Re: [MlMt] Clicking links in emails doesn't open them (Version 1.14 (5918))

2022-09-26 Thread Richard Rettke
I have encountered this also. My analysis is that the links that do not 
work for me, are always links within the email itself. For example a 
bunch of links summarizing the contents of the email and then clicking a 
link should take you to the appropriate location within the email. Those 
types of link have been problematic for me. Links to the web have not 
been a problem.

This may not be your problem but it may be a clue that I hope that may 
shed some light.

Richard Rettke
Laus Deo
Non sibi sed patriae

On 26 Sep 2022, at 6:51, Jolin Warren  wrote:

I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but I upgraded to 
5918 yesterday, and now when I click a link in a received email, 
nothing happens. The first time I clicked on a link, it opened in 
Safari as expected. But any other links don’t do anything. Is this a 
known issue with 5918? I’m on MacOS 12.5.1. Thanks!

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] good email providers that play well w/ MailMate [was: moving my mail from one server to another—will my IMAP mailboxes & their contents survive the move?]

2023-04-12 Thread Richard Rettke

I Ken,

Although I still have some address’s on Gmail (only because I have not 
had time to move them all) I cannot speak highly enough of Fastmail.

The only issue I have with Fastmail is that I have always been a heavy 
user of TAGS in MailMate. Fastmail has a limit on how many tags (i.e. 
how many tagged emails) it allowed. They may have fixed this as it was a 
couple years ago I ran into it and I ultimately deprecated my use of 
Tags. Beyond that, Fastmail is tops in my book.

On 12 Apr 2023, at 12:55, Ken Pope 
|Mailmate/RER>Vendor>Software>Freron Software| wrote:

*Thanks* for the continued stream of great info.

My plan to move to a much cheaper dedicated server crashed when I 
discovered that a much cheaper dedicated server couldn’t deliver 
what I needed.

Part of Plan B includes finding a good, secure email provider that (a) 
will accept my domain name, (b) plays well with Mail Mate, (c) will 
allow me to import my current array of emails, & (d) allows sufficient 
storage (e.g., StartMail looks great but has an inflexible limit of 
only 10G storage for all plans).

The following prospects made the initial cuts of my research.  I’d 
appreciate your comments about any of the following or any other 
provider you recommend or warn against.

Scala Hosting

Thanks as always for your help.


mailmate mailing list

Richard Rettke
Laus Deo
Non sibi sed patriae
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Send Mail at a Specific Time

2023-05-08 Thread Richard Rettke

I use Send Later frequently. It is indeed ad hoc.

I am running Version 1.13.2 (5673) of Mailmate

If you look at the line ABOVE the From: address *(when composing a 
reply)* you will see 4 horizontal lines followed by a ∨ which are then 
followed by the word Signature followed by a ∨.

Click on the 4 horizontal lines and the ∨

The dropdown menu will contain…

**Send Later**

Select **Send Later**
A **Send Later line** will appear under the Subject line.

Enter the time and/or date time you wish to have it sent.
When you enter the date/time (only need time if it’s today), it will 
display in RED if it doesn’t understand what you entered and normal 
black text if it does.

Press send and the reply will be stored in Drafts until the appointed 
date/time and then it will be sent. Of course you need to leave Mailmate 
up and running for that to occur (mine is up 24/7/365).

I hope that helps.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 8 May 2023, at 19:35, Malcolm Fitzgerald  wrote:

I'd like to schedule the delivery of messages on an ad-hoc basis. I 
had thought that MailMate had this option but I cannot see it.

This morning I was awake and working far too early. It was not the 
right time to send email.

I know that I can leave the message in Drafts. However that means I 
have to attend to it again. There are many things that could prevent 
me sending the saved draft at the best time. And there are many other 
things I would rather do that go back to tasks that I have already 

If this option isn't already in the mail mate toolkit, is it in the 
feature wish list?


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] alphabetize recipients

2016-02-24 Thread Richard Rettke

Well, this was a surprise. My apologies.

It took me awhile last night (into the wee hours) to figure out what in 
the heck was going on.

Long story short; I use an email forwarding service to isolate my real 
address from the rest of the world. When I send a new email only one 
piece of info gets prefixed to the address (typically my name). When I 
receive an email the identifying info from the services database gets 
prefixed to the address for my use in identifying the cryptic email 

What I had not realized (been using this for over 10 years, never an 
issue so never paid close attention) was that when I REPLY to an email, 
that same info that was placed there for my use on the inbound side then 
gets sent on the outbound side with the address, not good, and that is 
where the MailMate reference is coming from.

So I now understand what is causing the problem, just don't have an 
automated solution as of yet. I will attempt to manually edit the TO 
line on replies but that will be fraught with challenges.

What I need to conjure up is a way that when I hit REPLY, the 
non-address info is stripped from the address. I'll work on a Keyboard 
Maestro Macro to resolve this unless someone has a better idea.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 23 Feb 2016, at 17:54, Gary Hull wrote:

Benny, I think at this point, since your previous request was ignored, 
you need to unsubscribe this account from the mailing list, perhaps 
sending along a private message to the email address explaining why 
you're not allowing "Mailmate" as a From name.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] SideBar organisational tabs/menus

2016-02-25 Thread Richard Rettke

Hi John,

When I inadvertently archive or trash an item I didn't really want to, I 
just use UNDO, Cmd-Z and it UNDO's it. I never have needed to go to the 
archive or trash to find it.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 25 Feb 2016, at 16:52, John Cooper 
|Mailmate/RER>Vendor>Software> Freron Software| wrote:

Yes, I'd like to hide Sent, Drafts, Junk, and All Messages in 
particular. I personally access Archives and Trash occasionally, 
almost always when I've used one of my single-key shortcuts 
incorrectly and archived or trashed a message I want back.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] logic of offline behavior

2016-03-07 Thread Richard Rettke
On 7 Mar 2016, at 8:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen 
|Mailmate/RER>Vendor>Software> Freron Software| wrote:

Very few types of problems should lead to the “offline” state and 
most often it shouldn't happen until after the user has been warned 
about some kind of synchronization issue.

