[MlMt] Sent Messages - Sub folders?

2024-01-08 Thread devynosborne


I am brand-new to MailMate (and loving it!). Please excuse this beginner 
question. I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an answer.

I have two Gmail accounts set up so far. In one, under Sent Messages, 
what appear to be subfolders have appeared. I don’t know how or why 
these were created. I don’t have the sub folders preference selected 
in General preferences.

![](cid:D9A9E894-59C6-4D1F-9626-02CEE13ECC0B@gmail.com "2024-01-08 - 
AM-11-59-23 - screenshot.jpg")

What are these and how can I get rid of them? A lot of the options for 
them (such as delete) are greyed out.

Thanks for the help!


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Sent Messages - Sub folders?

2024-01-08 Thread devynosborne
Thanks! I didn’t know about that setting interface. That did the trick!

On 8 Jan 2024, at 12:07, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I am brand-new to MailMate (and loving it!). Please excuse this beginner 
> question. I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an answer.
> I have two Gmail accounts set up so far. In one, under Sent Messages, what 
> appear to be subfolders have appeared. I don’t know how or why these were 
> created. I don’t have the sub folders preference selected in General 
> preferences.
> [ "2024-01-08 - AM-11-59-23 - screenshot.jpg" ]
> What are these and how can I get rid of them? A lot of the options for them 
> (such as delete) are greyed out.
> Thanks for the help!
> Devyn
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-10 Thread devynosborne


MaiMate newbie here again, this time with a question about the 
to store a sent message with the message to which it is a reply. I’m a 
little uncertain if this will do what I want, without adverse affects 
that I haven’t considered.

Basically, I always want to see the total thread, no matter how I get to 
the individual message.

As it is now, in my initial poking around MM, the messages in threads 
are mostly shown separately (eg, in Inbox and Sent Messages). The only 
place I see a complete thread is in All Messages. In my day-to-day, if I 
look in my Inbox or even Sent, I want to see the thread, so 1) I know 
that I did reply, 2) I can refer to what I and others wrote, and 3) 
easily reply again if I need to pester somebody about my last unanswered 
reply.  :-)

Is this the right setting?

What is the argument to *not* use this? I guess I’m so used to 
organizing by thread (which I have turned on in MM), it’s hard for me 
to imagine emails otherwise.

I’m also unclear about the address completion setting. Does that just 
mean that MM may not have access to all previously used addresses in 
order to suggest them again? I don’t think that’s so critical, as I 
mostly email people in my Contacts.

Last, I’m also unclear on this setting:
The same can be done with the following preference which completely 
changes what is shown in the “Sent Messages” standard mailbox. 
This is convenient if sent messages are not kept in dedicated 

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSentMailbox -string 

The value given should be the UUID of a mailbox. The UUID can be 
copied to the pasteboard using “Edit ▸ Copy” after selecting a 

I guess I use what’s called the “Sent Messages” standard mailbox. 
That seems to me to be a dedicated mailbox, unless that means a Sent 
mailbox that I have created? I don’t think I understand ‘“Sent 
Messages” standard mailbox’ vs ‘dedicated mailbox’.

If it helps / matters, I don’t really use tags or folders. I mostly 
use Gmail, and do use its Important tag (which I figured out how to map 
properly in MM), but otherwise don’t tag or reorganize emails.

I appreciate any guidance and hand holding here!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-11 Thread devynosborne

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the help! I don’t tend to move 
messages, though I do live in threads. It sounds this will get me there.

A few questions occurred to me since writing yesterday:

1. In recent years, I’ve relied heavily on Smart Folders in Apple Mail 
for organization. Will threads appear properly in MM’s Smart Folders?

2. How does this affect Gmail’s organization (or lack thereof)? (I 
mainly use Gmail, though do intend to move more to my custom domain, 
currently hosted with Dreamhost.)

3. Does this help to see threads when searching? As it is now when I 
search for, say, “threads f glenn” it displays your single email 
alone. If I right-click Find Messages > Related to "Threads and Sent 
Messages”, it still shows just your one email. If I right-click Go to 
Source, MM opens a new window, but still shows just your email. Once the 
preference is enabled, would any of these views show this thread? Or is 
there another method that I am missing? Searching is a big part of my 
email experience, and the ability to get to a thread through search is 
pretty critical.



On 10 Jan 2024, at 20:22, Glenn Parker wrote:


I think you and I have similar mail browsing styles. I have enabled 
the preference to store sent messages with their replies, because I 
have a bunch of distinct IMAP folders for various parts of my email 
universe. I want to be able to browse the full set of messages for one 
category, and easily view the full thread of a conversation.

