[MlMt] Tags / Label funkyness with Gmail

2014-01-05 Thread Joshua Kehn

I'm using Gmail. No, it wasn't my choice.

I'm having an issue creating new tags or labels. Currently my gmail 
accounts return this:

S: H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is not allowed: todos
Error: Server response: “H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is not 
allowed: todos”.

Here's how I've setup tags: http://l.kehn.io/image/031o0k112x0i

That \ before the IMAP keyword is something I tried because I saw other 
keywords had that. I'm not exactly a power IMAP user yet so I will be 
making some mistakes here.

Question is, why is that label name not allowed, why isn't it using the 
Gmail label instead, and what can I do to fix this?


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Re: [MlMt] Tags / Label funkyness with Gmail

2014-01-06 Thread Joshua Kehn


Looks like it's working now, thanks!


On 6 Jan 2014, at 4:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Jan 2014, at 6:05, Joshua Kehn wrote:

I'm having an issue creating new tags or labels. Currently my gmail 
accounts return this:

S: H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is not allowed: todos
Error: Server response: “H11 BAD Invalid Arguments: Label name is 
not allowed: todos”.

Here's how I've setup tags: http://l.kehn.io/image/031o0k112x0i

That \ before the IMAP keyword is something I tried because I saw 
other keywords had that. I'm not exactly a power IMAP user yet so I 
will be making some mistakes here.

Don't use the `\`. This is reserved for standard-defined IMAP 

Question is, why is that label name not allowed, why isn't it using 
the Gmail label instead, and what can I do to fix this?

I just tried with a label named “todomail” and that was not a 
problem. Then I tried “todos” and that failed just like it did for 
you. Apparently Gmail disallows certain label names. It would be nice 
if that was documented somewhere...

Ah, Google to the rescue (kind of ironic). I found this 
[link](http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2006-11-01-n68.html). Apparently 
“todos” means “All Mail” in Spanish/Portuguese... I guess that 
provides an implicit list of all illegal Gmail label names: Any 
standard Gmail mailbox name in any language supported by Gmail. 
Theoretically, this means they cannot add any new languages without 
making some existing mailbox names illegal. I'm sure someone at Google 
has regretted this design decision (although I understand their 

The best way to create a label might be to create it using Gmail on 
the web. I assume any illegal label names are then immediately 

You may want to enable the “Raw Flags” column in the messages 
outline to see what has been assigned to your messages while 

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Re: [MlMt] How do I only show unread messages in smart mailboxes

2014-01-06 Thread Joshua Kehn
I think this is done (at least I'm currently doing this) by adding a 
condition for tags/keywords do not include Seen.


On 6 Jan 2014, at 12:46, Jon Nall wrote:

I want to create a smart mailbox that (among other criteria) only 
contains unread messages. I perused all of the criteria but with the 
exception of possibly #Is-New-Message (which I couldn't find any docs 
on), I came up empty.

Any advice on how to create a smart mailbox that contains only unread 

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[MlMt] Remove previously emailed contacts

2014-01-21 Thread Joshua Kehn
So... someone messed up their Gmail account and I have "Some user" 
 in autocompleting in MailMate right 
now. Is there any way to remove this?

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Re: [MlMt] Remove previously emailed contacts

2014-01-21 Thread Joshua Kehn

That's at least a dozen emails all of which are relatively important..


On 21 Jan 2014, at 11:37, Jason Davies wrote:

On 21 Jan 2014, at 16:28, Joshua Kehn wrote:

So... someone messed up their Gmail account and I have "Some user" 
 in autocompleting in MailMate 
right now. Is there any way to remove this?

I asked this recently and IIRC I believe it compiles from the 'sent' 
folder's addresses so if you find the message that's suppyling it and 
remove it, it should vanish.

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[MlMt] Submailboxes for partial subject

2014-03-20 Thread Joshua Kehn
I use FogBugz and I get notification emails from the system with 
subjects like this:

FogBugz (Case 1711) PROJECT NAME - Some Case title

I could design a regular expression like:

FogBugz\s\(Case \d+\)\s([a-zA-Z0-9\s]+)-\s.+

I'd like to create distinct sub mailboxes for the matched group (Project 
Name). Is this possible and if so how to do it?