This fits an issue which I've tried to fix today. Gmail (and Outlook) 
accounts using the OAuth2 authentication method could some times 
automatically go offline. For some users it is triggered quite often. 
I'm not yet sure why, but it might be related to an unstable network 
connection or (maybe more likely) the OS X Power Nap feature.

Try the latest test release and let me know if (or if not) that helps.

FYI Benny, I have had this issue for quite some time, never thought to 
bring it up though. I have 11 gmail accounts and as I was reading this I 
looked and 4 of them are offline. I have never received an notification 
for a source going offline. I have a very stable network connection and 
do not use sleep or power nap at all.

In the short term, it would be helpful (to me anyway) if the text 
"(offline)" could be bold or even a bold color like red. The Sources are 
visible on my display but I never look at them in the normal course of a 

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] logic of offline behavior

2016-03-07 Thread Richard Rettke

On 7 Mar 2016, at 14:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Hmm, the latter means I don't really know why it would happen for you. 
If it still happens with the latest test release then let me know such 
that I can tell you how to help me debug it.

In the short term, it would be helpful (to me anyway) if the text 
"(offline)" could be bold or even a bold color like red. The Sources 
are visible on my display but I never look at them in the normal 
course of a day.

I already did this for the latest test release (red color).

Just upgraded. The red is very helpful. I'll get them all back online 
and let you know what transpires.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] lack of focus

2016-04-10 Thread Richard Rettke

On 10 Apr 2016, at 15:43, John Cooper | wrote:

This sounds like the problem where the system believes that a dialog, 
such as a password input dialog, is open somewhere, so it disables 
text input elsewhere, even in the current application.

I generally have 16 apps open, sometimes more. I run into this 
occasionally but not regularly. It usually turns out to be a dialog box 
hidden behind a bunch of other windows. It's certainly annoying, but not 
often enough for me to investigate further. When push comes to shove I 
reboot, but usually I can get out of it by finding the app with the open 

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Can't print message while composing

2016-05-02 Thread Richard Rettke
On 2 May 2016, at 9:54, William P. N. Smith  

If I’m composing a message and I want to print it before I hit 
“Send”, there’s no text in the printout, just a header.

Is this a setting or a bug?

Don't have an answer for you but I tested this and it works fine for me. 
Composing message, neither sent nor saved, do Cmd-P, get print dialog, 
print it - it's all there. Works for both plain text or markdown 
generates html.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Smart mailbox for "today", etc.

2016-07-04 Thread Richard Rettke

On 4 Jul 2016, at 9:46, John D. Muccigrosso  wrote:

I see there are several old requests on the mailing list for this 
(2013 and 2014), but I wanted to put in another request for it.

I would like that as well.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Change font size in new-message headers?

2016-07-14 Thread Richard Rettke
On 14 Jul 2016, at 11:49, John D. Muccigrosso  

That’s disappointing. I think they’re too small by a point or two, 
but don’t have a problem with the rest of the system settings, so I 
don’t want to change them.

You may want to give the Zoom Accessibility option a try.

It's in the Accessibility System Preference

Select the Zoom option int the left hand column and make sure the Use 
keyboard shortcuts to zoom is checked.

Then option-command-8 will toggle the zoom.

Give it a try.

You can also change the zoom style from full screen to 
picture-in-picture which gives you a box to move around the screen with 
cursor and anything under it is magnified.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mailmate on the dock

2016-08-16 Thread Richard Rettke

On 16 Aug 2016, at 4:44, Alexandre Takacs  wrote:

FWIW I have seen it a few times with MM and indeed to my recollection 
it is the only app exhibiting this. But fairly minor issue anyway.

I have seen this on occasion with other 3rd party apps (non-app store) 
but never with MailMate. I never worried about it, or even gave it much 

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] sending emails that were in excel

2016-08-29 Thread Richard Rettke

On 29 Aug 2016, at 12:08, Annamarie  wrote:

I have 13 email addresses in Excel. I copied the column and pasted 
into a BCC field and then gave each address a comma. All but the first 
have bounced with addressee unknown. Now that they have bounced, I can 
see that there was an "=" sign in front of each address. Obviously I 
should be doing something different. What would that be? (yes, I know 
about a proper email list service - I use Aweber.)

Not sure how you copied them but I would do a right click and copy 

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] thread-reading behavior

2016-09-01 Thread Richard Rettke

On 1 Sep 2016, at 13:14, aisrael  wrote:

For point 1, you just press Alt at the same time, it opens the entire 
thread (it is a regular McOS command).

I'm not seeing that behavior.

When I hold Option(alt) and click on the Carat (Rt pointing arrow) it 
does **display** the entire thread, but I still have to hi-light the 
entire thread and press enter to open it in one window.

Holding Option and pressing return just beeps.
Holding Option and double clicking the first message just opens that 
message, not the whole thread.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New version broke fonts?

2016-09-01 Thread Richard Rettke

On 1 Sep 2016, at 14:05, Seebs  wrote:

I note also, on the main window, the toolbar no longer works in 
text-only. Instead of textual buttons for the three actions, you get 
the word "Actions". I actually really liked having buttons labeled 
"Archive" or "Move to Junk", because words are more reliable for me 
than images.

Now that I've worked with this 'new' toolbar iconography, I have to 
agree. I now waste more time hovering the mouse waiting for the 
mouse-tip to pop up telling me specifically what the button is.

Perhaps this should be a separate thread, but I now see 2 (two) Print 
icons on the top right of the mail command bar when reading a mail. One 
appears to be the old icon for the printer, the other appears to be a 
stylized print icon. I really don't need two although it does double my 
odds of hitting it.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] New version broke fonts?

