Re: OpenMeetings stability during this time of rapid changes

2012-07-08 Thread
Hi George,

you are right there are recently a number of changes committed, however
trunk is now version 2.1.
I've set up a new SVN branch:

This is based on RC3 + contains only bug fixes of trunk (but not any new
This branch is the 2.0 tree that is likely to be released. We will continue
to fix only Bugfixes here.
I would invite you to test this ... I tried to set up a new Jenkins build
but unfortunately Apache's Build Infrastructure seems to be currently
buggy, so there that is no build ready yet. But there should be one maybe
tomorrow morning.

If you see any bugs or issue in that branch please report it to our list
and we will try to fix it asap to have it in our release candidate.

About some test - scenarios:
There have been attempts in the past to have such a list of standard tests:
And for the recording features a more detailed one:

Feel free to extend the "QualityAssurance" paper with more tests. I think
one major task before we do start to write down those tests we would need
to find a consens on a person responsible for the tests. Or maybe we even
call it "Quality assurance executive" :)
You think you would like to be that person?


2012/7/8 George Kirkham 

> Sebastian,
> ** **
> I quite often find that when I download OpenMeetings 2.0 latest revision,
> there is something that was working before but is now broken.  I understand
> that we are doing a lot of updates and changes but some stability would be
> greatly appreciated by those of us who are using/testing OpenMeetings 2.0
> in production.
> ** **
> Is the following suggestion possible?  
> ** **
> **1)  **Use svn to get the latest copy of OpenMeetings which has
> everyone’s change being applied to it.
> **2)  **Use (i.e.
> Jenkins) for getting a copy of OpenMeetings that has pasted a set of basic
> testing.
> **3)  **Have a set of basic tests documented so that OpenMeetings can
> be tested against this set of tests before it is loaded into Jenkins ?
> OpenMeetings could be uploaded to Jenkins on a monthly basis? More
> frequently if people have time to go though the tests. 
> ** **
> Maybe there are other ways to manage rapid development and a stable
> version every so often which has been though some form of complete feature
> testing?
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: Improvements to the User Interface

2012-07-08 Thread
Hi George,

I am just a committer and PPMC with same rights then you so whatever is on
the agenda and finds a majority can be on the Roadmap.

I leave the other points open about the right landing page. I just think
the landing page for the user could be parameterized. From a project point
of view I just think that it would be good to have a place where we can
show news about the project or useful information for the user in general.

I think for the Chat we could think about a modification like that:
Make the Chat box a permanent UI element on the bottom that is minimized by
default but that does not change no matter where you go, as long as you do
not enter a concrete conference room. You can find the same on Google or
Facebook on the bottom with the chat.
I think that could be quite handy so that you can chat and interact with
other people right before you decide in which conference room you go.


2012/7/8 George Kirkham 

> Sebastian,
> ** **
> I have been wanting to ask if people would be OK to discuss some
> restructuring  to user interface.
> ** **
> While the Conference meeting room layouts are excellent, our users have
> plenty of problems logging in and joining a room, so I would like to
> suggest possible improvements.
> ** **
> Some of my suggestions for example;
> ** **
> **1)  **The “Rooms” menu has one selection “Rooms”, which seems very
> pointless. Better if it had “Public Rooms”, “Private rooms”, “My Rooms”.
> Then the user could select to enter directly to a specific rooms type tab.
> **2)  **Personally I see no point to the “Dashboard” and would like
> this removed or become a selectable option.
> **3)  **I would like any user logging in, to go straight to their
> “Private rooms” tab from where they could select which room they wanted to
> enter. Most of our users only log in to join in a meeting for their Group
> (i.e. a private room)
> **4)  **The “Home” menu could have “Chat”, “Contacts and messages”,
> “My Profile”, “Recordings” and “Logout” as its options.  “Contacts and
> messages” and “Profile” should be removed from the top right menu
> selections, but I don’t mind “Logout” and “Report a bug” staying there.
> If there is a use for the dashboard, then this could be a menu item of the
> “Home” menu as it is now, but not the first screen a user gets when they
> log in.
> **5)  **I have wondered if the Chat tab should be part of the rooms
> tabs, but since it is not a room type, then that does not make sense either.
> ** **
> Thanks,
> ** **
> George Kirkham

Sebastian Wagner!/dead_lock

Re: Please respond: Open Meetings Use Cases Survey

2012-07-08 Thread Daniel Ascher
Hi George (and the rest of the user group):

George: Thanks so much for your feedback. I think you make some great
suggestions, both in terms of the survey itself, and features issues.

