Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 12/20/2013 10:42 AM, Flavio Percoco wrote:


In the last Glance meeting, it was proposed to pull out glance's
stores[0] code into its own package. There are a couple of other
scenarios where using this code is necessary and it could also be
useful for other consumers outside OpenStack itself.

That being said, it's not clear where this new library should live in:

   1) Oslo: it's the place for common code, incubation, although this
   code has been pretty stable in the last release.

   2) glance.stores under Image program: As said in #1, the API has
   been pretty stable - and it falls perfectly into what Glance's
   program covers.

What about:

3) Cinder

Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and 
all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and 
store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back 
out again.

So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.

This is an interesting suggestion.

I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that

How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?

Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.


Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Climate] PTL Candidacy

2013-12-23 Thread Dina Belova
Sorry, completely forgot to add some useful links :)

My changes:,n,z
My reviews:,n,z


On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 1:43 AM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote:

> Confirmed.
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Dina Belova wrote:
>> Howdy, guys!
>> I’d like to announce my candidacy for Climate (Reservation-as-a-Service)
>> PTL.
>> I’m working with OpenStack about last two years since Diablo and have
>> much experience in working with different customers within different
>> projects. Last six months I’m everything about community work - since
>> really early ideas of Climate. I proposed idea of global reservation
>> opportunity to the OpenStack - for both virtual and physical resources, not
>> just some of it. I also created architecture proposal for the Climate, that
>> was discussed with our community and on what we agreed the time Climate was
>> a ‘baby’.
>> I’m leading subteam, that is working on implementing virtual reservations
>> opportunity. I took significant participation in core related features that
>> are important for every project - overall structure of DB layer, REST API,
>> base logic for the internal Climate part and plugin mechanism, that allows
>> to implement extensions for every resource type to make them reservable.
>> I’m a top contributor and reviewer for Climate and spend much time on
>> defining its future vectors of development and keeping Climate extensible
>> and relevant to the current OpenStack ecosystem. Now I’m holding our team’s
>> IRC meeting half times to keep our two subteams balanced and presented
>> enough; and manage our Launchpad project to represent every side of it.
>> Also I was the initiator of Climate presentation during OpenStack Icehouse
>> summit in Hong Kong this fall and prepared much materials for it. I have
>> expedience and know about release cycles, release management and other
>> infrastructure specific things.
>> I think, PTL is not only about reviews or code writing, it’s more about
>> presenting project to the outside world. It’s about endless communication
>> both internally with people contributing to Climate and externally to avoid
>> overlaps and conflicts between contributors and Climate with other
>> projects. I believe, PTL should think not only about Climate itself, but
>> about its place in whole OpenStack ecosystem and how it may look like in
>> future.
>> As for Icehouse, as the closest point we should pass, I defined our scope
>> for the first 0.1 Climate release and believe we will have it Jan 2014.
>> Definitely we would like to find the appropriate OpenStack Program (or
>> create a new one) and become incubated within it. Icehouse will be about
>> close integration with other OpenStack projects to support reservation of
>> different resources - not only compute hosts and virtual machines, proposed
>> to our first release, but also volumes, network resources, etc. Finally we
>> would like to propose architecture of integration with Heat and its stacks
>> reservation, as a most complicated virtual resource. Integration with
>> Horizon is also about creation of a better way for our users to communicate
>> with Climate and definitely we hope to propose solution for that.
>> It was a great time when different companies and people decided to unite
>> and create this project with its special role and become a part of great
>> OpenStack community. I believe we’ll do even more in future :)
>> Thanks!
>> Dina
>> -
>> Best regards,
>> Dina Belova
>> Software Engineer
>> Mirantis Inc
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> --
> Sincerely yours,
> Sergey Lukjanov
> Savanna Technical Lead
> Mirantis Inc.
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list


Best regards,

Dina Belova

Software Engineer

Mirantis Inc.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Fuel] [i18n] Internationalization of Fuel 4.0 UI

2013-12-23 Thread Vitaly Kramskikh

We are glad to announce that we've finished internationalization of Fuel UI
and now it can be easily localized. This is an example of environment
network settings tab localized to Chinese:

[image: Встроенное изображение 2] 

These changes are available in the current master branch and also will be
available in the upcoming 4.0 release.

Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute translations, please
start by reading these
Fuel UI is a Backbone.js-based application which interacts directly with
Fuel REST API server (nailgun). Internationalization is done using i18next
library . To setup a development environment, use this
doc .
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Process for proposing patches attached to launchpad bugs?

2013-12-23 Thread Robert Collins
So this may need to pop off to -legal soon :). And IANAL ... but...

On 23 December 2013 17:35, Chet Burgess  wrote:
> It's unclear to me what exactly constitutes writing a new patch. I can check
> out oslo.messaging, and without trying to merge the patch just go and make
> the same change (its literarily a 2 line change). I can write the tests, and
> I can submit it (which I'm happy to do, I really want this bug fixed).
> Honestly though this change is so trivial I don't see how my patch would
> look all that different from the one already posted. I know there is prior
> art. The mixin class that kombu provides does the exact same thing. Is that

Prior art is a patent concept, not related to copyright. Copyright is
entirely about copying. If you haven't read the patch, sit down with
the source code and the bug, and write up a new patch, any resemblance
or lack of resemblance is irrelevant.

If you *have* read the patch, and sit down to do the same thing, it
becomes possible for questions to be raised about whether you copied
the patch or not - particularly if the patch you create does end up
looking the same. But - I don't think OpenStack needs to be a moral
compass here - honour the CLA when you make a contribution, enough

> sufficient? What else would need to be done to make this free an clear for
> our use? I'm going to try reaching out to the author to see if I can sort it
> that way, but this still seems like there is a general problem here.

My advice, if you have concerns:
 - don't read patches on the bug tracker
 - perhaps even delete them - patches should be in Gerrit.

> Given the current interpretation of the IP laws someone has an effective way
> to block progress on a feature, blueprint, or project as a whole. Create a
> launchpad account, don't sign the CLA, just start posting implementations to
> launchpad. If the simple act of reading the bugs now encumbers us from being

I don't think it's that simple.

> able to fix them in a certain way or using certain patterns we have a

Copyright != Patents. Patents describe processes - patterns. Copyright
is on the actual work + various transformations of it. A patch with an
implementation of linked lists would not stop us using linked lists no
matter how many folk read it ;)

> potentially serious issue. If this is really the case should we not lock the
> bug tracker to only those who have signed the CLA or have the TOU clearly
> state that any code posted is automatically ASLv2? Am I misunderstanding the
> scope of this problem?

I think you're over estimating the risk. It's often entirely possible
to read a patch and then write a de novo patch yourself.


Robert Collins 
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Fuel-dev] [Fuel] [Oslo] Add APP-NAME (RFC5424) for Oslo syslog logging

2013-12-23 Thread Bogdan Dobrelya
On 12/21/2013 11:20 AM, Sergey Vasilenko wrote:
> Do you offer patch system python in solution #2?
In solution 2, as you can see from, we
define class
RFCSysLogHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler) which overrides
 its base __init__ and format methods, by adding prefix to MSG part of
the message (the prefix represents APP-NAME field according to RFC5424):
msg = self.binary_name + ' ' + msg

Thus, w/o any Python system modifications, that change would backport
'ident' solution from Python 3.3
(, but for Oslo logging
only. And I don't see any
compatibility issues here.

In solution 1, we use context adapter instead, to allow user extending
log_format by %(binary_name)s as well. I'm not sure this method is good
though, because there might be some issues with middlewares (e.g. this
trace:, but probably it would be
OK for IceHouse, gonna test it on DevStack as well.

Stackers, please don't hesitate to discuss, which method we should use
to ensure RFC5424 would be honored, at least (and at last) for syslog

Best regards,
Bogdan Dobrelya,
Researcher TechLead, Mirantis, Inc.
+38 (066) 051 07 53
Irc #bogdando
38, Lenina ave.
Kharkov, Ukraine

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Thierry Carrez
Flavio Percoco wrote:
> On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and
>> all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and
>> store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back
>> out again.
>> So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.
> This is an interesting suggestion.
> I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
> under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that
> code.
> How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?
> Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
> or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those
> patches?
> Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.

Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the stores code
is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder devs
intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the contributors of
the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two separate

Depending on the exact nature of the "couple of other scenarios where
using this code is necessary", I think it would either belong in Glance
or in Oslo.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] changes to interacting with Tempest config

2013-12-23 Thread Sean Dague
One of the longer standing issues we've had in Tempest was the Tempest
is a set of tests without it's own UI (we just us tox to call testr),
and *need* a config file. The provides some interesting chicken and egg
issues about when we get the config file. There is a long set of
evolution here, but this kept causing issues as we refactored to cleaner
ways to integrate with testr.

As of Friday we're taking a different approach, which will hopefully
make everything much simpler. We've implemented a proxy class in front
our oslo config object which lazy evaluates the config file the first
time someone asks for an attribute. This lets us get the parsing
entirely out of the class hierarchy of the tests.

For tempest developers and reviewers, here are the things you should be
looking for.

1) No one should call TempestConfig() themselves any more.

The correct way to get the tempest config is:

from tempest import config

CONF = config.CONF

 inside some class ...
if CONF.service_available.neutron:

CONF is actually callable a lot more places now because of the
evaluation order, which means we're going to be able to move a lot more
of the skip logic into decorators. Yay!

2) Classes should stop having self.config or cls.config

Because of the way setupClass was working, there was a ton of setting
self.config / cls.config in class setup. We should stop that. The
cleanups here are good low hanging fruit for new contributors.

I'm sure there are optimizations to make our proxy object pattern better
comments welcomed there. However it has at least decoupled config from
class hierarchy now, so will be easier to work on the problems
separately instead of coupled.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Support for Django 1.6

2013-12-23 Thread Thomas Goirand
On 12/20/2013 04:39 PM, Matthias Runge wrote:
> On 12/19/2013 04:45 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sid has Django 1.6. Is it planned to add support for it? I currently
>> don't know what to do with the Horizon package, as it's currently
>> broken... :(
>> Thomas
> Yes, there are two patches available, one for horizon[1] and one for
> django_openstack_auth[2]
> If both are in, we can start gating on django-1.6 as well.
> [1]
> [2]
> Matthias

Hi Matthias,

Thanks a lot for these pointers. I tried patching openstack-auth. While
it did work in Wheezy (with Django 1.4), all the 80 unit tests are
failing in Sid, with the following error:

ImportError: No module named defaults

while trying to do:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url

Is there anything that I missed? Maybe a missing Django python module?



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [tempest] negative tests

2013-12-23 Thread Anna Kamyshnikova

I'm working on creating tests in tempest according to this etherpad page

Here is mentioned that we should be add negative tests, for example, for
floating ips, but as I understand (according to comment to negative tests will be added
automatically. In this case, is work on such tests as
- Negative: create a floating ip specifying a non public network
- Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address out of
the external network subnet range

- Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address that is
in use

- Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an invalid
internal port

- Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an internal
port with no ip address

- Negative: create / update a floating ip with an internal port with
multiple ip addresses, specifying an invalid

- Negative create /assciate a floating ip with an internal port with
multiple ip addresses, when the ip address

- Negative: delete an invalid floating ip

- Negative: show non existing floating ip
 needed or not?


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Sean Dague  wrote:

> Please take this to a public list
> On 12/23/2013 03:42 AM, Anna Kamyshnikova wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I'm working on creating tests in tempest according to this etherpad
> > page
> >
> > Here is mentioned that we should be add negative tests, for example, for
> > floating ips, but as I understand (according to your comment
> > to negative tests will be added
> > automatically. In this case, is work on such tests as
> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a non public network
> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address out of
> > the external network subnet range
> >
> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address that
> > is in use
> >
> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an invalid
> > internal port
> >
> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an internal
> > port with no ip address
> >
> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip with an internal port with
> > multiple ip addresses, specifying an invalid
> >
> > - Negative create /assciate a floating ip with an internal port with
> > multiple ip addresses, when the ip address
> >
> > - Negative: delete an invalid floating ip
> >
> > - Negative: show non existing floating ip
> >
> >  needed or not?
> >
> > Ann.
> --
> Sean Dague
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Nomination for heat-core

2013-12-23 Thread Bartosz Górski

Hi all,

I would like to thank you for the nomination, yours votes and trust you 
gave me.

