make sure you use VARSIZE to refer to the size header at all times,
> don't refer to it directly. And unless you mark it with storage plain always
> detoast it before working with an argument or anything from heap_deform_tuple.
> In postgres we normally put pg_detoast_datum() directly into the DatumGetFoo()
> and PG_GETARG_FOO_P() macros.
> -- 
>   Gregory Stark
>   EnterpriseDB  http://www.enterprisedb.com

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_08:50:56-0400 Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2007-10-13_01:22:06-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > And normally you would define your own datatype and not use bytea.
> Actually, I already have my data in a structure much like varlena.

Pght, I misunderstood what you were saying.  You mean create a
full-blown new type.  I was thinking completely internally.  Yeah,
that's probably a better approach - I'll do that.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_11:12:05-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Ron Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 2007-10-13_08:50:56-0400 Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> 2007-10-13_01:22:06-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> > And normally you would define your own datatype and not use bytea.
> >> 
> >> Actually, I already have my data in a structure much like varlena.
> >
> > Pght, I misunderstood what you were saying.  You mean create a
> > full-blown new type.  I was thinking completely internally.  Yeah,
> > that's probably a better approach - I'll do that.
> Or you could just define new functions which operate on bytea if you're just
> storing binary data.

A tuple of two or three bytea values (cryptographic keys); e.g. (bytea,

> I don't understand what you mean with "internally" if you're storing
> this in tuples?

I thought you were talking about something like a C structure - I think
I just misunderstood what you were saying.  I'm still a little mixed up
about just exactly what, internally, a tuple and a tupledesc are and how
they are used.  I think I can get where I want to go without completely
figuring that out right now though...

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_13:44:33-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Ron Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I think I can get where I want to go without completely figuring that out
> > right now though...
> What are you trying to do?

I've implemented the RSA PKCS #1 v2.1 public key cryptography standard
in C.  Now I'm working on implementing these functions in PostgreSQL.
So, for example:

select * from generate_rsa_key();

would return a tuple of three very large integers: the modulus, the
public exponent, and the private exponent.   (Truly secure applications
would do this operation on the client, and only export the public key
(modulus, public exponent) to the server - but that's another matter)

My first thought was to just do something like:

CREATE TYPE __full_key AS ( n bytea, e bytea, d bytea );

  generate_rsa_key( )
  'y_pgcrypto.so', 'y_pg_generate_rsa_keys'

Instead, I think I'll create two new types: rsa_full_key (modulus, pub
exponent, priv exponent) and rsa_part_key (modulus, exponent), that will
use hex as input and output for the large integers, like:


I know how to create a user-defined type in C, which is probably the
better solution anyway; but I was initially thinking I'd just have a
keygen function that output a tuple containing the integers as bytea
values.  I'm getting tripped trying to do that though.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_14:15:06-0400 yrp001:

> select * from generate_rsa_key();

Am I making this way too complicated?  Do I only have to return a C
string representation of three bytea values as a tuple?

(I still think a bona-fide user-defined type in C is probably better.)

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] convert binary string to datum

2007-10-13 Thread Ron Peterson
2007-10-13_15:22:34-0400 Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> "Ron Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My first thought was to just do something like:
> >
> > CREATE TYPE __full_key AS ( n bytea, e bytea, d bytea );
> >
> >   generate_rsa_key( )
> >   __full_key
> Oh, incidentally you probably don't want to name your type starting with an _.
> Postgres names array types starting with _ so that's likely to confuse
> something and if not something then at least someone.


I got it working, but returning a composite type of text values, rather
than bytea.  I think that's better for me anyway, because I'd like my
type's input and output functions to take hex values instead of the
crazy bytea octet representation.  I ended up doing

   CREATE TYPE full_key AS ( n TEXT, e TEXT, d TEXT );


   vals = (char**)palloc( sizeof(char*) * 3 );

   // convert key parts to strings
   len = mpz_sizeinbase( Y_FULL_KEY_MOD(&akey), 16 ) + 1;
   vals[0] = (char *)palloc( len );
   gmp_snprintf( vals[0], len, "%Zx", Y_FULL_KEY_MOD(&akey) );


   if( get_call_result_type( fcinfo, NULL, &td ) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE ) {
  ereport( ERROR,
   errmsg( "function returning record called in context "
  "that cannot accept type record" )));

   // Make a persistant copy.
   td = CreateTupleDescCopy( td );

   aim = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata( td );
   ht = BuildTupleFromCStrings( aim, vals );

   /* make the tuple into a datum */
   result = HeapTupleGetDatum( ht );

Someday I'd still like to figure out how to return a composite type
containing bytea values...

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] RSA PKCS #1 v2.1 functions for PostgreSQL

2007-10-16 Thread Ron Peterson
I've put up working code which implements the RSA PKCS #1 v2.1 public
key cryptography standard in PostgreSQL.  This includes key generation,
encryption/decryption, and signing/verification.


This is alpha quality code.  Your comments on anything and everything
would be much appreciated.  What should the interface look like?  Does
this work on BSD (my testing to date has been on Linux).  How could I
improve my code?

There's more to do, but this is far enough along that I'd like to make
it available.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] alter column appears to work, but doesn't?

2011-09-05 Thread Ron Peterson
I just updated a table to have a larger column size as follows.

alter table attributes_log alter column attribute_name type varchar(48);

The size was previously 24.

iddb=> \d attributes
   Table "iddb.attributes"
 Column | Type  |  
 attribute_id   | uuid  | not null default 
(encode(pgcrypto.gen_random_bytes(16), 'hex'::text))::uuid
 attribute_name | character varying(48) | not null
 management | character varying(24) | not null default 
'by_value'::character varying

iddb=> insert into attributes ( attribute_name ) values ( 
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' );
ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(24)

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.0.4

I tried to replicate this with a new database and a simple table, but
could not.

I had to drop (and then recreate) three rules and a view on this table
before altering the column.

This is a production database, so I need to treat it gently.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Administrator
Mount Holyoke College

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] alter column appears to work, but doesn't?

2011-09-05 Thread Ron Peterson
2011-09-05_15:03:00-0400 Tom Lane :
> Ron Peterson  writes:
> > I just updated a table to have a larger column size as follows.
> > alter table attributes_log alter column attribute_name type varchar(48);
> How come this refers to "attributes_log" while your failing command is
> an insert into "attributes"?

That was a typo, sorry.  Did do the same thing on original table.  I did
the same thing to attributes_log because I have rules that log data
there from my original table on insert/update/delete.

I just dropped my logging rules, stopped the database and restarted it,
put my rules back in place, and now it works.  Not sure why.  Cached
query plan?

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Administrator
Mount Holyoke College

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] alter column appears to work, but doesn't?

2011-09-05 Thread Ron Peterson
2011-09-05_16:14:00-0400 Tom Lane :
> Ron Peterson  writes:
> > I just dropped my logging rules, stopped the database and restarted it,
> > put my rules back in place, and now it works.  Not sure why.  Cached
> > query plan?
> Maybe.  We'd need a reproducible test case to do more than speculate
> though.

Hi Tom,

I was able to reproduce this.  DDL below.  Probably more DDL than
necessary, but not sure what is or isn't relevant.

postgres=# drop rule attribute_insert_rule on attributes;
postgres=# drop rule attribute_update_rule on attributes;
postgres=# drop rule attribute_delete_rule on attributes;
postgres=# alter table attributes_log alter column attribute_name type 
...then recreate rules below
postgres=# insert into attributes values ( repeat( 'x', 49 ) );
ERROR:  value too long for type character varying(48)

CREATE TABLE attributes (

-- Attribute names can be inserted or deleted, but not changed.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION attribute_name_freeze_tf()
AS $$
IF NEW.attribute_name = OLD.attribute_name THEN
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER attribute_name_freeze_t
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE attribute_name_freeze_tf();

CREATE TABLE attributes_log (
CHECK( action IN ('insert', 'delete','update') ),

CREATE RULE attribute_insert_rule AS
ON INSERT TO attributes
  INSERT INTO attributes_log (
action )
'insert' );

CREATE RULE attribute_update_rule AS
ON UPDATE TO attributes
  INSERT INTO attributes_log (
action )
'update' );

CREATE RULE attribute_delete_rule AS
ON DELETE TO attributes
  INSERT INTO attributes_log (
action )
'delete' );

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Administrator
Mount Holyoke College

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] alter column appears to work, but doesn't?

