obsd 6.1

2017-04-27 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i wonder if there is an obsd 6.1 cd set to order ?
If not, when will it be released ?



2017-05-24 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have been a little bit far from openbsd and i would like to know if it
supports automounter (amd, amq, etc) utilities ?

And about autofs ? Is there support to it ? Is it possible to integrate
autofs with nis ?

Thanks a lot.

automounting home dir

2017-05-24 Thread Friedrich Locke
I folks,

is anybody here aware about how to mount user directories from multiple
storage servers ?
With amd, we could use a link from /home/username -> /h/server1/username
and it goes l ike this.

How to implement the same with autofs ?


home dirs and autofs

2017-05-24 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have four  harddisks in my server i use for user home directory.
I would like to have an uniform access to every user directory inside my
The four drivers mounted on on /hX where X is 0, 1, 2 or 3.

But for home directories i would like an uniform access, with link to the
proper user home dir, like in:

/home/sioux --> /h0/sioux
/home/xyz--> /h2/xyz

got the ideia ? I known how to do with amd but with autofs i don't.

May you help me please ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

Best regards.

Limits on OBSD amd64

2017-05-26 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i wonder what is the maximum file system size OBSD supports using different
file systems like FFS, FFS2 and ZFS ?

May you clarify it to me ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

Best regards.

file systems

2017-05-26 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

does anybody here run OBSD with a file system bigger than 10TB ?
How much time boot takes to bring the system up (i mean fsck) ?
Are you using ffs2 ? With softdep ?


Re: SSO solution in ports?

2017-05-27 Thread Friedrich Locke

I go for ldap + sasl + kerberos. It is perfect, at least to me.

Em 16/07/2009 11:52, John Almberg escreveu:

I am trying to build a set of web applications that are accessed through
a web portal that uses a Single Sign On (SSO) solution. Problem is,
there are MANY competing SSO solutions. Since building the client side
of the SSO system is more than enough for me, I was wondering if there
are any SSO servers in ports that I can just install and use? A CAS
solution would be the best, but I'll look at anything.

Any tips or ideas, much appreciated.

-- John

freebsd-questi...@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to

booting 6.1

2017-06-08 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i burnt and install61.iso cd and tried to boot uefi, but could not.
Does anybody know this amd64 6.1 install image support booting UEFI ?

Thanks in advance


2017-07-21 Thread Friedrich Locke

Hi Folks,

am i wrong or kqueue support for socket descriptor  is limited to 2 ^ 16 
open sockets ?

Thanks in advance.

keyboard layout 6.1 obsd

2017-08-17 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have just installed obsd 6.1 amd64. My keyboard is set as "br" in
/etc/kbdtype and it is working 100% on the console.

But when i start xenodm, it is not working for "br" ! Do you know where i
should set X to start it working with "br" keyboards.

Thanks in advance.

Re: keyboard layout 6.1 obsd

2017-08-17 Thread Friedrich Locke
It did not work.

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Matias Moreno Meringer <
mmoren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use an US keyboard with dead keys in X. In order to make it work, I have
> the following statement in my ~/.xinitrc:
> setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl
> Test it with layout br for your case; it should work.
> On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Friedrich Locke <
> friedrich.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> i have just installed obsd 6.1 amd64. My keyboard is set as "br" in
>> /etc/kbdtype and it is working 100% on the console.
>> But when i start xenodm, it is not working for "br" ! Do you know where i
>> should set X to start it working with "br" keyboards.
>> Thanks in advance.

raid and crypto file system

2017-09-20 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

In the FAQ page, it is stated:

Much like RAID, full disk encryption in OpenBSD is handled by the
softraid(4)  subsystem and bioctl(8)
 command. This section covers installing
OpenBSD to a single encrypted disk, and is a very similar process to the
previous one. Note that *using both RAID and disk encryption on the same
device is not currently supported*.

My question is:

I would like to use hardware raid disks with disk encryption. Is that
possible ? Since the disk raid appears transparently to the OS.

Is that possible ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

Best regards.

nobreak powers down openbsd

2017-10-23 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

I would like to have my openbsd server to be shutdown when my nobreak power
becomes lower than 20% of its capacity; is that possible ?
Any one with experience in this regard ?

Thanks a lot.

de vírus. www.avast.com

Re: nobreak powers down openbsd

2017-10-23 Thread Friedrich Locke
When i wrote nobreak, i really meant UPS.
I don't have a model; may some one  suggest a model that power off openbsd ?


de vírus. www.avast.com

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Solène Rapenne  wrote:

> Je 2017-10-23 15:40, Friedrich Locke skribis:
>> Hi folks!
>> I would like to have my openbsd server to be shutdown when my nobreak
>> power
>> becomes lower than 20% of its capacity; is that possible ?
>> Any one with experience in this regard ?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source
>> =link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
>> Livre
>> de vírus. www.avast.com
>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source
>> =link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>.
>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> hello,
> Is a "nobreak" an UPS ? If so, what model is it ?
> Is it connected to your server or your LAN ? If no, no chance to know the
> current state of the battery.

Re: Running your own mail server

2018-09-08 Thread Friedrich Locke
if you demand for performance, FreeBSD + Qmail-ldap is THE way to go.

my 1 cent.