I know that with great power comes big responsibility.
I will do my best and I will not let you down.


On 12/19/2013 03:21 AM, Steve Baker wrote:
I would like to nominate Bartosz Górski to be a heat-core reviewer. 
His reviews to date have been valuable and his other contributions to 
the project have shown a sound understanding of how heat works.

Here is his review history:,n,z

If you are heat-core please reply with your vote.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Jay Pipes

On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

Flavio Percoco wrote:

On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and
all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and
store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back
out again.

So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.

This is an interesting suggestion.

I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that

How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?

Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.

Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the stores code
is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder devs
intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the contributors of
the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two separate

Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that 
currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve volume 
snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder the 
ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the underlying store 
drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance). ...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I thought it made more 
sense in Cinder.

Depending on the exact nature of the "couple of other scenarios where
using this code is necessary", I think it would either belong in Glance
or in Oslo.

Perhaps something in olso then. oslo.blockstream? oslo.blockstore?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Availability of external testing logs

2013-12-23 Thread Jay Pipes

On 12/22/2013 06:30 AM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:


The patch: failed mellanox
external testing.
Subsequent patch sets have not been picked up by the mellanox testing

I would like to see why the patch failed the job; if it breaks mellanox
plugin for any reason, I would be happy to fix it. However, the logs are
not publicly accessible.

I would suggest that external jobs should not vote until logs are
publicly accessible, otherwise contributors would have no reason to
understand where the negative vote came from.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 23/12/13 07:57 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

Flavio Percoco wrote:

On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and
all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and
store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back
out again.

So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.

This is an interesting suggestion.

I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that

How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?

Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.

Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the stores code
is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder devs
intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the contributors of
the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two separate

Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that 
currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve volume 
snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder the 
ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the underlying 
store drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance). ...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I thought it made more 
sense in Cinder.

Depending on the exact nature of the "couple of other scenarios where
using this code is necessary", I think it would either belong in Glance
or in Oslo.

Perhaps something in olso then. oslo.blockstream? oslo.blockstore?

What about just or oslo.objstore ?

I'm leaning towards Oslo as well. I know Mark preferred Glance so I'd
like him to chime in too.

In order to do this, though, we'll need to add some Glance developers
to the group of reviewers of this library at least during the Ith
release cycle. This will help with providing enough reviews. It'll
also help with sharing the knowledge / history about this package.


Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Mark Washenberger
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Flavio Percoco  wrote:

> On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> On 12/20/2013 10:42 AM, Flavio Percoco wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> In the last Glance meeting, it was proposed to pull out glance's
>>> stores[0] code into its own package. There are a couple of other
>>> scenarios where using this code is necessary and it could also be
>>> useful for other consumers outside OpenStack itself.
>>> That being said, it's not clear where this new library should live in:
>>>1) Oslo: it's the place for common code, incubation, although this
>>>code has been pretty stable in the last release.
>>>2) glance.stores under Image program: As said in #1, the API has
>>>been pretty stable - and it falls perfectly into what Glance's
>>>program covers.
>> What about:
>> 3) Cinder
>> Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and all
>> the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and store
>> them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back out again.
>> So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.
> This is an interesting suggestion.
> I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
> under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that
> code.
> How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?
> Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
> or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those
> patches?
> Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.

I think Jay's suggestion makes a lot of sense. I don't know if the Cinder
folks want to take it on, however. I think its going to be easier in a
process sense to just keep it in the Glance/Images program. Oslo doesn't
seem like the right fit to me, just because this already has a clear owner,
and as you said, it doesn't really need an unstable api cleanup phase (I
know you were not proposing it start out in copy-around mode.)

> Cheers,
> FF
> --
> @flaper87
> Flavio Percoco
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Mark Washenberger
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Jay Pipes  wrote:

> On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Flavio Percoco wrote:
>>> On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
 Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of blocks, and
 all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of input blocks and
 store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those blocks back
 out again.

 So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in Cinder-land.

>>> This is an interesting suggestion.
>>> I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it to be
>>> under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team knows that
>>> code.
>>> How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?
>>> Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this project?
>>> or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing those
>>> patches?
>>> Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh in too.
>> Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the stores code
>> is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
>> doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder devs
>> intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the contributors of
>> the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two separate
>> groups).
> Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that currently
> Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve volume snapshots, and
> it would be more efficient to just give Cinder the ability to directly
> retrieve the blocks from one of the underlying store drivers (same goes for
> Nova's use of Glance). ...and, since the drivers are dealing
> with blocks, I thought it made more sense in Cinder.

True, Cinder and Nova should be talking more directly to the underlying
stores--however their direct interface should probably be through
glanceclient. (Glanceclient could evolve to use the code I

>  Depending on the exact nature of the "couple of other scenarios where
>> using this code is necessary", I think it would either belong in Glance
>> or in Oslo.
> Perhaps something in olso then. oslo.blockstream? oslo.blockstore?
> Best,
> -jay
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Jay Pipes

On 12/23/2013 08:48 AM, Mark Washenberger wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Jay Pipes>> wrote:

On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

Flavio Percoco wrote:

On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of
blocks, and
all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of
input blocks and
store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those
blocks back
out again.

So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in

This is an interesting suggestion.

I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it
to be
under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team
knows that

How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?

Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this
or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh
in too.

Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the
stores code
is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder
intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the
contributors of
the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two

Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that
currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve
volume snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder
the ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the
underlying store drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance).
...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I
thought it made more sense in Cinder.

True, Cinder and Nova should be talking more directly to the underlying
stores--however their direct interface should probably be through
glanceclient. (Glanceclient could evolve to use the code I

Hmm, that is a very interesting suggestion. glanceclient containing the 
store drivers. I like it. Will be a bit weird, though, having the 
glanceclient call the Glance API server to get the storage location 
details, which then calls the glanceclient code to store/retrieve the 
blocks :)


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 23/12/13 09:00 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 12/23/2013 08:48 AM, Mark Washenberger wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Jay Pipes>> wrote:

   On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

   Flavio Percoco wrote:

   On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

   Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of
   blocks, and
   all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of
   input blocks and
   store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those
   blocks back
   out again.

   So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in

   This is an interesting suggestion.

   I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it
   to be
   under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team
   knows that

   How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage program?

   Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this
   or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing

   Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh
   in too.

   Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the
   stores code
   is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then it
   doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder
   intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the
   contributors of
   the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two

   Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that
   currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve
   volume snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder
   the ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the
   underlying store drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance).
   ...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I
   thought it made more sense in Cinder.

True, Cinder and Nova should be talking more directly to the underlying
stores--however their direct interface should probably be through
glanceclient. (Glanceclient could evolve to use the code I

Hmm, that is a very interesting suggestion. glanceclient containing 
the store drivers. I like it. Will be a bit weird, though, having the 
glanceclient call the Glance API server to get the storage location 
details, which then calls the glanceclient code to store/retrieve the 
blocks :)

Exactly. This is part of the original idea. Allow Glance, nova,
glanceclient and cinder to interact with the store code.

Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] packet forwarding

2013-12-23 Thread Abbass MAROUNI
Hello Ian,

Found some anti-spoofing rules in the ebtables (ebtables -t nat -L) of the
compute-host where my router VM is located. These rules are automatically
generated by libvirt for each VM and are usually generated from a preset of
rules (anti-ip-spoofing.xml). Disabling this rule didn't help as I found
later that there are some iptables chains also on the compute host that did
some anti-spoofing filtering (iptables -t filter -L).
So one need to disable the libvirt anti-ip-spoofing and the iptables
I disabled the libvirt anti-ip-spoofing by removing the filter from
nova-base (virsh nwfilter-edit nova-base) and manually added a rule to

Thanks a lot.

> Randy has it spot on.  The antispoofing rules prevent you from doing this
> in Neutron.  Clearly a router transmits traffic that isn't from it, and
> receives traffic that isn't addressed to it - and the port filtering
> discards them.
> You can disable them for the entire cloud by judiciously tweaking the Nova
> config settings, or if you're using the Nicira plugin you'll find it has
> extensions for modifying firewall behaviour (they could do with porting
> around, or even becoming core, but at the moment they're Nicira-specific).
> --
> Ian.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] All I want for Christmas is one more +2 ...

2013-12-23 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 12/12/2013 8:22 AM, Day, Phil wrote:

Hi Cores,

The “Stop, Rescue, and Delete should give guest a chance to shutdown”
change was approved a couple of
days ago, but failed to merge because the RPC version had moved on.
Its rebased and sitting there with one +2 and a bunch of +1s  -would be
really nice if it could land before it needs another rebase please ?



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Since this is happening to others that are requesting reviews in the 
mailing list, even on patches with several +1s and a +2, and it's way 
after the fact, I'm going to link this:

Maybe we should update the blurb here also to say 'in IRC' to nix any 
confusion about the mailing list.



Matt Riedemann

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Zhi Yan Liu
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Flavio Percoco  wrote:
> On 23/12/13 09:00 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> On 12/23/2013 08:48 AM, Mark Washenberger wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Jay Pipes >> > wrote:
>>>On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>Flavio Percoco wrote:
>>>On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
>>>Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of
>>>blocks, and
>>>all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of
>>>input blocks and
>>>store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those
>>>blocks back
>>>out again.
>>>So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in
>>>This is an interesting suggestion.
>>>I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it
>>>to be
>>>under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team
>>>knows that
>>>How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage
>>> program?
>>>Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this
>>>or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing
>>>Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh
>>>in too.
>>>Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the
>>>stores code
>>>is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then
>>> it
>>>doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder
>>>intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the
>>>contributors of
>>>the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two
>>>Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that
>>>currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve
>>>volume snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder
>>>the ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the
>>>underlying store drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance).
>>>...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I
>>>thought it made more sense in Cinder.
>>> True, Cinder and Nova should be talking more directly to the underlying
>>> stores--however their direct interface should probably be through
>>> glanceclient. (Glanceclient could evolve to use the code I
>>> imagine.)
>> Hmm, that is a very interesting suggestion. glanceclient containing the
>> store drivers. I like it. Will be a bit weird, though, having the
>> glanceclient call the Glance API server to get the storage location details,
>> which then calls the glanceclient code to store/retrieve the blocks :)
> Exactly. This is part of the original idea. Allow Glance, nova,
> glanceclient and cinder to interact with the store code.

Actually I consider this Glance store stuff can be packaged to a
dedicated common lib belongs to Glance, maybe we can put it into
glanceclient if we don't like create a new sub-lib, IMO it worked just
like current Cinder's brick lib IMO, in sort term.

In long term we can move those stuff all to oslo when they stable
enough (if we can see that day ;) ) and don't organize them by
project's POV but storage type: oslo.blockstore (or other name) for
block storage backend handling, and oslo.objectstore for object
storage, and upper layer project just delegate all real storage device
operation requests to those lib, like mount/attach, unmoun/detach,


> --
> @flaper87
> Flavio Percoco
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Oslo] Pulling out of glance. Where should it live?

2013-12-23 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 23/12/13 22:46 +0800, Zhi Yan Liu wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Flavio Percoco  wrote:

On 23/12/13 09:00 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 12/23/2013 08:48 AM, Mark Washenberger wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Jay Pipes>> wrote:

   On 12/23/2013 05:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

   Flavio Percoco wrote:

   On 21/12/13 00:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:

   Cinder is for block storage. Images are just a bunch of
   blocks, and
   all the store drivers do is take a chunked stream of
   input blocks and
   store them to disk/swift/s3/rbd/toaster and stream those
   blocks back
   out again.