I rarely let messages stay in the Sent folder. Instead, I move them 
manually to the right folder as needed, i.e., when they are initiating 
a new thread.

In my experience, there’s no real downside. You may want to adjust 
how your auto-completion works by creating a new smart folder that 
contains all the messages you have sent. Using that folder in the 
Preferences under Composer -> Auto-Completion Sources -> Recipient 
Headers will give you the same (actually better, IMHO) functionality 
than the default configuration.

On 10 Jan 2024, at 14:41, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:


MaiMate newbie here again, this time with a question about the 
to store a sent message with the message to which it is a reply. 
I’m a little uncertain if this will do what I want, without adverse 
affects that I haven’t considered.

Basically, I always want to see the total thread, no matter how I get 
to the individual message.

As it is now, in my initial poking around MM, the messages in threads 
are mostly shown separately (eg, in Inbox and Sent Messages). The 
only place I see a complete thread is in All Messages. In my 
day-to-day, if I look in my Inbox or even Sent, I want to see the 
thread, so 1) I know that I did reply, 2) I can refer to what I and 
others wrote, and 3) easily reply again if I need to pester somebody 
about my last unanswered reply.  :-)

Is this the right setting?

What is the argument to *not* use this? I guess I’m so used to 
organizing by thread (which I have turned on in MM), it’s hard for 
me to imagine emails otherwise.

I’m also unclear about the address completion setting. Does that 
just mean that MM may not have access to all previously used 
addresses in order to suggest them again? I don’t think that’s so 
critical, as I mostly email people in my Contacts.

Last, I’m also unclear on this setting:
The same can be done with the following preference which completely 
changes what is shown in the “Sent Messages” standard mailbox. 
This is convenient if sent messages are not kept in dedicated 

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSentMailbox -string 

The value given should be the UUID of a mailbox. The UUID can be 
copied to the pasteboard using “Edit ▸ Copy” after selecting a 

I guess I use what’s called the “Sent Messages” standard 
mailbox. That seems to me to be a dedicated mailbox, unless that 
means a Sent mailbox that I have created? I don’t think I 
understand ‘“Sent Messages” standard mailbox’ vs ‘dedicated 

If it helps / matters, I don’t really use tags or folders. I mostly 
use Gmail, and do use its Important tag (which I figured out how to 
map properly in MM), but otherwise don’t tag or reorganize emails.

I appreciate any guidance and hand holding here!

mailmate mailing list

Glenn P. Parker
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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
Upon further searching and reading through the archives, I think my 
question is actually more related to how MM handles threads in general, 
especially from the point of view of someone coming to it from years of 
Gmail and Apple Mail. [This 
gets at my questions.

It sounds like “group threading” and (possibly) “conversation 
view” are on the list to implement, but haven’t been yet. I can only 
guess how complicated they are to incorporate.

I did find 
for creating Smart Mailboxes that show threads together, including the 
included example Smart Mailbox “Personal Inbox with Threads”. I also 
finally saw the Threads tool, that brings up an email’s thread.

Are those the best ways to get the most consistent views of threads?

I also found some custom views. Does anyone know if these still work? 
They’re about nine and ten years old, respectively, so I imagine they 
may not.

[Better threaded 
from Max Andersen

[combination of conversation and thread arc 
from MaxMasnik

If there are other views or preferences I’m missing, please share.

(And, I’m still curious about how people use email *without* 
comprehensive views by thread. Though, after years of viewing emails in 
the context of their conversations, I find it hard to imagine not doing 

Much appreciated!


On 11 Jan 2024, at 9:26, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the help! I don’t tend to move 
messages, though I do live in threads. It sounds this will get me 

A few questions occurred to me since writing yesterday:

1. In recent years, I’ve relied heavily on Smart Folders in Apple 
Mail for organization. Will threads appear properly in MM’s Smart 

2. How does this affect Gmail’s organization (or lack thereof)? (I 
mainly use Gmail, though do intend to move more to my custom domain, 
currently hosted with Dreamhost.)

3. Does this help to see threads when searching? As it is now when I 
search for, say, “threads f glenn” it displays your single email 
alone. If I right-click Find Messages > Related to "Threads and Sent 
Messages”, it still shows just your one email. If I right-click Go 
to Source, MM opens a new window, but still shows just your email. 
Once the preference is enabled, would any of these views show this 
thread? Or is there another method that I am missing? Searching is a 
big part of my email experience, and the ability to get to a thread 
through search is pretty critical.



