downloading and reading epub ebooks help please?

2010-07-06 Thread kary johns
Hi all.
I apologise if this has been covered on this list already, But I've
been sick, so haven't been able to keep up with the lists like I
usually do, so please bear with me.

I'm trying to read epub formatted books I've bought online from
Borders, and am not having much luck.
I've bought the book, and installed the kobo reader or what ever it's
called that the website tells me to install.  But when ever I try to
download the book the app opens, and all I can get  voiceover to say
is unknown.  So basically can someone tell me how to download and read
epub books on the mac?
I'd like to be able to transfer them to other devices to, but I'll
settle for just being able to read what I've baught
Can some one please help, I've been playing with this for nearly 2
days now, and am incredibly frustrated now!

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Vo no longer reading characters

2010-07-30 Thread kary johns
Hoping someone can help hear.
I'm not shore what's happening, so I'll try to explain as best I  can.
 I turned my Mac on this morning to find that  voiceover  won't read
by letter's when I use the left and right arrow keys, it will only
read by words.
Also using  tables seamsbe acting strangely, but I cant quite pin point how.
I think I've turned something on  or off by mistake, but can't for the
life of me work out what r how to fix it.
The only way I can get it to read by letter's is to hold down shift vo
command  and then press left or right arrow, I used to be able to just
use the arrow keys on there own in text edit to read by letter.
The arrow keys just aren't acting like the usually would. It's
incredably frustrating torying to work like this.
 Everything in voiceover utilities seams to be set rite.
Does anyone no what I might have done?
Thanks for any help,

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apology and thanks to those who have helped me recently

2010-08-09 Thread kary johns
Hi guys,
I just wan't to apologise for not replying or thanking the people who
have answered my questions in the last couple of months,
Some health issues that have come out of no ware have really thrown me
for a loop.
I've been checking my gmail account very rarely , and it's only a very
 quick glance through then.
I would like to thank people individually, but I had to do a mass
deletion.  There were just to many messages to wade through. (smile)

I Think i'm  starting to get on top of things again, so hopefully I
can start to contribute to this list again.
Thanks again for all the help and suggestions, it is appreciated.


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gMail won't download new messages

2013-02-08 Thread kary johns
Hi guys.
Really hoping  some one can help hear.
I had to replace my mac book pro a few days ago, my old one died completely.
I setup all my mail accounts on the new one, and up to last night everything 
was working fine.
I tried to check my gmail last night wen I came home from work, and couldn't 
get it to download any new mail.  My bigpond is working fine, just the gmail 
refuses to download new messages.  I've deleted and and recreated the account 
several times and still nothing. If I go to get new mail  in the menu bar, it 
says it's dimmed. I haven't changed any settings.  I've logged  in to gmail 
through the website and everything is working fine, and as you can see I can 
still send mail.
Has anyone got any ideas  what I can do to get it working  again? 

Thanks in advance, 
A frustrated! Kari. 

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A new Mac user with a few questions.

2010-06-11 Thread kary johns
Hi list.
I bought my Mac about a week ago, I’ve been an iPhone user for about 6
or so months. I love my iPhone, so I  decided to take the plunge and
by a Mac. I like it so far.
I do have a few questions though.
When I’m reading documents with “vo keys  A”VO seams to just stop
around the end of every paragraph,  Is there a way to stop this? Or am
I doing something wrong.
It’s incredibly annoying as I quite often read long documents for uni,
or occasionally ebooks on my windows laptop with JAWS, and I’d like to
be able to do the same on my Mac.
Also, Should I get a virus or spy wear program? And if so, which one
do people recommend to use with vo?

I’m shore I’ll have more simple questions, but I’d never even used a
Mac till last Friday. (smile)

Thanks for any help.

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Re: A new Mac user with a few questions.

2010-06-13 Thread kary johns
Thanks for the help guys, I'm loveing my mac more and more each day.