   So, perhaps the most appropriate place for this is in

   This is an interesting suggestion.

   I wouldn't mind putting it there, although I still prefer it
   to be
   under glance for historical reasons and because Glance team
   knows that

   How would it work if this lib falls under Block Storage

   Should the glance team be added as core contributors of this
   or Just some of them interested in contributing / reviewing

   Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like John and Mark to weigh
   in too.

   Programs are a team of people on a specific mission. If the
   stores code
   is maintained by a completely separate group (glance devs), then
   doesn't belong in the Block Storage program... unless the Cinder
   intend to adopt it over the long run (and therefore the
   contributors of
   the Block Storage program form a happy family rather than two

   Understood. The reason I offered this up as a suggestion is that
   currently Cinder uses the Glance REST API to store and retrieve
   volume snapshots, and it would be more efficient to just give Cinder
   the ability to directly retrieve the blocks from one of the
   underlying store drivers (same goes for Nova's use of Glance).
   ...and, since the drivers are dealing with blocks, I
   thought it made more sense in Cinder.

True, Cinder and Nova should be talking more directly to the underlying
stores--however their direct interface should probably be through
glanceclient. (Glanceclient could evolve to use the code I

Hmm, that is a very interesting suggestion. glanceclient containing the
store drivers. I like it. Will be a bit weird, though, having the
glanceclient call the Glance API server to get the storage location details,
which then calls the glanceclient code to store/retrieve the blocks :)

Exactly. This is part of the original idea. Allow Glance, nova,
glanceclient and cinder to interact with the store code.

Actually I consider this Glance store stuff can be packaged to a
dedicated common lib belongs to Glance, maybe we can put it into
glanceclient if we don't like create a new sub-lib, IMO it worked just
like current Cinder's brick lib IMO, in sort term.

I don't like the idea of having it in the client. I'd prefer the
client to just consume it.

IMHO, sounds like the way to go here.

In long term we can move those stuff all to oslo when they stable
enough (if we can see that day ;) ) and don't organize them by
project's POV but storage type: oslo.blockstore (or other name) for
block storage backend handling, and oslo.objectstore for object
storage, and upper layer project just delegate all real storage device
operation requests to those lib, like mount/attach, unmoun/detach,

mhh, not sure. That sounds like way more of what the lib should do.
IMHO, this lib shouldn't take care of any admin operation, it should
be just about getting / putting data into those stores.

Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Support for Django 1.6

2013-12-23 Thread Tim Schnell
On 12/23/13 5:02 AM, "Thomas Goirand"  wrote:

>On 12/20/2013 04:39 PM, Matthias Runge wrote:
>> On 12/19/2013 04:45 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Sid has Django 1.6. Is it planned to add support for it? I currently
>>> don't know what to do with the Horizon package, as it's currently
>>> broken... :(
>>> Thomas
>> Yes, there are two patches available, one for horizon[1] and one for
>> django_openstack_auth[2]
>> If both are in, we can start gating on django-1.6 as well.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Matthias
>Hi Matthias,
>Thanks a lot for these pointers. I tried patching openstack-auth. While
>it did work in Wheezy (with Django 1.4), all the 80 unit tests are
>failing in Sid, with the following error:
>ImportError: No module named defaults
>while trying to do:
>from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
>Is there anything that I missed? Maybe a missing Django python module?

It looks like the defaults module has been removed in Django 1.6. It was
deprecated in Django 1.4. You should be able to just change these imports

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

>OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging] bug 1257293: QPID broadcast RPC requests to all servers for a given topic

2013-12-23 Thread Ihar Hrachyshka
Hi all,

I'm new to openstack and qpid, trying to get more insight into messaging. I've 
attempted to verify the fix for the bug 1257293 in LP, but the scenario fails 
for me, even though oslo.messaging fix reached github master I used for my 
verification attempt.

Briefly, I've repeated actions from the bug, and I still see that topic 
messages with multiple listening servers are handed to all topic subscribers, 
when using qpid' topology=2, as if it's fanout. For topology=1 case, it works 
as expected (messages are handled by subscribers in turn, in a round-robin 
fashion). [The same behaviour was observed by the reporter before the fix.]

The bug in question:
My latest comment with more details on my verification steps:

If you know what I could miss, or have other comments on the matter, please 


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] PCI pass-through network support

2013-12-23 Thread Jose Gavine Cueto

I would just like to share my idea on somehow managing sr-iov networking
attributes in neutron (e.g. mac addr, ip addr, vlan).  I've had experience
implementing this and that was before pci-passthrough feature in nova
existed.  Basically, nova still did the plugging and the unplugging of vifs
and neutron did all the provisioning of networking attributes.  At that
time, the best hack I can do was to treat sr-iov nics as ordinary vifs that
were distinguishable by nova and neutron.  So to implement that, when
booting an instance in nova, a certain sr-iov-vf-specific extra_spec was
used (e.g. vfs := 1) indicating the number of sr-iov vfs to create and
eventually represented as mere vif objects in nova.  In nova, the sr-iov
vfs were represented as vifs but a special exception was made wherein
sr-iov vfs aren't really plugged, because of course it isn't necessary.  In
effect, the vifs that represent the vfs were accounted in the db including
its ip and mac addresses, and vlan tags.  With respect to l2 isolation, the
vlan tags were retrieved when booting the instance through neutron api and
were applied in libvirt xml.  To summarize, the networking attributes such
as ip and mac addresses and vlan tags were applied normally to vfs and thus
preserved the normal "OS way" of managing these like ordinary vifs.
 However, since its just a hack, some consequences and issues surfaced such
as, proper migration of these networking attributes weren't tested,
 libvirt seems to mistakenly swap the mac addresses when rebooting the
instances, and most importantly the vifs that represented the vfs lack
passthrough-specific information.  Since today OS already has this concept
of PCI-passthrough, I'm thinking this could be combined with the idea of a
vf that is represented by a vif to have a complete abstraction of a
manageable sr-iov vf.  I have not read thoroughly the preceeding replies,
so this idea might be redundant or irrelevant already.


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Irena Berezovsky wrote:

>  Hi,
> As one of the next steps for PCI pass-through I would like to discuss is
> the support for PCI pass-through vNIC.
> While nova takes care of PCI pass-through device resources  management and
> VIF settings, neutron should manage their networking configuration.
> I would like to register a summit proposal to discuss the support for PCI
> pass-through networking.
> I am not sure what would be the right topic to discuss the PCI
> pass-through networking, since it involve both nova and neutron.
> There is already a session registered by Yongli on nova topic to discuss
> the PCI pass-through next steps.
> I think PCI pass-through networking is quite a big topic and it worth to
> have a separate discussion.
> Is there any other people who are interested to discuss it and share their
> thoughts and experience?
> Regards,
> Irena
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

To stop learning is like to stop loving.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Ironic] Get power and temperature via IPMI

2013-12-23 Thread laserjetyang
I think it could bring more general discussion on how to collect physical
equipment information, and which to be collected?
right now, ceilometer only tracking the VM level, and when we use ironic,
we expect the ironic can bring us some good information on the deployed
physical machine images.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Gao, Fengqian wrote:

>  Hi, Pradipta,
> From personal experience,  I think lm-sensors is not good as IPMI. I have
> to configure it manually and the sensor data it could get also less than
> So, I prefer to use IPMI. Did you use it before? Maybe you can share your
> experience.
> Best wishes
> --fengqian
> *From:* Pradipta Banerjee []
> *Sent:* Friday, December 20, 2013 10:52 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Ironic] Get power and temperature
> via IPMI
> On 12/19/2013 12:30 AM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
>   On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Gao, Fengqian 
> wrote:
>  Hi, all,
> I am planning to extend bp
> power and temperature. In other words, power and temperature can be
> collected and used for nova-scheduler just as CPU utilization.
>   This is a good idea and have definite use cases where one might want to
> optimize provisioning based on power consumption
> I have a question here. As you know, IPMI is used to get power and
> temperature and baremetal implements IPMI functions in Nova. But baremetal
> driver is being split out of nova, so if I want to change something to the
> IPMI, which part should I choose now? Nova or Ironic?
> Hi!
> A few thoughts... Firstly, new features should be geared towards Ironic,
> not the nova baremetal driver as it will be deprecated soon (
> That being said, I actually don't think you want to use IPMI for what
> you're describing at all, but maybe I'm wrong.
> When scheduling VMs with Nova, in many cases there is already an agent
> running locally, eg. nova-compute, and this agent is already supplying
> information to the scheduler. I think this is where the facilities for
> gathering power/temperature/etc (eg, via lm-sensors) should be placed, and
> it can reported back to the scheduler along with other usage statistics.
> +1
> Using lm-sensors or equivalent seems better.
> Have a look at the following blueprint
> If you think there's a compelling reason to use Ironic for this instead of
> lm-sensors, please clarify.
> Cheers,
> Devananda
>  ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
>  --
> Regards,
> Pradipta
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] HyperV-CI

2013-12-23 Thread Gary Kotton
There seems to be an issue with the hyper CI. Please see - This code does is not related to the 
HyperV driver.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Infra] Next two infra meetings canceled

2013-12-23 Thread James E. Blair

Since they fall on the evenings of some major holidays, we're canceling
the next two Project Infrastructure meetings.  Enjoy the holidays!


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Fwd: ./ Fails

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

On 2013-12-21 01:45, Sayali Lunkad wrote: 

> Subject: ./ fails to build environment 
> Hello,
> I get this error when I try to set the environment for Horizon. Any idea why 
> this is happening? I am running Devstack on a VM with Ubuntu 12.04.
> sayali@sayali:/opt/stack/horizon$ ./ 
> [snip] 
> Downloading/unpacking iso8601>=0.1.8 (from -r 
> /opt/stack/horizon/requirements.txt (line 9))
> Error  while getting 
>  [1] (from [2])
> Cleaning up...
> Exception:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/",
>  line 134, in main
> status =, args)
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/commands/",
>  line 236, in run
> requirement_set.prepare_files(finder, force_root_egg_info=self.bundle, 
> bundle=self.bundle)
> File "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 1092, in prepare_files
> self.unpack_url(url, location, self.is_download)
> File "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 1238, in unpack_url
> retval = unpack_http_url(link, location, self.download_cache, 
> self.download_dir)
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 602, in unpack_http_url
> resp = _get_response_from_url(target_url, link)
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 638, in _get_response_from_url
> resp = urlopen(target_url)
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 176, in __call__
> response = self.get_opener(scheme=scheme).open(url)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 400, in open
> response = self._open(req, data)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 418, in _open
> '_open', req)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 378, in _call_chain
> result = func(*args)
> File 
> "/opt/stack/horizon/.venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/", 
> line 155, in https_open
> return self.do_open(self.specialized_conn_class, req)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1177, in do_open
> raise URLError(err)
> URLError: 
> Storing complete log in /home/sayali/.pip/pip.log
> Command "tools/ pip install --upgrade -r 
> /opt/stack/horizon/requirements.txt -r 
> /opt/stack/horizon/test-requirements.txt" failed.
> None

This looks like a simple download failure. It happens sometimes with
pypi. It's probably not a bad idea to just configure pip to use our
mirror as it's generally more stable. You can see what we do in
tripleo-image-elements here:
Mostly I think you just need to look at the pip.conf part. 


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Fwd: [openstack-community] A bug on OpenStack

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

This sounds more appropriate for the openstack list: 

It's not clear to me at this point whether this is a bug or a
misconfiguration, and the configuration discussion should happen there. 