On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 12:26 PM Ken M  wrote:

> Just curious how many of you use openbsd to run your own personal email
> server?
> Do you find it a hassle to manage in any way?
> I know openbsd is perfectly fine for a mail server, don't get me wrong the
> question is more about is it worth it to do yourself. Specifically I will
> probably be doing it through a guest on vultr.
> Back story my family all has email addresses through the domain I have.
> Which
> basically will forward to a gmail account. The kids accounts don't really
> forward anywhere, they are place holders I guess. But they are getting old
> enough to use their own accounts for things and not just through the school
> which sets them up with google accounts to use through their chromebook.
> So my wife really doesn't like the idea of setting them loose on their own
> email
> accounts, and I don't necessarily disagree with her, but I disagree on the
> way
> to do it. In a gmail point of view all I can think of is shared passwords
> for
> for the kids. I don't like that because first of all they could change it,
> second of all monitoring their email means literally reading their email.
> My wife and I have different views on privacy as well.
> I was thinking I could run my own email server to give them accounts
> there, and
> at the same time instead of reading their email be able to more
> specifically
> block certain senders, but also to scan the email for troubling words. In
> my
> mind that is things like suicide, kill, etc.
> So I guess the end question, is for protecting the email of minors is
> running my
> own email server, when I have never done it before on any OS, worth it
> over some
> other solution. And yes I am very open to other suggestions for a
> solution, even
> if it is something I have to pay for, to avoid sharing passwords or
> grotesque
> privacy infringement of literally reading all their emails.
> Welcome to differences of opinion as well.  Thank you.
> Ken

unix hosting

2018-09-14 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear OBSD friends,

right now i am hosting my site within geekisp. There i provided with a unix
shell, using openbsd.

I am in need to change my hosting provider, may some here suggest an obsd
hosting service that besides email, web (with php), mysql DBMS and unix
shell ?

Of course, i am not looking for free service, just paid.

Thanks in advance.

shell hosting

2018-09-16 Thread Friedrich Locke

May you suggest me a shell + www + mysql hosting service (with OBSD, of
course) ?

Thanks a lot.


2015-12-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
What is/are the alternative(ies) for kerberos on openbsd ? (Since is was
removed from the distribution).



2015-12-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
I am a little outdated, but was heimdal removed from the bsd world or it
was just moved from the base system to the ports collection ?



2015-12-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does security/cyrus-sasl2 include support for GSSAPI (I am in need of
kerberos) ?

Thanks in advance.

authentication infra structure

2015-12-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
If you had about 10k users and 5k machine how would you manage
authenticating issues? Keep in mind that this is a very heterogenous
environment with ldap, ftp, smtp, pop3, traditional unix boxes etc 


2018-02-25 Thread Friedrich Locke
Is openbsd vm a container ?

Thanks for explanation.

de vírus. www.avast.com

OpenBSD Internals

2018-03-01 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear obsd friends,

I wonder if there is a documentation for openbsd internals as there is for
netbsd ?

Thanks a lot for you time and cooperation.


de vírus. www.avast.com

RAID controller

2018-03-31 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks.

Does OBSD 6.2 support  DELL H840 and DELL H740p raid controllers ?

Thanks a lot.

openbsd hosting

2013-05-28 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear list members,

i am in need to host my web stuff oversea. Is any aware about any hosting
services with the following features:

OpenBSD Shell access (as also mysql client program)
MySQL database option;
Java support on apache, and
MySQL java support.

Thanks in advance.

obsd 5.3 and openldap

2013-06-12 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

may someone in the list tell me if with obsd5.3 openldap supports hdb or
even bdb.
As far as i know, openldap in openbsd ports is broken.

Thanks you all.


OT: domain registration

2013-08-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does anybody know the website of the uk domain registration ? I am lokking
for the uk's entity for domain registration, not thirdies that do it too !


Dell servers

2013-10-10 Thread Friedrich Locke
Is anyone running OBSD 5.3 on Dell R*** series servers ?
What about 10G etherner devices ? And Storage ?
Is there any concern when buying these machines ?

Thanks in advance.

signals under openbsd

2013-10-16 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am writing a program that:

0) manages to handle sigchld signals,
1) creates 100 process
2) put the childs to sleep 1 second
3) loops (the parent process) until 100 child process have been died.

It is not working, why ?

Thanks for you time and cooperation.

Best regards,

PS: the source code below:



unsigned long   c;

hdlchld(const int s)
unsigned long   p;
int x;

p = waitpid(-1, &x, WNOHANG | WCONTINUED | WUNTRACED);
fprintf(stdout, "%lu\n", p);
if (p + 1) {
fprintf(stdout, "pid: %lu\n died", p);

main(int argc, char **argv)
struct sigactions;
unsigned long   i, p;
int x;

s.sa_handler = hdlchld;
sigaddset(&s.sa_mask, SIGCHLD);
s.sa_flags = 0;

if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &s, NULL) == -1) return 110;

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
p = fork();
if (p == -1ul) break;
if (!p) break; /* child */
if (p == -1ul) return 1;
if (p) while (c < i) sleep(1); /* parent */
else sleep (1); /* child */
return 0;

OpenBSD hosting

2009-02-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear gentleman,

i am searching for web hosting service that :

supports java,
support MySQL
allow me shell account access for software development with access to MySQL.
allow ssh/sftp access.
and runs OpenBSD at least for the shell services.
allow me to host dns for my domain.

Is anybody aware of a such hosting services...


Re: Can someone please suggest a replacement for xterm for me?

2009-03-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
If you are very rich, i would be happy to replace you. On the xterm
replacement, i suggest rxvt.


On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:29 AM, Shagbag OpenBSD <
shagbag.open...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I'm currently using Openbox with xterm but the latter doesn't allow 'cut
> and
> paste'.  Can someone please suggest to me a small footprint alternative?
> Kind regards

Strange NFS/amd behavior

2009-03-13 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks.

i am having a nightmare trying to get a directory exported read-only; then i
request for your help.

I have a nfs server exporting some files read-only. In the client box i am
using amd to mount them. It works but it is mounted read-write.
Does anybody have any ideia on what is going on?

