[MlMt] personal inbox and stupid me.

2013-04-04 Thread Zvi Biener

Dear MM users,
Through astounding stupidity on my part, I deleted the "Personal Inbox" 
and "Personal Inbox w/ Treads" mailboxes that come in the "Examples" 
mailbox folder. Can one of you remind me what conditions define those 
mailboxes? I actually used them, and well… astounding stupidity.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] personal inbox and stupid me.

2013-04-04 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, I think I can parse the filter specifications from there…

On 4 Apr 2013, at 11:23, Steve Mayer wrote:


Here are the relevant entries from the ~/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist file:

{filter = "#recipient.address = 
 name = "Personal Inbox";
 parentUUID = "8A3C0ECE-DCC5-4640-B51F-0698260C3C8C";
 set = "INBOX";
 {   filter = "#thread-id =[c] 

 name = "Personal Inbox with Threads";
 parentUUID = "8A3C0ECE-DCC5-4640-B51F-0698260C3C8C";
 set = "ALL_MESSAGES";
 uuid = "5598EB88-0929-4E6C-A6FC-E234600C1A5D";

Hope it helps.


Steve Mayer

On 4 Apr 2013, at 7:24, Zvi Biener wrote:

Dear MM users,
Through astounding stupidity on my part, I deleted the "Personal 
Inbox" and "Personal Inbox w/ Treads" mailboxes that come in the 
"Examples" mailbox folder. Can one of you remind me what conditions 
define those mailboxes? I actually used them, and well…

astounding stupidity.

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Re: [MlMt] personal inbox and stupid me.

2013-04-04 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, everyone. Mailboxes successfully reconstructed.

On 4 Apr 2013, at 12:03, Bill Cole wrote:

On 4 Apr 2013, at 10:24, Zvi Biener wrote:

Dear MM users,
Through astounding stupidity on my part, I deleted the "Personal 
Inbox" and "Personal Inbox w/ Treads" mailboxes that come in the 
"Examples" mailbox folder. Can one of you remind me what conditions 
define those mailboxes? I actually used them, and well… astounding 

The definitions in ~Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist that Steve Mayer are user-specific 
instances derived from the canonical definitions in 
MailMate.app/Contents/Resources/defaultMailboxes.plist, which has all 
of the pristine definitions should you ever need them, including:

name = 'Personal Inbox';
set = 'INBOX';
filter = '#recipient.address = $SENT.from.address';

That's messages from the aggregated Inbox where a Recipient->Address 
is in the From->Address value set of the aggregated Sent Messages 

name = 'Personal Inbox with Threads';
filter = '#thread-id =[c] $PERSONAL_INBOX.#thread-id';

That's messages from the All Messages aggregate where the Thread-Id is 
in the Thread-Id value set of the Personal Inbox.

If need to fix major damage to your smart mailbox collection or tweak 
things that MM can't (e.g. partitioning) you can edit Mailboxes.plist 
by hand with MM shut down, but it is probably best to create the 
skeleton of folders and sub-mailboxes in MM to assure that the various 
uuid fields that define the

structure are correct.
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[MlMt] copy/paste html links

2022-09-15 Thread Zvi Biener
Hi All,

I wonder if you would share your various methods for pasting html links into 
MailMate? I’m envisioning the following scenario: you want to cut and paste a 
link from a webpage whose text is “XYX”. However, pasting into MailMate results 
in the plain-text phrase “XYX” without the link. Right now, I just add the link 
manually. But do you all have better methods?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] copy/paste html links

2022-09-15 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
There are two issues here, which I’m sorry I wasn’t sufficiently 
clear on:

1. There is pasting a text string that begins with “http://“. For 
me, this indeed turns in to a full-fledged link automatically. I think 
this is the sort of thing that Sam is talking about.

2. There is pasting a text string that doesn’t start with 
“http://“, but that is a hyperlink. ([Like 
this](https://www.google.com/?client=safari)). Cutting and pasting this 
sort of thing doesn’t yield a hyperlink for me, it just yields the 
text “Like this”).

The second one is what I’m curious about. Right now, I think I do 
something like Zak, which is to construct the appropriate 
markdown-formatted link. (I have an Alfred workflow that makes it very 
easy, I just wondered if there are other ideas out there. Happy to share 
the workflow w/ anyone interested).


On 15 Sep 2022, at 11:29, aisrael wrote:

In my hands I don’t get a hyperlink in MS Word until I press Space 
once. In Mailmate, with Markup set to Markdown, for whatever reason I 
get an hyperlink right away. As it always behaved that way, I never 
investigated why. Sorry not to be of more help.


On 15 Sep 2022, at 17:24, Sam Birch wrote:

On 15 Sep 2022, at 5:06, aisrael wrote:

In my hands, it pastes directly  as a link (version 5898, on Big 

How’d you manage that? I’d love to have that behavior.

When pasting into Microsoft Word, I get a hyperlink, so I know the 
data makes it to the pasteboard. But pasting into a MailMate composer 
(with Markup set to Markdown) gives me plain text.

I’m using MailMate 5902 on macOS 12.5. I tried selecting and 
copying the “More information…” link from 
  using both Firefox and Safari. Used ⌘C to copy from the browsers 
and ⌘V to paste to MailMate.

Thanks for any advice you can provide.
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Re: [MlMt] copy/paste html links

2022-09-15 Thread Zvi Biener
A-ha! Thanks. The key is to use the “Copy link” right-click option 
on any link. That does it, but ‘regular’ cut and paste does not.


On 15 Sep 2022, at 13:17, aisrael wrote:

I tried to copy (using a right click gives me the option Copy link) 
and paste your hyperlinked (Like this), an I get the (Like this) text 
followed by the corresponding hyperlink.


On 15 Sep 2022, at 18:26, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,
There are two issues here, which I’m sorry I wasn’t sufficiently 
clear on:

1.  There is pasting a text string that begins with “http://“. For 
me, this indeed turns in to a full-fledged link automatically. I think 
this is the sort of thing that Sam is talking about.

2.  There is pasting a text string that doesn’t start with 
“http://“, but that is a hyperlink. (Like this). Cutting and 
pasting this sort of thing doesn’t yield a hyperlink for me, it just 
yields the text “Like this”).

The second one is what I’m curious about. Right now, I think I do 
something like Zak, which is to construct the appropriate 
markdown-formatted link. (I have an Alfred workflow that makes it very 
easy, I just wondered if there are other ideas out there. Happy to 
share the workflow w/ anyone interested).


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Re: [MlMt] copy/paste html links

2022-09-16 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks, Henry. That’s useful too. With a feature-rich program like MM, 
little touches like that are easy to overlook!

In case it helps anyone else, I’ve attached an Alfred related 
workflow. It will take what text you’ve highlighted (say, in MailMate) 
and create a markdown link with the last http item in your Alfred 
cut/paste buffer. So, it will replace the highlighted text with 
[highlighted text](last_http_address_in_the_buffer). It is called with 
the phrase “mdlink”

This is based on a workflow that I found somewhere. Apologies to whoever 
originally created it, they deserve credit, but I don’t know who they 


On 15 Sep 2022, at 16:35, Henry Seiden wrote:

I copy the link and use ⌘K on MailMate for that after copying the 
link in a browser, no pasting.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 15 Sep 2022, at 16:02, Zvi Biener wrote:

A-ha! Thanks. The key is to use the “Copy link” right-click 
option on any link. That does it, but ‘regular’ cut and paste 
does not.


On 15 Sep 2022, at 13:17, aisrael wrote:

I tried to copy (using a right click gives me the option Copy link) 
and paste your hyperlinked (Like this), an I get the (Like this) 
text followed by the corresponding hyperlink.


On 15 Sep 2022, at 18:26, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,
There are two issues here, which I’m sorry I wasn’t sufficiently 
clear on:

1.  There is pasting a text string that begins with “http://“. 
For me, this indeed turns in to a full-fledged link automatically. I 
think this is the sort of thing that Sam is talking about.

2.  There is pasting a text string that doesn’t start with 
“http://“, but that is a hyperlink. (Like this). Cutting and 
pasting this sort of thing doesn’t yield a hyperlink for me, it 
just yields the text “Like this”).

The second one is what I’m curious about. Right now, I think I do 
something like Zak, which is to construct the appropriate 
markdown-formatted link. (I have an Alfred workflow that makes it 
very easy, I just wondered if there are other ideas out there. Happy 
to share the workflow w/ anyone interested).


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Markdown Link.alfredworkflow
Description: Binary data
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[MlMt] Condition for Last-in-Thread

2022-12-06 Thread Zvi Biener
Hi All,

I’d like to create a smart mailbox that keeps track (more-or-less) of emails 
that I’m expecting a reply to, but have not received one.

To this end, I’d like to create a condition that picks out the last message of 
any threads in, say, 10 days. Does anyone know how to do this with mailbox 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Condition for Last-in-Thread

2022-12-06 Thread Zvi Biener
Please ignore below. I figured it out using a helper mailbox and the 
in-reply-to field.

On 6 Dec 2022, at 11:07, Zvi Biener wrote:

> Hi All,
> I’d like to create a smart mailbox that keeps track (more-or-less) of emails 
> that I’m expecting a reply to, but have not received one.
> To this end, I’d like to create a condition that picks out the last message 
> of any threads in, say, 10 days. Does anyone know how to do this with mailbox 
> conditions?
> Thanks,
> Zvi
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Condition for Last-in-Thread

2022-12-06 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, All.

I have a similar but slightly different solution.

I think Marc’s solution will show all messages related to recent 

I want only the last message. I tried Alain solution for a while 
(tagging outgoing messages that require a response), but I couldn’t 
get my muscle memory used to tagging outgoing mail. Instead, I just have 
a mailbox with messages that are sent by me and are last in their 
thread. I think Alain’s solution is the only one that can weed out 
messages that require no responses (e.g., a mere “Thanks” email), 
but my solution is close enough for me (given that I can’t get used to 

Here’s what I did.

I have one smart mailbox called “All Sent Mail”. It includes 
everything sent by me. It is different from the normal “Sent 
Messages” mailbox because I use MM to auto-move my replies into the 
mailbox of the message they are replies to. The “All Sent Mail” 
smart mailbox catches all messages I’ve sent, regardless of their 

Another smart mailbox is called “All Received Mail”. This is all 
email that is not initiated by me.

The third mailbox takes “All Sent Mail” as the input mailbox. It has 
the following conditions:

+ Message is not replied

+ Message-id is not in “All Received Mail” References. [In human: if 
some received message already references a message that I wrote, that 
message should be excluded].

+ A time condition

The “Message is not replied” is necessary, I think, in cases where 
thread split. I’m not sure about this, try for yourself.



On 6 Dec 2022, at 12:07, Marc ARC wrote:

What I forgot to mention . . .

The mails will remain in SMB_1 unless you define that SMB_1 only 
should contain mails in your Inbox.

So as soon as you answered and archive the mail which you responded 
to, SMB_1 ( and subsequent SMB_2 ) will only show what you will have 
to handle.

We use this kind of Conditions on our Sources, so that they show only 
what we have to respond to ( of course you will need to archive ).

Since we also want to archive only the incoming mails ( and keep our 
respons in the Sent Messages ), we add following Rule on our Archive 

All the following are true
From >>Identity exists
Move to Mailbox Sent Messages

Hopes this helps


On 6 Dec 2022, at 17:56, Marc ARC wrote:

Hello Zvi,

You create a Smart Mailbox [SMB_1] and set in the Conditions Date is 
within X days.

I would recommend that you create a second [SMB_2] where you set the 
conditions as follows:

Any of the following are true
Thread-Id is in [SMB 1] Thread–Id
References is in [SMB_1] Thred-Id

SMB_2 will then show all the mails/threads related to the mails which 
are SMB_1 ( ex also the possible reply )

Have fun !


On 6 Dec 2022, at 17:07, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,

I’d like to create a smart mailbox that keeps track (more-or-less) 
of emails that I’m expecting a reply to, but have not received 

To this end, I’d like to create a condition that picks out the 
last message of any threads in, say, 10 days. Does anyone know how 
to do this with mailbox conditions?

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Re: [MlMt] Recreating an old workflow in MailMate[Mailing Lists]

2022-12-09 Thread Zvi Biener
This is my solution. Honestly, I implemented this two days ago, so I 
can’t tell you how flawlessly it works, but it has worked ok for 48 

1. I have several smart mailboxes defined for mailinglists. Each smart 
mailbox uses conditions like “From:”, “To:”, and “Subject:” 
depending on how the mailing list works. (As Henry says, not all mailig 
lists play nice with the appropriate headers, so this is the only way to 
get around that, as far as I know).

2. I have a rule in my inbox that says: if  is in 
 , then archive the message.

So when a message arrives, the smart mailbox should match it, and then 
the rule should move it out of the inbox. It will still show as unread 
in the smart mailbox.

