[MlMt] column view

2016-06-10 Thread Alain Israel
How is it possible to set up, once for all and for all mailboxes, the 
list of items to be displayed  : from, to, attachment, subject, tag, 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] column view

2016-06-13 Thread Alain Israel
Thank you. I thought I did that already, but each mailbox still seemed 
to act independently. Probably because I did not erase the previous 


On 13 Jun 2016, at 9:50, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 10 Jun 2016, at 17:32, Alain Israel wrote:

How is it possible to set up, once for all and for all mailboxes, the 
list of items to be displayed  : from, to, attachment, subject, tag, 

First delete anything which might already have been saved for 
individual mailboxes (paste the line in a Terminal window):

defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

Relaunch MailMate and then select, for example, the Inbox and setup 
your preferred columns (and threading mode if you like). Finally, use 
“View ▸ Columns ▸ Use as Default Columns”.

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Re: [MlMt] Colours

2016-06-29 Thread Alain Israel
As far as I understand, you can’t color the messages, but you have 6 
choices of color for the flags, and combined with the use of tags, it is 
quite convenient (although not as visual as colored messages).


On 29 Jun 2016, at 14:47, Mark Wadham wrote:


Is there any way to have colour highlighting of messages in the list 
view, with custom headers or IMAP flags or some such thing?  That 
would be really handy for quickly seeing important stuff based on a 
set of rules.

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Re: [MlMt] Colours

2016-06-29 Thread Alain Israel

On 29 Jun 2016, at 14:58, Mark Wadham wrote:

On 29 Jun 2016, at 13:57, Alain Israel wrote:
As far as I understand, you can’t color the messages, but you have 
6 choices of color for the flags, and combined with the use of tags, 
it is quite convenient (although not as visual as colored messages).

How do you apply flags and tags?

Flags: Message menu, then Mark as Flagged. It gives you the default 
color : red. To change color : upper case-F-number (1to 6) (I may have 
changed the default keys  for convenience, I don’t remember, but it 
can be found in the manual).

Tags : https://manual.mailmate-app.com/preferences

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Re: [MlMt] Colours

2016-06-29 Thread Alain Israel
For this you need to ask Benny. Another point : with certain IMAP 
servers (Exchange for example), tags disappear from one computer to the 
other; flags are maintained, but only with the default color.


On 29 Jun 2016, at 15:46, Mark Wadham wrote:

On 29 Jun 2016, at 14:46, Alain Israel wrote:
Flags: Message menu, then Mark as Flagged. It gives you the default 
color : red. To change color : upper case-F-number (1to 6) (I may 
have changed the default keys  for convenience, I don’t remember, 
but it can be found in the manual).

Tags : https://manual.mailmate-app.com/preferences

Thanks, is there a way to set them server-side though?
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Re: [MlMt] archiving folders

2016-06-29 Thread Alain Israel
This reminds me a related question : does Spotlight index the emails? It 
does not seem to.


On 29 Jun 2016, at 15:58, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Jun 2016, at 22:26, Howard Wettstein wrote:

Is it possible to archive folders?

It depends on what you mean. There is the “Command ▸ Export” 
menu for exporting to the `.mbox` format. You can also simply drag 
emails to a Finder window/folder. This saves the emails in standard 
`.eml` format which is searchable via Spotlight (thanks to a Spotlight 
plugin included with MailMate).

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Re: [MlMt] archiving folders

2016-06-29 Thread Alain Israel
I enabled it, but it does not seem to index. What does it index exactly 
: address, mail body, …?


On 29 Jun 2016, at 16:03, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

On 29 Jun 2016, at 16:01, Alain Israel wrote:

It should if you have enabled it in preferences.


It does take some time to get it all indexed but once it have caught 
up it seem to index almost instantly for me.


This reminds me a related question : does Spotlight index the emails? 
It does not seem to.


On 29 Jun 2016, at 15:58, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Jun 2016, at 22:26, Howard Wettstein wrote:

Is it possible to archive folders?

It depends on what you mean. There is the “Command ▸ Export” 
menu for exporting to the `.mbox` format. You can also simply drag 
emails to a Finder window/folder. This saves the emails in standard 
`.eml` format which is searchable via Spotlight (thanks to a 
Spotlight plugin included with MailMate).

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Re: [MlMt] search for different Flags

2016-07-11 Thread Alain Israel
My comment will not answer your question, but it reflects several months 
of using colored flags and tags. My impression is that tags are more 
useful : they can be used to sort the messages, they can be searched for 
throughout all mailboxes, they are recognized by most servers (so 
transferable from one computer to the other (except with Exchange), 
unlike colored flags), they allow a relatively easy visualization of who 
sent what, …
This being said, a more convenient combination of keys to change the 
flag color would still be useful.


On 11 Jul 2016, at 4:37, Gary Hull wrote:

To change the flag colors you have to use the fussy Shift-F, release, 
press number process. Is there any way to change them so that a 
quicker and easier keyboard shortcut could be used, such as a function 
key, or at least a non-shifted lowercase f?

On 29 May 2016, at 17:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 May 2016, at 22:17, Stephan Bösebeck wrote:

It's cool, that you can easily switch on a flag by hitting `Shift-F` 
0-9, so there needs to be some kind of support for searching it 
somewhere - I just did not find it yet.

Flags are implemented using IMAP keyword “bits”. A clever 
solution by Apple, but MailMate currently doesn't have an easy way to 
do colored flag searches. You can only do it by searching for the 
corresponding set of bits. Here are the F keybindings:

"F" = {
"0" = ( "removeTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"1" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"2" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"3" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0","setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"4" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0","setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"5" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"6" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );
"7" = ("setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit0","setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1","setTag:", 
"$MailFlagBit2" );


Implicitly, they also tell you what to search for, e.g., F2, means 
that `$MailFlagBit0` is enabled and `$MailFlagBit1`/`$MailFlagBit2` 
are disabled.

I hope that helps.

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Re: [MlMt] enhancement, I think

2016-07-21 Thread Alain Israel
I agree, this is probably one of the only weak points of MM. However 
based on my experience with other applications, this is definitively not 
a trivial issue, and it is certainly dependent on the IMAP server. 
Benny, in one of your previous emails, you mentioned that the lack of 
tag syncing (meaning I have to re-tag by hand dozens of emails each time 
I change computer) coudl be somehow debugged. Is this correct?


On 21 Jul 2016, at 11:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 20 Jul 2016, at 16:27, Marc ARC wrote:

On 18 Jul 2016, at 5:30, Howard Wettstein wrote:

I’d like to run MM on my 3 machines: home, office and laptop. As I 
configure increasingly many smart folders on my home (main) machine 
, it becomes a headache to reconfigure to other two to match. It 
would be great if there was a way to update the other machines.

I’m sure that Benny has this still on his list since it has been 
asked in the past.

I do, but I've also made no progress on it :|

It's one of those features which sounds simply in theory, but in 
practice there is likely to be all kinds of tricky synchronization 
issues. I really should revisit it though, particularly for the 
purpose of smart mailboxes and tags.

