[MlMt] Two Questions from a New User

2013-09-02 Thread Scott Blystone


I'm a new registered MailMate user and I have two questions, please:

1. How can I re-order my data sources (accounts)? I have added a couple 
of new accounts and want them to appear in a particular order. I've 
looked at the help file and searched the Web and was not able to locate 
this information.

2. I have defined default columns. When I revert to default columns for 
a particular folder the selection does not seem to stick. If I move away 
from that folder and then come back to it most of the time my default 
disappears. Am I missing something here or is this a bug?


Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for Google Talk/Jabber/XMPP instant 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Two Questions from a New User

2013-09-02 Thread Scott Blystone

On 2 Sep 2013, at 11:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 2 Sep 2013, at 16:57, Scott Blystone wrote:

I'm a new registered MailMate user and I have two questions, please:

Thanks for your support!

1. How can I re-order my data sources (accounts)? I have added a 
couple of new accounts and want them to appear in a particular order. 
I've looked at the help file and searched the Web and was not able to 
locate this information.

It's not possible. It might not be so hard to add (after I did some 
other changes), but currently the only workaround is to rename the 
accounts, e.g., numerically.

2. I have defined default columns. When I revert to default columns 
for a particular folder the selection does not seem to stick. If I 
move away from that folder and then come back to it most of the time 
my default disappears. Am I missing something here or is this a bug?

It could be a bug. There is a known bug where the 
“Default”-related menu items are available for some mailboxes 
which are currently the exceptions from the rule. Sent
and Drafts mailboxes have their own defaults and must be changed 
individually. I haven't yet found a good way to handle this.

mailmate mailing list


Thanks for the fast answers and also for your honesty. There are no 
"software bugs" - only "undocumented features"! :-)

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for Google Talk/Jabber/XMPP instant 

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Does Anyone Know What This Header Is?

2013-10-28 Thread Scott Blystone


I recently changed my primary email provider to Fastmail. I have a 
column set to display raw flags. Since the change I'm seeing a new raw 
flag named "X-ME-Annot-2". Obviously, this is a non-standard flag, but 
I'm really curious to know what it means. Internet searches produced no 
useful information. Does anyone know about this header?


Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Future Feature Thoughts (was Crowd Funding 2014)

2013-10-29 Thread Scott Blystone


I think that Ryan has some good thoughts on this subject, and his 
response got me thinking a bit more even though I do not agree with him 
on all the details.

There is a need for something at least somewhat unique here. I have some 
experience with Postbox and have some thoughts which might apply here. 
The BIG problem (IMHO) with Postbox is that it is based on the very old 
Mozilla 2.x code. Yet, they have managed to add on some interesting 
features. They have integration with Dropbox and social networking 
sites. Personally, I could not care less about Facebook, Twitter or 
other social networking links, but the Dropbox integration seems quite 
useful. Dropbox has recently opened up their API's some it's addition 
into MailMate might not me all that difficult. Perhaps the addition of 
Google Drive and/or other network storage systems would also be 
desirable. Sometimes I need to send large attachments. Although my mail 
service and bandwidth are adequate for most anything I would want to 
throw into an email, many people I know are quite limited by either 
either their ISP or email provider. The ability to quickly, easily and 
simply attach a link to a large file into a MailMate message might be 
very useful.

I'm also thinking about a companion Android and/or IOS client. Maybe 
someone else would need to help with this given Benny's current time 
constraints. I doubt that Apple would allow an application of this type, 
but I'm sure Android would be no problem. I'm not thinking about a 
full-fledged MailMate for Android here, but what about a companion 
application that might be able to access a copy of Mail Mate running on 
a Mac somewhere to perhaps quickly search the message base and return 
the results. Does anyone else have any ideas along this line?

