Hey all :) Happy new year!
Some month ago I asked for missed feature. I tried to use Mailmate without that feature, but it doesn't fit for me. Therefore I like to explain the usecase, my motive more precisely. I understand, that the power of MM are the smart mailboxes. At the moment I don't need that power. I'm completely satisfied with a couple of IMAP folders. (Let's call them Folder1, Folder2, Folder3) Mainly I use one single IMAP account. (Let's call it MyMainAccount) Only rarely do I use 5 other IMAP accounts. (Let's call them Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Adipisit, Eiusmod) I get an incoming mail in those accounts about once a week. What is the intended usage of MM? It is using the upper section with "Mailboxes" and not the lower section with "Sources". What do I get in the section "Mailboxes"? Mailboxes >All Messages ˇInbox ˇMyMainAccount SmartMailbox Folder1 SmartMailbox Folder2 SmartMailbox Folder3 Lorem Ipsum Dolor Adipisit Eiusmod >Drafts >Junk ˇSent Messages MyMainAccount Lorem Ipsum Dolor Adipisit Eiusmod >Deleted Messages >Archive What do I get, when I use the section sources? Sources ˇMyMainAccount Inbox Drafts Junk Sent Messages Folder1 Folder2 Folder3 Deleted Messages >Lorem >Ipsum >Dolor >Adipisit >Eiusmod Compared to the section mailboxes the section sources in my usecase is a lot slimmer and clearer. That's why I would love to see an option to navigate in the sources with the space key through all the unread messages. Without the need of over changing manually to a folder or an account. Yes, I'm very used to this behaviour from my Mail Client Thunderbird or from my News Client 40tude Dialogue. I love this behaviour of "Single Key Read". What do you think about my feature request please? Best regards, Andreas _______________________________________________ mailmate mailing list mailmate@lists.freron.com https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate