Re: Virginia voter registration down due to cable cut

2020-10-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 17:11:53 -0400, Christopher Morrow said:

> sorry I meant that: 1) yes clearly it's still the middle of
> roadwork/backhoe season, 2) i'm surprised that a single path failure
> for their production datacenter was enough to take the system offline.
> 'spof' there meant: "Wow, a single point of failure in their outside
> plant?"

Given that back in 2010, they suffered a *disastrous* outage when
a storage array failed and took multiple agencies with it

my reaction was more like

Surprise, surprise, surprise...

That one started when one storage array had a failed memory card, and
the backup array encountered issues as well.  There were a number of state
agencies and universities that had fought for increased self-governance, and
a *huge* part of that was "not be forced to outsource their internal IT to 
and those units were very glad they had won that fight

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Re: Telia Not Withdrawing v6 Routes

2020-11-16 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 17:36:58 -0800, Sabri Berisha said:

> Also, in the case that I described it wasn't a Junos device. Makes me wonder 
> how bugs
> like that get introduced. One would expect that after 20+ years of writing 
> BGP code,
> handling a withdrawl would be easy-peasy.

Handling a withdrawal is easy.

Handling one correctly without race conditions when you're seeing withdrawals
and additions from multiple bgp sessions concurrently, while also maintaining
RIB and FIB consistency and keep forwarding customer packets is a little bit 

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Re: AFRINIC IP Block Thefts -- The Saga Continues

2020-11-16 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 09:22:33 +, Elad Cohen said:

> Did I start legal proceedings with AfriNIC with conspiracy theories or with 
> facts and data?

OK.. I'll probably end up regretting this, but...

Is there any actual independently verifiable proof that legal proceeding have 
been started?

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Re: AFRINIC IP Block Thefts -- The Saga Continues

2020-11-17 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 10:02:01 -0800, Jay Hennigan said:

> In the old days on the NANAE newsgroup, such bogus threats of legal
> action were categorized as one calling their "cartooney". People who
> huff and puff and threaten to sue rarely do so. If someone actually
> plans on suing you, your first hint is typically a knock on the door by
> a process server, not repeated threats in an online forum.

Right.  The thing is that unless you're party to the lawsuit, you don't
know if a process server has been involved.

Somebody else replied by private email and pointed where the AfriNIC
CEO wrote that they had, in fact, actually been sued.   So whatever one
might think of Elad Cohen, he's apparently not a cartooney.

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Re: The Real AI Threat?

2020-12-10 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 18:56:04 -0500, Max Harmony via NANOG said:
> Programs have never done what you *want* them to do, only what you =
> *tell* them to do.

Amen to that - there was the time many moons ago when we launched a copy of a
vendor's network monitoring system, and told it to auto-discover the network.
It found all the on-campus subnets and most of the machines, and didnt seem to
be doing anything else, so we all headed home.

Come in the next morning, and discover that our 56k leased line to Nysernet
(yes, *that* many moons ago) was clogged with the monitoring system trying to
do SNMP probes against a significant fraction of the Internet in the Northeast.

Things apparently went particularly pear-shaped when it discovered the 
routing swamp...

And of course, we *told* it "discover the network", when we *meant* "discover
the network in this one /16.".  Fortunately, it didn't support "discover the
network and perform security scans on machines" - but I'm sure there's at least
one security-scanning package out there that makes this same whoopsie all too
easy to do, 3+ decades later...

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Re: 10g residential CPE

2020-12-26 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 26 Dec 2020 00:32:49 -0500, said:

> I suppose that depends a lot on what the actual prices of a flat-rate
> 1gb vs a fully saturated 10gb. If it's $50 vs $100/mo perhaps some
> would say ok I'll risk the $50 overage, if it's $50 vs $500/mo maybe
> not.
> And today we have bandwidth-shaping in most any router/cpe (or could)
> so even with the 10gb/metered someone in the house with the password
> could rate-limit except when they needed it :-)

Note that the vast majority of users either use the ISP-provided CPE, or
something they picked up at Walmart or Best Buy.

This leads to an interesting economic incentive problem.  The ISP is obviously
not motivated to supply kit that can do bandwidth shaping on a metered drop.
Meanwhile, the providers of gear that gets sold at Walmart or Best Buy also
have no motivation to add it until enough ISPs are providing metered high-speed
service that "We can help prevent overage charges" becomes a viable market

Anybody got a feel for what percent of the third-party gear currently sold to
consumers has sane bufferbloat support in 2020, when we've *known* that
de-bufferbloated gear is a viable differentiatior if marketed right (consider 
percent of families that have at least one gamer who cares)?

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Re: 10g residential CPE

2020-12-26 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 26 Dec 2020 17:50:28 +, Mel Beckman said:
> If vendors saw a 10GbE CPE market, they would serve it. Obviously they don’t
> see a market. Why don’t people insisting vendors build their hobby horse see
> that? It’s like they’re being deliberately obtuse :)

The number of people that want a router that does 10GbE is vastly
outnumbered by the number of people that want a router that
makes their Zoom sessions not suck.

Admittedly, many of them don't realize they want that router, mostly
because most of them don't realize it's not difficult at all to build one
that does that.  But that's why companies have an advertising and marketing
team. :)

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Re: [External] Re: 10g residential CPE

2020-12-26 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 26 Dec 2020 12:58:42 -0800, Michael Thomas said:
> can go on for days. We have a generator because of this, but everybody
> getting a generator in the middle of the Berkeley Hills would be
> something of its own horror show, but it will probably come down to that.


Especially if a lot of those generators are just bought at Home Depot and
hooked up to the house wiring without a proper cutover switch for the mains.

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Re: [External] Re: 10g residential CPE

2020-12-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 27 Dec 2020 17:57:17 +0100, Baldur Norddahl said:

> Here in the civilised world we bury the wires ;-)

Even the long-haul 765kv and up connections across the power grid?

In the US, they're out on towers for a reason - you can fly along them
in a helicopter and easily spot parts of cable that are degrading and need
repair because they glow brighter on an infrared scope...

(Plus, as Hurricane Sandy taught Manhattan, buried wires have their
own rather nasty failure modes)

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Re: 10g residential CPE

2020-12-28 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 28 Dec 2020 20:02:36 +, Mel Beckman said:
> This means your staffing must be large enough to never have any queuing, or
> you’re giving away your paying customers' time to non-paying customers. 
> Neither
> approach is scalable in a competitive business environment, because SOMEBODY 
> is
> paying for all those resources, and if it’s your customers, they will buy
> elsewhere. Your approach only work until you run out of other people’s 
> money.

I dunno.  He's been doing it for 7 years, it sounds like it's sustainable in 
his environment.

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 01 Jan 2021 17:12:40 -0500, Matt Hoppes said:
> How would that even work?  Force a pop up into web traffic?

That's not going to play nicely at all in a world of https://

>  What if the end users is using an app on a phone?

I'm having a hard time thinking of what app I could *possibly* be using on a
phone where I wouldn't want an interruption for a tornado or active shooter

This was discussed in detail a while ago - I'm pretty sure the general
consensus was that having the phone/game console/smart home control center/
whatever would be running an alert endpoint app that would talk to the ISP/
cellphone tower and register for alerts and then DTRT to notify the relevant
carbon-based life forms.

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 03 Jan 2021 18:59:37 +1300, Mark Foster said:

> In my mind it's simple.� The streaming companies need to have a channel 
> within their streaming system to get a message to a 'currently active 
> customer' (emergency popup notification that appears when their app is 
> open or their website is active with an authenticated user).� The 

Oh geez. Just on my PS4, there's streaming apps for Disney+, Netflix, Hulu,
Prime, Playstation Store, Peacock, Tubi, ESPN+, AppleTV, YouTube (less than
half of which I actually subscribe to, but I haven't found a big enough crowbar
to remove the others, they keep returning) - and that's probably not a complete

And we get to watch them all do it in subtly different ways, often buggy. Egads.

Bonus points for figuring out how to keep two streaming apps from stepping on
each other's toes, as often these apps stay semi-alive in the background, which
may be enough to cause an alert to be sent to the app. Now you need to avoid a
"thundering herd" problem if there's 18 different streaming apps on the device,
all of which just got woken up.  On resource constrained systems, that's often
the start of a death spiral as the system either runs totally out of memory or
goes into thrashing mode.

