voice over keys..

2011-07-10 Thread mário gabriel
hi folks.
somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and comand?

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Re: voice over keys..

2011-07-10 Thread mário gabriel
hi missy.
yes your help mi nice.

From: Missy Hoppe 
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:16 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: RE: voice over keys..

The VO keys are control and option. Command is not considered one of the VO 
keys. So, for example, to go into keyboard help mode, you'd press control, 
option and the letter K.
Good luck, and hope that answers your question.

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of mário gabriel
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 9:11 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: voice over keys..

hi folks.
somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and comand?

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Re: voice over keys..

2011-07-10 Thread mário gabriel
hi brother.
 thanks foryour information
very good.

From: Red.Falcon 
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:27 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: voice over keys..

Hi mário! 
Sure the vo keys are at the left of the space bar!
>From very left to right 
fn, control, option and command

The control and option keys are the vo [voiceover ] keys!
Each end of the space bar are command keys and to right of the right command 
key is another option key!
hth Colin
If you press vo+k that will put you in keyboard help and you can press all 
kinds of key combinations to find out what or if they do!
And when you've had enough of that just press escape!
Until you press escape what ever keys you press will not do anything but tell 
you what they do, so you cannot hurt anything!
After pressing escape you'll be back in normal use!

On 10 Jul 2011, at 14:11, mário gabriel wrote:

  hi folks.
  somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and command?

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Re: voice over keys..

2011-07-12 Thread mário gabriel
hi christopher.
no my friend, I’m not italian.
I’m from portugal.
sorry for not   typing well.
but understanding very well inglish.
thanks brother foryour atencion .
God bless you to.
mário gabriel.
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 2:54 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: voice over keys..

OK.  I only am going to write in italian this one time on list seeing this list 
is for english speakers, but I figured I'd at least give it a try.  Based on 
his name, I'm assuming he's italian.  I'll write the english translation below, 
don't worry.  I just want to be absolutely sure he understands what we mean, as 
the english is slightly broken.  Absolutely not his falt.  Feel free to say on 
list.  We absolutely welcome you!  Again, I'm very very rusty, I'm  warning you 
all, and also, to all mods etc. know, I am *not* going to sit here and 
constantly translate all replies to him.  don't even ask me to. It's not gonna 
happen.  LOL!

I'm doing it this once, but past that...

but just to make sure he fully understands, and because I need the practice I'm 
gonna give this a shot.  I'm probably gonna mingle mang this to shreds, but 
here it goes...


Collin pensa ciò lei ha una tastiera di computer Ciò ha un bottone di FN.  Se 
lei non ha un bottone di FB, i suoi bottoni di vo saranno il primo due bottoni 
Sulla fila molto inferiore lasciata di bottoni.

Dio la benedice,


Basically what I said was:


Collin is thinking that you have a computer keyboard that has an FN key.  If 
you do not have an FN key, your vo keys are the two farthest left keys on the 
bottom row of the keyboard.

God bless you,


...End of translation...

  - Original Message - 
  From: mário gabriel 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 9:44 AM
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  hi brother.
  thanks foryour information
  very good.

  From: Red.Falcon 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 2:27 PM
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Subject: Re: voice over keys..

  Hi mário! 
  Sure the vo keys are at the left of the space bar!
  From very left to right 
  fn, control, option and command

  The control and option keys are the vo [voiceover ] keys!
  Each end of the space bar are command keys and to right of the right command 
key is another option key!
  hth Colin
  If you press vo+k that will put you in keyboard help and you can press all 
kinds of key combinations to find out what or if they do!
  And when you've had enough of that just press escape!
  Until you press escape what ever keys you press will not do anything but tell 
you what they do, so you cannot hurt anything!
  After pressing escape you'll be back in normal use!

  On 10 Jul 2011, at 14:11, mário gabriel wrote:

hi folks.
somebody tell me Which are the keys vo and command?

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Re: changing the function keys?

2011-07-14 Thread mário gabriel
go to apple preferncies sistem, click in keyboard , choose keyboard again and 
select wat you want.
mário gabreil.

From: Kliph&Sharrie 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 5:28 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
Subject: changing the function keys?

What I mean is to change the function keys so I can use f11 for getting to the 
system tray, and f 12 to check the time.  Would anyone happen to know how to do 
this?  Right now, if I want to do either of these things, I have to hold the 
function key down, then push the corresponding function key, kind of a hassle.


Kliphton SR

(twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72

(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com

(Marrriage group) http://groups.google.com/group/committed-married-christians

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From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:12 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question


Hello Kliphton,


I’m not sure of what you mean by switching the function keys to non-media but 
what I am certain of is that any changes you make within the virtual machine 
will effect only the virtual machine’s environment.  


I am sure there must be an exception to this genral rule-of-thumb somewhere but 
I have yet to encounter  it.  