On 2013-12-22 12:26, Sean Roberts wrote: 

> I've reposted your query below to openstack-dev for a greater pool of 
> eyeballs. 
> ~sean 
> Begin forwarded message:
>> FROM: 武田 剛征 
>> DATE: December 22, 2013 at 6:17:28 PST
>> TO: 
>> Hi OpenStack experts, 
>> Could you please, help me out on this? I need your experts advice. 
>> I am trying to build VlanManager environment with OpenStack grizzly on Cent 
>> OS 6.4, but it doesn't work. 
>> I am using all-in-one architecture (single-host). FlatDHCPManager 
>> successfully worked. 
>> So, I am assuming that there is any bug/defect that VlanManager can't work 
>> with single-host architecture. 
>> Does anyone know if there is such a bug related to VlanManager on 
>> single-host architecture? 
>> Any pointer or letting me know anyone who is familiar with this would be 
>> highly appreciated. 
>> Thank you so much in advance, 
>> Bird Kafka
>> ___
>> Community mailing list
>> [1]
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> [2]


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Nova] No meeting this week

2013-12-23 Thread Russell Bryant
No Nova meeting this week.  We will resume on Thursday, January 2, at
21:00 UTC.

Russell Bryant

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Murano] Murano Release 0.4 Announcement

2013-12-23 Thread Timur Sufiev
I'm very glad to announce that a new stable version of Murano
v0.4 has
been released!

The most noticeable change Murano Team is proud of is the Metadata
Repository feature, consisting of a new Web UI for managing metadata
objects via Horizon panel and the murano-repository service itself (along
with all the required changes in Dashboard and Conductor components). This
new feature moves Murano several steps closer to an implementation of its new
mission , though
we're still at the beginning of a long road.

Among other improvements are full Havana and Neutron support, as well as
numerous improvements in Conductor's networking machinery (also known as
Advanced Networking). The latter allows Conductor to work with either Nova
Networking or Neutron by changing just one parameter in Conductor's config

A full list of changes and much more details can be found in Release
Notes on
the project wiki.

Timur Sufiev
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Do we have some guidelines for mock, stub, mox when writing unit test?

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

On 2013-12-21 07:24, Matt Riedemann wrote:

On 12/19/2013 8:51 AM, John Garbutt wrote:

On 4 December 2013 17:10, Russell Bryant  wrote:

I think option 3 makes the most sense here (pending anyone saying we
should run away screaming from mox3 for some reason).  It's actually
what I had been assuming since this thread a while back.

This means that we don't need to *require* that tests get converted 
you're changing one.  It just gets you bonus imaginary internet 

Requiring mock for new tests seems fine.  We can grant exceptions in
specific cases if necessary.  In general, we should be using mock for
new tests.

I have lost track a bit here.

The above seems like a sane approach. Do we all agree on that now?

Can we add the above text into here:


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Yeah, at some point I wanted to cleanup the various testing guides but
until then I like the idea of just putting something simple into the
nova review checklist. Basically use mock for new tests, mox can be
used in exceptional cases. What I've considered exceptional so far
includes changes that will be backported to a stable release where
mock isn't being used and cases where you basically have to bend over
backwards to work new mock tests into an existing test class that has
lots of existing setUp with mox. However, even in the latter case you
can usually use mock after resetting the mox setup via
self.mox.ResetAll() in the new test case(s).

I went ahead and added this to the wiki, so it's now an absolutely 
inviolate policy.  Unless, ya know, someone edits the wiki after me. ;-)

Also, I put it in the common section because this doesn't seem like 
something we should be doing differently per-project.  If anyone 
objects, feel free to add to the discussion here as to why.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Mistral] Community meeting minutes - 12/23/2013

2013-12-23 Thread Renat Akhmerov

Here the links to minutes and logs for the IRC meeting that we had today:


Feel free to join us next time.

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to customers

2013-12-23 Thread Daniel Morris

I know we discussed this briefly in the Wednesday meeting but I still have a 
few questions.   I am not bought in to the idea that we do not need to maintain 
the records of saved logs.   I agree that we do not need to enable users to 
download and manipulate the logs themselves via Trove ( that can be left to 
Swift), but at a minimum, I believe that the system will still need to maintain 
a mapping of where the logs are stored in swift.  This is a simple addition to 
the list of available logs per datastore (an additional field of its swift 
location – a location exists, you know the log has been saved).  If we do not 
do this, how then does the user know where to find the logs they have saved or 
if they even exist in Swift without searching manually?  It may be that this is 
covered, but I don't see this represented in the BP.  Is the assumption that it 
is some known path?  I would expect to see the Swift location retuned on a GET 
of the available logs types for a specific instance (there is currently only a 
top-level GET for logs available per datastore type).

I am also assuming in this case, and per the BP, that If the user does not have 
the ability to select the storage location in Swift of if this is controlled 
exclusively by the deployer.  And that you would only allow one occurrence of 
the log, per datastore / instance and that the behavior of writing a log more 
than once to the same location is that it will overwrite / append, but it is 
not detailed in the BP.

From: Vipul Sabhaya>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)">>
Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 2:14 AM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)">>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to customers

Yep agreed, this is a great idea.

We really only need two API calls to get this going:
- List available logs to ‘save’
- Save a log (to swift)

Some additional points to consider:
- We don’t need to create a record of every Log ‘saved’ in Trove.  These 
entries, treated as a Trove resource aren’t useful, since you don’t actually 
manipulate that resource.
- Deletes of Logs shouldn’t be part of the Trove API, if the user wants to 
delete them, just use Swift.
- A deployer should be able to choose which logs can be ‘saved’ by their users

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Michael Basnight>> wrote:
I think this is a good idea and I support it. In todays meeting [1] there were 
some questions, and I encourage them to get brought up here. My only question 
is in regard to the "tail" of a file we discussed in irc. After talking about 
it w/ other trovesters, I think it doesnt make sense to tail the log for most 
datstores. I cant imagine finding anything useful in say, a java, applications 
last 100 lines (especially if a stack trace was present). But I dont want to 
derail, so lets try to focus on the "deliver to swift" first option.


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Denis Makogon>> wrote:

Greetings, OpenStack DBaaS community.

I'd like to start discussion around a new feature in Trove. The feature I 
would like to propose covers manipulating  database log files.

Main idea. Give user an ability to retrieve database log file for any 

Goals to achieve. Suppose we have an application (binary application, 
without source code) which requires a DB connection to perform data 
manipulations and a user would like to perform development, debbuging of an 
application, also logs would be useful for audit process. Trove itself provides 
access only for CRUD operations inside of database, so the user cannot access 
the instance directly and analyze its log files. Therefore, Trove should be 
able to provide ways to allow a user to download the database log for analysis.

Log manipulations are designed to let user perform log investigations. 
Since Trove is a PaaS - level project, its user cannot interact with the 
compute instance directly, only with database through the provided API 
(database operations).

I would like to propose the following API operations:

  1.  Create DBLog entries.

  2.  Delete DBLog entries.

  3.  List DBLog entries.

Possible API, models, server, and guest configurations are described at wiki 
page. [1]


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Michael Basnight

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] olso.config error on running Devstack

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

On 2013-12-18 09:26, Sayali Lunkad wrote: 

> Hello,
> I get the following error when I run on Devstack
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/local/bin/ceilometer-dbsync", line 6, in 
> from import dbsync
> File "/opt/stack/ceilometer/ceilometer/storage/", line 23, in 
> from oslo.config import cfg
> ImportError: No module named config
> ++ failed
> ++ local r=1
> +++ jobs -p
> ++ kill
> ++ set +o xtrace
> Search gives me olso.config is installed. Please let me know of any solution.

Devstack pulls oslo.config from git, so if you have it installed on the
system through pip or something it could cause problems. If you can
verify that it's only in /opt/stack/oslo.config, you might try deleting
that directory and rerunning devstack to pull down a fresh copy. I don't
know for sure what the problem is, but those are a couple of things to

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Do we have some guidelines for mock, stub, mox when writing unit test?

2013-12-23 Thread John Griffith
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Jay Pipes  wrote:
> On 12/04/2013 12:10 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:
>> On 12/04/2013 11:16 AM, Nikola Đipanov wrote:
>>> Resurrecting this thread because of an interesting review that came up
>>> yesterday [1].
>>> It seems that our lack of a firm decision on what to do with the mocking
>>> framework has left people confused. In hope to help - I'll give my view
>>> of where things are now and what we should do going forward, and
>>> hopefully we'll reach some consensus on this.
>>> Here's the breakdown:
>>> We should abandon mox:
>>> * It has not had a release in over 3 years [2] and a patch upstream for 2
>>> * There are bugs that are impacting the project with it (see above)
>>> * It will not be ported to python 3
>>> Proposed path forward options:
>>> 1) Port nova to mock now:
>>>* Literally unmanageable - huge review overhead and regression risk
>>> for not so much gain (maybe) [1]
>>> 2) Opportunistically port nova (write new tests using mock, when fixing
>>> tests, move them to mock):
>>>   * Will take a really long time to move to mock, and is not really a
>>> solution since we are stuck with mock for an undetermined period of time
>>> - it's what we are doing now (kind of).
>>> 3) Same as 2) but move current codebase to mox3
>>>   * Buys us py3k compat, and fresher code
>>>   * Mox3 and mox have diverged and we would need to backport mox fixes
>>> onto the mox3 three and become de-facto active maintainers (as per Peter
>>> Feiner's last email - that may not be so easy).
>>> I think we should follow path 3) if we can, but we need to:
>>> 1) Figure out what is the deal with mox3 and decide if owning it will
>>> really be less trouble than porting nova. To be hones - I was unable to
>>> even find the code repo for it, only [3]. If anyone has more info -
>>> please weigh in. We'll also need volunteers
>>> 2) Make better testing guidelines when using mock, and maybe add some
>>> testing helpers (like we do already have for mox) that will make porting
>>> existing tests easier. mreidem already put this on this weeks nova
>>> meeting agenda - so that might be a good place to discuss all the issues
>>> mentioned here as well.
>>> We should really take a stronger stance on this soon IMHO, as this comes
>>> up with literally every commit.
>> I think option 3 makes the most sense here (pending anyone saying we
>> should run away screaming from mox3 for some reason).  It's actually
>> what I had been assuming since this thread a while back.
> What precisely is the benefit of moving the existing code to mox3 versus
> moving the existing code to mock? Is mox3 so similar to mox that the
> transition would be minimal?
>> This means that we don't need to *require* that tests get converted if
>> you're changing one.  It just gets you bonus imaginary internet points.
>> Requiring mock for new tests seems fine.  We can grant exceptions in
>> specific cases if necessary.  In general, we should be using mock for
>> new tests.
> My vote would be to use mock for everything new (no brainer), keep old mox
> stuff around and slowly port it to mock. I see little value in bringing in
> another mox3 library, especially if we'd end up having to maintain it.

FWIW this is exactly what the Cinder team agreed upon a while back and
the direction we've been going.  There hasn't really been any
push-back on this and in most cases the response from people has been
"Wow, using mock was so much easier/straight forward".

> Best,
> -jay
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Process for proposing patches attached to launchpad bugs?

2013-12-23 Thread Dean Troyer
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:50 AM, Robert Collins

> On 23 December 2013 17:35, Chet Burgess  wrote:
> > It's unclear to me what exactly constitutes writing a new patch. I can
> check
> > out oslo.messaging, and without trying to merge the patch just go and
> make
> > the same change (its literarily a 2 line change). I can write the tests,
> and
> > I can submit it (which I'm happy to do, I really want this bug fixed).
> > Honestly though this change is so trivial I don't see how my patch would
> > look all that different from the one already posted. I know there is
> prior
> > art. The mixin class that kombu provides does the exact same thing. Is
> that

Research the term 'de minimis' WRT copyright and decide (with the help of
actual legal advice if necessary) when to just go ahead and submit a patch.

Prior art is a patent concept, not related to copyright. Copyright is

+1...this stuff gets confused too much these days...