On 6/13/10, Allison Manzino  wrote:
> Hi Kari,
> I'm sure someone on this list has answered all your questions by now, but
> here's my little two cents :).  I think to read an entire document with
> VoiceOver, you have to press VO and A. That tells VoiceOver to read the
> document from where the cursor is till the end. I don't believe that you
> need a Spyware or antivirus program for the Mac, but another list member
> would be able to help you with this one. I currently don't have anything
> like that installed on this Macbook. I've been a Windows user for ages, and
> use Trend Micro on my Windows machines. I love the Mac, and only have my
> Windows PCs around for the programs that I absolutely need that aren't
> compatible with the Mac. I hope I've helped somewhat. Have a great day.
> Allison
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 12:40 AM, kary johns wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I bought my Mac about a week ago, I’ve been an iPhone user for about 6
>> or so months. I love my iPhone, so I  decided to take the plunge and
>> by a Mac. I like it so far.
>> I do have a few questions though.
>> When I’m reading documents with “vo keys  A”VO seams to just stop
>> around the end of every paragraph,  Is there a way to stop this? Or am
>> I doing something wrong.
>> It’s incredibly annoying as I quite often read long documents for uni,
>> or occasionally ebooks on my windows laptop with JAWS, and I’d like to
>> be able to do the same on my Mac.
>> Also, Should I get a virus or spy wear program? And if so, which one
>> do people recommend to use with vo?
>> I’m shore I’ll have more simple questions, but I’d never even used a
>> Mac till last Friday. (smile)
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Kari.
>> --
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DAISY question, and other programs to get for my Mac?

2010-06-13 Thread kary johns
Hi list.
Said I’d have more questions. (Smile)
Can anyone tell me how or if it’s possible to read text only DAISY
files on the Mac?

Also, What twitter client works best on the Mac? And, are there any
other programs I should get as a new user?

Thanks for all the help hear,
It makes the switch from windows to Mac a little easier.

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Re: DAISY question, and other programs to get for my Mac?

2010-06-14 Thread kary johns
Thanks for these.

At the risk of sounding incredibly dum, whare do I find Mac programs?
An obvious question, but I've never seen any.
Plenty of iPhone and iPad apps, but not mac.

On 6/14/10, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm new as well. Let's see, I'd get Syrinx for the Mac. It's an awesome
> Twitter client. I'd get Dropbox, flip for mac, and Carbon Copy cloner.
> On Jun 13, 2010, at 6:54 PM, kary johns wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> Said I’d have more questions. (Smile)
>> Can anyone tell me how or if it’s possible to read text only DAISY
>> files on the Mac?
>> Also, What twitter client works best on the Mac? And, are there any
>> other programs I should get as a new user?
>> Thanks for all the help hear,
>> It makes the switch from windows to Mac a little easier.
>> Thanks,
>> Kari.
>> --
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Re: DAISY question, and other programs to get for my Mac?

2010-06-19 Thread kary johns
Thanks for this link, It’s a great help.
Sorry it’s taken so long to reply, I’ve had major internet problems.

Thanks again,


On 6/14/10, Doug Lawlor  wrote:
> Hi:
> I use
> Hope this helps,
> Doug
> On 2010-06-14, at 6:15 AM, kary johns wrote:
>> Thanks for these.
>> At the risk of sounding incredibly dum, whare do I find Mac programs?
>> An obvious question, but I've never seen any.
>> Plenty of iPhone and iPad apps, but not mac.
>> Thanks,
>> Kari.
>> On 6/14/10, Sarai Bucciarelli  wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I'm new as well. Let's see, I'd get Syrinx for the Mac. It's an awesome
>>> Twitter client. I'd get Dropbox, flip for mac, and Carbon Copy cloner.
>>> On Jun 13, 2010, at 6:54 PM, kary johns wrote:
>>>> Hi list.
>>>> Said I’d have more questions. (Smile)
>>>> Can anyone tell me how or if it’s possible to read text only DAISY
>>>> files on the Mac?
>>>> Also, What twitter client works best on the Mac? And, are there any
>>>> other programs I should get as a new user?
>>>> Thanks for all the help hear,
>>>> It makes the switch from windows to Mac a little easier.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kari.
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How to read ebooks on the Mac?