Previously, I had a converse of this system:

1. A rule on the inbox that matched various “From:”, “To:”, and 
“Subject:” fields, then tagged the message with the keyword 
“ListServ” and archived it.

2. A smart mailbox that matched the keyword “ListServ”.


On 9 Dec 2022, at 11:07, Henry Seiden wrote:


I think you mean Inbox in MM terminology. But yes, I agree that mail 
stays where it is, same philosophy as all source mail locations in MM.

As to the other point about the decision to treat Mailing List items, 
it’s all about the header info in MM. The categorization as to 
whether an item is a mailing list item, depends on the header 
characterization of the item itself. So if the header is categorized 
(by the sender) as a mailing list item as that it will appear in the 
MM defined category. If you disagree with that philosophy, then you 
are free to establish your own conditions/rules as to what is 
categorized and make a set of smart mailboxes of your own.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 9 Dec 2022, at 10:44, Zac Belado wrote:

Typically what I used to do with a mailing list was have a folder 
that I moved messages to when a mailing list message came in. Now I 
know that MailMate has its own Mailing Lists dropdown but I have two 
problems with it

1.  It creates lists for anything that it thinks is a mailing list 
including a series of receipts I have from an electronics store I 
shop at
2.  It doesn’t remove the message from the mailbox when it 

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Re: [MlMt] Recreating an old workflow in MailMate[Mailing Lists]

2022-12-09 Thread Zvi Biener

Just one more note.

I noticed that sometimes my inbox rules do not get automatically 
applied. I can’t figure out the conditions, although I’m pretty 
certain that a sufficient (but not necessary) condition is that another 
email program (say, on my phone) has retrived the messages before MM 
has. It doesn’t make much sense to me, but there it is. And, again, 
this isn’t necessary.

The solution is easy, just run the rules (there is a key shortcut), move 
away from the inbox, and then back to the inbox. (MM will not 
‘disappear’ the messages from under you, it waits until you revisit 
the mailbox). You can make a keybinding for this, which makes it very 

I would be interested to know if anyone else has seen this behavior with 
rules, and if you can tell under what conditions it happens.


 A flaw to the first system below that the second system didn’t have: 
when a message arrives in the Inbox, sometimes the rules

On 9 Dec 2022, at 11:28, Zvi Biener wrote:

This is my solution. Honestly, I implemented this two days ago, so I 
can’t tell you how flawlessly it works, but it has worked ok for 48 

1. I have several smart mailboxes defined for mailinglists. Each smart 
mailbox uses conditions like “From:”, “To:”, and 
“Subject:” depending on how the mailing list works. (As Henry 
says, not all mailig lists play nice with the appropriate headers, so 
this is the only way to get around that, as far as I know).

2. I have a rule in my inbox that says: if  is in 
 , then archive the message.

So when a message arrives, the smart mailbox should match it, and then 
the rule should move it out of the inbox. It will still show as unread 
in the smart mailbox.

Previously, I had a converse of this system:

1. A rule on the inbox that matched various “From:”, “To:”, 
and “Subject:” fields, then tagged the message with the keyword 
“ListServ” and archived it.

2. A smart mailbox that matched the keyword “ListServ”.


On 9 Dec 2022, at 11:07, Henry Seiden wrote:


I think you mean Inbox in MM terminology. But yes, I agree that mail 
stays where it is, same philosophy as all source mail locations in 

As to the other point about the decision to treat Mailing List items, 
it’s all about the header info in MM. The categorization as to 
whether an item is a mailing list item, depends on the header 
characterization of the item itself. So if the header is categorized 
(by the sender) as a mailing list item as that it will appear in the 
MM defined category. If you disagree with that philosophy, then you 
are free to establish your own conditions/rules as to what is 
categorized and make a set of smart mailboxes of your own.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 9 Dec 2022, at 10:44, Zac Belado wrote:

Typically what I used to do with a mailing list was have a folder 
that I moved messages to when a mailing list message came in. Now I 
know that MailMate has its own Mailing Lists dropdown but I have two 
problems with it

1.  It creates lists for anything that it thinks is a mailing list 
including a series of receipts I have from an electronics store I 
shop at
2.  It doesn’t remove the message from the mailbox when it 

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[MlMt] MM + Davmail = Duplicates in Trash. Ideas?

2023-01-17 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
After reading about davmail many times on this list, I decided to try 
it. Love it. The server version is robust and having MM tags finally 
show up in Exchange is great.

But… I noticed that when I delete an email in MM, two copies of it 
appear in the Exchange Trash folder (both in MM and in Outlook). They 
have completely identical headers.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

JIC, I’m providing my davmail configuration below (w/ OAUTH stuff 


# DavMail settings, see http://davmail.sourceforge.net/ for 

# Basic settings

# Server or workstation mode
# connection mode auto, EWS or WebDav or O365Manual or O365Interactive
# base Exchange OWA or EWS url

# Listener ports


# Network settings

# Network proxy settings

# proxy exclude list

# allow remote connection to DavMail
# bind server sockets to a specific address
# client connection timeout in seconds - default 300, 0 to disable

# DavMail listeners SSL configuration

# Accept specified certificate even if invalid according to trust store

# disable SSL for specified listeners

# disable update check

# Send keepalive character during large folder and messages download
# Message count limit on folder retrieval
# Default windows domain for NTLM and basic authentication

# Caldav settings

# override default alarm sound
# retrieve calendar events not older than 90 days
# EWS only: enable server managed meeting notifications
# WebDav only: force event update to trigger ActiveSync clients update

# IMAP settings

# Delete messages immediately on IMAP STORE \Deleted flag
# To enable IDLE support, set a maximum client polling delay in minutes
# Clients using IDLE should poll more frequently than this delay
# Always reply to IMAP RFC822.SIZE requests with Exchange approximate 
message size for performance reasons


# POP settings

# Delete messages on server after 30 days
# Delete messages in server sent folder after 90 days
# Mark retrieved messages read on server

# SMTP settings

# let Exchange save a copy of sent messages in Sent folder

# Loggings settings

# log file path, leave empty for default path
# maximum log file size, use Log4J syntax, set to 0 to use an external 
rotation mechanism, e.g. logrotate

# log levels

# Workstation only settings

# smartcard access settings

# SSL settings for mutual authentication

# disable all balloon notifications
# disable tray icon color switch on activity
# disable startup balloon notifications

# enable transparent client Kerberos authentication
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MM + Davmail = Duplicates in Trash. Ideas?

2023-02-03 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the response. Just FYI, in the meantime, I’ve determined 
that the issue has to do with the size of the folder to which a message 
is moved. I haven’t bothered to determine the exact threshold, but the 
issue happens with extremely large mailboxes (~50K). Haven’t gotten to 
the underlying cause. I will post here it if gets resolved, but at least 
there is a workaround available: smaller mailboxes.


On 3 Feb 2023, at 10:33, Mike Brasch wrote:

Moin Zvi,

On 18 Jan 2023, at 3:42, Zvi Biener wrote:

After reading about davmail many times on this list, I decided to try 
it. Love it. The server version is robust and having MM tags finally 
show up in Exchange is great.

Yes. DavMail is a great tool. My livesaver. Especially since I can 
also use the function accounts via it and now have to use Outlook or 
Em Client anymore. :)

But… I noticed that when I delete an email in MM, two copies of it 
appear in the Exchange Trash folder (both in MM and in Outlook). They 
have completely identical headers.

I use DavMail (v6.0.1, server mode) to access the company exchange. I 
do not get any doubles in the trash when deleting.

I cannot see any relevant differences to my DavMail configuration. 
There don't seem to be any suitable hidden options with MailMate 
either. Perhaps there are server-side settings regarding the deletion 

Viele Grüße
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Re: [MlMt] Save Attachments… – Exclude smallest files

2023-02-25 Thread Zvi Biener
A suggestion for a workaround: If you always save these files to the 
same folder (or subfolders of the same folder), you can create a 
workaround by using Hazel, which will watch folders for files that meet 
whatever conditions you specify. MM can save all attachments, and then 
Hazel will remove files smaller than x (or whatever condition you like). 
(You can create this using other methods too, but Hazel is very easy, 
robust, and flexible).


On 25 Feb 2023, at 6:21, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

A function I use regularly is the possibility to save all attachments 
of a message externally in one step (Com-Opt-Shift-A). However, this 
really saves all attachments, including the smallest graphics (mostly 
company logos) and encryption signatures.

Is there a way to exclude or limit these? Perhaps also in relation to 
certain file types, maybe determined by suffix or by size, such as 
<10kb, since logos and signatures typically only have a few KB?

Ideally, there should be an extended short cut (e.g. 
Com-Opt-Ctrl-Shift-A), where you can define which attachments are to 
be omitted.

If this possibility does not yet exist, then I kindly ask Benny to 
understand this as a feature request.



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Re: [MlMt] Save Attachments… – Exclude smallest files

2023-02-26 Thread Zvi Biener
I’m sure you know this, so apologies, but hazel can also dig into a 
folder hierarchy. So as long as the the various customer folders are 
under a single ‘top’ folder, you might be able to come up with 
sufficiently stringent criteria not to weed out other small files…

On 25 Feb 2023, at 11:22, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

Thank you for your suggestion, Zvi! Hazel is one of my favourite apps 
since at least 15 years. However, typically, I need to select 
different folders (customer folders) to save the attachments. Often I 
create new subfolders during the saving process. Will think about to 
save to a „cleaning folder“ (or to setup each new customer folder) 
first and move the files from there to the correct location, if it is 
too difficult in MailMate to achieve the desired result.


On 25 Feb 2023, at 17:07, Zvi Biener wrote:

A suggestion for a workaround: If you always save these files to the 
same folder (or subfolders of the same folder), you can create a 
workaround by using Hazel, which will watch folders for files that 
meet whatever conditions you specify. MM can save all attachments, 
and then Hazel will remove files smaller than x (or whatever 
condition you like). (You can create this using other methods too, 
but Hazel is very easy, robust, and flexible).


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Re: [MlMt] MMt Flag to Outlook Flags

2023-04-26 Thread Zvi Biener
I also use Davmail, just for this purpose. Two bits of unsolicited 

1) If Davmail gives you trouble, remember that there is a GUI version 
and a command-line version. I first used the command-line version 
because I read somewhere it was more stable, but it kept generating 
time-outs on login. I then tried the GUI, and it works perfectly. Not 
sure why that would be, but there it is.

2) The initial sync of davmail is extremely slow. Just give it time (it 
took several days for me). Once it is done, it is quick enough that you 
won’t notice.

3) OK, one more. If you have very large mailboxes (mine had ~50K 
messages) that are updated frequently, Davmail starts being very slow. 

Best, Zvi

On 26 Apr 2023, at 17:59, Alexandre Takacs wrote:


I use DavMail to access our company Exchange. It's an 
IMAP/SMTP/*DAV/LDAP Exchange bridge. It also translates IMAP keywords 
to/from Exchange Categories. I can also use shared accounts through 

Thanks for the pointer - will definitely have a look :)

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[MlMt] counting number of threads

2023-09-07 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
Has anyone used the countMenu.plist to show the number of *threads* in a 
mailbox, not messages? If so, can you share the setup?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] counting number of threads

2023-09-11 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, Henry.

FFIW, here is a kludge. I’m not sure how accurate it is under all 
conditions, but it seems OK for my simple inbox..

Basically, the filter tries to find the ‘head’ message of every 
thread by eliminating any message that is a reply to another message in 
the inbox, or every message that does not have a in-reply-to field. 
Counting the remaining messages should be the number of threads. YMMV.

Here is my countMenu.plist

counts = (
		{ key = "threadcount"; title = "Thread Count"; filter = "(in-reply-to 
!=[c] $INBOX.message-id or in-reply-to !exists)"; /*defaultColor = ;*/ 


On 7 Sep 2023, at 11:33, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,
Has anyone used the countMenu.plist to show the number of *threads* in 
a mailbox, not messages? If so, can you share the setup?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] message:// links

2013-02-27 Thread Zvi Biener
Hi Folks,
Since the list is apparently calm, can I ask you about message links? I 
can drag and drop messages from MailMate into another application (say, 
Omnifocus or Calendar) and message link of the form "message://.?" are 
create just fine. However, when I click on them, Mail.app opens, not 
MailMate. MailMate is set as the default email app and mailto:// links 
are in fact directed to MailMate.

Anyone know how to fix this?