(On vacation, please be patient.)
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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Invisible messages

2016-09-23 Thread Alain Israel
Incidently, there is no french localization of Mailmate (nor any other 
language as far as I know). This may deter some potential users, but I 
understand the amount of work required to adapt the program, amount that 
will be more usefully used by Benny to improve Mailmate.


On 22 Sep 2016, at 21:23, Bill Cole wrote:

On 22 Sep 2016, at 4:28, Jean-Pierre Gattuso wrote:

Yesterday, at home, I moved messages to an “archive” folder on my 
IMAP account. Today, at work, these messages are not displayed in the 
same “archive” folder by MailMate but are displayed on the web 
mail. How can I get these messages on my work version of Mailmate? I 
use Version 1.9.5 (5263) on OSX 10.11.6.

[Note: the names/labels of various commands and UI components used 
below are the English ones. If you are using a French localization of 
MailMate you will need to translate them, as your command of English 
is clearly MUCH better than my trivial knowledge of French]

I'm not certain what the source of the problem is, but there are 3 
things that I can think of that could cause this:

1. The "archive" folder is not synchronized on your work machine. You 
can either find it in the folder hierarchy of the IMAP account in the 
Sources section of the MailMate mailbox list and synchronize it 
specifically (in the contextual menu or under the regular Mailbox 
menu)  or use the menu File->Synchronize->All Sources to synchronize 
everything. If it fails to get synchronized regularly, the root cause 
could be that it is be set to synchronize only manually, which you can 
fix by selecting it and using the "Synchronization Schedule" submenu 
of the Mailbox or contextual menu.

2. The "archive" folder is not understood by MailMate on your work 
machine to be THE Archive folder (a single special-purpose folder) for 
that account, and you are looking at the Archive->AccountName folder 
in the Mailboxes section of MailMate's  mailbox list, which is some 
other folder in that account. To tell MailMate that a specific IMAP 
folder should be treated as one of the 5 special-purpose folders 
recognized by MailMate, select the folder in the Sources section of 
the mailbox list and use the Mailbox Type submenu of the contextual or 
Mailbox menu.

3. You are not subscribed to the "archive" folder on your work 
machine. Select the account in the Sources section of the MailMate 
mailbox list and use the "Edit IMAP Account" option from the 
contextual or Mailbox menu to open the IMAP Account Settings window. 
In the center section of that window there is an "Edit 
Subscriptions..." button that opens a panel listing all of the folders 
in the IMAP account and their subscription states, both in the 
server's subscription list and in MailMate's own internal list that 
governs which folders you actually see (and which get synchronized) in 
the Sources section of the MailMate mailbox list. This seems to me to 
be an unlikely cause, since an unsubscribed folder would not be 
missing messages, it would be be entirely absent.

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Re: [MlMt] Mailmate et Inbox

2016-09-29 Thread Alain Israel
This leads me to a somehow related question : would the tag *Important* 
be transferred from one computer to the other (same account), when using 
an Exchange-based server? So far the only serious problem I have with 
MM, although it is not really a MM-specific problem, is that neither 
tags nor flags (only the defaut color remains, which is better than 
nothing…..) are maintained when I switch from one computer to the 
other. My recollection  is that the colored mails in Thunderbird were 
maintained, which means it should be possible (at least I hope).


On 28 Sep 2016, at 13:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Sep 2016, at 15:13, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:

how I did for add a tag mapped to the “Important” Gmail label ?

That's actually a good question. I looked into and this should work:


The display name and the IMAP keyword could also have other values, 
but the “Gmail” label name must be exactly as I've shown in the 

For me, adding this tag automatically resynchronized the account.


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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate et Inbox

2016-10-03 Thread Alain Israel

On 3 Oct 2016, at 14:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 29 Sep 2016, at 12:08, Alain Israel wrote:

This leads me to a somehow related question : would the tag 
*Important* be transferred from one computer to the other (same 
account), when using an Exchange-based server? So far the only 
serious problem I have with MM, although it is not really a 
MM-specific problem, is that neither tags nor flags (only the defaut 
color remains, which is better than nothing…..) are maintained when 
I switch from one computer to the other.

Unfortunately Exchange does not support so-called custom IMAP 
keywords. This means that tags can only work locally. This is also 
true for colored flags. Only “Flagged”, “Seen”, and a few 
other standard keywords can be synchronized.

Indeed, but I was wondering whether « Important » is part of these 
standard keywords, as it could be used as an all purpose tag, while 
*flagged, seen, junk* have a specific function.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] iphone

2016-10-24 Thread Alain Israel
When a Mailmate version for iOS?  I am just joking, but the mail clients 
for iOS are so disappointing…..

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Signature placement

2016-11-17 Thread Alain Israel
I agree with the first comment  : the behavior of this option is 
relatively unconvenient (or there is something I do not understand), and 
I have disconnected it and do everything by hand, using *xType* to 
shortcut the signatures.
To defeat automatic insertion, what I do (I am not sure it is the best 
option) is to have as first signature an empty line.


On 17 Nov 2016, at 14:34, Tom Worster wrote:

I am baffled by MailMate's behavior wrt signatures. What am I doing 

First, if Preferences:Signatures:Default signature placement is set to 
"Top" then, when I reply to an email, the signature is inserted at the 
bottom of the reply, below the quoted text. The behavior is the same 
if it is set to "Bottom", except that this is [less 
astonishing](Principle of least astonishment).

I need to top-reply in most of my correspondences because this is what 
people expect. And I need my signature to be immediately below my 
reply and above the quoted text. For now, I copy-paste the signature 
that MailMate inserts at the bottom of the email to the top and then 
compose my reply.

Second, how do I defeat automatic insertion of a signature?

Third, I use signatures as a convenient way to insert various 
boilerplate texts. But when I insert a signature using the composer's 
toolbar, I always get a warning about discarding HTML. What's this 

Finally, I don't understand what is the "HTML Variant" or how it 

What would suit me is very simple:

1. An option to not insert a signature by default.
2. When I insert a signature using the composer's toolbar menu, 
MailMate inserts it

- at my carat, wherever that may be, and
- simply as a plain-text string. Regardless if I am composing in 
markdown or not, just insert the characters in the signature string as 
though I had typed them or copy-pasted them from a text-editor.

Unless I'm doing something wrong, I will need to add something like 
[Paste](http://pasteapp.me/) to MailMate to transition from Outlook.

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[MlMt] syntax

2016-11-28 Thread Alain Israel
When I want to open a specific mailbox, or move to a specific mailbox, a 
window opens that shows all mailboxes. When I type,for example, CDD, it 
finds all the mailbox names that include the 3 letters CDD, sometimes 
separated by extra letters. This is often convenient, but is there a way 
to force the search for the mailbox that is called « CDD » (or at 
least with the 3 consecutive letters)?

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] remove attachment

2016-12-16 Thread Alain Israel
Is it possible to remove the attachment of an incoming email? I have 
been through Help and could not find the info.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] remove attachment

2016-12-16 Thread Alain Israel

Thanks for your quick response. Maybe I’ll wait a bit before using it.