2011-09-05 Thread Ron Peterson
Phghght.  Sorry, no, that didn't do it, I was typing too fast and
skipped updating the attributes table.  That was definitely not the case
w/ my original database.  Wasn't working.  The table definition reported
the update I made.  Insert did not work.  Dropping rules, restarting
database, and recreating rules got it working.  Dunno.


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[GENERAL] simple tool for building web forms

2008-07-02 Thread Ron Peterson
Can anyone recommend a good tool for building simple web forms w/ a
PostgreSQL backend?  Emphasis on simple - single table contact info
forms, etc.  Something that can be presented to end users w/out a lot of
hand-holding.  E.g. "I want a form w/ last name, first name, # of
guests, arrival date.  Send notification email of new entries to

Ideally the output could easily be embedded in other web pages.  F/OSS
preferred, but proprietary not out of the question.

This isn't a terribly difficult thing to write, but I imagine it's
already been done many times over.  I'd rather re-use something existing
that re-invent the wheel.  Dr. Google hasn't been as helpful as I'd like
so far.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do - not what I tell it to do.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] LDAP Authentication

2008-07-03 Thread Ron Peterson
2008-06-29_09:44:01-0400 Taha Ozket <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a ldap group, "pgsql-developers". I have an user (user1) member
> of this group;
> ...
> How can I change this line for give login permission to
> pgsql-developers members?

If you have pam available, you could do pam authentication, and
configure pam_ldap to enforce group membership.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do - not what I tell it to do.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] simple tool for building web forms

2008-07-03 Thread Ron Peterson
2008-07-02_12:22:51-0400 jcvlz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Roberts, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > http://www.sqlmaestro.com/products/postgresql/
> >
> > I've used the PHP Code Generator with great success for simple stuff
> > like you describe.  You could then write a function to do email
> > notifications or whatever you want.

> If you're looking to a more complex tool, I would recommend any one of
> the popular Content Management Systems (CMSs).  I've had success with
> many but have been using Drupal lately, combined with the OSS /
> flash-based, Flex framework.

Thanks guys.

I'm familiar with these tools, but they are solving a different problem.
I want something *end users* can use to produce their own *simple* web
forms.  The best solution I've found so far is Zoho Creator:


I'm not finding any similar good F/OSS tool in the same space.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do - not what I tell it to do.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] LDAP Authentication

2008-07-03 Thread Ron Peterson
2008-07-03_21:17:50-0400 Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008-06-29_09:44:01-0400 Taha Ozket <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have a ldap group, "pgsql-developers". I have an user (user1) member
> > of this group;
> > ...
> > How can I change this line for give login permission to
> > pgsql-developers members?
> If you have pam available, you could do pam authentication, and
> configure pam_ldap to enforce group membership.

ps - FWIW, I typically make group membership an attribute of the user
object itself, rather than maintain groups objects and user objects
separately.  Primarily because many apps aren't sophisticated enough to
deal with having them separated.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do - not what I tell it to do.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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[GENERAL] quoting internal variable names

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Peterson

I'm trying to use PostgreSQL's internal variables to simplify some shell
scripting database setup stuff.  Single quotes appear to behave
differently in diffent contexts.


CREATE USER worked o.k.

ERROR:  :v_encoding is not a valid encoding name

here the quotation marks appear to throwing things off

:v_encoding is set to SQL_ASCII.  If I remove the quotation marks, then
I (appropriately enough) get the error:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "SQL_ASCII" at character 59

So it seems like the single quotes are causing :v_encoding to be read as
a string literal for ENCODING, but they don't do that for WITH PASSWORD.


Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: [GENERAL] quoting internal variable names

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Peterson
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 05:30:25PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use PostgreSQL's internal variables to simplify some shell
> scripting database setup stuff.  Single quotes appear to behave
> differently in diffent contexts.

I decided to just do the proper quoting within the value contained by
the variable, and that works fine.

If I'm not mistaken, in my example below, the single quote behaviour for
ENCODING is in fact correct (:v_encoding should be read as a string
literal), and whatever is going on for WITH PASSWORD is incorrect.  Is
that right?

Not a big deal, I have things working, I'd just like to know if I'm
mixed up about something here.


Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

>   :v_dbadmin
>   ':v_dbpass';
> CREATE USER worked o.k.
>   :v_dbname
>   :v_dbadmin
>   ':v_encoding';
> ERROR:  :v_encoding is not a valid encoding name
> here the quotation marks appear to throwing things off
> :v_encoding is set to SQL_ASCII.  If I remove the quotation marks, then
> I (appropriately enough) get the error:
>   :v_dbname
>   :v_dbadmin
>   :v_encoding;
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "SQL_ASCII" at character 59
> So it seems like the single quotes are causing :v_encoding to be read as
> a string literal for ENCODING, but they don't do that for WITH PASSWORD.
> ?
> -- 
> Ron Peterson
> Network & Systems Manager
> Mount Holyoke College
> http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~rpeterso
> ---(end of broadcast)---
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>   joining column's datatypes do not match

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] uuid c function contrib

2006-10-17 Thread Ron Peterson

I've written some PostgreSQL C functions which expose the functionality
of Theodore Ts'o's UUID library.  I need to add a few sanity clauses
here and there, but working (mostly) code can be found here:


I have one problem.  My y_uuid_time function works on my laptop
(Kubuntu/Dapper), but not on another box (Debian Sarge).  PostgreSQL
8.1.4 in both cases.

When it works, it looks like this:

rpeterso=# select y_uuid_time( y_uuid_generate_time() );
 2006-10-17 14:29:34

When it doesn't, it looks like this:

rpeterso=# select y_uuid_time( y_uuid_generate_time() );
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

I've been staring at my array bounds so hard it's giving me headache.
If anyone can identify what might be wrong, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] uuid c function contrib

2006-10-17 Thread Ron Peterson
On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 03:25:05PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:

> I've written some PostgreSQL C functions which expose the functionality
> of Theodore Ts'o's UUID library.  I need to add a few sanity clauses
> here and there, but working (mostly) code can be found here:
> http://www.yellowbank.com/code/PostgreSQL/uuid/

> I have one problem.  My y_uuid_time function works on my laptop
> (Kubuntu/Dapper), but not on another box (Debian Sarge).

The usual remedy of walking away from the problem and coming back fresh
helped me realize my stupid mistake.  I still believe in sanity clauses,
so I have a little more finessing to do, but the posted code works.

Implements uuid_generation functions which return bytea values, a
function to convert the bytea values to the canonical hex form, and a
function to extract the time from time-based uuids.  If you can use
this, please do.


rpeterso=# select y_uuid_to_hex( y_uuid_generate() );
(1 row)

rpeterso=# select y_uuid_to_hex( y_uuid_generate_random() );
(1 row)

rpeterso=# select y_uuid_to_hex( y_uuid_generate_time() );
(1 row)

rpeterso=# select y_uuid_time( y_uuid_generate_time() );

 2006-10-17 20:59:25.101671


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] uuid c function contrib

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Peterson
On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 09:07:08PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 03:25:05PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > I've written some PostgreSQL C functions which expose the functionality
> > of Theodore Ts'o's UUID library.

% select y_uuid_time( y_uuid_generate_time() );

 2006-10-17 20:59:25.101671

My y_uuid_time function returns text.  It would be better to have it
return a timestamp.  What internal functions does PostgreSQL use for
timestamp manipulation?

int64 or maybe float atimestamp
atimestamp = convert_seconds+usecs_since_epoch( somedata )

I'm having a hard time finding any examples of functions returning
timestamps I can study to see how they are handled internally.  I'm sure
it's only a line or two of code.


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] uuid c function contrib

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Peterson
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 04:31:57PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:

> I'm having a hard time finding any examples of functions returning
> timestamps I can study to see how they are handled internally.  I'm sure
> it's only a line or two of code.

...I just found date.c

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] c function returning high resolution timestamp

2006-10-20 Thread Ron Peterson
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 04:43:40PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 04:31:57PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > I'm having a hard time finding any examples of functions returning
> > timestamps I can study to see how they are handled internally.  I'm sure
> > it's only a line or two of code.
> ...I just found date.c

I'm pretty close, but I'm still not understanding something about
PostgreSQL's internal timestamp representation.  If I do 'select
now();', I get a return value with microsecond resolution, which would
seem to indicate that internally, PostgreSQL is using an INT64 value
rather than a float to hold the timestamp.  My function below, however,
always takes the float path through the ifdef.  If I force the int64
path, I just get a garbage timestamp which still only has a seconds

What do I need to do to generate a high resolution timestamp?