From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Kliph&Sharrie
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 7:30 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question


Not the great Mark Taylor!lol   Yes I have found it to be pretty handy once I 
got use to it.  I think I have one more issue.  If I switch the function keys 
to non media, will that effect the Mac side of things?  


Kliphton SR

(twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72

(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com

(Marrriage group) http://groups.google.com/group/committed-married-christians

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From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 8:49 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question


Hello Kliphton,  


Thank you for the answer to how you got your virtual machine to recognize/see 
your network attached storage.


To answer your next question, “Yes”; backing up your virtual machine means that 
you will not have to reinstall or authorize any Windows software.


Kliphton, keep in mind that, regardless of how it may appear from within 
Fusion, your entire virtual machine, complete with all of its settings and 
installed software, is nothing but a single file.  As such, merely copying the 
file to another folder or drive on your Mac constitutes a backup, such as it 


I cannot remember where the file is stored but it’s pretty easy to locate using 
Finder when you are not running Fusion.  


Generally speaking, once I get my virtual machine tweaked just right, I copy 
the file to a remote destination; then, should something go wrong on the 
virtual machine, I simply copy it back to the appropriate destination and I’m 
back in business.  


It works kind of like a poor man’s version of Windows Steady-State, one of the 
best pieces of software I’ve ever used.







From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Kliph&Sharrie
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 6:09 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: nas storage finally connected, and a USB speaker question


Well, instead of interacting with the tool bar with the voice over navigation, 
I went to the apple menu and arrowed over to virtual machine menu.  Once there 
I arrowed down until I came to network adapter  sub menu.  Once there I made 
sure network adapter was connected as well as the network to bridge directly to 
my network, if you don’t tell it to bridge directly, and just auto connect, it 
will just share the connection with the apple side and not see everything on 
your network.  By bridging directly it saw my nas storage, as well as my router 
and xbox360.  It’s pretty easy once you know what you’re doing.  I didn’t so 
had to ask questions and play around a little bit.  Another question I have.  
If I back up my VM machine, does that mean I don’t have to activate any of my 
software again when I import it?  Like office, jaws, and anything else saved 
within it?  That’s what someone on another list told me.


Kliphton SR

(twitter) http://twitter.com/kliphton72

(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogspot.com

(Marrriage group) http://groups.google.com/group/committed-married-christians

Sent From my Imac 


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Wednesda

Re: helpful VO MP3 files

2011-07-21 Thread mário gabriel

hi brother.
thanks , for your atencion.
god bless you.
-Mensagem Original- 
From: Ronald McEwan

Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 3:06 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: helpful VO MP3 files

Please find attached documentation pointing to some useful tips for using VO 
with lion.

In the Journey,


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Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-22 Thread mário gabriel

hi cristopher.
thanks for yourcorage.
suner or later, day will understand.
apple are very irresponsability.
sorry for not tiping well.
bod bless you brother.

-Mensagem Original- 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland

Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2011 3:50 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

I wouldn't so much say that they are losing commitment, as much as I'd say,
they seem to be getting very sloppy.  I mean, ok, here's my thing.  I
totally am with all you all in saying everyone just chill.  the only reason
I'm keeping my stance so strong on this is the fact that look at this.  I
mean, this looks like we should still be running a beta with all these bugs.
come on, lookit!  We have some beta testers on here, do we not?  Admit it,
did you all see any of these bugs?  If not, then wow.  I apologize.  Really
I do.  I'm then out of lign severely, and for that, I'm ashamed of myself,
but, really, think about this for justa minute.  OK, you all can shoot me, I
know you may want me to shut up, as does a few people who we won't mention,
but, if they and all you others will please I beg you, just! for once, hear
me out for a second.

If you will, and will at least acknowledge me, then I'll perhaps shut up.

Just let me have this for a sec.

Look, let's addres this from a fact stand point rather than a Chris's
opinion standpoint, ok?

this way it's more fair.

1.  We all agree this is a new O S, right?

2.  We all agree that things are very buggy in many areas, right?  Uh dab
dab dap? Holdit!  I'm not done, listen to me!  I'm still talking.  You'll
get your chance.  I didn't ask you all if th3e problems can be addressed in
a software update.  I'll address that in a second.  right now, we're just
looking at the facts.  OK?  So I repeat:

2.  Is it not true, that we all agree that lots of things are buggy?  Yes,
or no.

3.  Do we all agree that these are problems that should have probably been
addressed at least to some extent during the beta cycle before the official
release?  Yes or no>?

4.  Do we all agree that most of these bugs can be delt with and tollerated
to some degree?

OK then.