On 16 Dec 2016, at 15:26, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 16 Dec 2016, at 15:19, Alain Israel wrote:

Is it possible to remove the attachment of an incoming email? I have 
been through Help and could not find the info.

The current public release of MailMate does not have such a feature, 
but just today I uploaded a test version of MailMate which can do it. 
You should consider it to be very experimental though. There are no 
known bugs, but it has not really been in use by anyone yet and the 
consequences of bugs could potentially be serious (since we are 
dealing with removing content from emails).

You can read more about the test release and how to enable this 
feature in [this 
In short, you get a “Remove Attachment” menu item in the context 
sensitive menu and you can also assign a key to a new 
`removeAttachments:` selector. The latter also works when selecting 
multiple messages. Both variants support undo/redo.


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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] remove attachment

2016-12-16 Thread Alain Israel
I guess Gmail does not consider it a duplicate as the attachment is 


On 16 Dec 2016, at 16:27, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 16 Dec 2016, at 16:23, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

verified… that does seem to be happening.

Steps to take;
- sent test msg to gmail account with simple attachment
- it arrives and is seen in Mailmate, verified in gmail’s web 
client, in the Inbox

- within Mailmate, used new ‘remove attachment’ feature
- attachment is successfully removed and there is one copy of the 
message in Mailmate
- returning to gmail in a browser and there is now two copies of the 
message, one with attachment and one without, both seemingly in the 

It's kind of ironic that the result is a duplicate given that Gmail 
does not like duplicates, but this may be a sign that this is a 
general problem with “Remove Attachment” in MailMate and not a 
Gmail issue only. I'll note to try to reproduce the issue.

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Re: [MlMt] remove attachment

2016-12-16 Thread Alain Israel

(I should also note, for clarity in the discussion, that IMAP does not 
support removing an attachment from an existing email. The only way to 
do it is to create a new email without the attachment and then delete 
the old email.)

Important to know
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] attaching note

2017-01-06 Thread Alain Israel
I had a relatively unorthodox question : is it possible to somehow  
attach a short note to an incoming message (such as  : wait for missing 
information, reply when another task is fulfilled,….)? I know I can 
create a smart mailbox with fancy rules, but I don’t want to create 
one for each message.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Trash or Deleted Messages?

2017-01-23 Thread Alain Israel
I have a related question : I use Mailmate on the Mac, and Spark on the 
iphone : when I send a message using Spark, a copy goes to a Spark 
mailbox called Sent, which is different from the « Sent messages » 
mailbox of Mailmate. The message is not lost on Mailmate as it appears 
in a separate mailbox appropriately called Sent (which is not one of the 
obligatory Mailmate mailboxes). How can I reconcile these 2 conflicting 
behaviors, knowing that the Maimate mailbox « Sent Messages » does 
not exist in Spark?


On 23 Jan 2017, at 12:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 20 Jan 2017, at 21:01, Roger Bohn wrote:

In my version of MailMate, “Trash” is not an option. There are 5 
mailbox types, one of which is “Deleted Messages.”
  Similarly, I have a mailbox called “Deleted Messages” right 
below Junk. I do not have a mailbox called “Trash”.
   I’m using an Exchange Server. Am I supposed to change everything 
to “Trash?”

Each IMAP account can have 1 mailbox assigned to be used for trash 
(deleted messages). This is done using “Mailbox ▸ Mailbox Type”. 
The universal mailbox always snamed “Deleted Messages” under 
MAILBOXES in the mailbox unifies the messages of all mailboxes 
assigned to be used for trash in each account.

If you have multiple mailboxes used as trash in an account then you 
need to identify the primary one. This is most often the one used by 
webmail access if that exists. If not then you might be free to choose 
any mailbox. Then delete any other mailboxes used for trash (maybe 
move the emails to the primary one first if you like).

Let me know if that was not clear.

While on the subject of Trash, how do I configure Deleted Messages to 
automatically flush messages after, say, 10 days? Right now I have to 
do a manual select+flush when I remember. I have experimented with my 
folder, but not found a solution.

The “Deleted Messages” mailbox actually has an “Empty...” menu 
item to make this easier (that'll flush all trash-assigned mailboxes 
of all accounts). There's no built-in way to flush it automatically 
and I don't think setting up a smart mailbox for it works, because 
there's currently no “Delete Permanently” rule action.

(I've been hesitating making any features which involves deleting 
anything automatically, because it also opens up the possibility of 
bugs with serious consequences, but it might soon be time to at least 
add the rule action needed for a smart mailbox.)

Note that some IMAP servers might actually do this for you or have a 
configuration to do so.

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Trash or Deleted Messages?

2017-01-23 Thread Alain Israel
Thanks, I’ll try to sort these mailboxes, and eliminate duplicates (in 
addition I have some called Sent, some Envoyés (french for Sent), in 
brief there are far too many).


On 23 Jan 2017, at 13:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 23 Jan 2017, at 13:11, Alain Israel wrote:

I have a related question : I use Mailmate on the Mac, and Spark on 
the iphone : when I send a message using Spark, a copy goes to a 
Spark mailbox called Sent, which is different from the « Sent 
messages » mailbox of Mailmate. The message is not lost on Mailmate 
as it appears in a separate mailbox appropriately called Sent (which 
is not one of the obligatory Mailmate mailboxes). How can I reconcile 
these 2 conflicting behaviors, knowing that the Maimate mailbox 
« Sent Messages » does not exist in Spark?

Select the “Sent” mailbox within the IMAP account (under SOURCES) 
and give it the “Sent Messages” mailbox type. Then move all emails 
from the old mailbox used for sent messages in MailMate to Sent 
instead. Finally, delete the now empty and unused mailbox for sent 
messages in the account.

I'll try to re-iterate: MailMate does not require any particular 
mailbox to be used for sent messages (or any of the other standard 
mailboxes). **If** the server or some other email client enforces the 
use of some specific mailbox then MailMate can be told to use the same 

It's naturally a problem if the server and some email client enforces 
two different choices and neither is configurable, but there's nothing 
MailMate can do about that.

I hope that makes it a bit clearer :)


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[MlMt] automatize forwarding

2017-01-26 Thread Alain Israel
Is there a way to automatize forwarding an incoming mail to the same 
person (my assistant)? It’s not big deal as I only have to type 
cmd-shift-F and the first letters of her name, but at the end of the day 
it may save me a lot of time.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] automatize forwarding

2017-01-31 Thread Alain Israel
Thank you. The tag solution is better, as I want to be able to select 
the messages to be forwarded to my assistant.


On 31 Jan 2017, at 14:47, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Jan 2017, at 11:15, Alain Israel wrote:

Is there a way to automatize forwarding an incoming mail to the same 
person (my assistant)? It’s not big deal as I only have to type 
cmd-shift-F and the first letters of her name, but at the end of the 
day it may save me a lot of time.

Click on “Inbox” and then select “Mailbox ▸ Edit Mailbox”. 
Switch to the Rules pane and add a rule. You can add conditions if you 
like, but the action should be to “Redirect” emails to your 
assistant. Redirecting is better if your assistant needs to reply to 
the emails.