Dean Troyer
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Availability of external testing logs

2013-12-23 Thread Collins, Sean
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 12:30:50PM +0100, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
> I would suggest that external jobs should not vote until logs are publicly
> accessible, otherwise contributors would have no reason to understand where
> the negative vote came from.


I've had Tail-F NCS Jenkins -1 some things that the OpenStack
Jenkins has +1'd, and other times where I've seen it +1 things that
OpenStack Jenkins -1'd.

Sean M. Collins
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Neutron][IPv6] No IRC Meeting this week

2013-12-23 Thread Collins, Sean
See you all next week!

Sean M. Collins
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to customers

2013-12-23 Thread Denis Makogon
Goodday, Daniel. Thanks for response.

Today, before your message, i've update wiki page [1]. Now while POST user
would recieve DBLog responce object which would contain location ulr of
downloaded log file.
About the way of storing files, i've described inside of [1], in guest-side
configuretion, that each file inside container would contain timestamp, and
i'm not going to limit user with specific number of allowed files inside
I hope, i answered all your questions.


Best regards, Denis Makogon.

2013/12/23 Daniel Morris 

>   Vipul,
>  I know we discussed this briefly in the Wednesday meeting but I still
> have a few questions.   I am not bought in to the idea that we do not need
> to maintain the records of saved logs.   I agree that we do not need to
> enable users to download and manipulate the logs themselves via Trove (
> that can be left to Swift), but at a minimum, I believe that the system
> will still need to maintain a mapping of where the logs are stored in
> swift.  This is a simple addition to the list of available logs per
> datastore (an additional field of its swift location – a location exists,
> you know the log has been saved).  If we do not do this, how then does the
> user know where to find the logs they have saved or if they even exist in
> Swift without searching manually?  It may be that this is covered, but I
> don't see this represented in the BP.  Is the assumption that it is some
> known path?  I would expect to see the Swift location retuned on a GET of
> the available logs types for a specific instance (there is currently only a
> top-level GET for logs available per datastore type).
>  I am also assuming in this case, and per the BP, that If the user does
> not have the ability to select the storage location in Swift of if this is
> controlled exclusively by the deployer.  And that you would only allow one
> occurrence of the log, per datastore / instance and that the behavior of
> writing a log more than once to the same location is that it will overwrite
> / append, but it is not detailed in the BP.
>   Thanks,
> Daniel
> From: Vipul Sabhaya 
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 2:14 AM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to
> customers
>   Yep agreed, this is a great idea.
>  We really only need two API calls to get this going:
> - List available logs to ‘save’
> - Save a log (to swift)
>  Some additional points to consider:
>  - We don’t need to create a record of every Log ‘saved’ in Trove.  These
> entries, treated as a Trove resource aren’t useful, since you don’t
> actually manipulate that resource.
> - Deletes of Logs shouldn’t be part of the Trove API, if the user wants to
> delete them, just use Swift.
> - A deployer should be able to choose which logs can be ‘saved’ by their
> users
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:
>>  I think this is a good idea and I support it. In todays meeting [1]
>> there were some questions, and I encourage them to get brought up here. My
>> only question is in regard to the "tail" of a file we discussed in irc.
>> After talking about it w/ other trovesters, I think it doesnt make sense to
>> tail the log for most datstores. I cant imagine finding anything useful in
>> say, a java, applications last 100 lines (especially if a stack trace was
>> present). But I dont want to derail, so lets try to focus on the "deliver
>> to swift" first option.
>>  [1]
>>  On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Denis Makogon wrote:
>>>  Greetings, OpenStack DBaaS community.
>>>  I'd like to start discussion around a new feature in Trove. The
>>> feature I would like to propose covers manipulating  database log files.
>>>  Main idea. Give user an ability to retrieve database log file for
>>> any purposes.
>>> Goals to achieve. Suppose we have an application (binary
>>> application, without source code) which requires a DB connection to perform
>>> data manipulations and a user would like to perform development, debbuging
>>> of an application, also logs would be useful for audit process. Trove
>>> itself provides access only for CRUD operations inside of database, so the
>>> user cannot access the instance directly and analyze its log files.
>>> Therefore, Trove should be able to provide ways to allow a user to download
>>> the database log for analysis.
>>>  Log manipulations are designed to let user perform log
>>> investigations. Since Trove is a PaaS - level project, its user cannot
>>> interact with the compute instance directly, only with database

Re: [openstack-dev] Neutron Distributed Virtual Router

2013-12-23 Thread Gary Duan
Regarding using 'provider' in L3 router, for the BP 'L3 service integration
with service framework', I've submitted some code for review, which is
using 'provider' in a same notion as other advanced services. I am not sure
if it can be reused to describe 'centralized' and 'distributed' behavior.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:

> I generally tend to agree that once the distributed router is available,
> nobody would probably want to use a centralized one.
> Nevertheless, I think it is correct that, at least for the moment, some
> advanced services would only work with a centralized router.
> There might also be unforeseen scalability/security issues which might
> arise from the implementation, so it is worth giving users a chance to
> choose what router's they'd like.
> In the case of the NSX plugin, this was provided as an extended API
> attribute in the Havana release with the aim of making it the default
> solution for routing in the future.
> One thing that is worth adding is that at the time it was explored the
> ability of leveraging service providers for having a "centralized router
> provider" and a "distributed" one; we had working code, but then we
> reverted to the extended attribute. Perhaps it would be worth exploring
> whether this is a feasible solution, and whether it might be even possible
> to define "flavors" which characterise how routers and advanced services
> are provided.
> Salvatore
> On 10 December 2013 18:09, Nachi Ueno  wrote:
>> I'm +1 for 'provider'.
>> 2013/12/9 Akihiro Motoki :
>> > Neutron defines "provider" attribute and it is/will be used in advanced
>> services (LB, FW, VPN).
>> > Doesn't it fit for a distributed router case? If we can cover all
>> services with one concept, it would be nice.
>> >
>> > According to this thread, we assumes at least two types "edge" and
>> "distributed".
>> > Though "edge" and "distributed" is a type of implementations, I think
>> they are some kind of "provider".
>> >
>> > I just would like to add an option. I am open to "provider" vs
>> "distirbute" attributes.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Akihiro
>> >
>> > (2013/12/10 7:01), Vasudevan, Swaminathan (PNB Roseville) wrote:
>> >> Hi Folks,
>> >>
>> >> We are in the process of defining the API for the Neutron Distributed
>> Virtual Router, and we have a question.
>> >>
>> >> Just wanted to get the feedback from the community before we implement
>> and post for review.
>> >>
>> >> We are planning to use the “distributed” flag for the routers that are
>> supposed to be routing traffic locally (both East West and North South).
>> >> This “distributed” flag is already there in the “neutronclient” API,
>> but currently only utilized by the “Nicira Plugin”.
>> >> We would like to go ahead and use the same “distributed” flag and add
>> an extension to the router table to accommodate the “distributed flag”.
>> >>
>> >> Please let us know your feedback.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks.
>> >>
>> >> Swaminathan Vasudevan
>> >> Systems Software Engineer (TC)
>> >> HP Networking
>> >> Hewlett-Packard
>> >> 8000 Foothills Blvd
>> >> M/S 5541
>> >> Roseville, CA - 95747
>> >> tel: 916.785.0937
>> >> fax: 916.785.1815
>> >> email: >>
>> >>
>> > ___
>> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Availability of external testing logs

2013-12-23 Thread Sean Dague
On 12/23/2013 12:10 PM, Collins, Sean wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 12:30:50PM +0100, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
>> I would suggest that external jobs should not vote until logs are publicly
>> accessible, otherwise contributors would have no reason to understand where
>> the negative vote came from.
> +1
> I've had Tail-F NCS Jenkins -1 some things that the OpenStack
> Jenkins has +1'd, and other times where I've seen it +1 things that
> OpenStack Jenkins -1'd.


I also think we need to have these systems prove themselves on
reliability before they post votes back. A mis configured CI system can
easily -1 the entire patch stream, and many of us use -Verified-1 as a
filter criteria on reviews, which effectively makes that a DOS attack.

Detailed public results need to come first. After those look reliable,
voting can be allowed.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] olso.config error on running Devstack

2013-12-23 Thread Sean Dague
On 12/23/2013 11:52 AM, Ben Nemec wrote:
> On 2013-12-18 09:26, Sayali Lunkad wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I get the following error when I run on Devstack
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/usr/local/bin/ceilometer-dbsync", line 6, in 
>> from import dbsync
>>   File "/opt/stack/ceilometer/ceilometer/storage/", line
>> 23, in 
>> from oslo.config import cfg
>> ImportError: No module named config
>> ++ failed
>> ++ local r=1
>> +++ jobs -p
>> ++ kill
>> ++ set +o xtrace
>> Search gives me olso.config is installed. Please let me know of any
>> solution.
> Devstack pulls oslo.config from git, so if you have it installed on the
> system through pip or something it could cause problems.  If you can
> verify that it's only in /opt/stack/oslo.config, you might try deleting
> that directory and rerunning devstack to pull down a fresh copy.  I
> don't know for sure what the problem is, but those are a couple of
> things to try.

We actually try to resolve that here:

However, have I said how terrible python packaging is recently?
Basically you can very easily get yourself in a situation where *just
enough* of the distro package is left behind that pip thinks its there,
so won't install it, but the python loader doesn't, so won't work.

Then much sadness.

If anyone has a more fool proof way to fix this, suggestions appreciated.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Process for proposing patches attached to launchpad bugs?

2013-12-23 Thread James Bottomley
On Fri, 2013-12-20 at 14:07 -0500, Russell Bryant wrote:
> On 12/20/2013 09:32 AM, Dolph Mathews wrote:
> > In the past, I've been able to get authors of bug fixes attached to
> > Launchpad bugs to sign the CLA and submit the patch through gerrit...
> > although, in one case it took quite a bit of time (and thankfully it
> > wasn't a critical fix or anything).
> > 
> > This scenario just came up again (example: [1]), so I'm asking
> > preemptively... what if the author is unwilling / unable in signing the
> > CLA and propose through gerrit, or it's a critical bug fix and waiting
> > on an author to go through the CLA process is undesirable for the
> > community? Obviously that's a bit of a fail on our part, but what's the
> > most appropriate & expedient way to handle it?
> > 
> > Can we propose the patch to gerrit ourselves?
> > 
> > If so, who should appear as the --author of the commit? Who should
> > appear as Co-Authored-By, especially when the committer helps to evolve
> > the patch evolves further in review?
> > 
> > Alternatively, am I going about this all wrong?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > [1]:
> It's not your code, so you really can't propose it without them having
> signed the CLA, or propose it as your own.
> Ideally have someone else fix the same bug that hasn't looked at the patch.
> >From a quick look, it seems likely that this fix is small and straight
> forward enough that the clean new implementation is going to end up
> looking very similar.  Still, I think it's the right thing to do.

What is the actual point of the CLA? since it seems to be a barrier to
contribution.  Why not do something affirmative like a DCO instead.  The
signed-off-by on a patch submitted by any mechanism (email list, patch
to bugzilla, launchpad, gerrit) can then be included because it carries
the DCO affirmation with it.

The reason CLAs are such a barrier is that if you're an employee of a
company, you have to get the approval of that company to sign them.  If
the company is used to this type of thing, it's usually a couple of days
turn around.  If it's not, it can be painful weeks trying to explain to
the corporate counsel what you're trying to do (and why it won't affect
the company too much) ... a large number of developers simply give up in
the middle of this.