On 29 Oct 2013, at 7:59, Ryan Erwin wrote:

## The Hacker's Mail Client

I use MailMate more than any other program on my Macbook Air, which I 
keep with me almost all the time in my life of nearly constant travel. 
I love that I can hit "/" and my default search boxes come up, and I 
can quickly find the message that I need to reference.


-Ryan in Shanghai

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Auto BCC? Am I Missing Something?

2013-11-01 Thread Scott Blystone


Does MailMate have an auto-BCC feature? I cannot imagine that it 
doesn't, yet I cannot seem to find it.

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Multiple S/MIME Certificates?

2013-11-01 Thread Scott Blystone


First of all, Benny, I thank you for pointing out the various hidden 
preference settings. The item for using multiple OpenPGP keys is useful 
for me, but is there an item available for using multiple S/MIME keys? 
That would be even more useful to me.


Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Multiple S/MIME Certificates

2013-11-02 Thread Scott Blystone

All (and Benny),

Yes, I DO have multiple S/MIME certificates for the same address as 
there are some valid reasons for that. As my signature says, I am a 
CAcert Assurer. That organization issues Class 3 certificates where your 
identity is very carefully validated through face-to-face inspection of 
identity documents my multiple Assurers. Unfortunately, though, the 
organization's root certificates are not yet automatically included in 
any operating systems or browsers. Their certificates must be manually 
installed and marked as trusted before certificates issued by the CA 
will be recognized as trusted. Because of this, their use is currently 
limited to more technical and other security-minded individuals.

StartSSL's root certificates ARE, however, included with all operating 
systems and browsers, making them much more useful when communicating 
with less technical individuals. Unfortunately, though, the organization 
only indirectly vets a person's identity and only offers Class 2 
certificates. While these certificate are just as useful for signing and 
encrypting messages, the recipient of the message cannot have the same 
confidence in your own identity as when using CAcert certificates.

I have also created my own CA and issue very limited certificates on it 
using OpenSSL. I use these such certificates only when communicating 
with certain very specific individuals.

Ideally, I would like to see  MailMate have a combo box for both S/MIME 
and OpenPGP whereby the sender could select any certificate desired. 
While one might think that only a very few MaleMate users might have 
need of it, yet I think that it would be both a useful feature to 
advertise and that it fits in very well with the type of user that Benny 
has been targeting since the first versions of MailMate.

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Multiple S/MIME Certificates

2013-11-03 Thread Scott Blystone

On 3 Nov 2013, at 5:26, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:


Ok, I can see that it's not enough to be able to bind a sender address 
to a specific key/certificate as it is currently possible when using 
Maybe I should allow multiple certificates to be specified for each 
email address and then display those in a separate popup menu in the 
composer. That would also allow the user to assign display names for 
them since I'm guessing it might be hard to otherwise distinguish the 
certificates... (Not making any promises on a time frame here.)


Benny and All,

Well, just to throw more gasoline on the fire, I also have multiple 
OpenPGP keys for the same identities and have been even more involved 
with that community! I know it's asking a lot, but something similar to 
what we've been discussing would also be great for OpenPGP keys. I like 
your popup idea and it could be applied to both S/MIME and OpenPGP. Yes, 
some way of seeing at least partial details of a key/certificate is a 
must to ensure you have the correct one is vital, but there may be other 
ways of doing thins besides assigning display names (although it is a 
good idea!). Thunderbird does a pretty good job in this area. Apple Mail 
does a *terrible* job! Multiple certificates are a nightmare in that 
client. I have been a financial contributor to the GPGTools effort for 
Apple Mail, and that tool suite has gotten *really* good recently. But, 
they have "dumbed it down" to automatically select the key for you. In 
my mind, this was a step backwards.

I have a lot of contacts in the security community that might be useful 
in getting the word out regarding MailMate and I will try to to so on an 
informal basis. I know that several people will ask me about these 
capabilities, however.

I'm not a software developer, but I would like to help your project 
however I can. I just recently retired from a very large company after 
many years service as a network security and encryption engineer.

