Re: Bizarre problem with iOS, and mail.

2013-06-13 Thread zoe
Hi Chris,  I am also having this problem, and it started yesterday.  Never 
had a problem before.  Now the problem is exactly as you describe.  i'm not 
using gmail, I'm using a pop3 account but i'm getting the same messages, 
hopefully someone can help us both.
Regards Zoe
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Gilland" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:57 PM
Subject: Bizarre problem with iOS, and mail.

Hello guys. I am having a really bizarre problem on my iPhone, and hope that 
one of you may have some insight as to what might be going on.

To be frankly honest, I do not check email very often on my phone, I 
normally do so from my nac. I am noticing however, that when I double tap 
the delete option, or swipe down with one finger through the actions rotor, 
And go to delete an email, more specifically, move it to the trash folder, 
if the email is Originally and my Gmail inbox, I am getting an error message 
that states that the message cannot be moved to the trash folder. This is 
completely absurd, as in all actuality, it really does move it. And I can 
confirm this by looking in the Gmail trash folder, and when I do, the email 
definitely is there. I am also successfully able to clean it out of the 
trash folder with no problem whatsoever. This is just totally weird! Like I 
said, I have no earthly idea when this problem started. I've only recently 
noticed it. So yeah… If anyone Has any idea what the heck might be going on, 
Please let me know; I am very intrigued. This is just wickedly strange. I 
have Gmail configured on my phone using IMAP, not pop three. It is 
exhibiting this problem both over Wi-Fi, as well as over LTE. I suppose that 
I could remove the account, and re-added, however, I would rather not do 
that unless it be absolutely necessary. At any rate, if any of you have any 
earthly idea, as I said, let me know. No pressure, just curious.

Have an absolutely magnificent, and blessed day.


Sent from my iPhone.

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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-13 Thread zoe
Hi there, I don't know the answer to your question, since I've only been 
using an iphone for one year. However I use my iphone with two different 
languages, Greek, and English, and I've been told I can only use the voices 
the iphone comes with.  I don't know if anyone on this list knows something 
more but if so I'd like to invest in some better quality foreign languages, 
in my case Greek.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jürgen Fleger" 
To: "Visionaries Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:15 PM
Subject: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?


I don't remember exactly how but if I understood correctly it should be 
possible to use a foreign language with VoiceOver on the iPhone in high 
quality. I searched on the internet but couldn't figure out how. My iPhone 
runs in german but sometimes I read english texts like e-mails from this 
mailinglist here. Therefore it would be really nice to have also english 
voices in hq. If you know how to manage this I'd really appreciate your 

Thanks and all the best

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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-14 Thread zoe
Thank you so much for the info. I have another question, and please accept my 
appologies if it seems like a stupid question.  When I change the language 
settings to Greek, and then I connect my phone and itunes automatically 
appears, is the hq language suppose to automatically download, or am I suppose 
to look for it somewhere to download?  I did the above, but it doesn't seem 
like anything happend, i searched around on the itunes but could not see 
anything for language options or downloads.  Nothing happend but that could 
also be because there isn't a hq voice available for the Greek.  What do you 
- Original Message - 
From: BBS 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

Hi Jurgen and Zoe. Yes, you can only use the iPhone's voices that are built in 
to the iOS and unfortunately, you can only download one HQ voice at a time. 
Also, the device needs to be plugged in for a voice to download. So if you want 
the English voice, either Daniel, Samantha or Karen, you would have to either 
change your language or your region settings to get those voices. Likewise, if 
you wanted, in Jurgen's case, the German voice and in Zoe's case, the Greek 
language, you would have to change your language, plug the phone in and let it 
download. I hope that helped.

Sent from my white MacBook

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Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-14 Thread zoe
Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting a base  iMac. I am thinking about 
getting a fusion drive and running Windows 8. I have been using windows for 13 
years and IM a little afraid to convert to the Mac. I use an iPhone, and that 
has opened up a new world for me. The accessibility that I have gotten  with 
voice over in my humble opinion, is excellent. Even though I love my iPhone, 
the truth of the matter is I am used to windows. Having said all this I really 
want to make the transition to Mac I believe that I can learn a lot, and I also 
further believe that my experience will be great. Here is where I need 
everybody's feedback. The person who assessed me for my new computer suggested 
I use Boot Camp which comes with the Mac computer. a second person later on 
suggested that I use fusion because it is easier to toggle between windows and 
the mac side. When I went to the Apple Store the gentleman who helped me, a 
very very nice man and knowledgeable invoice over told me I should not go with 
boot camp or fusion, but I should go with something called parallel. What do 
you all suggest. I would like to know the differences between Boot Camp fusion 
and parallel what will be the best for me to run what is most accessible?  Does 
it even matter? Should I be putting so much thought into this? Any advice would 
be appreciated so so much thank you all for taking the time to read my mail and 
thank you in advance for giving me advice if you can. Regards Zoe

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Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

2013-06-15 Thread zoe
Oh ok, I just turned it on and switched my phone to Greek and will try again,  
hopefully it will work. Thanks again so much.
- Original Message - 
From: BBS 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 3:14 AM
Subject: Re: Foreign HQ voice for iPhone?

Hi Zoe. The HQ voice should automatically be downloading. You won't see it on 
iTunes or your iPhone that it's downloading, but rest assured, it is 
downloading. Just be patient and it will come. Also, do you have the compact 
voice turned off?

Sent from my white MacBook

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-15 Thread zoe
Ok guys, let's say paralel is out. if I go with fusion, am I to understand 
that I would not be able to boot windows up independedntly and use windows 
commands? I like the idea if sharing files and etc between windows and mac 
but I'm a little afraid of not being able to use windows independently,
Also excuse me I'm not familiar yet with all the mac terminology, but I 
think if I get the mac now it would come with mountain lion, but I think I 
read somewhere that something new is coming out in the fall, should I wait 
for the fall to get the newest out there or should I stick with the mountain 
lion and get it now?  Also trying to make a desision between the mac mini 
and the beautiful looking 27 inch all in one base i mac and opinions there?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

My thoughts are that it depends. I used Bootcamp when I started with the 
Mac, and installed a boot manager that let me just hit w or m to boot into 
windows or mac. It was great, since I needed to know not a single mac 
command to use windows, whereas a virtual machine solution requires you to 
be able to at least launch it in mac first. That said, I had no official 
training so had to rely on this list and twitter to learn everything about 
the mac. Since I still needed to use my computer on a daily basis, and since 
the mac was my only machine, I felt that being able to use native windows 
would be the best solution for me, until I was either comfortable with the 
mac or decided it was not for me and stuck with only windows. Needless to 
say, I got used to the mac and now hardly ever boot windows, and am looking 
into replacing my bootcamp setup with a vm solution.

If you are close to an Apple Store, you could go in there and get help, 
especially in the first thirty days while your machine is still under 
warranty. So, since you have access to help, I think a virtual machine 
solution is better: no partitioning of the hard drive, not needing to shut 
down to do something in the other OS, and you can even run a vm of win7 and 
one of win8, or a linux distro, if you wanted to.

None of this is final, too - if you bootcamp now, you can also use a vm 
solution and erase your bootcamp later, or vice versa.

As to virtual machine applications, I have no information on Parallels, but 
I know Fusion is accessible. Virtualbox, another program, is not very 
accessible, but it can be used. However, I had sound problems when I tried 
to use it, so i'd stay away from that one. Really, Fusion seems the best 
option, unless (as another poster said) Parallels has been updated to be 

Please don't hesitate to ask questions about the mac as you learn it. We are 
all here to help, and some of us are even happy to talk to you on the phone 
or skype if necessary.
On Jun 14, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi Zoey,
> I myself am using Fusion, and it's the most wonderful solution for 
> accessing Windows programs along with your mac ones. Bootcamp requires 
> some sighted help to set up, unless you can find a guide to help you, 
> which I honestly still wouldn't recommend.
> As far as Parallels, that's completely inaccessible, the last time i heard 
> anything, but they may have changed. A lot of people on this list use 
> VmWare Fusion.
> On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:45 PM, zoe  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting a base  iMac. I am thinking 
>> about getting a fusion drive and running Windows 8. I have been using 
>> windows for 13 years and IM a little afraid to convert to the Mac. I use 
>> an iPhone, and that has opened up a new world for me. The accessibility 
>> that I have gotten  with voice over in my humble opinion, is excellent. 
>> Even though I love my iPhone, the truth of the matter is I am used to 
>> windows. Having said all this I really want to make the transition to Mac 
>> I believe that I can learn a lot, and I also further believe that my 
>> experience will be great. Here is where I need everybody's feedback. The 
>> person who assessed me for my new computer suggested I use Boot Camp 
>> which comes with the Mac computer. a second person later on suggested 
>> that I use fusion because it is easier to toggle between windows and the 
>> mac side. When I went to the Apple Store the gentleman who helped me, a 
>> very very nice man and knowledgeable invoice over told me I should not go 
>> with boot camp or fusion, but I should go with something called parallel. 
>> What do you all suggest. I would like to know the differences between 
>> Boot Camp fusion and parallel what will be the best for me to run what is 
>> most accessible?  Does it even matter? Should I be putting so much 
>> t

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-15 Thread zoe
Well, ok twenty or thirty dollars isn't so bad so I think I can go ahead and 
when mavric comes out the cost is ok.  Yes the large screen will benefit my 
better half and I do have a little vision that when typing large white print 
on a black background I can manage.  Thank you so much for the info.  I know 
I have a lot to learn and now that I'm apart of this group I feel a little 
more confident to go ahead.  Thanks to all.  I'm still a little confused on 
how the fusion works but I guess in time I'll get it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

All Windows commands will work. The left control key is the only problem, 
since it switches you between mac and windows. So, you can alt-tab between 
windows programs, while command-tab (normally used to move between programs 
in the mac) will do nothing. Once you hit that control key, though, 
command-tab will move you between mac apps, letting you get focus off of 
windows and onto a mac program, which is the whole point of running a vm 
instead of bootcamp. I believe you can configure the key to be something 
other than control, but someone more experienced will have to comment on 

Yes, OS10.9 Mavericks is coming in the fall. If you can stand to wait, 
holding off until it is released will save you the cost of upgrading 
(usually $20 to $30), though last year Apple gave free upgrades to those who 
bought Macs close to the Mountain Lion release date. Still, there is no 
telling when the date for that program is, assuming it happens at all.

I have  Mac Mini and regret it - I'd so much rather have a laptop. That 
said, since you are choosing between a Mini and and iMac, it sounds like you 
only want a desktop solution. In that case, it depends on your vision and 
what you want to buy. The iMac has a large screen, so you only need a 
keyboard and mouse, whereas the Mini has no screen but is much smaller. This 
means you can hook the Mini to any monitor or TV you might have, and the 
actual tower will take up less room and cost less. If you rely on enlarged 
text as well as speech, the iMac might be good for you due to its large 
screen. If you need speech only, the Mini would be better since it is 
cheaper and you can just hook up a small monitor to it, taking up less 
space. Some Minis need a monitor connected, even if it is never on, or they 
slow down and become hard to use, which is why I did not say you could 
forego the monitor entirely. Besides, when sighted family or friends need to 
use the computer or help you should something happen to speech or your 
speakers, having a screen right there can be very helpful.
On Jun 15, 2013, at 9:55 AM, "zoe"  wrote:

> Ok guys, let's say paralel is out. if I go with fusion, am I to understand
> that I would not be able to boot windows up independedntly and use windows
> commands? I like the idea if sharing files and etc between windows and mac
> but I'm a little afraid of not being able to use windows independently,
> Also excuse me I'm not familiar yet with all the mac terminology, but I
> think if I get the mac now it would come with mountain lion, but I think I
> read somewhere that something new is coming out in the fall, should I wait
> for the fall to get the newest out there or should I stick with the 
> mountain
> lion and get it now?  Also trying to make a desision between the mac mini
> and the beautiful looking 27 inch all in one base i mac and opinions 
> there?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> My thoughts are that it depends. I used Bootcamp when I started with the
> Mac, and installed a boot manager that let me just hit w or m to boot into
> windows or mac. It was great, since I needed to know not a single mac
> command to use windows, whereas a virtual machine solution requires you to
> be able to at least launch it in mac first. That said, I had no official
> training so had to rely on this list and twitter to learn everything about
> the mac. Since I still needed to use my computer on a daily basis, and 
> since
> the mac was my only machine, I felt that being able to use native windows
> would be the best solution for me, until I was either comfortable with the
> mac or decided it was not for me and stuck with only windows. Needless to
> say, I got used to the mac and now hardly ever boot windows, and am 
> looking
> into replacing my bootcamp setup with a vm solution.
> If you are close to an Apple Store, you could go in there and get help,
> especially in the first thirty days while your machine is still under
> warranty. So, since you have access to help, I think a virtual machine
> s

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-15 Thread zoe
Oh good to know is that what you are running? a mac mini with fusion?

- Original Message - 
From: Maria & Joe Chapman 
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

HI.  yes you will be able to use windows independently.  I have a mac mini but 
one day I hope to get a mac book pro or a mac book air.

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 15/06/2013, at 11:55 PM, zoe  wrote:

  Ok guys, let's say paralel is out. if I go with fusion, am I to understand 
  that I would not be able to boot windows up independedntly and use windows 
  commands? I like the idea if sharing files and etc between windows and mac 
  but I'm a little afraid of not being able to use windows independently,
  Also excuse me I'm not familiar yet with all the mac terminology, but I 
  think if I get the mac now it would come with mountain lion, but I think I 
  read somewhere that something new is coming out in the fall, should I wait 
  for the fall to get the newest out there or should I stick with the mountain 
  lion and get it now?  Also trying to make a desision between the mac mini 
  and the beautiful looking 27 inch all in one base i mac and opinions there?

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Alex Hall" 
  Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

  My thoughts are that it depends. I used Bootcamp when I started with the 
  Mac, and installed a boot manager that let me just hit w or m to boot into 
  windows or mac. It was great, since I needed to know not a single mac 
  command to use windows, whereas a virtual machine solution requires you to 
  be able to at least launch it in mac first. That said, I had no official 
  training so had to rely on this list and twitter to learn everything about 
  the mac. Since I still needed to use my computer on a daily basis, and since 
  the mac was my only machine, I felt that being able to use native windows 
  would be the best solution for me, until I was either comfortable with the 
  mac or decided it was not for me and stuck with only windows. Needless to 
  say, I got used to the mac and now hardly ever boot windows, and am looking 
  into replacing my bootcamp setup with a vm solution.

  If you are close to an Apple Store, you could go in there and get help, 
  especially in the first thirty days while your machine is still under 
  warranty. So, since you have access to help, I think a virtual machine 
  solution is better: no partitioning of the hard drive, not needing to shut 
  down to do something in the other OS, and you can even run a vm of win7 and 
  one of win8, or a linux distro, if you wanted to.

  None of this is final, too - if you bootcamp now, you can also use a vm 
  solution and erase your bootcamp later, or vice versa.

  As to virtual machine applications, I have no information on Parallels, but 
  I know Fusion is accessible. Virtualbox, another program, is not very 
  accessible, but it can be used. However, I had sound problems when I tried 
  to use it, so i'd stay away from that one. Really, Fusion seems the best 
  option, unless (as another poster said) Parallels has been updated to be 

  Please don't hesitate to ask questions about the mac as you learn it. We are 
  all here to help, and some of us are even happy to talk to you on the phone 
  or skype if necessary.
  On Jun 14, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

Hi Zoey,

I myself am using Fusion, and it's the most wonderful solution for 
accessing Windows programs along with your mac ones. Bootcamp requires 
some sighted help to set up, unless you can find a guide to help you, 
which I honestly still wouldn't recommend.
As far as Parallels, that's completely inaccessible, the last time i heard 
anything, but they may have changed. A lot of people on this list use 
    VmWare Fusion.