2010-06-19 Thread kary johns
As the subject says, what’s the best way to read eBooks on the Mac?
Every way I’ve tried to read eBooks or long text documents, it either
stops every few lines or every paragraph, or makes that clicking sound
after every couple of lines.
Is there a way to read books and long documents without this
happening? Or will I just have to live with it.

I love my Mac except for this problem. JAWS has always done well with
continua’s reading, I’m really hoping there’s a way for the Mac to do
the same.

Thanks as always for the help,

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Re: How to read ebooks on the Mac?

2010-06-20 Thread kary johns
I am using control option A, it reads for a paragraph maybe two, then
just stops. I Have to press control option A again to get it reading
for another one or two paragraphs.  Not really the ideal way to read a
long document.
Does anyone no what I'm doing wrong? or how I can fix this? I'm really
hoping someone can help me sort this out, it's a small, but
frustrating !problem.
Thanks again for any help-suggestions.

On 6/20/10, Ryan Mann  wrote:
> How do you read PDF files in Textedit?  I didn't think TextEdit supported
> the PDF format.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 2:35 AM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi. I use textedit for all my ebooks, that goes for lit, pdf, rtf, etc
>> ,etc
>> When i am in a document  in textedit, and just want it to start reading, i
>> type
>> ctrl option a
>> thats it
>> sandi
>> On Jun 19, 2010, at 6:26 AM, kary johns wrote:
>>> As the subject says, what’s the best way to read eBooks on the Mac?
>>> Every way I’ve tried to read eBooks or long text documents, it either
>>> stops every few lines or every paragraph, or makes that clicking sound
>>> after every couple of lines.
>>> Is there a way to read books and long documents without this
>>> happening? Or will I just have to live with it.
>>> I love my Mac except for this problem. JAWS has always done well with
>>> continua’s reading, I’m really hoping there’s a way for the Mac to do
>>> the same.
>>> Thanks as always for the help,
>>> Kari.
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Itunes help please?

2010-06-27 Thread kary johns
Hi list,
Can someone give me some pointer's on using itunes on the mac?
 Specifically,  adding things to the library on the Mac  from my
windows laptop  including iphone and ipad apps and sinking an iphone
and ipad to itunes with out loosing what I already have on the
I'm new to the mac,  so I'm  getting really lost with this, so any
help is very appreciated.

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Problem spell checking and selecting text in pages after update.

2017-10-04 Thread kary johns
hi all,
I updated to high Sierra, and now I can’t seam to spell check in pages
using command :. It just says checking document and nothing else.
It  also won’t read what text I’m selecting, Has anyone else seen this
since updating?
I use both things constantly for work and study, so it’s a bit of a
deal breaker for me.

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Re: Problem spell checking and selecting text in pages after update.

2017-10-05 Thread kary johns
Thanks all for this.
Any suggestions on how I could get spell check working again though?
When ever I try it it just says check document now, and that’s it,
even when I’ve deliberately spelt something wrong.
Thanks for any thoughts.

On 10/5/17, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Kary,
> I reported the selecting text problem to Apple and they say it will be
> addressed quickly. As for the spell check with Cmd-colon, it’s working
> normally for me.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 5 Oct 2017, at 02:22, kary johns  wrote:
>> hi all,
>> I updated to high Sierra, and now I can’t seam to spell check in pages
>> using command :. It just says checking document and nothing else.
>> It  also won’t read what text I’m selecting, Has anyone else seen this
>> since updating?
>> I use both things constantly for work and study, so it’s a bit of a
>> deal breaker for me.
>> Kerri.
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Re: Problem spell checking and selecting text in pages after update.

2017-10-07 Thread kary johns
Thanks all, cmd : does work. so that’s something at least. I preferred
cmd  ;, but spell checking is spell checking at the end of the day.
So I’m just happy I can spell check in any way.
Jürgen your way didn’t work, all it did was to start reading the
document, which to my understanding is what that key stroke is
supposed to do anyway, it reads all selected text nothing to do with
spell checking.
Thanks everyone for the help.

On 10/5/17, kary johns  wrote:
> hi all,
> I updated to high Sierra, and now I can’t seam to spell check in pages
> using command :. It just says checking document and nothing else.
> It  also won’t read what text I’m selecting, Has anyone else seen this
> since updating?
> I use both things constantly for work and study, so it’s a bit of a
> deal breaker for me.
> Kerri.