[MlMt] message:// links

2013-02-27 Thread Zvi Biener
Amiram, I wasn't suggesting that this is a bug. I'm certain it is 
something on my end. I'm just at a loss on how to fix it. I suspect that 
there is a plist somewhere that tells the system what to do with 
message:// links? but this is just a complete guess? Zvi

> On 27 Feb 2013, at 15:28, Zvi Biener wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Since the list is apparently calm, can I ask you about message links? 
>> I can drag and drop messages from MailMate into another application 
>> (say, Omnifocus or Calendar) and message link of the form 
>> "message://.?" are create just fine. However, when I click on them, 
>> Mail.app opens, not MailMate. MailMate is set as the default email 
>> app and mailto:// links are in fact directed to MailMate.
>> Anyone know how to fix this?
>> Thanks,
>> Zvi
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate at lists.freron.com
>> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> Zvi, I just dropped a message into Calendar and when I clicked on it 
> in Calendar in opened in MailMate and not in Mail. I don't have 
> Omnifocus so I can't try but in The Hit List it works as it should. 
> Maybe it's something in your end... Amiram.

[MlMt] message:// links

2013-02-27 Thread Zvi Biener
I am yet to confirm, since away from home computer, but I'm sure it'll work. 
Further, I echo the previous remark: you should vacation! Can't part-time 
vacation when at home...


Sent from iPhone. 

On Feb 27, 2013, at 11:20 AM, "Erik Mueller-Harder"  

> Benny Kj?r Nielsen JUST wrote:
> The solution is to do this using MailMate instead. In the General preferences 
> pane (?,).
> I can confirm: this works flawlessly here. My results are now the same as 
> those of Amiram and Thomas rather than of Zvi.
> This thread shows that MailMate should automatically detect that the user has 
> set MailMate as the default mailto: application and then offer to do the same 
> for message:, mid:, and cid: (if they are not assigned to MailMate).
> ?Should? in the sense of ?in the best of all possible worlds?, sure. But the 
> current situation is scarcely horrific.
> Unfortunately the developer seems to still be on vacation ;-)
> Hmm. Seems to me the developer isn?t in fact applying himself to the tasks 
> intrinsic to vacationing with sufficient diligence. Get off the message 
> boards, Benny, & back to the beach! (And if you have kids, watch out: when I 
> was last in Thailand, at age 8, a taxi driver offered to buy me from my 
> parents for ?5. Fortunately, my parents held out for more)
> ? Erik
> Vermont Softworks, LLC
> 993 Coits Pond Road
> Cabot, Vermont
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate at lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

[MlMt] Customizing Headers Display

2013-03-12 Thread Zvi Biener
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know how/if one may customize the long-view of headers that 
is displayed above the body of any given message? I'd love to stick a 
list of the attachments up there (along w/ standard from, subject, date, 
and to), if that's possible.


[MlMt] Customizing Headers Display

2013-03-13 Thread Zvi Biener
Super. Thanks.

On 13 Mar 2013, at 6:50, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote:

> On 12 Mar 2013, at 23:55, Zvi Biener wrote:
>> Does anyone know how/if one may customize the long-view of headers 
>> that is displayed above the body of any given message?
> Yes, that is possible (both the long and short format).
>> I'd love to stick a list of the attachments up there (along w/ 
>> standard from, subject, date, and to), if that's possible.
> No, that is not possible. You can get an attachments count or just an 
> indication of whether or not attachments exist, but that's probably 
> it. I can think of ways to make this more flexible, but the long term 
> plan is to completely re-implement the headers view and therefore I'm 
> not really motivated with regard to improving it.
> This is the relevant file:
>   MailMate.app/Contents/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist
> And this is where you could place a customization/extension of the 
> file:
>   ~/Library/Application 
> Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist
> If you do this then you won't see any future changes I make to the 
> default file when MailMate is updated. Note that the files are merged, 
> that is, you should only include the top-level keys you actually 
> change.
> For the sake of completion, here is an example of how to show an 
> attachment count. (This is MailMate-hacking and I make no guarantees 
> that it'll work in the future. In fact, I guarantee the opposite.)
>   {
>   prefix = { string = "\tAttachments:\t"; fontStyle = bold; color 
> = 
> '#77'; };
>   formatString = "${#attachments-count/^0$//}";
>   },
> The above should be appended to the default `longFormatting` value. 
> This is probably all a bit confusing. I've attached the full example.
> Note that I use a regexp replacement in the format string to convert a 
> count of 0 to an empty string. This has the effect of hiding the 
> attachments line when the count is 0 .
> -- 
> Benny
> [headersFormatting.plist]
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate at lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

[MlMt] default mailbox for search

2013-04-12 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi folks,
Does anyone know if there is a way to set the default mailbox for 
search? Currently, when the "Search" button is pressed, the "All 
Messages" mailbox is selected. Can I change this?

Thanks.. Zvi
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] default mailbox for search

2013-04-12 Thread Zvi Biener
I have an "All Threads" box that include message from "All Messages", as 
well as "Deleted Messages" and "Sent Messages". Context: Many of my 
messages are just relevant for a brief time only (minor emails from 
colleagues, students; back and forth regarding meeting times, etc.). 
Instead of filing them, I just delete them. If they become relevant 
within that brief time period (before they are purged from the server), 
I locate them by searching. That means that in most searches I want 
messages that were deleted to be included. Currently, I hit the search 
button, then select the "All Threads" mailbox. Not a big burden.


On 12 Apr 2013, at 13:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 12 Apr 2013, at 14:56, Zvi Biener wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a way to set the default mailbox for 
search? Currently, when the "Search" button is pressed, the "All 
Messages" mailbox is selected. Can I change this?

No, but you can hold down ⌥ to stay in the current mailbox. What is 
your use case? What mailbox would you like MailMate to select?

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] default mailbox for search

2013-04-13 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks. You're right. A hidden preference to include "Deleted" in "All 
Messages" would be a very elegant solution for me.

On 12 Apr 2013, at 15:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 12 Apr 2013, at 19:54, Zvi Biener wrote:

I have an "All Threads" box that include message from "All Messages", 
as well as "Deleted Messages" and "Sent Messages".

In your case then the problem could also be solved by allowing the 
“All Messages” mailbox to be redefined (it's currently only 
possible to filter it

using a hidden preference, making it smaller). I'll think about that.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Search button behavior...

2013-08-09 Thread Zvi Biener
While we are at it, is there a way to map a key to search a pre-defined 
mailbox (titled, say "AllThreads"), not the currently selected one or 


On 8 Aug 2013, at 17:24, Steve Mayer wrote:

I've already remapped "/" to searchAllMessages :)  I find that more 
times than not, I have no idea which mailbox I've saved an email in...

Steve Mayer

On 8 Aug 2013, at 14:18, Daniel Mann wrote:

On 8 Aug 2013, at 17:08, Steve Mayer wrote:

On 8 Aug 2013, at 13:51, Seebs wrote:
Clicking "search" automatically jumps to All Messages. I almost 
never want this, because usually I think first of the mailbox I 
want to look in, and second of the possibility that I need to 
search it. Is there any way to change this behavior?

I would assume that the Search button in the toolbar is bound to the 
searchAllMessages command.  You can set up a custom keybinding to 
'mailboxSearch' to allow for the search to only occur in the 
selected mailbox.  I have this in my custom keybinding plist file:

"\\" = "mailboxSearch:";

Thus, when the backslash key "\" is hit, the search is focused in 
the currently selected mailbox.

If you enable Gmail-style keyboard shortcuts (included as a 
predefined custom keybindings file), the front slash key "/" starts a 
search in the

current mailbox. It is defined in the
provided Gmail.plist as:

"/"   = "mailboxSearch:";

-Daniel Mann
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] IPad mail

2013-09-09 Thread Zvi Biener
Dear All,
Apologies for hijacking this list, but I thought several of us may be 
interested in the question: if you are a mailmate user on OSX (I.e., used to 
dealing with mail using a good amount of power), what email client do you use 
on iOS? I find apple's native mail app on iOS incredibly poor. Does anyone have 
good alternative?

Thanks, Zvi

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] IPad mail

2013-09-09 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks, Steve. 

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 9, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Steve Mayer  wrote:

> I use both Dispatch and eMailGanizer Pro.
> -- 
> Steve Mayer
> smaye...@me.com
> On 9 Sep 2013, at 11:46, Zvi Biener wrote:
> Dear All,
> Apologies for hijacking this list, but I thought several of us may be 
> interested in the question: if you are a mailmate user on OSX (I.e., used to 
> dealing with mail using a good amount of power), what email client do you use 
> on iOS? I find apple's native mail app on iOS incredibly poor. Does anyone 
> have good alternative?
> Thanks, Zvi
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] multiple actions for single keybinding

2013-09-13 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Since we are on the subject of keybinding: is it possible to bind 
multiple actions to a single key? For example, let "/" be moveToMailbox: 
X and then mailboxSearch: .

I've tried some grammar options, but trial and error didn't crack it, if 
it is even possible.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] submailboxes of smart mailbox according to imap folder

2013-10-16 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi folks,
I haven't found how to do the following, can anyone help?

I have a smart mailbox that chooses messages according to tag. Messages 
w/ tags are distributed across several IMAP folders/mailboxes. Can I 
configure the smart mailboxes so that its sub-mailboxes are divided 
according to the IMAP folders? I can't seem to find the right option 
that selects for this.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] submailboxes of smart mailbox according to imap folder

2013-10-16 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, that is perfect. Can't believe I miss the 'path' option.

On 16 Oct 2013, at 10:51, Steve Mayer wrote:


On the submailboxes tab, there is a checkbox "Submailboxes for the 
messages of each account". Check that.  Then,  check the "Submailbox 
for each unique value of" and choose "Source->Path". Leave the "unless 
only one submailbox will be created" checkbox unchecked.

Mailbox name format should be pre-filled with ${#source.path}.

Does this give you what you want?

Steve Mayer

On 16 Oct 2013, at 7:44, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi folks,
I haven't found how to do the following, can anyone help?

I have a smart mailbox that chooses messages according to tag. 
Messages w/ tags are distributed across several IMAP 
folders/mailboxes. Can I configure the smart mailboxes so that its 
sub-mailboxes are divided according to the IMAP folders? I can't seem 
to find the right option that selects for this.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Crowd Funding 2014

2013-10-21 Thread Zvi Biener
I like the nascent marketing idea: MailMate is the hacker's email 

Not that you need too many interjections, Benny, but I, for one, would 
much rather you spent time thinking of how to fund and advertise 
MailMate and put development off for a little bit, if only to ensure 
future development. I also think the video of the real power-feature, 
customization, and generality of MailMate would attract lots of hacker 
types, if they only new about it… A Facebook page can also do wonders 
these days (people expect it, even).

Are you aware of Scrivener? It is also a home-made piece of software 
that answers to a need most people thought was already solved: word 
processing. But Scrivener has completely taken off. The guy who wrote 
and runs it is very nice and might be responsive to another developer 
asking how he might get a non-competing sourcing campaign off the 

My 2c.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 10:34, Ryan Erwin wrote:


Did you send a notice about the crowd funding opportunity to all of 
your licensed users? I didn't notice one - I only saw notice through 
the mailing list.

If you don't want to send an email blast, perhaps you should send a 
link inside of the MailMate updates. If you get a 5-10% response rate 
to your offer, your doing pretty good. I also noticed that the crowd 
funding link you sent in MailMate wasn't a working link. The link in 
your emails is to http://freron.com/crowdfunding2014 but the valid 
website link is http://freron.com/crowdfund2014/

I think those of us on this list here are the most invested in seeing 
MailMate succeed, we care enough about MailMate to get several emails 
per day about it.

Perhaps we can all work together on some ideas to help Benny promote 
MailMate, point out the features that will show why every hacker needs 
a copy of MailMate, and eventually put together a short, sweet, 3 
minute screencast of what MailMate 2.0 could be, the post it on 
indiegogo (why not kickstarter?) and try this again.

Personally, I use MailMate more than any other program on my MBA, and 
I carry it around with me everywhere. I would hate to see this program 
stagnate, it's already so much better at search than Mail.app, but 
there is still so much that could be done to make MailMate truly 


-Ryan in Shanghai

On 21 Oct 2013, at 20:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Dear MailMate users,

as many of you have probably seen then I posted a few times on my 
blog at the end of last week. First of all, [MailMate 
1.7](http://blog.freron.com/2013/mailmate-1-7-released/) was relased, 
but more importantly I posted a personal message entitled 
Priorities](http://blog.freron.com/2013/changing-priorities/)”. It 
describes how my financial situation changes next year and how that 
is very likely to affect my future work on MailMate. In short, you 
can thank my wife that MailMate exists at all :-)

As part of the blog post I launched a somewhat crude [crowdfunding 
page](http://freron.com/crowdfund2014/). I wanted to get a feeling if 
this was an option with respect to being able to continue developing 
MailMate full time in 2014. I set a deadline November 1st which is a 
very short time, but it was also intended to be a quick experiment. 
So far, I've received pledges for almost $5000 in total. I'm trilled 
that so many quickly showed their support and I've received pledges 
ranging from $20 to $200 — and a single pledge of $500!