On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:45 PM, zoe  wrote:

  Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting a base  iMac. I am thinking 
  about getting a fusion drive and running Windows 8. I have been using 
  windows for 13 years and IM a little afraid to convert to the Mac. I use 
  an iPhone, and that has opened up a new world for me. The accessibility 
  that I have gotten  with voice over in my humble opinion, is excellent. 
  Even though I love my iPhone, the truth of the matter is I am used to 
  windows. Having said all this I really want to make the transition to Mac 
  I believe that I can learn a lot, and I also further believe that my 
  experience will be great. Here is where I need everybody's feedback. The 
  person who assessed me for my new computer suggested I use Boot Camp 
  which comes with the Mac computer. a second perso

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Yes, I think your right.  through lots of conversations with various people 
and messages from this list, I have decided to go with the base imac and 
since someone mentioned the upgrade to mavrick might be twenty or thirty 
dollars or even maybe free, I think I can't go wrong.  From the messages 
I've received from this list I've determined that parralel is out and fusion 
or bootcamp is the way to go.  As I said in a previous message I'm still not 
100% confident to let go of windows, so I do half to make the desition  of 
either or.  I am so unfamiliar with mac that I don't even know the 
terminology and listening to different messages I find my self wondering 
where the command button is and doesn't voiceover start automatically etc. 
On the other hand I think if I'm patient all these simple little questions 
will be answered in time.  The question I have now that I forgot to ask in 
my original post is this,  Since I'll be running windows on this mac will I 
still be able to install jaws for the windows portion of the computer, and 
does it matter which I have chosen bootcamp or fusion?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

I too reckon you should just get the iMac. I love my iMac, and I can't even 
see the screen. When I did the calculations to decide the same question 
you're considering, it worked out to be cheaper and easier to just get an 
iMac rather than buying the Mac Mini, the keybaord, the TrackPad or Mouse, 
the monitor, the upgrades etcetera. The iMac is more powerful and I really 
like its extra power. I'd even recommend upgrading the RAM of your iMac to 
at least 16GB. I'd also read quite a few reports from people saying they had 
difficulty setting up the Mac Mini with a bluetooth keyboard. You need to 
press Command-F5 to get VoiceOver running, but the Mac Mini, from what I 
read, didn't come with the mouse or keyboard already set up. So it was kinda 
a catch 22 with needing VoiceOver to set up the keyboard, but needing the 
keyboard to set up VoiceOver.

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I said 
the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does 
the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to go 
especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state 
the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure 
voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically? 
Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me 
navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part of 
your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation 
(i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).

I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is 
inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just 
passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at least 
mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I was 
told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that there 
was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by 
default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though so 
I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those 
accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because of 
course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not 

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add it 
on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and 
jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. Apple 
would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult to 
impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager, 
letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I 
> said
> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to 
> go
> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the program.
> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't state
> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part 
> of
> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are just
> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at 
> least
> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I 
> was
> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that 
> there
> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though 
> so
> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because 
> of
> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
> accessible.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept my 
appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them 
scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions 
as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be 
partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning 
of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half 
to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down 
the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. Jaws 
can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a 
computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no 
screen reader can possibly be loaded.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add 
> it
> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet. 
> Apple
> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult 
> to
> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot Manager,
> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
>> said
>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion does
>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way to
>> go
>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the 
>> program.
>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't 
>> state
>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
>> of
>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are 
>> just
>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
>> least
>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
>> was
>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
>> there
>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form though
>> so
>> I don't know. I'm just worried though that this might be one of those
>> accessibility rumours that gets propogated longer than it should because
>> of
>> course no one tests the thing anymore because they are told it's not
>> accessible.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
ok thanks will try the local way if i decide on the bootcamp but honestly it 
looks like the fusion is the better way.
- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

It is not a problem, we have all been there. With bootcamp, the drive is 
partitioned; with Fusion, it is not. I don't know why Apple charges that 
much - any halfway decent computer geek can partition a drive in two 
minutes. If you decide to go bootcamp, I'd just enlist the help of some 
local talent to get things up and running. You said you are near an Apple 
store - I bet they would help for free (no promises, but its worth a try).
On Jun 16, 2013, at 6:21 PM, zoe  wrote:

> Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept 
> my
> appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
> scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking questions
> as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
> partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the partitioning
> of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I half
> to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
> the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
> Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
> No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. 
> Jaws
> can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
> computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why no
> screen reader can possibly be loaded.
> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:
>> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple add
>> it
>> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
>> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Voiceover cannot speak on the boot screen since it is not loaded yet.
>> Apple
>> would have to add some form of speech into BIOS, which would be difficult
>> to
>> impossible. You can do what I did, though: install the Refit Boot 
>> Manager,
>> letting you press m for mac or w for windows when you boot the machine.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 11:20 AM, zoe  wrote:
>>> Oh thanks so much, good to know I won't have problems with jaws.  As I
>>> said
>>> the man at the apple store actually suggested parallel but if fusion 
>>> does
>>> the trick and most people seem to like it I guess maybe that's the way 
>>> to
>>> go
>>> especially if I'm going to be asking for advice on the use of the
>>> program.
>>> The man at the store thought parallel was a better choice but didn't
>>> state
>>> the reasons why. Don't mean to be repetative but can apple configure
>>> voiceover for me when shipping the imac to me to start up automatically?
>>> Also if using fusion will voiceover speak on the log screen to help me
>>> navigate weather I want to boot mac or windows?
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Nicholas Parsons" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:51 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>>> Yes, you can install JAWS or any other screen reader on the Windows part
>>> of
>>> your Mac. It doesn't matter whether it's running as a duel installation
>>> (i.e. bootcamp) or as a virtual machine (e.g. VM Fusion).
>>> I am curious if any of these people who keep saying parallels is
>>> inaccessible have actually tried using it lately, or whether they are
>>> just
>>> passing along old hearsay that might now be obselete. I think Alex at
>>> least
>>> mentioned that he hadn't used it lately and things might have changed. I
>>> was
>>> told fairly recently that Parallels was accessible with JAWS, but that
>>> there
>>> was some problem with the JAWS key which is typically the insert key by
>>> default. I've never tried installing Windows on my Mac in any form 
>>> though
>>> so

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Hey guys that's exactly the one I'm thinking of getting, the twenty seven 
inch, the gentlemen at the store though told me not to by the cd rom from 
apple and that I could get a much cheaper one else where maybe for thirty 
dollars or so.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much 
of that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at 
all, unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage 
of it.


Mary Otten

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-16 Thread zoe
Oh wait I think i'm getting tired or too much info has blocked my brain. 
The gentlemen told me there is a 1tb of storage and that i would need an 
external cd rom for installing software and windows that i would hook up via 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Interesting that the 27 inch iMac is seen as the better deal. But how much 
of that is based on the display, a factor that interest blind people not at 
all, unless, of course, you have enough vision to be able to take advantage 
of it.


Mary Otten

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Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-17 Thread zoe
Thank you so much for the detailed instructions, I'm saving the messages to 
reference back.  So then desision made twenty seven inch base imac with 
upgraded ram with fusion regardless if I use bootcamp or not.  Sounds good 
to me.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

I don't recall if the iMacs still come with disk drives or not. If they 
don't, you will have a few extra steps to get bootcamp working using a thumb 
drive, or you can buy a USB disk drive and plug that in instead. I installed 
Bootcamp from a thumb drive, but I had a lot of sighted help. It sounds like 
you are leaning toward Fusion, though, and I have to say I think you'll be 
happier with that in the long run. It will be frustrating at first, but once 
you know its quirks, you should be okay.
On Jun 16, 2013, at 10:16 PM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

> zoey,
> Bootcamp is set up by a program on the MAC called bootcamp assistant. That 
> program partitions the drive for you and starts the installation process 
> of Windows. That is, it partitions the drive then asks you to put the 
> windows disk in the CD drive, then reboots and begins the Windows 
> installation processIt also lets you download and burn the bootcamp 
> drivers onto a CD which you'll need after installing windows. These 
> bootcamp drivers let windows access the mac hardware etc. From the reboot 
> onward, you need sighted assistance to go through the windows install 
> screens, install the bootcamp drivers, and finally, get a screen reader 
> loaded into windows so you can take over from there. I had a semi-computer 
> literate friend sit here and read the screens to me as we installed 
> Windows - that's all - no need for high-priced tech assistance.
> Or,
> With fusion, you can just install windows into a VMWare Virtual machine 
> which is just a big file on the MAC file system - its not a separate 
> partition on the HD. As I understand it, installing windows into a virtual 
> machine in VMWare is accessible with VoiceOver.
> Thirdly, from within VMWare Fusion, you can import a previously installed 
> bootcamp partition into fusion and run it like any other virtual machine, 
> or just run the bootcamp partition version of windows without even 
> importing it into fusion.
> So, there's three different options
> 1) have a dual boot system, called bootcamping,  that requires rebooting 
> to go from one OS to the other.
> 2) create a windows virtual machine in fusion which doesn't require 
> partitioning the HD, and can be done without sighted assistance. or,
> 3) Either run, or import and run an existing bootcamp partition from 
> fusion .
> I'm not real sure about the difference between simply running a bootcamp 
> vs importing and running it from within Fusion, there's not much 
> difference I don't think.
> - Original Message - From: "zoe" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> Oh ok got it now.  One more question that I thought of and please accept 
>> my
>> appologies for asking what may seem stupid questions and for asking them
>> scattered, my mind is all over the place and I seem to be asking 
>> questions
>> as they come.  Am I to understand that with bootcamp the drive would be
>> partitioned but with fusion it would not?  Apple said for the 
>> partitioning
>> of the drive they would charge me two hundred and fifty dollars, if I 
>> half
>> to pay it oh well, then I will, but have I gotten confused somewhere down
>> the line?  I'm sure the drive is partitioned for bootcamp but fusion?
>> Thanks again and again I'm so sorry for my confusion.
>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel
>> No, Refit is free and something you will add once you get your machine. 
>> Jaws
>> can only read the Windows logon/lock screens, not the boot screen. When a
>> computer first boots, no operating system has started yet, which is why 
>> no
>> screen reader can possibly be loaded.
>> On Jun 16, 2013, at 4:21 PM, zoe  wrote:
>>> h refit manager is that something extra I half to by or can apple 
>>> add
>>> it
>>> on for me?  Also since I'm going to be installing windows with jaws, and
>>> jaws can be configured to the log screen would that do the trick?
>>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 

Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

2013-06-18 Thread zoe
Hi Phill, all of you have been so helpful and I appreciate it so much, and I 
think you guys have saved me some money as well.  When I'm ready I would 
really appreciate that website so I don't make any mistakes.  I will save 
this message and refer back to it when I'm ready and if you can send me that 
link that will be great.

- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Halton" 
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

1) no, they won't help you with bootcamp
2) Hold down the option key for around 10 seconds more or less after the
boot sound
3) Yes, burn the windows7 iso so you can insert the disk when asked by
bootcamp utility.
4) I have a website address that has the steps (screens) involved in
installing windows7, and I'll shoot it over to you when you're ready to get
into the details of installing windows. They're pretty much right on the
money as far as what order what screens appear and what you need to enter on
them. When I did my bootcamp install, I had a sighted friend sit here and
read the screens and do some of the typing and mouse clicking to make the
process go faster and easier.

After windows7 is installed and rebooted, then you install the bootcamp
drivers that you burn previously from the bootcamp utility. Then you can
install your screen reader and take over from there. I had three disks ready
at hand, windows7 ISO, Bootcamp drivers, and Jaws setup.exe
The whole process went smooth as warm milk through a puppy.

the only tricky part in the windows install was selecting the bootcamp
partition, and telling windows to format the partition before installing, If
you don't do that step, windows will be installed on an unformatted
partition and obviously won't work.

Before I did any of this, I got the bootcamp installation instructions from
the bootcamp utility and read it thoroughly, then I read thoroughly the
website that I mentioned to understand what was essentially involved in the
windows install part. I think the reading is important - you don't want to
make any mistakes because you didn't know what you were doing.

BTW: I agree with you about the superb accessibility of MS Office and Jaws,
That combo can't be beat for productivity work.

- Original Message - 
From: "Harry Hogue" 
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

Hello Guys,

As regards VMWare Fusion vs. Bookcamp, here are my thoughts:

I am running 4gb of ram with VMWare Fusion (Windows 7 and JAWS 13), and
despite the fact that it works okay, not counting the problems I wrote about
most recently on this list, I am going to switch to Bootcamp for the
following reasons:

1.  Productivity and stability.  I need Windows to run as if it were the
only operating system, and I need to be ale to take full advantage of MS
Word, Excel, and the accessibility of JAWS with these programs, as well as
running Kurzweil 1000 v. 11 with a scanner.  My work will soon be requiring
me to have the ability to do track changes, leave comments on files I edit,
and all without the need t oworry about mistakes with formatting due to
converting from pages back to Word.

All-in-all, I think it is all very individual.  It sounds like if I want to
use Bootcamp that I should get a blank CD to burn my Windows ISO file for my
copy of Windows that I still have availabe through the Microsoft Store.
Then basically it sounds like I should get someone with a little more
computer knowledge than I have to get things up and running for me.  I also
like the idea of using Boocamp so I don't have to worry about JAWS
authorization problems -- authorize it once and I should be good to go,
regardless if I create different user accounts on the Windows partition.

The process gets confusing because there are so many different things to
consider.  For example, do I still need to remap an insert key when using
Bootcamp, or do the Bootcamp drivers take care of those issues for me with a
laptop keyboard?  Also, I like the idea of holding down the option key and
selecting the operating system at the boot screen -- is it difficult to knwo
when to hold the option key down or how long to hold it down for?

Thanks for your thoughts.  I wonder if people at an Apple Store woudl be
able to help me with the Bootcamp installation.



On Jun 17, 2013, at 9:58 AM, Mary Otten  wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Yes you did say no cd/dvd drive on the iMac. I didn't look at the hard
> drive spec for all flavors of iMac. I looked at the cheapest 21-inch
> model, and in the configuration section, it is listed as 5400 rpm, and
> then there are upgrade choices, including a fusion drive and various sizes
> of ssd. They don't say if the fusion drive is also based on that 5400 rpm
> drive or not. Maybe it is a misprint?? Since I have a monitor, keyboard
> and magic track pad, I'm thinking the mewer mini that starts at 800 bucks
> is a better way to go than the iMac, although the greater ram possibility
> in the

help with junk mail

2021-05-30 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.
I hope someone can help with the following.
I opened up a new email address with gmail and all went well. i added the 
account to my iMac and again all went well. I tested out the new address by 
sending email to another account of mine and again all went well. 
Here is where the problem is; whenever i send an email message from the gmail 
account to my other email address mac mail puts the message into the junk 
folder. I added the gmail address into my contacts but it still goes into the 
junk folder. Can anyone tell me how to get around this? i don’t want the gmail 
messages going into junk but into the regular inbox, how can i do this?
Thank you in advanced for any help.
Regards Zoe

God the Father chose her,
God the Son dwelt in her,
God the Spirit over shadowed her.
Most Holy mother of God intercede on our behalf and save us.

Blind Kisses
I am proud to design, make, and sell my handmade jewellery.
Zoe Fiogkos

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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Re: help with junk mail

2021-05-30 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Oh I see that sounds logical to me, thanks very much, i will try what you are  
suggesting. Thanks again.

