[MlMt] Equalize the appearance of the message list pane over all mailboxes

2017-11-01 Thread Andreas Borutta


I'm completely new to MM and this is my first post into the mailing 

Since two days I know of this mail client and I fall in love fast :)

Sorry for my poor English please.

I will help a friend, who uses a lot of mailboxes in his two accounts. 
My wish is, that the appearance of all mailboxes in both accounts is 

Same set of columns
Same columns have the same width
Same view settings

How can I realize that please?

Thanks for your help.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Navigation throug all unread mails: "Single Key Read"

2017-11-02 Thread Andreas Borutta


I'm coming from Thunderbird and therefore I'm used to navigate through 
all unread mails by a "single read key" - the spacebar.

The function is simpel:

It works like a cascade.

1 When you have not reached the end of a mail -> one page down
2 When you reached the end of a mail -> jump to the top of the next 
unread mail (even it is in the next mailbox or in the next account)

How can I realize that please in MM?

Thanks for your help.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Navigation throug all unread mails: "Single Key Read"

2017-11-02 Thread Andreas Borutta

On 2 Nov 2017, at 16:41, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 2 Nov 2017, at 8:33, Andreas Borutta wrote:

It works like a cascade.

1 When you have not reached the end of a mail -> one page down
2 When you reached the end of a mail -> jump to the top of the next 
unread mail

The above should work if you map the space character to 

" " = "scrollPageDownOrNextUnreadMessage:";

See more [here](https://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings).


(even it is in the next mailbox or in the next account)

This is not supported by MailMate.

Oh, that's really bad news.

That was my most used feature at all.

Beeing able to browse through all unread messages with tapping the 
spacebar with my thumb.

What do you think about the feature? I like to suggest it as a wish.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Equalize the appearance of the message list pane over all mailboxes

2017-11-02 Thread Andreas Borutta

On 2 Nov 2017, at 16:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 1 Nov 2017, at 20:32, Andreas Borutta wrote:

I will help a friend, who uses a lot of mailboxes in his two 
accounts. My wish is, that the appearance of all mailboxes in both 
accounts is equal.

Same set of columns
Same columns have the same width
Same view settings

How can I realize that please?

MailMate only has 1 default set of columns (see “Use as/Revert to 
Default Columns” in the columns menu).

I tried that.
Steps to reproduce:
I choosed all columns in one mailbox which I need.
I set all widths to the size I prefer.
Than I choosed "Use as Default Columns".
But all the other mailboxes do not overtake the set nor the sizes.

But, as readers of this list knows, there are bugs in the column 
save/restore system which means it doesn't always behave as you might 

May be I have wrong expectations about the feature.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Navigation throug all unread mails: "Single Key Read"

2017-11-02 Thread Andreas Borutta

Am 02.11.17 um 17:52 schrieb Alan Schussman:

On 2 Nov 2017, at 9:42, Andreas Borutta wrote:

Oh, that's really bad news.

That was my most used feature at all.

Beeing able to browse through all unread messages with tapping the
spacebar with my thumb.

What do you think about the feature? I like to suggest it as a wish.

While space can't traverse to the next mailbox with unread messages, you
should be able to accomplish the functional equivalent with a smart
mailbox containing all unread mail from all folders/accounts.

I prefer it to see the context (here: the read mails in conversations 
e.g.) while navigating through the unread mails.

But independent of that: thanks for your idea :)

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Feature wish: Clean subject - Get rid of multiple "Re:"

2017-11-04 Thread Andreas Borutta


I used Thunderbird for many years. And of course I loved some functions.

There is a nice extension, which eliminates the multiple "Re:" which 
many damaged clients produce.


I would love to see such a function integrated in MM.
IMHO it fits exzellent to the target standard conformity.

What do other users of MM think about my suggestion?
And, of course, Benny, what do you think?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-10 Thread Andreas Borutta
Good morning.

I'm new to MailMate. In my previous mail client Thunderbird I like the
function of a keyboard short which can be charaterized as "single key
By default it is the space bar.

In MM the space bar key will move you at the first through a mail body
(when it does not fit into the pane) and when it reaches the end of
the body it moves you to the next message in the same mailbox. When
you reached the last mail in the mailbox, MM stops.

I would like to let the space bar key move you only through unread

And I like it to do not stop at the last mail of a mailbox, but move
you to the next unread message in the next mailbox.