Here goes some information:

# On the server side

si...@lion$ cd /etc
si...@lion$ cat
#   $OpenBSD: exports,v 1.2 2002/05/31 08:15:44 pjanzen Exp $
# NFS exports Database
# See exports(5) for more information.  Be very careful:  misconfiguration
# of this file can result in your filesystems being readable by the world.
/h -maproot=nobody -network= -mask=
/asd/src -ro -maproot=nobody -network= -mask=
/usr/ports -ro -maproot=nobody -network= -mask=
si...@lion$ showmount -e
Exports list on lion:

# On the client side:

si...@gw$ cd
si...@gw$ amq
/root"root" gw:(pid4982)
/asd/src direct  amd.adk/asd/src
/hometoplvl  amd.home   /home
/home/sioux  nfs lion:/h/a/lion/h/sioux
/asd/src/.   nfs lion:/asd/src  /a/lion/asd/src
si...@gw$ mount
/dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local, synchronous)
amd:4982 on /asd/src type nfs (v2, udp, intr, timeo=100, retrans=100)
amd:4982 on /home type nfs (v2, udp, intr, timeo=100, retrans=100)
lion:/usr/ports on /usr/ports type nfs (read-only, v3, udp, timeo=100)
lion:/h on /a/lion/h type nfs (nosuid, v2, udp, timeo=100)
lion:/asd/src on /a/lion/asd/src type nfs (v2, udp, timeo=100)

Does anybody know why /asd/src is not being mounted read-only?

Thanks in advance.

trunk and vlan devices

2016-10-27 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i wonder if i can set a vlan above a trunk device. I have two interface:
bge0 e bge1.
I would to create a trunk interface using those bgeX interfaces. Once i
have setted the
trunk may i create a vlan on the trunk0 interface ?

Thanks a lot.

Dell R930 server

2016-11-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does anybody here run openbsd on this machine ?
Does OBSD "see" all the 96*128G memory available ?

Thanks in advance.

Dell R930 server

2016-11-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
What about my questions ?



2017-04-15 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i would like to order obsd 6.1, butfrom the openbsd store i cannot see it
available for ordering.
May you help me ?

thanks, gustavo.


2017-04-18 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

just started to play winth kqueue and i wonder what happens if i request to
add n events to the queue there is memory only for a subset of the events.
Will the subset be added or the whole operation will fail ?

Thanks in advance.

hardware suggestion: off topic (probably)

2012-11-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear list members,

I have setted up a web server in my working environment and i was asked to
install webalizer. Now my boss asked me to install a tool that "looks" at
webalizer stats files and suggest a hardware capacity for that workload
reported by webalizer.

I dont know what to tell him. Why do you think he asked me that ?

strange cron behavior

2012-11-08 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear member list,

i am running a backup script. When i exec it from a login shell it works
nicely altough it shows a message about a file being modified during copy
to archive.

The backup is performed ok, but when i schedule the script to be executed
by cron, it stops executing at the first file being modified during copy to

May someone point me my mistaken ?

Thanks in advance.

Here you have the output executing it from a terminal:


tar: Removing leading / from absolute path names in the archive
  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time
 Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft
  0 00 00 0  0  0 --:--:-- --:--:--
--:--:-- 0
tar: File /home/_syslogd/httpd.acs was modified during copy to archive
100  281M0 00  281M  0  11.5M --:--:--  0:00:24 --:--:--

Here you have the script itself:


#Calculando Datas
DIA_MES=`date +%d`
MES=`date +%b`
ANO=`date +%Y`

#Gerando Caminhos e Nomes dos Arquivos

# Compactando as pastas

#tar -czvf


# Envio para o LAMPIAO via FTP
cat $PAGINAS_DEST_DIARIO/p | curl -T -
echo 'Envio OK' | mail -s 'OK - LOKI - PAGINAS'
backup-...@ufv.br || echo 'Envio ERRO' | mail -s 'ERRO - LOKI - PAGINAS'

Re: strange cron behavior

2012-11-08 Thread Friedrich Locke
Thanks a lot!
It is working perfectly.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 08:16:13AM -0200, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> > Dear member list,
> >
> > i am running a backup script. When i exec it from a login shell it works
> > nicely altough it shows a message about a file being modified during copy
> > to archive.
> >
> > The backup is performed ok, but when i schedule the script to be executed
> > by cron, it stops executing at the first file being modified during copy
> to
> > archive.
> >
> > May someone point me my mistaken ?
> Make sure all commands you run are in you PATH.
> Default PATH for crontab is: PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> and for e.g. curl is not in there.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Here you have the output executing it from a terminal:
> >
> > #
> > /etc/backup/bk-paginas.sh
> >
> > tar: Removing leading / from absolute path names in the archive
> >   % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time
> > Current
> >  Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft
> > Speed
> >   0 00 00 0  0  0 --:--:-- --:--:--
> > --:--:-- 0
> > tar: File /home/_syslogd/httpd.acs was modified during copy to archive
> > 100  281M0 00  281M  0  11.5M --:--:--  0:00:24 --:--:--
> > 10.6M
> > #
> >
> > Here you have the script itself:
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> >
> > #Calculando Datas
> > DIA_MES=`date +%d`
> > MES=`date +%b`
> > ANO=`date +%Y`
> >
> > #Gerando Caminhos e Nomes dos Arquivos
> > PAGINAS_ORIG1='/home/_syslogd'
> > PAGINAS_ORIG2='/var/log'
> > PAGINAS_DEST='/var/tmp'
> > PAGINAS_DEST_DIARIO='/var/tmp'
> >
> > # Compactando as pastas
> >
> > #tar -czvf
> >
> >
> > # Envio para o LAMPIAO via FTP
> > cat $PAGINAS_DEST_DIARIO/p | curl -T -
> >
> ftp://bk_sysop:xxxyyy...@lampiao.cpd.ufv.br/linux/$NOME_SERVIDOR/$NOME_SERVIDOR-PAGINAS_$ANO$MES$DIA_MES.tar.gz&&;
> > echo 'Envio OK' | mail -s 'OK - LOKI - PAGINAS'
> > backup-...@ufv.br || echo 'Envio ERRO' | mail -s 'ERRO - LOKI - PAGINAS'
> > backup-...@ufv.br
> >
> --
> Antoine


2012-11-09 Thread Friedrich Locke

i am learning nis and have some doubt. Users are setted within a domain,
but in a netgroup the sysadmin may specify in which nisdomain the tupple is
valid, correct?

May i have a user, say john in a given domain moon and have a netgroup like

sysadmins (-,john,sun)

That's to say the that tupple for netgroup sysadmins has user john and is
valid only in nisdomain sun (Keep in mind that user john is in moon nis

Is my understanding correct ?