> On May 30, 2021, at 2:41 PM, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> I don’t think this issue has anything to do with your Mac's Mail client, 
> rather this is an issue with your email provider who is marking the item as 
> junk before the mail even reaches your Mac's Mail app.
> I suggest that you log in to your email provider’s web portal, where you can 
> access the Junk email folder and mark the item as Not Junk.
> - Brad -
> On May 30, 2021, at 11:58, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.
> I hope someone can help with the following.
> I opened up a new email address with gmail and all went well. i added the 
> account to my iMac and again all went well. I tested out the new address by 
> sending email to another account of mine and again all went well. 
> Here is where the problem is; whenever i send an email message from the gmail 
> account to my other email address mac mail puts the message into the junk 
> folder. I added the gmail address into my contacts but it still goes into the 
> junk folder. Can anyone tell me how to get around this? i don’t want the 
> gmail messages going into junk but into the regular inbox, how can i do this?
> Thank you in advanced for any help.
> Regards Zoe
> God the Father chose her,
> God the Son dwelt in her,
> God the Spirit over shadowed her.
> Most Holy mother of God intercede on our behalf and save us.
> Blind Kisses
> I am proud to design, make, and sell my handmade jewellery.
> Zoe Fiogkos
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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God the Father chose her,
God the Son dwelt in her,
God the Spirit over shadowed her.
Most Holy mother of God intercede on our behalf and save us.

Blind Kisses
I am proud to design, make, and sell my handmade jewellery.
Zoe Fiogkos

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at

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Re: Help with new external hard drive

2021-06-10 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi again Tim and all.
Thank you very much for all your help, everything went well. Success, the 
formatting was very quick and easy and I am now moving my files on to the drive.
Regards Zoe

> On Jun 10, 2021, at 2:07 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> It sounds like it is already formatted if it is asking you about using it for 
> a Time Machine backup device.  I would erase it anyway though using my 
> instructions.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Jamf Certified Tech
> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jun 10, 2021, at 12:01 PM, FIOGKOS  wrote:
>> Good afternoon Tim and all, hope you are well. Today I plugged in the new 
>> external drive. As soon as I plugged it in a window appeared asking me if I 
>> want to use this drive for time machine back ups I clicked do not use. The 
>> window and disappeared and nothing else popped up. On the desktop I see the 
>> following
>> G drive mobile USB-C volume
>> I also see something else called G utilities volume
>> Tim, should I follow your instructions for formatting the drive how do I 
>> know if this drive is formatted? Like I said above no windows popped up 
>> except for asking me if I want to use it for the time machine back up.
>> Regards Zoe
>> God the father chose her
>> God the sun dwelt in her
>> God the spirit overshadowed her
>> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
>> Twitter
>> @FiogkosZoe
>> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
>> he's late
>>> On Jun 8, 2021, at 1:30 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> With respect to formatting the drive.  It kind of depends on if it is 
>>> already formatted from the factory.  If it is, it may be formatted and show 
>>> up on your Desktop, but be formatted in a format that is read only to the 
>>> Mac.  I suggest that you do the following before connecting the drive to 
>>> your Mac:
>>> • go to the Desktop.
>>> • press cmd-comma to bring up Desktop Preferences.
>>> • if the General tab is not selected, select it.
>>> • make sure that the checkbox to show external drives on your Desktop is 
>>> checked.
>>> • close this window.
>>> • connect the drive.
>>> • follow the prompts if any appear.
>>> • if the drive simply shows up on the Desktop, then do the following extra 
>>> steps.
>>> • make sure you’re in the Finder by pressing VO-shift-d.
>>> • press cmd-shift-u to open the Utilities folder.
>>> • open the Disk Utility app.
>>> • in the table, locate and select your external drive.
>>> • stop interacting with the table and VO-left to the Toolbar.  Interact 
>>> with it.
>>> • locate the Erase button and VO-space to activate.
>>> • give the drive a name and format it as either APFS or MacOS Extended 
>>> (Journaled). Then press the Erase button.
>>> After it has finished, press the Done button and quit Disk Utility.  You 
>>> will now have a properly formatted drive for your Mac.  No matter which 
>>> method you use, do make sure that it is formatted for the Mac as either 
>>> MacOS Extended (Journaled) or APFS for best results on your Mac.
>>> Regarding iMovie and copying, when you create and edit these videos for 
>>> YouTube, have you saved the finished version on your internal drive, or 
>>> just uploaded directly to YouTube?  It is better to keep a version locally, 
>>> as well as uploading to YouTube in my experience.  Now, if you have the 
>>> exported finished copy, then that one is easy to copy and paste to the 
>>> external drive.  The actual iMovie product is more complicated as it is 
>>> comprised of both library and iMovie Project components, unless things have 
>>> changed lately.  The drive icon will show up on your Desktop if you set the 
>>> Finder Preferences as I’ve suggested above, so copying between the internal 
>>> Macintosh HD and the external is easy-peasy by the regular copy and paste 
>>> processes.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>> Apple Teacher
>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Reco

help with mac mail

2020-12-05 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi everyone, I hope you can all help me.
Please remember i’m new on the Mac. Finally I have mail on my iMac and in many 
ways I like it better so far compaired to windows. I am typing this message and 
sending it from my Mac, and I’m thrilled about this. finally I feel i’m making 
a little progress on the Mac.
I have 2 questions about mail on the mac.
#1 when i want to send mail to this list and i’m in the proper field i start to 
type i hear donna gooden at
obviously i don’t want to send Donna a message i want to send this message to 
the whole group. This also happends on my iPhone. i’ve found a work around on 
my phone but can’t seem to figure it out on my mac. 
#2 in the favourites i see inbox drafts and i believe trash if i remember 
correctly. where is my junk folder and how can i get it there into my 
Thanks Zoe

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Re: Selecting text from a PDF

2020-12-10 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi Brad, I will give it a try. I was hoping not to have to take this extra step 
but if there is no other way, at least it can still be done.

> On Dec 10, 2020, at 8:55 PM, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> I would suggest opening the PDF document in Preview, as you have done, then 
> highlighting the entire document using CMD + A, and copying the selected text 
> to the clipboard.  Then open TextEdit, and paste the clipboard contents to a 
> blank TextEdit document, and hopefully you will now have an editable copy of 
> the PDF’s contents.
> Let me know if this works. 
> - Brad -
> On Dec 10, 2020, at 19:19, FIOGKOS  wrote:
> Hi everybody I hope somebody can help. I’m not going to lie I have asked on 
> another list and didn’t find an answer I’m hoping somebody here will know the 
> answer to my question. I received a PDF file via email. I saved the 
> attachment to my documents. I opened the PDF with preview. I interact with 
> the text and I am able to read the document. I can select the whole document 
> and copy and paste it somewhere else but I cannot select specific text does 
> anybody know how to do this?
> Regards Zoe
> God the father chose her
> God the sun dwelt in her
> God the spirit overshadowed her
> Most holy mother of God save us through your intercessions
> Twitter
> @FiogkosZoe
> Love Isn't butterflies in your stomach, love is the heart beat you feel when 
> he's late
> -- 
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> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
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God the Father chose her,
God the Son dwelt in her,
God the Spirit over shadowed her.
Most Holy mother of God intercede on our behalf and save us.

Blind Kisses
I am proud to design, make, and sell my handmade jewellery.
Zoe Fiogkos

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help with text reading and selecting commands

2020-12-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi  everyone I need some help please. I’ve asked on a few lists and haven’t 
gotten a streight answer. Please forgive my ignorance but I don’t know what 
else to do or where to ask.
I understand that on the mac there are maybe different commands for different 
applications, having said that, i’m looking for basic reading and text 
selecting commands for such things as how to read and or select text on such 
applications as email, text edit, pages, and of course safari.
Can anyone give me the basic commands for reading by line, word, caracter, 
paragraph, and say all.
also a list of commands for all of the above for selecting text.
Thanks so much for any help provided.

God the Father chose her,
God the Son dwelt in her,
God the Spirit over shadowed her.
Most Holy mother of God intercede on our behalf and save us.

Blind Kisses
I am proud to design, make, and sell my handmade jewellery.
Zoe Fiogkos

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help with voice memos

2016-07-27 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hey everyone, hope you can help.
I attended a lexure wich was about 2 and a half hours. I used my voice memos
app on my iPhone 6 plus to record this talk. So now I want to transfer it to
my mac. After I do so I want to convert it to mp3.
Any ideas how I do this.
Thanks for any help in advanced 

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: help with voice memos

2016-07-27 Thread zoe fiogkos
I think I like the air drop solution. Do you know how I can convert this file 
to mp3?
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: July 27, 2016 8:58 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Re: help with voice memos
My first thought is to sync via iTunes, which will put all your voice memos 
into iTunes and from there let you access them in the iTunes media folder. You 
could also try Airdropping the file over to the Mac, assuming your Mac is new 
enough (2011 or 2012 for most machines).
On Jul 27, 2016, at 13:00, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Hey everyone, hope you can help.
I attended a lexure wich was about 2 and a half hours. I used my voice memos
app on my iPhone 6 plus to record this talk. So now I want to transfer it to
my mac. After I do so I want to convert it to mp3.
Any ideas how I do this.
Thanks for any help in advanced 

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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Have a great day,
Alex Hall <> 
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accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi chuck thank you so much, I should have stated that the only thing I didn’t 
want to use is iTunes. It’s not that I don’t like iTunes, but when I 
transferred from windows to the mac something went nuts with my iTunes library, 
so now I have thousands of files in my iTunes folder. So if I convert with 
iTunes I will need 3 days to find the file.
Anyhow I found an online converter that did the trick so now my voice memo is 
successfully in my itunes library and I have an mp3 version for my husband to 
listen to when he is out and about. My next step should be to fix my itunes 
library but right now it looks real scary lol. Thank you for your kindness in 
answering my question so quickly.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
Sent: August 12, 2016 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
Hi zoe,
I use itunes to do this most of the time.
You just half to check your itunes import preferences and make sure its set to 
lets say mp3 in your case.
Isaiah 26 : 3
 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he 
trusteth in thee.
In GOD I Trust
On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM, zoe fiogkos wrote:

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi Jeff, I actually ended up using an online converter. For future reference 
though does this app do m4a to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of jeff `greene
Sent: August 12, 2016 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi Zoe, I use a program called pro audio converter. Its available in
the app store for I think $9.99. It works great. I first got it
because I have a huge audio book library and wanted to run the files
through a converter to see if I could reduce each book size (in mb). A
lot of convertors I tried shortened the books, but pro audio converter
was perfect.
Hope this helps! Jeff

On 8/12/16, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi chuck thank you so much, I should have stated that the only thing I
> didn’t want to use is iTunes. It’s not that I don’t like iTunes, but when I
> transferred from windows to the mac something went nuts with my iTunes
> library, so now I have thousands of files in my iTunes folder. So if I
> convert with iTunes I will need 3 days to find the file.
> Anyhow I found an online converter that did the trick so now my voice memo
> is successfully in my itunes library and I have an mp3 version for my
> husband to listen to when he is out and about. My next step should be to fix
> my itunes library but right now it looks real scary lol. Thank you for your
> kindness in answering my question so quickly.
> Regards
> Zoe
> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
> hope is that it won’t be too late..
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of CHUCK REICHEL
> Sent: August 12, 2016 1:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
> Hi zoe,
> I use itunes to do this most of the time.
> You just half to check your itunes import preferences and make sure its set
> to lets say mp3 in your case.
> Chuck
> <>
> <>
> 954-742-0019
> Isaiah 26 : 3
>  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because
> he trusteth in thee.
> In GOD I Trust
> On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM, zoe fiogkos wrote:
> Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac
> from
> apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?
> Regards
> Zoe
> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My
> only
> hope is that it won't be too late..
> --
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
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> moderat

a question about safari please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Today I visited a sight I liked, and I forgot to save the address. Is there
a way in safari to view the web sights I visited today? If yes then how do I
save it as a favourite like you do in windows?
Thanks for any help

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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RE: a question about safari please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Oh thank you so much. That was easier then I thought.  I’m finding that the mac 
isn’t so hard after all it’s just different from windows. Slowly it’s making 
sence, it’s just a matter of reprogramming my brain after so many years of 
windows to remember new commands and layouts, and places.
Again thanks so much.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
Sent: August 12, 2016 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: a question about safari please
Go to the “history menu: 
VO+M once, then right to “History”.
open that menu and explore your history.
once you find the webpage, press +command+D” to save it.
Michael Babcock
Consulting Blind entrepreneurs on digital marketing
Your Own Pay <> 
Lets Connect On Twitter
@payown <> 
Or facebook
Consulting with Michael Babcock <> 
On Aug 12, 2016, at 11:46 AM, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Today I visited a sight I liked, and I forgot to save the address. Is there
a way in safari to view the web sights I visited today? If yes then how do I
save it as a favourite like you do in windows?
Thanks for any help

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Oh yes don't worry, you did spell it correctly.
This encoder is in the menu but it doesn't give me a choice to encode to mp3 it 
just says encode to MPEG audio
Then there is a choice for destination folder, and weather to keep original 
file. Of course there is a continue button and a cancel button 

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Cohn
Sent: August 12, 2016 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please


(Gee, I hope I spelled your name right).  There is a service (at least on my 
macintosh called "Encode selected files". 

I expect since I did not have a need to enable this, that it is available by 
default in the contextual menu.

If not, then try selecting your files, go to the finder menu (next to the apple 
menu) and check the services sub-menu. If you can not find it there, then I 
will hunt around my system some and give you some more directions.

Let us know if you find the service and if it works for you.

