Re: Captcha recognition

2022-09-05 Thread Rod skene
Karen, I agree with your point completely, but unfortunately, there is a
need for services like AIRA and be my eyes still. Maybe, one day we’ll get
there, but we haven’t gotten there yet. Also, AIRA can provide service
directly to your PC. No Smart  phone needed.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 3:24 PM Karen Lewellen 

> what concerns me about this option is the assumption that *everyone* with
> a comparative print challenge can automatically find  a *someone* to be
> the non-challenged solution here.
> If you do not have a smartphone, then what?
> to be sure, i  firmly feel this service is wonderful, for those who can
> access it of course.
> for me, speaking personally, reaching for such a solution feeds the
> "cannot someone else do this for you?"  thinking of many outside of
> various challenge experiences.
> Just my take,
> Karen
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2022, 'Harry Bell' via MacVisionaries wrote:
> > If you have a smartphone, you could get sighted help via the Be My Eyes
> app
> > Harry
> >
> >> On 5 Sep 2022, at 16:22, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Is there a way to deal with captchas in Safari?  The particular one has
> no audio equivalent.
> >>
> >> Andrew
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark
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> >>
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> > Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark
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> >
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Re: Captcha recognition

2022-09-05 Thread Rod skene
All fantastic points. Again, I absolutely agree.  I did a poor job of
expressing my suggestion.  I think it’s important, very important for blind
people to have many different tools in their toolbox. I wouldn’t suggest
anyone rely on solely using a Mac. I use a Mac, windows computer, iPhone. I
also use two screen readers on windows. None of the options I use can get
the job done every time. It’s good to have basic computer skills on
different platforms and using different screen readers. still, sometimes I
need sided assistance. as you said, reporting is the best way to improve. I
find many developers willing to change if they only knew what our community
needs were. Honestly, I need to report more. There’s just so many
accessibility issues out there that I get lazy sometimes. Smiles.
 On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM Karen Lewellen 

> would love to see them manage that with my non-windows setup smiles.
> we get there as  You say, by informing those illustrating the   behavior
> that  the captcha is not inclusive..speaking personally.
> does not diminish the value for those such services provides, while
> leading to more inclusion generally, since captcha is a problem for many
> populations.
> On Mon, 5 Sep 2022, Rod skene wrote:
> > Karen, I agree with your point completely, but unfortunately, there is a
> > need for services like AIRA and be my eyes still. Maybe, one day we’ll
> get
> > there, but we haven’t gotten there yet. Also, AIRA can provide service
> > directly to your PC. No Smart  phone needed.
> > Rod
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 3:24 PM Karen Lewellen 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> what concerns me about this option is the assumption that *everyone*
> with
> >> a comparative print challenge can automatically find  a *someone* to be
> >> the non-challenged solution here.
> >> If you do not have a smartphone, then what?
> >> to be sure, i  firmly feel this service is wonderful, for those who can
> >> access it of course.
> >> for me, speaking personally, reaching for such a solution feeds the
> >> "cannot someone else do this for you?"  thinking of many outside of
> >> various challenge experiences.
> >> Just my take,
> >> Karen
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, 5 Sep 2022, 'Harry Bell' via MacVisionaries wrote:
> >>
> >>> If you have a smartphone, you could get sighted help via the Be My Eyes
> >> app
> >>> Harry
> >>>
> >>>> On 5 Sep 2022, at 16:22, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries <
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Is there a way to deal with captchas in Safari?  The particular one
> has
> >> no audio equivalent.
> >>>>
> >>>> Andrew
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
> >> Visionaries list.
> >>>>
> >>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list,
> >> or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the
> >> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> >>>>
> >>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach
> mark
> >> at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara
> at
> >>
> >>>>
> >>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> >>>>
> >>>> ---
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> >> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> >>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> >> an email to
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> >>
> >> .
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac
> >> Visionaries list.
> >>>
> >>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list,
> or
> >> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the
> >> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> >>>
> >>> Your Mac 

Re: adobi flash player installer pop up, how do I do this?

2012-05-06 Thread Rod Skene
When the pop-up update appears, I can tab to the install button but I can't 
activate it. Does anyone know how to activate the install button? Thanks, Rod

Sent from my iPhone

On May 6, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Not necessarily the correct conclusion.  The pop-up could be a malware 
> attempt to infect your system.
> I suggest you go to Adobe's site and do the install from there.
> Later...
> On 2012-05-06, at 8:37 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>> Hi.
>> mmm i think it's installed because i get things to play in flash, but don't 
>> see a flash player option in system preferences.
>>  regards
>> Maria and crew from australia
>> email:
>> check out 
>> where we play lots of great music
>> On 07/05/2012, at 12:35 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If Flash Player is already installed, there will be an item in your System 
>>> Preferences called "Flash Player".  This is where you can do the update if 
>>> you are uncomfortable with the automatic and possibly problematic pop-up 
>>> version.
>>> Later...
>>> On 2012-05-06, at 8:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
 Hi.  where is the flash pannel in system preferences?  i sometimes get an 
 update flash player pop up and can't seem to figure out how to get it to 
 God Bless! Maria from australia
  Newbie mac user.
 will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.   
 skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
 On 06/05/2012, at 1:02 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> If your Church uses Flash, then it wouldn't work if you uninstalled it.  
> For updating, you could either go to the Adobe site or, in your System 
> Preferences, go to the Flash panel and update it from there.  Just 
> remember that the update process isn't very accessible anyway.  I just 
> use the tab key and spacebar to do the update that is, the tab key and 
> spacebar without the VO keys.
> Later...
> On 2012-05-05, at 8:58 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys.
>> I do have a question, however. I think was talked about earlier, but I 
>> think I was too dumb to understand the answer. At least one site I go to 
>> uses flash, my church site that I sometimes access to watch services 
>> when I can't go myself. Although I can't control the volume and pause, 
>> etc., it does seem to work well enough for me to hear the service. So, 
>> if I uninstall Flash as just recommended, how can I then watch the 
>> service? 
>> I have just ignored it when the site wants to update the thing. I asked 
>> Apple about this when I was in the store last time, and he said that if 
>> I wanted to update it, I should just go to the Adobe site and update it 
>> there so I wouldn't risk any viruses. What about that. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Eugenia Firth
>> On May 5, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>> Ah, thanks for the info.
>>> Jenny
>>> On May 5, 2012, at 9:23 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
 Yes, uninstall flash. It is a waste of it doesn't work for us. Also, 
 security researchers claim it as a number two cars of viruses.
 Jonathan Cohn
 On May 4, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Jenny Keller  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to find out if there is a way that you can make the 
> Adobi Flash Player install the updates by themselves instead of 
> bugging me about it constantly?
> Hope so cause it gets rather old.
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: adobi flash player installer pop up, how do I do this?

2012-05-06 Thread Rod Skene
Thanks Tim, that did it

Sent from my iPhone

On May 6, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Siply press your spacebar when focus is on the Install button.  Do not use 
> the VO keys with this action.  Also, ensure that you've checked the box to 
> agree with the Terms otherwise the Install will not activate.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-05-06, at 12:26 PM, Rod Skene wrote:
>> When the pop-up update appears, I can tab to the install button but I can't 
>> activate it. Does anyone know how to activate the install button? Thanks, Rod
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 6, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Not necessarily the correct conclusion.  The pop-up could be a malware 
>>> attempt to infect your system.
>>> I suggest you go to Adobe's site and do the install from there.
>>> Later...
>>> On 2012-05-06, at 8:37 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> mmm i think it's installed because i get things to play in flash, but 
>>>> don't see a flash player option in system preferences.
>>>> Maria and crew from australia
>>>> email:
>>>> check out 
>>>> where we play lots of great music
>>>> On 07/05/2012, at 12:35 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> If Flash Player is already installed, there will be an item in your 
>>>>> System Preferences called "Flash Player".  This is where you can do the 
>>>>> update if you are uncomfortable with the automatic and possibly 
>>>>> problematic pop-up version.
>>>>> Later...
>>>>> On 2012-05-06, at 8:15 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.  where is the flash pannel in system preferences?  i sometimes get 
>>>>>> an update flash player pop up and can't seem to figure out how to get it 
>>>>>> to install.  
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> God Bless! Maria from australia
>>>>>>  Newbie mac user.
>>>>>> will get you fb as well as email & iImessage.   
>>>>>> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
>>>>>> On 06/05/2012, at 1:02 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> If your Church uses Flash, then it wouldn't work if you uninstalled it. 
>>>>>>>  For updating, you could either go to the Adobe site or, in your System 
>>>>>>> Preferences, go to the Flash panel and update it from there.  Just 
>>>>>>> remember that the update process isn't very accessible anyway.  I just 
>>>>>>> use the tab key and spacebar to do the update that is, the tab key and 
>>>>>>> spacebar without the VO keys.
>>>>>>> Later...
>>>>>>> On 2012-05-05, at 8:58 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Guys.
>>>>>>>> I do have a question, however. I think was talked about earlier, but I 
>>>>>>>> think I was too dumb to understand the answer. At least one site I go 
>>>>>>>> to uses flash, my church site that I sometimes access to watch 
>>>>>>>> services when I can't go myself. Although I can't control the volume 
>>>>>>>> and pause, etc., it does seem to work well enough for me to hear the 
>>>>>>>> service. So, if I uninstall Flash as just recommended, how can I then 
>>>>>>>> watch the service? 
>>>>>>>> I have just ignored it when the site wants to update the thing. I 
>>>>>>>> asked Apple about this when I was in the store last time, and he said 

Re: iTunes Question

2012-05-20 Thread Rod Skene
In the view menu of iTunes, turn on the column browser and make sure genres is 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 20, 2012, at 11:53 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> How can I get iTunes to display the same albums and genres on my phone on the 
> Mac version? I cannot find the genre choice on my Mac.
> -- 
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Launch Pad

2012-06-04 Thread ROD SKENE
Is there a way to alphabetize the additional apps you have installed on your 
Mac.  The additional apps are on page two of launch pad.  I would like them in 
alphabetical order just like the pre-installed apps on page one of launch pad.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Updating firmware on a Bose Sound Link.