Ron Peterson

#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "utils/datetime.h"

PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( y_uuid_time );
y_uuid_time( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS )
if( PG_ARGISNULL(0) ) {
bytea* uuid = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);

typedef unsigned int uint;

uuid_t uu;
struct timeval tv;
time_t t;
Timestamp ts;
uint epoch_offset;


memcpy( uu, VARDATA( uuid ), 16 );

t = uuid_time( uu, &tv );

ts = (tv.tv_sec - epoch_offset) * 100 + tv.tv_usec;
ts = (double)(tv.tv_sec - epoch_offset);


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] c function returning high resolution timestamp

2006-10-20 Thread Ron Peterson
On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 03:32:05PM +0200, Andreas Seltenreich wrote:
> Ron Peterson writes:
> > On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 04:43:40PM -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > I'm pretty close, but I'm still not understanding something about
> > PostgreSQL's internal timestamp representation.  If I do 'select
> > now();', I get a return value with microsecond resolution, which would
> > seem to indicate that internally, PostgreSQL is using an INT64 value
> > rather than a float to hold the timestamp.
> Floating point timestamps /do/ have microsecond resolution over a
> limited range:
> ,[ <http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/datatype-datetime.html> ]
> | Microsecond precision is achieved for dates within a few years of
> | 2000-01-01, but the precision degrades for dates further away. When
> | timestamp values are stored as eight-byte integers (a compile-time
> | option), microsecond precision is available over the full range of
> | values.
> `

Ahah!  Pghghtht, I've read that page many times, but never looking for
programming information.  Not a problem with the way the docs are
organized, just a problem with the way my brain is organized.  Thanks
for taking the time to help a slow learner.

Working code is posted here:


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] PostgreSQL Mhash functions

2006-10-30 Thread Ron Peterson
I created a set of PostgreSQL functions which implement the extended set
of digest/hashing functions provided by the Mhash library

For anyone interested, the code is available here:



Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] when to use pfree?

2006-11-07 Thread Ron Peterson
I just encountered a problem with a C function I've been working on
where it broke with the error:

could not find block containing chunk ...

I tracked the problem down to my use of pfree.  Apparently my function
was not happy attempting to return a result that was built using values
that had been pfree'd.  Commenting out the indicated section solved my

I understand that one of the advantages of palloc is that allocated
memory is automatically returned at some point.  My question is, when
does it make sense to call pfree?  I wouldn't have expected the
variables I free'd below to still be needed, but apparently they were.
So now I'm feeling a little intimidated about using pfree at all.
Should I just save a little wear and tear on my keyboard and forgo the
use of pfree altogether?

   aim = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata( td );
   ht = BuildTupleFromCStrings( aim, vals);

   /* make the tuple into a datum */
   result = HeapTupleGetDatum( ht );


//   pfree( rd );
//   pfree( vals[0] );
//   pfree( vals[1] );
//   pfree( vals[2] );
//   pfree( vals );

   PG_RETURN_DATUM( result );


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] when to use pfree?

2006-11-07 Thread Ron Peterson
On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 08:36:45AM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:

> I just encountered a problem with a C function I've been working on
> where it broke with the error:
> could not find block containing chunk ...
> I tracked the problem down to my use of pfree.

I narrowed the problem down a little bit more.  It has nothing to do
with the value I'm returning, it's only the call to 'pfree( rd )' below
that causes me problems.

I did the following, which apparently causes problems.  I wrote my own
little function which allocates rd (using palloc).

tp2cp_palloc( char* stringp, const text* textp ) {
   int len;
   len = VARSIZE(textp) - VARHDRSZ;
   stringp = (char*)palloc( len + 1 );
   if( ! memcpy( stringp, VARDATA(textp), len ) ) { return NULL; }
   if( ! memset( stringp + len, '\0', 1 ) ) { return NULL; }
   return stringp;

Which I call like

otherfunc() {
  char* rd;
  if( ! tp2cp_palloc( rd, rand_dev ) )
  pfree( rd );

Apparently pfree hates that.

Should I abandom this idiom altogether?  Or is it o.k. to do this if I
avoid the call to pfree (i.e. - will the variable be deallocated


Ron Peterson

>aim = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata( td );
>ht = BuildTupleFromCStrings( aim, vals);
>/* make the tuple into a datum */
>result = HeapTupleGetDatum( ht );
> //   pfree( rd );
> //   pfree( vals[0] );
> //   pfree( vals[1] );
> //   pfree( vals[2] );
> //   pfree( vals );
>PG_RETURN_DATUM( result );

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] A couple more PostgreSQL C questions

2006-11-07 Thread Ron Peterson
I have a couple of more PostgreSQL C questions, about the following two
compiler warnings:

warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code

This appears to be caused by the following statement:

   text* rand_dev = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);

in the following context

PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( y_somefunc );
y_somefunc ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS )
   if( PG_ARGISNULL(0) ||
   text* rand_dev = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);

Should I be concerned by this?  What's the proper way to code this?

warning: passing argument 3 of 'GetAttributeByNum' from incompatible pointer 

...caused by the following:

bool isNull;
n  = GetAttributeByNum( tup, 0, &isNull );

executor.h has:

 * prototypes from functions in execQual.c
extern Datum GetAttributeByNum(HeapTupleHeader tuple, AttrNumber attrno,
  bool *isNull);

I'm just not seeing what's wrong here...

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] A couple more PostgreSQL C questions

2006-11-07 Thread Ron Peterson
On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 07:50:52PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:

> I have a couple of more PostgreSQL C questions, about the following two
> compiler warnings:
> warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code

I'm thinking this is unavoidable, and unless my time machine starts
working, irrelevant.  I'm thinking the correct answer is "just live with
it until your version of gcc uses c99 as the default standard".

> warning: passing argument 3 of 'GetAttributeByNum' from incompatible pointer 
> type
> bool isNull;

src/include/c.h has

typedef char bool;

which was conflicting with the definition of bool from elsewhere.  I
just did my own typdef char pg_bool and used that.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] composite type insert

2006-11-18 Thread Ron Peterson
I'm trying to understand how to insert a composite type value.  I'm
having trouble with the last sql statement below.  It errors out with:

ERROR:  cannot cast type record to atype

How should I create a composite type value out of columns a and b in
table tt that I can insert into table atable?



  SELECT 'aaa'::text AS a, 'bbb'::text AS b;

  ROW(a, b)

Thanks as always.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] composite type insert

2006-11-19 Thread Ron Peterson
On Sun, Nov 19, 2006 at 02:09:11AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > How should I create a composite type value out of columns a and b in
> > table tt that I can insert into table atable?
> Hm, it works for me with an explicit cast:
>   atable
>   ROW(a, b)::atype
>   tt;
> Perhaps we should allow this in an automatic or even implicit cast
> context.

Ah, I can certainly live with a cast.  I didn't realize that creating a
composite type with 'create type' also automatically created a cast.  I
should have at least tried that.  Maybe section 8.11 (Composite Types)
or the 'CREATE TYPE' section of the docs should mention this?


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] regular expression limit

2007-01-01 Thread Ron Peterson
I believe there's been a change in PostgreSQL's regular expression
handling w/ 8.2.

--CHECK( name ~ '^[a-f0-9]{1,256}$' )
CHECK( name ~ '^[a-f0-9]{1,255}$' )

If I swap the two check statements above, I can no longer insert data.
The operation errors out with:

"invalid regular expression: invalid repetition count(s)"

I'd like the following domain statement to work.  It used to work in
8.1.4, but not now.  Can I do this in 8.2?

CHECK ( VALUE ~ '^[a-f0-9]{1,8192}$' );


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] regular expression limit

2007-01-02 Thread Ron Peterson
On Mon, Jan 01, 2007 at 11:30:00PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I believe there's been a change in PostgreSQL's regular expression
> > handling w/ 8.2.
> Compared to what?  A repeat count of 256 has been an error at least
> since 7.4, and is documented as such:
> : The numbers m and n within a bound are unsigned decimal integers with
> : permissible values from 0 to 255 inclusive.
> > I'd like the following domain statement to work.  It used to work in
> > 8.1.4, but not now.
> Sorry, I don't believe 8.1 took it either.