2012-11-12 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does OpenBSD ypserv serve multiple nis domain simultaneously ?

Thanks in advance.

Best Performance Server Strategy(Probably OBSD OffTopic)

2012-11-12 Thread Friedrich Locke
Sorry for the last message. I did not finnish and hitted send wrongly.

Re: Best Performance Server Strategy(Probably OBSD OffTopic)

2012-11-13 Thread Friedrich Locke
Where i wrote listen i really meant accept.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Friedrich Locke

> Hi folks,
> i am planning to write a simple web server. My initial ideia for this
> server is that it will only serve static content.
> So, i would like to have the best possible performance.
> I don't feel like going for multiple process since i would like to reduce
> context switch required by multiple process send data to clients. I would
> like to implement it using kqueue. On a single cpu/core machine it is
> fairly simple to solve, but when in SMP/multicore machines i could take two
> approaches (Suppose we have n cores in the system):
> First approach:
> A connection multiplexer process listens for incoming connections on port
> tcp/80. When i new connection arrives it (the process) accepts it (the new
> connection) and sends the fd from the incoming connection to one of the n
> http server process instances and from that point on the http server
> process handles it.
> Second approach:
> Starts a http server process. This process opens a socket for listening
> incoming connection on port tcp/80. Than, this process forks n-1 processes.
> These n-1 process will share the listening socket and starts listening to
> this socket too. When a new connection arrives, the kernel wakes up one of
> the n proccess and this one handles the incoming connection. While this
> process is serving a request, we will have n-1 process listening and if a
> new connection arrives the kernel wakes up one of the n-1 process and do
> everything again and again 
> I am no OpenBSD kernerl expert. I would like to hear from which of the
> approaches would deliver better performance (this is critical for me). What
> you have to say.
> Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
> Best regards,
> Fried.


2012-11-13 Thread Friedrich Locke

i remenber when installing (after building it from
/usr/ports/database/opendap) openldap the scripts in patch directory create
user _openldap and the group too.
Now i cannot see any reference to the user/group openldap server process
will run as ?

Isn't it necessary anymore ? I mean, doesn't the installing procedure
create user/group entries anymore ?

Thanks a lot.

bsd cloud

2012-11-27 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have seen, some minutes ago, a message about cloud with BSD!
I have seen announcements on cloud computing every where. What is the
difference between a BSD cloud and a linux cloud ? A windows cloud and a
linux cloud ?
Isn't all that the new buzz word  in the market ?

So what would a BSD cloud be different in the context of cloud (not openbsd
features) ?

So in essence what is it really cloud we have not doing since networks have
been in the game ?
Don't take this as an offense, i just cannot understand all this frenesy
about clouds ...

thanks in advance.

Re: openbsd clusters

2012-12-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does OBSD support it?

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 7:02 PM, David Diggles  wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 09:12:27AM -0500, Jiri B wrote:
> > On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 01:23:12PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > > But for other services i don't have now what i could use. A example:
> i need
> > > > a file system that must expand by adding more machine in the network
> in a
> > > > simple way. I was studying OpenAFS, but OBSD 5.1 only support it for
> i386,
> > > > not amd64. Is there any alternative to it ?
> > > > Does anybody here use OpenAFS on OpenBSD ? Does it scale well ? What
> about
> > > > GlusterFS ? What would it be a better choice ?
> > >
> > > I'm not sure if there's anything really good in this area for OpenBSD.
> > > GlusterFS requires FUSE.
> >
> > "...or accessed via gfapi client library." So if you app would be able to
> > use this library you could use glusterfs directly without native
> posix-like
> > filesystem. Still, how would you make backup of glusterfs on OpenBSD...?
> > The same applies to HDFS (Hadoo), doesn't it?
> >
> > oVirt uses NFS as storage for virtualization hosts and implements its own
> > logic checking availability between hosts - SPM. Maybe you could use NFS
> > and write some stuff around it to guarantee integrity and availability,
> > in oVirt a hosts which looses NFS storage is fenced...
> >
> > IIRC somebody on the list described a NFS-based "clustered" filesystem
> > using vnd images on NFS cross mounted and RAID on top of it.
> >
> > jirib
> >
> Something like pNFS would be ideal http://www.pnfs.com/

nfs 4

2012-12-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does OBSD support NFS 4 ? If not, is there plans to do so ?

Thanks in advance.

OT: mailing list unix programming

2012-12-26 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does anybody know any mailing list devoted to unix/posix programming ?

Thanks in advance.

Re: OT: mailing list unix programming

2012-12-26 Thread Friedrich Locke
It is a newsgroup, not a mailing list.

What news client do you suggest in order to access it?

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas <
jca+o...@wxcvbn.org> wrote:

> Friedrich Locke  writes:
> > Does anybody know any mailing list devoted to unix/posix programming ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> My first tought is comp.unix.programmer
> --
> Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
> GPG Key fingerprint: 61DB D9A0 00A4 67CF 2A90  8961 6191 8FBF 06A1 1494


2013-01-01 Thread Friedrich Locke

does anybody here know if ypldap will propagate changes to the slaves
servers ?
Of course, i mean ypldap that comes with OBSD !

Thanks in advance

Re: 3k machines

2013-01-02 Thread Friedrich Locke
Don't get me wrong.
I only said they have 3K machine. I never said they are using OBSD.
Actually, only servers are OBSD.
For desktops, they are using win/linux.

I am trying to change those desktops from win/linux to OBSD.


On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Johan Ryberg  wrote:

> Puppet may useful for that many work stations.
> Are one single company using 3000 OpenBSD work stations? Cool, but I have
> never heard anything like this before.
> // Johan
> On Jan 1, 2013 11:15 PM, "Friedrich Locke" 
> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> i am managing some openbsd machines. There are a company, here, in the
>> city
>> a live that holds about 3k machines and i not including servers hardware;
>> only desktop.
>> I was wondering: How do you manage such a volume of nodes, i mean, in an
>> efficient manner.
>> Any experience with that ?
>> Thanks.