2012-06-09 Thread Rod Skene
Sorry I don't have any answers  just more questions. When was the latest 
firmware released  and what are  the benefits?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 9, 2012, at 1:53 PM, wrote:

> For the record, I tried this procedure under windows, and was met with the 
> same or less with accessibility. Just letting you all know my progress thus 
> far. Think it's time for some working eyes. Lol
> Thanks all for your input.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2012, at 2:12 PM, Barry Abbott  wrote:
>> I had to get sighted help.
>> Barry
>> On 2012-06-09, at 4:48 AM, wrote:
>>> Good morning all,
>>> Subject says it all really. I'm doing this from a Mac, and am curious as to 
>>> whether or not anyone else has been successful. Language screen comes up as 
>>> all unknowns, though I presume English is selected by default.
>>> TIA for any thoughts/tips/suggestions provided. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Apple To The Core: Apple To The Core: Episode 5

2012-07-28 Thread ROD SKENE
Nice podcast. I got a lot out of the demonstration of the sharing features. 
Today is my first day sitting down and really trying out mountain lion. I think 
10.8 is a big step forward. 
On Jul 28, 2012, at 2:46 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I just posted Apple to the core episode 5 where I briefly go over some of the 
> new features in Mountain Lion.
> You can listen at the link below
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Youtube app?

2012-07-29 Thread ROD SKENE
I just downloaded MacTubes.  It is a new app for me. I love it!
I like to download the videos and play them with VLC.  It makes it so easy to 
rewind and fast forward.
I'm watching great Tennessee volunteer wins.  Getting ready for the 2012 
season. Smile.
On Jul 29, 2012, at 7:43 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Happily, I figured it out and things are amazing now. If you go into 
> preferences and set playback to Quicktime, you need only arrow to a video in 
> the table and hit space. A player window will launch, and the video will 
> play. Use space to play/pause it, and the up and down arrows to adjust 
> volume. I don't know if you can skip around the video yet, but even if you 
> can't, this is still way easier and gives me more control than I get with a 
> web browser. To close the video, just use the usual cmd-w command to close 
> the window, and you are back in your table, focused on the result you just 
> played. Hope this helps - all that routing and clicking seems quite 
> inconvenient!
> On 29 Jul 2012, at 05:44, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  
> wrote:
>> Interact with the table of results, and vo+command+F5 to route your mouse to 
>> the video in the table.  Then literally speaking, double click your mouse.  
>> I don't mean vo+shift+space.  I literally? mean! click the physical mouse... 
>> actually... sorry... double clic, rather.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Alex Hall
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: Youtube app?
>> Ah, I found it. Unfortunately, videos don't play. I get a window with an 
>> empty html area and some player controls, but nothing happens. It looks like 
>> a great app aside from that, though it could use more keyboard shortcuts and 
>> labels (I had to label most of the buttons based on the hints they had).
>> On 28 Jul 2012, at 19:10, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> correct. try googling it. It's free.
>>> Mactubes
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my mac
>>> Twitter: matt692
>>> msn:
>>> skype: blindman3221
>>> On 2012-07-28, at 5:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 I searched for Mactube, mactubes, and mac tube and got no results. To be 
 clear, we are talking about mac apps, not iOS apps, right?
 On 28 Jul 2012, at 18:59, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Mactubes is good.
> Matt
> Sent from my mac
> Twitter: matt692
> msn:
> skype: blindman3221
> On 2012-07-28, at 4:57 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Instead of fighting with the youtube site, is there a dedicated youtube 
>> app that is accessible? I don't sign in, comment, share videos, or 
>> anything like that, but I would like a way to quickly search for videos 
>> and watch them, maybe save some as favorites. I have an app someone 
>> recommended that sits in my dashboard, but I really dislike the 
>> dashboard and find myself simply hitting cmd-space, typing in the app I 
>> want, and pressing enter to launch anything. So, is there a youtube app 
>> that would work? I'm about to search the app store, but I thought I'd 
>> ask in case someone knows of a good one. Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Youtube app?

2012-07-29 Thread ROD SKENE
Start playing the video and then find the player menu. It is an unlabeled 
button but you can find it using the VO Shift H keystroke.  Then press VO Shift 
M to bring up the context menu.  There you will find download options.
Good luck.  I hope this helps.
On Jul 29, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> How did you manage to download them? I never got that to work, though I'd 
> love to as I often use Youtube for guitar tutorials and I need to move back 
> and forth through them.
> On Jul 29, 2012, at 11:00 AM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> I just downloaded MacTubes.  It is a new app for me. I love it!
>> I like to download the videos and play them with VLC.  It makes it so easy 
>> to rewind and fast forward.
>> I'm watching great Tennessee volunteer wins.  Getting ready for the 2012 
>> season. Smile.
>> Rod
>> On Jul 29, 2012, at 7:43 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Happily, I figured it out and things are amazing now. If you go into 
>>> preferences and set playback to Quicktime, you need only arrow to a video 
>>> in the table and hit space. A player window will launch, and the video will 
>>> play. Use space to play/pause it, and the up and down arrows to adjust 
>>> volume. I don't know if you can skip around the video yet, but even if you 
>>> can't, this is still way easier and gives me more control than I get with a 
>>> web browser. To close the video, just use the usual cmd-w command to close 
>>> the window, and you are back in your table, focused on the result you just 
>>> played. Hope this helps - all that routing and clicking seems quite 
>>> inconvenient!
>>> On 29 Jul 2012, at 05:44, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Interact with the table of results, and vo+command+F5 to route your mouse 
>>>> to the video in the table.  Then literally speaking, double click your 
>>>> mouse.  I don't mean vo+shift+space.  I literally? mean! click the 
>>>> physical mouse... actually... sorry... double clic, rather.
>>>> Chris.
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: Alex Hall
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:33 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Youtube app?
>>>> Ah, I found it. Unfortunately, videos don't play. I get a window with an 
>>>> empty html area and some player controls, but nothing happens. It looks 
>>>> like a great app aside from that, though it could use more keyboard 
>>>> shortcuts and labels (I had to label most of the buttons based on the 
>>>> hints they had).
>>>> On 28 Jul 2012, at 19:10, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>>>> correct. try googling it. It's free.
>>>>> Mactubes
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> Sent from my mac
>>>>> Twitter: matt692
>>>>> msn:
>>>>> skype: blindman3221
>>>>> On 2012-07-28, at 5:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>>>>> I searched for Mactube, mactubes, and mac tube and got no results. To be 
>>>>>> clear, we are talking about mac apps, not iOS apps, right?
>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2012, at 18:59, Matt Dierckens  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Mactubes is good.
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>> Sent from my mac
>>>>>>> Twitter: matt692
>>>>>>> msn:
>>>>>>> skype: blindman3221
>>>>>>> On 2012-07-28, at 4:57 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Instead of fighting with the youtube site, is there a dedicated 
>>>>>>>> youtube app that is accessible? I don't sign in, comment, share 
>>>>>>>> videos, or anything like that, but I would like a way to quickly 
>>>>>>>> search for videos and watch them, maybe save some as favorites. I have 
>>>>>>>> an app someone recommended that sits in my dashboard, but I really 
>>>>>>>> dislike the dashboard and find myself simply hitting cmd-space, typing 
>>>>>>>> in the app I want, and pressing enter to launch anything. So, is there 
>>>>>>>> a youtube app that would work?

Re: when reading, double beep cuts off speech?

2012-07-30 Thread ROD SKENE
I'm not sure what it is but may have a work around.  Press VO L to read the 
current line.  My twitter program cuts off the tweets in conversation view too. 
 This lets me hear the entire tweet in conversation view.

