On 16 Feb 2017, at 5:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen mailingl...@freron.com
If I wrote that then I didn't word it correctly. I don't know if an
Apple bug might play a role. In fact, I think it's a MailMate bug
somehow related to how MailMate updates the window when updating the
preview. So far, my attempts to debug the issue have not helped much
and I have not been able to reproduce the problem (with or without
attachments). I've been postponing looking into it until after I've
finished some code which should make the update of the preview
asynchronous. That might not help, but at least it'll rule out the
problem of preview updating being slow.
No rush so far as I'm concerned. It's purely visual so I can live with
it. You've certainly got bigger fish to fry.
Thanks for all you do Benny.
__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*
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