2013-01-03 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

What happens if i have a trunk(loadbalance) interface setted for 2 physical
interfaces and connect each physical one on different switches?


trunk limits

2013-01-03 Thread Friedrich Locke

How many network interface may i have per trunk device ?



2013-01-04 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

I have a windows desktop and would like to install a virtualization
software in order to have two virtual machine. I pretend to install OpenBSD
on both of them.

Which virtualization solution would be the best one for OpenBSD to run on ?


openldap on OBSD amd64 5.2

2013-01-14 Thread Friedrich Locke

i am trying to get openldap running, but my experience has been not that
I have built and installed from ports. I can get it up and running but as
soon as qmail tries to bind into it, it begins to consume memory up to all
my available memory.

I asked for help in the openldap mailing list and they got baffled, pretty
I was told that in linux some special flags need to be supplied to BDB in
order to get it working well.
What about OpenBSD ? Have you tryied qmail-ldap + openldap on OBSD ? Faced
anything similar ?
I am aware that this problem persist from about two years ago, when i tried
to get them working and the same problem arose.
I waited beleving it would be fixed in a near future ...

I am really interested in get it solved, although i have no knownledge on
BDB internals ..

I am willing to hear 

Thanks in advance.

Re: openldap on OBSD amd64 5.2

2013-01-14 Thread Friedrich Locke

sounds strange. Claudio said it was borked for amd64.
Are you using BDB ? Which version ?

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Vijay Sankar  wrote:

> Quoting Friedrich Locke :
>  Hi,
>> i am trying to get openldap running, but my experience has been not that
>> good.
>> I have built and installed from ports. I can get it up and running but as
>> soon as qmail tries to bind into it, it begins to consume memory up to all
>> my available memory.
>> I asked for help in the openldap mailing list and they got baffled, pretty
>> baffled.
>> I was told that in linux some special flags need to be supplied to BDB in
>> order to get it working well.
>> What about OpenBSD ? Have you tryied qmail-ldap + openldap on OBSD ? Faced
>> anything similar ?
>> I am aware that this problem persist from about two years ago, when i
>> tried
>> to get them working and the same problem arose.
>> I waited beleving it would be fixed in a near future ...
>> I am really interested in get it solved, although i have no knownledge on
>> BDB internals ..
>> I am willing to hear 
>> Thanks in advance.
> I have been using OpenLDAP on OpenBSD (OpenLDAP 2.4.12 on OpenBSD 4.7 i386
> as well as OpenLDAP 2.4.26 on OpenBSD 4.9 amd64) without any problems for a
> few years now.
> I use sendmail as MTA and use the LDAP database for vacation, address
> books, distribution lists, etc. OpenLDAP also is used to authorize Windows
> users. dovecot users, iphone and blackberry users etc. I use BDB so that
> syncrepl etc. works well.
> Since knowledgeable people have mentioned that there are problems with
> newer versions of LDAP, I wonder if it is advisable for you to use the
> older versions on OpenBSD to run OpenLDAP. Not sure, just a thought. Since
> the ports.tar.gz file is on the CD, you may be able to build the older
> packages even though they are obsolete and not available at the OpenBSD FTP
> site.
> Vijay
> Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
> ForeTell Technologies Limited
> vsan...@foretell.ca
> --**---
> This message was sent using ForeTell-POST 4.9

Delayed deliverey

2013-01-20 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

have anyone here already order a OBSD cd set and have them not delivered.
Then you ask a a replacement cd set and by the day this new replacement is
sent when original set (sent from the first time) arrives ?

Thanks in advance.

ordered OBSD cd set.

2013-01-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi Folks,

has anyone already had problems related to delivery of OBSD CD set ?


Re: ordered OBSD cd set.

2013-01-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
I order from my home, in Brasil!

None of my orders arrive! Then the folks at calgary store send a
replacement. The day they post the replacement i get the original one. Did
this already happens with anyone else ?


On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 08:22:24AM -0200, Friedrich Locke wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> >
> > has anyone already had problems related to delivery of OBSD CD set ?
> It would probably help debugging the situation if you tell us where you
> ordered from and to where (country or region).  Some countries or
> territories
> have odd postal or customs services, for example.
> for my own part, any delays in deliveries from .ca to .no have been just
> that kind, but fortunately most of the time delivery has been quite speedy.
> - Peter
> --
> Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
> http://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
> "Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
> delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

preventing amd from fetch files from nis server

2013-02-28 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have a set of computer on my network that is configured as a nis
client. The nis server is working 100% ok, and it is serving a map
called amd.home.
But for a particular client machine, while it should retrieve the list
of users/groups/etc from the nis server i don't want it to retrieve
the amd.home from the nis server, but instead, uses the amd.home from
Is that possible ?
Do you know if it may be done?

Thanks in advance.

Disk layout: OpenBSD OT

2013-03-02 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

just wonder in a typical hard drive nowadays (SATA/SAS), the sector 0
is in the inner or outter track ?
Which tracks are faster: the inner ones or the outter ?

Thanks in advance.

php e kerberos

2013-04-12 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am running OBSD 5.2 and i would like to try to connect to a kerberos
server using php.

In the following link http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.kadm5.php in the
requirement section it is stated :

"No external libraries are needed to build this extension."

OBSD, apache and php are workiong ok, but i cannot issue call any of the
functions stated in the example section.

This is what i got from /var/www/log/error_log

[Fri Apr 12 12:55:59 2013] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined
function kadm5_init_with_password() in /var/www/users/sioux/k.php on line 2

Why PHP from OBSD ports does not include support for kerberos?

Thanks in advance.

OT : different output compiler:

2013-04-25 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

I am compiling an ansi c source code and depending on the compiler version
i get error messages or not.

With the following environment :

lion# ./mkasd
* Generating config ...
* Building lib ...
* Creating directories ...
* Building bin ...
main.c: In function `main':
main.c:38: warning: `l' might be used uninitialized in this function
* Building sbin ...
* Building dmn ...
* Done.
lion# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 (propolice)
Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

lion# uname -a
OpenBSD lion.my.domain 4.5 GENERIC#1749 i386

But in an environment like this:

sioux@gustav$ uname -a && gcc --version
OpenBSD gustav.cpd.ufv.br 5.2 GENERIC.MP#368 amd64
gcc (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO


I got no error message: why ?