On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> In my twitter client mostly, I sometimes get a double beep instead of the 
> rest of a tweet. For instance, I switched to conversation view and all the 
> tweets only read the first couple words before I hear the sound and nothing 
> more. What is this, and how can I view the rest of the tweets?
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Nisus Writer

2012-08-12 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi folks,
I downloaded a 15 day trial of  Nisus  Writer Pro from their website.  It's an 
awesome app! I have two questions.
First, are there any advantages or disadvantages
 from purchasing from the app store?  Or, should I purchase from their website?
Second, I think Nisus Writer Express will do everything I need.  I think the 
Pro version only has added languages and some additional file types to save.  
Is there anything I'm missing?
Thanks for any comments.

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VMware and the full keyboard with the num Pad

2012-01-03 Thread ROD SKENE
I am using a full Apple keyboard with the num pad.  Recently, some of the keys 
on the num pad stopped working only in VMware Fusion using JAWS.  Only the 
right column and the top row on the num pad work.  the insert key and numbers 
are not working.  I have the num pad commander turned off.  
Can anyone help me get my num pad fully working again with JAWS in VMware?
Thank you so much if you can help!

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Re: plugins and audio highjack pro

2012-02-08 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Matt,
If you wanted to record from Pulsar, would you use Amadeus Pro or Audio 
Highjack Pro?
I'd love a podcast showing how to do this.  
Thanks everyone for such a great resource!

On Feb 8, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Yes, that's what audio highjack pro does. it captures audio from anything you 
> throw at it. fm radio, tape decks, skype, pulsar, safari, and other things. 
> Grab a demo off their site. If you want to buy it, it's only $32. Best $32 
> ever spent.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-08, at 11:49 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> Sorry if this is off topic. Please can I ask, does Audio Hijack Pro have 
>> some resemblance to Total Recorder? In other words, can I digitally capture 
>> audio with this program? Again, sorry if this is off topic. Thanks!
>> Christopher H
>> On 08/02/2012 15:07, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Does anyone know how or if the plugins that are with audio highjack pro
>>> accessible to VO?
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
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Caution for intermission users

2014-04-24 Thread ROD SKENE
For me, the latest security update which  required a restart  broke   
VoiceOver. I was  running intermission, and I switched the  output device on 
the sound tab in VoiceOver utility from system default to instant on sound 
effects. This was great because intermission no longer  affected VoiceOver. 
However after the restart, VoiceOver did not have audio output. I needed 
sighted assistant to switch back to system default.
I really love intermission, but it has given me some headaches.
Anyway, if you are running intermission, you will want to make sure you have 
the output device set to system default in VoiceOver Utility before  installing 
the latest security update.

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Re: Scripting (was: Talking Dashboard Probably Going Mavericks Plus Only)

2015-03-05 Thread Rod Skene
I am running Yosemite 

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 5, 2015, at 12:18 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Mostly, the scripts rely on shell commands. For instance, I ask the "top" 
> command for CPU information, and the "memstat" command for ram details, and 
> iReg for battery, and so on. Once I get the results, I grab the bits I need, 
> and return those (all this happens in the Get Info.scpt file, which is why it 
> *must* be int the same folder as the scripts).
> Then, I have the raw information, like the amount of ram or the battery 
> level, and I give it back to the script that asked for it. The script then 
> gives all that raw data, plus the template, to a couple functions in 
> Utilities.scpt (another required file). The raw data is paired up with 
> keywords, those keywords are sorted and searched for, any any that are 
> present are replaced. This is how $minutes turns into 15, for instance. Once 
> the template has been populated, the complete string is given back to the 
> script you ran, which asks Utilities.scpt to speak it. The speaking part 
> checks if VoiceOver is running; it tells VO to say the string if it is, and 
> tells the default system voice to do so if it's not.
>> On Mar 5, 2015, at 12:53 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Alex 
>> I am under Yosemite, and have the latest update. I know how to use the time 
>> and date file, and I know how to use the battery one. This is going to sound 
>> like a really dumb question, but could you give me and some others who are 
>> sort of in first grade when it comes to Apple script some idea of what 
>> commands make the others work? Or, is that all in the read me file that I 
>> read a long time ago? 
>> Gigi 
>> ? 
>>> On Mar 4, 2015, at 10:31 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Most of you know about what I (rather un-creatively) call Talking 
>>> Dashboard, a set of Applescript files that give you access to information. 
>>> There's a time/date one, one for battery, one for current wifi status, and 
>>> more. Most of you also know I've wanted to add a script for upcoming 
>>> reminders and calendar events, but I could never get it working right, and 
>>> I didn't like that it would always force Reminders or Calendar to launch.
>>> Well, the good news is that I can overcome both problems (most likely, but 
>>> no promises) by accessing the EKEventStore through Cocoa. If that's Greek 
>>> to you, the bottom line is that I can probably do this, but it requires 
>>> OS10.9 or later, maybe even 10.10 or later. I'm on 10.10, but I'm wondering 
>>> how many people this would affect? Existing scripts would continue to work, 
>>> but if I find a faster/easier way to do what they currently do that also 
>>> uses Cocoa, I'll do it. Plus, I could probably revamp and expand the 
>>> template system, since I would no longer need to use my own hacked-together 
>>> solution but could instead use a real, Cocoa-based one. I'd probably 
>>> archive what I have and put the existing scripts in a subfolder, so those 
>>> who can't run the new ones don't need to, but I would no longer support 
>>> them.
>>> So, basically, if you use Talking Dashboard, on which version(s) of OS X do 
>>> you use it?
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex Hall
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Re: How do I Access My Favorites in the New Radium Update for the Mac

2015-03-08 Thread Rod Skene
I think that is one of the enhancements for voice over users in the new version 
of radium. Now, the name of the song and artist are displayed along with the 
channel in the list of favorites. Also, you no longer have to do a mouse click 
to change channels. A simple Fio space works now. I understand there is a new 
unlabeled button, but there are many enhancements is well. I urge everyone to 
respect fully request the button be labeled and congratulate them on wanting to 
be accessible with voiceover.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 8, 2015, at 4:53 PM, The Believer  wrote:
>   Yes that is a good idea, and I will do so.
>   One thing I am curious about is, how to get the name of the song, artist, 
> etc, ehile its playing. This is done in iTunes Radio. Can Radium do it also?
> From The Believer. . .
>   By way of the Chariots of the
> Gods cameth the Aliens who
> dwelt amongst the humans,
> and bringeth much knowledge.
>> On 3/8/2015 2:43 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
>> That's why I said that everyone should email the developer. If Phil thinks 
>> that they've went a step bakwards like I also think, and if for the believer 
>> they've stopped supporting Mavericks, then let them hear about it. The more 
>> people email them and bug them, the more chance they'll listen. Their email 
>> address is
>> I emailed them earlier this morning so as soon as they reply, I'll forward 
>> it to the list.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook
>>> On Mar 8, 2015, at 12:45 PM, The Believer  wrote:
>>>   This is crazy. Really. While poking around, I found out that this latest 
>>> version is not compatible with Mavericks. Unreal. I can understand dropping 
>>> support for older OSs but not the very last one. So this explains why mine 
>>> was not updated.
>>> From The Believer. . .
>>>   By way of the Chariots of the
>>> Gods cameth the Aliens who
>>> dwelt amongst the humans,
>>> and bringeth much knowledge.
 On 3/8/2015 8:18 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
 This sounds like the way it used to work before the recent update. There 
 is an unlabeled button after the search box which toggles the search 
 categories and station favorites list. And yes, sometimes its kind of 
 flakey and doesn’t show up unless you arrow past it and then back again.
 I think their VO improvements are actually a step backwards.
> On Mar 7, 2015, at 11:47 PM, The Believer  
> wrote:
>   Its been a while since I
> looked at Radium. Just did so
> and here is what I found.
>   Someone said there is an unlabeled button, I did not find that. What 
> works is to clear the search field then you are left with your Favorites 
> in the station list table. If you type in a search the results are listed 
> in that same station table.
>   I did a search, added a couple stations then cleared the search and 
> went back and had all the stations I added.
> From The Believer. . .
>   By way of the Chariots of the
> Gods cameth the Aliens who
> dwelt amongst the humans,
> and bringeth much knowledge.
>> On 3/7/2015 4:18 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
>> Hi all. Subject says it all. How do I access my favorites in the new 
>> Radium update? When I go to the right of the search edit box, all I get 
>> is search categories. Thanks.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook
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Re: Help with the SiriusXM app, please?

2015-03-14 Thread ROD SKENE
The favorite tab is the one just above the home button if you just opened the 
app. The problem is there is actually seven tabs and not just the five that 
show on the screen at one time. You can pull three fingers left or right to 
show the additional tabs. 
I prefer Radium, both  the Mac and iOs apps, instead of the SiriusXM  app on 
iOS.. You can sinc the Radium Mac and iOS app to show your favorites. Any 
change in either app will  be noticed immediately on the other platform.
By the way, I was able to rearrange my Radium favorites table on the Mac with a 
mouse down and mouse up key stroke.

