On 3 Nov 2013, at 10:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:


And how do they do it?

The best way of describing this was to show you some screenshots. I've put them in my public Dropbox folder, and here are the links:


These screenshots were taken from Postbox (based on the Mozilla 2.x code), but the windows are virtually identical even fore the latest versions of Thunderbird. Note that the Enigmail extension is used for OpenPGP support.

The first URL shows Postbox's built-in support for selecting S/MIME certificates. The second two are from the Enigmail extension. The first one of these actually calls the second window to select the actual key.

I hope this helps. I'm giving away a few of my addresses here, but they're in graphical form and hopefully there are no hard-core spammers on this list!

MailMate could also remember which key/certificate has been used in the past for individual recipients (similar to how signatures are remembered).

That would be good, but an easy way of overriding it would also be highly desirable.

I recently became aware that the keychain supports choosing an identity preference. I assume this works in Apple Mail (I don't think it works in MailMate, because I'm not using the correct 10.7 API, but I haven't tested it).

It's there, but it's pretty flaky and does not display enough information to be very useful.

I'm *guessing* it is a temporary situation.

I don't think it is from what I have heard from the gout. Their goal is to make OPenPGP security *very* simple for the non-technical user.


Sounds good. I need competent users who can help me do the right thing when implementing signing/encryption related features.

Hopefully this is a starting point.


Scott Blystone
Rochester, NY, US

CAcert Assurer (see http://www.cacert.org)
StartSSL Notary (see http://www.startssl.org)

Note: This address also works for instant messaging.
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