And the alternative is just saying "only the streaming app in the foreground
gets to handle the alert", but that isn't correct either - I might not *have* a
streaming app running in the foreground on the device at the time the alert
goes out. (You hit another problem as well - now all the apps have to notify

So having every single "streaming" app have to include duplicate code and
*still* not get the alert to the user doesn't seem the right direction to go...

> streaming company will also know the location of their customer (billing 
> information) so will know what geographic locations are relevant to that 
> customer.

Billing info may be good enough for stuff that stays at home. It doesn't tell
you what zip code a portable device is actually in at the moment - and getting
the *right* localized info to the portable device is one of the tricky parts of 
If you're out and about town while visiting your in-laws 3 time zones away from
where you live, you want alerts for the town your in-laws live, not for the 
the streaming company sends the bill to.

And that's assuming that a streaming company even *has* the info in their
billing information - I just checked, and Hulu doesn't have a street address 
for me.
So they're going to end up having to do IP based geolocation.

Meanwhile, this causes yet another problem - if Hulu has to be able to know
what alerts should be piped down to my device, this now means that every single
police and public safety agency has to be able to send the alerts to Hulu (and 
other streaming company) - and do this securely.  That's a *lot* bigger problem 
"The Blacksburg VA police department only has to set up agreements with network
access providers that might be providing access to devices in Blacksburg".

Seriously guys - having the streaming companies do this is at the entirely 
wrong level.

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 03 Jan 2021 09:26:07 +, Mark Foster said:'

> Yeah my family got a PS4 for Christmas. But we've had an Xbox One for
> the last few years. There are quite a few streaming apps, true.  But a
> lot fewer of those than worldwide telcos, or jurisdictions, or emergency
> services.

You missed the point - Hulu would *still* have to deal with every single 
or emergency service in a secure manner.

But any given ISP doing business in a given county would only have to deal with
a very small number - and the local sheriff's office would only have to notify 
the small
number of providers actually providing access in the county.

> So do you want the streaming service to deliver the alert, or do you
> want the underlying device doing the streaming, to deliver the alert?
> Because I think you've gone down a layer and didn't need to.

How do you deliver the alert if the device is on but no streaming service is
currently active? And for a lot of devices, that's the usual state of affairs.
As far as I know, most people who have a Google or Alexa smart device have it
on close to 24/7, but the devices aren't streaming media that much.

That's why I think doing it at the streaming service level is one level too 

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 03 Jan 2021 18:00:22 -0700, "Keith Medcalf" said:
> This is the same thing I tell shithead politicians and pollsters that cause
> my phone to ring.  If you wish to speak with me then you can pay to install
> your own communications equipment at your own expense.

Um... Keith?  Pretty much all of them *do* pay for their end of the 

The bigger question is why you pay for *your* end rather than insisting that
everybody who wants to talk to you pay for your end. (Hint:  Do you require
that the annoying sister in law you don't want to hear from also install gear
at their expense?  Does the answer change if you usually want to hear from
her but not today because reasons?)

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-04 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 04 Jan 2021 15:33:10 -0500, said:
> Why wouldn't we just build this into 10-year battery smoke alarms, a
> simple radio receiver?

First, that means your smoke alarm batteries run down faster, which is
a major issue.

I didn't bother thinking past that show-stopper, others can do so if they 

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Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-05 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 05 Jan 2021 15:48:47 -0500, said:

> How much faster? If it took one minute of battery life off a 10 year
> battery would that be a problem? 30 minutes?

I suspect the proper time units are closer to months rather than minutes.

> How much power would a bit of circuitry waiting for a "turn on! there's a new
> message coming in!" need?

You also need a much larger bit of circuitry for frequency decoders,  speakers
and all the rest of it, and *most* of it has to be on all the time in order to
detect that there's a new message coming in. It's going to cost a lot more
energy-wise to monitor a frequency continuously than what's monitored inside a
smoke alarm.

Can you point at NOAA weather alert radio that has a 10 year battery in it?
Because you're going to need pretty much the same circuitry if you're trying to
cram all this into a smoke alarm.

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Re: Show NOCs: OIG report: Should you charge extra for NOC tours?

2021-01-07 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 07 Jan 2021 23:35:06 +, "Jay R. Ashworth" said:
> > From: "Brandon Svec" 
> > It is not really different than most other tourist attractions. Some are 
> > amazed
> > and curious to see the largest ball of twine
> Those would be people who *don't* do this for a living, mostly...
> >   and some think it is 
> > ridiculous.
> Those would be people who *do* this for a living, mostly.

I could go "meh" about a NOC tour itself.  On the other hand, I can think
of a number of providers where buying the right person a beer would be
significantly enlightening. :)

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Re: WhatsApp's New Policy Has...

2021-01-08 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:10:41 -0600, Richard Porter said:

> I missed that... *he says as he deletes Keybase*

Hopefully not before you told your Keybase contacts where you were going. :)

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Re: Parler

2021-01-10 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:08:24 -0500, Izaac said:

> demonstrated consistently different behavior between them, i.e. the
> @potus account is used for official communications and @realdonaldtrump
> for personal communications with the public.  The former is indeed

How does that square with the White House Press Secretary's statement
(never walked back as far as I know) that @realdonaldtrump tweets were
official government policy statements?

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Re: Parler

2021-01-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 18:41:55 -0500, Matt Corallo said:
> In case anyone thought Amazon was being particularly *careful* around their 
> enforcement of Parler's ban...this is from
> today on parler's new host:
> $ dig ns
> ...
>   300 IN  NS
>   300 IN  NS
> ...
> 108450  IN  A

It's quite possible that Amazon is playing this *entirely* by the book, and
the Parler crew haven't violated the terms of the nameserver hosting
agreement so Amazon hasn't cut that off.

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Re: DoD IP Space

2021-01-22 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 11:07:42 -0800, Sabri Berisha said:
> Financial incentives also work. Perhaps we can convince Mr. Biden to give a 
> .5%
> tax cut to corporations that fully implement v6. That will create some bonus
> targets.

And how would you define "fully implement v6", anyhow?

Case in point:  I helped deploy v6 at my employer *last century*, and the
entire network was (last I knew) totally v6 ready, and large segments were
v6-only.  Yet Google *still* says that only 80% or so traffic to them are via

The other 20% being end-user devices that aren't using v6 for one reason or
another - I'm pretty sure that a lot of those are because companies have told
the user to "turn off ipv6" to solve connection problems, and I know that a lot
of them are gaming consoles from a vendor that had a brief shining chance to
Get It Right on the last iteration(*) but failed to do so

And when I retired, I had several clusters of file servers that weren't doing
IPv6 because a certain 3-letter vendor who *really* should have been more on
the ball didn't have v6 support in the relevant software.

Even more problematic: What do you do with a company that's fully v6-ready, but
still has several major interconnects to other companies that *aren't* ready,
and thus still using v4?

(*) The PS4 has ipv6 support in the OS - it will dhcpv6 and answer pings from
on and off subnet.  However, they didn't include ipv6 support in the development
software toolkit, so nothing actually uses it.  They appear to have fixed this 
in the PS5,
but that still hits the "other company isn't ready" issue.

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Re: DoD IP Space

2021-02-05 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 05 Feb 2021 17:25:34 -0800, Doug Barton said:
> I am genuinely curious, how would you explain the problem, and describe
> a solution, to an almost exclusively non-technical audience who just
> wants to get the bits flowing again?

"The people who did Disney's software wrote it for the Internet protocols
of last century, so it fails with this century's Internet. Adding insult to 
the reason you even notice a problem is because it reacts badly to the failure,
because it doesn't even include *last* century's well-known methods of
error recovery".

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Re: DoD IP Space

2021-02-10 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 04:04:43 -0800, Owen DeLong said:
> Please explain to me how you uniquely number 40M endpoints with RFC-1918 
> without running out of
> addresses and without creating partitioned networks.

OK.. I'll bite.  What network design needs 40M endpoints and can't tolerate
partitioned networks?  There's eyeball networks out there that have that many
endpoints, but they end up partitioned behind multiple NAT boxes.