Best wishes,


> On Aug 12, 2016, at 2:38 PM, jeff `greene  wrote:
> Hi Zoe, I use a program called pro audio converter. Its available in
> the app store for I think $9.99. It works great. I first got it
> because I have a huge audio book library and wanted to run the files
> through a converter to see if I could reduce each book size (in mb). A
> lot of convertors I tried shortened the books, but pro audio converter
> was perfect.
> Hope this helps! Jeff
> On 8/12/16, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
>> Hi chuck thank you so much, I should have stated that the only thing I
>> didn’t want to use is iTunes. It’s not that I don’t like iTunes, but when I
>> transferred from windows to the mac something went nuts with my iTunes
>> library, so now I have thousands of files in my iTunes folder. So if I
>> convert with iTunes I will need 3 days to find the file.
>> Anyhow I found an online converter that did the trick so now my voice memo
>> is successfully in my itunes library and I have an mp3 version for my
>> husband to listen to when he is out and about. My next step should be to fix
>> my itunes library but right now it looks real scary lol. Thank you for your
>> kindness in answering my question so quickly.
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
>> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
>> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
>> hope is that it won’t be too late..
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of CHUCK REICHEL
>> Sent: August 12, 2016 1:53 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
>> Hi zoe,
>> I use itunes to do this most of the time.
>> You just half to check your itunes import preferences and make sure its set
>> to lets say mp3 in your case.
>> HTH
>> Chuck
>> <>
>> <>
>> 954-742-0019
>> Isaiah 26 : 3
>> Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because
>> he trusteth in thee.
>> In GOD I Trust
>> On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM, zoe fiogkos wrote:
>> Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac
>> from
>> apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
>> said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
>> faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My
>> only
>> hope is that it won't be too late..
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac V

RE: a question about safari please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
So far so good. I like it very much. Once apple fixed my mac with a clean 
install and now for the most part every thing works correctly, I’m actually 
enjoying it more and more every day.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: August 12, 2016 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: a question about safari please
You’re exactly right, learning a new operating system is similar in some ways 
to learning a new language.  You have to in my mind fully immerse  your self 
and cut ties with the old.  I could never use windows and Mac at the same time 
I had to make the switch and fight through it.  Just like landing in Paris and 
having a crash course in French.
Another thing you have to learn is new muscle memory for your fingers and the 
keyboard commands.  At first I don’t know how many times I hit control escape 
to go back to the start menu from the old windows days when I made the switch.  
All new commands + new terminology and ways of doing things make switching 
platforms a steep learning curve at first.  Stick with it though, you’ll be 
glad you did.  I’m a Mac user now for about 8 years and would never go back to 
Windows.  Plus, as an old Unix guy and Network Engineer now having a Unix 
environment available with terminal is absolutely the bees knees for me.
On Aug 12, 2016, at 3:00 PM, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Oh thank you so much. That was easier then I thought.  I’m finding that the mac 
isn’t so hard after all it’s just different from windows. Slowly it’s making 
sence, it’s just a matter of reprogramming my brain after so many years of 
windows to remember new commands and layouts, and places.
Again thanks so much.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From:  <>[ <>] On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
Sent: August 12, 2016 2:48 PM
To:  <>
Subject: Re: a question about safari please
Go to the “history menu: 
VO+M once, then right to “History”.
open that menu and explore your history.
once you find the webpage, press +command+D” to save it.
Michael Babcock
Consulting Blind entrepreneurs on digital marketing
 <> Your Own Pay
Lets Connect On Twitter
 <> @payown
Or facebook
 <> Consulting with Michael Babcock
On Aug 12, 2016, at 11:46 AM, zoe fiogkos < <>> wrote:
Today I visited a sight I liked, and I forgot to save the address. Is there
a way in safari to view the web sights I visited today? If yes then how do I
save it as a favourite like you do in windows?
Thanks for any help

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
  Hi there I googled online converters for m4a to 
mp3 and it was the third or fourth result. It did the job and I saved the 
website to my favourites. I don’t know how to read the link so I can send it to 
you.  If you know how that’s done I would be happy to send you the link for the 
web site.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
Sent: August 12, 2016 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
What was the name of the online converter.
On 12 Aug 2016, at 20:25, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Hi chuck thank you so much, I should have stated that the only thing I didn’t 
want to use is iTunes. It’s not that I don’t like iTunes, but when I 
transferred from windows to the mac something went nuts with my iTunes library, 
so now I have thousands of files in my iTunes folder. So if I convert with 
iTunes I will need 3 days to find the file.
Anyhow I found an online converter that did the trick so now my voice memo is 
successfully in my itunes library and I have an mp3 version for my husband to 
listen to when he is out and about. My next step should be to fix my itunes 
library but right now it looks real scary lol. Thank you for your kindness in 
answering my question so quickly.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From:  <> 
[ <>] On Behalf Of CHUCK REICHEL
Sent: August 12, 2016 1:53 PM
To:  <>
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
Hi zoe,
I use itunes to do this most of the time.
You just half to check your itunes import preferences and make sure its set to 
lets say mp3 in your case.
Isaiah 26 : 3
 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he 
trusteth in thee.
In GOD I Trust
On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM, zoe fiogkos wrote:

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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- you can reach Cara at  <>

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moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at  <mail

RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
That would be true but I’m not doing email on the mac quite yet. So I can open 
safari go to the web site but how do I go to the address bar and then read 
character by caricter to copy into my email reply on windows?
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Cohn
Sent: August 12, 2016 5:14 PM
To: Macvisionaries 
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
Well, you should be able to use shift and arrow keys to select then copy and 
paste into mail.
I looked a little more at the encode items and it uses an "automator" workflow, 
so if this is something you are doing on a regular basis, the automator 
workflow could be customized to not ask the user about location and just do 
things automatically. 
Also, if you open in Quicktime, you might be able to use the export functions, 
but they seemed a little limited. Also, Some people on this list swear that the 
Quicktime encoders are not as good as third party (or possibly open source) 
sound processing applications. Personally, I rarely use high quality sound 
output devices, so I can't tell the difference.
Best wishes,
Jonathan Cohn
On Aug 12, 2016, at 5:06 PM, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
  Hi there I googled online converters for m4a to 
mp3 and it was the third or fourth result. It did the job and I saved the 
website to my favourites. I don’t know how to read the link so I can send it to 
you.  If you know how that’s done I would be happy to send you the link for the 
web site.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From: <>  
[] On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
Sent: August 12, 2016 4:00 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
What was the name of the online converter.
On 12 Aug 2016, at 20:25, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Hi chuck thank you so much, I should have stated that the only thing I didn’t 
want to use is iTunes. It’s not that I don’t like iTunes, but when I 
transferred from windows to the mac something went nuts with my iTunes library, 
so now I have thousands of files in my iTunes folder. So if I convert with 
iTunes I will need 3 days to find the file.
Anyhow I found an online converter that did the trick so now my voice memo is 
successfully in my itunes library and I have an mp3 version for my husband to 
listen to when he is out and about. My next step should be to fix my itunes 
library but right now it looks real scary lol. Thank you for your kindness in 
answering my question so quickly.
by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  
From:  <> 
[ <>] On Behalf Of CHUCK REICHEL
Sent: August 12, 2016 1:53 PM
To:  <>
Subject: Re: accessible app recommendation needed please
Hi zoe,
I use itunes to do this most of the time.
You just half to check your itunes import preferences and make sure its set to 
lets say mp3 in your case.
Isaiah 26 : 3
 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he 
trusteth in thee.
In GOD I Trust
On Aug 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM, zoe fiogkos wrote:

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionari

address for online converter

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
I some how figured it out.
The web site you go to is

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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iTunes question

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi guys,
Before I ask my question thank you all very much for helping me today with
my other inquiries.
In iTunes I go into my music and I interact with the table and I can go up
and down my list and view all my songs.
Is there anyway for itunes to show my music by artist first?  Right now I
see the title of each song first, and if I vo right arrow I hear the artists
name, is it possible to switch that around?
Thanks again so much.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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RE: iTunes question

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Thank you so much tim for the step by step instructions, they worked like a 
charm. I have one more question for you. To rename a track do I use the get 
info? If yes, also to listen to a track to confirm who sings it and what song 
it is, how do I stop it to edit the info and move on to another song?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: August 12, 2016 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: iTunes question


When interacting with the Music table, press VO-shift-back slash to bring focus 
up to the Headers.  Navigate right or left until you find the Artist header.  
Press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to lock the mouse down.  VO-left until you focus on 
the Song name, then press VO-cmd-shift-spacebar to toggle off the mouse-down 
lock.  Use VO-left/right to confirm things are in the correct order.  If they 
are, press VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header area and back into your 
main list of songs.  You can also tell iTunes to sort according to these 
headers by pressing VO-shift-back slash to go up into the Header area, 
VO-left/right to find the column heading you wish things sorted by, press 
VO-space on that heading, then VO-shift-back slash to get out of the Header 
area.  Note that you can press VO-space in this situation multiple times, the 
first time will usually sort them ascending according to that header, and the 
second will sort them descending by that same header.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 12, 2016, at 15:31, zoe fiogkos  wrote:

Hi guys,
Before I ask my question thank you all very much for helping me today with
my other inquiries.
In iTunes I go into my music and I interact with the table and I can go up
and down my list and view all my songs.
Is there anyway for itunes to show my music by artist first?  Right now I
see the title of each song first, and if I vo right arrow I hear the artists
name, is it possible to switch that around?
Thanks again so much.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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- you can reach Cara at

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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Ca

RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi simon that wouldn't work for me, only because my itunes folder is duplicate 
and tripled because when I made the move from windows something went wrong and 
now I have itunes folders within itunes folders. It's a mess but I'm not that 
advanced yet to even think of tackling that. The file in question needed to be 
converted so that I can transfer it to windows and then to a very old mp3 
player my husband uses. So think about it I would have to look through 
thousands of files to find the converted file.
Anyhow as you go through the mail you'll see that I was able to use an online 
converter to do the job.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 12, 2016 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi zoe,

 Have you tried itunes, it will do this without issue.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 5:15 AM
Subject: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from 
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-12 Thread zoe fiogkos
Oh yeah good luck on that one. My hubby clicks a mouse and that's about it. No 
way I'm letting himn get on my Mac. If I do I'll need a new one in 6 weeks.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 12, 2016 6:40 PM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please


 I fully understand, I've given up on my itunes library because it's just to 
much work,

Good luck with the sorting,

 And just a thought, why not tell hubby to do the hard yards and clean up the 
itunes library.

Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi simon that wouldn't work for me, only because my itunes folder is duplicate 
and tripled because when I made the move from windows something went wrong and 
now I have itunes folders within itunes folders. It's a mess but I'm not that 
advanced yet to even think of tackling that. The file in question needed to be 
converted so that I can transfer it to windows and then to a very old mp3 
player my husband uses. So think about it I would have to look through 
thousands of files to find the converted file.
Anyhow as you go through the mail you'll see that I was able to use an online 
converter to do the job.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 12, 2016 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi zoe,

 Have you tried itunes, it will do this without issue.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 5:15 AM
Subject: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from 
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won't be too late..  

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

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- you can reach Cara at

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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

2016-08-13 Thread zoe fiogkos
Lol, in 2 years I will be eligible for a free purchase of a computer, so 
hopefully by then I'll be confident enough in the mac. I'm thinking laptop this 
time around, at that point my distructive on computers husband can have the 

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 13, 2016 5:27 AM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hey Zoe,

That wcouldn't be to bad, a new mac ?

 Oh that would be so nice,

I wonder where I can get me a girl that fits that role.y

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Oh yeah good luck on that one. My hubby clicks a mouse and that's about it. No 
way I'm letting himn get on my Mac. If I do I'll need a new one in 6 weeks.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 12, 2016 6:40 PM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please


 I fully understand, I've given up on my itunes library because it's just to 
much work,

Good luck with the sorting,

 And just a thought, why not tell hubby to do the hard yards and clean up the 
itunes library.

Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi simon that wouldn't work for me, only because my itunes folder is duplicate 
and tripled because when I made the move from windows something went wrong and 
now I have itunes folders within itunes folders. It's a mess but I'm not that 
advanced yet to even think of tackling that. The file in question needed to be 
converted so that I can transfer it to windows and then to a very old mp3 
player my husband uses. So think about it I would have to look through 
thousands of files to find the converted file.
Anyhow as you go through the mail you'll see that I was able to use an online 
converter to do the job.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 12, 2016 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hi zoe,

 Have you tried itunes, it will do this without issue.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of zoe fiogkos
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2016 5:15 AM
Subject: accessible app recommendation needed please

Hey everyone, what do you all recommend for converting a file on my mac from 
apple MPEG-4 audio to mp3?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won't be too late..  

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help with get info please

2016-08-13 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi guys, something small but very annoying. I'm on a song in itunes and I
hit command I to go to the get info. I go to details, I interact, and I vo
right through the fields. When I come to the artist field and I start to
type it automatically brings up artists matching what I'm typing. That would
be ok accept I don't want to select from those artists. So to understand
better what I mean here's an example. I start to type Michael Jackson and of
course it matches that but the selection it's matching is in all caps and I
don't want it that way, but it won't let me select to type the name the way
I want it.
Maybe a better understanding and example is this.
I'm typing an artists name in Greek which needs to have an accent above a
certain letter, itunes is automatically bringing up suggestions but the one
that matches what I'm typing doesn't have the accent. I want to type it the
way I want not the way it's showing it but it won't let me.
I hope I haven't confused you guys too much.
Hope some one understood what I've described and can help.
Thanks again

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: help with get info please

2016-08-13 Thread zoe fiogkos
If I'm understanding what you are telling me, if I continue typing in lower 
case it will accept that even though it's not showing it\? I was hoping there 
would be an easy solution like a setting to turn off suggestions.
Thanks anyway, sounds like this will drive me crazy.

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: August 13, 2016 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: help with get info please


In these cases, just keep typing what you want it to be Artist field in the 
manner you wish it to appear.  From then on, that will be one of the choices.  
If you don't want things like Michael Jackson to appear in all caps, you'll 
need to search for Michael Jackson in your Music Library and fix the instances 
of the all caps version.  This will make it so that it does not come up as a 
choice in the future.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Aug 13, 2016, at 09:08, zoe fiogkos  wrote:

Hi guys, something small but very annoying. I'm on a song in itunes and I
hit command I to go to the get info. I go to details, I interact, and I vo
right through the fields. When I come to the artist field and I start to
type it automatically brings up artists matching what I'm typing. That would
be ok accept I don't want to select from those artists. So to understand
better what I mean here's an example. I start to type Michael Jackson and of
course it matches that but the selection it's matching is in all caps and I
don't want it that way, but it won't let me select to type the name the way
I want it.
Maybe a better understanding and example is this.
I'm typing an artists name in Greek which needs to have an accent above a
certain letter, itunes is automatically bringing up suggestions but the one
that matches what I'm typing doesn't have the accent. I want to type it the
way I want not the way it's showing it but it won't let me.
I hope I haven't confused you guys too much.
Hope some one understood what I've described and can help.
Thanks again

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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text navigation help

2016-08-16 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi everybody, please help, while in text edit how do I move caricter by
caricter and word by word? I want to go through a document in an other
language and edit it. Also I want to visually see as I'm moving what's in
the curser. So as I hear voiceover and use the keyboard I also want to see
this visually.
Any help please?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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RE: text navigation help

2016-08-18 Thread zoe fiogkos
Thanks anne and all for helping me. 

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus said 
when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the faith. So 
many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only hope is that 
it won’t be too late..  

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: August 18, 2016 6:15 AM
Subject: RE: text navigation help

Thanks for this Ann,

 It will come in handy.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2016 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: text navigation help

Here is a full list of the commands:
Right one character - Right Arrow;

Left one character - Left Arrow;

Right one word - Option-Right Arrow;

Left one word - Option-Left Arrow;

Go to the end of the line - Cmd-Right Arrow;

Go to the beginning of the line - Cmd-Left Arrow;

Go to previous line - Up Arrow;

Go to next line - Down Arrow;

Go to the beginning of the paragraph - Option-Up Arrow;

Go to the end of the paragraph - Option-Down Arrow;

Go to the beginning of the document - Cmd-Up Arrow;

Go to the end of the document - Cmd-Down Arrow.

Add the Shift key to any of these commands to select the text.

Pressing the Return key signals the end of a paragraph, but you can use a line 
break (Ctrl-Return) to go to the next line while still in the same paragraph. 
In Pages, Cmd-FN-Return on a laptop, or Cmd-Enter on an extended keyboard, 
forces a page break.



> On 17 Aug 2016, at 18:53, Vaughn Brown  wrote:
> Good question as I've been having trouble with this, too.
> Thanks everyone.
> Vaughn
> On 8/16/16, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
>> Left and right arrows to move character by character.  Make sure 
>> quick nav isn't on.
>> Option+left and right arrow, again be sure quick nav isn't on, to 
>> Option+move word
>> by word.  Up and down arrow, make sure quick nav isn't on, to move 
>> line by line.
>> ---
>> Christopher Gilland
>> JAWS Certified, 2016.
>> Training Instructor.
>> Phone: (704) 256-8010.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "zoe fiogkos" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 4:32 PM
>> Subject: text navigation help
>>> Hi everybody, please help, while in text edit how do I move caricter 
>>> by caricter and word by word? I want to go through a document in an 
>>> other language and edit it. Also I want to visually see as I'm 
>>> moving what's in the curser. So as I hear voiceover and use the 
>>> keyboard I also want to see this visually.
>>> Any help please?
>>> Regards
>>> Zoe
>>> by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. 
>>> Jesus said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find 
>>> faith, but the faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in 
>>> all his glory. My only hope is that it won't be too late..
>>> --
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>>> list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please 
>>> contact the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list 
>>> itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>>> Cara
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> ---
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>>> Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> send an
>>> email to
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>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.

lables compatible in pages?

