[MlMt] Junk Mail folder

2014-03-28 Thread Jon Garrison


I am new user, SUPER happy, but I have a question -and have searched the 
list and docs and haven't found the answer.

Mailmate has created a top level "Junk" folder for both IMAP accounts I 
have that isn't a smart folder.

How does this folder work? Are there rules that put mail in there, or is 
it mapped to any IMAP folder with "spam" in the name?

I thought it was keyed to the IMAP folder name, since it appeared to map 
to a folder that I had called "_spam_maybe" that was testing some 
procmail rules but I renamed it and it still appears under the Junk 
folder under mailboxes and the setting for Mailbox type is greyed out.

Any hints as to how that folder works?



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Re: [MlMt] Junk Mail folder

2014-03-28 Thread Jon Garrison

On 28 Mar 2014, at 10:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Mar 2014, at 17:48, Jon Garrison wrote:

Mailmate has created a top level "Junk" folder for both IMAP accounts 
I have that isn't a smart folder.

How does this folder work? Are there rules that put mail in there,

No, messages are only moved to Junk if you have SpamSieve 

or is it mapped to any IMAP folder with "spam" in the name?

Yes, something like that. For each IMAP account MailMate first looks 
for any mailbox explicitly assigned for junk (only few servers do 
this). If that does not exist then MailMate guesses based on words 
like junk, spam, and bulk. This is just a guess and within each IMAP 
account (under SOURCES) you can override it by explicitly assigning 
the Junk mailbox type to another IMAP mailbox.

I thought it was keyed to the IMAP folder name, since it appeared to 
map to a folder that I had called "_spam_maybe" that was testing some 
procmail rules but I renamed it and it still appears under the Junk 
folder under mailboxes and the setting for Mailbox type is greyed 

Also greyed out when selected within the IMAP account under SOURCES in 
the mailbox outline?

After I renamed the folder (to "_frogs"), I was able to uncheck the type 
under SOURCES. Once I changed it back to _spam_maybe it will not let me 
uncheck it as Junk but will let me reclassify, but the other options 
aren't applicable and there is no option for "none of the above."

This is all academic anyway since it was a folder for potential junk 
mail so I am OK with the classification, but someone else might want the 
option to have a folder with one of those keywords in it and have it not 

Thanks for trying out MailMate.

Your awesome support here in the mailing list tipped my over, I am going 
to buy right now. I was only waiting to see if it went on sale before 
the 30 days was up anyway!

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate seems crashy of late

2014-05-01 Thread Jon Garrison
I think I am having a crash a week or so, and also UI freezes. Since I 
opted into test builds and I am nowhere near the time lost to mail.app 
being out of sync with google IMAP, I am certainly not dissapointed yet.

On 1 May 2014, at 7:44, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

I'm posting this here because I don't have enough for an actual bug 
report, but MailMate has seemed rather crash-prone for the past month 
or so, through several versions.  I'm currently running Version 1.7.2 
(4199) on OS X 10.8.5 (12F45).  I get a couple of crashes a day, feels 
like, at least on days I get to do any email at all.
For a while I thought it was to do with my marking messages 
read/unread while in Smart Folders, but I've come to realize that 
crashes happen even when not doing that.  (At least, I don't think so. 
 I do that kind of thing al the time.)  It never crashes in the 
background-- only when I'm interacting with MM.
So I'm posting here to see if anyone else is having similar 
experiences.  Hopefully my crash reports are making it in (I have 
"Phone Home" enabled), but if others are having similar experiences, 
we might be able to figure out the common threads.

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Jon Garrison
I use mailmate with my personal (vanilla IMAP) account and my work email 
that is google apps for business. They both seem the same.

I don't have ANY issues with gmail, but I have pretty basic labeling. 
Basically I treat them like folders, but I do have some server side 
rules that result in mail getting multiple labels and I don't see any 

I get email on time without delays which is what I wasn't getting with 

I do bounce to the web client to make filters/labels and occasionally 
for the port 80/443 when outbound SMTP is blocked by whatever client 
site network I am on.


On 16 May 2014, at 3:41, Gary Hull wrote:

If you have a lot of legacy e-mail in a Gmail account, then I 
certainly understand that MailMate support for Gmail labels would be 
helpful. But it sounds like you recently moved to Gmail. In that case, 
make sure that you take a close look at MailMate's smart mailboxes, at 
at tags.

For instance, I used labels on Gmail for messages related to a 
particular business line. But in MailMate I'm able to cover that with 
an (admittedly super complex) smart mailbox that doesn't take any 
maintenance on my part. (The mailbox picks up on e-mail domains, 
names, keywords in the mail body, etc.) (In a worst case scenario, if 
a few things fall through the cracks, you can pick them up in the 
smart mailbox by adding an ANY ... tag = [___] in there at the end of 
the conditions and manually apply tags.

