Currently I'm on r5079


On 31 Mar 2015, at 9:26, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Mar 2015, at 15:14, Joshua Kehn wrote:

Maybe I enabled some awesomeness by accident but I used to have a new search bar (upper right, no sorting) that allowed me to search things like `from:somename` _without_ the lag of real-time per-character search attempts. Today, after an update, I found I'm back to the old search bar (see

Is there a way to enable the other one or am I crazy?

Are you sure you updated today? There was a bad release which removed this feature by accident, but I believe it works in r5078 which is the current public/beta/test release. The server also has later revisions, but they can only be fetched manually and they are not to be considered stable. Well, so far r5081 is relatively stable when not using VoiceOver, but I'm sure there are other issues.

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