A better solution might be to use a special tag for redirected emails. 
You can make a smart mailbox with the same rule which only matches the 
tagged emails. That way you can tag (or maybe just flag if you don't 
use that for other purposes) and then it's automatically redirected to 
your assistant while you can also easily see the emails you have 

(If you forward/redirect all emails then it would be better if it 
could be handled server side -- or your assistant simply had direct 
access to your email account such that you could also easily see what 
has already been handled.)

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Re: [MlMt] Tags not stored with IMAP?

2017-02-03 Thread Alain Israel

FWIW, tags are not maintained when using an Exchange-based server.

Previous comment from Benny :
*Good question and unfortunately not easily answered. I would claim that 
tags as implemented in MailMate is the best way to do it with IMAP 
servers. It is based on so-called IMAP keywords and some servers do not 
support this very well, but this is typically servers which have all 
kinds of other issues anyways. The most notable example is Exchange 
IMAP. (Tags work fine with Gmail.)
Some servers have an upper limit on the number of IMAP keywords 
available. In general, I don't recommend using a large number of tags.*


On 3 Feb 2017, at 11:17, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

On 2 Feb 2017, at 18:30, John Cooper wrote:

I'm surprised to find that the tags I apply on my main computer 
aren't attached to the same messages on my secondary computer; they 
appear to be machine-specific. I take it that tags aren't supported 
by the IMAP standard?

They are stored on the server, at least on the servers I'm using. But 
remember that you have to "connect" the "Display Name"/Icon with the 
IMAP Keyword on each computer (the "Tags" preference pane).

- jem
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2017-02-22 Thread Alain Israel
When I arrived this morning, I got the following message (below), and 
all my mailboxes were offline. I pressed « always resynchronize » 
and everything resumed, albeit quite slowly. Is this diagnostic of 
something specific (it is the first time it occurs in about a year)?

IMAP problem for "Pasteur" account

The so-called UIDVALIDITY value of the mailbox " attente reponse" has 
changed.  MaiiMate has to resynchronize the mailbox, that is, purge the 
local cache and refetch the messages of the mailbox.

If this happens often then you should investigate the issue. Refetching 
messages is a very inefficient action.

Note: The option to "Always Resynchronize" only works until MailMate is 

Resynchronize - Always Resynchronize - Retry

mailmate mailing list


2017-02-23 Thread Alain Israel
OK, thank you. I did not happen since last time. To put the mailboxes 
online again, does it make a difference if I press Resynchronize, or 
Always resynchronize? (Retry did not do any good).


On 23 Feb 2017, at 15:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Feb 2017, at 19:04, Alain Israel wrote:

When I arrived this morning, I got the following message (below), and 
all my mailboxes were offline. I pressed « always resynchronize » 
and everything resumed, albeit quite slowly. Is this diagnostic of 
something specific (it is the first time it occurs in about a year)?

The UIDVALIDITY value for an IMAP mailbox is what an email client uses 
to determine if a mailbox is still the same mailbox. The name is not 
sufficient, because another email client might have deleted a mailbox 
and then created a new one with the same name. This could lead to an 
incorrect mapping between local emails and server emails. Therefore, a 
changed UIDVALIDITY value for a mailbox signals that the email client 
should forget everything about the mailbox and re-synchronize it. It's 
the only safe option.

I cannot tell you why this happened, but if it happens on a regular 
basis then we can debug to make sure that MailMate does not behave 
incorrectly (I doubt it since if it did then it would likely happen 
very often).

Some IMAP servers are pretty buggy regarding the UIDVALIDITY value, 
but there's not much MailMate can do about that.

Resynchronize - Always Resynchronize - Retry

The “Always Resynchronize” button was implemented to help out with 
such buggy servers. I won't recommend using it in general and the 
setting is forgotten as soon as MailMate is relaunched.

(One could imagine a server which deletes certain empty IMAP 
mailboxes. This could trigger new UIDVALIDITY values on a regular 
basis, but in this case it's not really doing any harm.)

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Re: [MlMt] the labels from SAVE and PREVIEW are gone

2017-02-27 Thread Alain Israel

For me the buttons are greyed, but still active.


On 27 Feb 2017, at 16:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 25 Feb 2017, at 18:36, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

On 25 Feb 2017, at 16:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 25 Feb 2017, at 13:35, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:

I've just seen that the labels from the SAVE- and PREVIEW-buttons 
of the attachments are not there anymore.

I'm not seeing it myself. Does it happen for all emails with 
attachments or only some of them?

All emails with non-inline attachments.

Another user also confirmed seeing this issue (but the message was too 
big for this list).

I'm not sure how to debug it though. Could you try an older release to 
see if the problem was recently introduced: 

Which OS version are you using?

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Re: [MlMt] Always Bcc self?

2017-04-04 Thread Alain Israel
it is possible because I have it working, but unfortunately I forgot how 
I did that. But someone else will certainly remember.


On 4 Apr 2017, at 15:51, David Ledger wrote:

It there a way to always Bcc or Cc yourself or another address?

Working with a committee using email I keep forgetting to include 
myself so that threads are complete.


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Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Exchange server

2017-05-10 Thread Alain Israel
Mailmate works with Exchange, this is the configuraton I am using 
(except for the IMAP keywords). But I use port 993 (and 587 for SMTP).


On 10 May 2017, at 16:59, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I have been trying to connect to the new server of my client and kept 
failing. Today, I finally got a response from their support which 

*IMAP does not work with our Exchange server as the ports in question 
are locked down on our firewall for security reasons.*
*The only way to connect to the Exchange server is by using the 
Exchange option in email clients and port 443.*

As far as I recall, MailMate does not support Exchange. Is there a 
trick or am I stuck using web browser to access their mails?


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[MlMt] moving message

2017-09-08 Thread Alain Israel
When one moves a message to a given mailbox (using alt-cmd-T, or 
whatever shortcut), is there a way to have the destination mailbox to 
open automatically (but not necessarily everytime, only when required) 
once the message has moved?

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[MlMt] back to Inbox

2017-10-16 Thread Alain Israel
Is there a shortcut that allows to move (back) to the Inbox without 
typing a few strokes, or clicking on an icon (which is inelegant)?

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[MlMt] search

2017-10-26 Thread Alain Israel
Once I have typed a word in the Search field (cmd-alt-F), how can I get 
rid of it without having to mouse to the very small squared « -«  
sign (top right of the window) : is there a keyboard shortcut, or can I 
design one?

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Re: [MlMt] search

2017-10-26 Thread Alain Israel

Simple indeed, once you know. Thank you.


On 26 Oct 2017, at 18:42, John Rakestraw wrote:

On 26 Oct 2017, at 12:37, Alain Israel wrote:

Once I have typed a word in the Search field (cmd-alt-F), how can I 
get rid of it without having to mouse to the very small squared 
« -«  sign (top right of the window) : is there a keyboard 
shortcut, or can I design one?

Press .