But (unfortunately there is a but) this is only 10% of my unofficial 
goal number ($50K) and it's not very likely that I'll get to 100%. 
We'll see. In any case, it has inspired me to look into crowdfunding 
services such as [http://indiegogo.com](http://indiegogo.com) for 
crowd funding development of MailMate 2.0. This could perhaps be a 
$25K goal for 6 months of development to make it more likely to be 
reached. If I do that then I'll naturally send an email to everyone 
who has pledged money and point them in that direction. If you have 
any good ideas for “perks” (other than MailMate license keys) 
then please send them to me.

Note that I have also announced a price change for MailMate. Later 
today the price changes to $49.99. See my comments about that in the 
[blog post](http://blog.freron.com/2013/changing-priorities/) if you 

And finally, note that I also posted on the blog about the 
configuration of [multiple 

Thanks to everyone pledging money (or buying MailMate license keys)! 
I know that some of you are probably even worse off financially than 
I am and I truly appreciate your support.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Create Things todo item from message (Command)

2013-11-22 Thread Zvi Biener
Just a thought, given today's emails: perhaps a user-contributed bundle 
section on the website would be nice?

On 22 Nov 2013, at 15:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Nov 2013, at 19:27, Torsten Grust wrote:

I am a user of Things 2 (http://culturedcode.com) and have built
commands to create a Things todo item based on the current MailMate 

(right along the lines of Benny's OmniFocus and Reminders commands).

That's just fantastic. I'm sure many users are going to thank you. Is 
this something you would allow me to include in MailMate by default?

(I'll look into the bundle when I have more time.)

3. The todo item will carry the message's MailMate tags.  Delete or 
comment the relevant line in `Support/bin/create_task` if you don't 
want MailMate to pollute the Things tag space.

This sounds like something that should be incorporated in other 
task-manager bundles as well.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Tagging Threads

2014-01-14 Thread Zvi Biener

Dear MailMate users,

When I collapse a thread, and then use the "Tag Editor Shortcut Key" 
(definable in preferences) to tag the line-item, only the first message 
of the thread is tagged.

Does this match what you see? Has anyone defined any shortcut sequence 
(etc.) to apply the tag to each message in the thread?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Workflow ideas?

2014-01-14 Thread Zvi Biener

Dear MailMate users,

Does anyone have any workflow ideas for the following dilemma?

1. I love mailmate's ability to file my response to an email into the 
folder in which the original email resides.
2. I love mailmate's "Send Later" feature. I have a 10 minute delay on 
all emails, just to give me a chance to count to 100, when counting to 
100 might be advisable.

However, these two work against one another in certain conditions. For 
example, an email arrives in my Inbox. W/o "send later" turned on, I 
respond to the email and the outgoing email is filed in my Inbox. I then 
tag and move the entire thread as necessary, keeping the original email 
and my response together. With "send later" turned on, however, the 
outgoing email does not get filed for another x minutes (x=10 for me). I 
either have to wait 10 minutes to file the emails -- which is a drag, 
since I need to keep in mind that the email has been responded to and 
needs to be filed---, or I file the incoming email, but then the 
outgoing email (which is sent later) is no longer filed into the mailbox 
in which the original email now resides. A third option is to move the 
incoming email to the appropriate folder first, and then to respond. But 
this would require navigating away from the Inbox, which I'd also like 
to avoid.

I can't think my way through this one. Does anyone have any idea for how 
to use both the Send Later and Auto-file ability at the same time, for 
messages arriving in the Inbox which are filed into other folders after 
a response has been composed?


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Tagging Threads

2014-01-14 Thread Zvi Biener

This is how it currently works. The ideal behavior depends on the 
purpose of the tag (in my opinion) and therefore I'm considering a 
boolean option for each tag which determines if it's a 
message-oriented or a thread-oriented tag.

Superb! I'm continually impressed by your ideas.

You might be able to create a crude key binding using `selectThread:`, 
`toggleTag:`, and `collapse:`.

Will give it a try.

Thank you.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Workflow ideas?

2014-01-14 Thread Zvi Biener
defaults write com.freron.MailMate 
MmMoveSentRepliesToMailboxOfRepliedMessage -bool YES

See "Hidden Preferences" in manual.

On 14 Jan 2014, at 16:55, Felix Lange wrote:

On 14 Jan 2014, at 22:02, Zvi Biener wrote:

1. I love mailmate's ability to file my response to an email into the 
folder in which the original email resides.

How do I turn this on?

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Workflow ideas?

2014-01-15 Thread Zvi Biener
Oh! I tried it, but only once. Embarrassing as it is, perhaps I screwed 
up something myself. I'll make sure again, and will only write again if 
this is actually an issue. Apologies.

On 15 Jan 2014, at 4:20, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 14 Jan 2014, at 22:02, Zvi Biener wrote:

I can't think my way through this one. Does anyone have any idea for 
how to use both the Send Later and Auto-file ability at the same 
time, for messages arriving in the Inbox which are filed into other 
folders after a response has been composed?

MailMate does not auto-file the sent message until after it has been 
sent (and this is when it looks for the location of the original 
message). In other words, I'm not sure why this does not already work 
as you want it to. Maybe it's a bug. I assume you did try it? (I 
haven't tried myself.)

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mail Merge

2014-01-16 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Anyone have any experience with MailMate and a mail merge? Would you 
like to share?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Merge

2014-01-16 Thread Zvi Biener
Anyone have any experience with MailMate and a mail merge? Would you 
like to share?

Why would you do this in MailMate and not in something like 

Curiosity. Can't MailMate do *everything*?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Merge

2014-01-19 Thread Zvi Biener
Super. I remembered you mentioning this when the campaign was going on, 
which is why I asked to begin with. If it is too buggy, no worries.

On 19 Jan 2014, at 16:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 16 Jan 2014, at 17:18, Zvi Biener wrote:

Anyone have any experience with MailMate and a mail merge? Would you 
like to share?

I actually had to look up what “mail merge” is. It is a good 
candidate for a bundle name.

Commands in MailMate 2.0 have a feature which makes it possible to 
create drafts based on a template draft. Theoretically this draft can 
use any feature of MailMate including Markdown generation and 
signing/encryption. I used it for the crowd funding emails sent to 
existing license key owners, but it is still too buggy for general 

So, for now the answer is no, but there is hope :-)

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New user asks: What is best feature?

2014-02-06 Thread Zvi Biener
2.)  What do you consider the best overall feature of MailMate? As a 
new user of MailMate, what should I be sure not to miss?

The support. Benny answers everything quickly (on and off this list) and 
will sometimes even create things quickly. Between him and this list, 
almost all queries and needs are addressed.

This maybe a cheeky answer, but its really true. [My favorite actual 
feature is to be able to sort incoming messages on the basis on messages 
in existing mailboxes. This saves me lots of time in creating address 
groups. For example, the first time I receive an email from a member of 
group X, I file it manually in a mailbox X. I set up rules so that if an 
incoming email is from a sender in mailbox X, the message automatically 
goes in there, gets tagged, flagged, etc., however I would like. No need 
to maintain complex rules that cite actual addresses].


1611mac - gregS

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] search for attachments

2014-02-20 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Sorry, I'm having a brain freeze: how can I create a smart mailbox for 
messages with any type of attachments?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] search for attachments

2014-02-21 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks, Benny.
Perhaps you can explain, or tell me where to read on, how attachments 
are treated? This is what I'm wondering in particular:

I have a search condition that finds all messages whose 
"Attachment-Count is not 0". This results for me in 4107 messages. I now 
want to specify further conditions on the name of the attachment. I 
used, just to experiment, "Attachment-Name is not xxx", with "all body 
parts" selected. This results in 513 messages. Why does this eliminate 
so many messages? (indeed, I don't have 3594 messages named "xxx" ;-)). 
If I remove the "all body parts" condition, 0 messages are matched.

Can you explain how this works?

On 21 Feb 2014, at 2:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Feb 2014, at 4:10, Zvi Biener wrote:

Sorry, I'm having a brain freeze: how can I create a smart mailbox 
for messages with any type of attachments?

Not really your fault. It's (too) hard to discover. The easiest is to 
use “Attachment-Count is not 0”. That way MailMate is responsible 
for figuring out what attachments are (which is unfortunately 
non-trivial to determine). This is also used by the “Attachments” 
column in the messages outline.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] migrating to new computer

2014-04-03 Thread Zvi Biener

MailMate Folk,
I'm trying to migrate MailMate to a new computer. I've copied all the 
contents of the MailMate folder in Application Support, as well as the 
freron file in the Preferences folder of ~/Library.

Lots of things transfer (like mailboxes), but certain things do not. For 
example, my selection of menubar counter is reset back to default, as 
well as the selection of keybindings.

I can recover these easily, of course, but I'm curious: where are these 
stored? Why didn't they transfer?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Suddenly, lag in address-completion?

2014-05-30 Thread Zvi Biener
My experience is that the first time I enter an address (say, after a 
restart of Mailmate), there is a slight lag after the first letter. 
Then, if I start any other email, or start the completion from scratch, 
there is no delay. I assume that this was just the list being loaded. 
The delay here is minuscule, much less than a second -- not a bother. 
But that is the behavior I see.

On 30 May 2014, at 9:50, Luca Allodi wrote:

On 30 May 2014, at 14:09, Gustavo D Villarreal wrote:

For me, its not a little lag, I actually get the spinning beachball 
for 2-3 seconds.

My Mac has an SSD and is fairly well equipped so it might not be a 
hardware issue

My mac is on a full disk encryption on a 5400rpm hard drive (= very 
slow), and I get this same behaviour only occasionally. Anyway if the 
contact list is in RAM the whole time, SDD/HD speed may be irrelevant.

The other obvious variable here may be contact list size; mine is 
probably relatively small, 537 addresses in there (assuming one 
address per contact, which is not true but life is too short :-) )

I have no idea what's the variance in address book sizes though. Do 
those with appreciable lag have substantially more massive address 


Gustavo D. Villarreal

On May 30, 2014, at 4:42, "Pedro Lobo"  wrote:

On 30 May 2014, at 2:55, Gustavo Daniel Villarreal wrote:

I am having the same issue, with the letter "a" (addresses starting 
with a). This was discussed previously on the list back in February, 
but its not clear if it was resolved or not.

I'm running 4229 and I can confirm that I'm noticing lag, and not 
just on the a. Oddly enough, I can type a name that starts with 
anything else, but once I get to the letter a, it's stalls a little.

So for instance:

Sergio == Fine
Carlo == Lag once I hit the a
Thank you.

On 29 May 2014, at 20:20, Seebs wrote:

So, I've been using mailmate for ages, works pretty well. Just 
today, I started having a new experience. I start typing an address 
in the To bar, and there's a very noticeable pause, maybe two or 
three seconds, before the autocomplete list shows up.

Do I have too much email or something? Do I need to segregate older 
messages out, perhaps? Is this a tweakable or tunable thing that I 
could address by hinting that I have plenty of memory?


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Pedro Lobo

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Visiting Durham University. Durham, UK.
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[MlMt] I3 BAd Command Argument

2014-07-31 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi MailMaters,
In the past days I've started receiving the following error on one of my 
mailboxes, which keeps the mailbox offline.

MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “I3 BAD 
Command Argument Error. 11”.”.

Mailbox: “Deleted Items”.

Certainly, nothing has changed with mailmate. Does anyone have any idea 
what can cause this from the server side? I can confirm that the mailbox 
still exists, but beyond that, not sure what do to.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] I3 BAd Command Argument

2014-08-01 Thread Zvi Biener

Thank you, Benny. That did the trick.


On 1 Aug 2014, at 10:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 1 Aug 2014, at 15:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Jul 2014, at 18:54, Zvi Biener wrote:

In the past days I've started receiving the following error on one 
of my mailboxes, which keeps the mailbox offline.

MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “I3 
BAD Command Argument Error. 11”.”.

Mailbox: “Deleted Items”.

You can send me more data off list like this:

Based on data sent off list I would say that the problem is that 
MailMate has been told to upload a message which is too big for the 

	C: I43 APPEND "Deleted Items" (\Seen) "30-Jul-2014 17:20:57 -0400" 

S: I43 BAD Command Argument Error. 11

This is an Exchange IMAP server and they tend to output the same kind 
of error no matter what the problem is.

To fix the issue you need to locate the ~34MB message in your 
“Deleted Items” mailbox and delete it permanently (if you don't 
need the message). That should prevent MailMate from trying to upload 
it again.

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[MlMt] Rules for Counting Messages

2014-10-24 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi MailMaters,

I wonder if anyone has implemented, or can give me some tips, about how 
to implement mailbox rules that respond to the number of unread messages 
in a mailbox.

Sample case: I review my Junk mailbox occasionally, just to make sure 
nothing got trapped in there, but I'd like to review it only when, say, 
10 messages have piled up. My ideal rule would watch for the number of 
unread messages, and when it goes over ten, it would toggle the 
"Displayed Count" property of the mailbox from "No Count" to "Unread." 
Alternately, it can just notify me by script or otherwise. But I can't 
figure out how to count messages...