Hmm, my test table fails in 8.1.4 also, but my actual use case works in
8.1.4 but not 8.2.

CHECK ( VALUE ~ '^[a-f0-9]{1,8192}$' );

CREATE TYPE __rsa_keys AS (

  y_pkcs_generate_rsa_keys(rd TEXT, sl INTEGER, mb INTEGER)
  'y_pkcs.so', 'y_pkcs_generate_rsa_keys'

When I call y_pkcs_generate_rsa_keys in 8.1.4 it works.  When I call
this function in 8.2 it fails with the regular expression limit error.

I'll just revise my constraint as you suggested.

> Consider separating your concerns, eg
>   CHECK( length(VALUE) <= 8192 AND VALUE ~ '^[a-f0-9]+$' )

That works for me.  Thanks.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] octet string type contribution

2007-01-18 Thread Ron Peterson
I have created a fixed length octet string type which anyone so inclined
should feel free to use.  The purpose of this type is to reduce the
overhead associated with storing fixed length binary data in a variable
length type like bytea.  So far, I've implemented a sixteen octet string
type, which would be appropriate for storing MD5 hashes or UUID's (aka
GUID's), say.  I plan to implement other common sizes.


Comments or suggestions for improvement are very welcome.


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] lanmanager and ntlm hash function contribution

2007-01-19 Thread Ron Peterson
The following location contains PostgreSQL C functions for generating
lanmanager and ntlm password hashes.  Feel free to use as you see fit.



Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] CAST function for user defined type

2007-01-22 Thread Ron Peterson
I've created my own type: y_octet_16.  Now I'm trying to create a CAST
function for this type, but I'm not quite getting it.

The input function for my type takes a 32 char hex string as input.


  bt( val );

-- this works
  bt( name, val )
  ( 'aaa', 'abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890' );

-- this doesn't work, with or without the cast
  bt( name, val )
  ( 'aaa', encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_byte_16 );

% INSERT INTO bt( name, val ) VALUES
  ( 'aaa', encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_byte_16 );
ERROR:  type "y_byte_16" does not exist
LINE 4:   ( 'aaa', encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_byte_16 )

I think my question is: where do I define y_byte_16 as a type that is
recognized by my CAST function?  What are the requirements on this
definition?  I have:

  (text AS y_octet_16)
  text_cast_to_y_octet_16( text );

   text *txtstr;
   char *octstr;

   if( PG_ARGISNULL(0) ) {
   txtstr = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);

   octstr = hex2bin_palloc( VARDATA(txtstr), 16 );

   PG_RETURN_POINTER( octstr );


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
   subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
   message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] CAST function for user defined type

2007-01-22 Thread Ron Peterson
On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 04:36:20PM +0100, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 09:44:52AM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > I've created my own type: y_octet_16.  Now I'm trying to create a CAST
> > function for this type, but I'm not quite getting it.
> Quick question: do you mean:
> >   val
> > y_octet_16
>   ^^
> >   ( 'aaa', encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_byte_16 );
> or   ^
> I'm not sure from your example of the difference? byte vs octet.

Phghtht, I got tripped up by my own pedantry.  I'm using the specific
term 'octet' to refer to eight bits, rather than the colloquial 'byte',
but instinctively typed 'byte' in my cast.  So that's just a typo.

That cleared one hurdle, but I'm still not there yet.

% select encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' );
(1 row)

% select 'fe43d07c0c624786bebfcb3357a2a13a'::y_octet_16;

That works, but if I cast the output of 'encode' directly as below, my
cast function doesn't work.  The error message indicates that it's not
seeing a hex string as input.  When things are connected up this way,
what should the cast function expect to see as input?

% select encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_octet_16;
ERROR:  input string contains invalid characters


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] CAST function for user defined type

2007-01-22 Thread Ron Peterson
On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 11:40:08AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > That cleared one hurdle, but I'm still not there yet.
> > % select 'fe43d07c0c624786bebfcb3357a2a13a'::y_octet_16;
> > y_octet_16
> > --
> >  fe43d07c0c624786bebfcb3357a2a13a
> That's not invoking any cast function, but the type's typinput function
> (applied to a C-string).
> > When things are connected up this way,
> > what should the cast function expect to see as input?
> > % select encode( y_uuid_generate(), 'hex' )::y_octet_16;
> > ERROR:  input string contains invalid characters
> If it's a cast from TEXT, it'll get the internal form of a TEXT datum,
> ie, a counted (and not null-terminated) string.  You might look at
> textin() and textout() to grok the difference.

Got it working now.  Thanks.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Limit on number of users in postgresql?

2007-01-28 Thread Ron Peterson
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 01:21:09PM -0500, Bill Moran wrote:

> The only thing that's missing is row-level granularity.  There's at least
> one project out there supporting that, and you can also simulate it with
> clever usage of stored procedures and the ability to run them with the
> permissions of the definer instead of the executer.

You can also use rules to protect rows.  E.g.

CREATE RULE atable__lock_user_insert
  CURRENT_USER != 'mysuper'
  new.username != CURRENT_USER
DO INSTEAD nothing;

CREATE RULE atable__lock_user_update
  CURRENT_USER != 'mysuper'
  old.username != CURRENT_USER
DO INSTEAD nothing;

CREATE RULE atable__lock_user_delete
  CURRENT_USER != 'mysuper'
  old.username != CURRENT_USER
DO INSTEAD nothing;

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] programming 'like' operator

2007-01-29 Thread Ron Peterson
Anyone have any tips for an earnest aspiring but somewhat befuddled
PostgreSQL acolyte as to what's required to program (in C) a 'like'
operator for a user defined type?

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] create operator class problem

2007-02-06 Thread Ron Peterson
I wanted to play with ltree, but I'm having trouble running ltree.sql.
Everything in ltree.sql seems to work, except for the CREATE OPERATOR
CLASS statements, which error out like:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "OPERATOR10"
LINE 3: OPERATOR10<@ (_ltree, ltree)RECHECK ,

...which is generated from:

OPERATOR10  <@ (_ltree, ltree)  RECHECK ,
OPERATOR11  @> (ltree, _ltree)  RECHECK ,
OPERATOR12  ~ (_ltree, lquery)  RECHECK ,
OPERATOR13  ~ (lquery, _ltree)  RECHECK ,
OPERATOR14  @ (_ltree, ltxtquery)   RECHECK ,
OPERATOR15  @ (ltxtquery, _ltree)   RECHECK ,
OPERATOR16  ? (_ltree, _lquery) RECHECK ,
OPERATOR17  ? (_lquery, _ltree) RECHECK ,
FUNCTION1   _ltree_consistent (internal, internal, int2),
FUNCTION2   _ltree_union (internal, internal),
FUNCTION3   _ltree_compress (internal),
FUNCTION4   ltree_decompress (internal),
FUNCTION5   _ltree_penalty (internal, internal, internal),
FUNCTION6   _ltree_picksplit (internal, internal),
FUNCTION7   _ltree_same (internal, internal, internal),
STORAGE ltree_gist;

I'm running PostgreSQL 8.2.1.

I also gave the 'seg' contrib module a whirl, and it also errors out on

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: [GENERAL] create operator class problem

2007-02-06 Thread Ron Peterson
On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 10:45:23AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I wanted to play with ltree, but I'm having trouble running ltree.sql.
> > Everything in ltree.sql seems to work, except for the CREATE OPERATOR
> > CLASS statements, which error out like:
> > ERROR:  syntax error at or near "OPERATOR10"
> > LINE 3: OPERATOR10<@ (_ltree, ltree)RECHECK ,
> Looks like something removed the tabs in that line?

Ah, yep.  For some reason the emacs 'sql-send-region' command in
sql-postgres mode is munging that line.  If I just read the file
directly everything is fine.  Thanks.

Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL PAM function contrib

2007-03-25 Thread Ron Peterson
A function to authenticate username/password pairs via PAM.

y_pam_auth( username text, password text ) returns bool


This obviously requires that you trust the server.


Ron Peterson

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] information schema extra fields

2004-12-10 Thread Ron Peterson
I was just reading the PostgreSQL documentation about Information
Schemas.  Some of the tables have fields which are described as

"Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL"

What does that mean?