The only point the current CLA would serve would be to allow the
OpenStack foundation to change the licence from ASL-2.0 to an ASL
incompatible licence since DCO + ASL-2.0 seems to cover all the other
terms in the current CLA.  Is that really worth all the pain?  I have a
hard time coming up with another licence besides GPLv2 that is actually
ASL-2.0 incompatible, so any licensing switch could apparently be made
without the need for a copyright grant.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [tempest] negative tests

2013-12-23 Thread Miguel Lavalle

You are correct. We WILL NOT develop negative tests anymore by hand. We
will take a "generative" approach in the future. I will update the etherpad
to reflect this


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 5:12 AM, Anna Kamyshnikova <> wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm working on creating tests in tempest according to this etherpad page
> Here is mentioned that we should be add negative tests, for example, for
> floating ips, but as I understand (according to comment to
> negative tests will be added
> automatically. In this case, is work on such tests as
> - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a non public network
> - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address out of
> the external network subnet range
> - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address that is
> in use
> - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an invalid
> internal port
> - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an internal
> port with no ip address
> - Negative: create / update a floating ip with an internal port with
> multiple ip addresses, specifying an invalid
> - Negative create /assciate a floating ip with an internal port with
> multiple ip addresses, when the ip address
> - Negative: delete an invalid floating ip
> - Negative: show non existing floating ip
>  needed or not?
> Ann.
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Sean Dague  wrote:
>> Please take this to a public list
>> On 12/23/2013 03:42 AM, Anna Kamyshnikova wrote:
>> > Hello!
>> >
>> > I'm working on creating tests in tempest according to this etherpad
>> > page
>> >
>> > Here is mentioned that we should be add negative tests, for example, for
>> > floating ips, but as I understand (according to your comment
>> > to negative tests will be
>> added
>> > automatically. In this case, is work on such tests as
>> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a non public network
>> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address out of
>> > the external network subnet range
>> >
>> > - Negative: create a floating ip specifying a floating ip address that
>> > is in use
>> >
>> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an invalid
>> > internal port
>> >
>> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip address specifying an internal
>> > port with no ip address
>> >
>> > - Negative: create / update a floating ip with an internal port with
>> > multiple ip addresses, specifying an invalid
>> >
>> > - Negative create /assciate a floating ip with an internal port with
>> > multiple ip addresses, when the ip address
>> >
>> > - Negative: delete an invalid floating ip
>> >
>> > - Negative: show non existing floating ip
>> >
>> >  needed or not?
>> >
>> > Ann.
>> --
>> Sean Dague
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] olso.config error on running Devstack

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

On 2013-12-23 13:18, Sean Dague wrote:

On 12/23/2013 11:52 AM, Ben Nemec wrote:

On 2013-12-18 09:26, Sayali Lunkad wrote:


I get the following error when I run on Devstack

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ceilometer-dbsync", line 6, in 
from import dbsync
  File "/opt/stack/ceilometer/ceilometer/storage/", line
23, in 
from oslo.config import cfg
ImportError: No module named config
++ failed
++ local r=1
+++ jobs -p
++ kill
++ set +o xtrace

Search gives me olso.config is installed. Please let me know of any

Devstack pulls oslo.config from git, so if you have it installed on 

system through pip or something it could cause problems.  If you can
verify that it's only in /opt/stack/oslo.config, you might try 

that directory and rerunning devstack to pull down a fresh copy.  I
don't know for sure what the problem is, but those are a couple of
things to try.

We actually try to resolve that here:

However, have I said how terrible python packaging is recently?
Basically you can very easily get yourself in a situation where *just
enough* of the distro package is left behind that pip thinks its there,
so won't install it, but the python loader doesn't, so won't work.

Then much sadness.

If anyone has a more fool proof way to fix this, suggestions 


Ah, good to know.  I haven't actually run into this problem recently, so 
this was kind of a shot in the dark.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][qa] test_network_basic_ops and the "FloatingIPChecker" control point

2013-12-23 Thread Brent Eagles

Salvatore Orlando wrote:

Before starting this post I confess I did not read with the required level
of attention all this thread, so I apologise for any repetition.

I just wanted to point out that floating IPs in neutron are created
asynchronously when using the l3 agent, and I think this is clear to
So when the create floating IP call returns, this does not mean the
floating IP has actually been wired, ie: IP configured on qg-interface and
SNAT/DNAT rules added.

Unfortunately, neutron lacks a concept of operational status for a floating
IP which would tell clients, including nova (it acts as a client wrt nova
api), when a floating IP is ready to be used. I started work in this
direction, but it has been suspended now for a week. If anybody wants to
take over and deems this a reasonable thing to do, it will be great.

Unless somebody picks it up before I get from the break, I'd like to 
discuss this further with you.

I think neutron tests checking connectivity might return more meaningful
failure data if they would gather the status of the various components
which might impact connectivity.
These are:
- The floating IP
- The router internal interface
- The VIF port
- The DHCP agent

I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, I think if we are going to rely on 
timeouts for pass/fail we need to do more for post-mortem details.

Collecting info about the latter is very important but a bit trickier. I
discussed with Sean and Maru that it would be great for a starter, grep the
console log to check whether the instance obtained an IP.
Other things to consider would be:
- adding an operational status to a subnet, which would express whether the
DHCP agent is in sync with that subnet (this information won't make sense
for subnets with dhcp disabled)
- working on a 'debug' administrative API which could return, for instance,
for each DHCP agent the list of configured networks and leases.


Regarding timeouts, I think it's fair for tempest to define a timeout and
ask that everything from VM boot to Floating IP wiring completes within
that timeout.


I would agree. It would be impossible to have reasonable automated 
testing otherwise.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Re: [Blueprint vlan-aware-vms] VLAN aware VMs

2013-12-23 Thread Ian Wells
I think we have two different cases here - one where a 'trunk' network
passes all VLANs, which is potentially supportable by anything that's not
based on VLANs for separation, and one where a trunk can't feasibly do that
but where we could make it pass a restricted set of VLANs by mapping.

In the former case, obviously we need no special awareness of the nature of
the network to implement an L2 gateway.

In the latter case, we're looking at a specialisation of networks, one
where you would first create them with a set of VLANs you wanted to pass
(and - presumably - the driver would say 'ah, I must allocate multiple
VLANs to this network rather than just one'.  You've jumped in with two
optimisations on top of that:

- we can precalculate the VLANs the network needs to pass in some cases,
because it's the sum of VLANs that L2 gateways on that network know about
- we can use L2 gateways to make the mapping from 'tenant' VLANs to
'overlay' VLANs

They're good ideas but they add some limitations to what you can do with
trunk networks that aren't actually necessary in a number of solutions.

I wonder if we should try the general case first with e.g. a
Linuxbridge/GRE based infrastructure, and then add the optimisations
afterwards.  If I were going to do that optimisation I'd start with the
capability mechanism and add the ability to let the tenant specify the
specific VLAN tags which must be passed (as you normally would on a
physical switch). I'd then have two port types - a user-facing one that
ensures the entry and exit mapping is made on the port, and an
administrative one which exposes that mapping internally and lets the
client code (e.g. the L2 gateway) do the mapping itself.  But I think it
would be complicated, and maybe even has more complexity than is
immediately apparent (e.g. we're effectively allocating a cluster-wide
network to get backbone segmentation IDs for each VLAN we pass, which is
new and different) hence my thought that we should start with the easy case
first just to have something working, and see how the tenant API feels.  We
could do this with a basic bit of gateway code running on a system using
Linuxbridge + GRE, I think - the key seems to be avoiding VLANs in the
overlay and then the problem is drastically simplified.

On 21 December 2013 23:00, Erik Moe  wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> I think your VLAN trunking capability proposal can be a good thing, so the
> user can request a Neutron network that can trunk VLANs without caring
> about detailed information regarding which VLANs to pass. This could be
> used for use cases there user wants to pass VLANs between endpoints on a L2
> network etc.
> For the use case there a VM wants to connect to several "normal" Neutron
> networks using VLANs, I would prefer a solution that did not require a
> Neutron trunk network. Possibly by connecting a L2-gateway directly to the
> Neutron 'vNic' port, or some other solution. IMHO it would be good to map
> VLAN to Neutron network as soon as possible.
> Thanks,
> Erik
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Ian Wells  wrote:
>> On 19 December 2013 06:35, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
>>> Hi Ian.
>>> I can't see your proposal. Can you please make it public viewable?
>> Crap, sorry - fixed.
>>> > Even before I read the document I could list three use cases.  Eric's
>>> > covered some of them himself.
>>> I'm not against trunking.
>>> I'm trying to understand what requirements need "trunk network" in
>>> the figure 1 in addition to "L2 gateway" directly connected to VM via
>>> "trunk port".
>> No problem, just putting the information there for you.
>> --
>> Ian.
>> ___
>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa][neutron] Please remember to mark changed tests as 'smoke'

2013-12-23 Thread David Kranz
We like all code submitted to tempest to actually run. Since the neutron 
gate jobs are still running only smoke tests, please mark any test that 
is added or whose code has changed as smoke. Note that 'smoke' has no 
real other meaning now since it was applied haphazardly in the first 
place and has been added for lots of neutron tests. Once the full 
neutron test suite is running in the gate, we are going to rework the 
smoke tags to mean a set of sanity tests that can run in a short amount 
of time.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Neutron Distributed Virtual Router

2013-12-23 Thread Bob Melander (bmelande)
I agree. With your patch it ought to be possible to make the distributed router 
a provider type so to me it seems like a good match.


From: Gary Duan>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)">>
Date: måndag 23 december 2013 19:17
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)">>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Neutron Distributed Virtual Router

Regarding using 'provider' in L3 router, for the BP 'L3 service integration 
with service framework', I've submitted some code for review, which is using 
'provider' in a same notion as other advanced services. I am not sure if it can 
be reused to describe 'centralized' and 'distributed' behavior.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Salvatore Orlando>> wrote:
I generally tend to agree that once the distributed router is available, nobody 
would probably want to use a centralized one.
Nevertheless, I think it is correct that, at least for the moment, some 
advanced services would only work with a centralized router.
There might also be unforeseen scalability/security issues which might arise 
from the implementation, so it is worth giving users a chance to choose what 
router's they'd like.

In the case of the NSX plugin, this was provided as an extended API attribute 
in the Havana release with the aim of making it the default solution for 
routing in the future.
One thing that is worth adding is that at the time it was explored the ability 
of leveraging service providers for having a "centralized router provider" and 
a "distributed" one; we had working code, but then we reverted to the extended 
attribute. Perhaps it would be worth exploring whether this is a feasible 
solution, and whether it might be even possible to define "flavors" which 
characterise how routers and advanced services are provided.


On 10 December 2013 18:09, Nachi Ueno>> 
I'm +1 for 'provider'.

2013/12/9 Akihiro Motoki>>:
> Neutron defines "provider" attribute and it is/will be used in advanced 
> services (LB, FW, VPN).
> Doesn't it fit for a distributed router case? If we can cover all services 
> with one concept, it would be nice.
> According to this thread, we assumes at least two types "edge" and 
> "distributed".
> Though "edge" and "distributed" is a type of implementations, I think they 
> are some kind of "provider".
> I just would like to add an option. I am open to "provider" vs "distirbute" 
> attributes.
> Thanks,
> Akihiro
> (2013/12/10 7:01), Vasudevan, Swaminathan (PNB Roseville) wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> We are in the process of defining the API for the Neutron Distributed 
>> Virtual Router, and we have a question.
>> Just wanted to get the feedback from the community before we implement and 
>> post for review.
>> We are planning to use the “distributed” flag for the routers that are 
>> supposed to be routing traffic locally (both East West and North South).
>> This “distributed” flag is already there in the “neutronclient” API, but 
>> currently only utilized by the “Nicira Plugin”.
>> We would like to go ahead and use the same “distributed” flag and add an 
>> extension to the router table to accommodate the “distributed flag”.
>> Please let us know your feedback.
>> Thanks.
>> Swaminathan Vasudevan
>> Systems Software Engineer (TC)
>> HP Networking
>> Hewlett-Packard
>> 8000 Foothills Blvd
>> M/S 5541
>> Roseville, CA - 95747
>> tel: 916.785.0937
>> fax: 916.785.1815
>> email: 
>> >
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

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Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] PCI pass-through network support

2013-12-23 Thread Jay Pipes

On 12/17/2013 10:09 AM, Ian Wells wrote:

Reiterating from the IRC mneeting, largely, so apologies.

