Hi George,

you are right there are recently a number of changes committed, however
trunk is now version 2.1.
I've set up a new SVN branch:

This is based on RC3 + contains only bug fixes of trunk (but not any new
This branch is the 2.0 tree that is likely to be released. We will continue
to fix only Bugfixes here.
I would invite you to test this ... I tried to set up a new Jenkins build
but unfortunately Apache's Build Infrastructure seems to be currently
buggy, so there that is no build ready yet. But there should be one maybe
tomorrow morning.

If you see any bugs or issue in that branch please report it to our list
and we will try to fix it asap to have it in our release candidate.

About some test - scenarios:
There have been attempts in the past to have such a list of standard tests:
And for the recording features a more detailed one:

Feel free to extend the "QualityAssurance" paper with more tests. I think
one major task before we do start to write down those tests we would need
to find a consens on a person responsible for the tests. Or maybe we even
call it "Quality assurance executive" :)
You think you would like to be that person?


2012/7/8 George Kirkham <gkirk...@co2crc.com.au>

> Sebastian,****
> ** **
> I quite often find that when I download OpenMeetings 2.0 latest revision,
> there is something that was working before but is now broken.  I understand
> that we are doing a lot of updates and changes but some stability would be
> greatly appreciated by those of us who are using/testing OpenMeetings 2.0
> in production.****
> ** **
> Is the following suggestion possible?  ****
> ** **
> **1)      **Use svn to get the latest copy of OpenMeetings which has
> everyone’s change being applied to it.
> ****
> **2)      **Use https://builds.apache.org/job/openmeetings/ (i.e.
> Jenkins) for getting a copy of OpenMeetings that has pasted a set of basic
> testing.
> ****
> **3)      **Have a set of basic tests documented so that OpenMeetings can
> be tested against this set of tests before it is loaded into Jenkins ?
> OpenMeetings could be uploaded to Jenkins on a monthly basis? More
> frequently if people have time to go though the tests. ****
> ** **
> Maybe there are other ways to manage rapid development and a stable
> version every so often which has been though some form of complete feature
> testing?****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> ** **
> George Kirkham****

Sebastian Wagner

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