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] trouble with on insert rule via libpg-perl

2004-12-10 Thread Ron Peterson
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:26:09PM -0500, rpeterso wrote:

I should have mentioned...

PostgreSQL versions 8.0.0beta5 and 7.4.6
libpq-perl 2.0.2
perl 5.8.4

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


[GENERAL] trouble with on insert rule via libpg-perl

2004-12-10 Thread Ron Peterson
I have a simple table, a view, and an on insert rule.  These work fine,
ordinarily.  But when I attempt to to insert a value into thesis_ps_v
via libpq_sql, nothing happens.  If I capture the sql string I'm sending
(as per code sample below), print it to a file, and paste it into a psql
session, it works fine.  If I use the same perl code (with the minor
required modifications to the sql string) to insert rows directly into
the the table, that works fine also.  I've included the relevant tables
and perl code below.


DEFAULT nextval( 'thesis_id_seq' )

  thesis( thesis_sha1 );


CREATE RULE thesis_ps_v_insert AS
ON INSERT TO thesis_ps_v
INSERT INTO thesis ( thesis_sha1, ps )
VALUES ( digest( new.ps, 'sha1' ), new.ps );


sub upload_val ($) {
my( $octstr_ref ) = @_;

my $sqlstr = </secure/tmpdir/test.out" );
   print TEST "\n\n$sqlstr\n\n";
   close( TEST );

my $result = $CONN->exec( $sqlstr );
my $status = $result->resultStatus;
my $oid = $result->cmdTuples;

if( $CONN->errorMessage &&
! ( $oid eq "" || $status eq PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) ) {
print STDERR sprintf( 'SQL exec failed: %s',
  $CONN->errorMessage ), "\n";

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] information schema extra fields

2004-12-10 Thread Ron Peterson
On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 11:58:31AM +0900, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Ron Peterson wrote:
> >I was just reading the PostgreSQL documentation about Information
> >Schemas.  Some of the tables have fields which are described as
> >
> >"Applies to a feature not available in PostgreSQL"
> The information schema is a part of the SQL standard that allows access 
> to information about the structure of the database schema. PostgreSQL 
> strives to implement the SQL standard, but there are some features of 
> the SQL standard that PostgreSQL has not yet implemented or has decided 
> not to. You can check SQL conformance in the documentation.

Ah, thanks.  I didn't realize this was part of the SQL standard.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [GENERAL] trouble with on insert rule via libpg-perl

2004-12-11 Thread Ron Peterson
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:26:09PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:

> I have a simple table, a view, and an on insert rule.  These work fine,
> ordinarily.  But when I attempt to to insert a value into thesis_ps_v
> via libpq_sql, nothing happens.

Fixed.  I didn't set the schema search path properly in my perl code.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


[GENERAL] bytea internal encoding

2004-12-15 Thread Ron Peterson
How are bytea values encoded internally?

Or maybe a better question would be what is the proper way to access
bytea data from within a C function?  Are there utility functions for
reading the bytea data as a stream of scalar values, for example?

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] bytea internal encoding

2004-12-15 Thread Ron Peterson
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 11:08:29PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:

> How are bytea values encoded internally?
> Or maybe a better question would be what is the proper way to access
> bytea data from within a C function?  Are there utility functions for
> reading the bytea data as a stream of scalar values, for example?

If I do something like:

bytea* bindat = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(0);
int32 total_data_bytes = VARSIZE( bindat ) - VARHDRSZ;
char* test_cp = (char*)palloc( total_data_bytes );
memcpy( test_cp, VARDATA( bindat ), total_data_bytes );
fwrite( test_cp, 1, total_data_bytes, test_fp );

I get the exactly the same binary file out that I stuffed into
PostgreSQL by octal escaping it and doing an insert.  Am I asking for
trouble writing code like this?

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


Re: [GENERAL] bytea internal encoding

2004-12-16 Thread Ron Peterson
On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 10:22:07PM -0700, Michael Fuhr wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 11:08:29PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > How are bytea values encoded internally?
> > 
> > Or maybe a better question would be what is the proper way to access
> > bytea data from within a C function?  Are there utility functions for
> > reading the bytea data as a stream of scalar values, for example?
> Do you mean a C function on the server side or on the client side?
> For examples of server-side code, take a look at functions in the
> PostgreSQL source that handle BYTEA, e.g., byteacat() in
> src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c.  See also the comments concerning
> variable-length data and the relevant examples in the "C-Language
> Functions" section of the "Extending SQL" chapter in the documentation.


I was just looking at byteacat.  Because byteacat concatenates two bytea
arguments, it then seems safe enough to use memcpy in conjunction with
VARSIZE to move the data around (they're both the same type, so they'll
map one to one).

I guess maybe what I'm asking is whether or not it's safe to assume that
bytea data will always consist of a string of VARSIZE-VARHDRSZ eight bit
bytes, i.e. it's safe to assume 'byte' will always refer to 8 bit values
in the range 0..255.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

[GENERAL] transactions in multiple action rules

2004-12-20 Thread Ron Peterson
Do the multiple actions within a multiple action rule implicitly reside
within a transaction?  I notice that if I brace my multiple actions with
BEGIN; and COMMIT;, that I get a syntax error, so I'm assuming that's
because they are superfluous in that context... ?

(I want to be sure that I can count on 'currval' returning the sequence
value returned by the previous action's 'nextval', so that I know I am
inserting the proper foreign key into a table after inserting a record
into the referenced table.)

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
  joining column's datatypes do not match

[GENERAL] security

2005-02-05 Thread Ron Peterson
I would like to be able to assert that the security of data stored as a
value in a PostgreSQL table can be as high as the security of saving
that same piece of data to a file on disk.  Would that be correct?

I can set table permissions, and even use rules to enforce row level
access rights.  Of course, the PostgreSQL superuser can circumvent any
of these efforts, but that's no different than having root on the OS.

There are a number of reasons I'd like to think this, but just to pick a
concrete example.  Let's say I wanted to implement something analogous
to the unix shadow password file.  I have a table full of usernames and
digested passwords.  I set up a rule so that only the username
associated with a particular record has access to read or modify the
password digest for that record.  Unix file permissions restrict access
to the the data on disk to the postgres user.

This actually seems *more* secure to me than the unix shadow password
file, because I can do row level permission checking.

Is there some reason I'm not thinking of that it would be crazy to
consider using PostgreSQL as a secure data store?  Of course I must
always fear my own incompetance, but that applies to any system, not
just PostgreSQL.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] security

2005-02-06 Thread Ron Peterson
On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 11:00:28PM -0800, David Fetter wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 09:08:00PM -0500, Ron Peterson wrote:
> > I would like to be able to assert that the security of data stored
> > as a value in a PostgreSQL table can be as high as the security of
> > saving that same piece of data to a file on disk.  Would that be
> > correct?
> I hate to put it so bluntly, but "security" isn't a product that you
> buy or a service that you use.  It's not even a rigid set of
> procedures, however well-thought-out such a set might be.
> Instead, it's a large and by its nature flexible set of processes that
> you must implement and keep up to date.  What distinguishes security
> in the computer field from other kinds of things involving computers
> is the existence of one or more attackers.  In re: how to do security,
> I'll quote Bruce Schneier's 5-step security evaluation:
>1. What assets are you trying to protect?
>2. What are the risks to those assets?
>3. How well does the security solution mitigate those risks?
>4. What other risks does the security solution cause?
>5. What costs and tradeoffs does the security solution impose?
> Until you have answered questions 1 and 2, you can't even start on an
> implementation.

Sure, I agree with all of that.  Those are useful abstractions which
basically say that at some point, you need to stop thinking in
abstractions, and get down to brass tacks.

Using the term "secure" in a loose sense, clearly I hope we can consider
it's possible to create secure database applications in PostgreSQL.
Otherwise we can tell our clients that PostgreSQL is an inappropriate
place to consider storing sensitive information.

It's the brass tacks stuff I'd like feel I have a really firm grip on.
I've searched, but have not yet found anything resembling a "security
best practices" howto for PostgreSQL.  I think I have a reasonable grasp
of what needs to be done to secure a database application, but I'm
worried about that one thing I'm overlooking that leaves me wide open
(memory scrubbing?, etc.).  As others have said, the additional
complications PostgreSQL introduces are the most probable cause of
weakness.  On the other hand, I don't feel that PostgreSQL is *so*
complicated, that those complications can't be dealt with.  For example,
I agree with Steve Atkins' point that running the database on a separate
host eliminates or at least reduces the potential impact of a whole host
of issues.