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Re: DoD IP Space

2021-02-15 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:25:56 -0800, William Herrin said:

> This particular problem could be quickly resolved if the OSes still
> getting updates were updated to default name resolution to prioritize
> the IPv4 addresses instead. That would allow broken IPv6
> configurations to exist without breaking the user's entire Internet
> experience. Which would allow them to leave it turned on so that it
> resumes working when the error is eventually found and fixed.

Oh, come on Bill.  This ain't your first rodeo.  You know damned well
that if we do that, the errors are in fact *not* eventually found and fixed.

In addition, if you do that, even once the error is fixed, the box will
not know about that and will continue to use the IPv4 addresses.

Re: DoD IP Space

2021-02-15 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 10:51:51 -0800, Sabri Berisha said:

> Well, considering this RIPE article that talked about IPv7 already..

Bonus points for those who remember/know where v5 and v8 were from :)

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Re: Famous operational issues

2021-02-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 20:46:38 -0800, Randy Bush said:
> maybe late '60s or so, we had a few 2314 dasd monsters[0].  think maybe
> 4m x 2m with 9 drives with removable disk packs.
> a grave shift operator gets errors on a drive and wonders if maybe they
> swap it into another spindle.  no luck, so swapped those two drives with
> two others.  one more iteration, and they had wiped out the entire
> array.  at that point they called me; so i missed the really creative
> part.

I suspect every S/360 site that had 2314's had an operator who did that, as I
was witness to the same thing.  For at least a decade after that debacle, the
Manager of Operations was awarding Gold, Silver, and Bronze Danny awards for
operational screw-ups. (The 2314 event was the sole Platinum Danny :)

And yes, IBM 4341 consoles were all too easy to hit the EPO button on the
keyboard, we got guards for the consoles after one of our operators nailed the
button a second time in a month.

And to tie the S/360 and 4341 together - we were one of the last sites that was
still running an S/360 Mod 65J.  And plans came through for a new server room
on the top floor of a new building.  Architect comes through, measures the S/360
and all the peripherals for floorspace and power/cooling - and the CPU, plus
*4* meg of memory, and 3 strings of 2314 drives chewed a lot of both.

Construction starts.   Meanwhile, IBM announces the 4341, and offers us a real
sweetheart deal because even at the high maintenance charges we were paying,
IBM was losing money. Something insane like the system and peripherals and
first 3 years of maintenance, for less than the old system per-year
maintenance. Oh, and the power requirements are like 10% of the 360s.

So we take delivery of the new system and it's looking pitiful, just one box
and 2 small strings of disk in 10K square feet.  Lots of empty space. Do all
the migrations to the new system over the summer, and life is good.   Until
fall and winter arrive, and we discover there is zero heat in the room, and the
ceiling is uninsulated, and it's below zero outside because this is way upstate
NY.  And if there was a 360 in the room, it would *still* be needing cooling
rather than heating. But it's a 4341 that's shedding only 10% of the heat...

Finally, one February morning, the 4341 throws a thermal check. Air was too
cold at the intakes.  Our IBM CE did a double-take because he'd been doing IBM
mainframes for 3 decades and had never seen a thermal check for too cold

Lots of legal action threatened against the architect, who simply said "If you
had *told* me that the system was being replaced, I'd have put heat in the
room". A settlement was reached, revised plans were drawn up, there was a whole
mess of construction to get ductwork and insulation and other stuff into place,
and life was good for the decade or so before I left for a better gig

Re: Perhaps it's time to think about enhancements to the NANOG list...?

2021-03-20 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 14:13:04 +0100, Niels Bakker said:
> * (Rich Kulawiec) [Sat 20 Mar 2021, 14:03 CET]:
> >2. This is a low-traffic list, so even without appropriate mail client
> >support it's really not a big deal.
> The volume isn't the point, the S:N ratio is. Mails like this thread's
> starter are off-topic and reduce the value of the list to its
> subscribers. Your reasoning is easy, common and fallacious.

Unfortunately, the *rest* of the thread did more damage to Friday's S:N
ratio than the original post did.

And adding "topic" tags to the subject line doesn't actually help the food-fight
scenario, as those can break out even in [TOPIC] tagged threads.  To tilt it
the rest of the way from sub-optimal to outright pessimal is the fact that
some subscribers may find a thread has gone off into the weeds, while others
consider all the details interesting.

So having a kill-thread command in the MUA is the most realistic place
to deal with "this user doesn't want to hear from this thread again".

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Re: Peering and Caching for Epic Games, Fortnite, et al

2021-03-22 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 20:13:46 -0600, Jose Luis Rodriguez said:

> experience when downloading the neverending
> Fortnite/Spacequest/Blizzard/DigDug  updates that run down our pipes. Would

> know who they are ) and would really like to link to the source even if it
> means trenching through the core of the Earth...

How many trenches to various points are you willing to dig?  (And I
don't think you've even mentioned some of the *large* games out
there now, with 100G+ releases...)

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Re: Perhaps it's time to think about enhancements to the NANOG list...?

2021-03-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 15:39:49 -, Emil Pfeffer said:

> The generational gap is not an issue it is how things need to be. The network
> engineering the younger generation deals with is not the same networking the 
> old
> generation deals with but built upon this old networks. This two generations 
> do
> not need the same knowledge and it is in each others best interest that they 
> stay
> separated.

The problem comes when the younger generation *does* need access to the same
knowledge - and the older generation is unreachable and/or actually gone.

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Re: OT: Re: Younger generations preferring social media(esque) interactions.

2021-03-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 17:34:37 -0600, Grant Taylor via NANOG said:
> On 3/23/21 4:16 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
> > But they still have the originating domain's From: address.
> My opinion is that messages from the mailing list should not have the
> originating domain in the From: address.  The message from the mailing
> list should be from the mailing list's domain.

And if you do that, what's your preferred way of rearranging the RFC822
headers to denote who the mail was originally from? (Hint: this is something
that RFC compliant MUAs must be able to figure out, and get it correct).

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Re: 10 years from now... (was: internet futures)

2021-03-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 12:42:20 -0700, Michael Thomas said:

> dishwasher will probably be common, but that's hardly exciting. LEO
> internet providers will be coming online which might make a difference
> in the corners of the world where it's hard to get access, but will it
> allow internet access to parachute in behind the Great Firewall?

At which point, we get to see two very different types of LEO engage
in mortal combat

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Re: OT: Re: Younger generations preferring social media(esque) interactions.

2021-03-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 12:51:28 -0400, "Allen McKinley Kitchen (gmail)" said:
>  how I am called on by younger peers and can remember things that the kids 
> haven’t had time to learn.
> Now that last one has no real network application .. but it makes me feel 
> good.

Oh, there are *tons* of stuff that you can remember that the kids haven't
learned yet.  We just had a long thread about famous operational issues,
and I'm willing to bet that *none* of those ever got mentioned wherever
the kids went to school...

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Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections

2021-05-30 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 30 May 2021 15:56:52 -0500, Blake Dunlap said:
> The co op electric serving my families house in bfe tn that doesn't have
> either sewer or cable managed to run hard fiber for dirt cheap to all their
> subscribers. Its clear from that the problem isnt can't, it's won't.

Are you able to share any numbers about costs per mile and/or subscriber? I'm
sure a lot of people are curious how the co-op was able to run fiber to places
that none of the usual suspects wanted to run coax to. (Of course, it probably
helped that a co-op only has to care about eventually  breaking even or at
least not losing *too* much money, rather than making a profit in the
relatively short term)

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Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections

2021-06-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 01 Jun 2021 10:10:17 -, scott said:
> $10400 / $125 = 84 months or 7 years.

> On the high side: 14 years.

Plus ongoing monthly costs that drags out the break-even.

The big question is how to get a CFO to buy into stuff with a long break-even
schedule when short-term profits get emphasized.  Telcos strung a lot of copper
when they were assured of multiple decades of returns - and even *then* getting
it out to rural areas required providing more incentive

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Re: aggregation tool that allows a bit of fuzz to aggregating ?