Tags are pretty much labels, but they don't map back and forth to 
Gmail. After getting things set up, however, you really never need to 
log into the Gmail web interface. It's a nice web app, but in theory 
you've made the decision to go with a Mac-side client, perhaps because 
you have a bunch of different accounts to track. So in that case, who 
cares if the Gmail app doesn't show the tags as labels if you're not 
using the web app?

(A question I just thought of: Are MailMate tags transferred up to 
IMAP servers and then down again to, for instance, another MailMate 
installation on another Macintosh? To non-MailMate IMAP clients?)

On 16 May 2014, at 18:38, Alasdair Muckart wrote:

Thanks Gary,

I completely understand the design decisions behind MailMate, and 
Google's strange not-quite-IMAP implementation. The reality though is 
that Gmail (and GIMAP) actually work *really* well, and recent 
comments made me wonder if there was more label-compatibility coming 
in MM. 

On 16 May 2014 at 8:13:44 pm, Gary Hull (yh82d7...@yandex.com) wrote:
My impression is that MailMate doesn't deal well with Gmail by 

and there's no plan to natively support Gmail. MailMate is a
standards-based e-mail client that follows the various IMAP RFCs. 
uses an undocumented proprietary fork/hack of IMAP ("GIMAP"). 
only one developer for MailMate, and he has to prioritize. In 
Google could change things at any time and break MailMate, and given 

rumors that the results of the Sparrow acquisition are about to bear
fruit, it seems like it's in Google's interest to "encourage" Gmail
users to migrate to Google's own PC-side client, rather than use 

clients, so if, oops!, stuff "accidentally" starts to break in other
clients that try to support GIMAP, hey, that's the way the cookie

However, in the MailMate documentation there are hacks given for 
who must use Gmail, the first of which is "Don't use labels," the 

of which is "If you do you use labels use one and only one label for
every each and every e-mail," and the third of which is "If you must 
labels as tags and put more than one on each e-mail, get used to a 
of duplicated e-mails, because GIMAP presents labels as separate 

to connecting IMAP clients."

On 16 May 2014, at 16:28, Alasdair Muckart wrote:

Hi all,

For various reasons I've had to migrate all of my email out of the
'normal' (courier) IMAP server I was using over to Google (apps for

The current documentation seems to indicate that MM still doesn't 

too well with Gmail and labels, and with my current setup I really
need the labels in Gmail.

For the moment I'm using Airmail which is nice and fast and seems 
handle gmails quirks Ok, but doesn't locally cache mail and is 

some issues actually finding all 270-odd thousand messages I have.

I'd very much like to keep using MailMate, so I'm interested in 
the options are for setting it up with Gmail in a way that'll allow 

to keep my label setup.

Alasdair Muckart | William de Wyke | http://wherearetheelves.net
"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a
little worse
and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only 

this man's
lawful prey." - John Ruskin, 1819-1900.

mailmate mailing list


Re: [MlMt] Dispatch for iOS

2014-06-02 Thread Jon Garrison

I think this should be possible-

With the Launch Center Pro app, you can have actions like "take this 
list of natural language events, parse with Fantastical, and return to 
Launch Center Pro" so similar things work with support for the 
callback-url. I hope someone with more free time than me works it out!



On 2 Jun 2014, at 6:40, Edward Thome wrote:

On 31 May 2014, at 18:29, Joshua Kehn wrote:

Was checking this out today as well, so far it's great. My only 
complaint (and this is more iOS specific issue) is that OmniFocus has 
to launch and then you have to switch back to Dispatch which 
interrupts the “ruthless swipe out your inbox” mentality


That might me a byproduct of how iOS deals with background 
applications, rather than something that Dispatch can do something 
about, but I don't know.  It is nice to have that capability when away 
from MailMate.

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[MlMt] MacVim integration

2014-08-20 Thread Jon Garrison


I am trying to set MacVim as my editor and and python is crashing when I 
invoke the command. MacVim starts up and it all appears to work except 
for the python crashing dialog.

I am pretty sure it has to do with MacVim being compiled with MacPorts 
(which I had to do to get YouCompleteMe to work).

I can do python things if I start MacVim normally but when started via 
Mailmate, it seems to use the system python rather than the one MacVim 
is compiled against in /opt/local/bin/python

Anyone have any hints?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Close to pulling trigger.

2014-12-05 Thread Jon Garrison
I use VIP with Mailmate and like the balance. My phone doesn't even 
notice most email, only the VIPs get notifications and nobody gets 

When I am in the desktop app I don't need that protection, I am doing 
email and it is time to process all of it.

On 5 Dec 2014, at 10:23, Robert Garcia wrote:

I manage several clients and our own mail server for all of them. I 
have moved myself and several of my largest clients off of gmail 
(gapps) email and onto our own mail server, zarafa, which has been 
working fine. Most of us use macs and have been using Airmail as the 
client, which works pretty well with Gmail. Airmail 2 came out and it 
has tons of issues and takes up tons of CPU, etc. Also has bugs with 

We went back to mac mail, which is so piggy and have been looking for 
alternatives. I have downloaded and tried every mac client available.