Does anyone know of a best practices security checklist for PostgreSQL?
Or any other resources in that vein?

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly


2000-06-06 Thread Ron Peterson

What does 'STATEMENT' refer to in the following description for CREATE

CREATE TRIGGER name { BEFORE | AFTER } { event [OR ...] }
EXECUTE PROCEDURE func ( arguments )

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Re: PHP and inet data type

2000-06-09 Thread Ron Peterson

mikeo wrote:
> just a curiosity question...is the pg_FieldType() function
> something you wrote yourself?

It's a PHP function.


Re: [GENERAL] Timestamp and compatiblity with MySQL

2000-06-14 Thread Ron Peterson

Daniel Mendyke wrote:
> MySQL allows me to use DATE_FORMAT( col_name, '%D %M %Y' )
> to format the data.  What function or method does Postgres
> provide for formating timestamp data?

Try to_char( timestamp_col_name, 'DD MM ' ).

See the section on "Formatting Functions" in the distribution's included
html documentation for more details.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql and programming

2000-06-14 Thread Ron Peterson

If you're only consideration is raw performance of lookups on text
fields, I suppose there might be some measureable performance advantage
in putting everything in one table, but I doubt you'd really notice the
difference.  If you *did* do this, what is the significance of the
authorID field?

Normalize, normalize, normalize.  Use a relational database for it's
strengths.  Don't duplicate data.

"T.J.Farrell" wrote:
> In terms of performance also, is it preferable to desing a database as:
> create table articles (
> refarticle text,
> title text,
> authorID integer,
> authorname text,
> editorID integer,
> editorname text,
> ... etc...
> );
> OR :
> create articles(
> refarticle text,
> title text,
> authorID integer,
> editorID integer,
> ... etc...
> );
> create table authors(
>authorname text,
> authorID integer,
> ...etc...
> );
> create table editors(
> editorID integer,
> editorname text,
> ...etc...
> );

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] large text fields?

2000-06-14 Thread Ron Peterson

Mike Salib wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to find out if I can store more than 8k characters of data in
> one field in a single row. I'm working on a web based app and limiting
> myself to 8k posts is problematic. Has this limitation changed in
> Postgres 7?

No.  You have three options, I think.

(1) Increase the data page size and recompile.

(2) Use the large object interface.

(3) Check out Jan Wieck's TOAST project
(http://www.postgresql.org/projects/devel-toast.html).  It's still in
development, but maybe you can help.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Help:How do you find that how much storage is taken by the database??

2000-06-15 Thread Ron Peterson

> Hi,
> How do you find that how much storage the data in the database or tables
> is taking in bytes or any other format???
> Is there any command which tells you this???

ls -l /usr/local/pgsql/data/base

As a user with access to this directory, of course.  This is assuming
PostgreSQL has been installed in the usual location.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] trigger errors

2000-06-15 Thread Ron Peterson

Marc Britten wrote:
> hi again,
> i created a trigger on a table for insert or delete, and a function that
> gets created fine.
> however when i go to insert something into the table i get
> NOTICE:  plpgsql: ERROR during compile of create_count_cache near line 2
> ERROR:  parse error at or near ";"

Hi Marc,

Try this function instead:

CREATE FUNCTION create_count_cache()
RETURNS opaque AS ' 
FROM snippet
FROM snippet
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

There are two changes from what you have.  You cannot use BEGIN/COMMIT
(i.e. transactions) within a function or trigger.  In plpgsql, use BEGIN
and END to delimit your function statements.  There is more information
about this in the PL/pgSQL portion of the user's guide.  The function
also needs to return something.  A return type of 'opaque' doesn't mean
the function returns nothing, it means the function doesn't return a
defined SQL datatype.

Ron Peterson


2000-06-15 Thread Ron Peterson

Robert Deme wrote:
> Hello!!
> in flagship ( a variant of clipper for unix , http://www.wgs.com/) it is
> an interesting statement "seek eval" ; it scans the index and for every
> position it evaluates a block of code/ function until the function
> return true .
> is in postgresql an internal mechanism or a way to use the index when
> selecting records with conditions like function(index_expression) =
> value ?

I'm not sure I understand the question.  There are a large number of
functions built in to PostgreSQL that you can use in your queries.  Plus
you can define your own functions in SQL, C, or other languages.  If
you're talking about something else, maybe send an example.


filling text,

slice   float --size in degrees.

VALUES ('blackbird', 90);

VALUES ('blackbird', 45);

VALUES ('plum', 120);

SELECT filling, radians( slice ) AS size
FROM pie
WHERE radians( slice ) > 1;

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Primary key question

2000-07-05 Thread Ron Peterson

Richard Rowell wrote:
> I'm creating a database with 20 tables or so.  I have come to the
> table that will likely tie many of these tables together, that is
> every single field in this table will be a foriegn key.  My question
> is, rather then include all of the fields into the primary key of this
> table, and therefore include all of these fields into any table that
> will reference this one, would it be politically correct to just give
> each entry an integer as a primary key and scan for dupes in a
> trigger?  It sure seems like it would cut down on the complexity of
> the whole thing...

If I understand correctly, it sounds like what you want to do is
establish a UNIQUE constraint on your foreign keys, and add a sequenced
integer to be the primary key for this table.  E.G. - 


Ron Peterson

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] Revised Copyright: is this morepalatable?

2000-07-05 Thread Ron Peterson

Mike Mascari wrote:
> Why do you continue to insist that GPL is superior to BSD? GPL is
> BSD *with restrictions*. If someone comes along and sweeps up the
> major developers:
> A) Good for the major developers - they deserve to have large
> sums of cash thrown their way, particularly for many of them who
> have been working on this *for years*
> B) The moment it happens, the project forks and another "Marc"
> out-there offers to host development on his machine and the
> process begins again. PostgreSQL exists despite Illustra's
> existence.
> This is not something new. SunOS, AIX, HPUX, etc. all have (at
> one time or another) considerable BSD roots. And yet FreeBSD
> still exists... All GPL does is 'poison' the pot by prohibiting
> commercial spawns which may leverage the code. If someone makes
> some money selling CommercialGres by integrating replication,
> distributive, and parallel query, good for them.

Is perhaps GPL more restrictive for *developers*?  And BSD more
restrictive for *consumers*?

As a consumer I prefer the GPL.  But Mike's point is well taken.  I
agree that the GPL is rather idealistic.  It makes it very difficult,
almost impossible, for someone to make money doing software development.

Is there a middle ground?  Somewhere where perhaps I can be assured that
*someday* in the not-so-distant future I, as a consumer, will have
access to source code?  Is there any such thing as a license with
built-in time limits?  Reasonably short time limits, as opposed to those
provided by the U.S. patent office?

Or is there a way to write an open-source license that allows developers
to make money?  I know, I know, there are too many licenses already. 
But if talented hard working people can't make a living, there's a
problem.  This will probably sound very stupid, but would it be possible
to write a license that said something to the effect of "if you are a
big corporate commercial interest worth more than $X, you must donate $Y
to postgresql.org."?

I'm not trying to rankle the developers who have benefited me so much by
promoting the GPL.  I'm just trying to protect myself as a consumer from
being left in the cold when the product I've spent so much time learning
and implementing suddenly goes proprietary.

Sorry to be cynical, but as a consumer, I can't help seeing BSD licenses
as good old bait and switch.  And this discussion doesn't reassure me

Sure, the code can fork.  SunOS, AIX, HPUX are good examples.  Examples
of the kind of code forking and corporatism I thought, I hoped, the
world was moving away from.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] proposed improvements to PostgreSQL license

2000-07-06 Thread Ron Peterson

Chris Bitmead wrote:
> > I would submit that most businesses don't know the difference.  Perhaps
> > they need some education.
> Are you volunteering?

Of course.  As the systems administrator for my company, I feel it's my
responsibility to inform the principals who run this company about
software licensing issues that may affect them.  I would hope that
anyone with similar duties at any other company would feel the same way.