On Mar 14, 2015, at 3:47 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got the 3-day trial of SiriusXM, and have downloaded the iOS app.  I've 
> figured out what the unlabeled buttons at the bottom do, and have been able 
> to add stations to my favorites.  What I can't seem to do is actually access 
> my favorites.  Can anyone tell me how to do this?
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: one password

2015-03-21 Thread Rod Skene
I have the Mac App Store version of one password. I also have not found 
anything that seems to be an accessible with the app although I have some 
trouble completing some tasks. I think most of my problems or me and not 
accessibility issues. I'm sure if I studied the manual more I would be a better 
one password user.
I also have the iOS app and it works great. Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 21, 2015, at 11:00 AM, jeff `greene  wrote:
> Hi Cliph, Thanks for the info! I believe in earlier versions of one
> password the safari plug-in that did the auto-log-in was the part that
> didn't work. Also, do I get one password from the app store, or from
> the developer's website?
> Thanks, Jeff
>> On 3/21/15, Kliph  wrote:
>> I haven’t found any part of 1password on the mac, or iPhone that wasn’t
>> accessible.  There is a way to log in to sites automatically, put you must
>> log in to 1password first, this is to keep your data more secure.
>> Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV?  New user and want quick
>> efficient answers?  Or maybe you know apple products and want to contribute?
>> Then come join a list where questions are always answered, and we are
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>> Subscribe here:
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>> And ask your question there.  All are welcome!
>>> On Mar 21, 2015, at 8:32 AM, jeff `greene  wrote:
>>> Hi, This might have been covered before, but here goes... I have been
>>> wanting to use a password manager like one password for a long time. I
>>> heard a while ago that part of one password wasn't accessible, have
>>> they corrected that? Also I tried a password manager on the windows
>>> side a while ago that promised to log me into all my sites
>>> automatically. But, it only worked about half the time. How is one
>>> password on automatic log-ins?
>>> Thanks, Jeff
>>> --
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Is there a problem with the iOS App Store?

2015-03-25 Thread Rod Skene
My Wi-Fi network seems be working okay, but I can't download new apps from the 
iOS App Store. I did have 12 apps that seem to update okay. Anyone else having 
trouble with the iOS app store?

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Re: Is there a problem with the iOS App Store?

2015-03-25 Thread Rod Skene
I was finally able to get the new app I wanted to download. Previously, I would 
tap get button and tap the install button. Voiceover would say connecting and 
then eventually go back to the get button. I gave up, but when I came back to 
the app store about 20 minutes later, the get button had turned into a download 
button. I double tapped it and the new app downloaded successfully.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 25, 2015, at 11:04 AM, The Believer  wrote:
>   App store working fine here, just updated some apps and installed a new one 
> as well.
>   Could be one of those "try again later" things.
> From The Believer. . .
>   By way of the Chariots of the
> Gods cameth the Aliens who
> dwelt amongst the humans,
> and bringeth much knowledge.
>> On 3/25/2015 8:36 AM, Christopher Gilland wrote:
>> Yes!  Bigtime!  See my previous message.  It’s telling me that there is a 
>> billing problem with a previous purchase, which I darn well know isn’t true, 
>> and like you, the store now won’t load.
>> Chris.
>>> On Mar 25, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Rod Skene  wrote:
>>> My Wi-Fi network seems be working okay, but I can't download new apps from 
>>> the iOS App Store. I did have 12 apps that seem to update okay. Anyone else 
>>> having trouble with the iOS app store?
>>> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.
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Re: Moderators

2015-03-28 Thread Rod Skene
Wow, just wow. You realize with that response you will be wrong the matter 
what. Very immature and disgraceful.

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> On Mar 28, 2015, at 1:21 PM, mário navarro  wrote:
> yes, i know.
> put a microphone in the ass, and connect to your   mouth, and call the 
> moderators.
> fuck you, piece of shit ...
> Em 28/03/2015 17:53, David Griffith escreveu:
>> Does anybody know how to contact moderators  on this list?
>> David Griffith
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Re: weather app

2015-03-29 Thread Rod Skene
I tried a couple weather apps but I finally settled on just using a couple of 
bookmarks for weather  websites. I have my bookmarks folder in my dock as 
demonstrated by David Griffin in his podcasts. Works great 

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 29, 2015, at 6:45 AM, May and LD Luna  wrote:
> Hey there.
> Is there an accessible weather app for the mac?
> i use the widget, but I believe an app would be better for a friend of mine.
> May and LD Luna Moon!
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Re: Anyone else disappointed with the "big" apple event

2016-03-22 Thread Rod Skene
I liked it. Very impressed with the update to Apple TV. Folders, dictation,  
and Bluetooth keyboard are all very big for me.
 I really like the new iPhone. May try to find a way to switch from my 6S plus 
to the new smaller four-inch phone.
Finally, off-line dictation on my iPhone is really big for me as well. Overall 
there are several new features and a piece of new hardware that really 
interests me.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 22, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:
> I really think in terms of these presentaitons that we consumers are our own 
> worst enemy. We now *expect* big things, in March, in June from WWDC and then 
> again in September/October. 
> I’m reeling a bit just thinking about iPhone 7 possibly this fall. I just got 
> a 6s. I know that the new phone plans where you pay each month and can get 
> the latest and greatest phone are becoming the thing but at some point I’m 
> afraid we’ll get to that stage where we can’t be impressed by anything unless 
> it shocks us or is hitting us with the force of short time spans. I hope that 
> made sense. 
> Maybe the Spring Event for Apple needs to be toned down. Maybe they don’t 
> necessarily need to have one. 
> Was I hoping for more? Yes, but more detail, not more new and innovative. 
> For those who feel Apple isn’t blazing trails anymore, what trails? How do we 
> know this? Just because they aren’t publicly saying anything about projects 
> doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. That goes for any company. 
> I guess my htought on the event as a whole is that it was what it was and 
> over-analyzing, which we all are guilty of in this 24-hour news cycle world, 
> can only lead to disappointment…unless Apple sends me that space Black 
> Milanese Loop band for saying this. 
> Jenine Stanley
>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 11:25 AM, Jenny Wood  wrote:
>> I didn’t take time out of my day to monitor the event, but I am kinda glad I 
>> didn’t hold off on buying the Apple Watch back at Christmas, when the 
>> predictions were that a new version would be released this spring. 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone: (972 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter: KC5GNI
>> “I’m the kid who has this habit of dreaming,
>>  Sometimes gets me in trouble too.
>>  But the truth is,
>>  I could no more stop dreaming,
>>  Than I could make them all come true.”
>>  — “The Kid” Buddy Mondlock
>>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 7:32 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>> Wonder if anyone else felt the way I did.  The event seemed to be a total 
>>> waste of time.  Watch bands, really?  You wanted time out of my afternoon 
>>> for watch bands?
>>> In my professional opinion it was serious weak sauce.  Wonder what others 
>>> thought, is it just me?
>>> -- 
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Re: Anyone else disappointed with the "big" apple event

2016-03-22 Thread Rod Skene
It works on my iPhone 6s Plus but not my old iPhone 5s. I did not have to 
enable anything. After the update, put your phone in airplane mode and find an 
edit field To try it out.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 22, 2016, at 11:41 AM, wrote:
> Off-line dictation on the iPhone? I missed it. Does it work on the iPhone 6? 
> Do I have to enable anything?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Venkatesh Potluri
> Http://
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22-Mar-2016, at 10:08 PM, Rod Skene  wrote:
>> I liked it. Very impressed with the update to Apple TV. Folders, dictation,  
>> and Bluetooth keyboard are all very big for me.
>>  I really like the new iPhone. May try to find a way to switch from my 6S 
>> plus to the new smaller four-inch phone.
>> Finally, off-line dictation on my iPhone is really big for me as well. 
>> Overall there are several new features and a piece of new hardware that 
>> really interests me.
>> Rod
>> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.
>>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Jenine Stanley  
>>> wrote:
>>> I really think in terms of these presentaitons that we consumers are our 
>>> own worst enemy. We now *expect* big things, in March, in June from WWDC 
>>> and then again in September/October. 
>>> I’m reeling a bit just thinking about iPhone 7 possibly this fall. I just 
>>> got a 6s. I know that the new phone plans where you pay each month and can 
>>> get the latest and greatest phone are becoming the thing but at some point 
>>> I’m afraid we’ll get to that stage where we can’t be impressed by anything 
>>> unless it shocks us or is hitting us with the force of short time spans. I 
>>> hope that made sense. 
>>> Maybe the Spring Event for Apple needs to be toned down. Maybe they don’t 
>>> necessarily need to have one. 
>>> Was I hoping for more? Yes, but more detail, not more new and innovative. 
>>> For those who feel Apple isn’t blazing trails anymore, what trails? How do 
>>> we know this? Just because they aren’t publicly saying anything about 
>>> projects doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. That goes for any company. 
>>> I guess my htought on the event as a whole is that it was what it was and 
>>> over-analyzing, which we all are guilty of in this 24-hour news cycle 
>>> world, can only lead to disappointment…unless Apple sends me that space 
>>> Black Milanese Loop band for saying this. 
>>> Jenine Stanley
>>>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 11:25 AM, Jenny Wood  wrote:
>>>> I didn’t take time out of my day to monitor the event, but I am kinda glad 
>>>> I didn’t hold off on buying the Apple Watch back at Christmas, when the 
>>>> predictions were that a new version would be released this spring. 
>>>> --
>>>> Jenny Wood
>>>> Phone: (972 989-3894
>>>> Email:
>>>> Facebook/Twitter: KC5GNI
>>>> “I’m the kid who has this habit of dreaming,
>>>>  Sometimes gets me in trouble too.
>>>>  But the truth is,
>>>>  I could no more stop dreaming,
>>>>  Than I could make them all come true.”
>>>>  — “The Kid” Buddy Mondlock
>>>>> On Mar 22, 2016, at 7:32 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:
>>>>> Wonder if anyone else felt the way I did.  The event seemed to be a total 
>>>>> waste of time.  Watch bands, really?  You wanted time out of my afternoon 
>>>>> for watch bands?
>>>>> In my professional opinion it was serious weak sauce.  Wonder what others 
>>>>> thought, is it just me?
>>>>> -- 
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Re: Uh, guys? We've got a problem with KNFB Reader for I O S.