Mailmate would not win a beauty contest, but it works great. I felt it 
was sluggish and piggy, like apple mail, then I found the latest 64 
bit version. Wow, so smooth, nice, doesn't use much cpu, that made 
everything better.

Before I recommend this to the rest of my family and clients, though, 
I am struggling with one issue. How to make some type of smart folder 
with VIP users? We all user our iPhones and iPads and use VIP, and 
when your desktop client doesn't comply, it makes it tough. It is 
probably the only single feature that pulls me back to apple mail.

Any thoughts?

Robert Garcia
BigHead Technology
15520 Coutolenc Rd
Magalia, Ca 95954
ph: 530.645.4040 fax: 530.645.4040
rgar...@bighead.net - http://bighead.net/
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Re: [MlMt] suggestion - search buttons

2015-02-05 Thread Jon Garrison

This is awesome!

Is it possible to change my keybinding to point to this instead of the 
old style? I have this:

"/" = "mailboxSearch:";

And I tried a few guesses, but no luck.


On 5 Feb 2015, at 12:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Jan 2015, at 10:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Jan 2015, at 8:57, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

On 29 Jan 2015, at 23:47, Scott A. McIntyre wrote:

Oh man, I'd pay a reasonable sum of money to have a search 
interface like this, using the various key-words from the drop 
downs instead of the dropdown.

	"from:*.domain.com before:01-12-2014 after:17-03-2013 NOT 
(subject:"Invoice*" OR from:landl...@evil.com)"

would that be difficult to implement?

No, I think I've also described my plan in the past (although maybe 
it wasn't on the mailing list). I already have a very experimental 
implementation (too experimental to be enabled for testing or even be 
used by myself). In short, my plan is to do something very close to 
what Scott describes, but it's going to be customizable in the sense 
that *power* users can make their own quick search language if they 
provide a script which converts it to the internal MailMate query 
language (which is too verbose to be used directly). The default 
quick search language is going to be an example of that.

But I don't have time to finish it soon. Right now, the main focus is 
making the 64 bit release sufficiently stable to replace the 32 bit 

Well, I might not have “finished” this feature, but it's certainly 
in a useful state now. Fetch the latest test release, read the 
instructions in the release notes, and try it out.

Also, I believe I've fixed the worst bugs in the 64 bit version of 
MailMate. If recent releases have been unstable for you then try again 

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Re: [MlMt] Shortcut for new old toolbarsearch

2015-02-09 Thread Jon Garrison


 "/"  = "searchAllMessages:";

is working (WONDERFULLY) here.


On 9 Feb 2015, at 14:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 9 Feb 2015, at 22:29, Phil Marlowe wrote:

However, i can't find an already assigned shortcut for entering the 
search field. Did I missed it?

The standard ⌥⌘F (see the Edit > Find menu).

How could I assign one by myself, probably through the custom 
keybinding settings. But what is the right Key Binding Selector?

`"f" = ( "searchAllMessages:");` doesn't work here... any hints?

That should work too. Are you sure?

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate and TextExpander

2015-06-09 Thread Jon Garrison
As a data point, this is not happening for me with the newest 

On 9 Jun 2015, at 11:58, Sherman Wilcox wrote:

I don’t know whether this is a MailMate or a TextExpander issue, but 
suspect the MailMate list might be more helpful to me, so I’m 


I alternate between liking TextExpander (TE) and Typinator for my
snippets app. Since TE recently was updated, I thought I’d give it a

In MailMate, I have a keybinding “r” for Reply. When I run TE, and 
“r” to reply in MailMate, following by a Return, I get a capital 

inserted in the body of the new reply. [This seems to happen only if I
have also selected some text to quote in the reply.]

Does anyone have any idea why this should be? I’ll also try sending 

message to Smile Software to see what they say, and if they have an
answer I’ll post it here.

Sherman Wilcox
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[MlMt] Disable / redirect Key combinations for Layout views

2021-04-26 Thread Jon Garrison

I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos 
accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of time in 
Linux for work.

I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them.

Any help would be appreciated!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Disable / redirect Key combinations for Layout views

2021-04-26 Thread Jon Garrison
Awesome, thanks! This will get me close, but it seems you need unique menu 
items, and I need no-op choices. "Bring All to Front" and 'Arrange in Front" 
killed 2 for me, though.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2021, at 5:02 PM, Randall Meadows wrote:
> On 26 Apr 2021, at 13:21, Jon Garrison wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I only use the three pane view, and hit the Command-{1-6} key combos 
> > accidentally several times a day as an artifact of spending a lot of 
> > time in Linux for work.
> >
> > I looked around, but I do not see a way to disable or redirect them.
> You can redefine them in the Keyboard system prefpane: Shortcuts > App 
> Shortcuts > Mailmate—just add new ones for the ones you want to get 
> rid of.
> ___
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> mailmate@lists.freron.com
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