Any ideas?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Rules for Counting Messages

2014-10-24 Thread Zvi Biener

OK. Thanks!

On 24 Oct 2014, at 10:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Oct 2014, at 15:48, Zvi Biener wrote:

Sample case: I review my Junk mailbox occasionally, just to make sure 
nothing got trapped in there, but I'd like to review it only when, 
say, 10 messages have piled up. My ideal rule would watch for the 
number of unread messages, and when it goes over ten, it would toggle 
the "Displayed Count" property of the mailbox from "No Count" to 
"Unread." Alternately, it can just notify me by script or otherwise. 
But I can't figure out how to count messages...

I cannot think of a way to do that using smart mailboxes. It would 
require some kind of mailbox-level condition which would be a 
completely new concept in MailMate (all current conditions are message 
based). The query system in MailMate knows nothing about mailboxes.

It's an interesting idea though. I think most things could be done if 
actions could be triggered based on a single condition on some aspect 
of a single mailbox, e.g.,

Count of [mailbox] > 10
Size of [mailbox] > 100MB
Attachments Size of [mailbox] > 100MB

This could be part of the current rules GUI and used with or without 
message conditions. For your problem then you would also need a new 
action type (“Set Mailbox Count to [Unread]”).

Well, just thinking out loud here :-)

Right now, you can run an external script which increases a counter 
(saved to disk or to a defaults variable). This hack could solve the 
first part of the problem, but I don't see any way to solve the second 
part of the problem without me implementing a new action method for 

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Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-06 Thread Zvi Biener
I also don't know how VIP works, but below is a fairly straightforward 
way to implement smart mailboxes that single out specific users 
flexibly. It is not based on contacts or addresses explicitly, but on 
the contents of the mailbox. The system works like this:

The first time I receive an email from a member of group X (e.g., VIP), 
I file it manually in a mailbox X - a traditional mailbox is some 
location. I set up rules so that if an incoming email is from a sender 
in mailbox X, the message automatically goes in there, gets tagged, 
flagged, etc. No need to maintain rules that cite actual addresses. I 
imagine, this can certainly be made to emulate some VIP behavior.

Here's a riff on the same solution solution:
1. Set up an IMAP mailbox - call it MB1. Put a single message in there 
from each user you consider a VIP.
2. Set up a smart mailbox (MB2), that matches all emails from users that 
are also in MB1.
3. If you need incoming messages from MB1 users to *not* show up in the 
regular INBOX, set up an inbox rule that matches incoming emails to 
senders in MB1. You can tag messages as "VIP", move them, or whatever. 
(If you tag them, you can also just create a smart mailbox that matches 
the "VIP" tag.

The advantage in having a small IMAP mailbox with a single message from 
each user is that they are very easy to manage. This is like an internal 
address group and equally flexible. the only downside is that it isn't 
integrated with Contacts. But if the people in MB1 match the people in 
your VIP list, the smart mailbox should emulate the behavior of the VIP 

BUT NOTE: To me, failure to integrate with "Contacts" is actually a 
bonus. I am a college professor, and I deal with emails from hundreds of 
students per year, divided into distinct several "boxes", corresponding 
to courses. I certainly do not want these addresses in my contacts. This 
system lets me make automatically sort their email very simply, and then 
I just destroy the lists (by removing MB1, or MB2, etc.) when I'm done 
with the course.


On 6 Dec 2014, at 7:00, Robert Garcia wrote:

The experiment you did with apple mail and syncing, was next on my 
list to try. I will do some research and see if I can find some api to 
get at VIP data stored in the cloud.

Robert Garcia
BigHead Technology
15520 Coutolenc Rd
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 fax: 530.645.4040
rgar...@bighead.net - http://bighead.net/
On 5 Dec 2014, at 23:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 5 Dec 2014, at 19:23, Robert Garcia wrote:

I manage several clients and our own mail server for all of them. I 
have moved myself and several of my largest clients off of gmail 
(gapps) email and onto our own mail server, zarafa, which has been 
working fine. Most of us use macs and have been using Airmail as the 
client, which works pretty well with Gmail. Airmail 2 came out and 
it has tons of issues and takes up tons of CPU, etc. Also has bugs 
with Zarafa.

I don't really know Zarafa and I don't know if MailMate has any 
issues with it, but you can let me know if anything turns up.

Mailmate would not win a beauty contest, but it works great. I felt 
it was sluggish and piggy, like apple mail, then I found the latest 
64 bit version. Wow, so smooth, nice, doesn't use much cpu, that 
made everything better.

Well that's good news for the 64 bit version. Thanks.

Before I recommend this to the rest of my family and clients, 
though, I am struggling with one issue. How to make some type of 
smart folder with VIP users? We all user our iPhones and iPads and 
use VIP, and when your desktop client doesn't comply, it makes it 
tough. It is probably the only single feature that pulls me back to 
apple mail.

Any thoughts?

To be honest I haven't really looked into how Apple Mail implements 
VIPs. For MailMate to support it, 2 things need to be possible:

* MailMate should be able to retrieve VIP addresses from Contacts.
* MailMate should be able to enable/disable the VIP status of a 

The first one is probably more important to you than the second one. 
MailMate is actually quite badly integrated with Contacts since it's 
not possible to do queries (smart mailboxes and rules) based on 
groups in Contacts. This is a relatively high priority and a frequent 
request, but I cannot give you a time frame. It would be natural to 
look into VIP compatability at the same time.

A quick search does not reveal an official API to access this 
information, but I might not have looked hard enough. It also looks 
like it's an Apple Mail feature and if synchronization requires Apple 
Mail to be running then there is no way to hack VIP compatibility :-(

Ok, quick experiment. I used Apple Mail to mark a VIP sender. This 
showed up in the following file:


I quit Apple Mail, logged into iCloud webmail, and removed the VIP 
sender. I waited a while to see if the change was synchronized to the 
file abov

[MlMt] Autofile message in combination with "Send Later"

2016-01-06 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Does anyone have any ideas about how to overcome the following issue:

Premise: I use MailMate to autofile my outgoing replies into the same 
folder as the message to which I'm replying. I also have use a 10 
minutes "Send Later" time for all messages.

Problem: When a message arrives in my inbox, I read it, reply, and the 
manually file the message into a relevant folder. Since I file the 
message *after* replying, the outgoing reply appears in my Inbox (where 
the original message was), not in the folder into which the original 
message was filed. I'd like it to follow the original message.

I can first file the message, open that folder, write the reply, and 
close the folder, but this introduces some extra steps that I bet are 
avoidable. Does anyone have any ideas? Would a key-binding to some 
complex set of instructions solve this? Other ideas?

Many thanks,

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] alphabetize recipients

2016-02-23 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Everyone,
Is there a script hook (or something like it) that can be used to 
alphabetize the recipients of a message, after I enter them?

Just wondering,
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] logic of offline behavior

2016-03-07 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know/can explain the logic of the "offline" designation of 

Occasionally, some of my account go "offline". I only realize this a day 
or two after the fact, usually. My sources are effectively hidden below 
a large list of mailboxes, and I only realize that they are offline when 
I imagine that I should have received more mail than I have. Many times, 
I see the sources try to go online whenever the network is up, but in 
some cases they just don't. If I understand the logic, perhaps I can see 
when I need to check/not check. Importantly, this often applies only to 
gmail accounts.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Folder icons with Sierra

2016-09-21 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Upon upgrading to Sierra, the folder icons for Inbox, Deleted, Messages, 
Drafts, Junk, and Sent Messages have disappeared from the left-hand pane 

I suspect that I might have screwed with those at some point. Can 
someone remind me how to specify these icons in the relevant mailmate 
plist? (Or what the intended values are?)


On 21 Sep 2016, at 5:05, Mark Wadham wrote:


I've upgraded to MailMate 1.9.5 because of the better support for 
Sierra but I'm not very keen on the new features.

1) How can I get the old functionality back where I can easily view 
the headers (from/to) for a message using the little arrow to expand 
them?  It seems completely gone.  Weirdly messages in my junk folder 
show this information all the time but again there's no way to conceal 

2) How can I disable the new inline html preview page when replying to 
html messages?  It seems to make the reply button take several seconds 
to bring up the editing dialog and I really don't care about sending 
HTML anyway.

Apologies if these are trivial questions, I've been through the 
preferences but it's not obvious how to solve them.

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Re: [MlMt] Folder icons with Sierra

2016-09-21 Thread Zvi Biener
That sounds right. I'll try to reverse. If I find another hack, I'll 
report here. Thanx.

On 21 Sep 2016, at 9:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Sep 2016, at 14:46, Zvi Biener wrote:

Upon upgrading to Sierra, the folder icons for Inbox, Deleted, 
Messages, Drafts, Junk, and Sent Messages have disappeared from the 
left-hand pane display.

I suspect that I might have screwed with those at some point. Can 
someone remind me how to specify these icons in the relevant mailmate 
plist? (Or what the intended values are?)

You probably did what is described 
and apparently this hack no longer works.


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Re: [MlMt] Folder icons with Sierra

2016-09-21 Thread Zvi Biener
Indeed, the names of icons have changed in the Resources folder of 
Mail.app. All that's required is to point to the new files.

On 21 Sep 2016, at 9:57, Zvi Biener wrote:

That sounds right. I'll try to reverse. If I find another hack, I'll 
report here. Thanx.

On 21 Sep 2016, at 9:55, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 21 Sep 2016, at 14:46, Zvi Biener wrote:

Upon upgrading to Sierra, the folder icons for Inbox, Deleted, 
Messages, Drafts, Junk, and Sent Messages have disappeared from the 
left-hand pane display.

I suspect that I might have screwed with those at some point. Can 
someone remind me how to specify these icons in the relevant 
mailmate plist? (Or what the intended values are?)

You probably did what is described 
and apparently this hack no longer works.


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[MlMt] Message Drag Drop Behavior in Sierra

2016-09-21 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
I think the following has changed with Sierra. I used to be able to drag 
and drop a message from MailMate into a Finder folder. (A weird thing to 
do, I know, but it makes sense for me sometimes). This is no longer 
possible. Although the pointer turn to the appropriate green-plus-sign, 
nothing happens.

Any ideas whether there is some security setting, etc., that Sierra has 


On 21 Sep 2016, at 5:05, Mark Wadham wrote:


I've upgraded to MailMate 1.9.5 because of the better support for 
Sierra but I'm not very keen on the new features.

1) How can I get the old functionality back where I can easily view 
the headers (from/to) for a message using the little arrow to expand 
them?  It seems completely gone.  Weirdly messages in my junk folder 
show this information all the time but again there's no way to conceal 

2) How can I disable the new inline html preview page when replying to 
html messages?  It seems to make the reply button take several seconds 
to bring up the editing dialog and I really don't care about sending 
HTML anyway.

Apologies if these are trivial questions, I've been through the 
preferences but it's not obvious how to solve them.

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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Different font size in, e.g., correspondence vs. mailbox contents view

2016-10-25 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Everyone,
For those who played with the layouts: is there a way to use a different 
font sizes for, for example, a correspondence pane and the mailbox 
contents pane? Currently, changing the size of either one results in 
changing both.


On 25 Oct 2016, at 4:51, Randy Bush wrote:

when i delete messages (with the delte key) in mailmate, they still 

to be in the imap folder; other imap clients still see them.  how do i
make them really deleted?

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Different font size in, e.g., correspondence vs. mailbox contents view

2016-10-27 Thread Zvi Biener

Super! Thanks. I'll test it out after you update.

On 27 Oct 2016, at 5:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 25 Oct 2016, at 14:25, Zvi Biener wrote:

For those who played with the layouts: is there a way to use a 
different font sizes for, for example, a correspondence pane and the 
mailbox contents pane? Currently, changing the size of either one 
results in changing both.

That's not possible, but I've quickly added that you can add something 
like this to the correspondence pane settings:

userDefaultsIdentifier = 'MmCorrespondenceOutline';

This should allow one to configure different fonts using “Format ▸ 
Show Fonts”. This is untested though (and not uploaded yet).

(The default is `MmMessagesOutline`.)

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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Hijacking field for "Due Date"

2016-11-17 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
I'd like to be able to associate a due date with email messages. 
Currently, I can do this through tags, but if there are multiple tags 
already associated with a message, it makes sorting difficult. Is there 
an imap field I can perhaps hijack in order to do this? The field can be 
local only - synching with the server would be nice, but not essential.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Hijacking field for "Due Date"

2016-11-22 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks, everyone. The suggestions are intriguing. I'll play around with 
both. Thanks.