2015-10-22 Thread Rod Skene
LOL! Thank you for making me laugh with that slow spelling of nothing. I needed 
that tonight! thank you again

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Oct 22, 2015, at 6:57 PM, Eileen Scrivani  wrote:
> Yes, exactly the same problem I was having with it this afternoon while 
> trying to scan a few pages from a book.  The number for speed kept saying 20% 
> and when I tried to tap  and then flick up/down it would do “N.O.T.H.I.N.G.”
> From: Jamie Pauls
> Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Uh, guys? We've got a problem with KNFB Reader for I O S.
> It's actually 20% and it seems to reset itself each time. I'm calling this a 
> major bug.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 22, 2015, at 6:06 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:
> > 
> > Guys, we have a problem.
> > 
> > I just opened up the KNFB Reader app on my IPhone 6S, and went to scan a 
> > document.  The scan was fine, considering the content I was scanning, 
> > however the female voice that reads the material was obviously on Ambian or 
> > something, as she was so darn slow that it wasn't funny!  Put your Iphone 
> > to about 10% speaking rate... there you pretty much have it.
> > 
> > How in the world do I adjust this?
> > 
> > Chris.
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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Re: mouse keys

2011-08-09 Thread ROD SKENE
Yep. just be sure to turn off num pad commander. I use this function to play 
the sample on the Audible website.  The flash player is not seen by BoiceOver.  
Learned this trick last night in the Archives.
I've had my Mac for three weeks.
I feel like I'm at McDonald's with a Mac: I'm loving it!  LOL

On Aug 9, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> This allows you to control the mouse using the numeric keypad, I think it 
> uses the regular keyboard on a laptop.
> On Aug 9, 2011, at 11:43 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> hi quick question what's the mouse keys on and off feature in the universal 
>> access menu
>> when its turned is there keys to move it up down left right
>> i tried keyboard help but no response
>> thanks
>> -- 
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VMware fusion and JAWS

2011-08-13 Thread ROD SKENE
Good morning,
How do I re-map my right command key to an insert key and my right option key 
to an applications key while I am in VMware fusion?  Also, will it affect the 
keyboard commander commands such as right option key, T for time?
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Re: Talking Dashboard Update: v1.1 Beta

2013-07-01 Thread ROD SKENE
These scripts are awesome Alex! Thank you!
On Jun 30, 2013, at 6:58 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> The reminders script was the big hold-up for this release, but I got it 
> working. It is called "say overdue reminders.scpt" and works on my machine, 
> but please test it thoroughly as it is, um, a bit fragile. You must have 
> overdue reminders (that is, reminders with a due date set where that due date 
> is in the past). Once I know this works, I can expand to speaking other 
> reminders, like those due today.
> Other changes include fixes for the markdown in the readme file, a fix for 
> that ram bug that affected systems with 16gb or more of ram, renaming the 
> battery script to match the rest of the scripts (re-assign it if you assigned 
> it already), and a couple more things you can find in the changelog.
> To install the scripts, just erase your old Talking Dashboard folder and 
> replace it with this one (any commander assignments you made should not break 
> as long as you put this folder in the exact location as the old one). You 
> will see a download notifier script, but don't get excited - it does not work 
> yet. Here's the link to the zip file:
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: helping a blind friend get technology

2012-12-03 Thread Rod Skene
My two cents, I would get a iPod touch and an Apple keyboard. It would be much 
easier to learn and much less expensive. She could Always upgrade to a computer 
later point.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 02/12/2012, at 10:46 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Thanks there
> Well, I guess it boils down to the MacBook air or the Mac mini, if she's 
> getting a Mac. She didn't have a heart attack when I told her how much I paid 
> for my MacBook Pro, and she's planning on setting up her money for the next 
> seven months or so. Anyway, thanks for all the help guys.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 2, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Yes, the mini starts at $600 I believe, but you then need the monitor and 
>> possibly an adapter or cable, depending on the monitor you choose. You also 
>> need a keyboard and, if she wants one, some kind of trackpad for gestures. 
>> So, assume the standard apple keyboard at $40 (for the wired one), a cheap 
>> monitor for $100, and the $60 trackpad and we've just gone up to $800. 
>> Especially if she will be getting training, you may want to stick with a 
>> mobile computer so she can take it around to different places. An iPad 
>> works, but it's hard to say that she will be happy with it once she starts 
>> to see what it can't do, such as play CDs or offer different voices. I love 
>> iPads and other iOS devices, I've just not heard good things about using 
>> them as computer replacements.
>> The screen reader is NVDA (, and it is free and 
>> open-source. You're right, there is no support for it since it is, well 
>> free, but I'm sure you can find people who can teach it. It is becoming more 
>> popular, so access tech specialists should know it. The speech is hard to 
>> get used to, but you will eventually. Still, it's no Alex or Serena but 
>> again the money problem. I'd like to stress once more that I would 
>> personally pick a mac every time, and I only bring up windows to point out 
>> that the cost difference may outweigh the benefits of the mac in this one 
>> case. If you can get around money, then the mac is the better choice.
>> On Dec 2, 2012, at 10:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I'm not familiar with the screen reader  you're talking about, which brings 
>>> up the question. Who's going to help her learn a Windows screen reader that 
>>> most blind people don't have? I mean quick, if she doesn't know someone who 
>>> has this screen reader, I think she stuck. The other question I have is, is 
>>> not a Mac mini cheaper than $1000? I haven't talk to her much about this 
>>> yet, but for what she wants, there is a good chance that she could use the 
>>> iPad And a keyboard.
>>> I have another blind friend who decided to continue with a Windows 
>>> computer. She had learned Johnice and windows at work, and when she retired 
>>> she didn't want to change it. However, even though she had used the 
>>> computer at work, she is pretty shaky when it comes to problems with her 
>>> computer. This means that her computer guru brother has had to help her 
>>> almost immediately with this computer, And they live in different states. I 
>>> mention this because I see some blind people needing a great deal of 
>>> support in order to maintain their computers, and not all of them have that 
>>> support.
>>> This lady that when you're talking about, as far as I know, is on her own. 
>>> I live in one city, she lives in another. This means I can't volunteer to 
>>> help her. Since I used Windows for a number of years before getting him 
>>> back, I could do it if we lived near each other.
>>> I think a lot of us are forgetting here that what some of us on this list 
>>> could do quite fine, others who don't have our experience would find very 
>>> frustrating and not workable. This lady needs the keep it simple system. 
>>> She's very smart, but I don't think she would be motivated to learn 
>>> anything that took extreme amounts of time And effort. If she gets a 
>>> cheaper Windows computer and she gets a cheaper screen reader, I think she  
>>> will have to teach herself.
>>> I appreciate any and all opinions on the subject. I asked for them, and I 
>>> welcome them.
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 2, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Okay, please don't shoot me for this, but I think it needs to be 
 mentioned. Sorry, but... why a mac? NVDA on Windows is much cheaper and 
 does just as well in pretty much everything, even better in some areas 
 (Safari, I'm looking at you and your lack of a flat representation). I 
 know this is a mac list, and I'm not saying the mac is bad, but when you 
 can get a reasonably good Windows laptop for $300, or the basic mac laptop 
 for $1000, and where money is an issue... well, you see where I'm coming 
 from I hope.
 On Dec 2, 2012, at 7:54 

Re: iTunes again

2012-12-03 Thread Rod Skene
The colum browser did not disappear.  You need to check the songs radio button. 
 Then, the colum browser will not be dimmed out .
Hope this helps,

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 03/12/2012, at 11:59 AM, "Jesus Garcia"  wrote:

> did the column browser completely disappear? or, can you bring it back up
> from the view menu?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Mark Baxter
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 12:04
> To:
> Subject: Re: iTunes again
> I agree there are more steps, and I"m wondering if VO's sweet spots might be
> able to help here, or landmarks, but I"m not sure how.
> Another issue seems to be that, at least with my library being so huge, (How
> Huge Is IT!?!) Often, when interacting with the table, all I hear is "row
> 1,048, one item)  "row 10249 one item."  Doesn't tell me what the item is.
> I want my column browser back
> . Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> . AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969  . MSN:
>  . My home page:
> .
> --
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Re: for advanced users only