2016-09-01 Thread Richard Rettke
On 1 Sep 2016, at 14:28, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

Right-click the toolbar to “Customize Toolbar...”. Then drag the 
default set into the toolbar or configure your own.

Thanks Benny!

That worked. I thought I had done that a while back, but, apparently 
not, c'est la vie.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-01 Thread Richard Rettke

On 30 Aug 2016, at 21:02, Kee Hinckley  wrote:

I've had MailMate ask for my password in four of my Google Apps 
accounts (three of them two-factor) a total of at least 8 times today. 
Has anyone else had any issues?

I've been watching this thread since it started and feeling fortunate 
that I have not had any issues with 10 gmail accounts I have.

So I'm sitting in front of my Mac when all of a sudden at 0127 i 
received emails and text messages from google on 5 of the accounts. The 
messages read as follows;

_Hi Richard,_

_Someone just used your password to try to sign in to your Google 
Account, using an application such as an email 
client or mobile device._

_Friday, September 2, 2016 2:21 AM (Eastern Daylight Time)_
_New York, NY, USA*_
_Google stopped this sign-in attempt, but you should review your 
recently used devices:_

I'm not sure if this is the same message everyone else has been getting 
but now I'll deal with it.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-02 Thread Richard Rettke

On 2 Sep 2016, at 1:53, Scott A. McIntyre  wrote:

After upgrading to the latest beta, and re-authenticating all of my 
accounts, the prompts have gone away.

This may be a clue (or it may be nothing).

I just installed and activated a VPN, a little over an hour before these 
google messages came rolling in. All of the messages listed the location 
of the 'culprit' as New York (I am in the midwest) and I know the VPN 
hides my actual location. So I'm just wondering if the perceived 
location change is what triggered google to balk. I'll leave the 
determination of that to those of you who understand this stuff better 
than I do.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-02 Thread Richard Rettke

On 2 Sep 2016, at 2:08, Gary Hull  wrote:

Why deal with companies that treat you like a hacker and criminal and 
have no personal support? What is your time worth?

I'm not familiar with some of those email vendors you mentioned so I'll 
have to check them out. The main reason I stay with gmail is that I have 
never found anyone else that will allow me to have 30+ gmail accounts 
many with a couple gigabytes of emails stored. I only have 10 tied into 
Mailmate and most of the others are 'retired', but even at that I've not 
found anyone offering 10 FREE email accounts, so it's less painful to 
stay with google than it is to switch.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Status: Gmail authentication issues

2016-09-02 Thread Richard Rettke
On 2 Sep 2016, at 2:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

based on the number of emails during the night about Gmail 
authentication issues then I'm now going to assume this is a MailMate 
issue. Possibly a new issue or something that got worse when I tried 
to fix it after the first reports (before the 1.9.5 beta was 
released). I'll do my best today to learn more and hopefully fix or 
workaround something. (Don't expect replies to any other issues until 
after this is resolved.)

Just an FYI Benny. When I received the batch of google messages this 
morning, I was NOT running the latest Mailmate with the patch for this 
issue. I have since upgraded.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-02 Thread Richard Rettke

On 2 Sep 2016, at 2:08, Gary Hull  wrote:

I moved all of my accounts from Google to Runbox and (if hosted there) 
Pair. For throwaway free accounts I made new ones at AOL and Yandex. 
Life is so much simpler now.

Thanks for the info Gary, Runbox looks promising. If it meets my needs I 
don't mind paying for it. I'm going to give the free trial a go.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Coming back full circle

2016-09-02 Thread Richard Rettke
On 3 Sep 2016, at 1:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

My crowd funders should be happy to know that my wife has now 
completed her masters degree (“cand.scient.san.” is the official 
title) and this is celebrated   today   with a big party (which is 
why I won't be able to work on the Gmail issue today). Yet another 
thank you to you all from both me and my family.

Thanks for the update Benny, I remember it well. Enjoy the party.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Status: Gmail authentication issues

2016-09-03 Thread Richard Rettke
On 2 Sep 2016, at 2:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

Hi everybody,
based on the number of emails during the night about Gmail 
authentication issues then I'm now going to assume this is a MailMate 
issue. Possibly a new issue or something that got worse when I tried 
to fix it after the first reports (before the 1.9.5 beta was 
released). I'll do my best today to learn more and hopefully fix or 
workaround something. (Don't expect replies to any other issues until 
after this is resolved.)

I know your partying (at least you should be) so ignore this until 
another day.

Just wanted to report than I just had the same google problem that I had 
last night (I think it was last nigh?) occur again, except it absolutely 
DID NOT involve Mailmate. It happened on a gmail address which is used 
exclusively by my iPhone, and does not appear in any other device. Seems 
to me to exonerate Mailmate.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Google login issues?

2016-09-03 Thread Richard Rettke

On 3 Sep 2016, at 5:24, Gary Hull  wrote:

Glad to hear it. You can set up aliases for accounts on runbox, which 
might help you.
The migration process is described somewhere on Benny's site, but as I 
remember you need to do something related to the Gmail tags (if you're 
using them), and make sure that all mail is in a particular Gmail 
mailbox (I think you have to move everything from the Inbox into that 
mailbox, if I remember correctly). Then you make an account in 
MailMate and sync. You've probably already done this part. Then at 
Runbox you make an account and make an account for that in MailMate. 
Finally in MailMate you select all emails in the Gmail account and 
drag them to the Runbox account. Then you wait, and depending on how 
many emails you have at Google it could be a couple of days. When it's 
all done, Google has help somewhere on how to liquidate and close you 
Gmail account.
As for alternative to Runbox, when I investigated, there was only 
Fastmail (and Gmail) if you want to use your own domain, which is 
recommended, since you own it and can move it later,   and   you 
want a bus factor > 1. All those other places are single-programmer 
projects, and some of those guys are up there in years. Customers may 
be in for a surprise if the proprietor kicks the bucket. MailMate 
itself has a bus factor = 1, but hey, we love it. Runbox and Fastmail 
appear to have a bus factor = 3 or so. Gmail has a bus factor = 
100,000, which is also its aggravation factor.

