Thanks, everyone. Mailboxes successfully reconstructed.

On 4 Apr 2013, at 12:03, Bill Cole wrote:

On 4 Apr 2013, at 10:24, Zvi Biener wrote:

Dear MM users,
Through astounding stupidity on my part, I deleted the "Personal Inbox" and "Personal Inbox w/ Treads" mailboxes that come in the "Examples" mailbox folder. Can one of you remind me what conditions define those mailboxes? I actually used them, and well… astounding stupidity.

The definitions in ~Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist that Steve Mayer are user-specific instances derived from the canonical definitions in, which has all of the pristine definitions should you ever need them, including:

                name = 'Personal Inbox';
                set = 'INBOX';
                filter = '#recipient.address = $SENT.from.address';
                uuid = "PERSONAL_INBOX";

That's messages from the aggregated Inbox where a Recipient->Address is in the From->Address value set of the aggregated Sent Messages mailbox

                name = 'Personal Inbox with Threads';
                set = "ALL_MESSAGES";
                filter = '#thread-id =[c] $PERSONAL_INBOX.#thread-id';

That's messages from the All Messages aggregate where the Thread-Id is in the Thread-Id value set of the Personal Inbox.

If need to fix major damage to your smart mailbox collection or tweak things that MM can't (e.g. partitioning) you can edit Mailboxes.plist by hand with MM shut down, but it is probably best to create the skeleton of folders and sub-mailboxes in MM to assure that the various uuid fields that define the
structure are correct.
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