2013-01-05 Thread Rod Skene
True, a small percentage of blind people use braille. However, as much as 90% 
of blind people employed today are Braille  users.  I would recommend anyone 
who cannot use print to learn braille. I learned braille as an adult because I 
am newly blinded too. it has given me many more opportunities with or  without 
I apologize for getting off topic. I just feel it is so important to learn 
braille if you cannot use print. I will never read Braille as fast as I used to 
read print but it has greatly enhanced my life.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 05/01/2013, at 5:42 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Hi yuma,
> I love that tag at the end of your message BTW...bubble bath indeed.
> I simply wanted to point out that you are in the majority not being a braille 
> user.
> Even a basic google of braille brings up  figures indicating less than 15% 
> even less than 10% in some cases of those experiencing sight loss of SOME 
> kind use braille.  there are far more options for getting information that 
> people can choose from these days.
> much success finding the solution fitting your unique experiences and needs.
> Karen
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2013, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks for the suggestions. However:
>> 1-being relatively recently blind, i haven't had much time learning braille 
>> as my disability is related to trauma and only went for fundamentals, and 
>> i'm too slow for anything on that front.
>> 2-i tried dictionary suggestion but voice over assumes the same rules when 
>> reading by blocks of text.
>> 3-Because of how the text is formatted in the textbook pdfs, it would be a 
>> tremendous ammount of superfluous work to ask disability staff at uni to 
>> modify everything for me.
>> The solution would just be an option in the voice over 
>> utility/speech/pronounciations where each added custom pronounciation has 
>> it's verbosity setting. Say you want semi-colons to be spoken but not 
>> colons, or brackets versus perenthesis or square brackets when they surround 
>> normal brackets, etc etc. The difference between all or most is 
>> insignificant, and there should be a more granular approach for specialized 
>> text such as for engineering or special litterature.
>> I have sent a detailed description through the developer site and hope 
>> someone might look into it
>> "Light has no value without darkness"
>> Mob: +642102277190
>> Skype: Shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> This message is protected by article 4-210 of a certain book of laws but you 
>> don't have to worry about privacy issues if you are the intended recipient. 
>> However, if any freakish circumstance such as ip sniffing, honey pot open 
>> relay servers or an honest mistake caused a transmission error, please 
>> advise the sender and throw your laptop into a bubble bath to avoid all 
>> illicit data retention.
>> On 6/01/2013, at 6:40 AM, Laura M  wrote:
>>> That's exactly what I was going to suggest. It's not a perfect solution, 
>>> but it's the one I use in these situations. Sometimes I find I need to put 
>>> a space before or after the symbol when I'm writing the text in the 
>>> pronunciation editor. Without that, I find VoiceOver still just ignores the 
>>> punctuation mark.
>>> --
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>> illicit data retention.
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ABBYY FineReader Express

2013-01-26 Thread ROD SKENE
I just purchased ABBYY FineReader Express. It seems to be pretty simple, but is 
there a podcast demonstrating
 the app? I often overlook many features with new apps.

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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-03 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Sara,
I don't have MS Office for the Mac and can't give you any specific details on 
its inaccessibility . However, I want you to know  I would   purchase it if I 
heard on this list it became  useable with Voiceover. Thanks for your interest 
in making MS Office accessible.

On Jan 31, 2013, at 1:34 AM, J.P.  wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> We are always saying how inaccessible Office for Mac is. The head of 
> Microsoft's Mac accessibility team is reading this post. Those of you who 
> have used the software, please give examples where we know it's inaccessible. 
> Sara, who head's their team is giving us an opportunity that a lot of 
> developers don't. I know for myself, I would rather load one piece of 
> software. Rather then having to use a virtual machine. 
> Thanks, J. p. 
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2013-02-08 Thread Rod Skene
Can anyone access the serious ex M online player with any Internet browser? I 
use pulsar and it works pretty good, but it no longer updates new channels.
Thank you for any help. Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

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Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?

2013-02-09 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Chris,
GREAT! I'm looking forward to the audio demo. I have a few questions you may be 
planning on demonstrating. Is there a way to browse all the SiriusXM channels. 
I can use the edit box but am having trouble browsing channels. I'm  interested 
in browsing non-SiriusXM channels as well. Do you know the specifics of the 
trial version. I have it installed. Is it 30 days or does the app just work for 
a short time before having to re-launch. Finally, did you get the Mac app store 
version or the updated one from the website?
Thanks for your time.

On Feb 9, 2013, at 9:29 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> Did you go to the window menu in your menu bar, then go to the Radium option 
> under there?  By default it won't have any Windows.
> I'll be posting a blog entry of an audio demo later today and will let you 
> all know once it is up.  Trust me, I promise, this is doable.  Don't give up. 
>  Let me work with you on it, as it is a great app, I promise.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 2:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>> Therewsanosearchbox
>> Matt
>> Sent from my mac
>> Twitter: matt692
>> On 2013-02-08, at 9:14 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>  wrote:
>>> Did you type into the search box the station that you were looking for?
>>> Chris Gilland.
>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>> E-mail:
>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 10:29 PM
>>> Subject: Radium - what's so good about this app?
 Hey all.
 I just installed the trial of Radium, and I'm thinking of uninstalling it.
 How do I access any stations?
 I added the Sirius and XM Canada accounts, and nothing.
 Its too badpulsar is dead, because that app was great.
 Sent from my mac
 Twitter: matt692
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Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?

2013-02-09 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Daniel,
It's pretty steep for me too, but I really want to listen to SiriusXM on my 
computer. My iPhone can only air play to one device or speaker at once. I want 
to send to several air play speakers simultaneously. 
I'm open to  anything that will access SiriusXM on my Mac though.

On Feb 9, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it just me? Or is $24.99 too high-priced for an app like this? One would 
> think it would be $9.99 or something, not to mention the extra cost that 
> sirius/XM charges you to listen online in the first place.
> On Feb 9, 2013, at 2:00 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>  wrote:
>> All this is gonna be covered.
>> I'm about to record the demo now.  Things have been a little hectic and I've 
>> needed to make time when I have a quiet environment to do it.  Then of corse 
>> I'm gonna have to edit the thing.  It should be ready by tonight.
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> E-mail:
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: "ROD SKENE" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "ROD SKENE" 
>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:43 AM
>> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>> Hi Chris,
>> GREAT! I'm looking forward to the audio demo. I have a few questions you may 
>> be planning on demonstrating. Is there a way to browse all the SiriusXM 
>> channels. I can use the edit box but am having trouble browsing channels. 
>> I'm  interested in browsing non-SiriusXM channels as well. Do you know the 
>> specifics of the trial version. I have it installed. Is it 30 days or does 
>> the app just work for a short time before having to re-launch. Finally, did 
>> you get the Mac app store version or the updated one from the website?
>> Thanks for your time.
>> Rod
>> On Feb 9, 2013, at 9:29 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>  wrote:
>>> Did you go to the window menu in your menu bar, then go to the Radium 
>>> option under there?  By default it won't have any Windows.
>>> I'll be posting a blog entry of an audio demo later today and will let you 
>>> all know once it is up.  Trust me, I promise, this is doable.  Don't give 
>>> up.  Let me work with you on it, as it is a great app, I promise.
>>> Chris Gilland.
>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>> E-mail:
>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 2:15 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>>>> Therewsanosearchbox
>>>> Matt
>>>> Sent from my mac
>>>> Twitter: matt692
>>>> On 2013-02-08, at 9:14 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Did you type into the search box the station that you were looking for?
>>>>> Chris Gilland.
>>>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>>>> To: 
>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 10:29 PM
>>>>> Subject: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>>>>>> Hey all.
>>>>>> I just installed the trial of Radium, and I'm thinking of uninstalling 
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> How do I access any stations?
>>>>>> I added the Sirius and XM Canada accounts, and nothing.
>>>>>> Its too badpulsar is dead, because that app was great.
>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>> Sent from my mac
>>>>>> Twitter: matt692

Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?