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[MlMt] delete message in Inbox, jumps to previous

2017-10-31 Thread Alain Israel
As of today, for no obvious reason, when I delete a message in the Inbox 
window, the cursor moves to the previous (upstream; messages are sorted 
by date) message. Before it used to move to the next (downstream) 
message, and this is what still happens in the other mailboxes (although 
I did not check them all). Any reason why this has changed? More 
importantly, how to get back to the previous, more logical, behavior?

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[MlMt] one app, 2 computers

2017-11-03 Thread Alain Israel
I am using Mailmate on 2 computers, and there are 3 things I try to sync 
between the 2 computers :

- flags : it works but only for the default color (red for me), the 
other colors turn to red. Better than nothing, but could be improved.

- tags : my understanding is that because my server is of the Exchange 
type, it will never work, except for the standard imap keywords 

- smart mailboxes : apparently the smart mailboxes in the Mail app can 
sync using icloud, but since I am using neither Mail nor icloud, is 
there a way to transfer these mailboxes (using a dropbox-like procedure, 
or just by transferring a file or folder by hand, which would help me to 
some extent). BTW, where is the relevant information stored on the 
computer (if it is,and if accessible)?

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Re: [MlMt] one app, 2 computers

2017-11-03 Thread Alain Israel

Thanks, I’ll try the smart mailbox trick (or treat…).

Regarding flags, is there a file I can transfer that would also do the 


On 3 Nov 2017, at 10:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Nov 2017, at 10:39, Alain Israel wrote:

I am using Mailmate on 2 computers, and there are 3 things I try to 
sync between the 2 computers :

- flags : it works but only for the default color (red for me), the 
other colors turn to red. Better than nothing, but could be improved.

This is the same problem as for tags. Exchange only supports 
`\Flagged` and does not synchronize the `$MailFlagBitX` keywords 
needed for the colors (which is an Apple Mail feature MailMate also 

- tags : my understanding is that because my server is of the 
Exchange type, it will never work, except for the standard imap 
keywords (Seen/answered/flagged…)


- smart mailboxes : apparently the smart mailboxes in the Mail app 
can sync using icloud, but since I am using neither Mail nor icloud, 
is there a way to transfer these mailboxes (using a dropbox-like 
procedure, or just by transferring a file or folder by hand, which 
would help me to some extent). BTW, where is the relevant information 
stored on the computer (if it is,and if accessible)?

When MailMate is not running then it's possible to copy the following 

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

It's not possible/safe to “synchronize” it using, e.g., a Dropbox 

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Re: [MlMt] one app, 2 computers

2017-11-03 Thread Alain Israel
Thanks, nothing is apparently designed to deal with Exchange. Means I 
just have to move to another research institute where they don’t use 


On 3 Nov 2017, at 11:01, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Nov 2017, at 10:57, Alain Israel wrote:

Regarding flags, is there a file I can transfer that would also do 
the trick?

No, that's somewhat hardcoded in MailMate. You'll also lose the color 
of the flags if the MailMate database is lost/corrupted. It wasn't 
really designed with something like Exchange in mind.

I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

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Re: [MlMt] one app, 2 computers

2017-11-03 Thread Alain Israel
I am afraid the IT director here will not allow me to transfer my mails 
to another account (especially Gmail), for security/confidentiality 


On 3 Nov 2017, at 17:30, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Nov 2017, at 11:48, Alain Israel wrote:

Thanks, nothing is apparently designed to deal with Exchange. Means I 
just have to move to another research institute where they don’t 
use Exchange.

Alternatively, you can setup the account to forward everything to a 
different IMAP account. Preferably something based on the Dovecot IMAP 
server, but Gmail also works. In MailMate, you can still use the 
Exchange SMTP server and your Exchange account email address. This 
means that your correspondents won't see any difference.

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[MlMt] opening thread

2017-12-22 Thread Alain Israel
Is it possible to expand a single thread without having to point the 
mouse to the tiny triangle (and without using the *Organize by thread* 

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Re: [MlMt] Force compose in tab

2018-02-20 Thread Alain Israel

On 16 Feb 2018, at 9:38, Ian Petersen wrote:

Is it possible to force Mailmate compose messages in tabs instead of 
a separate window ?

Hmm, my mailmate always opens the compose window in a tab - which I 
find rather annoying actually. I’ve discovered that it opens the 
compose window in a tab when the application is full screen, but it 
opens in a separate window if the app is not full screen.

Note the “Prefer tabs...” setting in the Dock pane of the System 


I have this setting ON (in the Finder preferences; in the System 
preferences, there does not seem to be a Prefer tabs setting in the Dock 
pane), but the new messages still open in a separate window.


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Re: [MlMt] inconsistencies with keyboard text shortcuts

2018-07-20 Thread Alain Israel

I use xType (which is free), and it works OK.


On 20 Jul 2018, at 2:23, davecc wrote:

I use Keyboard Maestro for all the macros including custom auto-fill 


Interesting. I hadn’t considered using Alfred (which I have) for my 
snippets. I’ll give it a try, thanks.

Peter Borsella, President
Winnow Management
PO Box 1046
Pompano Beach, FL 33061
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please notify the sender and delete this email from your system.

On 19 Jul 2018, at 18:31, pleasespa...@posteo.net wrote:

I haven’t had issues with text expansion in MailMate. I use Alfred 
for my snippets.

On 19 Jul 2018, at 18:23, Peter Borsella wrote:

Hello, All,

I use the shortcut feature that allows me to type a few letters while 
composing and the system then converts that to the predetermined text 
I’ve setup in the “keyboard” settings. I use four ellipses 
() to auto-populate my closing text at the bottom of an email. 
Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Is this a MailMate inconsistency, or a MacOS inconsistency? Since 
it’s failure is sporadic and I only use the ellipses in MailMate 
it’s difficult to test this on other apps. I’d appreciate hearing 
if anyone else has experienced this.


Peter Borsella, President
Winnow Management
PO Box 1046
Pompano Beach, FL 33061
Office: 954-784-3674
Mobile: 954-253-3761
Fax: 954-301-5829

Now available, Certified ScrumMaster for Industry! Head to our 
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Re: [MlMt] replying and including attachment from source message

2018-08-28 Thread Alain Israel
one possibility, not very elegant I must admit : press reply, then drag 
the message into the text area. The message becomes attached together 
with its original attachment, and there is uncluttered space to type 
your response.


On 28 Aug 2018, at 16:32, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Changing the subject prefix and copying/pasting addresses are both 
doable, but the message will still not be marked as a reply, i.e. it 
won't have the proper in-reply-to header like so:



This would prevent the message from being treated as part of the same 

If we're talking about a workaround, I'd prefer one where I could use 
reply, and then somehow manually copy the message attachment(s) from 
the original to the reply, but I don't know if that's possible either.

So I'm requesting more direct support for this feature.  IIRC, 
Mail.app has a menu item to allow you to include attachments from the 
original into the reply.  That would be enough for me.



On 28 Aug 2018, at 5:41, Robert Brenstein wrote:

You can replace Fwd with Re manually and copy paste the address from 
the email below. Yes, it is a workabout. A proper solution would 
require Benny to program additional functionality I guess.