Thank for the info.

I'm still researching Runbox, one concern I haven't cleared yet is 
Calendars. I have calendars associated with some of my gmail accounts 
and I need to find out if Runbox sub accounts can each have their own 
calendar. I presume they can but need to be certain. I have all my 
various calendars feed into Busycal on the Mac & Fantastical on iOS, and 
its a critical part of my workflow. I could leave the calendars where 
they are but I really don't like the idea of having calendars and emails 
on too many platforms and since the calendars are logically tied to the 
email address I want to keep them together.

Thanks for the migration info, I do appreciate it.

Fastmail just will be too expensive at $50 a year per 'user' which I 
interpret to be email address. Runbox is quite economical for all it 

The aliases are a nice feature that I most likely won't use, nor will I 
use my own domain name. Other than two specific gmail address's to two 
specific companies, no one knows my real email address's. I have my 
domains hosted at GoDaddy but not my email The Domains come with a 
plethora of 'aliases'. So much my email has a sender that is actually an 
alias with GoDaddy. I can change my actual email provider and then just 
change where the GoDaddy aliases point and no one sees that I have 
changed anything.

I also use a product called Sneakemail which essentially provides email 
redirection like GoDaddy but with a unique email address. Like the one I 
use exclusively for this forum). In fact every vendor I deal with, 
personal or business gets a unique Sneakemail address from me. so they 
are the only company or person with that address. If I start getting 
spam on that address I know either their address book has been 
compromised or sold. Either way I generate a new address for them, 
update it with them, and then delete the address being spammed or 
sometimes I just set it to bounce if I want to maintain an audit trail. 
As of today I have 1402 unique email address's via Sneakemail, which 
sound horrendous but Sneakemail provides what, IMHO is an excellent 
minimalist interface and database to manage these address's. Even my 
non-technical wife is able to use it with no issues.

So I almost never see any spam and when I do I am able to deal with it 
in a couple minutes.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Preview again

2016-09-06 Thread Richard Rettke

On 6 Sep 2016, at 11:47, Sherif Soliman  wrote:

Do you mean something different than View > Layout > Hide Message 

Huh? Really confused.

My View > Layout doesn't have hide or show anything. It only has Show 
Tips and Standard.

What am I missing here?

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Feature Request: BCC warning/intro

2016-09-07 Thread Richard Rettke

On 7 Sep 2016, at 2:54, Patrik Fältström  wrote:

"IMPORTANT! This message has been blind-carbon-copied to you. Do not 
reply-to-all or forward it without the author's permission."

This text was added to the email body for all bcc recipients.

In some respects it's rather surprising that email clients and web based 
email, even allow a Reply All to a BCC list. You have no idea who you're 
replying too.

Just to be flexible I would think a preference option that simply 
disables the ability to do a reply all to a BCC list would be in order. 
Certainly would not solve the problem for all the other clients but 
perhaps a step in the right direction.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Message Drag Drop Behavior in Sierra

2016-09-21 Thread Richard Rettke

On 21 Sep 2016, at 11:39, Zvi Biener  wrote:

I think the following has changed with Sierra. I used to be able to 
drag and drop a message from MailMate into a Finder folder. (A weird 
thing to do, I know, but it makes sense for me sometimes). This is no 
longer possible. Although the pointer turn to the appropriate 
green-plus-sign, nothing happens.

Any ideas whether there is some security setting, etc., that Sierra 
has introduced?

I hate to say it but it looks like a Mailmate issue.

I just did a drag & drop of a message from Mailmate to an empty folder 
on the desktop and got the same results you report.

I then did a drag & drop of the same message from Apple Mail and it 

So methinks it is something in Mailmate causing the problem.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Gmail and throttling

2016-09-23 Thread Richard Rettke

On 23 Sep 2016, at 12:43, Vincent Danen  wrote:

I have a Google Apps account and it seems to be "throttled" all the 
time to the point where I'm often not seeing new emails at all.

Is anyone else seeing this?  Do I have too many clients talking to 
gmail (I have mailmate on this machine and my other workstation open, 
plus my phone and ipad polling it) and that's what's making Google 

My corporate IMAP work account is awesome and works fine, just seems 
to be Google.  Sad thing is that account may be moving to Google in 
the next year and I really can't have mails just not showing up.  This 
didn't seem to ever happen with 1.9.4 though so I'm not sure what's 
going on.  Am I the only one seeing this or are others seeing it as 

I have numerous gmail accounts in MailMate (1.9.5) and on 2 other 
machines (another MailMate and another Thunderbird), as well as iPhone 
and 3 iPads. I do not see any throttling. Email from gmail has never 
been 'instantaneous' but it has usually been 'pretty darn quick'.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] The amazing reappearing preview pane

2016-09-23 Thread Richard Rettke

On 23 Sep 2016, at 23:56, John Cooper  wrote:

When I'm in a message composer window and I hide the preview pane, I 
type a few characters, and the preview pane simply reappears. It 
doesn't appear to be related to any particular key or key combination. 
I don't suppose anybody else has seen this?

It happened several times while I composed this message. I hid the 
preview pane after the word "reappears" and waited about 30 seconds to 
see if the preview pane would reappear without keyboard input. It 
didn't, so I typed the next sentence. I paused at the end of that 
sentence, and about two seconds later, up popped the preview pane 

I'm using build 5263.

I am experiencing the same or similar. Not sure what the trigger is but 
the preview pane cracks open at the bottom of the window. I yank it shut 
and a while later notice it is back.  I will watch to see if I can 
determine what the trigger is (if any).

