This « Search » button seems by default to search within the current
mailbox (if I am correct). Is it possible to have it search by default
in « All messages »?
The Search box can be made to search « All message subparts », but
then you don’t have all the options of the Search button. To be honest
I am not sure I use correctly these 2 ways of searching (Search button
and Search box). I attach a screenshot of my configuration.
Finally, you could modify the default behavior of the "Search" toolbar
button instead. Click that and you get a search bar where you can set
up any sort of search you like, e.g. "Any Address contains" with an
empty search value. To make that search the default, use the menu
command Edit->Find->Use As Default Search. The next time you click the
Search toolbar button, the search bar will come up with the search you
Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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