On 28 Aug 2018, at 4:48, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Yes I suppose forwarding would work, but it's far from ideal.  I'd 
need to
fill in the addressees manually, and I suspect such a message is not 
as a reply, which means it would break things like searching by 


On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 7:48 PM Robert Brenstein <
mailm...@learning-insights.eu> wrote:


On 28 Aug 2018, at 0:48, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I want to reply to a 
and have that reply include the from the original message 
attachment (which

is another email message). How can I do that?


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Re: [MlMt] 'Send' via keyboard?

2019-01-09 Thread Alain Israel
I use Command-E, but without Keyboard Maestro, using 
Preferences-Keyboard-Shortcuts (assuming this is the way it translates 
in english).


On 9 Jan 2019, at 17:21, davecc wrote:

On Jan 9, 2019, at 7:16 AM, Bill Cole 

On 9 Jan 2019, at 9:37, Jason Davies wrote:

Sorry about the 'command E' thing - I must have remapped that years 
ago, it's probably what Mailsmith did in 2002 and became a habit;)

FWIW: cmd-E was almost universal for "Send" in the earliest Mac email 
and email-like clients. FirstClass, Eudora, Compuserve Navigator, and 
the Mac AOL client all used it.

Eudora used Cmd-dash (minus sign) for send. I’ve replicated that hot 
key using macros (currently with Keyboard Maestro) in all email 
clients since.

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[MlMt] IMAP keywords, misusage

2019-01-17 Thread Alain Israel
I am using Mailmate on different computers, and as I work with an 
Exchange server, the tags are not maintained from one computer to the 
other. I was thinking of using one (just one) of the « generic » 
IMAP keywords to specifically tag certain messages (messages for which I 
haven’t received an answer yet, but the purpose of this tag is 
irrelevant), and keep this info on my 2 computers. However I wanted to 
avoid any IMAP keyword that would automatically tag zillions of mails, 
but identify, if possible, one keyword that would be attached by the 
user only.

I thought  I had the choice between *MDNSent* (not quite sure what it is 
normally used for), *Important* (not sure this one actually exists),  
*NotJunk* and *Flagged* (although it may automatically tag all the mails 
I have already flagged).

Does it make any sense?

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[MlMt] colored mails

2019-01-21 Thread Alain Israel
I succeeded in coloring emails based on their associated IMAP keyword, 
as described in the Hidden preferences. Is there a way to color them 
based on the address of the sender (or of the recipient)?

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Exchange

2019-01-22 Thread Alain Israel
Same for me, Mailmate wors fine with Exchange (potential caveat , there 
are multiple Exchange versions), except for handling the keywords. I 
have never heard of Exchange that does not support imap/smtp, neither 
forwarding. But I am not an expert.


On 22 Jan 2019, at 13:14, Laurent Michel wrote:

Euh… I’m a little surprised. I have mail mate setup against 
outlook.office365.com as an IMAP server and it works fine.


On 22 Jan 2019, at 1:28, chairep...@mailbox.org wrote:

Bad news. I have to use exchange to handle my work emails. I would 
rather use mailmate but mailmate doesn’t support exchange. That’s 
too bad. I’ve tried davmail to get mailmate handle it but with no 
success. The exchange server doesn't support neither imap nor smtp. 
Forwarding mails isn’t allowed as well. What should I do now? It 
seems that I have to switch back to Apple mail :(

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Re: [MlMt] Links to email messages

2019-01-31 Thread Alain Israel
I use Wunderlist as a task manager : is there a procedure to link a task 
to an email (for example something similar to the Todoist bundle, or 
another approach)?


On 31 Jan 2019, at 18:03, Chaim Kram wrote:

On 31 Jan 2019, at 17:37, John Cooper wrote:

Florian Heidenreich wrote (at 2:23 on 31 Jan 2019):

I’m often keeping track of specific conversations by creating a 

to a specific email in another program by dragging the email to this

This is meant as a general question, and not something for Florian 
to answer: would you describe a situation in which you use this kind 


Sure: I use this feature fairly often to drag email references into 
BusyCal appointments. Then I’m just a click away from seeing the 
original email that is topically connected to the appointment.

Chaim Kram
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Re: [MlMt] Links to email messages

2019-02-01 Thread Alain Israel

thanks. I’ll check that out (or switch to Todoist).


On 1 Feb 2019, at 15:59, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 31 Jan 2019, at 18:13, Alain Israel wrote:

I use Wunderlist as a task manager : is there a procedure to link a 
task to an email (for example something similar to the Todoist 
bundle, or another approach)?

If the question is if a bundle exists then the answer is no. But a 
bundle could be created depending on what Wunderlist supports. The 
simple way to state this is that if you can add a task to Wunderlist 
using a Terminal command line then a bundle could also be created.

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Re: [MlMt] sticky mail

2019-05-21 Thread Alain Israel
Problem is that in the other apps/clients, only the real message 
appears. The warning message only appears  in Mailmate, suggesting it is 
a Mailmate-specific problem.


On 21 May 2019, at 4:24, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Did you try moving/deleting the message using your other client or web 
app?  I'm not familiar with Outlook, but when I had a similar problem 
with MM being unable to download some of my work email (due to 
database corruption on the server side), the only way to deal with it 
was using the provided corporate web app.



On 19 May 2019, at 7:06, aisrael wrote:

For the first time in years I received the following message :
The server couldn't retrieve the following message:
Subject: "Re: nominations CA"

Sent date: 17/05/2019 20:26:13

The message hasn't been deleted. You might be able to view it using 
either Outlook or Outlook Web App. You can also contact the sender to 
find out what the message says.


The subject was : *Retrieval using the IMAP4 protocol failed for the 
following message: 192930*

I usually receive hundreds of messages from the same sender, with no 

This is not a major problem as I retrieved the message using a 
different app, but unexpectedly the warning message cannot be 
deleted, nor moved to any mailbox. Does anyone know how I can I get 
rid of it?

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Re: [MlMt] command-click

2019-05-28 Thread Alain Israel
Yes I see the same, and I am also runnning El Capitan. But as I never 
tried to use cmd-click before, I can’t conclude it has changed.


On 28 May 2019, at 19:43, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I should have mentioned that I am running El Capitan.

On 28 May 2019, at 19:13, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Hi Robert, this works fine for me in r5635 (running macOS 10.14.5 and 
with Safari as my default browser).

In fact, I didn't even know about using Cmd-click to open links in 
the background; so thanks for the tip!


On 28 May 2019, at 13:01, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I just upgraded to MM version 1.12.5 (5635).
Since then the command-click on a link switches to the browser 
window right away, that is no longer opens the link in the 
In other words, there is no difference between click and 

Can anyone confirm that?

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Re: [MlMt] move and open

2019-06-18 Thread Alain Israel

thanks, I am working on it, but so far without success.


On 11 Jun 2019, at 5:30, leo wrote:

I can’t think of a direct way - maybe you could do it with a new 

On 8 Jun 2019, at 22:31, aisrael wrote:

Is there a possibility, when you move a message to a mailbox, to open 
that mailbox automatically at the same time?

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Re: [MlMt] move and open

2019-06-24 Thread Alain Israel

Is there a possibility, when you move a message to a mailbox, to 
open that mailbox automatically at the same time?