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Multiple S/MIME Certificates

2013-11-03 Thread Scott Blystone

On 3 Nov 2013, at 10:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:


And how do they do it?

The best way of describing this was to show you some screenshots. I've 
put them in my public Dropbox folder, and here are the links:


These screenshots were taken from Postbox (based on the Mozilla 2.x 
code), but the windows are virtually identical even fore the latest 
versions of Thunderbird. Note that the Enigmail extension is used for 
OpenPGP support.

The first URL shows Postbox's built-in support for selecting S/MIME 
certificates. The second two are from the Enigmail extension. The first 
one of these actually calls the second window to select the actual key.

I hope this helps. I'm giving away a few of my addresses here, but 
they're in graphical form and hopefully there are no hard-core spammers 
on this list!

MailMate could also remember which key/certificate has been used in 
the past for individual recipients (similar to how signatures are 

That would be good, but an easy way of overriding it would also be 
highly desirable.

I recently became aware that the keychain supports choosing an 
identity preference. I assume this works in Apple Mail (I don't think 
it works in MailMate, because I'm not using the correct 10.7 API, but 
I haven't tested it).

It's there, but it's pretty flaky and does not display enough 
information to be very useful.

I'm *guessing* it is a temporary situation.

I don't think it is from what I have heard from the gout. Their goal is 
to make OPenPGP security *very* simple for the non-technical user.


Sounds good. I need competent users who can help me do the right thing 
when implementing signing/encryption related features.

Hopefully this is a starting point.


Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Hash Function Parameter? What Am I Missing Here?

2013-11-30 Thread Scott Blystone

The release notes of the latest developer build contained the following text:

"Revision 3872 (Friday, November 29, 2013)

The following can be used to change the hash function used for OpenPGP messages:
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmOpenPGPHashFunction -string sha256
Do not use this if you do not know what you are doing."

What am I missing here? I have many years encryption experience but I do not 
understand the purpose of this parameter.The digest and hash functions are 
determined when the actual key itself is generated and not by the mail client!

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Hash Function Parameter? What Am I Missing Here?

2013-12-02 Thread Scott Blystone

On 2 Dec 2013, at 12:00, mailmate-requ...@lists.freron.com wrote:

First, I'm certainly no security expert and I welcome any
comments/corrections to the following.

For OpenPGP the hash function is not set in stone, but you can set a
list of preferred hash functions, e.g., one of my keys has the 


Digest: SHA256, SHA1, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224

Unfortunately (embarrassingly) MailMate ignores this setting. It 

enforces the use of SHA1 to make sure that the ?Content-Type? of a
message shows the correct hash function in the so-called `micalg`
parameter. I have it on my ToDo to improve this.


For S/MIME in MailMate, it's kind of worse, and it's partly because 

not 100% sure how it works for S/MIME certificates. MailMate doesn't
(and maybe cannot?) enforce a particular hash function, but MailMate
also doesn't try to find out which hash algorithm is used.



Hi Benny,

This does get REALLY confusing! I know a LOT about using S/MIME and 
OpenPGP, but I would NEVER dare call myself an expert. Frankly, I think 
the subject is so involved that I would highly question anyone who 
claimed to be an expert.

I'm not a developer. I'm a network security engineer (recently retired). 
I do have the statement "default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 
SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed" in my 
gpg.conf file, and I think that this is what you are mentioning. Here's 
what I've found on the usage of "default-preference-list":

"Sets the list of default preferences to string. This preference list is 
used for new keys and becomes the default for "setpref" in the edit 
menu." There are still a lot of SHA1 beys out there (especially with 
S/MIME) but most people/business are upgrading. I can now more or less 
understand the purpose of your new parameter and I'm glad it's on your 
to-do list.

The type of information you really need on S/MIME hash functions is very 
difficult to locate (if it's even out there at all!). Most of us 
technical people (myself included) don't always document as well as we 

Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
mailmate mailing list