On 22 Nov 2016, at 13:28, Robert Brenstein wrote:

On 22.11.2016 at 9:49 Uhr -0500 Bill Cole apparently wrote:

On 17 Nov 2016, at 15:18, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi Folks,
I'd like to be able to associate a due date with email messages. 
Currently, I can do this through tags, but if there are multiple 
tags already associated with a message, it makes sorting difficult. 
Is there an imap field I can perhaps hijack in order to do this? The 
field can be local only - synching with the server would be nice, 
but not essential.

Short answer: There's no way for MailMate to do that.

In my current mail program (I haven't tried it in MailMate yet), I 
send emails to myself setting them to be sent in the future at 
whatever suitable date and time for the reminder/action is, 
effectively using mails instead of the calendar reminders. If I want 
to see what is pending, I just look at the mail queue of mails waiting 
to be sent. I hope I can reproduce this workflow in MailMate.

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[MlMt] send later

2016-11-30 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Benny,
I think this is a feature request more than a bug report, but I'm 

If the "Send Later" field is set to, say, "9am" and the current time is 
after 9am, the message is sent immediately(like this message). If the 
field is set to "9am tomorrow", the message is queued as expected.

It seems to me that "9am" should resolve to the next available 9am, not 
to a time that has passed. Writing "tomorrow" is truly not a big deal, 
but in case that was not the intended behavior...

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] attaching note

2017-01-06 Thread Zvi Biener
I use MailMate in conjunction with OmniFocus to create notes like these. 
(Any task manager will do). You can either embed the whole message to 
just provide a link to the message within OmniFocus, using one of 
MailMate's bundles. I can then also add due dates, etc. It works well 
for me.

On 6 Jan 2017, at 12:13, Ted Byfield wrote:

Why not just tag messages with an abbreviation for these notes/actions 
and then create smart mailboxes that filters for those tags? The 
autocomplete function in MM's tagging works well, so if you plan your 
tags well it could just be few keystrokes — and I wouldn't call the 
smart mailbox fancy:

Mailbox > New Smart Mailbox > Conditions > 'Tags' / 'is' / [your tag]

So, for example, typing 'tmi[enter]' could ~file a message with the 
tag 'mi' for 'missing info'.


On 6 Jan 2017, at 9:54, Alain Israel wrote:

I had a relatively unorthodox question : is it possible to somehow  
attach a short note to an incoming message (such as  : wait for 
missing information, reply when another task is fulfilled,….)? I 
know I can create a smart mailbox with fancy rules, but I don’t 
want to create one for each message.

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[MlMt] Also awesome: counters

2017-01-11 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Mailmates,

Since some of you have been sharing neat tidbits, I thought I'd share 
one of my favorites: customizable counters.

Each mailbox can have a "Displayed Count" next to it, showing by 
default: All, Unread, Flagged, Unreplied, and Recent. However, the 
counters can be configured with pretty much anything. For example, I 
have a counter called "Outgoing" which lists messages that are about to 
be sent (I use time delay, so this shows me what messages are waiting to 
be sent). I use it on the "Drafts" mailbox. This is a small thing, but 
neat and quite useful for those using delay, without needing an 
independent smart mailbox.

As far as I can tell, you can take a set of conditions from any smart 
mailbox and create a counter. Open Mailboxes.plist and copy out the 
"filter" associated with the smart mailbox. Create countMenu.plist in 
~/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Resources, following this format 

counts = (
{ key = "outgoing"; title = "Outgoing"; filter = "#relay 
exists"; },

Insert your own filter after "filter = " and there you go. Off the top 
of my head, the 'trick' can be used to show some important subset of the 
Inbox, messages with important keywords, etc.

Thanks for a great app, Benny.


On 10 Jan 2017, at 11:30, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I just discovered that MailMate has a function equivalent to the mail 
concatenation feature of Eudora. I am in 7th heaven, and I thought to 
share this discovery! I saw the setting for this in the preferences 
quite a while ago but only now clicked what it really means. For those 
wondering what I am talking about:

If I double-click a message in MailMate, it opens that message in a 
new window. Nothing special here.

If I double-click a message holding the shift key, MailMate sets a 
filter that shows all messages with the same subject or whatever 
column I was clicking. This is pretty much the same what option-click 
did in Eudora. MM refers to this functionality as searching for 
related messages.

Tip: select the message before you double-click it, so MM does not use 
the first click to select multiple messages.

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Also awesome: counters

2017-01-12 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Dave,
the filter was quoted in the original message. You can see the filter 
itself after "filter = ", or just copy and save the file for the counter 

On 12 Jan 2017, at 1:57, Dave C wrote:

Would you please show us the filter you used for delayed send messages 
in your Drafts folder?

Or just attach the plist?



Hi Mailmates,

Since some of you have been sharing neat tidbits, I thought I'd share 
one of my favorites: customizable counters.

Each mailbox can have a "Displayed Count" next to it, showing by 
default: All, Unread, Flagged, Unreplied, and Recent. However, the 
counters can be configured with pretty much anything. For example, I 
have a counter called "Outgoing" which lists messages that are about 
to be sent (I use time delay, so this shows me what messages are 
waiting to be sent). I use it on the "Drafts" mailbox. This is a 
small thing, but neat and quite useful for those using delay, without 
needing an independent smart mailbox.

As far as I can tell, you can take a set of conditions from any smart 
mailbox and create a counter. Open Mailboxes.plist and copy out the 
"filter" associated with the smart mailbox. Create countMenu.plist in 
~/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Resources, following this 
format :

counts = (
		{ key = "outgoing"; title = "Outgoing"; filter = "#relay exists"; 


Insert your own filter after "filter = " and there you go. Off the 
top of my head, the 'trick' can be used to show some important subset 
of the Inbox, messages with important keywords, etc.

Thanks for a great app, Benny.


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Re: [MlMt] Click to show mails from / to

2017-04-27 Thread Zvi Biener
I use a layout that automatically brings up a correspondence view for 
any messages I click on (i.e., it brings up all the from/to messages 
connected to the current message). I'm not sure I interpreted your 
question properly, but I think this may answer your first concern.

The layout is based one others that have been posted here, so I 
apologize if this rips someone off. For any clicked message, it shows 
both the correspondence view (any messages between me and the sender) 
and the thread view (all messages in the three). These are meant to be 
small, although you can control the font size independently of the main 

Find it here:


On 27 Apr 2017, at 10:59, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, I like the feature where I can just click an email address for a 
quick search. But there are two quirks:

1. I would like to see FROM and TO messages. Now I either see FROM or 
TO based on the header field the email address was clicked on. Using 
ALT or CTRL etc. doesn't work. Maybe this can be used? And a 
preference would be nice to chose to query for FROM and TO.

2. It looks like the search doesn't update / keep in sync the 
conversations view.


Robert M. Münch, CEO
M: +41 79 65 11 49 6

Saphirion AG
smarter | better | faster

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[MlMt] Expansion of Contacts groups

2017-08-21 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Everyone,
It seems like MM can see Apple Contacts' groups when I start typing them 
into an address field. However, when I hit tab to auto-complete, the 
addresses are not actually auto-completed. Does anyone have a trick for 
making this work?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Expansion of Contacts groups

2017-08-21 Thread Zvi Biener
Terrific. Thanks. Indeed, I was tripped up since tab autocompleted for 
individual addresses. But all's good.


On 21 Aug 2017, at 18:12, Shoshanna Green wrote:

On 21 Aug 2017, at 17:29, Zvi Biener wrote:

It seems like MM can see Apple Contacts' groups when I start typing 
them into an address field. However, when I hit tab to auto-complete, 
the addresses are not actually auto-completed. Does anyone have a 
trick for making this work?

You have to hit Return or , not Tab. I've been tripped up by 
this myself; it's not intuitive at first, but it does work fine once 
you realize!

Shoshanna Green
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[MlMt] Do you want to quit before sending messages?

2017-08-27 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
Another silly question: if I have messages waiting to be sent and I try 
to quit, I get the following message: "Do you want to quit before 
sending messages?". If I select "Send Now", the messages are sent, but 
MM remains open. Is this the standard behavior, or did I change a hidden 
preference I forgot about? I always expect MM to quit after sending the 
messages, and I don't remember if that was an old behavior, or if I'm 
just expecting 'wrong.'


On 26 Aug 2017, at 16:28, Joachim Tingvold wrote:


Maybe a dumb question, but is there a way to disable Unicode "icons"? 
Either via manually blacklisting certain character codes, or some 
other "automagic" way? I know there is a lot of spammers that abuses 
this, but these end up in the Junk folder, and I rarely care/notice.

However, there seems to be some legit emails that also abuses this 
(hello, eBay: ), which kinda "screams" 
in my face when looking at my inbox/whatever folder I'm in.

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[MlMt] Printing messages without history

2017-10-27 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
Does any one have any ideas (scripts, etc.) about how to print messages 
without their quoted history? i.e., without the duplication within every 
new message of every past message in a thread? The question is about 
printing specifically, but other ideas are welcome too.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] one app, 2 computers

2017-11-03 Thread Zvi Biener
This is an extremely inefficient use of resources but, this is my 
solution to the issue:

1. I have MM running on Computer 1, with its .../Application Support... 
folder synced to iCloud (can be any service, I suppose). (It "actually" 
sits in the iCloud directory, with a hard link from the Application 
Support directory.

2. I have MM running on Computer 2, set-up in the same way.

3. Two copies of MM cannot be on at the same time. I have an AppleScript 
to launch MM, which checks whether a com.freron.Mailmait.pid file exists 
in Mailmate's directory. If a file exists, MM is either already running 
locally, or running on the other machine. If Mailmate is running, the 
script activate it. If not, then the script refuses to open it. If the 
file doesn't exist, MailMate opens. I can send the script to you 
off-list if you are interested.

4. Important: the computers need to be synced before I open the MailMate 
script, but this only takes a minute or so after waking up from sleep.

5. Be aware that MailMate writes lots of data all the time, so this is 
really inefficient bandwidth use.

6. When I forget to close MailMate on one machine, I reluctantly use 
another email client. To me, the ability to sync across computer is the 
most needed feature of mailmate, but I've learned to deal with it in 
this way.


On 3 Nov 2017, at 12:37, Alain Israel wrote:

I am afraid the IT director here will not allow me to transfer my 
mails to another account (especially Gmail), for 
security/confidentiality reasons.


On 3 Nov 2017, at 17:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Nov 2017, at 11:48, Alain Israel wrote:

Thanks, nothing is apparently designed to deal with Exchange. Means 
I just have to move to another research institute where they don’t 
use Exchange.

Alternatively, you can setup the account to forward everything to a 
different IMAP account. Preferably something based on the Dovecot 
IMAP server, but Gmail also works. In MailMate, you can still use the 
Exchange SMTP server and your Exchange account email address. This 
means that your correspondents won't see any difference.

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[MlMt] Condition help

2017-11-28 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Everyone,
I wonder if you could help me create a smart mailbox. I have messages in 
Mailbox A, but they are part of threads whose other messages are not in 
Mailbox A. If there a filter I can create that will take any message in 
Mailbox A, and then show all the messages that are threaded to it, 
whether they are in A or not?

Thanks, Zvi
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Condition help

2017-11-28 Thread Zvi Biener
Yes, I can view the threads on a message-by-message basis, but was 
wondering if there was a way to exploit filter to get a mailbox with all 
of the messages and all of the threads... Thanks.

On 28 Nov 2017, at 11:18, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Have you tried using the threaded view  ? it does that automatically 
per message.


On 28 Nov 2017, at 15:56, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi Everyone,
I wonder if you could help me create a smart mailbox. I have messages 
in Mailbox A, but they are part of threads whose other messages are 
not in Mailbox A. If there a filter I can create that will take any 
message in Mailbox A, and then show all the messages that are 
threaded to it, whether they are in A or not?

Thanks, Zvi
mailmate mailing list

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Re: [MlMt] Condition help

2017-11-29 Thread Zvi Biener

Thanks Helen and Benny, that did the trick.

On 29 Nov 2017, at 10:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Nov 2017, at 20:41, Zvi Biener wrote:

Yes, I can view the threads on a message-by-message basis, but was 
wondering if there was a way to exploit filter to get a mailbox with 
all of the messages and all of the threads...

Yes, one way to get this: If you deselect all emails in the mailbox 
(using ⌘) before hitting the “Thread” button then you get a 
search that does not depend on the selected messages. Then save the 
resulting search as a smart mailbox (and there you can review how it 
is configured).

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Re: [MlMt] Searching and reading thread of found email

2018-04-19 Thread Zvi Biener
This layout view is a hatchet job, but it works. For each selected 
message, it brings automatically brings up both the thread and all 
correspondence with the correspondent. Just be sure to set the font 
small enough on the thread and correspondence windows, select the 
columns that make sense (for the correspondence, I use subject and date; 
and for thread, I use from and date). It doesn't clear the search field, 
like you wanted, but it does give you immediate access to the info you 
need, without messing with the from field.