How are you moving the message? Drag'n'drop, the “Move to Mailbox” 
interface, and/or explicit actions like “Move to Archive”?

« Move to mail box » (very handy). I suspect the order of appearance 
is the most recently opened? Can it be modified?

Are you looking for a general option to always do this? (Which I think 
would be annoying most of the time.)

Not general, although it would probably be easier to implement.

I guess I'm asking, what is your use case? Maybe there's something 
which would work better for you. I'm thinking it might be better to 
think of it as two separate actions. No matter how you have moved the 
message, MailMate could have some kind of “Go to Mailbox of Most 
Recently Moved Message” shortcut to help you get to that location? 
(Preferably phrased in a more succinct manner.)

Currently I use »move to mailbox », then « go to (*same*) 
mailbox », which is a bit redundant, despite the fact that I have 
keyboard shortcuts for each. Anything that would streamline this would 
be appreciated.

Or maybe “Go to Mailbox” (⌘T) should, maybe optionally, always 
default to the location of the moved-to mailbox if that was the most 
recent action.

Is this feasible?

Just thinking out loud...

I can’t think of a direct way - maybe you could do it with a new 

thanks, I am working on it, but so far without success.

I only think you could do that if you were using a key binding to move 
to a specific mailbox.

In fact I don’t, as I have too many mailboxes.  But I am curious : how 
can you define a key binding to move to a specific mailbox?


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Re: [MlMt] Suggested way to quickly find all messages to and from given email adress?

2019-07-15 Thread Alain Israel
This « Search » button seems by default to search within the current 
mailbox (if I am correct). Is it possible to have it search by default 
in « All messages »?

The Search box can be made to search « All message subparts », but 
then you don’t have all the options of the Search button. To be honest 
I am not sure I use correctly these 2 ways of searching (Search button 
and Search box). I attach a screenshot of my configuration.


Finally, you could modify the default behavior of the "Search" toolbar 
button instead. Click that and you get a search bar where you can set 
up any sort of search you like, e.g. "Any Address contains" with an 
empty search value. To make that search the default, use the menu 
command Edit->Find->Use As Default Search. The next time you click the 
Search toolbar button, the search bar will come up with the search you 

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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Re: [MlMt] Suggested way to quickly find all messages to and from given email adress?

2019-07-22 Thread Alain Israel
Indeed, and sorry for forgetting about that. Instead of trying to hit a 
tiny triangle, especially when you are a keyboard-centric Maimate user, 
can the default mailbox be defined by a shortcut (toggling between 
current and All)?


On 21 Jul 2019, at 17:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 15 Jul 2019, at 11:25, Alain Israel wrote:

This « Search » button seems by default to search within the 
current mailbox (if I am correct). Is it possible to have it search 
by default in « All messages »?

“All Messages” should be the default but you might have changed it 
at some point. It is configured in the menu opened when clicking at 
the left end of the toolbar search field.

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Re: [MlMt] move and open

2019-07-22 Thread Alain Israel
Thanks Benny, you are right, I don’t want to *always* go to that 
mailbox. I realise that if this becomes the default behavior, it won’t 
be ideal either. In fact what I would need are 2 separate shortcuts to 
move messages  : one that works as currently, and a second one that 
opens the mailbox used to move my message. Since no other user seems to 
be fascinated by my request, please just forget about it, I guess you 
have more important modifications to implement.

However I will implement your final suggestion to at least improve the 
behavior for my most frequently used mailboxes.


On 21 Jul 2019, at 14:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Jun 2019, at 18:13, Alain Israel wrote:

« Move to mail box » (very handy). I suspect the order of 
appearance is the most recently opened? Can it be modified?

No, but MailMate learns any abbreviation you might use to get to a 
specific mailbox. In other words, MailMate can “learn” that 
“mm” means some “MailMate” IMAP mailbox.

Currently I use »move to mailbox », then « go to (*same*) 
mailbox », which is a bit redundant, despite the fact that I have 
keyboard shortcuts for each. Anything that would streamline this 
would be appreciated.

But you don't want to *always* go to the mailbox I guess.

Or maybe “Go to Mailbox” (⌘T) should, maybe optionally, always 
default to the location of the moved-to mailbox if that was the most 
recent action.

Is this feasible?

Such a feature does not exist, but it could be implemented. MailMate 
could probably just review the undo-stack to find the information. It 
could even display the X most recently used mailboxes for “Move 
to” actions.

Would such a feature solve your use case? In most cases you would then 
need to hit ⌘T followed by enter to go to the mailbox. It seems more 
flexible since you then control when to do so instead of being forced 
after every move. It should, possibly, even be default behavior.

In fact I don’t, as I have too many mailboxes.  But I am curious : 
how can you define a key binding to move to a specific mailbox?

Select the mailbox in MailMate and use ⌘C to puts its identifier on 
the pasteboard.

Then create a key binding like this:

"m" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "identitifer" );

You can also move relative to the IMAP account of the selected 

g = ( "moveToMailbox:", "/Special");

That would move an email to a mailbox named “Special” in the same 
account as the email.


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[MlMt] iOS

2019-09-11 Thread Alain Israel
A question not directly related to Mailmate (not on politics either) : I 
would be curious to know which mail app you use (or recommand) on iphone 
and ipad? Does any of them share some of the advantages of Mailmate?

If this has been discussed before, just let me know.


PS : I currently use Preside,which is so customizable that you tend to 
get lost in the zillions of options available.

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[MlMt] sync bug

2019-11-18 Thread Alain Israel
This weekend when I launched Mailmate, I got the following warning 
(attached). All my mailboxes (and I have a great number) got 
desynchronized, and take forever (and even more) to resynchronize (and I 
suspect I will get the same problem the next time I launch Mailmate).

What is the best solution to solve the problem? Reinstall Mailmate? 
Anything else?

My other mail clients seem to work OK.

Importantly, the same problem happened when I opened Mailmate on 2 
different computers.


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Re: [MlMt] sync bug

2019-11-19 Thread Alain Israel

Dear Bill, thank you for the explanations.

This weekend when I launched Mailmate, I got the following warning 
(attached). All my mailboxes (and I have a great number) got 
desynchronized, and take forever (and even more) to resynchronize 
(and I suspect I will get the same problem the next time I launch 

Probably not.

In fact I experienced the same problem each time I relaunch Mailmate, or 
restart the computer, which sounds weird I agree. In fact what possibly 
happens is that each time I restart, a new mailbox send me an error 
message (I did not follow carefully which mailbox sends me an error 
message), and that will last until all mailboxes are synced again. 
Hopefully once re-synced, they will remain so.

UIDVALIDITY is a tag used by an IMAP server to alert clients when the 
UID values for messages in a mailbox may have changed. Nothing a 
client like MM does can cause a mailbox's UIDVALIDITY value to change 
and when that value changes there is no reliable strategy for a client 
other than to fully resynch the mailbox.