2021-06-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 13 Jun 2021 14:47:01 -0800, "babydr DBA James W. Laferriere" said:

>   But now I am seeing a new trick fro some entities that are transmitting
> from every other ipv4 address such as (*) below .  And the trust (& crusty) 
> ol'tool just doesn't allow for a bitt of fuzz in its aggregation filter .
>   Hoping someone knows of such a tool and or may have patched the 
> aggregate tool to accopmlish such a task .
> (*)
> ...

Not exactly a fix, but it may relieve the pain until you get one:

cat inputs | sed -e '/^63.81.88/s/32$/31/' | aggregate

If you need a bigger hammer,   sed -e 's/32$/31/'  is your friend. :)

Re: Can somebody explain these ransomwear attacks?

2021-06-25 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 14:55:12 -0700, JoeSox said:

> It gets tricky when 'your' company will lose money $$$ while you wait a
> month to restore from your cloud backups.

If that's a concern, you've *already* totally screwed the pooch regarding DR 

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Re: IANA 6to4 assignment status

2021-08-02 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:57:54 +0200, Lars Prehn said:

> Is there a reason why the status of 2002::/16 in IANA's IPv6 unicast
> assignments list [1] is ALLOCATED (with '6to4' as designation and the
> note field indicating reservation) rather than RESERVED?

It can probably be moved back to 'reserved' once we're *sure* that 6to4
has finally been stamped out, never to return.  But I'm sure that *some*
ISP or company out there is still using it as their main strategy for
migrating to IPv6.

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Re: Newbie Questions: How-to monitor/control unauthorized uses of our IPs and DNS zones?

2021-08-20 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 20 Aug 2021 01:32:16 +0700, Pirawat WATANAPONGSE via NANOG said:

> 1. How-to monitor whether some outsiders are putting our IP addresses into
> their A/ records without me knowing about it?

So some bozo sticks an entry in their DNS that says   A

Who cares? What problem does this cause?

You'd never even know it unless somebody/something actually *uses*
the DNS record - which will result in traffic to the address.  And at that
point, you usually don't care what DNS entry was used, except for the
case of a webserver serving multiple names and using different TLS
certificates for each name.

> 2. How-to monitor whether some outside websites are just ‘shells’, with
> contents actually being hosted by our servers without me knowing about it?

Again - what actual problem are you trying to solve here?  If you're being used
as a cache or backend site and don't know it, you have *bigger* problems.

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Re: An update on the AfriNIC situation

2021-08-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:50:01 -0700, Owen DeLong via NANOG said:

> > Cloud innovation accounts for 80% of all AFRINIC whois updates in 2021
> > to date and in AFRINIC whois,  over 10  million (roughly 10% of all
> > AFRINIC space) IP addresses whois information has not been updated in
> > more than 10 years.

Am I the only person whose spidey sense is tingling, wondering why one
organization is churning when other registrants don't show activity for

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Re: akamai yesterday - what in the world was that

2020-01-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 17:13:15 +0100, Bryan Holloway said:

> Game releases are hardly a new thing, but these last two events seem to
> be almost an order of magnitude higher than what we're used to (at least
> on our predominantly eyeball network.)
> Any thoughts from the community? We're taking steps to accommodate, but
> from a capacity-planning perspective, this seems non-linear to me.

Be prepared for an entire new world of hurt this holiday season. Sony has 
confirmed that PS5 releases will ship on 100Gbyte blu-ray disks.  Which means 
download sizes will be comparable...

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Re: akamai yesterday - what in the world was that

2020-01-24 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:55:12 -0600, "Aaron Gould" said:
> Thanks Jared, When I reminisce with my boss he reminds me that this telco/ISP
> here initially started with a 56kbps internet uplink , lol

I remember when a "gateway" was a Microvax II with an ethernet card and a
bisync card, and fuzzballs were the big thing, and the other end of your
connection was either Arpanet or Milnet, and RFCs specified octects for a

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Re: Prominent horse racing identities (was Re: Elad Cohen)

2020-01-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 07:10:02 +, Large Hadron Collider said:
> As much as Mr Cohen's minor libel of Spamhaus and ARIN exposes him as perhaps
> having something to hide on this subject, Mr Guilmette's message here, among
> the other screeds of his I have read, seems to leak anti-Semitism from its
> every fetid, infected pore.

Man, that must be one really high-frqequency dog whistle, because I'm not 
seeing it.

The closest I can come is the statement that "Cohen sits in impunity in
Israel", which combined the next part about him having a US based lawyer, only
indicated to me that getting the US legal system to get the Israel legal system
to do something is difficult.

And tagging on "every fetid, infected pore" certainly demonstrates that you
don't have any real intention of being fair-minded.

List management:  I think we have a good candidate for somebody to be
frog-marched to the exit.

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Re: akamai yesterday - what in the world was that

2020-02-14 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 09:39:09 -0800, Ahmed Borno said:

> The thread started with bandwidth surges and now power hogging is
> mentioned, I wonder what else might happen as a side effect to a small
> number of console/gaming companies not taking a direct responsibility in
> how they release large updates in a way that is not organized or scheduled
> but is rough and abrupt.

And I'd not expect it to improve - many of the game producers are leaving the
"incremental patch" mode to a "just ship the current image of the whole damned
thing", because for them it's cheaper to just push out a single updated image
than try to build different images for upgrading from different current levels.

After all - it's not like *they* are going to feel the pain of a single 106G 
it's somebody else who feels the pain of 5 million downloads of a 106G image 

Economists call this sort of thing an "externality".

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Re: ATT Microcell in Austin, TX

2020-02-16 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 16:57:24 -0600, Chris Boyd said:

> Since people on here like to talk about the generatorn run time on cell
> towers, I thought y’all might like to see an ATT microcell in downtown 
> Austin,
> TX.   No apparent generator or battery on it.


Looks to me like a mostly shared-fate design with the traffic signal it appears
to be attached to. All depends on what ATT risk management thinks in that
situation. They may have decided that sticking a 10-minute battery in the base
of that thing is good enough.

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Re: China’s Slow Transnational Network

2020-03-02 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 01 Mar 2020 21:00:05 -0800, Pengxiong Zhu said:

> There are a few things noteworthy regarding the phenomenon. First of all,
> all traffic types are treated equally, HTTP(S), VPN, etc., which means it
> is discriminating or differentiating any specific kinds of traffic.

This sentence is missing a 'not'.  However, I can't tell if it's "not treated 
or "not discriminating"

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Re: Chairman Pai Proposes Mandating STIR/SHAKEN To Combat Robocalls

2020-03-08 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 08 Mar 2020 17:17:37 -0400, said:
> Which primarily leaves the question of why this Kabuki theater by the
> FCC et al pretending as if it's some vast, uncontrollable evil like
> the corona virus etc.?

Because even in today's climate of regulatory capture posing as proper
oversight, there's a limit to just how blatant they can be in public before
people start saying "Geez, get a room already".

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Re: COVID-19 vs. our Networks

2020-03-12 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 18:08:05 -0600, "Keith Medcalf" said:

> I don't know but we just issued travel restrictions to the United States
> as it is now a Hot Spot for the unrestricted spread of the coronavirus
> which causes COVID-19.

Hopefully they're more sensible restrictions than the US policy that prohibits
travel from most of Europe except the UK... but only for foreigners.  If you're
a US citizen, you're still perfectly welcome to go to Italy and come home with
a few extra microbes to pass around a week after you return.

The word for anybody who designs a network firewall with that sort of logic is
"pwned".  Just sayin'.

(Fortunately, I'm in a position to hide in my apartment and only emerge for
grocery shopping at 2AM until things wind down... Hope everybody else has a
good contingency plan)

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Re: COVID-19 vs. our Networks

2020-03-17 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 11:43:45 -0600, "Keith Medcalf" said:

> And before you ask, I get "important news" directly.

I'm glad to hear you're someplace on the planet where covid-19
doesn't count as important news.  Hopefully the news will arrive
to you directly before the virus does.

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Re: Sunday traffic curiosity

2020-03-22 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 22 Mar 2020 13:17:59 -0600, Grant Taylor via NANOG said:

> As someone who 1) wasn't around during the last Internet scale foray
> into multicast and 2) working with multicast in a closed environment,
> I'm curios:
> What was wrong with Internet scale multicast?  Why did it get abandoned?