I would like to future proof any technology investments we make to the
greatest degree possible.  If I say "let's build our project management
database using xyz", I would like to assure anyone buying into this
proposal that I have some confidence in the future direction xyz will

The current licensing debate surrounding PostgreSQL has greatly
diminished my confidence in it's long term viability as an open source
project.  I may be very wrong here, but I really don't feel like taking
unnecessary chances.

The best argument so far as to how a BSD style license will maintain
PostgreSQL's viability as an open source project is that if someone take
the code proprietary, someone else can fork the code and continue
development as an open source project.

This has happened in PostgreSQL's own history.  How long did it take for
the project to get picked up again?  How long did it take for the people
who picked it up to familiarize themselves with the code?  How long did
it take before the community at large developed any confidence in the
project's viability?  How much talent was lost?  How many ideas were

I believe developers assurances about their desire to maintain
PostgreSQL as an open source project are sincere.  But I am not going to
continue investing my time in PostgreSQL unless those assurances are
backed by contractually binding verbage.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] proposed improvements to PostgreSQL license

2000-07-06 Thread Ron Peterson

Philip Warner wrote:
> At 10:19 6/07/00 -0400, Ron Peterson wrote:
> >
> >This has happened in PostgreSQL's own history.  How long did it take for
> >the project to get picked up again?  How long did it take for the people
> >who picked it up to familiarize themselves with the code?  How long did
> >it take before the community at large developed any confidence in the
> >project's viability?  How much talent was lost?  How many ideas were
> >lost?
> >
> >I believe developers assurances about their desire to maintain
> >PostgreSQL as an open source project are sincere.  But I am not going to
> >continue investing my time in PostgreSQL unless those assurances are
> >backed by contractually binding verbage.
> Short of employing the core developers directly, and giving them good
> enough conditions to ensure that they stay with you, I don't think you can
> acheieve your ends. No license change will help. All a licence does is
> tells you what *you* can do with the software.
> GPL or BSD, if someone buys up the core developers, their replacements will
> have a steep learning curve. Your only choice here is to invest local
> talent from your company in the development project so that if the core
> developers do leave, then there is a higher chance of a quick uptake.
> Or have I missed something? Did you have some kind of "contractually
> binding verbage" in mind?

Technically, you're right, of course.  There are no absolutes here, just
probabilities.  Developers will come and go in either case.  But in
these days of multi-billion dollar mergers and acquisisitons, I would
prefer team as a whole be working under a license that would discourage
them from taking the code private.  Losing any of the developers would
be a loss.  But losing a significant fraction of them could be tragic.

By the way, I hope I'm not coming across as saying "thanks for all your
hard work, now go eat peanuts."  I have great appreciation for what
PostgreSQL has become, and for the developers who have made it so.  That
is why I keep at this tired argument.  I would like to know that this
project will continue in a manner that benefits the little people, not
just big corporate commercial interests.

Perhaps some company _would_ like to pay the developers mucho dinero to
continue PostgreSQL development.  In fact I really hope so.  I would
just like to know that if that happened, there would be no obstacle to
returning privately developed code to the public domain.

Great Bridge has announced their intention to sell both products and
services.  What are the products?

I'm going to bow out of this discussion.  (applause!)  Sorry if it
sounds old and tired to the veterans among us.  I'm a little green in
the gills and I appreciate your sufferance.

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] trigger, how to determine action calling?

2000-08-31 Thread Ron Peterson

Marcin Mazurek wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to determine easily which action called triger?
> For example:
> How to check in called function if it was INSERT or UPDATE?

Sure.  Here's a snippet of C that does this.  You might like to check
out the sample SPI programs included with the PostgreSQL source (in

  if (!CurrentTriggerData)
elog(ERROR, "nodeinsert: triggers are not initialized");
  if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
elog(ERROR, "nodeinsert: can't process STATEMENT events");
  if (TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
elog(ERROR, "nodeinsert: must be fired before event");

  if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
trigger_tuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_trigtuple;
  else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
/* trigger_tuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_newtuple; */
elog(ERROR, "nodeinsert: must be fired on INSERT, not UPDATE");
elog(ERROR, "nodeinsert: must be fired on INSERT, not DELETE");


Ron Peterson
Systems Manager
Wallace Floyd Design Group
273 Summer Street
Boston, MA  02210
617.350.7400 tel
617.350.0051 fax

Re: [GENERAL] How passwords can be crypted in postgres?

2001-01-04 Thread Ron Peterson

Gordan Bobic wrote:
> > Here's a crypted password: 00xNyXeahk4NU.  I crypted it in perl as
> > crypt(, salt).  So what is ?
> >
> > The point of a one way hash is that it's, well, one way.  Pretty much
> > the only way you're going to figure out what password that encrypted
> > string corresponds to is to brute force it.  Considering that I crypted
> > a fairly long random string, that could take you a while.  A really long
> > while, unless you've got a budget orders of magnitude larger than most
> > people.
> [snip]
> > Until the advent of shadow password files, which help defeat brute force
> > attacks of the type I just mentioned, the /etc/password file has been
> > readable by everyone.  It really doesn't matter that much if people know
> > the crypted string.  They still won't be able to authenticate themselves
> > until they know the real password.
> >
> > So the problem you're trying to defeat by crypting your passwords is the
> > problem of someone reading your password file knowing all of your
> > passwords.
> >
> > Now if you're dumb enough to send cleartext passwords unencrypted over a
> > public network, you need some schooling.  And of course any programs
> > doing authentication need to be secure.  But that's a different problem
> > altogether.
> I was referring to a different aspect of security. I was referring to
> preventing more of a "man-in-the-middle" type of attack. If you have a
> packet sniffer somewhere between the client and the server, then someone
> could read your packet containing the encrypted password and use it to
> authenticate to the server, without knowing or caring what the real
> password is. If you can send the encrypted password to the server that
> matches, you're in.

How so?  The server is going to take the string you send it, and one-way
hash it.  If you send it the hash value, it will hash that.  Unless that
happens to hash to itself, which is exceedingly unlikely, you will not
be authenticated.

What kind of system are you talking about?


Re: [GENERAL] create user, user exists

2001-03-17 Thread Ron Peterson

Tom Lane wrote:
> Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm having a bit of authentication trouble.  I'm trying to use 'crypt'
> > authentication.  PostgreSQL 7.1beta5.  My pg_hba.conf is as follows:
> IIRC, you can't use crypt with a flat password file, you have to use
> plain passwd authentication.  (On a local connection there's not much
> point in crypt anyway...)
> BTW, it may help to look in the postmaster log; for many authentication
> failures, the error message sent to the client is deliberately not
> telling all.  The message recorded in the log may have additional
> details.

I misunderstood the difference between 'crypt' and 'password'.  I
thought they both did a flat password file, and 'crypt' crypted the
passwords, and 'password' didn't.  Instead, 'crypt' encrypts passwords
sent over the wire, and 'password' authenticates against a flat
(crypted) password file, rather than pg_shadow.

So local+crypt doesn't make a lot of sense, obviously.

So now I'm trying to decide whether I want to use 'password' or
pg_shadow for user authentication.  Using 'password' seems like a broad
(and easily managed) brush, while using groups would give me a finer
degree of control over permission settings.  I'm using ssl for my remote
connections, so the whole 'crypt' thing is irrelevant.

GPG and other info at: http://www.yellowbank.com/

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] how to load a sql-file????

2001-03-28 Thread Ron Peterson

Jason Earl wrote:
> psql  -U postgres -f loadfile.sql
> Should do what you want.  Or if you are already in
> psql take a look at the \i command.

Especially if you're just starting, you might like to start psql as
'psql -s'.  This puts you in single step mode, so when you use \i, the
SQL commands you are loading will be executed one at a time.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
GPG and other info at http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~rpeterso

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?



2001-04-18 Thread Ron Peterson

The BOFH wrote:
> Just installed 7.1 (first time) and enabled SSL support.  Is there a way to
> confirm that connections are being made via SSL?  The logfile shows a
> connection, but doesn't specify whether SSL was used or not.
> I used hostssl in the hba file.

You need to compile PostgreSQL with SSL support, and configure
pg_hba.conf appropriately.  The comments in the provided pg_hba.conf

# ... Note that a "host"
# record will also allow SSL connections; write "hostssl" if you want to
# accept *only* SSL-secured connections from this host or hosts.

If you wanted to be really sure, you could do some packet sniffing...

