Hi all,

I'm new to openstack and qpid, trying to get more insight into messaging. I've 
attempted to verify the fix for the bug 1257293 in LP, but the scenario fails 
for me, even though oslo.messaging fix reached github master I used for my 
verification attempt.

Briefly, I've repeated actions from the bug, and I still see that topic 
messages with multiple listening servers are handed to all topic subscribers, 
when using qpid' topology=2, as if it's fanout. For topology=1 case, it works 
as expected (messages are handled by subscribers in turn, in a round-robin 
fashion). [The same behaviour was observed by the reporter before the fix.]

The bug in question: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo/+bug/1257293
My latest comment with more details on my verification steps: 

If you know what I could miss, or have other comments on the matter, please 


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