The source code for the file is: http://sioux.geekisp.com/main.c

Thanks for your help.

strange error on openbsd

2013-05-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear list members,

I am in need to write a simple program to return the passwd entry for a
given uid number.

Here you have it:


main(int argc, char **argv)
struct passwd   *p;
int e;

e = errno, errno = 0;
p = getpwuid(0);
if (errno) {
fprintf(stdout, "errno is: %u\n", errno);
return 127;
errno = e;

fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", p->pw_name);
return 0;

When i execute it i get this on a openbsd:

sioux@lion$ ./pw
errno is: 13

Any ideia why openbsd implementation of getpwuid returns error ?

Thanks in advance.

Strange error on OPenBSD

2013-05-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
As Noah Pugsley noted: it should have worked, regardless error checking
code is not right.

As asked:

sioux@scallop$ ls -l /etc/pwd.db /etc/spwd.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel1220608 May  1 12:41 /etc/pwd.db
-rw-r-  1 root  _shadow  1273856 May  1 12:41 /etc/spwd.db

I am running as and ordinary user.

[]s gustavo.

strange errors on OpenBSD

2013-05-07 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i would like some here to run the small program in the previous email on a
OBSD machine acting like a nis client. May you ?

If you did it, let me know you results.

[]s gustavo.

strange error on openbsd: program listing

2013-05-07 Thread Friedrich Locke
Here you have it:


main(int argc, char **argv)
struct passwd   *p;
int e;

e = errno, errno = 0;
p = getpwuid(0);
if (errno) {
fprintf(stdout, "errno is: %u\n", errno);
return 127;
errno = e;

if (p) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", p->pw_name);
return 0;

obsd limits

2016-06-29 Thread Friedrich Locke

I was wondering what is the maximum size an openbsd partition may be. May
anybody clarify me ?

Thanks in advance.

PS: sorry if this question has been asked before.

encrypting fs

2016-06-29 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

I have a doubt related to fs encryption.
May i encrypt the wd0c file system partition and have the sd0 disk fully
encrypted for any one partition like a, d e f  ?

Thanks in advance.

openbsd limits

2016-06-29 Thread Friedrich Locke
What is the maximum partition size supported by OpenBSD ?

Thanks in advance.

PS: sorry if i have already sent the message, but it is not in my "sent

obsd limits

2016-06-29 Thread Friedrich Locke
Thanks you all for the answers and patience too.

[]s fred.

dell Latitude 3540 notebook

2016-06-29 Thread Friedrich Locke
I am trying to get OpenBSD 5.9 amd64 to install on my notebook. Butno
success so far.

Since my notebook is programmed to boot by means of UEFI, i did some
researc on internet. I am aware obsd does support it in the secure mode off.
I insertted the CD of 5.9amd64 and the only options that appear are window
boot manager, ipv4 network and ipv6 network boot. Why cdrom is not show ?

What should i do in order to get UEFI boot from my obsd 5.9 amd64 CD
install ?
What am i doing wrong ?

Thanks once more.

[]s fred.


2016-06-30 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i would like to know if there is anyone in this list that is running
Windows and OBSD 5.9 amd 64 on the same machine with UEFI and doing,
naturally, multiboot.

Thanks a lot for your answer.

[]s fried.

uefi boot

2016-07-12 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

I wonder if that's possible to boot obsd amd64 5.9 CD on a computer whose
bios is setted to boot UEFI secure mode off.

Thanks a lot.

mss and obsd

2016-08-02 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am pinging my desktop from a obsd machine and i am very curious about the
size of packet an sending. Here you have it:

sioux@etosha$ ping -s 65467 gustav.cpd.ufv.br
PING gustav.cpd.ufv.br ( 65467 data bytes
65475 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=12.241 ms
65475 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=11.940 ms
--- gustav.cpd.ufv.br ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 11.940/12.090/12.241/0.186 ms
sioux@etosha$ ping -s 65468 gustav.cpd.ufv.br
ping: packet size is too large: 65468

I cannot ping with a message size above 65467, why ?
I realize the difference between 65535 and 65467 is 68 bytes. What is obsd
accounting for ?

Thanks in advance.

fork 2k process

2016-08-11 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am having problems trying to create 2k process in a very simple style. My
environment is the following:

sioux@etosha$ sysctl kern.maxproc
sioux@etosha$ ulimit -a

sioux@etosha$ ulimit -aH
processes 2048

But when i run a program to run 2000 process i got top display only 1901
zombie, why it is not showing 2000 zombie ?

The program source code is:

#include "apx.h"
#include "msc.h"

main(int argc, char **argv)
xlong p, x, n;
/* int s;*/

if (argc < 2) return 126;
if (n = 0, !scn_u(&n, argv[1])) return 127;
x = 0;

do {
p = apx_fork();
if (!p) break; /* child */
if (p == -1ul) /* fork error */
if (errno == eagain) (void)apx_poll(NULL, 0ul, 1000ul), --x;
else break;
} while (++x < n);

if (p) if (p + 1) p = 0; else p = errno;
return p;

And remenber, "apx" is just an prefix.


2016-08-11 Thread Friedrich Locke
It does not matter what i do, i cannot fork more than +- 1900/2000 process
on my system. Besides kern.maxproc what else is necessary to fork more
process ?

Thanks in advance.

Some limits in my system:

etosha# sysctl
kern.maxproc: 1310 -> 1

sioux@etosha$ ulimit -a
file(blocks) 2097152
coredump(blocks) 0
data(kbytes) 1048576
memory(kbytes)   1048576
nofiles(descriptors) 128
sioux@etosha$ ulimit -aH
file(blocks) 33554432
coredump(blocks) 32768
data(kbytes) 1048576
memory(kbytes)   1048576
nofiles(descriptors) 256

mac mini

2013-11-20 Thread Friedrich Locke
Does anyone here run Open/FreeBSD on mac mini ?