Firstly, I disagree that is an
accurate reflection of the current state.  It's a very unilateral view,
largely because the rest of us had been focussing on the google document
that we've been using for weeks.

Secondly, I totally disagree with this approach.  This assumes that
description of the (cloud-internal, hardware) details of each compute
node is best done with data stored centrally and driven by an API.  I
don't agree with either of these points.

Firstly, the best place to describe what's available on a compute node
is in the configuration on the compute node.  For instance, I describe
which interfaces do what in Neutron on the compute node.  This is
because when you're provisioning nodes, that's the moment you know how
you've attached it to the network and what hardware you've put in it and
what you intend the hardware to be for - or conversely your deployment
puppet or chef or whatever knows it, and Razor or MAAS has enumerated
it, but the activities are equivalent.  Storing it centrally distances
the compute node from its descriptive information for no good purpose
that I can see and adds the complexity of having to go make remote
requests just to start up.

Secondly, even if you did store this centrally, it's not clear to me
that an API is very useful.  As far as I can see, the need for an API is
really the need to manage PCI device flavors.  If you want that to be
API-managed, then the rest of a (rather complex) API cascades from that
one choice.  Most of the things that API lets you change (expressions
describing PCI devices) are the sort of thing that you set once and only
revisit when you start - for instance - deploying new hosts in a
different way.

I at the parallel in Neutron provider networks.  They're config driven,
largely on the compute hosts.  Agents know what ports on their machine
(the hardware tie) are associated with provider networks, by provider
network name.  The controller takes 'neutron net-create ...
--provider:network 'name'' and uses that to tie a virtual network to the
provider network definition on each host.  What we absolutely don't do
is have a complex admin API that lets us say 'in host aggregate 4,
provider network x (which I made earlier) is connected to eth6'.

FWIW, I could not agree more. The Neutron API already suffers from 
overcomplexity. There's really no need to make it even more complex than 
it already is, especially for a feature that more naturally fits in 
configuration data (Puppet/Chef/etc) and isn't something that you would 
really ever change for a compute host once set.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Do we have some guidelines for mock, stub, mox when writing unit test?

2013-12-23 Thread Shawn Hartsock
Where in the wiki is this written down? Maybe I should read some of these
entries. I have looked but I can't find it.
On Dec 23, 2013 11:56 AM, "Ben Nemec"  wrote:

> On 2013-12-21 07:24, Matt Riedemann wrote:
>> On 12/19/2013 8:51 AM, John Garbutt wrote:
>>> On 4 December 2013 17:10, Russell Bryant  wrote:
 I think option 3 makes the most sense here (pending anyone saying we
 should run away screaming from mox3 for some reason).  It's actually
 what I had been assuming since this thread a while back.

 This means that we don't need to *require* that tests get converted if
 you're changing one.  It just gets you bonus imaginary internet points.

 Requiring mock for new tests seems fine.  We can grant exceptions in
 specific cases if necessary.  In general, we should be using mock for
 new tests.

>>> I have lost track a bit here.
>>> The above seems like a sane approach. Do we all agree on that now?
>>> Can we add the above text into here:
>>> John
>>> ___
>>> OpenStack-dev mailing list
>> Yeah, at some point I wanted to cleanup the various testing guides but
>> until then I like the idea of just putting something simple into the
>> nova review checklist. Basically use mock for new tests, mox can be
>> used in exceptional cases. What I've considered exceptional so far
>> includes changes that will be backported to a stable release where
>> mock isn't being used and cases where you basically have to bend over
>> backwards to work new mock tests into an existing test class that has
>> lots of existing setUp with mox. However, even in the latter case you
>> can usually use mock after resetting the mox setup via
>> self.mox.ResetAll() in the new test case(s).
> I went ahead and added this to the wiki, so it's now an absolutely
> inviolate policy.  Unless, ya know, someone edits the wiki after me. ;-)
> Also, I put it in the common section because this doesn't seem like
> something we should be doing differently per-project.  If anyone objects,
> feel free to add to the discussion here as to why.
> Thanks.
> -Ben
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Do we have some guidelines for mock, stub, mox when writing unit test?

2013-12-23 Thread Ben Nemec

I added it to the page John linked earlier: 


On 2013-12-23 17:08, Shawn Hartsock wrote: 

> Where in the wiki is this written down? Maybe I should read some of these 
> entries. I have looked but I can't find it. 
> On Dec 23, 2013 11:56 AM, "Ben Nemec"  wrote:
> On 2013-12-21 07:24, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> On 12/19/2013 8:51 AM, John Garbutt wrote:
> On 4 December 2013 17:10, Russell Bryant  wrote:
> I think option 3 makes the most sense here (pending anyone saying we
> should run away screaming from mox3 for some reason). It's actually
> what I had been assuming since this thread a while back.
> This means that we don't need to *require* that tests get converted if
> you're changing one. It just gets you bonus imaginary internet points.
> Requiring mock for new tests seems fine. We can grant exceptions in
> specific cases if necessary. In general, we should be using mock for
> new tests. 
> I have lost track a bit here.
> The above seems like a sane approach. Do we all agree on that now?
> Can we add the above text into here:
> [1]
> John
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list
> [2]

 Yeah, at some point I wanted to cleanup the various testing guides but
 until then I like the idea of just putting something simple into the
 nova review checklist. Basically use mock for new tests, mox can be
 used in exceptional cases. What I've considered exceptional so far
 includes changes that will be backported to a stable release where
 mock isn't being used and cases where you basically have to bend over
 backwards to work new mock tests into an existing test class that has
 lots of existing setUp with mox. However, even in the latter case you
 can usually use mock after resetting the mox setup via
 self.mox.ResetAll() in the new test case(s). 
 I went ahead and added this to the wiki, so it's now an absolutely
inviolate policy. Unless, ya know, someone edits the wiki after me. ;-)

 Also, I put it in the common section because this doesn't seem like
something we should be doing differently per-project. If anyone objects,
feel free to add to the discussion here as to why.



 OpenStack-dev mailing list [2] 


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Todays' meeting log: PCI pass-through network support

2013-12-23 Thread Ian Wells
On autodiscovery and configuration, we agree that each compute node finds
out what it has based on some sort of list of match expressions; we just
disagree on where they should live.

I know we've talked APIs for setting that matching expression, but I would
prefer that compute nodes are responsible for their own physical
configuration - generally this seems wiser on the grounds that configuring
new hardware correctly is a devops problem and this pushes the problem into
the installer, clear devops territory.  It also makes the (I think likely)
assumption that the config may differ per compute node without having to
add more complexity to the API with host aggregates and so on.  And it
means that a compute node can start working without consulting the central
database or reporting its entire device list back to the central controller.

On PCI groups, I think it is a good idea to have them declared centrally
(their name, not their content).  Now, I would use config to define them
and maybe an API for the tenant to list their names, personally; that's
simpler and easier to implement and doesn't preclude adding an (admin) API
in the future.  But I don't imagine the list of groups will change
frequently so any update API would be very infrequently used, and if
someone really feels they want to implement it I'm not going to stop them.

On nova boot, I completely agree that we need a new argument to --nic to
specify the PCI group of the NIC.  The rest of the arguments - I'm
wondering if we could perhaps do this in two stages:
1. Neutron will read those arguments (attachment type, additional stuff
like port group where relevant) from the port during an attach and pass
relevant information to the plugging driver in Nova
2. We add a feature to nova so that you can specify other properties in the
--nic section line and they're passed straight to the port-create called
from within nova.

This is not specific to passthrough at all, just a useful general purpose
feature.  However, it would simplify both the problem and design here,
because these parameters, whatever they are, are now entirely the
responsibility of Neutron and Nova's simply transporting them into it.  A
PCI aware Neutron will presumably understand the attachment type, the port
group and so on, or will reject them if they're meaningless to it, and
we've even got room for future expansion without changing Nova or Neutron,
just the plugin.  We can propose it now and independently, put in a patch
and have it ready before we need it.  I think anything that helps to
clarify and divide the responsibilities of Nova and Neutron will be
helpful, because then we don't end up with too many
cross-project-interrelated patches.

I'm going to ignore the allocation problem for now.  If a single user can
allocate all the NICs in the cluster to himself, we still have a more
useful solution than the one now where he can't use them, so it's not the
top of our list.

Time seems to be running out for Icehouse. We need to come to agreement
> ASAP. I will be out from wednesday until after new year. I'm thinking that
> to move it forward after the new year, we may need to have the IRC meeting
> in a daily basis until we reach agreement. This should be one of our new
> year's resolutions?

Whatever gets it done.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Todays' meeting log: PCI pass-through network support

2013-12-23 Thread yongli he

On 2013?12?24? 07:35, Ian Wells wrote:
On autodiscovery and configuration, we agree that each compute node 
finds out what it has based on some sort of list of match expressions; 
we just disagree on where they should live.

i think what we talk is group/class auto discovery here.

I know we've talked APIs for setting that matching expression, but I 
would prefer that compute nodes are responsible for their own physical 
configuration - generally this seems wiser on the grounds that 
configuring new hardware correctly is a devops problem and this pushes 
the problem into the installer, clear devops territory.  It also makes 
the (I think likely) assumption that the config may differ per compute 
node without having to add more complexity to the API with host 
aggregates and so on.  And it means that a compute node can start 
working without consulting the central database or reporting its 
entire device list back to the central controller.

let's wait Nova core comments about this.

On PCI groups, I think it is a good idea to have them declared 
centrally (their name, not their content).  Now, I would use config to 
define them and maybe an API for the tenant to list their names, 
personally; that's simpler and easier to implement and doesn't 
preclude adding an (admin) API in the future.  But I don't imagine the 
list of groups will change frequently so any update API would be very 
infrequently used, and if someone really feels they want to implement 
it I'm not going to stop them.
if you try setup a only a name for the group, how about current pci 
alias? We don't need create new terminology for this. and alias can use 
to specify groups, but we want kill alias,  seems it come back to our 

On nova boot, I completely agree that we need a new argument to --nic 
to specify the PCI group of the NIC.  The rest of the arguments - I'm 
wondering if we could perhaps do this in two stages:


1. Neutron will read those arguments (attachment type, additional 
stuff like port group where relevant) from the port during an attach 
and pass relevant information to the plugging driver in Nova
2. We add a feature to nova so that you can specify other properties 
in the --nic section line and they're passed straight to the 
port-create called from within nova.

This is not specific to passthrough at all, just a useful general 
purpose feature.  However, it would simplify both the problem and 
design here, because these parameters, whatever they are, are now 
entirely the responsibility of Neutron and Nova's simply transporting 
them into it.  A PCI aware Neutron will presumably understand the 
attachment type, the port group and so on, or will reject them if 
they're meaningless to it, and we've even got room for future 
expansion without changing Nova or Neutron, just the plugin.  We can 
propose it now and independently, put in a patch and have it ready 
before we need it.  I think anything that helps to clarify and divide 
the responsibilities of Nova and Neutron will be helpful, because then 
we don't end up with too many cross-project-interrelated patches.

I'm going to ignore the allocation problem for now.  If a single user 
can allocate all the NICs in the cluster to himself, we still have a 
more useful solution than the one now where he can't use them, so it's 
not the top of our list.

Time seems to be running out for Icehouse. We need to come to
agreement ASAP. I will be out from wednesday until after new year.
I'm thinking that to move it forward after the new year, we may
need to have the IRC meeting in a daily basis until we
reach agreement. This should be one of our new year's resolutions?