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] GPG banner flicker in preview

2016-09-26 Thread Richard Rettke

On 26 Sep 2016, at 9:05, Sean Johnson  wrote:

That is actually helpful. It shows that MailMate appears to update the 
view twice every time - losing the OpenPGP banner temporarily.

Just an FYI, I too see the same flickering. I have not had an 
opportunity to test with signing off.

Wouldn't have even thought about responding because of the openPGP 
involvement but when I looked at the video that is exactly what I see. 
Running Version 1.9.5 (5276)

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Removing smart mailbox from Mailboxes tree

2016-10-06 Thread Richard Rettke
On 6 Oct 2016, at 14:18, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

Is there a way to get rid of the Archived, Deleted Messages and Junk 
smart mailboxes

from the mailboxes tree…I don’t need them, visual clutter…

The short answer is no, but it has been on my todo for a long time. 
I'd like a feature which allows the user to define custom standard 
mailboxes, but this would naturally also allow one to delete them (and 
this would then also allow deleting the default ones).

The long answer is yes, but it's tricky. The default set of standard 
mailboxes can be found here:

This can be edited, but that's bad because it's overwritten when 
MailMate is updated. Instead, it can be copied to this location:


This takes precedence over the default file. You can edit it and 
remove the mailboxes you don't need, BUT:

When you do this then it'll mess up the ordering of your smart 
mailboxes. This only happens when you remove a mailbox.
If I update the default standardMailboxes.plist then you won't see 
those changes.
I'm not 100% sure there won't be side-effects of MailMate not being 
able to, e.g., find the Junk mailbox. (But I would be willing to look 
into such issues.)

I do realize that the long answer also sounds a bit like “no” :-)

Hi Benny,

Thinking out loud here.

Rather than deleting the mailboxes, since the issue is visual clutter, 
wouldn't Hiding them  suffice. Then Mailmate would still have access.

I'm thinking an addition to the right-click dropdown on every mailbox, 
"HIDE" this mailbox.

Then an addition to preferences or perhaps some other menu that simple 
lists ALL mailboxes and indicates whether it's Hidden or Shown, and a 
single click to change from one to the other. Kinda like the way Gmail 
lets you select whether an IMAP label is hidden or shown.

Then you may just need code in the display logic to honor the 
Hidden/Shown flag.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Behavior upon deleting an open message

2016-10-08 Thread Richard Rettke
On 8 Oct 2016, at 11:10, Randall Meadows  

To each his own. I prefer the current behavior, because it allows me 
to delete the message I'm reading, quickly and easily without my hands 
leaving the keyboard, and still leave the "next message" unread, as I 
don't have time right at the moment to deal with it, and leaving it 
marked unread (which selecting it would undo) leaves me a reminder for 
Hopefully Benny will be able to accommodate us   all   with a 
plethora of settings. :)

I too prefer the current behavior. I do not read messages in sequence 
and prefer not to have any selected. Also, if it selected the next 
message I would be at risk for accidental deletion. I sometimes read and 
delete, and sometimes due to infirmity, double tap the delete key. 
Having a message selected automatically could cause it to be unknowingly 
or unexpectedly deleted.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Behavior upon deleting an open message

2016-10-08 Thread Richard Rettke
On 8 Oct 2016, at 21:40, John D. Muccigrosso  

I’m all for having a preference for this. (Though “undo” handles 
the accidental deletions.)

I agree, a preference would be a good thing.

BTW, undo only handles the deletion if you noticed it. The all knowing, 
all seeing are good with that. A mere mortal like myself, not so much.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Behavior upon deleting an open message

2016-10-09 Thread Richard Rettke
On 9 Oct 2016, at 17:11, John D. Muccigrosso  

Yes, if you don’t notice when you delete something it’s a problem. 
Have you considered changing the delete command to something less easy 
to do by mistake? (I also just noticed “Cancel deletion”, but 
I’m not sure what that does.)

The way Mailmate currently works there is no problem. The discussion was 
about having Mailmate automatically select the next item, which would 
then create a potential problem for me with delete behavior. My 
preference is either leave it as is or make selection or non-selection 
of next item customizable by the user.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] tags vs keywords mess

2016-10-24 Thread Richard Rettke
On 24 Oct 2016, at 7:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

On 17 Oct 2016, at 18:59, Paula R. T. Coelho wrote:

i’ve tried to use tags for a while to organize the emails. it turns 
out it got way too clumsy and i gave up.

Mailbox “Tags exists” is empty now, though i honestly don’t 
remember if i properly “untag” the messages or only removed their 
mapping from Preferences Pane (likely the last).

what bothers me is that the keywords remained in the messages, and i 
find no way to remove them. i keep seeing the old unused tags in, 
e.g. choosing from the dropdown list in mailbox conditions. how do i 
remove the keywords? do i have to map them again to tags, one by one? 
any way to “batch remove” keywords?

I'm afraid not. With MailMate, you would need to recreate the tags 
before you disable them. The latter can be done in one go by selecting 
all relevant messages, hit t, and finally list all of the tags in the 
“Tags to be removed” text field.

Just an FYI: I have been shopping around for a new email provider and 
gave Fastmail a try. During the import (from Gmail) we ran into a 
problem with too many tags/keywords. Fastmail only allows 100. I do not 
have that many tags but did discover that I have hundreds of what are 
apparently keywords? They look like folder names I has used years ago 
before Mailmate when I was running Thunderbird. I was surprised to see 
them there and have no idea how to get rid of them (or if I even need 
to). It did prevent me from moving to Fastmail though.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] really delete

2016-10-26 Thread Richard Rettke

On 27 Oct 2016, at 0:01, Randy Bush  wrote:

when i delete messages (with the delte key) in mailmate, they still
seem to be in the imap folder; other imap clients still see them.  

do i make them really deleted?

please tell me there is an answer to this

Clarification please; Are they staying in the folder (INBOX, Archive, 
etc.) that you are deleting them from and not being moved to the Deleted 
Messages folder?