2016-09-06 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi guys when I was using windows exclusively and had a bit of sight, I had
bought blank shipping lables from a store called staples here in Toronto. I
use to use zoomtext and the screen was magnified and I use to fill out the
lables and print.
That box had 200 sheets of lables. Now I'm in a situation where I want to
use these lables to lable jars of homemade jam. Can I use these lables on
the mac? If yes are they accessible to fill out in pages with voiceover?
Again if yes where do I go to find the lable number in pages?
So in word you would go to the mailings tab and choose lable and from there
you would choose the number on the box avery 5163 and then a page would pop
up with the grid I would fill out the lables and print.
Any help please?

by the intersessions of the holy Theotokos, Lord have mercy on us. Jesus
said when I return will I find the faith, not will I find faith, but the
faith. So many will be shocked when he comes again in all his glory. My only
hope is that it won't be too late..  

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new mac user please help

2014-02-26 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi everyone, so I finally took the big dive and got my new iMac and of
course coming from the world of windows I'm totally lost. However I am also
excited to learn something new. I did purchase apple care and I also belong
to this great list so these options should help, and even though I feel like
I'm at the bottom of a huge mountain with the peak no where in sight I'm
looking forward to climbing and exploring this new mountain.
The first thing I did is the voiceover tutorial and that helped a little. My
first questions that I need help with is as follows.
One of the reasons I went with Mac is because apple offers voiceover in
other languages and one of those languages is my native tongue.  I've
downloaded the voice that is assigned to my native tongue which is Greek. I
have also added the keyboard input source of Greek, up until this point
everything is okay.
I figured out that to change the keyboard layout from Canadian English to
Greek the hotkey is command spacebar, again great it works.  Heres where the
first problem comes in. when I open the notes from the doc and I start
typing everything is okay, but when I press command spacebar to switch to
the Greek voiceover says spot light search, it types in Greek but not in the
body of the document and of course when I press enter it takes me to the
Can anyone help.  I thought about trying it out on pages which is listed in
the doc but I don't think I have pages even though its listed in the doc.
The second problem is I can't find a hotkey for switching voices/languages
with a hotkey.
Does anyone know how I can do this using the keyboard?  I don't want to
always want to half to open the voiceover utility or system preferences just
to switch voices or languages, I'm assuming and hoping there is a hotkey for
this action.
Of course I have a thousand more questions but let's start with these, and
hopefully someone can help me with this before I move to something else.
I would appreciate any help and advice.
Thanks in advance,
Your friendly neighbourhood lister and new Mac user,

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RE: new mac user please help

2014-02-26 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I will try this option and let you all know how it works. Also you mentioned
the quickstart voiceover tutorial and yes I did this and it has helped a
little. Of course I have a lot of knew keyboard commands to memorize and it
will take a while. Thank you for your help. Will try your recommendation
[] On Behalf Of isaac
Sent: February-26-14 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: new mac user please help
To switch voices press control option command left arrow and right arrow and
use the up and arrows to  to make ajustments.
On Feb 26, 2014, at 8:48 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:

Hi everyone, so I finally took the big dive and got my new iMac and of
course coming from the world of windows I'm totally lost. However I am also
excited to learn something new. I did purchase apple care and I also belong
to this great list so these options should help, and even though I feel like
I'm at the bottom of a huge mountain with the peak no where in sight I'm
looking forward to climbing and exploring this new mountain.
The first thing I did is the voiceover tutorial and that helped a little. My
first questions that I need help with is as follows.
One of the reasons I went with Mac is because apple offers voiceover in
other languages and one of those languages is my native tongue.  I've
downloaded the voice that is assigned to my native tongue which is Greek. I
have also added the keyboard input source of Greek, up until this point
everything is okay.
I figured out that to change the keyboard layout from Canadian English to
Greek the hotkey is command spacebar, again great it works.  Heres where the
first problem comes in. when I open the notes from the doc and I start
typing everything is okay, but when I press command spacebar to switch to
the Greek voiceover says spot light search, it types in Greek but not in the
body of the document and of course when I press enter it takes me to the
Can anyone help.  I thought about trying it out on pages which is listed in
the doc but I don't think I have pages even though its listed in the doc.
The second problem is I can't find a hotkey for switching voices/languages
with a hotkey.
Does anyone know how I can do this using the keyboard?  I don't want to
always want to half to open the voiceover utility or system preferences just
to switch voices or languages, I'm assuming and hoping there is a hotkey for
this action.
Of course I have a thousand more questions but let's start with these, and
hopefully someone can help me with this before I move to something else.
I would appreciate any help and advice.
Thanks in advance,
Your friendly neighbourhood lister and new Mac user,
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RE: new mac user please help

2014-02-26 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Oh my gosh those instructions sound so promising I will try it later on today 
after I’m done my cooking.  I will let you know how it goes.
Thank you I’m so excited with this helps it looks like the first mile of this 
mountain will be accomplished.
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: February-26-14 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: new mac user please help
Hello Zoe,
To get rid of the conflict between new keyboard layout and Spotlight search, 
open System Preferences and go to the Keyboard pane. Select Shortcuts tab, 3 of 
4, then navigate right to the Shortcuts categories table and interact with it. 
Navigate down to Spotlight. Stop interacting with that table and navigate right 
to the next one which will say Spotlight shortcuts table. Interact and uncheck 
the check box for Show Spotlight search field ⌘Space.
On 26 Feb 2014, at 15:48, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:

Hi everyone, so I finally took the big dive and got my new iMac and of course 
coming from the world of windows I’m totally lost. However I am also excited to 
learn something new. I did purchase apple care and I also belong to this great 
list so these options should help, and even though I feel like I’m at the 
bottom of a huge mountain with the peak no where in sight I’m looking forward 
to climbing and exploring this new mountain.
The first thing I did is the voiceover tutorial and that helped a little. My 
first questions that I need help with is as follows.
One of the reasons I went with Mac is because apple offers voiceover in other 
languages and one of those languages is my native tongue.  I’ve downloaded the 
voice that is assigned to my native tongue which is Greek. I have also added 
the keyboard input source of Greek, up until this point everything is okay.
I figured out that to change the keyboard layout from Canadian English to Greek 
the hotkey is command spacebar, again great it works.  Heres where the first 
problem comes in. when I open the notes from the doc and I start typing 
everything is okay, but when I press command spacebar to switch to the Greek 
voiceover says spot light search, it types in Greek but not in the body of the 
document and of course when I press enter it takes me to the internet.
Can anyone help.  I thought about trying it out on pages which is listed in the 
doc but I don’t think I have pages even though its listed in the doc.
The second problem is I can’t find a hotkey for switching voices/languages with 
a hotkey.
Does anyone know how I can do this using the keyboard?  I don’t want to always 
want to half to open the voiceover utility or system preferences just to switch 
voices or languages, I’m assuming and hoping there is a hotkey for this action.
Of course I have a thousand more questions but let’s start with these, and 
hopefully someone can help me with this before I move to something else.
I would appreciate any help and advice.
Thanks in advance,
Your friendly neighbourhood lister and new Mac user,
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question 1 where is my itunes folder?

2016-03-29 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi everyone, when I transferred my stuff from my pc to the mac, I
transferred the itunes folder. Now I am confused which one belongs to the
mac and which one is the copy from the pc.  Where is the mac itunes folder?
If I know where it is I can delete the other one.

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question 2 new folders on the mac?

2016-03-29 Thread zoe fiogkos
I would like to create 2 folders for easy access.  I want a music folder
where I can dump mp3's into it quickly. Secondly I want a folder called
recipes, where again I can access my thousands of recipes quickly.  I would
like to either have these 2 folders on the desk top or the doc.  How would I
do this?
Any help is appreciated.

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RE: question 2 new folders on the mac?

2016-03-30 Thread zoe fiogkos
Thanks so much worked like a charm, thank you for giving step by step for 
doorknob beginners like my self, it's so appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Andrew Lamanche
Sent: March 30, 2016 3:41 AM
Subject: Re: question 2 new folders on the mac?

Hi Zoe,

The simplest way to create a folder in the location you wish is to go to this 
location first.  Since you want to create your new folders on the desktop, open 
your Home folder first from the finder with the shortcut key combination 
command+shift+h.  You are now in your Home folder, and while you are there, 
it's worth exploring what folders you have there.  One of the folders in the 
Home folder is desktop.  Open it with the usual key combination command+o or 
command+down arrow.  Once inside the desktop folder - and you can always 
confirm this by pressing command+option+f2 for VoiceOver to announce the title 
of the folder you are in - you can create a new folder like this:
press the key combination, command+shift+n for the folder title textbox to 
appear.  Your cursor is already in it so all you need to know is to type the 
title of your new folder, otherwise the folder will be named by default 
"untitled".  Once you have typed the name of your new folder, press enter key 
and you will have a new folder in the desktop folder.  You can then repeat the 
steps for the second folder.

Just an additional tip: if you ever want to change the name of a folder or of a 
file, put your VoiceOver cursor on the name in the list, press enter and you 
will be in the textbox for the title of the file or folder.  you can now use 
all the editing keys to rename or correct the title.  Press enter again to 
accept changes, or escape to get out of this editing textbox if you don't wish 
to make changes.

I'm not quite sure how you would add a folder to the dock.  There is a way of 
doing so but somebody else will have to help you with it.  You still have to 
create your new folders first anyway before you add them to your dock.  There's 
a key combination for this but I can't remember it now.

Good luck

> On 30 Mar 2016, at 00:08, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> I would like to create 2 folders for easy access.  I want a music folder
> where I can dump mp3's into it quickly. Secondly I want a folder called
> recipes, where again I can access my thousands of recipes quickly.  I would
> like to either have these 2 folders on the desk top or the doc.  How would I
> do this?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Regards
> Zoe
> -- 
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> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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adding ringtones from mac to iphone help

2016-03-30 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great.  I need to impose on your
kindness and knowledge once again.
I need step by step instructions on the following.
I have a thumb drive which on it it has 40 ringtones for my iPhone. Using my
mac and latest version of El Capitan how do I transfer these files and then
put them on my iPhone?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advanced.

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RE: adding ringtones from mac to iphone help

2016-03-30 Thread zoe fiogkos
When you say open folder do you mean I click vo spacebar? I tried that, I also 
tried interacting with the folder and I hear disclosure triangle if I click 
spacebar on that it says calapsing.  No matter what I do I'm failing in pasting 
the files into that folder, any ideas what I'm doing wrong

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of jeff `greene
Sent: March 30, 2016 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: adding ringtones from mac to iphone help

Hi Zoe,
Ok here you go:
1 plug in your flash drive
2 open it on the finder
3 hit command+a then command+c to copy all the ringtones
4 open home, music, itunes, and then automatically add to itunes folder.
5 paste the ringtones in there with command+v
6 open itunes those ringtones should automatically end up in the
ringtones or "tones" section.
7 sync your phone, under the categories go to ringtones or maybe its
tones, and check the box that says "sync all tones"
you're done!
Hope this helps! Jeff

On 3/30/16, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great.  I need to impose on your
> kindness and knowledge once again.
> I need step by step instructions on the following.
> I have a thumb drive which on it it has 40 ringtones for my iPhone. Using
> my
> mac and latest version of El Capitan how do I transfer these files and then
> put them on my iPhone?
> Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advanced.
> Regards
> Zoe
> --
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RE: adding ringtones from mac to iphone help

2016-03-30 Thread zoe fiogkos
Worked like a charm thanks again so much, you saved my tuty fruity behind.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of jeff `greene
Sent: March 30, 2016 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: adding ringtones from mac to iphone help

Hi Zoe, You hit command+o on a folder to open it. command+w will close
it. I think you should be all set now, as long as those ringtones are
iphone formatted.

On 3/30/16, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> When you say open folder do you mean I click vo spacebar? I tried that, I
> also tried interacting with the folder and I hear disclosure triangle if I
> click spacebar on that it says calapsing.  No matter what I do I'm failing
> in pasting the files into that folder, any ideas what I'm doing wrong
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of jeff `greene
> Sent: March 30, 2016 2:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: adding ringtones from mac to iphone help
> Hi Zoe,
> Ok here you go:
> 1 plug in your flash drive
> 2 open it on the finder
> 3 hit command+a then command+c to copy all the ringtones
> 4 open home, music, itunes, and then automatically add to itunes folder.
> 5 paste the ringtones in there with command+v
> 6 open itunes those ringtones should automatically end up in the
> ringtones or "tones" section.
> 7 sync your phone, under the categories go to ringtones or maybe its
> tones, and check the box that says "sync all tones"
> you're done!
> Hope this helps! Jeff
> On 3/30/16, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
>> Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great.  I need to impose on your
>> kindness and knowledge once again.
>> I need step by step instructions on the following.
>> I have a thumb drive which on it it has 40 ringtones for my iPhone. Using
>> my
>> mac and latest version of El Capitan how do I transfer these files and
>> then
>> put them on my iPhone?
>> Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advanced.
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> --
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getting my pictures from my iPhone help

2016-03-30 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hey everyone, when I was using windows the people on the viphone list taught
me to connect my phone and copy paste my pictures and videos, from the drive
in my c folder onto whatever folder I wanted.
How can this be done now using the mac?

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RE: getting my pictures from my iPhone help

2016-03-31 Thread zoe fiogkos
Sorry for my stupidity but where do I find image capture to launch? Also will 
this also extract my videos?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: March 31, 2016 3:54 AM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Re: getting my pictures from my iPhone help

Hi Zoe,

The homologous functionality in Mac OS is provided by Image Capture.  Launch 
it, select the connected device, choose a target for your images and import, 
optionally deleting the originals.  You might have to expand the advanced 
options in that window.

Photo management on iOS prior to iCloud Photo Library has been fiddly, to be 
charitable about it.  Maybe you’ll find that connecting your device up just to 
import your photos is too much trouble, and switch to the cloud.  On the other 
hand, that does mean Apple has your photos, and you’ve got to use a Mac or iOS 
device to manage them.


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how to get rid of something from sidebar

2016-03-31 Thread zoe fiogkos
By accident I added a folder to my sidebar, any idea how to get rid of it?

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RE: how to get rid of something from sidebar

2016-03-31 Thread zoe fiogkos
Thank you so much this option you gave me not only took care of my sidebar 
problem but it also worked to get rid of another mistake in the doc. Very 
greatful for your help.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jürgen Fleger
Sent: March 31, 2016 2:56 PM
To: Mac Visionaries Visionaries 
Subject: Re: how to get rid of something from sidebar

did you try the context menue (VO+Shift+m)? There you’ll find an entry to 
remove folder from sidebar.

> Am 31.03.2016 um 20:41 schrieb zoe fiogkos :
> By accident I added a folder to my sidebar, any idea how to get rid of it?
> -- 
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converting a video?

2016-04-01 Thread zoe fiogkos
Hi guys, as always hope you  are all doing okay. So I attended a lecture,
and stupid me I video taped it using my iPhone, instead of using the voice
memos.  So I have these videos sitting on my mac.  What is the easiest way
to convert them to mp3 audio files?
Thanks to all for the help and any ideas.

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RE: converting a video?

2016-04-01 Thread zoe fiogkos
I did open them with quick time to view them, where in quicktime would I find 
the export?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of michael babcock
Sent: April 1, 2016 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: converting a video?

You could also use airdrop to send them to your mac and then open in 
> On Apr 1, 2016, at 10:21 AM, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi guys, as always hope you  are all doing okay. So I attended a lecture,
> and stupid me I video taped it using my iPhone, instead of using the voice
> memos.  So I have these videos sitting on my mac.  What is the easiest way
> to convert them to mp3 audio files?
> Thanks to all for the help and any ideas.
> Regards
> Zoe
> -- 
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RE: converting a video?