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Re: [MlMt] Submailboxes for partial subject

2014-03-21 Thread Joshua Kehn

Done, that was a really informative post, thanks!

In case anyone else is looking for FogBugz / MailMate customization 
here's what I'm using:

subject = {
// ...
specifierCaptures = {
// ...
4 = { specifier = "body"; type="noTabs"; parsers = ( 
"words", "FogBugz" ); };

FogBugz = {
specifierRegex = 'FogBugz\s\(Case 

specifierCaptures = {
1 = { specifier = "fogbugz-case"; };
2 = { specifier = "fogbugz-project"; };


On 20 Mar 2014, at 12:08, Torsten Grust wrote:

Hi Joshua,

On 20 Mar 2014, at 16:21, Joshua Kehn wrote (with possible deletions):
I use FogBugz and I get notification emails from the system with 
subjects like this:

FogBugz (Case 1711) PROJECT NAME - Some Case title

I could design a regular expression like:

FogBugz\s\(Case \d+\)\s([a-zA-Z0-9\s]+)-\s.+

I'd like to create distinct sub mailboxes for the matched group 
(Project Name). Is this possible and if so how to do it?

that should be entirely possible.  I have used a quite similar setup
for a few years now.  It is described in this post to the mailing 


Beware: there is some plist-editing involved.


| Torsten "Teggy" Grust

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[MlMt] Distortion mode doesn't affect submailboxes

2014-04-14 Thread Joshua Kehn
Distortion mode should scramble the submailbox names that are created 
for a smart mailbox?

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[MlMt] OmniFocus 2 commands

2014-04-15 Thread Joshua Kehn
I saw a thread about this earlier but didn't read it. Then I tried 
adding events to OmniFocus 2 (beta/preview). What's the fix?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] OmniFocus 2 commands

2014-04-15 Thread Joshua Kehn
I saw a thread about this earlier but didn't read it. Then I tried 
adding events to OmniFocus 2 (beta/preview). What's the fix?

Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
preferences pane. It's not the fix Brett posted earlier on (yet), but 
I believe it works.

Wow... I thought I was already on the beta builds. Are these alpha 

Also, what's the convention for top posting / bottom posting on this 

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Re: [MlMt] Automating some emails

2014-04-22 Thread Joshua Kehn
For what it sounds like you're doing MailMate might not be the best 
option for you. Help desk / ticketing software might be a better option. 
See FogBugz / Zendesk / etc. FogBugz I know offers easy snippets that 
you can customize. Makes blasting similar responses out simple.


Currently mobile

On Apr 22, 2014, at 9:05 AM, "Benny Kjær Nielsen" 

On 22 Apr 2014, at 14:19, Annamarie wrote:

Basically, I respond to folks with the same form letter over and over. 
 I have the letter on TextExpander but every time I need to switch 
email accounts and to turn off signatures.

Why do you need to switch accounts? Are you not replying from the same 
account (address) that these emails are sent to?

(and if I do that in the wrong order then I have to delete the extra 
space at the top.) Seems like I shouldn't have to do that. I thought 
Keyboard Maestro would be my answer. An hour of exploring seems to 
indicate that KM can't access the commands for switching accounts and 
turn off the signature easily. That might be wrong.

I'm not an expert on the use of Keyboard Maestro. There are shortcuts 
to open the menus (⌃⌘I and ⌃⌘S) and then some automated 
arrowing-down would be needed. Maybe someone else can provide a clear 

There are probably many ways to do this.. what's easy? A template to 
call up my form letter?

Templated replies are still very experimental, but it's possible using 
the replyMessage output action for bundle commands described earlier 
today on this mailing list. That is still very low level and probably 
not a viable solution for you. It would be possible though to create a 
bundle using this feature which provided a GUI for selecting template 
answers, but I cannot promise anything like that soon. (It might even 
be possible to control signature and from-address, but I'm not 100% 
sure about that.)

P.S. And if "key bindings" is in the answer someone will have to 
explain those to me. : )

They are not going to help in this case I believe.