I think we all agree on all the above, so why such hostility toward me and
everyone else on list by some members.  Look, I feel you all's frustration,
we just want things to work, but we also are getting frustrated at the
nonconstructive messages cluttering the inbox of many.  But, there is a
delete key, and I assure you, things will die down once Lion is more
progressed.  Right now, everyone is just kind of in that what the bird state
right now.

do we need to chill?  OK, maybe so, but, really people, do you really think
that an O S should be this buggy before official release?  I know you all
don't like hearing what I'm saying, and it's pissing you all off hearing it,
but that's because I am not afraid to speak my mind nor the truth.  The
blunt truth is, at least in my view of things, Apple is beginning to fail
miserably at there line of duty with accessibilty.  Now, does this mean I'm
saying that they are purposefully? doing this?  No!  Mark it in red what I
say here:  Ab, suh, lootly? not!  I think they're just becoming more and
more lazy, maybe not wanting to be so involved.  Maybe they're trying to
take on too much at once.  I, don't, know!  I don't know what goes on behind
the scenes there?  I probably don't, wanna? know!  The point is, we really
can't make accusations, can we!  We don't know if they're really working
behind the scene or not.  So, on the one hand, should we probably just
chill?  Yes, but, having said that, is it mortally wrong for me to
constructively complain about observations I've found?  Yes.  Is it
justifiable to say negative things about bugs I find which we all knkow
exist?  Yes!  It's just an observation/opinion people? It's not your spouce
who won't... umm... I'm not finishing that... LOL!  ROFL!

You get the point.

So in my defense, I ask jpeole, please be more gentle with me.  I'm only
trying to help you all, and make suggestions.  I may come on harsh at times,
I know I do, but for god sake, cut me some slack! I'm frustrated! Can you
blame me?  Are we not all at one point or another in life?  Bluntly? Deal
with it, or don't read my mail! It's not rocket science!

OK, I'm not gonna keep ranting and raving about htis. I've said my peace and
hopefully've been heard.  Enough is enough, in all respect fiarness to all
of you all.  I rest my case.


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Re: Voice Over Manual for Lion?

2011-07-27 Thread mário gabriel

   hi david.
brother please send the link zipp manual mp3.
apple dont do nothing.
be a nice guy.
best regards.

-Mensagem Original- 
From: David Tanner

Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:01 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Voice Over Manual for Lion?

Well I realize that it takes a little bit of work, but the link takes you to
the table of contents of the manual.  So go to the link that takes you to
chapter 1.  Once that chapter is up go to the file menu in IE and save the
page as chapter 1.  I saved it as a HTML file and as a plain text file.
Then I went back to the menu and went and brought up chapter 2. And did the
same with that chapter until I had finished all the chapters and the two
appendix pages.

Then since I wanted even more flexability I took the text files into my
favorite OCR software and had my favorite OCR software convert them into MP3
files so that I also have the entire manual in audio too.

Yes, it took a little while to do this, but since I have a rather fast
computer I finished the entire project in a couple of hours and now have the
manual on my Book Sense and in the public folder of my dropbox so I have
access to it from wherever I am and might need it.

Now if I was a nice guy I would zip the whole thing into one file and give
people a link to it, but I am not sure that Apple would be happy if I did
that so I am not going to take that chance.

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Henrichsen" 

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: Voice Over Manual for Lion?

Hi. The problem with this link is that you have to remain in front of your 
computer in order to read the manual. It's just an index file. Downloading 
it won't help much as there is nothing for the index to find.

You can't put this file onto another device such as a vr stream or bp.

On Jul 24, 2011, at 4:44 PM, David Tanner wrote:

Someone nicely passed along the link yesterday afternoon.  Here it is. 


- Original Message - From: "Michael Busboom" 
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Voice Over Manual for Lion?

Hello everyone,

I went to the Apple accessibility page and looked for the VO manual for 
Lion, but I came up empty.  I won't be able to install Lion for another 
week or so, but I had hoped to be able to read the manual in advance.

Would someone be willing to send it to me off-list if it comes unbundled 
from Lion?  If I am unknowingly asking you to do something illegal, then 
by no means should you accommodate me. :)

Best regards,


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perian pack codex.

2012-12-22 Thread mário gabriel

I'm having a very strange problem with QuickTime on my Mac ... I'm playing a 
video in AVI, but the video keeps crashing, 6 in 6 seconds or so ... I do not 
know why ... I installed Perian codecs package. This problem is very strange! I 
say that the problem is strange because I installed Perian at 19:00. I started 
watching a movie and usually several videos in AVI, but after a while, the 
videos started to hang. Play back the first video I saw after installing Perian 
and he also gets freezing! I do not know what might be going on ... I know 
there are other apps to play videos on Mac, but I liked the Quick Time. I would 
not want to stop using it.
Help me, please!

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Re: ML .1 changed Mail again.