2016-04-01 Thread zoe fiogkos
This iMovie application is the one in the appstore?  I searched on my mac but 
didn’t find anything called iMovie, I searched on the appstore and the first 
result costs two dollars and 99 cense, is this the one you are talking about?
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Seyoon Choi
Sent: April 1, 2016 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: converting a video?
If you have iMovie installed, simply create a new project, import those videos 
and export it as MP3. I am fairly good with working with videos, so feel free 
to contact me for any help.
Seyoon Choi <> 
YouTube Video Content Producer
Blindinsider <> 
Technology news, podcasts, videos and lifestyle for blind and visually impaired
On Apr 1, 2016, at 12:21 PM, zoe fiogkos> > wrote:
Hi guys, as always hope you  are all doing okay. So I attended a lecture,
and stupid me I video taped it using my iPhone, instead of using the voice
memos.  So I have these videos sitting on my mac.  What is the easiest way
to convert them to mp3 audio files?
Thanks to all for the help and any ideas.

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RE: converting a video?

2016-04-01 Thread zoe fiogkos
It does and it worked my only beef is that it didn't give me a choice in what 
kind of format I want to convert it to, any ideas how I can get it into the mp3 
format.  Other then that the quicktime way of converting was very easy.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Andrew Lamanche
Sent: April 1, 2016 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: converting a video?

Hello Zoe,

If memory serves me well, the export option is usually to be found under the 
file menu.

While in quicktime with your file open, press vo+m to go to the application 
menu bar.  Use vo+right & left arrows to move right or left through the 
application menu bar.  Once you hear "file", press down arrow key to enter the 
choices under file and you should find export there.  Listen carefully as 
voiceover announces the menu items and if it says "submenu" expand it with 
right arrow to see other options there.

Hope this helps

> On 1 Apr 2016, at 18:48, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
> I did open them with quick time to view them, where in quicktime would I find 
> the export?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of michael babcock
> Sent: April 1, 2016 1:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: converting a video?
> You could also use airdrop to send them to your mac and then open in 
> quicktime/file,export,audio.
>> On Apr 1, 2016, at 10:21 AM, zoe fiogkos  wrote:
>> Hi guys, as always hope you  are all doing okay. So I attended a lecture,
>> and stupid me I video taped it using my iPhone, instead of using the voice
>> memos.  So I have these videos sitting on my mac.  What is the easiest way
>> to convert them to mp3 audio files?
>> Thanks to all for the help and any ideas.
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> -- 
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to the moderator or owners of this group

2016-02-13 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi there I don't mean to be a prude or anything, but it bothers me when
comments are made about anyone's religion.  I don't mind signatures quoting
religious items or making references to ones religion.  However when someone
makes statements to ones religion it bothers me.  You know best what to do,
but a suggestion, I would like it if no one makes direct comments about
religion, and or criticism of any one religion.  If I have over stepped my
bounds please forgive me.  I couldn't find the direct links to contact owner
or moderator, so please again accept my appologies.
If the rest of the group doesn't agree with my opinion, I will accept that,
I just wanted to voice what bothers me.

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RE: to the moderator or owners of this group

2016-02-13 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi there thanks for the link, I sent an email to Kara.
I have a concern though, you say the info is pasted at the bottom of every 
email, and I still don’t see it.  Why is this happening? Any ideas?
Thanks Zoe
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Matthew Dierckens
Sent: February-13-16 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: to the moderator or owners of this group
Hi Zoe,
At the bottom of every email there is text about how to contact the moderators. 
I will paste it below.
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God bless.
Matthew Dierckens
Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
Macintosh, IOS  and Windows Trainer
Canadian Phone: 519-962-9140
U.S. phone: 573-401-1018
Personal Email:
On Feb 13, 2016, at 12:38, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
Hi there I don’t mean to be a prude or anything, but it bothers me when 
comments are made about anyone’s religion.  I don’t mind signatures quoting 
religious items or making references to ones religion.  However when someone 
makes statements to ones religion it bothers me.  You know best what to do, but 
a suggestion, I would like it if no one makes direct comments about religion, 
and or criticism of any one religion.  If I have over stepped my bounds please 
forgive me.  I couldn’t find the direct links to contact owner or moderator, so 
please again accept my appologies.
If the rest of the group doesn’t agree with my opinion, I will accept that, I 
just wanted to voice what bothers me.
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RE: A Pages spelling alert issue

2016-03-02 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hey everybody, on the spell check issue, I also need some help.  I don’t have 
the same issues as the original poster but I do have a question.  When I hear 
that a word is miss spelled how do I access the list of suggestions and how do 
I choose the correct word to replace the miss spelled one.
p.s. I hope it’s ok that I asked my question along with the concerns of the 
original poster, I figured since both of us need help with spell check it would 
be ok.
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Bill Holton
Sent: March-02-16 11:11 AM
Subject: A Pages spelling alert issue
In Pages, when I misspell a word, I do not receive the “Mispelled” announcement 
that tells me I have misspelled a word.  If I knowingly misspell and then use 
the left arrow, I do get the bubble feedback and list of possible spellings.  I 
do get the announcement in Text Edit, and I do not have any activities set  
that might make my Pages VoiceOver settings different.  Anyone have an idea 
what might be going on here?  I have the same spelling options in both apps, 
“check spelling as you go,” is on, and  “correct spelling automatically,” is 
Thanks for any help
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videos from facebook mesanger help?

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi guys, hope your all doing ok.  Someone sent me a video on facebook
mesanger and some pictures.
When I double tapped on each picture I got an unlabled button which I
clicked and I was given the option to save the picture.  The picture was
saved onto my camera roll.  When I tap on the videos I can play and pause
them but I have no other options.  Does anyone know how I can save these
videos to my iPhone or computer?  I would greatly appreciate any help and

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RE: videos from facebook mesanger help?

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
As I said in my previous message using my iPhone when I click on a picture I 
get an unlabled button which gives me the option to save the pictures.  The 
pictures are saved to my camera roll.  However when it comes to the videos I 
hear one video attached, I double tap on it and it plays and the only button I 
find says pause.  How can I email it to my self?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
Sent: November-16-15 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: videos from facebook mesanger help?


You can share the photos and videos from the original location you are
viewing them at and email to your self. That's the easiest way I've
been able to save them.

Are you able to download them to your computer using the save
attachment fuction?
Maybe someone else can help.

On 11/16/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi guys, hope your all doing ok.  Someone sent me a video on facebook
> mesanger and some pictures.
> When I double tapped on each picture I got an unlabled button which I
> clicked and I was given the option to save the picture.  The picture was
> saved onto my camera roll.  When I tap on the videos I can play and pause
> them but I have no other options.  Does anyone know how I can save these
> videos to my iPhone or computer?  I would greatly appreciate any help and
> ideas.
> Regards
> Zoe
> --
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> ---
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi everyone my iMac has been sitting on my desk for all most 2 years.  I
played around with it a little bit, but when I couldn't access my favourite
web sites with safari and no one seemed to have a solution for me I quit and
used windows again, and I'm still using windows to access my favourite sites
using jaws and the arrow keys to read my favourite recipes and easily select
them copy paste them into a word document.  Of course I wish I could do this
on the mac but we can't have everything we want.  
However I've decided to give the mac another go, Hopefully I will find
another use for it other then my recipe surfing.  So here is my dilemma
since when I bought this mac it came with mavricks and now most people are
using el capitan or yosemity I was wondering if you kind people can walk me
through properly installing yosemity and do you all think that's a good

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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I was hoping you guys would tell me if its best to do a clean install.  The 
second link that you gave me talks about a clean install with el capitan, and I 
don’t want to go there yet.  I want to get rid of mavricks and go to yosemity 
but not sure if I should do the clean install, also I’m so new at the mac I’m 
not even sure what a clean install is.  
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sadam Ahmed
Sent: November-16-15 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
Hi Zoe, 

Here's an article that explains the process: 

In short, you download the installer package from the app Store and run it. 

The rest is pretty seamless after that. 

You can go for a clean install which totally erases the HD or  you could go for 
an in place update which preserves settings. 

If you'd like to try the clean in stall check out the below article: 

Yours truly   

Sadam Ahmed 

Bachelor of Business Information Systems 

RMIT University  
On 11/17/2015 4:19 AM, Zoe Fiogkos wrote:
Hi everyone my iMac has been sitting on my desk for all most 2 years.  I played 
around with it a little bit, but when I couldn’t access my favourite web sites 
with safari and no one seemed to have a solution for me I quit and used windows 
again, and I’m still using windows to access my favourite sites using jaws and 
the arrow keys to read my favourite recipes and easily select them copy paste 
them into a word document.  Of course I wish I could do this on the mac but we 
can’t have everything we want.  
However I’ve decided to give the mac another go, Hopefully I will find another 
use for it other then my recipe surfing.  So here is my dilemma since when I 
bought this mac it came with mavricks and now most people are using el capitan 
or yosemity I was wondering if you kind people can walk me through properly 
installing yosemity and do you all think that’s a good idea?
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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Yes, you are right about yosemity not being available.  I called apple 
accessibility and they told me the same thing.
I looked under purchased and no cigar, yosemity isn't there.  Since I'm such a 
beginner with the mac and everyone seems to be complaining about el capitan I 
didn't want to complicate things further for my self.  I all ready gave up on 
the mac a year ago when I realized I couldn't navigate my favourite web site.  
I  guess for now I'll stick with mavricks until everyone seems more comfortable 
with it and hopefully I won't quit this time around.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: November-16-15 2:26 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

A clean install is throwing away everything on the disk and starting afresh 
just using the new operating system.  Programs, settings, etc. will be deleted 
from the original installation.  It’s a good option because there is nothing 
left behind, which guarantees a good experience, but it does mean you end up 
having to set everything back up again just the way you want it, reinstall your 
software, and so on.  It’s the route I prefer.

The bad news: in your case, you probably don’t have the choice of Yosemite.  I 
could be wrong about this; check under Purchases under the App Store to see if 
you have Yosemite available.  Normally an Apple OS is only available to those 
who have already downloaded it after it is superseded by a newer release.  You 
may have to choose from either Mavericks or El Capitan.  Using Yosemite at this 
point is possible, but will require the assistance of a valued friend who is 
willing to fetch you a copy of the app and prepare a disk or image with the 
installer on it.

What, exactly, is your objection to El Capitan?  I certainly understand if you 
want to avoid the bugs, but if you aren’t using your Mac for anything serious 
anyway, it seems like a good opportunity to reap the actual benefits.  Then 
again, if you want a polished experience, it probably isn’t the best option.

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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi there it's a famous greek chef who infuses traditional greek cooking with a 
modern touch.  The website is in Greek so it wouldn't be of any benefit to you 
guys, unless you have sited help.  Apparently the boy who tried to help me last 
year from the accessibility team at apple was sighted and he was able to click 
on a link and switch the website to English.  He actually said he liked the 
site and he would try out a few of the recipes.  I don't know how to switch the 
web site to English.
The problem is I visit the website everyday and with mac I haven't been able to 
figure it out.  With windows all I do is go to the website arrow down with one 
finger until I hear recent recipes, click enter and then I arrow down until I 
hear a title of a recipe that I like and hit enter again.  Then I arrow through 
the recipe and hold shift arrow down and copy it and then paste it into a word 
document.  Literally the whole process takes me a minute or so.  I want to do 
it with the mac because Idon't want to go back to windows but unfortunately I 
can't figure it out, and no one on the list was able to help.  
-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: November-16-15 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

So what is your favourite website? Some of us might like to try it.



> On 16 Nov 2015, at 20:48, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Yes, you are right about yosemity not being available.  I called apple 
> accessibility and they told me the same thing.
> I looked under purchased and no cigar, yosemity isn't there.  Since I'm such 
> a beginner with the mac and everyone seems to be complaining about el capitan 
> I didn't want to complicate things further for my self.  I all ready gave up 
> on the mac a year ago when I realized I couldn't navigate my favourite web 
> site.  I  guess for now I'll stick with mavricks until everyone seems more 
> comfortable with it and hopefully I won't quit this time around.
> Regards
> Zoe
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
> Sent: November-16-15 2:26 PM
> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
> A clean install is throwing away everything on the disk and starting afresh 
> just using the new operating system.  Programs, settings, etc. will be 
> deleted from the original installation.  It’s a good option because there is 
> nothing left behind, which guarantees a good experience, but it does mean you 
> end up having to set everything back up again just the way you want it, 
> reinstall your software, and so on.  It’s the route I prefer.
> The bad news: in your case, you probably don’t have the choice of Yosemite.  
> I could be wrong about this; check under Purchases under the App Store to see 
> if you have Yosemite available.  Normally an Apple OS is only available to 
> those who have already downloaded it after it is superseded by a newer 
> release.  You may have to choose from either Mavericks or El Capitan.  Using 
> Yosemite at this point is possible, but will require the assistance of a 
> valued friend who is willing to fetch you a copy of the app and prepare a 
> disk or image with the installer on it.
> What, exactly, is your objection to El Capitan?  I certainly understand if 
> you want to avoid the bugs, but if you aren’t using your Mac for anything 
> serious anyway, it seems like a good opportunity to reap the actual benefits. 
>  Then again, if you want a polished experience, it probably isn’t the best 
> option.
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> For more options, visit https:

RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
It's in Greek, apparently I've been told the site can be switched to English 
but can't tell you how it's done.  The website is
I've been clicking on recent recipes and shrook pops up but I only get as far 
as the recipe titles with shrook.  I've been searching for hints on how to use 
shrook but no luck as of yet.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Agent086b
Sent: November-16-15 4:20 PM
To: Mac List
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

if you would like to provide the link we can take a look. I have a sited wife 
who may be able to give me some pointers. 
> On 17 Nov 2015, at 8:12 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi there it's a famous greek chef who infuses traditional greek cooking with 
> a modern touch.  The website is in Greek so it wouldn't be of any benefit to 
> you guys, unless you have sited help.  Apparently the boy who tried to help 
> me last year from the accessibility team at apple was sighted and he was able 
> to click on a link and switch the website to English.  He actually said he 
> liked the site and he would try out a few of the recipes.  I don't know how 
> to switch the web site to English.
> The problem is I visit the website everyday and with mac I haven't been able 
> to figure it out.  With windows all I do is go to the website arrow down with 
> one finger until I hear recent recipes, click enter and then I arrow down 
> until I hear a title of a recipe that I like and hit enter again.  Then I 
> arrow through the recipe and hold shift arrow down and copy it and then paste 
> it into a word document.  Literally the whole process takes me a minute or 
> so.  I want to do it with the mac because Idon't want to go back to windows 
> but unfortunately I can't figure it out, and no one on the list was able to 
> help.  
> Sincerely 
> zoe
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: November-16-15 3:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
> So what is your favourite website? Some of us might like to try it.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 16 Nov 2015, at 20:48, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>> Yes, you are right about yosemity not being available.  I called apple 
>> accessibility and they told me the same thing.
>> I looked under purchased and no cigar, yosemity isn't there.  Since I'm such 
>> a beginner with the mac and everyone seems to be complaining about el 
>> capitan I didn't want to complicate things further for my self.  I all ready 
>> gave up on the mac a year ago when I realized I couldn't navigate my 
>> favourite web site.  I  guess for now I'll stick with mavricks until 
>> everyone seems more comfortable with it and hopefully I won't quit this time 
>> around.
>> Regards
>> Zoe
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>> Sent: November-16-15 2:26 PM
>> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
>> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
>> A clean install is throwing away everything on the disk and starting afresh 
>> just using the new operating system.  Programs, settings, etc. will be 
>> deleted from the original installation.  It’s a good option because there is 
>> nothing left behind, which guarantees a good experience, but it does mean 
>> you end up having to set everything back up again just the way you want it, 
>> reinstall your software, and so on.  It’s the route I prefer.
>> The bad news: in your case, you probably don’t have the choice of Yosemite.  
>> I could be wrong about this; check under Purchases under the App Store to 
>> see if you have Yosemite available.  Normally an Apple OS is only available 
>> to those who have already downloaded it after it is superseded by a newer 
>> release.  You may have to choose from either Mavericks or El Capitan.  Using 
>> Yosemite at this point is possible, but will require the assistance of a 
>> valued friend who is willing to fetch you a copy of the app and prepare a 
>> disk or image with the installer on it.
>> What, exactly, is your objection to El Capitan?  I certainly understand if 
>> you want to avoid the bugs, but if you aren’t using your Mac for anything 
>> serious anyway, it seems like a good opportunity to reap the actual 
>> benefits.  Then again, if you want a polished experience, it probably isn’t 

RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
How exactly would I go about saving the whole thing to a file.  When I go to 
the website I click on recent recipes and automatically shrook pops up, so what 
do I do now?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: November-16-15 4:37 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

Somewhat ironically, Yosemite was the first release of OS X that actually 
supports your use case.  It didn’t work perfectly, and still doesn’t, as it 
does on Windows, but it would probably have been all that you needed.