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Message in full screen?

2016-10-27 Thread Richard Rettke
On 27 Oct 2016, at 4:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

On 26 Oct 2016, at 19:52, Robert Wall wrote:

Is it possible in MailMate to get an individual message to show up as 
a full screen (either a window or a tab)? I’ve been looking for an 
option to do it, and I can’t find it.

No, this is not possible. If I remember correctly, if I allow single 
message (or composer) windows to be put in full screen mode then 
they'll automatically open in full screen mode if the mailbox window 
is in full screen mode.

Tabs might be different, but I haven't experimented much with that 
yet. (Sierra automatically adds some functionality in the Window menu, 
e.g., you can merge all types of windows in a single window with 

Not sure if we're looking to have single message window always open 
fullscreen or if we just have A message that we want to view in 
fullscreen. If the latter, the Green Dot (+) in the top left corner of 
the window does the job.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-14 Thread Richard Rettke

On 14 Feb 2017, at 12:07, Jim Cook  wrote:

When I'm writing an email with "message preview" enabled I am getting 
some sort of screen "flash" as each letter is typed and the preview is 

If keys are pressed in quick succession then the lower preview screen 
isn't updated until there's a break in key presses, and then the 
screen flashes again.

The "flash" is only on the preview screen.

It doesn't happen all the time, but certainly most of the time, and 
happens on two different macs (15" MacBook Pro and MacBook, both 
running Sierra 10.12.3).  In fact it's been happening for quite a 
long while (months) but i'm afraid I can't remember when it started.

I too am having the same issue but it hadn't annoyed me enough to bring 
it up. I have some ideas in regards to when it happens but really need 
to test them before I raise them here. Suffice to say it does flash, not 
sure if it's only the preview screen or the whole email, and it doesn't 
happen all the time.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-14 Thread Richard Rettke

On 14 Feb 2017, at 15:03, Richard Rettke  wrote:

I too am having the same issue but it hadn't annoyed me enough to 
bring it up. I have some ideas in regards to when it happens but 
really need to test them before I raise them here. Suffice to say it 
does flash, not sure if it's only the preview screen or the whole 
email, and it doesn't happen all the time.

I just did some testing and what I found may hopefully be a clue.

If I am typing into a text only (no attachments) email, I do not get any 
flashing. Works as expected.

As soon as I add an attachment (I usually just drag the attachment to 
the email). Then any additional typing causes the flashing to appear.

The Flashing (or blinking) only occurs in the preview pane, not the body 
of the email where I am typing.

If I remove the attachment, the flashing stops.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Screen flashing during message composition

2017-02-16 Thread Richard Rettke
On 16 Feb 2017, at 5:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

If I wrote that then I didn't word it correctly. I don't know if an 
Apple bug might play a role. In fact, I think it's a MailMate bug 
somehow related to how MailMate updates the window when updating the 
preview. So far, my attempts to debug the issue have not helped much 
and I have not been able to reproduce the problem (with or without 
attachments). I've been postponing looking into it until after I've 
finished some code which should make the update of the preview 
asynchronous. That might not help, but at least it'll rule out the 
problem of preview updating being slow.

No rush so far as I'm concerned. It's purely visual so I can live with 
it. You've certainly got bigger fish to fry.

Thanks for all you do Benny.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Fastmail and Runbox: trying to choose

2017-04-13 Thread Richard Rettke

On 13 Apr 2017, at 11:04, Eric A. Meyer  wrote:

I've read the documentation for both Fastmail and Runbox, checked out 
some past articles and podcasts, and used MailMate to trawl through 
past posts about both companies here on the list.  Both seem like 
they'd be solid choices, but is there anything about what I've 
described that seems like a roadblock to one or the other?  Or that 
heavily favors one over the other?

I too narrowed my choices to Fastmail and Runbox. I chose Runbox almost 
a year ago but have not had time to completely disassociate myself from 
Gmail yet.

I chose Runbox at the time because when I tested Fastmail I ran into a 
limitation on tags (they only allow 100). Apparently Thunderbird (which 
I used prior to moving to Mailmate) uses tags to store all sorts of 
info, at least thats the only explanation of why there are so many and 
they all look like the folder names I had defined in Thunderbird. So for 
that reason I chose Runbox. The importing of my email from gmail was 
easy and pain free. My issue is I never found time to fully complete 
what I was doing and currently am using both Runbox and Gmail. Adams 
recent post about Fastmail supporting Push and others not has given me 
pause, and in fact was going to test Runbox on that this weekend since I 
never migrated my iOS emails to Runbox.

Sorry for the rambling, crazy busy here. Bottom line. I like Runbox, 
BUT, I am going to reevaluate it vs. Fastmail and may decide to clean up 
the blasted tags and go with Fastmail. Time and testing will tell. One 
big plus for Runbox is it not US based (it's in Norway) which I see as a 
plus, for no real good reason (I'm not paranoid, but that doesn't mean 
someone isn't out out get me LOL)! So I will stay with Runbox if my iOS 
email works well with them, but will leave if not. Also, I have 
contacted their support several times for trivialities and they are 
quite responsive and good.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Editing previous sent addresses

2017-04-25 Thread Richard Rettke
On 25 Apr 2017, at 4:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

I've also added a blacklist manager in the test release, but I don't 
think I've gotten any feedback on it yet. I'm not sure if that means 
it works well or not :) If you have an address entered in a Composer 
window then there is a menu available by clicking on the down-arrow at 
the far right of the address. This should show an “Add/Remove xxx 
from/to Blacklist” menu item (depending on whether the email address 
is already blacklisted). The same menu item is available in the 
headers view of messages displayed in the main window.