On 10 Jan 2024, at 20:22, Glenn Parker wrote:


I think you and I have similar mail browsing styles. I have enabled 
the preference to store sent messages with their replies, because I 
have a bunch of distinct IMAP folders for various parts of my email 
universe. I want to be able to browse the full set of messages for 
one category, and easily view the full thread of a conversation.

I rarely let messages stay in the Sent folder. Instead, I move them 
manually to the right folder as needed, i.e., when they are 
initiating a new thread.

In my experience, there’s no real downside. You may want to adjust 
how your auto-completion works by creating a new smart folder that 
contains all the messages you have sent. Using that folder in the 
Preferences under Composer -> Auto-Completion Sources -> Recipient 
Headers will give you the same (actually better, IMHO) functionality 
than the default configuration.

On 10 Jan 2024, at 14:41, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:


MaiMate newbie here again, this time with a question about the 
to store a sent message with the message to which it is a reply. 
I’m a little uncertain if this will do what I want, without 
adverse affects that I haven’t considered.

Basically, I always want to see the total thread, no matter how I 
get to the individual message.

As it is now, in my initial poking around MM, the messages in 
threads are mostly shown separately (eg, in Inbox and Sent 
Messages). The only place I see a complete thread is in All 
Messages. In my day-to-day, if I look in my Inbox or even Sent, I 
want to see the thread, so 1) I know that I did reply, 2) I can 
refer to what I and others wrote, and 3) easily reply again if I 
need to pester somebody about my last unanswered reply.  :-)

Is this the right setting?

What is the argument to *not* use this? I guess I’m so used to 
organizing by thread (which I have turned on in MM), it’s hard 

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne

Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

I think, for me, that could work as long as I knew what I was looking 
for. Often, though, I’m revisiting an old conversation to see where we 
left off, who’s court the ball is in, or how much I need to pester 
someone.  ;-)  A lot of what I do is staying on top of other people 
and/or following up, and seeing the whole view of a conversation is very 

Thanks for the tip re: clicking on header lines. I think that might come 
in handy.

And thanks again for sharing how you work; it helps inform my use 
(especially as long as I’m shifting email clients). I even read [this 
review](https://tyler.io/2020/04/additional-mailmate-tips/) in which he 
says MM broke him of his habit of looking in threaded views.  :-)

On 15 Jan 2024, at 12:22, John Doherty wrote:

Well, I'm someone who doesn't care about "conversation view," so I 
guess I can try to explain why not. I do know other people who care 
about it a lot.

I do frequently refer to old (sometimes very old) email messages for 
all sorts of reasons. I just search. MailMate has what I think are 
really great search features and I can usually find what I'm looking 
for pretty fast and easily.

Usually all I need is the search box in the upper right of the viewer 
window. Sometimes I need to further filter with additional search 
criteria. Sometimes I make a new smart mailbox if I think I'll want to 
refer to the messages again in a few hours or days.

I also use the MailMate feature of clicking on "From:", "Subject:", 
"To:" lines in the message header pane a lot to find other similar 

That's it, I just search. It works really well for me. I don't care 
about threads or conversation view. I don't even usually have 
"Organize by Thread" turned on.

I think this is mostly a "different strokes" kind of thing.

On Mon 2024-01-15 12:25 PM MST -0700,  wrote:

(And, I’m still curious about how people use email *without* 
comprehensive views by thread. Though, after years of viewing emails 
in the context of their conversations, I find it hard to imagine not 
doing so.)

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne

That’s a good point.

I saw a lot of mention throughout the archives of the chronological 
issue, which I understand will be solved with the newer version of 
threading, still to be implemented.

On 15 Jan 2024, at 12:46, Jo wrote:

The conversation threads drive me crazy - first, I hate clicking to 
open the thread to get to the most recent, but mostly I just want the 
newest emails to be on top. I have a lot of filters set up to route 
things into folders (mostly by senders or groups of senders), so I can 
find my conversations that way, I guess.

Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

I think, for me, that could work as long as I knew what I was looking 
for. Often, though, I’m revisiting an old conversation to see where 
we left off, who’s court the ball is in, or how much I need to 
pester someone.  ;-)  A lot of what I do is staying on top of other 
people and/or following up, and seeing the whole view of a 
conversation is very helpful.

Thanks for the tip re: clicking on header lines. I think that might 
come in handy.

And thanks again for sharing how you work; it helps inform my use 
(especially as long as I’m shifting email clients). I even read 
[this review](https://tyler.io/2020/04/additional-mailmate-tips/) in 
which he says MM broke him of his habit of looking in threaded views. 