Does the OS fully supports macmini hadrwared ?

Thank you for the answers.


My CD Set did not arrived.

2014-01-07 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i did order my OpenBSD 5.4 CD Set on 2013/11/02. The people at calgary shop
sent me an email saying my order was shipped on  2013/11/12. Until the
present moment i did not receive any thing yet.

I am writing to the mailing list because none o the email i sent to
shipp...@computershop.ca is answered. I am really desperated about this.

May some one on the list help with the calgary computer shop ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation!

Best regards.


OBSD 5.4 and OpenLDAP

2014-03-06 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks!

I would like to setup a OpenLDAP server using OpenBSD and the ports
I wonder if the current OpenLDAP  in the ports is still broken ?
Do it supports mdb/hdb/bdb ?

Thanks a lot.



2014-03-10 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi Foks!

This is my first time with bioctl and raid in general. I issued the
following comand:

# bioctl -b 1:2.0 mfi0

and the disk started blinking ...

Then i tried :

# bioctl -u 1:2.0 mfi0

It is still blinking.

What was my mistaken ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.


OBSD firewall+carp+vpn

2014-03-10 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

how does carp + vpn integrate in a two server firewall ?
Does carp make vpn redundant  too ?

Thanks in advance.

just installed 5.4

2014-03-10 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i have just installed obsd 5.4 and to my surprise sshd is not built with
support do krb and gssapi!

May some one tell me why ?

Thanks a lot.

sshd/ssh and kerberos heimdal

2014-03-11 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks.

May someone tell me how do i enable gssapi and krb support to sshd/ssh ?

Thanks in advance.

PS: i am running OBSD 5.4

file system and memory limitation

2014-03-15 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i wonder what are the limitations on main memory and file system sizes !

Thanks a lot.



2014-03-16 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i just want to know how to format a partition in OpenBSD for ffs2 ?

May some one help me ?

Thanks a lot


2014-03-17 Thread Friedrich Locke
Good afternoon folks.

I wonder if OBSD supports DELL RAID controller like H710/H310/etc.
I am using OBSD 5.4.

[]s gustavo.

obsd pf

2014-03-17 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks.

I am studying obsd pf and saw there are no more nat rules and rdr rules the
old way.

Now it is nat-to and rdr-to. What is the motivation for "match" rule ?
Time ago, the last match for a filter rule was the winner, for the nat and
rdr the first match is the winner.

And now, what is it the policy ?

Thanks once more.

[] Fried

pf and nat

2014-03-18 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am studying pf and a doubt arose!

Since my state policy if if-bound (set state-policy if-bound) i need two
rules for each traffic i want to pass. Is that understanding right ?

For instance, for nat i could :

pass out on tl0 from dc0:network to any nat-to tl0

pass in on dc0 from dc0:network to any

Is this understanding correct ? Or only the first rule is ok?


large file system

2014-03-22 Thread Friedrich Locke
Is there anyone using openbsd for large file systems ?
For a large file system, nowadays, i mean 16 TB!

Thanks on advance.

high performance systems

2014-04-02 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi list members!

I have just started to learn SDL (software and description language) and i
am learning a new approach to software design. It seems and if software
could be made event oriented it could increase a lot its performance.

The main advantage comes to big software project, like operating systems,
transactional systems, etc 

Do believe an OS could be totally modeled with SDL ? would it be possible
to OpenBSD to benefit from sdl usage ?

Thanks a lot,



2014-04-08 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear list members,

i have just configured my system (yp) to retrive information on groups and
users. It's working 100% ok.

Now, i would like to set some netgroups. How does netgroup works with
ypldap ?



hard times with netgroup and ypldap.

2014-04-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

I have implemented ypldap and it is working quite well. But i am having a
hard time getting netgroups to work locally.

In my user database i have adding the following entry using vipw:


My netgroup file is:

we (,grios,mojave)

When i issue a finger command, it works well:

obsd# finger grios
Login: griosName: Gustavo Rios
Directory: /home/grios  Shell: /bin/ksh
On since Wed Apr  9 08:20 (BRT) on ttyp0 from gustav.cpd.ufv.br
No Mail.
No Plan.

But when i issue a ls command :

sioux@obsd$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 2000   ord  512 Mar 12 08:25 grios
drwxr-xr-x  7 sioux  its  512 Apr  9 07:59 sioux

Take a close look and you will see the owner of grios directory is the
number 2000. (there seems not to have a mapping from uid to login.

But, if i take the netgroup group entry and put, using vipw:

Everything works well :

sioux@obsd$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 grios  ord  512 Mar 12 08:25 grios
drwxr-xr-x  7 sioux  its  512 Apr  9 07:59 sioux

May someone here explain my mistaken ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

ypldap does not map users ( i am desperated)

2014-04-09 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

i am trying to get my ypldap working with a single user entry in passwd
comeing from the ldap directory.

I changed the passwd file (using vipw) and add the following line:


When i issue a "id grios" on command line, i get:

obsd# id grios
uid=2000(grios) gid=2000(ord) groups=2000(ord)

When give a ls in my home directory, the uid of the home directory is not

sioux@obsd$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 2000   ord  512 Mar 12 08:25 grios
drwxr-xr-x  7 sioux  its  512 Apr  9 09:26 sioux

Why does that happen ?

May some explain me my mistaken ?

Best regards.

courier authlib

2014-04-14 Thread Friedrich Locke
Hi folks,

I am trying to get courier authlib installed into my OBSD 5.4 server system.
I am issuing the following commands:

# FLAVOR="no_mysql no_pgsql no_userdb" SUBPACKAGE="-ldap" make build

After the ocmpilation is done, i try to make a package of it:

# FLAVOR="no_mysql no_pgsql no_userdb" SUBPACKAGE="-ldap" make package

I got these errors:

===>  Building package for courier-authlib-0.65.0p1
Create /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/courier-authlib-0.65.0p1.tgz
does not exist
does not exist
Fatal error: can't
 at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1386.
*** Error 1 in .
*** Error 1 in .
*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/mail/courier-authlib
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2388 'package')

May someone give any advice on this regard.