On 19 Apr 2018, at 15:43, Filip Stokkeland wrote:

When I search and find an interesting message, I'd like to read the 
other emails in that thread.
But if I clear the search field, the email I found and had selected, 
it disappears.
... Something obvious I'm missing? How can I just jump to the thread 
of the selected email, clearing the search?

Mailmate rocks! :)
mailmate mailing list
name = "Three Panes + Corr + Thread";
rootViewer =
viewerType = "MmSplitView";
orientation = "horizontal";
children =
viewerType = "MmSplitView";
orientation = "vertical";

collapsibleSubview = 2; // Incomplete support 
-- no way to get it back (1 = first, 2 = last)

children =
viewerType = "MmBoxView";
orientation = "vertical";
toggleMenuTitle = "Mailboxes";
toggleKeyEquivalent = "^~@d";

children =
viewerType = 
identifier = 
viewerType = 
= 1;

  identifier = "ThreadAndCorrSplit";
  viewerType = "MmSplitView";
  orientation = "vertical";
  // is this the panel that gets shrunk?
  collapsibleSubview = 2; // Incomplete support -- no 
way to get it back (1 = first, 2 = last) 
  children =
  // ### Correspondence panel (Label + msgoutline 
must be contained by a MmBoxView)
viewerType = "MmBoxView";
children = 
viewerType = "MmLabelView";
label = "Correspondence";
  { viewerType = "MmSeparatorView"; },
identifier = "correspondenceOutline";

userDefaultsIdentifier = "CorrespondenceOutline";
viewerType = "MmMessagesOutlineView";
minWidth = 100;

sources = ( { sourceIdentifier = 
"mainOutline"; } );
selectionSources = ( { sourceIdentifier = 
"threadOutline"; } );

// Correspondence participation is when 
both the sender 
// and the recipient of the message(s) 
selected in the 
// in main (top) message list are either 
the sender or
// a recipient. I.e. both can be recipients.
transformation = "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter( 
(#any-address.address = $mainOutline.to.address o

[MlMt] Rules: "is in" smart mailbox and Gmail Labels

2018-05-15 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi Folks,
There has been lots of discussion of rules lately, so I apologize if 
this was already addressed:

I'm having trouble setting rules, under the following conditions:

1. I use Gmail labels by hiding the associated gmail "mailboxes" from 
MailMate (through the "Edit Subscriptions"). I then use Smart Mailboxes 
that pick out messages with the appropriate labels. So, if I use Label 
"Marketing", I hide the Marketing mailbox from MM, and define a smart 
mailboxes that picks out all messages with the tag "Marketing" from All 
Messages. I do this so I don't have duplicate messages, and because I 
use the same tags/keywords across multiple accounts.

2. I'd like to define a rule that matches the from address of incoming 
mail against from addresses that are already in the "Marketing" smart 
mailbox. Like: "From -> Address" "is in" "Marketing" (the smart mailbox) 
However, in this context mailboxes that are defined as in 1 are greyed 
out. Other smart mailboxes are OK, but any smart mailbox that picks out 
a gmail label is greyed out.

Any ideas on how to get around this?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Rules: "is in" smart mailbox and Gmail Labels

2018-05-19 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks! The hint about circular reference did it. I actually considered 
this after writing the original email, and thought the existing loop was 
benign, but I see why a very strict constraint would be appropriate. 
Thanks, all fixed now.

On 18 May 2018, at 5:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 15 May 2018, at 17:04, Zvi Biener wrote:

I'm having trouble setting rules, under the following conditions:

1. I use Gmail labels by hiding the associated gmail "mailboxes" from 
MailMate (through the "Edit Subscriptions"). I then use Smart 
Mailboxes that pick out messages with the appropriate labels. So, if 
I use Label "Marketing", I hide the Marketing mailbox from MM, and 
define a smart mailboxes that picks out all messages with the tag 
"Marketing" from All Messages. I do this so I don't have duplicate 
messages, and because I use the same tags/keywords across multiple 

I think you should read 
[this](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/account_setup#gmail) since 
MailMate already has built-in support to make tags work as you would 
expect them to with a Gmail account. This includes hiding the label 

2. I'd like to define a rule that matches the from address of 
incoming mail against from addresses that are already in the 
"Marketing" smart mailbox. Like: "From -> Address" "is in" 
"Marketing" (the smart mailbox) "From->Address".
However, in this context mailboxes that are defined as in 1 are 
greyed out. Other smart mailboxes are OK, but any smart mailbox that 
picks out a gmail label is greyed out.

Any ideas on how to get around this?

I think they would only be greyed out if there was some kind of cyclic 
reference, but maybe there's a bug somewhere related to this. You can 
send me the following file and I *think* I should be able to reproduce 
the issue:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

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Re: [MlMt] where has 'Send Now' gone to?

2018-09-14 Thread Zvi Biener

Press the control button, it comes back.

On 14 Sep 2018, at 15:21, Jason Davies wrote:

Hi folks

Not sure if I missed a discussion on this, if so, apologies. I always 
have a deferment of 5 minutes on my emails for those 'oh, I forgot...' 
things. In the past, I could select Send Now from a contextual menu to 
speed that up but that has disappeared. Is this intentional? The only 
way to do is to threaten to quit Mailmate or edit it just to hit send 
(with alt key, for immediacy).

thanks for any advice, and patience.

mailmate mailing list

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Re: [MlMt] Moving to a new computer

2018-12-06 Thread Zvi Biener
For the record, I’ve copied the entire MailMate folder using Finder, 
with no detectable problem. Many of my emails are on an Exchange server 
that doesn’t deal well with tags, so this was pretty much necessary. 
I’d be interested to know if there are problem underneath that I 
simply never detected.

On 6 Dec 2018, at 12:42, Robert Brenstein wrote:

On 6 Dec 2018, at 18:26, Bill Cole wrote:

On 6 Dec 2018, at 11:36, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Benny or anyone else…
Why should we copy just the plists and prefs and refetch all the 
mails? If I follow the recommendation below, that what we should do. 
However, with 100k mails in dozen IMAP accounts, this will take a 
while. I would rather copy the entire MailMate folder from the 
Application Support and com.freron.MailMate.plist from Preferences 
to another computer. Direct copy is fast.

I tried that. It was ugly, because I used 'rsync' without the flag to 
replicate extended attributes, which MM uses to store a message UID. 
I was fortunate to have been watching how the whole process worked...

So *MAYBE* you can make it work but you should make absolutely 
certain that you replicate extended attributes and when you fire up 
MM afterwards, WATCH what MM does and be prepared to kill it and work 
out any issues you have.

I can't imagine Benny recommending mail cache replication, given the 
risks that it carries.

Would copying a folder in Finder not copy all the attributes?
If I refetch all my mails, what about all the flags and tags that I 
have set on my mails? Hundreds of them.

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Re: [MlMt] Driving me nuts..

2019-01-13 Thread Zvi Biener
I'm a huge fan of the toggleFilterKey action. If you add a keybinding 

"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread");

Pressing it in will immediate show you only the unread messages, 
effectively disappearing all the others.

Actually, I have:

	"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread", "makeFirstResponder:", 
"mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:");

Which also includes moving the focus on the messages, but that's not 


On 13 Jan 2019, at 6:23, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:

Great tip. Done. Found.

Annamarie Pluhar
802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)

On 12 Jan 2019, at 21:52, Edward Thome wrote:

On Jan 12, 2019, at 8:34 PM, Annamarie Pluhar 

Okay that’s an overstatement.

In one of my email accounts I have a “2” indicating that there 
are two unread emails. I can’t find them. Ideas?

I have a smart mailbox set up to show all unread emails.  I think is 
says   Flag   is not Seen

(Or ‘does not contain’)

All the Best,
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[MlMt] rebuild database for only one source

2019-01-13 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
Does anyone know how to rebuild the database for a single source? As far 
as I understand, the command in the documentation is for all sources.

Thanks, Zvi

On 11 Jan 2019, at 16:40, Michael Dunston wrote:

I updated my Mid-2014 MBP (SSD, w/ 16GB RAM) from MacOS 10.13.6 -> 
10.14.2 earlier today and the Mailmate UI now appears to be 
considerably slower than it was this morning before the OS upgrade.  
There appears to be a nearly 1-second delay when clicking to change 
mailboxes, and even typing into a new message window is laggy enough 
that I get several letters (or words) ahead before the typed input 
actually appears.  (and for the record, I’m not that fast of a 
typist)  I do have about 340K messages across 12 accounts with a 
fairly large number of mailboxes, but I didn’t see this behavior 
before the 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2 upgrade, and other text-focused apps 
(BBEdit, PhpStorm, Pages etc.) are not exhibiting this behavior at 
all.  (nor does Activity Monitor or top show anything unusual)  Has 
anyone else experienced this by any chance, or are there any 
recommendations on the best way to troubleshoot this?  Thanks for any 

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
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Re: [MlMt] rebuild database for only one source

2019-01-13 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks. The option was greyed out when I tried that, and also with smart 
mailboxes that basically replicated that selection. Perhaps there is a 
message count limit to reset. At any rate, I'm going to try to just to 
it piecemeal. Thanks...

On 13 Jan 2019, at 19:51, Bill Cole wrote:

On 13 Jan 2019, at 16:27, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,
Does anyone know how to rebuild the database for a single source? As 
far as I understand, the command in the documentation is for all 

It should work to select all messages in the top-level source folder 
in the Sources section of the mailbox list and use the 
"Messages->Reset..." menu command.

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Driving me nuts..

2019-01-15 Thread Zvi Biener
Just be careful to reverse the changes by pressing the key again (FYI, 
the mailbox will have a little mark next to it when the filter key is 
applied). Messages that are 'disappeared' disappear everywhere(!!): in 
SmartMailboxes that might catch them, in searches, etc. It's like they 
are not there at all.

One way to do use this FilterKey effectively, I think: 1) I have my 
mailboxes display a counter of unread messages. 2) I've key-bound 'n' to 
unset the FilterKey of the currently selected mailbox, go to the next 
mailbox that has a count (that has unread messages), and apply the 
FilterKey. I run through all my mailboxes by pressing n multiple times. 
3) I have 'c' bound to mark as read all the unread messages in a folder. 
This is very useful for junky mailboxes, since it means I can go through 
them very quickly, by just pressing 'n' then 'c', repeat. 4) I've bound 
'i' to unset the FilterKey of the current mailbox, go back to the Inbox, 
and restore a previously memorized set of expanded/collapsed mailboxes. 
Essentially, this gets me back to the Inbox and collapses all the 
mailboxes that pressing 'n' repeatedly expanded. Back to a clean state, 
with all messages available to smartMailboxes, etc. I can send you the 
bindings off-list, if you'd like.


On 15 Jan 2019, at 16:51, Edward Thome wrote:

On 13 Jan 2019, at 9:18, Zvi Biener wrote:

I'm a huge fan of the toggleFilterKey action. If you add a keybinding 

"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread");

Pressing it in will immediate show you only the unread messages, 
effectively disappearing all the others.

Actually, I have:

	"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread", "makeFirstResponder:", 
"mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:");

Which also includes moving the focus on the messages, but that's not 


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Re: [MlMt] Driving me nuts..

2019-01-16 Thread Zvi Biener
OK. Here are some bindings. One caveat: after I move mailboxes, I try to 
automatically move the focus to the first message in a mailbox. I'm not 
sure I'm doing it right, especially in the 'n' key. Corrections welcome.

//Browsing Behavior
//The first 4 are adjacent keys, the idea is that I select 'n' one to 
move through mailboxes, 'm' to select the first message, ',' to move 
down the list, and '.' to delete.
// 'i' returns to the inbox, 'x' toggles the filter, 'c' is 

	"n" = ("removeFilterKey:", "unread", 
"collapseAll:","selectNextCountedMailbox:", "setFilterKey:", "unread", 
"makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:");
	"m" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:" 
	"," = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline", "nextUnreadMessage:", 

"." = ( "deleteMessage:");
	"i" = ( "removeFilterKey:", "unread", "restoreMailboxExpansions:", 
"makeFirstResponder:", "mailboxesOutline", "goToMailbox:", "INBOX", 
"selectPreviousMailbox:", "selectNextMailbox:", "makeFirstResponder:", 
"mainOutline", "removeFilterKey:", "unread");
	"x" = ( "toggleFilterKey:", "unread", "makeFirstResponder:", 
"mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:");

"c" = ("markAllAsRead:");

// These control the 'remembered' state of mailboxes. In order to use 
the 'i' key effective, get the mailboxes to the preferred state, the 
press M+s to save the state.

"M" = {
"s" = ( "saveMailboxExpansions:");
"r" = ( "restoreMailboxExpansions:");

On 16 Jan 2019, at 3:34, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

Hi Zvi,

Do share those bindings. Especially like the idea of resetting to 
clean sheet after reading through it all.

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Keybinding tabs to cmd-1, cmd-2, etc.