2013-02-09 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks for the update andtaking the time to help us. I'm looking forward to 
the recording.
I'm learning a bit more about Radium.  I like the app, but I can't  adjust the 
volume with  the keyboard shortcut. In fact, , I can't use any   shortcuts at 
all. Also, I can't use the app unless I run it in the dock. It would be nice to 
have it in the Menu bar only, like I run Airfoil. Are these features unlocked 
when you purchase the app?
Thanks again,

On Feb 9, 2013, at 4:59 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> I'm having some technical trouble with recording.  I'm gonna do the podcast, 
> but it may not be until tomorrow before I get it published.  I am so sorry 
> for the inconvenience.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: "Daniel Miller" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
> Hi,
> Is it just me? Or is $24.99 too high-priced for an app like this? One would 
> think it would be $9.99 or something, not to mention the extra cost that 
> sirius/XM charges you to listen online in the first place.
> On Feb 9, 2013, at 2:00 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>  wrote:
>> All this is gonna be covered.
>> I'm about to record the demo now.  Things have been a little hectic and I've 
>> needed to make time when I have a quiet environment to do it.  Then of corse 
>> I'm gonna have to edit the thing.  It should be ready by tonight.
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> E-mail:
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: "ROD SKENE" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "ROD SKENE" 
>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:43 AM
>> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>> Hi Chris,
>> GREAT! I'm looking forward to the audio demo. I have a few questions you may 
>> be planning on demonstrating. Is there a way to browse all the SiriusXM 
>> channels. I can use the edit box but am having trouble browsing channels. 
>> I'm  interested in browsing non-SiriusXM channels as well. Do you know the 
>> specifics of the trial version. I have it installed. Is it 30 days or does 
>> the app just work for a short time before having to re-launch. Finally, did 
>> you get the Mac app store version or the updated one from the website?
>> Thanks for your time.
>> Rod
>> On Feb 9, 2013, at 9:29 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>  wrote:
>>> Did you go to the window menu in your menu bar, then go to the Radium 
>>> option under there?  By default it won't have any Windows.
>>> I'll be posting a blog entry of an audio demo later today and will let you 
>>> all know once it is up.  Trust me, I promise, this is doable.  Don't give 
>>> up.  Let me work with you on it, as it is a great app, I promise.
>>> Chris Gilland.
>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>> E-mail:
>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Matt Dierckens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 2:15 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Radium - what's so good about this app?
>>>> Therewsanosearchbox
>>>> Matt
>>>> Sent from my mac
>>>> Twitter: matt692
>>>> On 2013-02-08, at 9:14 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Did you type into the search box the station that you were looking for?
>>>>> Chris Gilland.
>>>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>>>> E-mail:
>>>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>>>> ---

Re: Auto correction on the Mac

2013-02-10 Thread ROD SKENE
After accepting a correction, Is there a way to prevent Voiceover announcing 
revert correction or disable this feature? I have never needed to revert a 
correction. This feature just seems to get in my way.

On Feb 10, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Simply wait for the sound, then press space. To review multiple correction 
> options, press down arrow, then left/right through the options. Press enter 
> to use one, or escape to Exit the list.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 10, 2013, at 10:38, Richard Ring  wrote:
>> I have totally forgotten how to accept a suggested correction on the Mac. 
>> I'm talking about spelling corrections, of course. Could one of you folks 
>> refresh my flagging memmory?
>> Thanks!
>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>> -- 
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Re: searching for stations in radium

2013-02-13 Thread Rod Skene
The window where you can search for stations does not show when you open the 
app and also disappears when you come man tap away from the app. So, go to the 
menu bar arrow over to window and down arrow to radium. Then, you'll be in a 
search box and you can type a radio station name

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 12/02/2013, at 9:46 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hello,
> I just downloaded the trial or Radium version 3, and am stumped on how to 
> search for station. From what it seems, this app doesn't seem as accessible 
> as people are making it out to be.
> Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: searching for stations in radium

2013-02-13 Thread Rod Skene
I made a shortcut in system preferences under keyboard then shortcuts tab. It 
only works in the application though. I have to have radium in focus in order 
to use the keystroke To bring the correct window in focus with out going 
through the menu bar. Are you saying the global keystroke can be used anywhere 
like if the finder is an focus?

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 13/02/2013, at 12:23 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"  

> Or you can set a global shortcut key as I did to manually bring up the window 
> at any time regardless where you are on the mac currently.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> ----- Original Message - From: "Rod Skene" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 7:26
> Subject: Re: searching for stations in radium
> The window where you can search for stations does not show when you open the 
> app and also disappears when you come man tap away from the app. So, go to 
> the menu bar arrow over to window and down arrow to radium. Then, you'll be 
> in a search box and you can type a radio station name
> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling 
> errors.
> On 12/02/2013, at 9:46 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just downloaded the trial or Radium version 3, and am stumped on how to 
>> search for station. From what it seems, this app doesn't seem as accessible 
>> as people are making it out to be.
>> Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
>> -- 
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-15 Thread Rod Skene
I have to respectfully disagree. When I look at Mac OSx, windows XP seven or 
eight, and android, there are so many more disappointments. I think iOS is the 
best platform in respect to accessibility then any other OS whether you're 
talking mobile or PC.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 15/02/2013, at 11:42 AM, wrote:

> OT: iOS 6 disappointment! 
> Is anyone else feeling a little sad about the iOS eco-system since release in 
> October. Don't get me wrong, there will always be issues. However Apple has 
> had so many issues. 
> First, you had the complete redesign of iBooks,  App, iTunes store. In the 
> first release the blind community lost a lot of access, because we didn't 
> even have the ability to see ratings with the new software. 
> Second, you had the App store crashing when you would go into the search 
> area. This happened to everyone, not just our community. 
> thirdly, who can forget the map debacle. 
> You have devices going into recovery mode when you do a reset. 
> The 6. 1 update you now have exchange issue. The extreme 4s battery issue, 
> and now this morning people who use institutional accounts like at schools. 
> Individuals can bypass the no downloading option. 
> I just find this so sad. apple used to pay such close attention to stability, 
> clean UI, and of course accessibility. I still love my Apple products, and 
> hope things change under Jony Ive. Is anyone else feeling slightly let down? 
> This is just a short list, I know you could point out more. I just pointed 
> out a few which never should have happened!
> J.P.
> -- 
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Re: OT: iOS 6 Disappointment!

2013-02-17 Thread Rod Skene
LOL!  your comparison of companies making blind specific products and companies 
making technology with built-in accessibility was hilarious. It is true, like 
comparing a Warden of a   prison and a leader of a democracy.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 17/02/2013, at 6:19 AM, Cheree Heppe  wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> Actually, to compare HumanWare and the likes of Freedom Scientific to models 
> of accessibility would be like comparing the warden of a prison to the leader 
> of a democracy.  Both these are for profit entities which is fine, but both 
> do not conform to Windows or any other standards, except when absolutely 
> unaboidable.  The reason these blindness accessibility businesses don't 
> conform is because they must set themselves apart from their competition.  If 
> all of the screen reader makers, note taker builders and such followed a 
> standard protocol, as computer builders have been pressured by the market to 
> do, then, blind consumers would only have to compare based on performance.  
> Instead, we as a community sit through flashy demos and broad promises of 
> productivity only to discover, thousands of dollars and massive weeks of 
> struggle later, that the hype does not equal the performance.
> Remember, or maybe not, when computer builders sought to set themselves apart 
> by making differently configured keyboards and different command sequences 
> for their machines and software?  The pressure of the consumer community 
> forced a leveling of that particular landscape so that all a consumer need 
> worry about involved the operation of the unit or program.
> The blindness gadgetry falls into the early mistaken mold of wanting to 
> distinguish itself by things other than strict performance.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPad Mini
> On 2013 Whe 16, at 20:59, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> That fine line between striving for fare access and thinking access should 
>> be the primary goal. Access first is HumanWare freedom and the like and I 
>> find using the App Store far easier and accessible than learning most of 
>> their offerings. 
>> It often seems to me the community is polarised between wanting to climb 
>> mountains and fly plains and expecting the world to totally conform to there 
>> wants and needs. I'll sit in the middle and work a little harder to learn 
>> how to do things and occasionally fail but remain truly great full for what 
>> I have. 
>> Thank you apple. Go ahead and make something pretty. Just so long as I can 
>> still use it efectively how Can I complain. You don't have to make it 
>> accessible at all! I will report bugs and make suggestions for improving and 
>> will grumble over things I don't like but I won't expect you and yours to 
>> make decisions based on me first. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 17/02/2013, at 1:56 AM, Cheree Heppe  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> This fascinates me.  Whenever a change in accessibility is made that 
>>> impairs us, somebody always apologizes for us by saying that we have to 
>>> make allowances for the visuals among us.  Does that strike anyone as 
>>> backward thinking?
>>> Hanging accessibility on the visual appeal perceptions of a blind observer 
>>> implies that we as blind people have no idea of what is easy to use or what 
>>> is useful.  Universal design does not mean me firster design, unless I'm 
>>> seriously misunderstanding the intent of the English language.
>>> The previous iteration worked.  This iteration is convoluted and 
>>> restrictive.
>>> Earlier, Apple made the choice to ignor accessibility and ended up losing 
>>> the contract for the State of New York's schools because their newest 
>>> version of accessibility had narrowed the access so badly that those 
>>> needing the access couldn't use it and the Windows camp took precedence.
>>> I would hate to think that sort of slippage is re-asserting itself.
>>> My srance: The current iteration of IOS it flawed and moving farther into 
>>> that area.  My thinking is that somebody in Apple is embarrassed to be 
>>> compared to a charity group pandoring to the disabled and, why don't the 
>>> Apple people realize that they have a normal public to satisfy, etc.
>>> Well, the fact remains that anyone has the potential to require disability 
>>> features.  An accident, a careless inattention by our fellow man and we 
>>> have the accessibility paradigm staring us in the face.  There are always 
>>> those pesky wars, where whole people come back with less than they left 
>>> with.
>>> Accessibility features aid everyone.  There should not be a stigma in how 
>>> accessibility is introduced into a product.  If there is doubt, the 
>>> accessibility tab in the IOS devices is way at the bottom of the list of 
>>> other modalities,.  Accessibility should be intuitive and simple, so tha

Re: Fleksy is now free

2013-02-17 Thread Rod Skene
There are very nice instructions in the app. If you are in the area trying to 
type, do a two finger flip up in the menu will have an option for instructions. 
Hope this helps. Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 17/02/2013, at 8:43 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> True, Thanx for passing this on.  Can I get some tips  on how to use it?
>  I tried the free version a while back but couldn't make heads or tails of it 
> and don't know how to copy/paste using the IPhone yet.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2013, at 9:02 AM, Rodney Haynie  wrote:
>> Looks like the latest update to Fleksy, now says it is free.
>> So now there is really no reason not to try out this awesome typing app!
>> They say it is free now because it has gone to a main stream app. But I am 
>> not sure where their revenue stream comes from. Oh well, don't look a gift 
>> horse in the mouth? (smile)
>> Take care.
>> Rodney
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Re: Is there any accessible way to sign up to Sirius XM?