That is my most used commands at all in Thunderbird. I love the ease
of tapping the space bar for reading.

Is that possible with MM please?



mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-11 Thread Andreas Borutta
Max Rydahl Andersen:

> I haven't found one, so my approximation is the following:
> "N" = ("selectNextCountedMailbox:", "makeFirstResponder:", 
> "mainOutline","selectFirstMessageRow:");  
> "P" = ("selectPreviousCountedMailbox:", "makeFirstResponder:", 
> "mainOutline","selectFirstMessageRow:");
> Then with `mybindings, postbox` in keyboard setup I then have 'n' being 
> next unread and then shift+N goes to next folder with a counter (which 
> by default is unread but could be something else).
> p and P does the same just 'previous' instead of next.

Thanks for that approximation.

I can't switch to MM until there's no "real single read key". Beeing
able to browse throught all unread messages with only one key is
indispensable for me.

Bad luck for me.

But may be Benny like the idea and will implement it some day.


> /max
> https://xam.dk/about
> On 10 Nov 2019, at 8:59, Andreas Borutta wrote:
>> Good morning.
>> I'm new to MailMate. In my previous mail client Thunderbird I like the
>> function of a keyboard short which can be charaterized as "single key
>> read".
>> By default it is the space bar.
>> In MM the space bar key will move you at the first through a mail body
>> (when it does not fit into the pane) and when it reaches the end of
>> the body it moves you to the next message in the same mailbox. When
>> you reached the last mail in the mailbox, MM stops.
>> I would like to let the space bar key move you only through unread
>> messages.
>> And I like it to do not stop at the last mail of a mailbox, but move
>> you to the next unread message in the next mailbox.
>> That is my most used commands at all in Thunderbird. I love the ease
>> of tapping the space bar for reading.
>> Is that possible with MM please?
>> Thanks.
>> Andreas
>> -- 
>> http://fahrradzukunft.de
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Travis Risner via mailmate:

> I have found that if I choose the general/universal inbox, I can then 
> option-command down arrow to move to the next unread message.  Yes, 
> pressing it again will go to the next unread message rather than paging 
> down, but I consider this an advantage.  It lets me skip from a short or 
> boring message directly to the next.

I like and use the optional command "Jump to the beginning of the next
unread message" too. For the same reason like you: when a message is
But my highest priority of all functions of a mail client is indeed
the single read key. Just because I use it thousand of times.

That's as well the reason that for such a command I regard only a
keyboard shortcut as acceptable which uses one key and not
additionally a meta key or arrow key.

Further I prefer it not use "one big mailbox for all messages". So I
need the single read key working in the normal mailboxes. 

In other words:
When the command stops at the last unread message in one Mailbox and
forces the user to manually switch to the next mailbox (with a special
keyboard shortcut), it does not work for me.

I really do not stop using "one single key for reading".

> I tried to find where this is documented but I didn't see it in MM help, 
> the MM manual, in MM preferences, system preferences, or in the 
> "defaults" settings.  Since I don't know where this is set (or how I got 
> it to work), it may not work for you.
> BTW, Thunderbird allows one to transfer an email to a local folder.  MM 
> does not.  Thus just looking through the MM inbox gets to all unread 
> messages available to MM.  (I use both programs just so I can transfer 
> emails to local folders.  Other than that, I consider MM superior to 
> Thunderbird.)

My impression of MM is very good too. I bought the license 2 years
ago. But as long as I can't realize a single read key I cannot switch
from  Thunderbird to MM.

Yes, local folders are a nice concept of TB. But it has not the same
rank for me as such usability features as "single read key".

But I'm patient :)
May be Benny likes my suggestion.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Max Andersen:

> I Fully grok your mindset here. I had the same.

Thank you. It is important for me to know, that there are other users
who like the suggested feature too.

> I did jump to mailmate in the end though since mailmate is so much better
> in almost any other aspect than Thunderbird.
> And to be clear you do not need to use any modifiers to go to next unread.
> I have 'n' as my next unread.

Yes, but with that command you are stucked in the mailbox, where you
are at the moment. 

To get to the next unread in the next mailbox you need another

> I would love for Benny to add a nextunreadornextcountedfolder command but I
> would encourage you to try mailmate out even before that happens :)

: ) That's what I'm doing right now.