I was unaware of this, so I downloaded and installed the latest Beta 
(Version 1.9.6 (5370) but do not find a down arrow at the right end of 
the address. Is there another 'test' version I should be downloading and 
if so, where to find it?

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] restoring demo smart mailboxen

2017-04-27 Thread Richard Rettke

On 27 Apr 2017, at 15:06, Aaron Falk  wrote:

I accidentally deleted my ‘Unread’ smart mailbox, which I use 
constantly.  When I tried to re-create it, it no longer included new 
mail in child directories in my Exchange account.  Is there a way to 
restore the original mailbox or can someone provide some clue on how 
to fix this problem?

My unread is setup as follow…

All Messages

√ All (of the following are true)
√ Tags/Keywords - do not include - Seen (Read)

√ Submailbox for each unique value of - Source
√ Unless only one submailbox will be created
Mailbox name format : ${#source.path.noinbox}

Rules - NONE

Hope that helps.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Editing previous sent addresses

2017-05-01 Thread Richard Rettke
On 28 Apr 2017, at 6:23, Benny Kjær Nielsen 
|Mailmate/RER>Vendor>Software> Freron Software| wrote:

On 25 Apr 2017, at 17:08, Richard Rettke wrote:

On 25 Apr 2017, at 4:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen  

I've also added a blacklist manager in the test release, but I don't 
think I've gotten any feedback on it yet. I'm not sure if that means 
it works well or not :) If you have an address entered in a Composer 
window then there is a menu available by clicking on the down-arrow 
at the far right of the address. This should show an “Add/Remove 
xxx from/to Blacklist” menu item (depending on whether the email 
address is already blacklisted). The same menu item is available in 
the headers view of messages displayed in the main window.

I was unaware of this, so I downloaded and installed the latest Beta 
(Version 1.9.6 (5370) but do not find a down arrow at the right end 
of the address. Is there another 'test' version I should be 
downloading and if so, where to find it?

There's no down arrow in the headers view when emails are displayed. 
In this case you have to use right-click to see the context sensitive 
menu. The arrow should be seen in the Composer header fields for each 
entered email address.

mailmate mailing list

Thanks, found it!

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] iCloud accounts require an app specific password starting June 15th

2017-05-16 Thread Richard Rettke

On 16 May 2017, at 11:12, Brian LaFreda  wrote:

just don’t use the FQDN’d email address for username

Hmm? Color me ignorant. I don't understand the term **FQDN'd** email 
address. Please elucidate. I'm sure when you tell me I'll head slap 

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] iCloud accounts require an app specific password starting June 15th

2017-05-16 Thread Richard Rettke

On 16 May 2017, at 11:30, Thomas Eckhold  wrote:

I had to google it and 
found **F**ully **Q**ualified **D**omain **N**ame...


Thank you Thomas.
Didn't think to google it.
Head slapping now!

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] iCloud accounts require an app specific password starting June 15th

2017-05-16 Thread Richard Rettke

On 16 May 2017, at 11:35, Brian LaFreda  wrote:

Sorry all, didn’t mean to confuse anybody… :) Most people here are 
much smarter than me, so I just assumed…lol

Not a problem. Glad you did or I would have remained forever ignorant. 
Just kicking myself for not googling, I do that for everything else. SMH

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Sort by unread / Selection Bar Always at Bottom

2017-09-13 Thread Richard Rettke
On 13 Sep 2017, at 12:29, Robert Brenstein 

On 13 Sep 2017, at 18:52, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

On 13 Sep 2017, at 10:29, Robert M. Münch wrote:

On 13 Sep 2017, at 15:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 8 Sep 2017, at 12:37, Robert M. Münch wrote:

 Ok, the problem is, that MM doesn't remember the "last used view" 
between sessions, for this particular sort ordering.

You mean if you have a sorting order based on date and the unread 
state then it's not the same after relaunching

Yes, if I'm sorting by "date received" and then by "unread" which 
gives me all unread message on top with newest as first.

> So, every time MM starts, the sort order is reset.

 Any chance to change/fix this?

I'm afraid this falls under the category of not being fixed before 
I completely rewrite how mailbox state is saved. It's simply not 
worth the time to try and fix bugs in the current system. All I can 
say is that I'm getting closer to this (still embarrassing) item on 
my todo.

Well, if it's such a fundamental change I can understand. If not, 
well... :-)

I use a smart folder for unread messages, and then sort by date 
within that.

Me too. I have 2 smart folders for most sources. One with unread 
messages, one with all. MM remembers sorting by date within each.


Me too. Almost never use a non-smart folder.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Cool shortcut

2017-10-14 Thread Richard Rettke

On 14 Oct 2017, at 6:00, Annamarie  wrote:

Maybe you all already know this - maybe it's standard for Markdown? 
(MM is the only place I use Markdown) - but I just discovered it so 
I'm sharing. If you use command-K whatever is in clipboard becomes a 
markdown link with the word to the left of the cursor.

Thanks for sharing, I too was unaware of this, but if I can remember 
it's there, can certainly make use of it.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Conditional Rules (Options) Disappear

2017-10-28 Thread Richard Rettke

On 28 Oct 2017, at 15:27, Chuck wrote:

Does anyone have experience using conditional rules where they don't 
stick.  For example, if I set a rule that says the following:

-Any of the following are true:

     -From: [](<>)

     -From: [](<>)

         -All of the following conditions are true 

              -Date Received within last 7 days

In this rule if an email is received 
from [](<>) come in the 
last 7 days I want to take an action.  The problem is that Mailmate 
never applies sub-rules in the rules editor no matter what rule I'm 
using.  After applying rules are no longer nested.

Is anyone else seeing similar behavior?  Shame on me for not testing 
this earlier.