On 15 Jan 2024, at 12:22, John Doherty wrote:

Well, I'm someone who doesn't care about "conversation view," so I 
guess I can try to explain why not. I do know other people who care 
about it a lot.

I do frequently refer to old (sometimes very old) email messages for 
all sorts of reasons. I just search. MailMate has what I think are 
really great search features and I can usually find what I'm looking 
for pretty fast and easily.

Usually all I need is the search box in the upper right of the 
viewer window. Sometimes I need to further filter with additional 
search criteria. Sometimes I make a new smart mailbox if I think 
I'll want to refer to the messages again in a few hours or days.

I also use the MailMate feature of clicking on "From:", "Subject:", 
"To:" lines in the message header pane a lot to find other similar 

That's it, I just search. It works really well for me. I don't care 
about threads or conversation view. I don't even usually have 
"Organize by Thread" turned on.

I think this is mostly a "different strokes" kind of thing.

On Mon 2024-01-15 12:25 PM MST -0700,  

(And, I’m still curious about how people use email *without* 
comprehensive views by thread. Though, after years of viewing 
emails in the context of their conversations, I find it hard to 
imagine not doing so.)

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me.

~~ Sting ~~

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Threads and Sent Messages

2024-01-15 Thread devynosborne
On 15 Jan 2024, at 13:29, John Doherty wrote:

> MailMate has *so many* great features that I hesitate to rank them.

So I’m learning!

I’ve been using it about a week, but every day I’ve found another good feature 
or trick. It really is much better than any other program (and I think I’ve 
tried them all, at this point).

I’m just trying to wrap my head around threads. I hope it’s not coming off 

(I also appreciate the generous trial period. Other programs give you just a 
week - or less! - which is really not sufficient to evaluate an email program, 
or any program really.)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Gmail tag syncing

2024-02-02 Thread devynosborne
Hello all,

Does MM sync tags/labels with Gmail after the first download? That doesn’t seem 
to be happening for me, though I could be missing something easy!

For example, today I received an email which Gmail erroneously tagged/labelled 
as Important. MM downloaded it. I then went to Gmail in Safari and untagged the 
message (I used Safari out of habit, though I guess I could do this within MM). 
However, after sync, MM still shows the email with the Important tag.

I have the Important tag properly set up / synced within MM, per the 
instructions, though again, could be missing something.

Should I use MM to untag? Would that help? I occasionally need to use Gmail to 
do so, for example, on my phone (though I also just started testing Preside on 

Thanks for any help!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Gmail tag syncing

2024-02-02 Thread devynosborne
Hm, I take that back. At some point today, the tag removal was properly synced. 
It just didn’t do it right away, even after a manual sync. Maybe it waited for 
some sort of mailbox refresh?

On 2 Feb 2024, at 12:10, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does MM sync tags/labels with Gmail after the first download? That doesn’t 
> seem to be happening for me, though I could be missing something easy!
> For example, today I received an email which Gmail erroneously 
> tagged/labelled as Important. MM downloaded it. I then went to Gmail in 
> Safari and untagged the message (I used Safari out of habit, though I guess I 
> could do this within MM). However, after sync, MM still shows the email with 
> the Important tag.
> I have the Important tag properly set up / synced within MM, per the 
> instructions, though again, could be missing something.
> Should I use MM to untag? Would that help? I occasionally need to use Gmail 
> to do so, for example, on my phone (though I also just started testing 
> Preside on iOS).
> Thanks for any help!
> Devyn
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Move default mailboxes into custom "folder"?

2024-02-19 Thread devynosborne

Hi All,

I’ve figured how to create a “folder” for my custom smart 
mailboxes via [this message from the 
(Folder is in quotes, as it’s really a mailbox with no settings.)

I’d like to also place the default and included mailboxes - Inbox, 
Drafts, Sent Messages, Examples - as well as their own “folders” 
into my own custom parent “folder”. I simply want to clean up the 
sidebar to only show my own smart mailboxes along with one “folder” 
of everything else. Like this:

—Smart Mailbox 01
—Smart Mailbox 02
—Smart Mailbox 03
—All other mailboxes
——All Messages
———Account 01
———Account 02
———Account 03
———Account 01
———Account 02
———Account 03

(or any combination of folder and hierarchy I might find useful in the 

My question is: Is it okay to “move” the default mailboxes like 
this? I assume it is, but just want to be sure!

mailmate mailing list