2012-08-24 Thread mário gabriel

hi verónica.
great song, Prayer for a Soldier
please if you create more songs, let me know.
If you make me this favor, send me your songs to my mail:
I am the mário of Portugal.
girl let me tell you that you're beautiful, I love your voice, and you made 
me cry.

Oh girl I think I 'm in love!
Long Life to Veronica.

-Mensagem Original- 
From: Veronica Elsea

Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 4:19 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: ML .1 changed Mail again.

Okay everyone! Ummm, urr, uh, oops! Head down, tail between leggs, boy
do I feel stupid! 
So, public appology oh Macbook air! I had been playing around in Safari
and forgot that I'd taken out my activity which I'd created. So, ahem,
guess who forgot to turn off Quick Nav? Umm, now I know what happens in
Mail when I make that silly mistake again. Sheesh! Guess it's time to
put that activity back, eh?
Sheesh! Can anyone think of a good reason not to have Quick Nav
automatically turn on when entering Safari? Thanks and please forgive
the stupid mistake.


Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On 8/23/2012 7:56 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

Okay, I'm going to go gray before this Macbook is done with me! 
After playing with Safari, I just thought I'd restart and see what
happens. Then I thought I'd check my mail. Two things. Did anyone else
notice that the first time you go into Safari and the first time you
opened mail in 10.8.1, you heard that sound you get when sending mail or
opening up Mission control?
Anyway, after that, I went into Mail and boy does it look weird. I know
we've had zillions of discussions about preview panes and all of that
but I haven't see it look like this before. When mail opens, I'm usually
set to classic view, which I still am. I have preview pane gone. Usually
I come up in the messages table where I can up and down arrow through
messages. It comes in and says messages table, inbox, 135 of 136. Okay,
I'm sitting on message number 136. If I up arrow, I hear, horrizontal
splitter. If I down arrow, I hear horrizontal splitter. If I Vo-left
arrow to the mailboxes table, I can hear the current mailbox but none of
the rest of them. I can interact with the table, but then I can't easily
get to the list of messages where I used to be able to up and down arrow
without interacting, getting to hear all of the column information at
once. Does this mean that the preview pane is back? Guess I'm going to
have to keep those instructions set right by the computer if every time
the operating system gets a snack, preview is back. Sheesh!
Now let's see if I can hunt those instructions down. Good grief! Thanks
for any help.


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Re: ML .1 changed Mail again.

2012-08-24 Thread mário gabriel

hi verónica.
sorry I had not seen the link:
Laurel Creek Music Designs
oh woman you are the star that shines most among the stars.
I heard the samples of your albums and I was delighted.
my god how I loved the songs of guide dogs.
they made me remember my dog.
never a woman before me had done so much crying like a child!
verónica you are simply a wonderful woman
one heartbreaker!
Now I will continue to read everything and hear everything that is on site.
God bless you woman star.
Long Life to Veronica.

-Mensagem Original- 
From: Veronica Elsea

Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 4:19 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: ML .1 changed Mail again.

Okay everyone! Ummm, urr, uh, oops! Head down, tail between leggs, boy
do I feel stupid! 
So, public appology oh Macbook air! I had been playing around in Safari
and forgot that I'd taken out my activity which I'd created. So, ahem,
guess who forgot to turn off Quick Nav? Umm, now I know what happens in
Mail when I make that silly mistake again. Sheesh! Guess it's time to
put that activity back, eh?
Sheesh! Can anyone think of a good reason not to have Quick Nav
automatically turn on when entering Safari? Thanks and please forgive
the stupid mistake.


Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On 8/23/2012 7:56 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

Okay, I'm going to go gray before this Macbook is done with me! 
After playing with Safari, I just thought I'd restart and see what
happens. Then I thought I'd check my mail. Two things. Did anyone else
notice that the first time you go into Safari and the first time you
opened mail in 10.8.1, you heard that sound you get when sending mail or
opening up Mission control?
Anyway, after that, I went into Mail and boy does it look weird. I know
we've had zillions of discussions about preview panes and all of that
but I haven't see it look like this before. When mail opens, I'm usually
set to classic view, which I still am. I have preview pane gone. Usually
I come up in the messages table where I can up and down arrow through
messages. It comes in and says messages table, inbox, 135 of 136. Okay,
I'm sitting on message number 136. If I up arrow, I hear, horrizontal
splitter. If I down arrow, I hear horrizontal splitter. If I Vo-left
arrow to the mailboxes table, I can hear the current mailbox but none of
the rest of them. I can interact with the table, but then I can't easily
get to the list of messages where I used to be able to up and down arrow
without interacting, getting to hear all of the column information at
once. Does this mean that the preview pane is back? Guess I'm going to
have to keep those instructions set right by the computer if every time
the operating system gets a snack, preview is back. Sheesh!
Now let's see if I can hunt those instructions down. Good grief! Thanks
for any help.


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