Whatever gets it done.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Support for Django 1.6

2013-12-23 Thread Thomas Goirand
On 12/23/2013 11:23 PM, Tim Schnell wrote:
> It looks like the defaults module has been removed in Django 1.6. It was
> deprecated in Django 1.4. You should be able to just change these imports
> to:
> from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
> ts
> -Tim

Indeed, this was the problem. Thanks Tim, I have been able to upload the
package to Sid, without breaking Wheezy backport, thanks to this. \o/

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Complex query BP implementation

2013-12-23 Thread Jay Pipes

On 12/16/2013 03:54 PM, Ildikó Váncsa wrote:

Hi guys,

The first working version of the Complex filter expressions in API
queries blueprint [1] was pushed for review[2].

We implemented a new query REST resource in order to provide rich query
functionality for samples, alarms and alarm history. The future plans
(in separated blueprints) with this new functionality is extending it to
support Statistics and stored queries. The new feature is documented on
Launchpad wiki[3], with an example for how to use the new query on the API.

What is your opinion about this solution?

I would appreciate some review comments and/or feedback on the
implementation. :)

Hi Ildiko, thanks for your proposed API for complex querying in 
Ceilometer. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the approach taken, but I do 
see some definite need/use cases here.

My main objection to the proposed solution is that it violates the 
principle in all of the OpenStack REST APIs that a POST request 
*creates* a resource. In the proposed API, you use:

POST /query/$resource

to actually retrieve records of type $resource. In all the other 
OpenStack REST APIs, the above request would create a $resource 
subresource of a "query" resource. And, to be honest, people expect HTTP 
REST APIs to use the GET HTTP method for querying, not POST. It's an 
anti-pattern to use POST in this way.

Now, that said... I think that the advanced query interface you propose 
does indeed have real-world, demanded use cases. Right now, you are 100% 
correct that the existing GET request filters are simplistic and don't 
support either aggregation or advanced union or intersection queries.

I would definitely be supportive of using POST to store "saved queries" 
(as you mention in your wiki page). However, the main query interface 
should remain the GET HTTP method, including for ad-hoc advanced querying.

So, what I would like to see is essentially a removal of the "query" 
resource, and instead tack on your advanced Ceilometer domain-specific 
language to the supported GET query arguments. This would have two 

1) You will not need to re-implement the orderby and limit expressions. 
Virtually all other OpenStack APIs (including Ceilometer) use the 
"limit" and "sort_by" query parameters already, so those should be used 

2) Users will already be familiar with the standard GET /samples, GET 
/alarms, etc query interface, and all they would need to learn is how to 
encode the advanced query parameters properly. No need to 
learn/implement new resource endpoints.

You used this English-language example of an advanced query:

"Check for cpu_util samples reported between 18:00-18:15 or between 
18:30 - 18:45 where the utilization is between 23 and 26 percent."

and had the following POST request JSON-ified body:

POST /query/meters
  ["=", "counter_name", "cpu_util"],
  [">", "counter_volume", 0.23]],
  ["=", "counter_name", "cpu_util"],
  ["<", "counter_volume", 0.26]]],
  [">", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:00:00"],
  ["<", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:15:00"]],
  [">", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:30:00"],
  ["<", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:45:00"

(note that the above doesn't actually correspond to the English-language 
query... you would not want the third-level "and"s and you would want >= 
and <= for the temporal BETWEEN clause...)

The equivalent GET request might be encoded like so:


Which is just the following, with the values url-encoded:

expr = (expr1 or expr2) and expr3
expr1 = (timestamp>=2013-12-01T18:00:00 and timestamp<=2013-12-01T18:15:00 )
expr2 = (timestamp>=2013-12-01T18:30:00 and timestamp<=2013-12-01T18:45:00)
expr3 = (counter_name='cpu_util' and (counter_volume>0.23 and 

I know the expression might not look as nice as POST /query/meters, but 
it is in-line with Internet custom.

I would definitely support the use of your POST with JSON-encoded query 
DSL for stored views, though. For example, to save a stored query for 
the above report:

POST /reports
  ["=", "counter_name", "cpu_util"],
  ["between", "counter_volume", 0.23, 0.26],
  [">", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:00:00"],
  ["<", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:15:00"]],
  [">", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:30:00"],
  ["<", "timestamp", "2013-12-01T18:45:00"

And then you could issue the same query using the GET of the returned 
report UUID or report name...

GET /reports/$REPORT

[openstack-dev] [State-Management] No meeting this week

2013-12-23 Thread Joshua Harlow
Since its xmas in most of the world lets skip the IRC meeting this week 
(normally on thursdays).

See you all soon and have a great vacation!

P.S. #openstack-state-management if u feel the need to chat :-)


Joshua Harlow

It's openstack, relax... |

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][qa] test_network_basic_ops and the "FloatingIPChecker" control point

2013-12-23 Thread Yair Fried

- Original Message -
> From: "Brent Eagles" 
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 10:48:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][qa] test_network_basic_ops and the 
> "FloatingIPChecker" control point
> Salvatore Orlando wrote:
> > Before starting this post I confess I did not read with the
> > required level
> > of attention all this thread, so I apologise for any repetition.
> >
> > I just wanted to point out that floating IPs in neutron are created
> > asynchronously when using the l3 agent, and I think this is clear
> > to
> > everybody.
> > So when the create floating IP call returns, this does not mean the
> > floating IP has actually been wired, ie: IP configured on
> > qg-interface and
> > SNAT/DNAT rules added.
> >
> > Unfortunately, neutron lacks a concept of operational status for a
> > floating
> > IP which would tell clients, including nova (it acts as a client
> > wrt nova
> > api), when a floating IP is ready to be used. I started work in
> > this
> > direction, but it has been suspended now for a week. If anybody
> > wants to
> > take over and deems this a reasonable thing to do, it will be
> > great.
> Unless somebody picks it up before I get from the break, I'd like to
> discuss this further with you.
> > I think neutron tests checking connectivity might return more
> > meaningful
> > failure data if they would gather the status of the various
> > components
> > which might impact connectivity.
> > These are:
> > - The floating IP
> > - The router internal interface
> > - The VIF port
> > - The DHCP agent
I wrote something addressing at least some of these points:
> I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, I think if we are going to rely on
> timeouts for pass/fail we need to do more for post-mortem details.
> > Collecting info about the latter is very important but a bit
> > trickier. I
> > discussed with Sean and Maru that it would be great for a starter,
> > grep the
> > console log to check whether the instance obtained an IP.
> > Other things to consider would be:
> > - adding an operational status to a subnet, which would express
> > whether the
> > DHCP agent is in sync with that subnet (this information won't make
> > sense
> > for subnets with dhcp disabled)
> > - working on a 'debug' administrative API which could return, for
> > instance,
> > for each DHCP agent the list of configured networks and leases.
> Interesting!
> > Regarding timeouts, I think it's fair for tempest to define a
> > timeout and
> > ask that everything from VM boot to Floating IP wiring completes
> > within
> > that timeout.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Salvatore
> I would agree. It would be impossible to have reasonable automated
> testing otherwise.
> Cheers,
> Brent
> ___
> OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Todays' meeting log: PCI pass-through network support

2013-12-23 Thread Irena Berezovsky
Please, see inline

From: Ian Wells []
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 1:38 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Todays' meeting log: PCI 
pass-through network support

On autodiscovery and configuration, we agree that each compute node finds out 
what it has based on some sort of list of match expressions; we just disagree 
on where they should live.

I know we've talked APIs for setting that matching expression, but I would 
prefer that compute nodes are responsible for their own physical configuration 
- generally this seems wiser on the grounds that configuring new hardware 
correctly is a devops problem and this pushes the problem into the installer, 
clear devops territory.  It also makes the (I think likely) assumption that the 
config may differ per compute node without having to add more complexity to the 
API with host aggregates and so on.  And it means that a compute node can start 
working without consulting the central database or reporting its entire device 
list back to the central controller.
[IrenaB] Totally agree on this.  For both auto-discovery and configuration, we 
need to close the format  and content that is will be available to nova.
My concern here if there is a way to provide auto-discovery based on network 
connectivity (something like what neutron has i.e. 
For configuration, maybe worth to provide some reference flow for managing it 
by installer.
On PCI groups, I think it is a good idea to have them declared centrally (their 
name, not their content).  Now, I would use config to define them and maybe an 
API for the tenant to list their names, personally; that's simpler and easier 
to implement and doesn't preclude adding an (admin) API in the future.  But I 
don't imagine the list of groups will change frequently so any update API would 
be very infrequently used, and if someone really feels they want to implement 
it I'm not going to stop them.

[IrenaB] The issue we need to resolve is nova scheduler taking its decision 
that satisfies network connectivity

On nova boot, I completely agree that we need a new argument to --nic to 
specify the PCI group of the NIC.  The rest of the arguments - I'm wondering if 
we could perhaps do this in two stages:
1. Neutron will read those arguments (attachment type, additional stuff like 
port group where relevant) from the port during an attach and pass relevant 
information to the plugging driver in Nova
[IrenaB] Do you mean via 'neutron port-create before 'nova boot'? Hopefully we 
can close the details during the discussion today.
2. We add a feature to nova so that you can specify other properties in the 
--nic section line and they're passed straight to the port-create called from 
within nova.
[IrenaB] I like this option. This should also allow to request virtio versus 
SR-IOV nic. It should be possible to have  both options available on the same 
This is not specific to passthrough at all, just a useful general purpose 
feature.  However, it would simplify both the problem and design here, because 
these parameters, whatever they are, are now entirely the responsibility of 
Neutron and Nova's simply transporting them into it.  A PCI aware Neutron will 
presumably understand the attachment type, the port group and so on, or will 
reject them if they're meaningless to it, and we've even got room for future 
expansion without changing Nova or Neutron, just the plugin.  We can propose it 
now and independently, put in a patch and have it ready before we need it.  I 
think anything that helps to clarify and divide the responsibilities of Nova 
and Neutron will be helpful, because then we don't end up with too many 
cross-project-interrelated patches.
[IrenaB] +2
I'm going to ignore the allocation problem for now.  If a single user can 
allocate all the NICs in the cluster to himself, we still have a more useful 
solution than the one now where he can't use them, so it's not the top of our 
[IrenaB] Agree
Time seems to be running out for Icehouse. We need to come to agreement ASAP. I 
will be out from wednesday until after new year. I'm thinking that to move it 
forward after the new year, we may need to have the IRC meeting in a daily 
basis until we reach agreement. This should be one of our new year's 

Whatever gets it done.
[IrenaB] Fine with me. If we reach required decisions today regarding  neutron, 
I can start to dive into the details of SR-IOV mechanism driver assuming ML2 

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Tempest][qa] Adding tags to commit messages

2013-12-23 Thread Yair Fried
Suggestion: Please consider tagging your Tempest commit messages the same way 
you do your mails in the mailing list

Explanation: Since tempest is a single project testing multiple Openstack 
project we have a very diverse collection of patches as well as reviewers. 
Tagging our commit messages will allow us to classify patches and thus:
1. Allow reviewer to focus on patches related to their area of expertise
2. Track "trends" in patches - I think we all know that we lack in Neutron 
testing for example, but can we assess how many network related patches are for 
awaiting review
3. Future automation of flagging "interesting" patches

You can usually tell all of this from reviewing the patch, but by then - you've 
spent time on a patch you might not even be qualified to review.
I suggest we tag our patches with, to start with, the components we are looking 
to test, and the type of test (sceanrio, api, ...) and that reviewers should -1 
untagged patches.

I think the tagging should be the 2nd line in the message:

Example commit message


Explanation of how this scenario tests both Neutron and Nova
Network performance

Chang-id XXX

I would like this to start immediately but what do you guys think?

OpenStack-dev mailing list