2019-02-14 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi MailMaters,

Does anyone know how to bind cmd-1, cmd-2, etc. to the 1st open tab, the 
2-nd open tab, etc.?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] attachment in headers display

2019-04-23 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
Has anyone modified the headers display to show attachment information? 
Not sure if that's possible, but if someone has done it, would you mind 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] attachment in headers display

2019-04-24 Thread Zvi Biener
Apologies for being unclear. By "headers display", I mean the set of 
information that you can alter through the View->Headers menu. 
"Attachment information" would be, well, information about attachments. 
Their number and names, for example.

I am also skeptical that this can be accessed through the relevant plist 
for View->Headers, but worth asking.


On 23 Apr 2019, at 19:40, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 23 Apr 2019, at 6:48, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,
Has anyone modified the headers display to show attachment 
information? Not sure if that's possible, but if someone has done it, 
would you mind sharing?


I'm not sure what you mean by "the headers display" nor "attachment 
information."  If you mean that you want to see if a message has an 
attachment when looking at the mailbox table of contents, there is a 
defined column for this that you can enable.  If you mean that when 
looking at a message you want the header fields to include details on 
the attachments, I am not aware of a way to do that.

mailmate mailing list

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Re: [MlMt] Adding header fields to message view (was " attachment in headers display")

2019-04-24 Thread Zvi Biener
I've attached a copy of headersFormatting.plist, which controls the 
headers display. I'm sure it is an awful hack (I'm not a programmer). 
But it does display the source mailbox (as "Folder"), as long as your 
select View->Headers->list. You can emulate that part of the code.


On 24 Apr 2019, at 12:36, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Since i Like to have the "source mailbox" as row in the header section 
of a message:

To combine both ideas it would be nice to have a generic setting for 
additional header rows where a user can add one or more rows with  
meta data from the message (or some of the possible calculations)

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

Am 24.04.2019 um 17:30 schrieb Verdon Vaillancourt 

On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:23, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:49, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

Related to this, but not concerning attachments…

Is there a low-level way to hack what is displayed in the header 
area of a message view? Specifically, the company I work for uses 
gmail corporate, and a lot of  ‘delegation’ access to special 
accounts. In other words, I can login to my account and have access 
to send and receive on behalf of some generic accounts like 
support@ and info@ and so on. People using the gmail browser client 
can see what delegate was sending on behalf of that account. I of 
course cannot see that in MailMate. The delegate information is an 
extra field in the message’s header.

You want to add a specific header field to the set that is shown in 
a message view?  That seems very useful.  I don't see an easy way to 
do that.  Perhaps someone else on the list can answer.  (It might be 
possible to edit the MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css, as mentioned 
in https://manual.mailmate-app.com/customization, but I don't know 
and have never done it).

The View -> Show Raw Message command will show all header fields, 
but likely this isn't what you want.


Thank you for the reference to the customization page. I’d 
forgotten that and will look there. Your understanding of the 
scenario is exactly right. Also thanks for changing the subject of 
the message. I should know better ;-)

— Verdon
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list
defaultFormatting = "shortFormatting";
shortFormatting =
children =
formatString = "${#signed:+✓}";
suffix = { string = " "; };
singleClick = { selector = "showDetails:"; };
toolTip = { formatString = "This message is 
signed."; };
formatString = "${#encrypted:+🔒}";
suffix = { string = " "; };
singleClick = { selector = "showDetails:"; };
toolTip = { formatString = "This message is 
encrypted."; };
separatorString = "";
sharedPrefix = "##tags.tag";
children =
formatString = 
singleClick =
titleFormatting = { 
prefixString = "Tagged "; formatString = "“${##tags.tag.#name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { 
formatString = "##tags.tag = '${##tags.tag}'"; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
copyValues =
{ title = ''; 
valueFormatting = { formatString = '${##tags.tag.#name}'; }; },
{ titleFormatting = 
'Server Keyword (${##tags.tag})'; valueFormatting = { formatString = 
'${##tags.tag}'; }; },
string = "“";
formatString = "${subject.prefix}";
suffix = { string = " "; };
// link stuff

Re: [MlMt] attachment in headers display

2019-04-24 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks. Indeed, I have the paperclip and the bottom-listing displayed 
already. I was just curious, as the headers display is a particularly 
efficient way (for me) to get information. Thanks.

On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:11, Randall Gellens wrote:

My apologies, I accidentally typed an invalid header field name (I 
typed "Attachment-Disposition" when of course I was thinking 


On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:38, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 24 Apr 2019, at 5:27, Zvi Biener wrote:

Apologies for being unclear. By "headers display", I mean the set of 
information that you can alter through the View->Headers menu. 
"Attachment information" would be, well, information about 
attachments. Their number and names, for example.

I am also skeptical that this can be accessed through the relevant 
plist for View->Headers, but worth asking.

There is no standardized top-level header field for attachment 
information.  A message with attachments has a top-level Content-Type 
header field of multipart; each attachment is a body part with a 
Content-Type header field and typically an Attachment-Disposition 
header field indicating if the attachment is intended to be displayed 
in-line versus handled as a classic attachment.  So I don't think 
attachment information logically belongs in the header view.

However, MailMate does have options to display information about each 
attachment either at the top or bottom of a message.  There is also 
the ability to display a paperclip icon for a message with an 
attachment in the table of contents view.  If you right-click a 
message in the table of contents view, MailMate has some contextual 
menu items for attachments, including quick view and save.

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Re: [MlMt] attachment in headers display

2019-04-26 Thread Zvi Biener
Thanks. That works well too. I wasn't so much displeased with the way 
things were as curious. Thanks.

On 26 Apr 2019, at 17:54, Galen Menzel wrote:

Before you start hacking the headers display, have you tried the 
preference](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences) that 
makes the attachment table show up at the top of the message? Execute 
this command in the terminal and restart MailMate:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmShowAttachmentsFirst -bool YES

This puts the attachments not in the headers, but just below them. 
Like this:


Does this fit your needs?



On 24 Apr 2019, at 10:04, Zvi Biener wrote:

Thanks. Indeed, I have the paperclip and the bottom-listing displayed 
already. I was just curious, as the headers display is a particularly 
efficient way (for me) to get information. Thanks.

On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:11, Randall Gellens wrote:

My apologies, I accidentally typed an invalid header field name (I 
typed "Attachment-Disposition" when of course I was thinking 


On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:38, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 24 Apr 2019, at 5:27, Zvi Biener wrote:

Apologies for being unclear. By "headers display", I mean the set 
of information that you can alter through the View->Headers menu. 
"Attachment information" would be, well, information about 
attachments. Their number and names, for example.

I am also skeptical that this can be accessed through the relevant 
plist for View->Headers, but worth asking.

There is no standardized top-level header field for attachment 
information.  A message with attachments has a top-level 
Content-Type header field of multipart; each attachment is a body 
part with a Content-Type header field and typically an 
Attachment-Disposition header field indicating if the attachment is 
intended to be displayed in-line versus handled as a classic 
attachment.  So I don't think attachment information logically 
belongs in the header view.

However, MailMate does have options to display information about 
each attachment either at the top or bottom of a message.  There is 
also the ability to display a paperclip icon for a message with an 
attachment in the table of contents view.  If you right-click a 
message in the table of contents view, MailMate has some contextual 
menu items for attachments, including quick view and save.

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[MlMt] Removing attachments

2019-11-07 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
A while back there was some discussion on the list about removing 
attachments from emails. I think the feature is really useful to combat 
the nasty habit of attaching signature-images to emails. Has anyone 
tried to automate the remove feature this with some modifiable logic, 
(apply only to some attachments, etc.)?

Just wondering. Thanks,
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Address Panel and Office365

2019-12-09 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,

I’m trying to get MailMate’s Address Panel to work with Office365. 
Currently, I have the Office365 Global Directory properly linked to 
Apple’s Contact’s App, where I can search it properly. But I can’t 
search it from within MM’s Address Panel. Any ideas? Do I need some 
sort of manual setup somewhere?

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Re: [MlMt] Move focus to message list

2020-03-25 Thread Zvi Biener
I use the following to move from a selected mailbox to the top message 
of the message viewer:

"m" = ( "makeFirstResponder:", "mainOutline", "selectFirstMessageRow:" 


On 25 Mar 2020, at 8:01, Stefan Buehler wrote:

Dear all,

but now the perhaps less trivial question: My shortcuts do select the 
last message (key l-l), but do not move the focus there, as I had 
hoped. I’ve now found that there appears to be a selector to move 
the focus, “makeFirstResponder:”. But what is the ID of the 
message list?



On 25 Mar 2020, at 12:48, Stefan Buehler wrote:

Thanks! Sorry for being so dense.

:-) /Stefan

On 25 Mar 2020, at 11:36, David Ledger wrote:

On 2020-03-25 09:34, Stefan Buehler wrote:

Dear MailMate experts,

I like using the keyboard and avoiding the mouse. This works very 
well in MailMate, but I often have the problem that when I do a 
search or jump to a mailbox, the focus is then in the search field 
or the mailbox list, and not in the message list where I need it to 
be to deal with the messages.

I can move focus along with the tab key, but it is a bit 
unpredictable how many times I have to press it to come to the 
message list.

So, it would be great to have a keyboard shortcut to move focus to 
the message list directly.

I thought I could achieve this with the last two keys (f and l) in 
the keyboard shortcuts file like this:

 "l" = {
     // 0 In+Sent
     "0" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"B6C88ECF-C0A4-4B8F-AD99-D29E352D60FD" );

     // 1 Wichtig
     "1" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"9C4141C4-5D02-46C2-8B86-82825D65C9BB" );

     // 2 Normal
     "2" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"81B7C934-ABAD-4349-8129-588BD1E94ED6" );

     // 3 Unwichtig
     "3" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"4272D314-52C4-4FF9-9FA9-1DE1BD287BC3" );

     // 4 Other unread (bereits in Folder abelegte 
     "4" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"6FC03EEB-FBC4-4A91-B450-5A0C1330CBDB" );

     // Show all from same thread
     "t" = ( "showThread:" );

     // Show all from same correspondants
     "c" = ( "showCorrespondence:" );

     // Select first message row
//    "f" = { "selectFirstMessageRow:" };

     // Select last message row
//    "l" = { "selectLastMessageRow:" };


With the lines commented out like this, keyboard shortcuts work. 
But if I uncomment one or both of the last two entries, all custom 
keyboard shortcuts stop to work.

Any ideas?

You're using braces '{}' rather than parentheses '()'


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[MlMt] Exchange Tags, Once Again

2020-05-14 Thread Zvi Biener

Hi All,
There’s been discussion of tags on Exchange server in the past, but I 
wonder if it is worth visiting again, in case people would be willing to 
share working solutions (or kludges). Sadly, I’m constrained to use 
Office365 for my work account. I have local tags in MailMate, but those 
do not sync to Exchange. (Btw, I use Preside on iOS, and that work fine, 
so I’d like to retain the ability to use the tags). Has any one got 
around this creatively?

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Re: [MlMt] How do I turn off the banners?

2020-08-31 Thread Zvi Biener
You might see the banner if you open a message in its own viewer — 
that’s the only context where I see them…

On 31 Aug 2020, at 11:10, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

seeing all these messages about banners etc. and i'm on the latest 
version and not seeing themcould it be i'm not seeing them because 
I have
the "show gravatar for email" patch applied Benny sent out long time 
ago ?

i.e. I don't see a banner for "this is a mailing list" etc.


On 29 Aug 2020, at 8:48, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Aug 2020, at 20:56, Eric Sharakan wrote:

On 28 Aug 2020, at 14:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

(I'm aware that this and some other banners take up too much 

In this specific case, making them smaller is probably not 
sufficient.  There really needs to be an option to completely hide 
the mailing list notices.

Sorry, I wasn't very specific. The plan is also to make them 

The old message view had some very specific types of banners and it 
could only show 1 banner for each type. The new system is more 
general/abstract and much easier for me to work with when I get time 
to fix various long-standing issues. It has already improved how 
MailMate handles S/MIME and OpenPGP messages. The subscription banner 
is more a proof-of-concept than anything else :-)

It's actually possible to display even more annoying details using 
`MmShowParserDetails` :-)


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Re: [MlMt] Disable / redirect Key combinations for Layout views

2021-04-26 Thread Zvi Biener
A way to re-assign Command-{1-6} to currently open tabs (like firefox, 
iterm, etc.) would also be great. If anyone knows

On 26 Apr 2021, at 15:21, Jon Garrison wrote:


I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos 
accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of 
time in Linux for work.

I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them.

Any help would be appreciated!

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[MlMt] Calendar/Busycal plugins

2021-05-28 Thread Zvi Biener
Hi Everyone,
Sometime in the last year of updates, my Calendar and Busycal "create event" 
plugin commands stopped working. Has this happened to anyone else, and if so, 
were you able to fix it?

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