The most common reason for UIDVALIDITY to change is if a server has 
had some sort of failure that required a rebuild of mailboxes. For 
Exchange servers, it also is rumored to happen whenever the mail admin 

My server is indeed Exchange-based, but there is nothing I can do about 
it. I finally did not reinstall Mailmate, and I am just waiting for 
every mailbox to re-sync. Since I have more than 400 (exported from a 
previous email client), it takes forever. It seems I have to open a 
mailbox to force it to sync; Would there be a way to re-sync all my 
mailboxes with a single instruction?


What is the best solution to solve the problem? Reinstall Mailmate? 
Anything else?

No, do not reinstall MailMate. MailMate didn't cause this and cannot 
prevent it.

My other mail clients seem to work OK.

Importantly, the same problem happened when I opened Mailmate on 2 
different computers.

Any IMAP client that maintains a persistent local cache of messages 
MUST invalidate that cache when the UIDVALIDITY value of a mailbox 
changes from what the client last saw. Some clients do not maintain 
such a cache and many that do won't bother alerting the user when they 
need to do a full resynch.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
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Re: [MlMt] sync bug

2019-11-21 Thread Alain Israel
Follow up : what happens is that what I do in Mailmate no longer seems 
to be reflected on the server (as far as I understand) : if I delete or 
move a message in mailmate, it is not deleted nor moved when I open 
another mail client (Outlook on the Mac, or Preside on my iphone). How 
is that possible, and how can it be corrected?


Dear Bill, thank you for the explanations.

This weekend when I launched Mailmate, I got the following warning 
(attached). All my mailboxes (and I have a great number) got 
desynchronized, and take forever (and even more) to resynchronize 
(and I suspect I will get the same problem the next time I launch 

Probably not.

In fact I experienced the same problem each time I relaunch Mailmate, or 
restart the computer, which sounds weird I agree. In fact what possibly 
happens is that each time I restart, a new mailbox send me an error 
message (I did not follow carefully which mailbox sends me an error 
message), and that will last until all mailboxes are synced again. 
Hopefully once re-synced, they will remain so.

UIDVALIDITY is a tag used by an IMAP server to alert clients when the 
UID values for messages in a mailbox may have changed. Nothing a 
client like MM does can cause a mailbox's UIDVALIDITY value to change 
and when that value changes there is no reliable strategy for a client 
other than to fully resynch the mailbox.

The most common reason for UIDVALIDITY to change is if a server has 
had some sort of failure that required a rebuild of mailboxes. For 
Exchange servers, it also is rumored to happen whenever the mail admin 

My server is indeed Exchange-based, but there is nothing I can do about 
it. I finally did not reinstall Mailmate, and I am just waiting for 
every mailbox to re-sync. Since I have more than 400 (exported from a 
previous email client), it takes forever. It seems I have to open a 
mailbox to force it to sync; Would there be a way to re-sync all my 
mailboxes with a single instruction?


What is the best solution to solve the problem? Reinstall Mailmate? 
Anything else?

No, do not reinstall MailMate. MailMate didn't cause this and cannot 
prevent it.

My other mail clients seem to work OK.

Importantly, the same problem happened when I opened Mailmate on 2 
different computers.

Any IMAP client that maintains a persistent local cache of messages 
MUST invalidate that cache when the UIDVALIDITY value of a mailbox 
changes from what the client last saw. Some clients do not maintain 
such a cache and many that do won't bother alerting the user when they 
need to do a full resynch.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
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Re: [MlMt] Shortcut for "Recent Searches" in Toolbar Search

2020-01-08 Thread Alain Israel

it also takes me to the next message. Weird….


On 8 Jan 2020, at 19:19, Bill Cole wrote:

On 7 Jan 2020, at 18:54, Williper Larnloge wrote:

On 6 Jan 2020, at 15:59, Bill Cole wrote:

CMD-Down when the search box is active works for me

That takes me to the next message.

Even when the search box is active? i.e. when it has a blinking cursor 
in it.

Odd. If I do Cmd-Opt-F then Cmd-Down I get the recent list.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
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[MlMt] sync problems

2020-10-08 Thread Alain Israel
I am currently using Mailmate (1.13.2) on 2 computers. When I delete 
emails from the Inbox on one (or move these emails into another maibox), 
then turn the computer off, and turn on the second one, a large number 
of  « deleted » emails are still present in the Inbox (same for the 
« moved » emails). I am not sure whether this happens for all 
treated emails, or just some of them. Is this a (known?) problem due to 
the server, the app, something else?


PS : this also happens with Preside on the iPhone : « deleted » 
emails are still present. However I am not sure it touches the same 
emails on the Mac and the iPhone.

PPS : my server is of the Exchange type
PPPS : I just opened Mail, and I have the same problem.So it seems 
unrelated to Mailmate.

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Re: [MlMt] English grammar correction

2020-10-08 Thread Alain Israel
I am french so I won’t argue, but it can be found in the Cambridge 
dictionary, as a US informal version of anyway 


On 8 Oct 2020, at 13:35, mailm...@ivdcs.co.uk wrote:

On 2020-10-08 12:06, Ken Pope wrote:
You can turn that warning off in user preferences (composer tab). I 
personally find it useful.

The warning is useful, the complaint is about the "MTV" style of 
language: __anyways__ is not a generally recognised conjunction (I 
think that's the part of speech here).

A minority view: I like the informality.  The adverb “always” is 
accepted as informal English.  If formal English is required, 
“Send anyways?” would need to be rephrased as a complete 
sentence.  Anyways, just my $.02. :)

As an English person in England 'anyways' isn't a word of any sort. 
Never heard it used here. Vaguely remember hearing it in American TV 
shows. It may have been in use in England before America was so named.


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Re: [MlMt] Mark an email as read based on content

2024-10-31 Thread Alain ISRAEL
And you can also forward it as an attachment, which I find less “messy” than a 
regular Forward. 

On 31 Oct 2024 at 03:05:33 CET, leo  wrote:

> Hello fellow MailMaters
> How can I “forward” an email without quoting it? I.e. I want something  like 
> a redirect, but with free email address choice.
> Many thanks for any pointers!
> Leo
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Re: [MlMt] masked icloud email address

2024-12-07 Thread Alain ISRAEL
Customize works ok, but the SMTP server refuses to send from this email address 
(which I somehow anticipated). Too bad. 

On 7 Dec 2024 at 19:03:51 CET, Bill Cole 

> On 2024-12-07 at 11:50:28 UTC-0500 (Sat, 7 Dec 2024 17:50:28 +0100)
> aisrael 
> is rumored to have said:
> > I am trying to use iCloud-based masked email addresses to hide my 
> > actual email address when “talking” to some web services : I have 
> > 2 questions : 1) how can I send mails from this new address using 
> > Mailmate (the From item seems to be limited to the address of my 2 
> > accounts) 2) (not Mailmate-related) can I use this strategy to replace 
> > an email address which is different from the email address registered 
> > to my Apple account?
> When I open a new message, the From field is a pull-down menu with 
> "Customize" as the last option. Do you not have that?
> -- 
> Bill Cole
> b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
> (AKA @grumpybozo@toad.social and many *@billmail.scconsult.com 
> addresses)
> Not Currently Available For Hire
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