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[MlMt] Overwrites specifiers.plist when updating

2014-05-02 Thread Joshua Kehn
This is the second time I've had to restore customizations to this file. 
Can I add a separate file outside the app contents?

Relates to the customizations I described here: 

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Re: [MlMt] Dispatch for iOS

2014-05-31 Thread Joshua Kehn
Was checking this out today as well, so far it's great. My only 
complaint (and this is more iOS specific issue) is that OmniFocus has to 
launch and then you have to switch back to Dispatch which interrupts the 
“ruthless swipe out your inbox” mentality


On 31 May 2014, at 18:19, Ed Thome wrote:

Hello Everyone.

Dispatch for iOS is an IMAP-only email client that communicates with 
OmniFocus (at least with OmniFocus 2).  It will send emails to the 
OmniFocus Inbox, and those new actions in OmniFocus have links back to 
the original email in Dispatch.  I learned about it on the OmniGroup 
website, bought a license (4.99 USD), and I'm liking it so far.

I know there is a OmniFocus group here so I thought I'd pass that 
along.  I apologize for the earlier email.

Best Regards,
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[MlMt] Stars and Unread from Dispatch not syncing

2014-06-17 Thread Joshua Kehn
I'm staring emails (flagging) in Dispatch and they don't appear to be 
showing up in Mailmate. Anyone else notice this?

Unfortunately it's a Gmail account. :(

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[MlMt] Collecting and de-duplicating email

2014-08-29 Thread Joshua Kehn
I need to get a lot of correspondence collected from multiple people, 
ideally in an automatic and simplified way. This is like an audit, 
basically any emails from some senders sent to some receivers need to be 
collected and unduplicated. Ideas?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Archive a thread?

2014-09-15 Thread Joshua Kehn
I have backspace mapped to archive an item, mark it as seen, and remove 
any flags. It looks like this only happens for the currently selected 
message, i.e. if I have group by thread turned on it keeps any messages 
under that thread still there. Can I have it perform that action on 
anything in the thread then group by thread is turned on?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Archive a thread?

2014-09-16 Thread Joshua Kehn

On 15 Sep 2014, at 14:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

The general rule is that when a thread is collapsed then the action 
applies to the thread. If it's not collapsed then it applies to the 
selected message(s).

Alternatively, you can use this in your key binding:

"moveThreadToMailbox:", "ARCHIVE"

Ah, I just realized what's happening. It's not marking the other 
archived messages as seen / removing flags. If I have all the messages 
in a thread "seen" then the archive function works as expected but 
because I'm in my “Incoming” mailbox (not seen or flagged) it 
persists in that view.

Anyway to update archiving a thread to function the same as a single 
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Re: [MlMt] google 2-step verification

2014-10-14 Thread Joshua Kehn

On 14 Oct 2014, at 20:10, Justin R. Pessa wrote:

2-step verification seems to work for a bit, then mailmate seems to 
lose the password and i have to generate a new one with google.

I store those passwords in 1password and just re-enter them later.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Extremely slow performance (UI and actions) on a clean setup

2015-01-05 Thread Joshua Kehn
I setup MailMate on a new computer. For the most part I've gotten 
everything fixed up (custom keyboard shortcuts and the like). However, 
all the sources continually spin. This is both Gmail _and_ non-Gmail 
(FastMail) accounts. I've gotten 2-3 beachballs just typing this 
message. Archiving a message takes ~5-10s for the UI to confirm it's 
done, then a beachball.

The only thing I can think of is this is a download/import thing but 
they are all IMAP accounts. Shouldn't it limit how many messages it 
downloads from the server at once?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Extremely slow performance (UI and actions) on a clean setup

2015-01-05 Thread Joshua Kehn
No, MailMate is a fully offline email client which means it fetches 
all emails in all of your accounts. This can take some time, 
especially for large Gmail accounts since Google throttles the 

Got it. I've got everything synced now and MailMate is back to it's 
usual snappy performance.