Would you (or others) who are experienced with Thunderbird like to
help me to explore in which aspects MM is superior to TB?

Independent of that:
Are anyone of you uses the filter type/language SIEVE and declares the
rules inside MM?


> On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 at 09:26, Andreas Borutta  wrote:
>> Travis Risner via mailmate:
>>> I have found that if I choose the general/universal inbox, I can then
>>> option-command down arrow to move to the next unread message.  Yes,
>>> pressing it again will go to the next unread message rather than paging
>>> down, but I consider this an advantage.  It lets me skip from a short or
>>> boring message directly to the next.
>> I like and use the optional command "Jump to the beginning of the next
>> unread message" too. For the same reason like you: when a message is
>> boring.
>> But my highest priority of all functions of a mail client is indeed
>> the single read key. Just because I use it thousand of times.
>> That's as well the reason that for such a command I regard only a
>> keyboard shortcut as acceptable which uses one key and not
>> additionally a meta key or arrow key.
>> Further I prefer it not use "one big mailbox for all messages". So I
>> need the single read key working in the normal mailboxes.
>> In other words:
>> When the command stops at the last unread message in one Mailbox and
>> forces the user to manually switch to the next mailbox (with a special
>> keyboard shortcut), it does not work for me.
>> I really do not stop using "one single key for reading".
>>> I tried to find where this is documented but I didn't see it in MM help,
>>> the MM manual, in MM preferences, system preferences, or in the
>>> "defaults" settings.  Since I don't know where this is set (or how I got
>>> it to work), it may not work for you.
>>> BTW, Thunderbird allows one to transfer an email to a local folder.  MM
>>> does not.  Thus just looking through the MM inbox gets to all unread
>>> messages available to MM.  (I use both programs just so I can transfer
>>> emails to local folders.  Other than that, I consider MM superior to
>>> Thunderbird.)
>> My impression of MM is very good too. I bought the license 2 years
>> ago. But as long as I can't realize a single read key I cannot switch
>> from  Thunderbird to MM.
>> Yes, local folders are a nice concept of TB. But it has not the same
>> rank for me as such usability features as "single read key".
>> But I'm patient :)
>> May be Benny likes my suggestion.
>> Andreas
>> --
>> http://fahrradzukunft.de
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Max Rydahl Andersen:

>>> I would love for Benny to add a nextunreadornextcountedfolder command 
>>> but I
>>> would encourage you to try mailmate out even before that happens :)
>>: ) That's what I'm doing right now.
>> Would you (or others) who are experienced with Thunderbird like to
>> help me to explore in which aspects MM is superior to TB?
> Here are my on top of my head features:

Thanks for your feedback : )
I will snip those points, where I have no further enquiry.

> bundles: I use a bunch of the bundles built in

Which specific tasks do you solve with those bundles please?

> markdown for email: nuff'said ?

Until now, me as a reader of incomming messages, prefer text only
Because so few people are using HTML in a useful way.

When it comes to composing a message I prefer a markdowneditor, which
standard mode is "show the generated html view" while editing.
My eyes just don't like to see the syntax of markdown. 


I would love to have a text editor for mail composing, which offers
formatting for plain text tasks.

Format a numbered list. 

Before formatting:

* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
vehicula orci vitae
* Felis congue porta. Maecenas finibus fermentum erat. Aenean pulvinar
consequat arcu

After formatting:

 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce 
vehicula orci vitae
 2. Felis congue porta. Maecenas finibus fermentum erat. Aenean 
pulvinar consequat arcu

But I have never heard that such a mail compose plain text editor

> integration with spotlight on osx: not sure if thunderbird does this by 
> now but i use it often now with mailmate (its in many cases faster than 
> mail mate to do focused search)

Good hint! 
For curiousity: Does the internal search of MM uses an index as well?

> smart mailboxes: I do not know of any other mail app which can handled 
> smart mailboxes as well as mail mate.

Until now I'm not sure, if I ever need that feature. Usually I was
just fine with the search function, when I had to look into mails of
the past. But may I will like it, when I try to finde usefull cases
for me.

>> Independent of that:
>> Are anyone of you uses the filter type/language SIEVE and declares the
>> rules inside MM?
> MM doesn't support editing SIEVE rules. It does have integration support 
> with spamsieve.