It failed to scale for some of the exact same reasons QoS failed to scale -
what works inside one administrative domain doesn't work once it crosses domain

Plus, there's a lot more state to keep - if you think spanning tree gets ugly
if the tree gets too big, think about what happens when the multicast covers
3,000 people in 117 ASN's, with people from multiple ASN's joining and leaving
every few seconds.

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Re: The Cost of Paid Peering with Chinese ISPs

2020-04-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 01 Apr 2020 12:47:22 -0700, Matt Corallo said:

> No one suggested it isn’t censorship, you’re bating here. Not deploying
> enough international capacity is absolutely a form or censorship deployed to
> great avail - if international sites load too slow, you can skimp on GF
> appliances!

So.. who was being "censored" when a recent game release caused capacity
problems and slow throughput for others?

Censorship, *by definition*, is content-dependent.  Capacity issues are either
byte-count or packet-count dependent, and don't distinguish between pictures of
huge rubber duckies in Tiananmen square, and pictures of Mount Kilimanjaro.

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Re: The Cost of Paid Peering with Chinese ISPs

2020-04-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 01 Apr 2020 20:58:17 -0700, Matt Corallo said:
> If your goal is to force companies the world over to host domestically, where
> they follow local licensing regimes (yes, including censorship, as well as 
> data
> access), it’s highly effective.

You missed the point.

There's a distinction between "setting up conducive conditions" and "doing".
Both may be morally problematic, but they're different things.  Consider the US
example of certain US companies who got caught giving the NSA a fiber
connection at certain "interesting" points in the network - the legal exposure
for the companies and for the intelligence agency were totally different.  It's
why our legal system recognizes the difference between committing a felony and
being an accessory to the crime.

We have *enough* trouble with people yelling "Censorship!" when Facebook
or Quora or other social media sites owned by private actors enforce AUPs.
Let's not let the word get further muddied into uselessness like "terrorism"
has been over the last 2 decades.

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Re: 24x7 vs 24x7x365 Re: Constant Abuse Reports / Borderline Spamming from RiskIQ

2020-04-16 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 15 Apr 2020 22:06:52 -0700, Ben Cannon said:

> I call our NOC “24x7x365”  I hear that in my head as “twenty-four 
> (hour) - BY
> - Seven (days a week) - BY - 365 (days a year, indicating we don’t close on 
> any holidays).

x365 is fine, to distinguish from 24x7x360 operations that are running on
autopilot on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year and such

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Re: Abuse Desks

2020-04-29 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 11:25:19 -0400, said:

> Perhaps some organization of Network Operators should come up with an
> objective standard of what constitutes “abuse” and a standard format for
> reporting it.

> If only there was such an organization.

A different organization beat you to it.

7203 An Incident Object Description Exchange Format (IODEF) Extension for
 Structured Cybersecurity Information. T. Takahashi, K. Landfield, Y.
 Kadobayashi. April 2014. (Format: TXT, HTML) (Status: PROPOSED
 STANDARD) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC7203)

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Re: An appeal for more bandwidth to the Internet Archive

2020-05-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 13 May 2020 10:40:36 +0300, Denys Fedoryshchenko said:
> What about introducing some cache offloading, like CDN doing? (Google, 
> Facebook, Netflix, Akamai, etc)
> I think it can be rolled pretty quickly, with minimum labor efforts, at 
> least for heavy content.

The thing is that if you're an 800 pound gorilla, you probably have enough
things that would benefit from being cached to make it worthwhile.

I'd expect that the Internet Archive is probably mostly long-tail hits with not
much hot content.  Has anybody modeled how much cache space would it take to
significantly improve the bandwidth situation?

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Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

2020-05-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 13 May 2020 17:00:14 -0400, Jon Lewis said:

> When you've convinced Cisco, Juniper, Arista, and a few other router
> vendors to implement, and have submitted patches for the Linux kernel and
> userspace to implement IPv4+ (good luck with all that...and expect to be
> met with "Can we have some of what you've been smoking?"), then you can
> start pushing your next gen IP concepts.  Until then, it's a total
> non-starter.

At least when Dave Taht was pushing his "make the class E space usable",
he had patches and testing for multiple systems.  Turns out that not many
systems check for 'first octet >= 240', but actually test for the class D space
and using class E Just Works an amazing percent of the time

(Yes, I was surprised myself, but deploying it is still very much in the
"effort better spent deploying IPv6" territory...)

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Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

2020-05-13 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 13 May 2020 17:17:07 -, David Hubbard said:

> LOL the IPv4+ thing was a pretty entertaining read.  You clearly don’t have
> even a basic understanding of the v4 packet structure, or that the octet
> display concept is simply for human benefit.  IPv6 can be implemented with
> ‘software updates’ too…

Yes, it was quite the chuckle, approaching the IPv8 proposal and that guy who
kept insisting that an octet was misnumbered and could represent 257 

> From: NANOG  on behalf of Elad Cohen 
> Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 9:47 AM
> To: "Ronald F. Guilmette" , "" 
> Subject: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election
> Hello Everyone,

> My apology for not providing an official response to the first "The Ronald
> Show" that took place here many months ago, I was out of hospital after full
> anesthesia and it took me months to get back to myself.

I'm pretty sure Elad should have used this next part for backing up his
assertion that he was totally out of it during April.

Because he's doing a really good job here of demonstrating that he doesn't
understand how the Internet works well enough to qualify for a seat on the RIPE

> When in reality I invented three new pantets for the best of the whole 
> Internet community and I will work to implement them if I will be elected:
> IPv4+ that will mitigate the "IPv4 Exhaustion" problem and will add more (...)
> Completely mitigating the global email spam problem in a clean and automatic 
> way: (...)
> Completely mitigating spoofed ip amplification DDoS attacks and spoofed ip 
> (...)

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Re: Friday Reminder: Web Site Security

2020-05-15 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 15 May 2020 12:15:13 -0700, "Ronald F. Guilmette" said:
> This is your helpful Friday reminder to always pay close attention to
> the security settings of all of the web sites under your administration.
> Otherwise, anonymous skript kiddiez could show up at any moment and
> deface one or more of your web sites.  (It happens a lot.)

Just this week, I have seen an (unconfirmed) report that there is an organized
effort that's abusing SSH keys that lack passphrases - if they pwn a system and
find one, they go surfing it as far as they can.

And yes, I know that automated systems can't use passphrases.. so remember to
check to see if you can use 'force-command=' in the known hosts file so that the
key can only issue one command.  (yes, this means that if the automation host 
to do a dozen different things, it needs a dozen keypairs.  Security is always 

'ssh-keygen -H' also helps control things.

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Re: Contact at Ubiquiti Networks?

2020-05-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 26 May 2020 21:53:55 +0200, Baldur Norddahl said:

> Even the big guys like Juniper fail at basic functionality. Our brand new
> MX204 fails to select the correct source address when doing ARP requests
> and apparently that is a known will not fix.

1987 called and wants their bug back.

Seriously, how does something *that* basic even make it out of the lab?

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Re: netflix proxy/unblocker false detection

2020-06-28 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 10:21:47 +0200, Mark Tinka said:
> Sadly, PlayStation still don't support IPv6. Hopefully, it comes with
> the PS5, although I see no reason why the PS4 and PS3 can't.

The PS/4 will in fact dhcpv6 at startup, and it will answer pings from both on
subnet and from elsewhere, and will properly hand you an RST when there's
nobody listening on a TCP port, and a port unreachable for a UDP port. So it's
very much a "lights are on but nobody's home" because nothing is using an IPv6

One big reason that PS4 doesn't use IPv6 is that although the OS supports it,
the developer toolkit doesn't have that API in it, so no games or apps can use
it without an incredible amount of pain and suffering.  It wouldn't help games
that want to talk to Playstation Network until Sony got *that* part working,
but if the API was there at least things like the Netflix and Hulu and similar
apps could use it

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Re: L2VPN/L2transport, Cumulus Linux & hardware suggestion

2020-07-08 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
(re-adding Adam's text that didn't get quoted, but matters)

On Wed, 08 Jul 2020 13:49:56 +0300, Saku Ytti said:
> On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 13:46, Radu-Adrian Feurdean
>  wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2020, at 00:09, Adam Thompson wrote:
> > > Good luck with tunnelling LACP, no matter what boxes you have - LACP
> > > has (de facto) hard jitter requirements of under 1msec, or you'll be
> > > getting TCP resets coming out your ears due to mis-ordered packets.
> > Errr sorry, but at the latest news, TCP was supposed to handle out of
> > order packets and reorder them before sending them to upper layer.
> Yes, however new reno and the like are tuned for practical Internet.
> Practical Internet has lot more packet loss than reordering, so TCP
> algorithm considers any amount of reordering a packet loss, causing an
> immediate resend, destroying your performance.