On 5 Jan 2015, at 15:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 5 Jan 2015, at 17:06, Joshua Kehn wrote:

I setup MailMate on a new computer. For the most part I've gotten 
everything fixed up (custom keyboard shortcuts and the like). 
However, all the sources continually spin. This is both Gmail _and_ 
non-Gmail (FastMail) accounts. I've gotten 2-3 beachballs just typing 
this message. Archiving a message takes ~5-10s for the UI to confirm 
it's done, then a beachball.

The only thing I can think of is this is a download/import thing but 
they are all IMAP accounts. Shouldn't it limit how many messages it 
downloads from the server at once?

No, MailMate is a fully offline email client which means it fetches 
all emails in all of your accounts. This can take some time, 
especially for large Gmail accounts since Google throttles the 

You might see better performance with the 64 bit beta, but it's 
probably still best to just leave MailMate alone until all accounts 
are fully synchronized (no spinners).

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Re: [MlMt] how to do images with markdown?

2015-01-22 Thread Joshua Kehn
I drag 'n drop images and it links correctly. Are you doing attachments 
and then manually adding the image references?


On 22 Jan 2015, at 12:15, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:


Trying to use ![](cid:myimage.png) as described at 
but i'm not seeing Content-Id being added to images neither when 
dragn'dropping or pasting in.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Re: [MlMt] Sorting organize-by-thread

2015-03-26 Thread Joshua Kehn
The bigger issue for me is that threading doesn't appear to work at all. 
Example: http://l.kehn.io/image/0b0q3j1o023U

![](cid:4A33F2D9-EF07-4EB3-A8CF-01A9AC3DBA8E@kehn.us "Screen Shot 
2015-03-26 at 11.55.53 AM.png")

Is there a way to get threads grouped by subject as well as message id / 
replies / whatever it's doing now?


P.S. Kudos to distortion mode.

On 26 Mar 2015, at 11:54, Kee Hinckley wrote:

I know I've said this before, and I know it's on the backlog 
somewhere, but if I could get *one* change in MailMate, it would be to 
sort threads by the most-recent date, not the oldest. The fact is I 
have way too many messages in my inbox (10K). If someone replies to a 
message from a week ago, I'm simply not going to see it if I have 
threading turned on. Because that doesn't work, I can't use threading 
in my main window. I have a side window that shows the thread 
(actually, common subjects) of the currently selected item. At least 
that makes it fairly easy for me to browse the thread, even if it 
leaves the main mail window overly cluttered. I know, I'm asking for a 
feature that helps enable my bad habits. :)

I don't know if you're interested in going the bid-on-feature route, 
but I'll fire off $100 to Freron Software if this feature becomes 

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[MlMt] Old search bar appearing

2015-03-31 Thread Joshua Kehn
Maybe I enabled some awesomeness by accident but I used to have a new 
search bar (upper right, no sorting) that allowed me to search things 
like `from:somename` _without_ the lag of real-time per-character search 
attempts. Today, after an update, I found I'm back to the old search bar 
(see http://l.kehn.io/image/0S2H2s3X1h1g).

Is there a way to enable the other one or am I crazy?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Old search bar appearing

2015-03-31 Thread Joshua Kehn

Currently I'm on r5079 http://l.kehn.io/image/0C2E04101t0U


On 31 Mar 2015, at 9:26, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Mar 2015, at 15:14, Joshua Kehn wrote:

Maybe I enabled some awesomeness by accident but I used to have a new 
search bar (upper right, no sorting) that allowed me to search things 
like `from:somename` _without_ the lag of real-time per-character 
search attempts. Today, after an update, I found I'm back to the old 
search bar (see http://l.kehn.io/image/0S2H2s3X1h1g).

Is there a way to enable the other one or am I crazy?

Are you sure you updated today? There was a bad release which removed 
this feature by accident, but I believe it works in r5078 which is the 
current public/beta/test release. The server also has later revisions, 
but they can only be fetched manually and they are not to be 
considered stable. Well, so far r5081 is relatively stable when not 
using VoiceOver, but I'm sure there are other issues.

