2008-07-03_21:17:50-0400 Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008-06-29_09:44:01-0400 Taha Ozket <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have a ldap group, "pgsql-developers". I have an user (user1) member
> > of this group;
> > ...
> > How can I change this line for give login permission to
> > pgsql-developers members?
> If you have pam available, you could do pam authentication, and
> configure pam_ldap to enforce group membership.

ps - FWIW, I typically make group membership an attribute of the user
object itself, rather than maintain groups objects and user objects
separately.  Primarily because many apps aren't sophisticated enough to
deal with having them separated.

Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
I wish my computer would do what I want it to do - not what I tell it to do.

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