There's a difference between a TCP *resend*, and a *RESET*.

Triggering a resend on a re-order is reasonably sane, sending an RST isn't

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Re: questions asked during network engineer interview

2020-07-21 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 21 Jul 2020 23:04:30 +0200, Robert Raszuk said:

> attempt to open innovation into networking ... allowing one to invent
> protocols at will as well as setup forwarding tables with arbitrary

All of which either get layered onto port 443 or you have to wait for your CGNAT
vendor to provide an ALG for it. :)

(I'll just note that I've seen almost no overlap between the SDN crew, and
things like Google deciding to create and deploy QUIC. :)

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Re: questions asked during network engineer interview

2020-07-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 10:03:15 +0100, said:

> Hopefully well end up in a world where all checks one can do to figure out
> why iBGP session is down along with suggested corrective actions will be coded
> in some network self-healing workflow.

/me places bets this concept re-surfaces as SDNv3. :)

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Re: Has virtualization become obsolete in 5G?

2020-08-08 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 07 Aug 2020 07:29:49 +0200, Mark Tinka said:
> On 6/Aug/20 21:05, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> > Isn't this just, really:
> >   1) some network gear with SDN bits that live on the next-rack over
> > servers/kubes
> >   2) services (microservices!) that do the SDN functions AND NFV
> > functions AND billing
> >   (extending IMS to the edge etc)
> I can already see how we are going to spend the next 10 years defining
> this :-)...

With research consultant reports tagging along every step of the way. :)

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Re: Ipv6 help

2020-08-26 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 18:42:14 +0200, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG said:
> The crazy thing is that PSN doesn't (up to my knowledge) yet work with IPv6 .

Has anybody heard if they plan to fix that with the imminent Playstation 5? The
PS4 OS will actually talk IPV6 far enough to DHCPv6 and answer pings from both
on and off subnet, but none of the userspace does it because that API wasn't
in the developer's kits at launch.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SRv6

2020-09-19 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 17 Sep 2020 18:24:36 +0200, Mark Tinka said:
> On 17/Sep/20 17:56, mark seery wrote:
> > Perhaps all the more reason why end-to-end encryption should be part of the
> > buyer beware conversation (not arguing against operator encryption in saying
> > that - privacy is something everyone in I[C]T has to think about today).
> If gubbermints mandate that l2vpn's and l3vpn's be encrypted, the cloud
> bags will simply take over (not that they haven't, already).

Are there any actual countries heading that way?  Seems like most of them insist
they have the ability to snoop unencrypted traffic (where "crypto that has a 
back door" counts as unencrypted).

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Re: Gaming Consoles and IPv4

2020-09-28 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 21:33:56 -0400, Daniel Sterling said:

> It is true that I've yet to see any FPS game use ipv6. I assume that's cuz
> they can't count on users having v6, so they have to support v4, and it
> wouldn't be worth their while to have their gaming host support dual-stack.
> just a guess there

The Playstation 4's OS actually does support IPV6.  I've been told that the big
hold-up is that the kits sent to developers had libraries that didn't include
the IPv6 sockets support, so no getaddrinfo() and friends, so developers
couldn't code the support.

Does anybody have info from Microsoft or Sony on what their new consoles
are doing regarding IPv6? My informant has moved on and is out of the loop
regarding the PS5's software innards.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Florida: Voter registration website overwhelmed at deadline

2020-10-09 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 07 Oct 2020 22:10:07 -0700, "Constantine A. Murenin" said:

> People act like 1.1 million requests per hour is a huge number.
> That's only 305 requests per second!
> Cheapest NVMe SSDs are capable of 160k+ IOPS.
> You can literally serve the whole thing from a single server on a
> 100Mbps line, if you design it properly, and don't waste bandwidth on
> stock images and silly front-ends.

It isn't the stock images and silly front-ends that take all the effort. Those
are pretty damned easy to serve up quickly.

It's the twisty little maze of databases, all different.

You asked for a driver's license number for ID? Well, that just bought you
a call to the DMV's servers to check on the validity/status of that ID.
Vetting the home address gets equally interesting, especially if it's
a PO box or a "suite" at a mailbox-for-rent company.
Vetting the existence of the last employer is going to take time as well.

Are you going to get the unemployment system, the tax system, the DMV
systems, and any others you need to talk to on this "one server"?  Oh, and
don't forget that the systems in the DMV and tax systems almost certainly
have *other* systems they have to talk to

Don't forget that these state agencies usually don't have the budget
that Amazon or other large commercial organizations have, so you're looking
at a *really* high chance that some server in the Department of Revenue
isn't sized big/fast enough, so verifying the employer's existence hangs, so
the front end hangs

On top of all that, even if you're only a *little* bit too slow clearing 
you end up sitting on a big pile of pending requests, which sucks up memory..
Get 305 requests per second, clear 304 per second, and in a few minutes
you're throwing '502 Gateway Error' left right and center because things are
wedged up

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPv6 woes - RFC

2021-09-08 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:39:50 -0700, Owen DeLong via NANOG said:

> The reality is that if we get content dual-stacked and stop requiring IPv4
> for new eyeball installations, that’s the biggest initial win.

The problem is "get content dual-stacked".

Somebody made this handy page of the IPv6 status for the Alexa Top 500.

Awful lot of red spots even in the top 100.  Hell, even
isn't IPv6 yet.  And the long tail is going to be the death of a thousand
cuts for the call center unless you have a way to deal with those sites.

And the devil is in the details. itself has a quad-A. But looking
at Chrome loading it with the IPvFoo extension, I see that of the 145
addresses it hits, only 38 are IPv6, the rest are IPv4.

On the other hand, looking at *who* are the IPv4, they seem to be
overwhelmingly ad servers and analytics sites - so maybe hitting as
IPv6-only is a win for the consumer.  I rather suspect that the CFO of CNN
would see it differently though

(Eerily reminiscent of the factoid that 60% of the cost of a long distance
phone call before the AT&T breakup was keeping the accounting records
so they could bill the customer)

Description: PGP signature

Re: IPv6 woes - RFC

2021-09-14 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 13:38:21 +0900, Masataka Ohta said:

> Not. With geographical aggregation, you may route a call
> *anywhere* in the destination country.

The *real* fun starts when my provider is able to connect calls
to my +1 540 etcetc phone number to my phone even if I'm in +371
or +81 or similar

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Re: IPv6 woes - RFC

2021-09-25 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 25 Sep 2021 23:20:26 +0200, Baldur Norddahl said:

> We should remember there are also multiple ways to print IPv4 addresses.
> You can zero extend the addresses and on some ancient systems you could
> also use the integer value.

19:17:38 0 [~] ping 2130706433
PING 2130706433 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.126 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.075 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.063 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.082 ms
--- 2130706433 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 84ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.063/0.086/0.126/0.025 ms

Works on Fedora Rawhide based on RedHat, Debian 10, and Android 9.

That's a bit more than just 'some ancient systems' - depending whether
it works on other Android releases, and what IoT systems do, we may have
more systems today that support it than don't support it.

Re: [External] Re: uPRF strict more

2021-09-30 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 30 Sep 2021 18:12:51 +0200, Mark Tinka said:

> I should have said "If you don't plan to run a full BGP table on a
> device without a default a route as well,

Am I insufficently caffienated, or is uRPF the least of your problems
if you don't have a full table *and* don't have a default route?

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Re: IPv6 woes - RFC

2021-09-30 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 29 Sep 2021 16:09:26 -0400, Victor Kuarsingh said:

> - Both providers provide IPv6 and delegate a prefix to the router (let's
> pretend the retail staff knew enough to sell this person a consumer box
> with 2x WAN interfaces)

So... do such boxes exist in any great quantity?

