On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 14:13:04 +0100, Niels Bakker said:
> * r...@gsp.org (Rich Kulawiec) [Sat 20 Mar 2021, 14:03 CET]:
> >2. This is a low-traffic list, so even without appropriate mail client
> >support it's really not a big deal.
> The volume isn't the point, the S:N ratio is. Mails like this thread's
> starter are off-topic and reduce the value of the list to its
> subscribers. Your reasoning is easy, common and fallacious.

Unfortunately, the *rest* of the thread did more damage to Friday's S:N
ratio than the original post did.

And adding "topic" tags to the subject line doesn't actually help the food-fight
scenario, as those can break out even in [TOPIC] tagged threads.  To tilt it
the rest of the way from sub-optimal to outright pessimal is the fact that
some subscribers may find a thread has gone off into the weeds, while others
consider all the details interesting.

So having a kill-thread command in the MUA is the most realistic place
to deal with "this user doesn't want to hear from this thread again".

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