Oh, that surprises me. I had in my mind, that MM allows editing SIEVE

> That said I uses neither as I don't want my desktop client to do the 
> bulk filtering as
> it is not always running thus my mails gets cluttered when just on 
> phone.

I'm not sure, if I understand you correctly.
SIEVE will do the filtering job on the server.
That's why I would like to use it.

I just don't want to be forced to open the webinterface of my provider
to add a new rule.
I like to do that from my mail client.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Max Rydahl Andersen:

>>> markdown for email: nuff'said ?
>> Until now, me as a reader of incomming messages, prefer text only
>> view.
>> Because so few people are using HTML in a useful way.
> which is why mail mate's use of markdown is great.
> If you are mainly a text email guy you just read the markdown - there is
> no special formatting, lists looks like lists written in text etc.
>> When it comes to composing a message I prefer a markdowneditor, which
>> standard mode is "show the generated html view" while editing.
>> My eyes just don't like to see the syntax of markdown.
> Yes ? I have show html view too so I can see both text and html

But I'm talking of the compose process.

When I use markdown, I like my editor to behave like e.g. the App
Notes on macOS:

I write "* foo"ENTER

And the app "thinks" I like to write a list point and renders it like
a html element "ul".

That's my favorite behaviour. It get the best of both worlds:

I don't need graphical buttons to declare something as a list point. I
just write "* foo".

But I get the nice rendering of HTML.

When I understand it correctly, that is not possible in MM.
Please correct me, if neccessary.

>> Summarized:
>> I would love to have a text editor for mail composing, which offers
>> formatting for plain text tasks.
>> Example:
>> Format a numbered list.
>> Before formatting:
>> * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
>> vehicula orci vitae
>> * Felis congue porta. Maecenas finibus fermentum erat. Aenean pulvinar
>> consequat arcu
>> After formatting:
>>  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
>> vehicula orci vitae
>>  2. Felis congue porta. Maecenas finibus fermentum erat. Aenean
>> pulvinar consequat arcu
>> But I have never heard that such a mail compose plain text editor
>> exist.
> That sounds like something you can do with osx text services.
> Ever tried out 
> https://brettterpstra.com/projects/markdown-service-tools/#listsfixnumberedlist
> ?
> His markdown services might help you out.

But I do not talk about markdown.

I like to send a plain text message and than a receiver who uses a
plain text mail client (which cannot view html or markdown) should see
the text in the way I posted it above. Nicely formatted plain text.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Fredrik Jonsson:

> Andreas Borutta 2019-11-12 12:15 wrote:
>> smart mailboxes: I do not know of any other mail app which can handled
>>> smart mailboxes as well as mail mate.
>> Until now I'm not sure, if I ever need that feature. Usually I was 
>> just fine with the search function, when I had to look into mails of 
>> the past. But may I will like it, when I try to finde usefull cases 
>> for me.
> I used to have a lot of rules that moved in mails to a lot of different 
> folders. After moving to MailMate and discovering how smart the smart 
> folders are I now use a different approach.
> 1. All mail comes in to the standard "Inbox".
> 2. There I look at them and press "a" for archive or "d" for delete etc.
> 3. The "Inbox" is then empty and all mail I want to keep is in 
> "Archive".
> I then have a lot of smart folders for customers, persons, projects, 
> mailing lists etc. They completely replace all the folders I used to 
> have.
> For me this is a lot better :
> * One mail can show up in any number of smart folders.
> * Reorganising things does not involve moving any mail, just changing 
> some smart folders.
> * I can add and remove smart folders without any risk of losing mail.

Thanks for those insights in your workflow.

My workflow is very basic compared to that.

I do not delete typically, I do not set rules and I do not archive.

My main concept is "laizyness".

My only decision I make is:

Does that mail needs an answer?

Then I press the keyboard shortcut for reply.

Now there two options:
I reply immediately or I save the reply which creates a draft.

That's it.

When I need to look at the history of conversation I use the indexed
search function. 


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Max Rydahl Andersen:

> Good thing is that if you know of an editor that can do what you are 
> looking for then mailmate most likely can use it to edit/create the mail 
> for you :)

Hhhmmm. I can't imagine, that it feels comfortable to use an external
editor for composing, because while using it you cannot see the fields
"To" or "From" or "Subject".
They are in a different pane.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-12 Thread Andreas Borutta
Glenn Parker:

It seems to be a solution. But is none for me.