For now, you could go the long way round, by copying the entire web page to a 
file, or simply saving it.  You could then cut out the bits you liked in 
TextEdit.  It would not be as convenient as it is on Windows, I’m afraid, but 
it would work.

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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-16 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
To me that sounds so confusing but it may be because I've been in front of the 
mac and the pc all day. It's all most ten o'clock at night and I think my brain 
has gone to sleep.  So thank you and I will have a look at your instructions 
tomorrow and hopefully they will make more sence to me.
Good night

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: November-16-15 9:24 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

On 17 Nov 2015, at 02:19, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> If you just want a portion of the text, do a Command-A to select all, then 
> open TextEdit and paste.  Edit to taste.

Whoops, sorry!  I missed the rather critical copy after select-all, that is 
press Command-A to select all, then Command-C to copy.  Paste with Command-V, 
of course.

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solution for my video request

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi everyone since no one new how to help me, I asked my friends and did some
investigating on my own and figured it out.
Just in case someone wants to know how to do it, here's my explanation.
I could not figure it out using the iPhone, but I did figure it out using
the computer.  I'm sure the process would be similar for a mac and a pc.
Basically I went into facebook, I clicked on messages, then I clicked on the
name of the person who sent me the messages.  As I scrolled through the
messages, I heard graphics. When I got to the video I heard play video and I
clicked on it, now with windows I was given the option to save, but I'm sure
with the mac you could right click and download and save the video.  Now I
think I can somehow import this video to iTunes and transfer it to my iPhone
if I want.

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where do i find my info on the mac

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi all I decided to upgrade to el capitan, but someone mentioned I need to
know my info exactly.  Is there somewhere on the mac where I can view my
name etc. I remember my password even though I have it set to not ask me for
it upon log in.  Also I don't have a external hard drive with enough space
to back up mavricks before I upgrade, so my question is if something goes
wrong will I need some sort of code to re-install mavricks like you do in
windows?  Sorry for asking so many questions, but I really want to learn the
mac but I just can't afford paid lessons right now.  It is something I have
discussed with my husband and we have plans in the future to get paid
lessons but not right now.  So please can anyone help?
Thanks Zoe

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RE: solution for my video request

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I feel very nice because now if someone ever runs into this problem, I can 
axially help.  Also it's a great feeling to be able to figure something out and 
feel like your totally not stupid but you axially no something. 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
Sent: November-17-15 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: solution for my video request

Thank you for sharing Zoey. I guess not everyone knows everything so
your shared knowledge was very helpful.

On 11/17/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Hi everyone since no one new how to help me, I asked my friends and did
> some
> investigating on my own and figured it out.
> Just in case someone wants to know how to do it, here's my explanation.
> I could not figure it out using the iPhone, but I did figure it out using
> the computer.  I'm sure the process would be similar for a mac and a pc.
> Basically I went into facebook, I clicked on messages, then I clicked on
> the
> name of the person who sent me the messages.  As I scrolled through the
> messages, I heard graphics. When I got to the video I heard play video and
> I
> clicked on it, now with windows I was given the option to save, but I'm
> sure
> with the mac you could right click and download and save the video.  Now I
> think I can somehow import this video to iTunes and transfer it to my
> iPhone
> if I want.
> Regards
> Zoe
> --
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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pages help please?

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Guys can you give me some basic commands how to navigate text in a pages
document.  Also how to select things by word or line to delete.  Also how
can I know if I'm in the pages document.  Sometimes I hear text of the pages
document but when I click vo right arrow I here menu extras what am I doing
Right now I don't want to do anything fancy I'm copying text and hopefully
pasting in to the right place in pages but when I try to navigate and edit I
can't seem to navigate properly.
Please help?

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found old email with commands but still can't navigate

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi guys sorry to drive you guys crazy.  So I found an old email where
someone gives basic navigation commands for pages.  So i have safari,
finder, and pages open.
I click command tab and cycle through the windows until I hear pages.  Then
I click command up arrow and it takes me to the beginning of the document.
Then I click down arrow to go to the next line but I hear menu extras what
am I doing wrong?
I can't even begin to add shift to these commands to select text because I
can't even navigate properly.  I'm using mavricks if that makes a
difference. Please help me I'm desperate.

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RE: pages help please?

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I have interacted and if I click vo down arrow it moves by line but if I click 
just the down arrow it says menu extras.  I'm so confused, why is it doing this?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
Sent: November-17-15 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: pages help please?


You have to interact with the text edit field with the same command
that you interact with your menus, VO shit down arrow to interact, up
arrow to deinteract.
Could someoneelse chime in on editing commands? I think they are
similar as Jaws involving the shift key to select.

On 11/17/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Guys can you give me some basic commands how to navigate text in a pages
> document.  Also how to select things by word or line to delete.  Also how
> can I know if I'm in the pages document.  Sometimes I hear text of the
> pages
> document but when I click vo right arrow I here menu extras what am I doing
> wrong
> Right now I don't want to do anything fancy I'm copying text and hopefully
> pasting in to the right place in pages but when I try to navigate and edit
> I
> can't seem to navigate properly.
> Please help?
> --
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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RE: pages help please?

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi ann there must  be something else wrong because I've checked and quick nav 
is off.  And the old email I found with the basic navigation commands for pages 
is actually from you to another member.  So I have all the instructions but no 
matter whaat I try I keep getting this menu extras thing and then I hear blue 
tooth, wifi etc.  I try cycling to the open pages document and I hear body and 
voiceover says start typing or something to that effect and as soon as I hit 
the arrow keys we are back to the menu extras I'm so confused any ideas?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: November-17-15 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: pages help please?

Hello Zoe,

First of all, make sure that Quick Nav is off. Interact with the area that 
says: “Body”. This is where you enter text.
You should be able to navigate using the arrow keys without the VO keys and you 
select text by adding the Shift key. So, Shift-Right Arrow will select one 
character to the right. Shift-Option-Right Arrow will select a word to the 

Have you got Tim Sniffen’s free iBook “Mastering the Macintosh with VoiceOver”? 
I really think you’d find it useful.



> On 17 Nov 2015, at 20:31, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> I have interacted and if I click vo down arrow it moves by line but if I 
> click just the down arrow it says menu extras.  I'm so confused, why is it 
> doing this?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
> Sent: November-17-15 2:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: pages help please?
> Zoey,
> You have to interact with the text edit field with the same command
> that you interact with your menus, VO shit down arrow to interact, up
> arrow to deinteract.
> Could someoneelse chime in on editing commands? I think they are
> similar as Jaws involving the shift key to select.
> Thanks,
> Vaughn
> On 11/17/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>> Guys can you give me some basic commands how to navigate text in a pages
>> document.  Also how to select things by word or line to delete.  Also how
>> can I know if I'm in the pages document.  Sometimes I hear text of the
>> pages
>> document but when I click vo right arrow I here menu extras what am I doing
>> wrong
>> Right now I don't want to do anything fancy I'm copying text and hopefully
>> pasting in to the right place in pages but when I try to navigate and edit
>> I
>> can't seem to navigate properly.
>> Please help?
>> --
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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> -- 
> Vaughn Brown
> Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator
> 504-202-8492
> -- 
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> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
oh it's ok, the truth is I've really been working my mind over time and using 
shrook I've been able to figure out how to read a recipe and even copy it and 
paste it into a pages document so now my issues are how to navigate pages and 
edit.  I figure I might as well as figure this out before I even think of 
upgrading.  Something seems to be wrong because no matter what command I use on 
pages I keep hearing menu extras so I'm really stuck but I'm not giving up yet. 
 Thanks for trying

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Agent086b
Sent: November-17-15 3:34 PM
To: Mac List
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

my wife took a look at the site and she can not see any way of switching it to 
Sorry we can’t help.

> On 17 Nov 2015, at 8:37 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> It's in Greek, apparently I've been told the site can be switched to English 
> but can't tell you how it's done.  The website is
> I've been clicking on recent recipes and shrook pops up but I only get as far 
> as the recipe titles with shrook.  I've been searching for hints on how to 
> use shrook but no luck as of yet.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Agent086b
> Sent: November-16-15 4:20 PM
> To: Mac List
> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
> Hi,
> if you would like to provide the link we can take a look. I have a sited wife 
> who may be able to give me some pointers. 
> Max.
>> On 17 Nov 2015, at 8:12 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>> Hi there it's a famous greek chef who infuses traditional greek cooking with 
>> a modern touch.  The website is in Greek so it wouldn't be of any benefit to 
>> you guys, unless you have sited help.  Apparently the boy who tried to help 
>> me last year from the accessibility team at apple was sighted and he was 
>> able to click on a link and switch the website to English.  He actually said 
>> he liked the site and he would try out a few of the recipes.  I don't know 
>> how to switch the web site to English.
>> The problem is I visit the website everyday and with mac I haven't been able 
>> to figure it out.  With windows all I do is go to the website arrow down 
>> with one finger until I hear recent recipes, click enter and then I arrow 
>> down until I hear a title of a recipe that I like and hit enter again.  Then 
>> I arrow through the recipe and hold shift arrow down and copy it and then 
>> paste it into a word document.  Literally the whole process takes me a 
>> minute or so.  I want to do it with the mac because Idon't want to go back 
>> to windows but unfortunately I can't figure it out, and no one on the list 
>> was able to help.  
>> Sincerely 
>> zoe
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
>> Sent: November-16-15 3:53 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
>> So what is your favourite website? Some of us might like to try it.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>>> On 16 Nov 2015, at 20:48, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>>> Yes, you are right about yosemity not being available.  I called apple 
>>> accessibility and they told me the same thing.
>>> I looked under purchased and no cigar, yosemity isn't there.  Since I'm 
>>> such a beginner with the mac and everyone seems to be complaining about el 
>>> capitan I didn't want to complicate things further for my self.  I all 
>>> ready gave up on the mac a year ago when I realized I couldn't navigate my 
>>> favourite web site.  I  guess for now I'll stick with mavricks until 
>>> everyone seems more comfortable with it and hopefully I won't quit this 
>>> time around.
>>> Regards
>>> Zoe
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>>> Sent: November-16-15 2:26 PM
>>> To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
>>> Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
>>> A clean install is throwing away everything on the disk and starting afresh 
>>> just using the new operating system.  Programs, settings, etc. will be 
>>> deleted from the original installation.  It’s a good option because there 
>>> is nothing l

RE: pages help please?

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Sorry what do you me what does your mac say when you po shift at three?
As for the curser I'm going to check it right now
-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: November-17-15 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: pages help please?

It sounds like your voice over cursor is not following your keyboard cursor. 
This could be either a VO shift F3. Or a option with in the voiceover utilities 
the 0F8.

What is your max say when you had PO shift at three?

Jonathan Cohn 

> On Nov 17, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> I have interacted and if I click vo down arrow it moves by line but if I 
> click just the down arrow it says menu extras.  I'm so confused, why is it 
> doing this?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
> Sent: November-17-15 2:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: pages help please?
> Zoey,
> You have to interact with the text edit field with the same command
> that you interact with your menus, VO shit down arrow to interact, up
> arrow to deinteract.
> Could someoneelse chime in on editing commands? I think they are
> similar as Jaws involving the shift key to select.
> Thanks,
> Vaughn
>> On 11/17/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>> Guys can you give me some basic commands how to navigate text in a pages
>> document.  Also how to select things by word or line to delete.  Also how
>> can I know if I'm in the pages document.  Sometimes I hear text of the
>> pages
>> document but when I click vo right arrow I here menu extras what am I doing
>> wrong
>> Right now I don't want to do anything fancy I'm copying text and hopefully
>> pasting in to the right place in pages but when I try to navigate and edit
>> I
>> can't seem to navigate properly.
>> Please help?
>> --
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>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
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> -- 
> Vaughn Brown
> Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator
> 504-202-8492
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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how do i delete the web archive

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hey guys you try to learn one thing and something else comes up.  I'm in
finder documents and I've save a web archive and now I want to delete it how
do I do that?

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i think my settings are wrong

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
  Ok guys all my problems I think are coming from wrong
settings.  Why do I say this?  Well I'm in voiceover utility and I hear
initial position of voiceover cursor, so I vo left and I hear keyboard
focused itempop up button, I vo spacebar and voiceover says your currently
on a menu item, to choose this item press vo space to close this menu press
escape.  I press escape and nothing happends.  Someone mentioned the cursor
tracking might be causing these troubles I'm having well everything in this
section seems to be checked, what do I do?
I have no idea what to set which way any help

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RE: upgrading my mac

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
i did and it said quick nav on so i clicked it again and it said quick nav off. 
 i have pages open right now, i have a blank document, i typed a silly sentence 
and tried to navigate i noticed something strange.  i tried shift arrow down to 
select text by line and voiceover said nothing, but when i somehow got to the 
end of the text and i pressed shift arrow up it selected the text.  So it's 
selecting text upwards but not downwards any ideas?
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Mosen
Sent: November-17-15 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac
Hi Zoe, do you perhaps have QuickNav on? Try pressing the left and right-arrow 
keys together, and see if VO says "QuickNav off". If it reports "QuickNav on", 
press them again, because off is the correct state for the kind of navigation 
you're trying to perform.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
On 18/11/2015, at 9:41 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
oh it's ok, the truth is I've really been working my mind over time and using 
shrook I've been able to figure out how to read a recipe and even copy it and 
paste it into a pages document so now my issues are how to navigate pages and 
edit.  I figure I might as well as figure this out before I even think of 
upgrading.  Something seems to be wrong because no matter what command I use on 
pages I keep hearing menu extras so I'm really stuck but I'm not giving up yet. 
 Thanks for trying

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Agent086b
Sent: November-17-15 3:34 PM
To: Mac List
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

my wife took a look at the site and she can not see any way of switching it to 
Sorry we can’t help.

On 17 Nov 2015, at 8:37 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:

It's in Greek, apparently I've been told the site can be switched to English 
but can't tell you how it's done.  The website is
I've been clicking on recent recipes and shrook pops up but I only get as far 
as the recipe titles with shrook.  I've been searching for hints on how to use 
shrook but no luck as of yet.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Agent086b
Sent: November-16-15 4:20 PM
To: Mac List
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

if you would like to provide the link we can take a look. I have a sited wife 
who may be able to give me some pointers. 