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
GPG and other info at http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~rpeterso

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] International Address Format Standard

2000-03-07 Thread Ron Peterson

Is there any such thing as a standard schema for international
addresses?  Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but one can always hope.  I
can find information about individual countries easily enough.  But how
about a general solution?  Or is this just pie in the sky?

Ron Peterson

[GENERAL] recursive queries?

2000-04-09 Thread Ron Peterson

Now and again, I find myself wanting to store data in some kind of
variable-level hierarchy.  To take a familiar example, let's say the
directory structure on my computer.

So I start to do something like:

CREATE SEQUENCE directory_id_seq;
CREATE TABLE directory {
parent  INTEGER,
DEFAULT nextval('directory_id_seq')

INSERT INTO directory
VALUES (1, '\.');

ALTER TABLE directory
REFERENCES directory(id)

Happy, happy.  The problem is, while it's easy enough to define such a
data structure, support for recursive queries is rather lacking.  To
unroll a directory tree, you basically have to resort to programming in

Not that I really know what I'm talking about when I say 'unroll'.  This
data structure is general enough to support cyclic directed graphs.  So
what does it mean to 'unroll' such a beasty?

So what's my question then?  Well, it seems like maybe there _should_,
or at least _could_ be support for some kinds of common problems.  For
example, I would like to constrain my data structure to really be a
tree, and not a potentially cyclical graph.

Does anyone know whether there has been, or ever will be, movement in
this direction among the SQL literati?  Am I asking a completely
inappropriate question?

Perhaps these types of problems are what OODB adherents are attempting
to address.

So, to sum, my question:  Who plays in this space?  Will the SQL
standard itself ever play in this space?

Personally, I'm really only interested in something elegant.  Meaning I
don't want to mess around with a solution where this broker communicates
with that broker via an n-way blah blah blah.  I can maintain literacy
in several tools at once, but not several dozen.  Is my best bet simply
to accept SQL's limitations and program around them in C++ (or C, or
Python, or Perl, etc.)?

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Win32 Install

2000-04-18 Thread Ron Peterson

Joseph wrote:

You're also asking everyone who reads this newsgroup to send you a
reciept.  Could you turn that auto-ask-for-a-reciept feature off,

Ron Peterson

Re: [GENERAL] Starting a new project, any opinions about using 7.0?

2000-04-18 Thread Ron Peterson

"Michael S. Kelly" wrote:
> I'm starting a new project.  We've selected PostgreSQL and I'm wondering if
> we shouldn't just jump in with 7.0 and avoid conversion hassles later on.


I haven't seen any discussions on this list since 7.0beta1 was released
that would indicate you should be concerned about it's stability.  Quite
the contrary - there have been a number of discussions which concluded
by saying something like "...why don't you just try upgrading to
7.0betaX and maybe your problems will go away."  At which point the
discussion usually ceased.

Also, by the time your project, whatever it is, is really underway, I
think you can expect to see the final release of 7.0.

Don't forget that one of the contributions you can make to the
PostgreSQL effort is to provide feedback.  Of course feedback on the
current product is more useful than feedback on past versions.

The features you mention are significant additions to PostgreSQL's
capabilities.  I'm particularly grateful for the addition of referential
integrity constraints.

Ron Peterson

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL User Groups

2000-05-10 Thread Ron Peterson

Does PostgreSQL have local user groups?  I happen to live in Boston, so
of course anything around here would interest me most.


Re: [GENERAL] Re: search.cgi not found on ur site

2000-05-16 Thread Ron Peterson

> On Tue, 16 May 2000, siva wrote:

> > and i also wants to know how to find and delete duplicate values from postgres 
>database(primary key not defined). and i dont wants to go thru. any other books or 
>reference . give me the correct syntax :

The correct syntax for writing a sentence is to capitalize the first
letter of the first word.  End the sentence with a period immediately
following the last word.  There should be no space between the word
preceding a colon and the colon, either.  The first person singular 'I'
should also be capitalized.  The proper spelling is "PostgreSQL", not
"postgres"; and  "through", not "thru".  For example:

"I don't want to go through any other books or reference material."

rather than:

". and i dont wants to go thru. any other books or reference ."

I'd suggest you reconsider your stance against fancy book-learning. 
You'll have to spend an awfully lot of time on the discussion forums to
find out everything you need to know about running PostgreSQL, if you
don't do any of your own homework.

You might begin by examining the use of SELECT DISTINCT.


Re: [GENERAL] loading data from flat text file

2000-05-23 Thread Ron Peterson

> "Voitenko, Denis" wrote:
> So I am almost there, except my data is formated as follows:
> "chunk1","chunk2","chunk3"
> how would I tell COPY that my data is encapsulated in " and separated
> by , ? Furthermore, I did not find a manual on the COPY command.
> Anyone?

In /usr/local/pgsql/doc (assuming that's where you installed PostgreSQL)
you will find a good deal of html format documentation.  From the docs:

FROM { 'filename' | stdin }
[ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ]
[ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ]
TO { 'filename' | stdout }
[ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ]
[ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ]

Basically, you just need to specify the delimiters.

Bruce Momjian is also in the process of writing a book on PostgreSQL. 
You can download a snapshot of its current state from


[GENERAL] SQL Recursion

2000-05-23 Thread Ron Peterson


I have had this thing about trying to figure out how to program
trees/hierarchies/graphs in SQL for awhile now.  Something I've
complained about in this list an others, including a Byte newsgroup.

Well whaddya know, but I read Jon Udell's Byte column today, and it
begins by quoting my complaint:

There's a great link further down in the article
(http://www.dbmsmag.com/9603d06.html) that addresses this very subject. 
Check it out.  There *are* solutions to this problem!!!  You can bet
I'll be buying Joe Celko's book shortly.

Anyway, just wanted to share my glee.


Re: [GENERAL] Migrating from mysql.

2000-05-24 Thread Ron Peterson

Joe Karthauser wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL and I was wondering whether someone
> could help me match some datatypes.

I'm trying to learn PostgreSQL myself.  They say there's no better way
to learn than to teach, so here goes...

> Firstly MySQL has a 'timestamp' datatype which automatically updates with
> the current timestamp whenever an instance containing it is inserted or
> updated.  Is there an equivalent datatype in PostgreSQL?

No.  Try a combination of default value and an update rule.  I've
included an example below.  There was a discussion on this list recently
about when to use rules vs. triggers.  You might want to read the
archives about that.  Something I need to review more myself.
> Secondly MySQL supports an 'enum' datatype which allowed a number of
> labels to be defined as valid datatypes for a column, i.e:
> I can't seem to find the equivalent in PostgreSQL.  Is there a way of doing
> this?

Yes.  Use a CHECK constraint.  I included one in the following example.

CREATE SEQUENCE mucho_mas_id_seq;
CREATE TABLE mucho_mas (
nameTEXT CHECK( name IN ('Larry','Billy')),

worth   NUMERIC(14,2)


DEFAULT NEXTVAL('mucho_mas_id_seq')

INSERT INTO mucho_mas (name, worth)
VALUES ('Larry','400.00');

INSERT INTO mucho_mas (name, worth)
VALUES ('Billy','400.01');

-- no mucho mas for me.
INSERT INTO mucho_mas (name, worth)
VALUES ('Ron','2.03');

FROM mucho_mas;

-- we need to updates on a view, rather than on table itself, because
-- if we update the table directly, we will have a circular rule
-- combination
CREATE VIEW mucho_mas_view AS
SELECT * FROM mucho_mas;

CREATE RULE mucho_mas_view_update AS
ON UPDATE TO mucho_mas_view
UPDATE mucho_mas
SET worth = new.worth, updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
WHERE id = old.id;

-- in real life, you'd probably do something more sophisticated to
-- select proper id value, but that's another problem.
UPDATE mucho_mas_view
SET worth = '400.02'
WHERE id = 1; 

-- Hmm, must have been an accounting mistake.  Let's fix that.
UPDATE mucho_mas_view
SET worth = '400.03'
WHERE id = 2; 

FROM mucho_mas;

DROP VIEW mucho_mas_view;
DROP TABLE mucho_mas;
DROP SEQUENCE mucho_mas_id_seq;

> And last but not least I'm used to using the 'desc tablename' sql command
> to show the structure of a table within MySQL.  How do I do the same in
> PostgreSQL.

I noticed someone already responded to this, so I won't repeat.

Good luck!  I hope I haven't led you too far astray!