Up to this point I have a total of 12 responses (plus yours, which is not
yet added to the survey). I would really like to get a larger number of
responses in order to make this more meaningful. Maybe you and others can
forward the survey to some of your end users?

I would be happy to create a more detailed follow-up survey if the response
we get from this one is helpful to the community. However I think that
right now, given that the response rate is low, it would be best to
continue with what we have first, and then consider next steps with it.

Also, FYI--since I am not a programmer/developer, I don't have an
understanding of the process by which suggested improvements are approved
or implemented. That might be helpful to know about if we do a more
extensive survey next time around.



On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 7:19 PM, George Kirkham wrote:

> Daniel, I have given my thoughts for both additions to the survey and
> what would be my responses to the survey.By the way, you forgot to
> include survey questions for other features such as the SIP dialler, SIP
> Exchange connection, Email Client, Dashboard, Chat window, Meeting room
> Chat area, Calendar feature, all the Administration
> sections/menus/features.   The Calendar feature which if it was free
> from bugs would be excellent and attendees don’t have to log in, they just
> select a link.Administration section could be improved by adding  a
> “search” feature to all the sections. While it seems good, I have no
> use for the Email client  so I wonder why it is there?I can find no
> purpose for the Dashboard, and would prefer people to log straight into the
> meeting rooms selection tabs, with the ability to have users log into their
> “groups” or “Companies” “Private rooms” when they first log in.  Chat
> window/tab should be another tab on the right of all the Rooms tabs. (I am
> getting away from the survey). I also suggest a rating system, e.g. 
> (Ratings:
> 1 being the most important and 10 being the least, 0 being not required or
> of no importance to you)
> ** **Open Meetings Use Cases Survey
> This survey is designed to gather information about how OpenMeetings is
> being used. *This information will be shared* with the OpenMeetings User
> Group.
> ** **
> What is your main purpose for using OpenMeetings? * Choose all that apply
> **· **[ ] Virtual Meetings
> **· **[3 ] Teaching
> **· **[7 ] Training
> **· **[ ] Sales
> **· **[1 ] Project Collaboration
> **· **[ ] Demonstration
> **· **[ ] Other: 
> ** **
> NB: I have given ratings to our use of OpenMeetings with 1 being the most
> important and 10 being the least.
> ** **
> Based upon your answer to Question #1, please describe more specifically
> how you are using OpenMeetings This question will provide more detail about
> your use case 
> ** **
> How satisfied are you with OpenMeetings overall? Is OpenMeetings meeting
> your needs for this type of service? 
> Overall
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> (X)
> ( )
> ( )
> ( )
> Very Satisfied
> Whiteboard
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ()
> ( )
> ( )
> (5)
> Very Satisfied
> Whiteboard tools
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ()
> ( )
> ( )
> (5 )
> Very Satisfied
> Video
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ()
> ( )
> ( 4)
> ( )
> Very Satisfied
> Audio
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ()
> ( 3)
> ( )
> ( )
> Very Satisfied
> Calendar
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ()
> (3 )
> ( )
> ( )
> Very Satisfied
> Chat
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> Very Unsatisfied
> ( )
> ( )
> ( )
> ( )
> (5)
> Very Satisfied
> ** **
> Please answer the question "I am DISSATISFIED with the following features
> of OpenMeetings" Choose all that apply (Ratings: 1 being the most
> important and 10 being the least, 0 being not required or no importance to
> you)
> ** **
> **· **[ 1] Ease of Use
> **· **[3 ] Audio/Video Quality
> **· **[1] Whiteboard
> **· **[1] Chat (as in Meeting room)
> **· **[4 ] Onscreen Document Collaborati