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airpods not working with mac book pro

2017-02-06 Thread kary johns
Hi all,
Just curious if anyone else is experiencing this problem, or has any
idea what to do about it.
I bought the AirPods recently.  They paired fine, and work perfectly
with my iPad and iPhone.  But when I come to try and use them with my
mac, it’s a hole other story.
The mac says there connected, and I get the connection sound through
the airpods.
But voiceover and all sound continues to come through the macs
internal speakers.
On the one occasion sound came through the airpods, it was
intermittent, and reverted completely to the macs speakers after only
a few moments.
Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

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possible to create a flow chart using voiceover?

2018-05-13 Thread kary johns
Hi all,
Does anyone know if theres an accessible way to make a flow chart on
mac using voiceover?
Thanks for any help.

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Voiceover freezing in Mojave

2018-09-27 Thread kary johns
Does anyone have a clue as to why voiceover stops working after a few minutes 
on my Mac book pro?
It’s only started doing this since I updated to Mojave last night.  I have to 
toggle voiceover off and on, then close and open the screen before it will 
start talking again.  Just toggling voiceover isn’t enough.  I’m using Alex on 
a Mac book pro 15 inch 2018 with touch bar.  
Thanks for any thoughts. 

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Re: Voiceover freezing in Mojave

2018-09-28 Thread kary johns
I hadn’t seen mention of it any where as a bug, so I suspect something went 
wrong in my update.
Thought I’d ask though before I went a head and did a reinstall. 
Thanks Guys,

> On 28 Sep 2018, at 8:48 pm, Leo Bado  wrote:
> hum, it doesn't happen to me either...
> Leo Bado
> El 27/09/2018 a las 23:54, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries escribió:
>> I'm not getting that here and I've been beta testing mojave ever since it 
>> came out for developers.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 28, 2018, at 12:38 AM, kary johns > <>> wrote:
>>> Does anyone have a clue as to why voiceover stops working after a few 
>>> minutes on my Mac book pro?
>>> It’s only started doing this since I updated to Mojave last night.  I have 
>>> to toggle voiceover off and on, then close and open the screen before it 
>>> will start talking again.  Just toggling voiceover isn’t enough.  I’m using 
>>> Alex on a Mac book pro 15 inch 2018 with touch bar.  
>>> Thanks for any thoughts. 
>>> Kari. 
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Can't speed up the voiceover rate.

2018-10-01 Thread kary johns
Hey guys,
So I managed to get Alex back, by resetting the voiceover preferences.  But now 
all voices I try are incredibly slow, and won’t increase   even when the rate 
says its set to 100. The rate won’t change  no matter what it’s set on 
actually.  The only place I can see to change the rate is the system voice.  
Any ideas would be appreciated.  This snails pace is driving me crazy. 

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Forget my last message about voice rate.

2018-10-01 Thread kary johns
Actually scrap my last message. I realized my mistake  about 5 seconds after 
hitting send. I wasn’t looking far enough across in the voiceover default voice 
panel.  Wish I’d realized that one about an hour and a half ago!! 😁   Waisting 
my afternoon on this was really not what I had in mind.  But at least voiceover 
and Alex seem to be behaving now.  
Thanks again,

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Re: Alarm Bug in IOS 10.0.1

2016-09-20 Thread kary johns
I’m having the same issue.
Very soft alarm no matter what sound it’s set to, and once the alarm
starts voiceover is super loud till the alarm is acted on.

On 9/20/16, Jeff Berwick  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I’ve discovered a bug in IOS 10.0.1 using Voiceover and the Alarm
> app.  Unfortunately, I ended up sleeping in and missing my bus/train this
> morning.
> Can anybody confirm thet the alarm sound drops out or doesn’t play at all
> when Voiceover is running?  I have also tried it with the mute button set
> and I think that causes a problem too.
> Assuming we can recreate this bug, how do I submit this to Apple as I’ve
> never submitted one before.
> Thx,
> Jeff
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