Do consumers who can't add a valid number after 'IPv' accidentally contract for
Internet service from two different providers often? Do they intentionally do
that often?

It sounds like a sufficiently rare situation that "clueless lawyer/whatever
hires somebody with clue for 2 hours work to configure it all" is a reasonable

Description: PGP signature

Re: Anyone seeing ping corruption?

2021-12-20 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 20 Dec 2021 22:45:06 +, Steven Champeon said:

> Are there even enough dialup connections and ancient modems left that POD
> is a thing anyone needs to worry about?

It wasn't just dialup and modems.  The Ping of Death had to do with sending
a packet that was already 64K in size, that would require an ICMP response that
would try to include the entire packet - corrupting the memory following the
buffer the response was built in. Lots of ethernet-connected Windows systems
got BSOD'd that way.

Having said that, I'm sure there's still unpatched systems out there.  Probably
a few that are *still* unpatched against the 1990s IPV4 version, but a lot more
likely for the 2013 and 2020 IPv6 versions against Microsoft systems.

Description: PGP signature

Re: VPN recommendations?

2022-02-10 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 10:55:40 -0800, William Herrin said:

> My understanding is that Wireguard is software available for general
> purpose operating systems. I specifically need a set of hardware
> network appliances. 

Take a general purpose OS, strip down the userspace a bit,
stick the whole thing in a box, and call it an appliance. They'll never
know the difference. :)

Re: Starlink terminals deployed in Ukraine

2022-03-02 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 02 Mar 2022 08:51:05 -0500, Dorn Hetzel said:

> Yeah, if Russia needs one 1st stage booster for every bird they kill, and
> SpaceX needs one 1st stage booster for every 50 they put up  Yes,
> Russia is bigger than SpaceX, but that's a tremendous ratio.

Plus  the asymmetry is even worse than that

Elon can use that *same* first stage booster to launch *another* 50
next week, while the Russians need to get a *new* booster for shooting
down the next bird.

That's the *real* game changer in what SpaceX is doing

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Re: Is soliciting money/rewards for 'responsible' security disclosures when none is stated a thing now?

2022-03-02 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:30:29 -0700, Brie said:
> I just got this in my e-mail...

> I am a web app security hunter. I spent some time on your website and found
> some vulnerabilities. I see on your website you take security very
> passionately.

I've gotten similar spam a number of times over the years (though people
offering to do SEO on my site are much more frequent).

The odd thing is - as far as I know, I don't *have* a website

Description: PGP signature

Re: sending again in case Zoom didn't email it correctly

2019-03-15 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 13:56:35 -0500, Casey Russell said:

> SIP failover call.

It's 2019. Surely we have better ways to have SIP fail over than manually
sending an e-mail alert redirecting the person to a phone number?

Re: sending again in case Zoom didn't email it correctly

2019-03-15 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 15:34:51 -0500, Ishmael Rufus said:

> I didn't get an outlook notification for this.

That's because Outlook would only send a "engineer stopped for a beer"
notification when it was most embarassing. :)

Re: Help on setting up a new block

2019-03-20 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 10:22:34 -0400, Pete Baldwin said:

>  ��� It's potentially more difficult now than in the past because there 
> are some hosting providers that are simply a few people that own VMs on 
> some other infrastructure that they do not control or have visibility 
> into.� The VM hosting company might be blocking your network, and so the 
> VMs never see your traffic.�� This means you might contact Landstar, and 
> then Landstar calls up their web person, but the web person doesn't 
> understand this stuff.�� The web person phones his web hosting company 
> who can't find anything wrong, because they never see your packets to 
> begin with.�� Now the web hosting company (if you can get them to do 
> this) needs to contact their DC company that is hosting their VMs to 
> find out if there is a firewall or anti DDoS system etc that is sitting 
> in front of their VMs.

Have we reached the point where it is (or should be) due diligence and a BCP to
make sure your new address space is reachable on IPv6 as well, to improve your
chances of being reachable even if your IPv4 space is in somebody's block list?

Re: Help on setting up a new block

2019-03-20 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 20 Mar 2019 12:45:35 -0400, Bryan Fields said:
> On 3/20/19 12:32 PM, william manning wrote:
> > of course at the end of the day, there is ZERO requirement for anyone to
> > accept traffic from any prefix. to paraphrase an old greybeard,
> > "my network, my rulez"
> Wouldn't this be in conflict with the idea of "network neutrality" rules?

Depends.  Was softlayer up-front with the customers about what addresses
are blocked, and why?

If the customers knew that softlayer had a block list and had a way to tell
if it was impacting their network access, that's one thing.

If softlayer was doing it without informed consent from its customers, that's
a different kettle of fish

Re: residential/smb internet access in 2019 - help?

2019-03-27 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 17:18:02 -0400, Bradley Burch said:
> Wisp here.
> Our subscribers can get 100mbps bi directional. 
> But we also know what we are doing.

And being honest here - what percent of WISP operators out there are in your
category, as opposed to the under-capitalized and RF experienced challenged
group that Bryan was commenting in regards to?

I'll bet a large pizza with everything but anchovies that it's in the same 
percentage as small copper/fiber base ISPs that have people who read NANOG.

In other words, really low.

Re: Did IPv6 between HE and Google ever get resolved?

2019-03-31 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sun, 31 Mar 2019 18:10:09 -0700, Christopher Morrow said:

> Apologies, I do actually see a path from 174 -> 6939 (well 28 paths):
>   174  6939 
> it's clearly not all of HE -> Cogent, and it's clearly not supposed to
> be working (I would think).

Wait, what?

Are you saying that they refused to peer - and then failed at refusing? :)

Re: modeling residential subscriber bandwidth demand

2019-04-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 02 Apr 2019 23:53:06 -0700, Ben Cannon said:
> A 100/100 enterprise connection can easily support hundreds of desktop users 
> if not more.  It’s a lot of bandwidth even today.

And what happens when a significant fraction of those users fire up Netflix with
an HD stream?

We're discussing residential not corporate connections, I thought

Re: Purchasing IPv4 space - due diligence homework

2019-04-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 03 Apr 2019 15:20:17 -, "Torres, Matt via NANOG" said:

>   3.  Check SORBS blacklisting. It should not show up except maybe the DUHL 
> list(?). If it does, walk away.

SORBS isn't the only place to check. As an example, if Spamhaus doesn't have
nice things to say about the block, it's time to start asking questions has a fairly good list of
places that could give your customer a bad time (whether or not the
listing is deserved - the point is that being listed anywhere there will
probably mean problems that have to be cleaned up)

You may all now begin the religious war over where else to check.

Re: Purchasing IPv4 space - due diligence homework

2019-04-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 03 Apr 2019 11:58:23 -0400, Jared Mauch said:

> Mostly curious if you are doing IPv6 if you see that slowing your need for v4
> or if they are growing at the same rate.

And remember kids - the more you can push off to native IPv6, the longer you can
push off an upgrade to your CGNAT box. ;)

Re: Disney+ CDN

2019-04-12 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 13:23:29 -0700, "Scott Weeks" said:

> 2004 - "Patent awarded for GeoLocation"
> I'd be interested in learning about how well that one works!

Under US law, ideas submitted for patent need be "non-obvious". There's no
requirement they actually be a good idea. Though I guess that it should prevent
the patenting of obvious bad ideas - but $DEITY knows there's plenty of subtly
flawed concepts out there  (And there's ample evidence that the USPTO is on
occasion challenged by the "obviousness" requirement...)

Re: OffTopic: Telecom Fraud

2019-04-23 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 15:55:43 -0400, Dovid Bender said:

> day). but at the very least why can't Verizon drop these calls at their
> edge. If they see the B-Number as being their client and the A number being
> theirs but coming from elsewhere why can't they just drop the call?

Probably for the same exact reasons why BCP38 isn't more widely deployed.

Re: Comcast storing WiFi passwords in cleartext?

2019-04-24 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Wed, 24 Apr 2019 17:04:22 -0700, William Herrin said:

> I take no position on what risk the comcast wifi passwords issue carries.
> I'm posting only to point out that an absolutist model which says, "stuff
> of type X must always be encrypted," is probably not well tuned to the
> customer's actual security needs.