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Re: [MlMt] Old search bar appearing

2015-03-31 Thread Joshua Kehn

That worked! Thanks


On 31 Mar 2015, at 9:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Mar 2015, at 15:28, Joshua Kehn wrote:

Currently I'm on r5079 http://l.kehn.io/image/0C2E04101t0U

Got to Software Update preferences pane and then hold down ⇧ (shift) 
when clicking “Check Now”. That should allow you to get r5078.

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[MlMt] Customizing Bundles

2015-04-27 Thread Joshua Kehn

Hi all,

I'm working on expanding the MailMate -> OmniFocus flow. In particular, 
I'm customizing the AppleScript to “intelligently” either create 
Inbox tasks (quick replies, further planning) OR full-on projects inside 
folders (like, for example, when a JIRA ticket comes in, I want to setup 
a project in a client's folder to handle that).

Now that I've roughed out how this should look from a script 
perspective, how do I get that into MailMate to start testing? I've 
symlinked the folder into the bundle location and that isn't being 
picked up by MailMate


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Customizing Bundles

2015-04-28 Thread Joshua Kehn
Perfect. Issue was I had the commend named `mmcommand` and that wasn't 
picking it up.



On 28 Apr 2015, at 3:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 27 Apr 2015, at 20:28, Joshua Kehn wrote:

I'm working on expanding the MailMate -> OmniFocus flow. In 
particular, I'm customizing the AppleScript to “intelligently” 
either create Inbox tasks (quick replies, further planning) OR 
full-on projects inside folders (like, for example, when a JIRA 
ticket comes in, I want to setup a project in a client's folder to 
handle that).

Now that I've roughed out how this should look from a script 
perspective, how do I get that into MailMate to start testing? I've 
symlinked the folder into the bundle location and that isn't being 
picked up by MailMate

The best approach is to fork the bundle on Github and then clone it to 
the Bundles folder. I guess I should describe that in more detail :-) 
(I'll also provide a simpler solution further below.)

I'm going to assume you haven't used Github or git before:

* Create an account at [github.com]()
* Go to the [OmniFocus 
bundle](https://github.com/mailmate/omnifocus.mmbundle) github page.

* Click the Fork button to create your own repository.
* Now make a clone of your forked copy:

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles
		git clone https://github.com/name>/omnifocus.mmbundle.git

* Make your changes.
* Test your changes.
* Learn how to use `git` ;-)
* Commit/push your changes using `git`.
* Optionally, send me a pull request for any changes of general 
interest to OmniFocus users. Alternatively, you can share your changes 
with co-workers by having them clone your forked copy of the bundle.

Now, if you have never used `git` and don't want to then here is the 
quick approach:

cd ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles
git clone https://github.com/mailmate/omnifocus.mmbundle.git

Now you can make all of your changes locally. (Note that it should not 
be necessary to relaunch MailMate when you make changes.)

I hope this helps.

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Re: [MlMt] giving up - MailMate crash - won't synchronize

2015-05-13 Thread Joshua Kehn
Granted I like being a digital pack-rat as much as the next person but I 
can't be the only person to believe that Gmail's “save every email 
you've ever been sent” idea is a horrible default.


On 13 May 2015, at 16:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 13 May 2015, at 18:12, Joe Abley wrote:

I use MailMate with gmail and IMAP mailboxes, five accounts total, 
with somewhere in the region of 5 million messages between them and 
something like 25,000 in the combined inbox.

I'm pretty sure MailMate cannot handle 5 million messages. I suspect 
most of them are in “[Gmail]/All Mail” mailboxes which are not 
synchronized by MailMate by default (as recently 
on the mailing list).

The number of messages in MailMate is the count of “All 
Messages”+“Deleted Messages”+“Junk”.

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[MlMt] Server Response: I4 BAD Command Argument Error

2016-01-14 Thread Joshua Kehn
I'm getting this error with an Exchange / Microsoft hosted 
(office365.com) account. I tried deleting the Drafts folder but that 
didn't appear to resolve it. Any ideas?

![](cid:4383ADF3-2BCD-4648-A0B1-1F8A484DC89D@kehn.us "Napkin 01-14-16, 
11.58.14 AM.png")

[me](http://kehn.us) | [@joshkehn](https://twitter.com/joshkehn)

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