Thanks a lot.

problems trying to install courier-authlib

2014-04-14 Thread Friedrich Locke
I am trying to get courier-auth lib, but i am getting the following error
on package construction:

(It seems to be something related to libauthsqlite*, may some one help me?)

===>  Building package for courier-authlib-0.65.0p1
Create /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/courier-authlib-0.65.0p1.tgz
does not exist
does not exist
Fatal error: can't
 at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1386.
*** Error 1 in .
*** Error 1 in .
*** Error 1 in /usr/ports/mail/courier-authlib
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2388 'package')
obsd# vi
obsd# pwd

Re: CUPS Printing Problem

2009-05-14 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear list members,

i have an USB HP P2055dn laser printer. I have it running on Windows
and OpenSolaris (with solaris it worked by itself, i just boot
openSolaris ant it was there fully funcional).

I would like to have it working with openbsd, is it possible?

Thank in advance.

PS: i have no ideia how OpenSolaris got it working, it just did it.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Jan Stary  wrote:
> On May 13 16:20:30, Duane A. Damiano wrote:
>> I'm new to OpenBSD.  I recently installed 4.5.  It seems to be working
>> well except for this CUPS printing problem.  My printer is an HP DeskJet
>> connected to the parallel port.
>> The CUPS driver is running.  Here's a line from dmesg:
>> lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
>> Here's the OpenBSD lpinfo output:
>> # /usr/local/sbin/lpinfo -v
>> network socket
>> network http
>> network ipp
>> network lpd
>> direct usb:/dev/ulpt0
>> direct usb:/dev/ulpt1
>> #
>> When I boot Debian Lenny on this same computer, I see this:
>> dada...@swing:~$ /usr/sbin/lpinfo -v
>> network socket
>> network beh
>> direct hpfax
>> direct hp
>> network http
>> network ipp
>> network lpd
>> direct parallel:/dev/lp0
>> direct scsi
>> serial serial:/dev/ttyS0?baud=115200
>> dada...@swing:~$
>> With Debian, I use "parallel:/dev/lp0" as the CUPS URI and printing
>> works fine.
>> It seems like the OpenBSD lpinfo output should include a line like
>> "direct parallel:/dev/lpt0", but as you can see, it's not there.  Can
>> someone tell me what's wrong here?  Do I need to install some other
>> package?
> The lpinfo output of the two CUPS installation suggests
> there is a difference between the two CUPS installations.
> Seeing 'direct hp' and 'direct hpfax' in one and not the other
> makes me guess that one of the CUPS installations has an additional
> package installed that allows it to talk to the HP printer in the
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_JetDirect protocol. To do that, you need
> the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript_Printer_Description files,
> which are provided via the print/foomatic* packages.
> (Obviously, postscript and lpd are not good enough for HP.
> They need to have a separate protocol for their printers.)
> Check the 'lpinfo -l' for your printer model, and if not found,
> a good hint could be to look at what the dependencies of the CUPS
> installation that _can_ see it, and install the analogous packages
> for the other CUPS instalation too.
> (For my HP Color LaserJet 260n, I needed the print/foo2zjs package
> providing share/foo2zjs/db/source/PPD/HP-Color_LaserJet_2600n.ppd.gz
> and the /usr/local/bin/foo2hp filter.)
> These PPD fiels and the corresponding filters do the real work
> of talking to the printer. CUPS is just an (overbloated, IMHO)
> administration around that (to call the right filter for the
> right printer etc). The same administration can be done by
> the standard lpd - the install message of foomatic-filters
> contains a working printcap example.

OpenBSD as a storage SAN

2009-06-03 Thread Friedrich Locke
Dear gentleman/madam,

i would like to use openbsd in order to build a SAN solution, i.e.,
one that provides block access to the box's disks.
I want to build a SAN, not a NAS. Is it possible?

Thank in advance.

Re: OpenBSD as a storage SAN

2009-06-03 Thread Friedrich Locke
I am planing this:

With iSCSI i would like to implement on OpenBSD server (target) and
various boxes linux, win and openbsd too, i.e., they (the clients)
would be the initiators.

That simple like that.

So, the question is: Does OBSD support iSCSI (both target and initiator)?

I am really in need of that, may some one help me?

Thanks in advance.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:18 PM, ropers  wrote:
> 2009/6/3 Friedrich Locke :
>> Dear gentleman/madam,
>> i would like to use openbsd in order to build a SAN solution, i.e.,
>> one that provides block access to the box's disks.
>> I want to build a SAN, not a NAS. Is it possible?
>> Thank in advance.
> I'm no expert, and I've never worked with SANs, but since the defining
> characteristic of a SAN is that it makes remote storage devices appear
> locally attached to the OS, let me ask:
> Do you want remote storage devices appear locally attached to other
> OpenBSD servers, or to what kind of server?
> Granted, depending on the protocol used/design of your SAN it may not
> matter much, as things like SCSI, ATA over Ethernet, etc. ought to be
> OS-agnostic, but still I'm curious, and sort of trying to understand
> where you're going with this.
> Also --and I apologize if this is too trivial-- if I were asked to
> implement a SAN, I would first of all try to be specific and see what
> protocol would be required, or, if I were able/expected to build a new
> SAN from scratch and choose a protocol/decide how to implement it
> myself, then I'd try to figure out what makes the short list, and in
> this case, if any of those programs/drivers are available for, or can
> be ported to OpenBSD. I'd e.g. look at this list:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storage_area_network#Network_types
> and google for those technologies in the misc archives (haven't done
> this, but I'm not the one gunning for a SAN).
> So precisely what SAN technologies/software/hardware are you trying to
> use with OpenBSD?
> For what it's worth, the opposite --accessing an existing SAN from
> OpenBSD-- seems to have been discussed in the past:
> http://marc.info/?t=12351424634&r=1&w=2
> regards,
> --ropers

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