I'm willing to bet that for a significant percentage of people who do at least
some of their work at home, but aren't router-savvy, the risks of a borked
router preventing them from working from home are a bigger issue than the
relatively low risk of a database compromise leading to a miscreant getting
hold of their wireless password and using their access point as free wifi.

Security decisions that are "obvious" when only security-minded and technically
clued people are involved become a lot less obvious when 95% of the people
involved are named Joe Q. Sixpack.

Re: Comcast storing WiFi passwords in cleartext?

2019-04-25 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 21:42:25 +0300, T�ma Gavrichenkov said:
> Isn't it just better to have it always displayed, in a 40pt sized font, on
> some LAN-accessible Web page, reachable without authentication by default,

This assumes that the customer has a spare CAT-5 cable and knows how to use it.

And somebody will manage to not understand that an RJ45 and an RJ11 are 
causing all sorts of hilarity.

Re: Bing news feeds stale for 5 days (

2019-04-29 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 12:35:23 -0400, John Von Essen said:
> I work with a major search affiliate partner, and starting this morning news 
> feeds from 
> were coming in stale, nothing new in the past 5 days. 

Wait, what?  So yesterday, it returned news for Sunday, but this morning, it's
only returning news from Wed or before? (It's one thing to fail to have updates,
rolling back already done updates takes a more convoluted failure mode...)

Re: looking for hostname router identifier validation

2019-04-29 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 16:16:06 -0500, Bryan Holloway said:

> I still see references to UUNet in some reverse PTRs.
> So, uh, yeah.

I wonder what year we'll get to a point where less than half of NANOG's
membership was around when UUNet was. We're probably there already.
And likely coming up on when less than half the people know what it
was, other than myth and legend

Re: looking for hostname router identifier validation

2019-05-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 22:12:12 -0700, Large Hadron Collider said:
> How much did it cost? :-)

I'm willing to guess US$6digits/mo. 5 digits if you qualified for
the quantity discount. :)

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Re: NTP question

2019-05-01 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 02 May 2019 00:29:32 -0400, Keith Wallace said:

> Good stuff, never had an issue with rollovers, software was upgradable.

Did the vendor ever ship an actual software upgrade?

Description: PGP signature

Re: NTP question

2019-05-02 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 02 May 2019 08:59:19 -0400, Tom Beecher said:

> Passes the backhoe test, but might have an issue with the Die Hard Elevator
> Shaft Fight Scene checks.

If your data center is suffering from both backhoe face and a Die Hard Fight 
the *real* question is whether you're going to care about NTP when the Halon 
and the emergency power interlock shuts down all your hardware...

In other words, you got bigger problems. :)

Description: PGP signature

Re: is dnswl dead?

2019-05-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 03 May 2019 00:55:17 -0500, Jose Manuel Vazquez Castro said:

> And check first connectivity ping and telnet tcp ports 22 , 873 to ips
> destination's from your linuxbox:
> Record A
> Or use in the command directly the ip.
> You are behinds a router, proxy , Nat device. May cause problems or deny
> filter traffic. If share a Wireshark capture will see what's happens  ..

>From here, tcpdump/wireshark indicate that something is indeed amiss.
rsync gets through the 3-packet handshake, and then about 20 packets
ending thusly:

11:34:52.749962 IP > Flags [.], ack 
32, win 502, options [nop,nop,TS val 3218474733 ecr 1658500094], length 0
11:34:52.750309 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
79:87, ack 32, win 502, options [nop,nop,TS val 3218474733 ecr 1658500094], 
length 8
11:34:52.851104 IP > Flags [.], ack 
87, win 227, options [nop,nop,TS val 1658500119 ecr 3218474733], length 0
11:34:53.162604 IP > Flags [R.], seq 
32, ack 87, win 227, options [nop,nop,TS val 1658500197 ecr 3218474733], length 0

The far end tosses an ACK for the packet, and then an ACK/RST rather than a FIN.
Rather anti-social - usually indicative of the daemon at the far end crashing 
closing the socket.

(Side note - is it me, or does the rsync dissector for wireshark do a less than 
optimal job?)

(And yes, I know for a fact that my router doesn't bork rsync, as it works
for other stuff on a regular basis..)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Looking for audiovisual resources on Clos topologies

2019-05-03 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Fri, 03 May 2019 13:08:55 -0400, Sadiq Saif said:
> I recently read a APNIC blog post about LINE's network redesign [0] into 
> a Clos topology. That lead to me RFC7938 [1] which has a fairly minimal 
> explanation of the topology design itself.

>From the APNIC blog:

"In the case of LINE's network, where all servers in the data centre are
identified by eBGP, more than 10,000 ASNs are required."

They've traded L2 VLAN complexity for L3 ASN complexity.  What's the old
saying in computer science?  "All problems can be solved by adding a level
of redirection"?


Apparently, "simplicity" is the new euphemism for "let's push all the surprising
emergent effects of our design to someplace new..."

Description: PGP signature

Re: [EXT] RE: Widespread Firefox issues

2019-05-04 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 04 May 2019 13:02:56 -, Charles Bronson said:
> On Fri, 03 May 2019 21:14:53 -0600, "Keith Medcalf" said:
>> HTTPS: has nothing to do with the website being "secure". https: means that
>> transport layer security (encryption) is in effect. https: is a PRIVACY
>> measure, not a SECURITY measure.

> I may be wrong and if so, I am happy to be corrected, but I don't think that
> statement is entirely true. The certificate not only encrypts the connection,
> it also verifies that you are connecting to the server you intend to. That 
> second
> component is a security measure.

Actually, the identity component of a certificate does *not* verify you
connected to the server you *intended*.  It verifies that the server you 
connected to is the one that the connection was directed to, and that you
didn't get MITM'ed. That's important, but not what most people think it means.

In particular, it does *not* protect against typo squatters that get hits when
you accidentally  try to go to  Also, when a user enters, they *intend* to visit, and aren't thinking about the *other*
38 sites that get contacted (as reported by the IPvFoo extension).  Did I
*intend* to go to - one of the sites that ends up
getting called when I visit

So while there's a useful security guarantee provided by the proof-of-identity,
it's *NOT* what people usually think it is.

Additionally, the first component is also a security measure as well.

Googling for "3 pillars of security" shows that they're "confidentiality,
integrity, and availability".

In what world are the "privacy" provisions of TLS *not* part of

Description: PGP signature

Re: Widespread Firefox issues

2019-05-04 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Sat, 04 May 2019 10:46:41 -0700, Randy Bush said:
> >> to do it, i have to start ffox.��and 100 tabs will open and
> >> javascript will flood in.
> recipe
>   - turn off internet connectivity
>   - start firefox
>   - `kill -s sigkill` it
>   - restart it, do not restore sesstion
>   - turn internet back on
>   - go to prefs / privacy and enable studio
>   - wait until `about:studies` shows you got the two updates
>   - allow sessions to restart

Keep in mind that if Firefox exits between 'do not restore session' and
'allow sessions to restart', all the tabs may vanish into the ether.  Been
burned by that before.   May want to tar up your .mozilla directory for
safe keeping (or whatever needs to be done on boxes where tar'ing up
a directory isn't a thing)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Access to raw network data

2019-05-05 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 06 May 2019 03:59:18 -, lobna gouda said:
> Does anyone know if there is public sources for network data that can be use
> to train model?

What data, and what model? What problem are you trying to solve by training
a model?

Hint:  A model trained on data from Comcast's network is probably going to
explode when you try to apply it to Google's internal network, because network
design and conditions will be vastly different.

Description: PGP signature

Re: any interesting/useful resources available to IPv6 only?

2019-05-06 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Mon, 06 May 2019 14:51:50 -0400, Tom Beecher said:

> PHB? Then make it a cost argument.
> "If you plan an implement V6 today, will will cost N. If you delay until
> you discover V6 only services, it will cost 3-5xN to implement quickly,
> with additional risk of additional costs because quicker implementations
> are likely to miss something along the way."

Amazingly enough, I first heard that exact reasoning all the way back in 1998. 
we had some IPv6 in production by 1999.

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