I need "context" in form of a server side folder* (or a smart

> This seems like the simplest solution by far, and as far as I can tell 
> it enables (almost?) exactly what Andreas requested. The real power of 
> MailMate lies in the smart filtering features, and that is where the 
> necessary configurability resides, although this is one that actually 
> comes pre-configured on install.
> On 12 Nov 2019, at 3:07, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> You can create a smart mailbox or use the existing one to have *All 
>> Unread messages* and you can use a single key to read through that :)

* I prefer the server side structure, because I can use on every
client, because it synchronizes.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-14 Thread Andreas Borutta
Robert Brenstein:

I will insert the full citation:

> On 12 Nov 2019, at 22:16, Andreas Borutta wrote:

>>> This seems like the simplest solution by far, and as far as I can tell 
>>> it enables (almost?) exactly what Andreas requested. The real power of 
>>> MailMate lies in the smart filtering features, and that is where the 
>>> necessary configurability resides, although this is one that actually 
>>> comes pre-configured on install.

>> I need "context" in form of a server side folder* (or a smart
>> mailbox).

>> * I prefer the server side structure, because I can use on every
>> client, because it synchronizes.

> If you are talking about mailing lists,

No, I was talking about smart mailboxes versus server side folders.

The smart mailboxes can only used on in MM and not in the other


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Navigate with space key in sources: crossing the borders of mailboxes and accounts

2020-12-26 Thread Andreas Borutta

Hey all :)

Merry Christmas :)

Some month ago I asked for missed feature. I tried to use Mailmate without that
feature, but it doesn't fit for me.

Therefore I like to explain the usecase, my motive more precisely.

I understand, that the power of MM are the smart mailboxes.

At the moment I don't need that power.
I'm completely satisfied with a couple of IMAP folders.
(Let's call them Folder1, Folder2, Folder3)

Mainly I use one single IMAP account.
(Let's call it MyMainAccount)

Only rarely do I use 5 other IMAP accounts.
(Let's call them Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Adipisit, Eiusmod)
I get an incoming mail in those accounts about once a week.

What is the intended usage of MM?

It is using the upper section with "Mailboxes" and not the lower section with 

What do I get in the section "Mailboxes"?

>All Messages
SmartMailbox Folder1
SmartMailbox Folder2
SmartMailbox Folder3
ˇSent Messages
>Deleted Messages

What do I get, when I use the section sources?

Sent Messages
Deleted Messages

Compared to the section mailboxes the section sources in my usecase is a lot 
and clearer.

That's why I would love to see an option to navigate in the sources with the 
key through all the unread messages.

Without the need of over changing manually to a folder or an account.

Yes, I'm very used to this behaviour from my Mail Client Thunderbird or from my 
Client 40tude Dialogue.
I love this behaviour of "Single Key Read".

What do you think about my feature request please?

Best regards, Andreas
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Navigate with space key in sources: crossing the borders of mailboxes and accounts

2021-01-02 Thread Andreas Borutta

Hey all :)

Happy new year!

Some month ago I asked for missed feature. I tried to use Mailmate without that
feature, but it doesn't fit for me.

Therefore I like to explain the usecase, my motive more precisely.

I understand, that the power of MM are the smart mailboxes.

At the moment I don't need that power.
I'm completely satisfied with a couple of IMAP folders.
(Let's call them Folder1, Folder2, Folder3)

Mainly I use one single IMAP account.
(Let's call it MyMainAccount)

Only rarely do I use 5 other IMAP accounts.
(Let's call them Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Adipisit, Eiusmod)
I get an incoming mail in those accounts about once a week.

What is the intended usage of MM?

It is using the upper section with "Mailboxes" and not the lower section with 

What do I get in the section "Mailboxes"?

>All Messages
SmartMailbox Folder1
SmartMailbox Folder2
SmartMailbox Folder3
ˇSent Messages
>Deleted Messages

What do I get, when I use the section sources?

Sent Messages
Deleted Messages

Compared to the section mailboxes the section sources in my usecase is a lot 
and clearer.

That's why I would love to see an option to navigate in the sources with the 
key through all the unread messages.

Without the need of over changing manually to a folder or an account.

Yes, I'm very used to this behaviour from my Mail Client Thunderbird or from my 
Client 40tude Dialogue.
I love this behaviour of "Single Key Read".

What do you think about my feature request please?

Best regards, Andreas
mailmate mailing list