Hi Chuck,

I have lots of nested rules that work fine. When I enter yours as 
described the

All of the following conditions are true
Date Received within last 7 days
Is not indented when entered (using the elipses)

I think the rules need to written like this

**Any** of the following are true
**From** **is**
**All** of the following are true
**Date Received** **Is 
within last** 7 **Days**
**From** **is**

in other words I believe the ALL or ANY condition must precede what you 
want it to apply to.

That's the way I always write mine and have no issues.

_(Disclaimer: I may be wrong)_

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

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Re: [MlMt] Labels/colors, global rules, and in-line reply/f=f

2018-01-24 Thread Richard Rettke
On 24 Jan 2018, at 14:05, Randall Gellens  wrote:

> Is there a cheat sheet for which bit values represent which colors?


__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

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Re: [MlMt] how to delete an attachment?

2018-05-25 Thread Richard Rettke
Underneath the Subject: (and optionally CC & BCC) lines is a line of 
drop down menus, the leftmost is 4 horizontal lines, the rightmost is 
**Attachments**. Click on Attachments and in the dropdown you'll see 
options to delete one or all.

On 25 May 2018, at 12:27, Peter Borsella  wrote:

I’m sure this is obvious so I’m embarrassed to ask, but I cannot 
see anywhere while composing a message a place to delete an attachment 
that I just mistakenly placed into the message. Any help, please?

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

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Re: [MlMt] Email link not working

2018-12-08 Thread Richard Rettke

I'm running 5572 and it works fine for me, no issue.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 7 Dec 2018, at 21:15, Harvey S. Leff  wrote:

When I enter an email link like into a MailMate 
message I am composing, it usually shows up as a useful clickable link 
in the Preview window, but NOT in the actual sent message as viewed in 
Sent Messages or in a bcc. Email links used to work properly. Has 
anyone else noticed this recently? I'm using MM v. 5568.

Harvey Leff
Portland, Oregon USA
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Re: [MlMt] Searching for mp3 attachments

2019-03-24 Thread Richard Rettke
I am able to find all emails with an attached .mp3 file by by entering 
in the search field (top right of the MailMate window)  the following…

**A .mp3**

which is a Capital 'A' followed by a space followed by '.mp3'

Have you tried that?

On 24 Mar 2019, at 19:58, Steven M. Bellovin  wrote:

I'm trying to find any mp3 files I've been mailed, without success. 
Google showed me this:

but it doesn't help me. I don't see any option "All Body Parts" in the 
comparison menu,
and searching within the "All Message Subparts" mailbox doesn't work 
for, say, PDFs,

which I know I've received.

--Steve Bellovin,

mailmate mailing list

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

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[MlMt] Window position 'Stuck' in wrong place.

2019-04-09 Thread Richard Rettke
I normally run with Mailmate on the left half of my 27" display and when 
I open a message it is on the right half of my display.

A little bit ago I moved the window of the open message I was reading to 
the left half of the display to get at what was behind it. I do this 
fairly regularly. However this time, opening any new message now opens 
the left side of the screen, even if I move it to the right and close 
it, the next message appears on the left.

I vaguely remember this issue once before but I am at a loss as to how 
to fix it.

I was running Version 1.12.4 (5594) when this occurred.
In attempting to resolve it I upgraded to 1.12.4 (5625) but it made no 

I presume there is a terminal command to reset something but don't know 
what that is.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

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Re: [MlMt] iOS

2019-09-11 Thread Richard Rettke
I used Preside for a while but then discovered AltaMail which I find to 
be even more robust, frequently updated and like Preside has a gazillion 
features but is IMHO more manageable.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

[About Me](

On 11 Sep 2019, at 7:55, Alain Israel  wrote:

A question not directly related to Mailmate (not on politics either) : 
I would be curious to know which mail app you use (or recommand) on 
iphone and ipad? Does any of them share some of the advantages of 

If this has been discussed before, just let me know.


PS : I currently use Preside,which is so customizable that you tend to 
get lost in the zillions of options available.

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Re: [MlMt] Print Dialog Stopped Working with Version 1.13 (5665)

2019-11-20 Thread Richard Rettke
The latest version available when I request an update (including Beta) 
is Version 1.13 (5655). It is working fine in regards to printing. I do 
not and have not seen a version 5665.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 20 Nov 2019, at 11:17, Marc ARC  wrote:

Issue confirmed on MacOS 10.12.6 with MM build 5665



On 20 Nov 2019, at 1:10, Melton Low wrote:


I am wondering if anyone else experiencing this. With today's update 
to Version 1.13 (5665), Command-P or clicking the printer icon in the 
toolbar no longer activate the print dialog.

macOS 10.15.1

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Re: [MlMt] Google is eliminating the grandfathered free Google Apps (hosted domain) offering

2022-01-28 Thread Richard Rettke
I have some thoughts on Fastmail.

I switched from Gmail to Fastmail a year ago. Thank goodness it was a yearlong 
relatively slow transition for me and I had hung on to my gmail accounts.

In December I started getting errors in Mailmate that Fastmail was complaining 
about too many tags every time I attempted to assign a new tag. I would delete 
the assigned tag and as I’m a pretty heavy user of tags I opened a ticket with 

The long and the short is that the Fastmail account is limited to 150 tags 
across all users and aliases. For my modus operandi that is grossly 
insufficient. As much as I would like to get off of Gmail, for the present I am 
migrating back from Fastmail and trying to envision a use for the 2 years 
remaining on my Fastmail subscription.

I like Fastmail and this was the only thing that cropped up that is unworkable 
for me. So if you’re not a user of Tags, I heartily recommend it.

On 28 Jan 2022, at 13:58, Kee Hinckley  wrote:

> The new plans start at $6/person/month. Although apparently there's some 
> backlash, so Google is doing a survey of users to see how many were just 
> using it for personal/family use.
> Given that all I use it for is IMAP/SMTP, that raises the question of whether 
> I should just move to Fastmail or ProtonMail? Any thoughts on 
> benefits/limitations of those?___
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