On 17 Nov 2015, at 8:12 AM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:

Hi there it's a famous greek chef who infuses traditional greek cooking with a 
modern touch.  The website is in Greek so it wouldn't be of any benefit to you 
guys, unless you have sited help.  Apparently the boy who tried to help me last 
year from the accessibility team at apple was sighted and he was able to click 
on a link and switch the website to English.  He actually said he liked the 
site and he would try out a few of the recipes.  I don't know how to switch the 
web site to English.
The problem is I visit the website everyday and with mac I haven't been able to 
figure it out.  With windows all I do is go to the website arrow down with one 
finger until I hear recent recipes, click enter and then I arrow down until I 
hear a title of a recipe that I like and hit enter again.  Then I arrow through 
the recipe and hold shift arrow down and copy it and then paste it into a word 
document.  Literally the whole process takes me a minute or so.  I want to do 
it with the mac because Idon't want to go back to windows but unfortunately I 
can't figure it out, and no one on the list was able to help.  
-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: November-16-15 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: upgrading my mac

So what is your favourite website? Some of us might like to try it.



On 16 Nov 2015, at 20:48, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:

Yes, you are right about yosemity not being available.  I called apple 
accessibility and they told me the same thing.
I looked under purchased and no cigar, yosemity isn't there.  Since I'm such a 
beginner with the mac and everyone seems to be complaining about el capitan I 
didn't want to complicate things further for my self.  I all ready gave up on 
the mac a year ago when I realized I couldn't navigate my favourite web site.  
I  guess for now I'll stick with mavricks until everyone seems more comfortable 
with it and hopefully I won't quit this time around.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.

RE: how do i delete the web archive

2015-11-17 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
You are absalutely right, thanks so much it’s the mac and windows back and 
forth thing.  Not to mention trying to memorize all these new commands.
Thanks so much
From: [] 
Sent: November-17-15 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: how do i delete the web archive
Like any other file. Select the file you want to delete and then hit 
command+delete. I'm always forgetting that it's not just the single delete key 
when I go back and forth between Mac and Windows.

On 11/17/15 8:18 PM, Zoe Fiogkos wrote:
Hey guys you try to learn one thing and something else comes up.  I’m in finder 
documents and I’ve save a web archive and now I want to delete it how do I do 
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RE: where do i find my info on the mac

2015-11-18 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Because I don't know how to use the mac yet, I have nothing on there, no 
photos, no music, no documents, absolutely nothing.  I do have a few usb keys 
but not an external drive.  How much space will I need to have to make a backup 
of the system?s

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: November-18-15 7:42 AM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: where do i find my info on the mac

Hey Zoe,

I really think you should find somewhere to put at least your critical 
stuff—documents and whatnot.  Don’t worry about the software on your Mac until 
you have made certain that your stuff is safe.  iCloud Drive, if you don’t mind 
Apple keeping it for you, is one such place.

Then, yes, it’s a good idea to have an external drive from which to do your 
installs or onto which you make your backups.  If you put your critical stuff 
into iCloud drive, then you could get a cheap USB hard disk or pen drive, and 
use it to put the OS X installation app onto.  That way you can easily and 
reliably get yourself out of a bind when you really screw it up, for whatever 
reason.  You will need nothing more to set up, and restore from iCloud or your 
backup disk.


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RE: i think my settings are wrong

2015-11-18 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I did that as well, as I said in a previous message, I have a feeling some of 
my settings must be causing this because I checked in voiceover utility and a 
lot of things are checked, when it comes to mouse, keyboard, and cursor.  In 
one section everything is checked.  I’m at a loss, I thought I would give the 
mac another go and now it seems like I’m not going to make it.  I can’t afford 
lessons at this moment.  Paid lessons are not out of the question but just not 
now.  It doesn’t seem like anyone on the list can figure it out either.  Sorry 
for sounding so down but I’m just very sad that I cannot seem to progress.
Thanks for listening all
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Rachel Feinberg
Sent: November-17-15 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: i think my settings are wrong
Try to turn cursor tracking on by pressing vo+shift+F3. 
Control+option+shift+F3. If cursor tracking is on, then let us know, and we'll 
continue troubleshooting.

On 11/17/2015 5:39 PM, Zoe Fiogkos wrote:
  Ok guys all my problems I think are coming from wrong settings.  
Why do I say this?  Well I’m in voiceover utility and I hear initial position 
of voiceover cursor, so I vo left and I hear keyboard focused itempop up 
button, I vo spacebar and voiceover says your currently on a menu item, to 
choose this item press vo space to close this menu press escape.  I press 
escape and nothing happends.  Someone mentioned the cursor tracking might be 
causing these troubles I’m having well everything in this section seems to be 
checked, what do I do?
I have no idea what to set which way any help
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RE: where do i find my info on the mac

2015-11-18 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
thank you so much, you have helped me more then anyone else.  I appreciate it 
so much.  Even though I'm ready to give up because of the pages and menu extras 
thing I might try the upgrading thing and hopefully that might solve some 
things for me.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: November-18-15 10:50 AM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: where do i find my info on the mac

Fair enough, but make sure you have a copy of what you need at least, when the 
time comes.

To find the amount of space required for a backup, you can go to System 
Preferences, Time Machine, then press the Options button.  In the dialog is 
listed, somewhere, the full amount of space required.  A bit more than the 
typical USB key.

However, a USB key is just fine for copying your essential files.  So, whenever 
you save something important, copy it to the key.  When you’re upgraded you can 
just use the key to restore your files, or iCloud Drive.


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RE: pages help please?

2015-11-18 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi Ann,  I plan to eventually get some lessons, but unfortunately that isn't 
possible right now.  A few questions if you don't mind.  Are you the Ann that 
does the pages lessons, if yes could you contact me privately and give details 
of the cost and outline of what you teach exactly.  Secondly I'm sorry if I 
sound repetitive but something is very strange, I don't know if you have sight 
or anyone who is reading this message has some site.  It's very strange and the 
body of pages I can see the text and I can select text with the shift arrow up 
from the end of the text towards the top but not from the top towards the 
bottom.  And in the caption field at the bottom of the screen there is an arrow 
pointing up.  Even if I'm at the beginning of the document the arrow never 
points down.  What do you think of that?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: November-18-15 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: pages help please?

Hello Zoe,

As you’re a complete beginner on the Mac, Pages is not the most appropriate 
word processor for you to be using.
If you open your Applications folder while in the Finder by pressing 
Cmd-Shift-a, you should find TextEdit. This is a much simpler program and 
should do what you want.
To put TextEdit into your Dock, just open it, then go to the Dock where it will 
appear. Get a contextual menu on it in the Dock by pressing VO-Shift-m and 
select Keep in Dock.

When you open TextEdit, you’ll be on the text area. Interact with this and the 
rest should be simple.



> On 18 Nov 2015, at 01:44, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Sorry what do you me what does your mac say when you po shift at three?
> As for the curser I'm going to check it right now
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
> Sent: November-17-15 5:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: pages help please?
> It sounds like your voice over cursor is not following your keyboard cursor. 
> This could be either a VO shift F3. Or a option with in the voiceover 
> utilities the 0F8.
> What is your max say when you had PO shift at three?
> Jonathan Cohn 
>> On Nov 17, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>> I have interacted and if I click vo down arrow it moves by line but if I 
>> click just the down arrow it says menu extras.  I'm so confused, why is it 
>> doing this?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
>> Sent: November-17-15 2:24 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: pages help please?
>> Zoey,
>> You have to interact with the text edit field with the same command
>> that you interact with your menus, VO shit down arrow to interact, up
>> arrow to deinteract.
>> Could someoneelse chime in on editing commands? I think they are
>> similar as Jaws involving the shift key to select.
>> Thanks,
>> Vaughn
>>> On 11/17/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
>>> Guys can you give me some basic commands how to navigate text in a pages
>>> document.  Also how to select things by word or line to delete.  Also how
>>> can I know if I'm in the pages document.  Sometimes I hear text of the
>>> pages
>>> document but when I click vo right arrow I here menu extras what am I doing
>>> wrong
>>> Right now I don't want to do anything fancy I'm copying text and hopefully
>>> pasting in to the right place in pages but when I try to navigate and edit
>>> I
>>> can't seem to navigate properly.
>>> Please help?
>>> --
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>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> ---
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RE: i think my settings are wrong

2015-11-18 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I think your right.
Where in the world are you, so I can see if you are covered under my calling 
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Cohn
Sent: November-18-15 5:00 PM
To: macvisionaries
Subject: Re: i think my settings are wrong
It is heard to tell what is going on from just your short descriptions. I think 
there are two possibilities. 
1. Get one of us on the phone so we can hear what your computer is saying.
2. Upgrade to 10.11 using an erase of the disk first, then it will be like 
having a completely new computer.
If you want to contact me off list, I would be glad to work you through this 
issue. doing a clean install
A clean install is really not that difficult, after starting the install 
process, you go into disk utility and tell it to delete the partition where the 
operating system is.
On 18 November 2015 at 09:31, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
I did that as well, as I said in a previous message, I have a feeling some of 
my settings must be causing this because I checked in voiceover utility and a 
lot of things are checked, when it comes to mouse, keyboard, and cursor.  In 
one section everything is checked.  I’m at a loss, I thought I would give the 
mac another go and now it seems like I’m not going to make it.  I can’t afford 
lessons at this moment.  Paid lessons are not out of the question but just not 
now.  It doesn’t seem like anyone on the list can figure it out either.  Sorry 
for sounding so down but I’m just very sad that I cannot seem to progress.
Thanks for listening all
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Rachel Feinberg
Sent: November-17-15 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: i think my settings are wrong
Try to turn cursor tracking on by pressing vo+shift+F3. 
Control+option+shift+F3. If cursor tracking is on, then let us know, and we'll 
continue troubleshooting.
On 11/17/2015 5:39 PM, Zoe Fiogkos wrote:
  Ok guys all my problems I think are coming from wrong settings.  
Why do I say this?  Well I’m in voiceover utility and I hear initial position 
of voiceover cursor, so I vo left and I hear keyboard focused itempop up 
button, I vo spacebar and voiceover says your currently on a menu item, to 
choose this item press vo space to close this menu press escape.  I press 
escape and nothing happends.  Someone mentioned the cursor tracking might be 
causing these troubles I’m having well everything in this section seems to be 
checked, what do I do?
I have no idea what to set which way any help
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how do i begin?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi guys,  I have decided to upgrade my mac, and took the advice of a member
who said to back up my system.  Apperantly I need 28.8 gb of space to back
up and I have I u s b key that has 59 gb of space so my questions are two,
but let's begin with the first.
Do I need to format this key somehow to use with the imac?  Or do I just
connect and ready to go?

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RE: how do i begin?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Ok I have an external but it's got a lot of music and stuff on it.  I could 
transfer things onto the little key and make room on that for the back up.  If 
you around in an hour or so, look for my mail if you can to help me proceed 
with the external.  On the external there is a section that says mac I don't 
know if I have to connect it and click that tab and do something or what?  
Anyhow if anyone can chime in here I would appreciate it.  For now let me make 
room on the c gate.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: November-20-15 12:13 PM
Subject: RE: how do i begin?

Hello Zoe,

When you say a USB key, are you referring to one of those little key-fob like 
devices that are smaller than the size of an average finger?   If so, I’m not 
certain I would use such a device to serve as the storage media for my backups. 
 All things being equal, they are remarkably slow.  While these little USB keys 
are marvelous for quickly transferring or even transporting data files, they 
would definitely not be my device of choice.

If you have the money, I would recommend that you go to your local technology 
retailer and purchase a portable USB hard drive.  In the USA, for example, one 
can acquire such a device at Best Buy for approximately $50.

Of course, this is just my opinion.


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Zoe Fiogkos
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 7:39 AM
Subject: how do i begin?

Hi guys,  I have decided to upgrade my mac, and took the advice of a member who 
said to back up my system.  Apperantly I need 28.8 gb of space to back up and I 
have I u s b key that has 59 gb of space so my questions are two, but let’s 
begin with the first.
Do I need to format this key somehow to use with the imac?  Or do I just 
connect and ready to go?
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ok got an external now what?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Ok never mind the hard drive is 2 tb and I have a lot of space on it.  
So what do I do now?  How to I back up my system before attempting the
upgrade to el capitan?  When I go into the external there is something
called mac installer.dmg 
So do I conect the hard drive and then click that?

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RE: ok got an external now what?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Hi there, I connected the drive to the mac and I clicked the mac instal dmg 
file and it asked me if I want this drive for the mac and the pc and of course 
I said yes.  Anyhow long story short I restarted the computer and according to 
the mac the install was successful.
How do I view the files on this drive? And how do I start the back up? Anyone 
have ideas?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
Sent: November-20-15 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: ok got an external now what?


I could be wrong but you use TimeMachine to back up your system. Think
of it as a Windows Backup.
I hope someone can give further clarification.

On 11/20/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Ok never mind the hard drive is 2 tb and I have a lot of space on it.
> So what do I do now?  How to I back up my system before attempting the
> upgrade to el capitan?  When I go into the external there is something
> called mac installer.dmg
> So do I conect the hard drive and then click that?
> --
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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RE: ok got an external now what?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
Oh George thanks so much.  Will this back up straight to the drive? Once this 
is done will voiceover inform me?  If it does can I then upgrade to el capitan?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of george b
Sent: November-20-15 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: ok got an external now what?

Do the following
Voice over and m m

This is control option m m and you are in the extra menu across the top of the 
Now voice over and right arrow to you hear time capseul then voice over and 
down arrow in the menu to what you want
The first is backup and if you do a voice over and spacebar it will start the 
first backup and it will take a while for the first one just let it go.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Zoe Fiogkos
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 10:30
Subject: RE: ok got an external now what?

Hi there, I connected the drive to the mac and I clicked the mac instal dmg 
file and it asked me if I want this drive for the mac and the pc and of course 
I said yes.  Anyhow long story short I restarted the computer and according to 
the mac the install was successful.
How do I view the files on this drive? And how do I start the back up? Anyone 
have ideas?

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Vaughn Brown
Sent: November-20-15 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: ok got an external now what?


I could be wrong but you use TimeMachine to back up your system. Think of it as 
a Windows Backup.
I hope someone can give further clarification.

On 11/20/15, Zoe Fiogkos  wrote:
> Ok never mind the hard drive is 2 tb and I have a lot of space on it.
> So what do I do now?  How to I back up my system before attempting the 
> upgrade to el capitan?  When I go into the external there is something 
> called mac installer.dmg So do I conect the hard drive and then click 
> that?
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Vaughn Brown
Berklee College of Music Graduate, Bachelor in Music, Drummer, educator

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should it be taking this long?

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
All most 3 hours ago I clicked menu extras, time machine, back up now.  I
have an external drive connected should it be taking this long?  How can I
know the progress or time left for the back up to finish?

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back up failed

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
I saw a message that said something to the effect of back up failed because
the back up disk
Is ntot a mac osx extended journal format which is required.  I like the
fact that I clicked when installing the drive mac install dmg and it asked
me if I want to use this drive for pc and mac. It told me that the drive was
installed successfully so now what do I do how do I proceed?  There must be
someone who can help me.  

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RE: back up failed

2015-11-20 Thread Zoe Fiogkos
First of all I don’t know how to do that.  Second of all I have a lot of files 
on there that I use on my windows pc.  That’s why I tried to install the drive 
on the mac and when it said option for mac and pc I said yes but unfortunately 
it says something like about paragon and that it’s not compatable.  So now I’m 
stuck again.  Don’t know what to do.
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dionipher Presas Herrera
Sent: November-20-15 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: back up failed
format the disk to os mac extended
Il giorno 20 nov 2015, alle ore 11:42 PM, Zoe Fiogkos  ha 
I saw a message that said something to the effect of back up failed because the 
back up disk
Is ntot a mac osx extended journal format which is required.  I like the fact 
that I clicked when installing the drive mac install dmg and it asked me if I 
want to use this drive for pc and mac. It told me that the drive was installed 
successfully so now what do I do how do I proceed?  There must be someone who 
can help me.  
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