2014-11-27 Thread Rod Skene
Hi Robert, I'm sorry to say you still can't listen to college football games 
with the iPhone app or online. Everything else I'm interested in is available 
through the iPhone app and with radium on the Mac. I use tune in radio for all 
my college football listening. Sorry I don't know about college basketball. I'm 
just not a fan. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the games today! Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Nov 27, 2014, at 8:29 AM, ROBERT CARTER  wrote:
> Hi,
> I gave up XM sometime ago because of the lack of accessibility. I do miss it 
> and should probably take another look. Does anybody know whether or not the 
> college sports channels are now available via the iPhone app?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
>> On Nov 26, 2014, at 10:28 PM, Juliette Swiler  wrote:
>> I do not know if some of you have used the Sirius XM application for the 
>> iPhone in a while, but it seems perfectly accessible to me. Not only can I 
>> download on demand content, I can stream it wirelessly, as well as finding 
>> which channel I want to listen to, find out what program is playing on that 
>> specific channel, as well as navigate the tabs along the bottom such as 
>> categories, channels, etc. There are a couple of settings you should change 
>> in the application settings in order to make it work better with VoiceOver. 
>> I don’t know, but that sounds pretty accessible to me. It has definitely 
>> come a long way since the original version of the app.
>>> On Nov 26, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Maurice Mines  wrote:
>>> Good afternoon, are you trying to sign up for satellite radio directly? 
>>> Were you trying to sign up for the Internet a.k.a. device version of 
>>> serious XM. If you’re signing up for the actual radio broadcast a.k.a. the 
>>> satellite service itself, all you will need to do is unfortunately find 
>>> someone site to read the ID of the unit that you have someone read to you 
>>> your assigned account number. Now if you’re trying to sign up for the 
>>> Internet radio, that process is significantly harder for us. Because you 
>>> have to have an existing account before it really becomes usable. 
>>> Unfortunately about 90% of the Internet/phone application is not usable by 
>>> us. So I guess let me boil it all down to this, if you’re a blind guy and 
>>> you want serious XM, you’d probably just should get the satellite radio 
>>> offering. My experience has been that that’s the most accessible way to get 
>>> the service I’ve been a serious XM subscriber since 2008. So there are any 
>>> questions a.k.a. something I might be able to help you with fill free to 
>>> drop me a line off list, at the email address and I’m going to place in my 
>>> signature block. Happy Thanksgiving to all, be blessed, and safe travels. 
>>> Let’s all think about the reason for the day? Be well Maurice.
>>> Sincerely Maurice mines.
>>> primary email address,
>>> message phone, 505-369-3283.
>>> Note the text of this email has been dictated by using Dragon 4.0 for Mac, 
>>> some words, spellings, syntax and/or phrases may be incorrect. Any errors 
>>> are the result of either the software or the dictation process.
 On Nov 25, 2014, at 5:03 PM, Brent Harding  wrote:
 I'm not sure if you can call to get the internet only one, but you could 
 try. Without an app, their site isn't so great on accessibility. You can, 
 or could, enter a channel into the edit box, but not a lot more, the last 
 I remember.
 - Original Message - From: "Joshua Tubbs" 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 5:43 PM
 Subject: Is there any accessible way to sign up to Sirius XM?
> Hi all,
> I notice that the online signup, and even player, of SiriusXM is highly 
> inaccessible with VoiceOver. A friend of mine got an offer which 
> apparently had an alternate form. Since this is probably no longer 
> available, is the best option to just call?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Choppy Apple TV

2014-12-24 Thread Rod Skene
What is a sounder? 
I have a second generation Apple TV. I have a HDMI cable connected from the 
Apple TV  to the TV and an optical audio cable connected from the Apple TV to a 
Bose SR1 soundbar. Audio only media such as iRadio and media air played from my 
iPhone works great with the TV powered off. But, video such as Netflix doesn't 
play without my TV turned on. 
Hope this makes sence.
By the way, I have no issues with media or VoiceOver stuttering or any think of 
cutting in and out.
Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Dec 24, 2014, at 6:37 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
> Nope you don’t have to have anything but a sounder everything works fine 
> without the Tv.  I am single and don’t watch a lot of Tv but there ar certain 
> shows I like and I also like the fact of the radio on the Apple tv as well.
>> On Dec 23, 2014, at 9:32 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Well, forgoing the whole TV thing is definitely not possible here. I have a 
>> cited husband who would not be happy. Besides, I thought you needed the HDMI 
>> something to do with the video, before you could do things like watch 
>> Netflix.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 23, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> I have the Third generation.  I forwent the whole TV thing though.
 On Dec 23, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
 Which AppleTV do you have, Scott? The second or third generation one? 
 Someone suggested that the latency problem is less or nonexistent with the 
 more recent model. Someone else said they still had choppiness. So I 
 decided to go for the analog out on my TV to the analog in on my sound bar.
 Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 23, 2014, at 3:22 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
> I am using a Philips sound bar myself.  I don’t really watch TV but enjoy 
> many devices through my Sound bar.  I am currently using the Fiber Optic 
> cables that the Apple Tv allows for.  I have used HDMI successfully as 
> well though with my LG Electronics sound bar that I had which broke.
>> On Dec 23, 2014, at 3:06 PM, Robert Cole  
>> wrote:
>> Have you tried using your TV headphone jack?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 23, 2014, at 12:10 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> I would love to be able to do the audio and video through a single 
>>> cable and still be able to use good speakers. How can one do that? In 
>>> both of my scenarios, I have had to use the digital optical cable, in 
>>> order to avoid using the horrible TV speakers. How can that be done 
>>> with just the HDMI?
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 23, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Anders Holmberg  
 Do i have to connect it through a dac then?
> 23 dec 2014 kl. 02:56 skrev Ray Foret Jr :
> Actually, yes, the Apple TV box does have an optical output. However, 
> let me point out, that the optical output on the Apple TV is strictly 
> for nothing but digital audio. No video whatsoever passes through the 
> optical port. If you want to do the audio and the video through a 
> single cable, you have to use HDMI.
> Your progress
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly barefooted Ray,
> Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
> Sent from my iPhone,
> the only smart phone with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>> On Dec 22, 2014, at 7:48 PM, jeffrey greene  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, The apple tv itself has an optical output, but i think you need 
>> to purchase the cable for it directly from apple. On the other hand, 
>> I have an apple tv approximately one year old and its choppy both 
>> with VO and movies through my tv’s speakers. It just started after 
>> the last apple tv software update. I’m hoping there will be a new 
>> update to correct this.
>> Jeff
>>> On Dec 22, 2014, at 8:42 PM, Mary Otten  wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have an older Apple TV, the first model that had 
>>> voiceover. I have it connected to a TV through HDMI.
>>> It works fine through the internal lousy TV speakers. When I 
>>> connect my sound bar to the TV using the TV optical  output from 
>>> the TV to my sound bar, voiceover becomes very choppy and 
>>> inconsistent, to the point to that sometimes I hear no voice over 
>>> output at all for the currently focused menu item. I had this same 
>>> problem with a different set up with the same Apple TV, and thought 
>>> it was a problem with either the cable or the AV rec

Re: 1 Password Help

2013-02-23 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Scott,
I use 1Password and have installed the Safari extension. It was awhile ago and 
don't remembered exactly how it was done. However, I can tell you the extension 
is not assessable with VoiceOver. I don't utilize it at all. I do everything 
from inside the app. I'm sorry I don't have better information for you. I'm 
certainly not an expert. Smile.
Good luck,

On Feb 23, 2013, at 11:10 AM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Thank you so much for your EXPERTISE with this issue Gabe. For the record, we 
> do not claim to know everything about using the Mac, but we will always do 
> whatever is required to solve problems for our clients and that is what I was 
> doing with this particular issue. Just so I am clear on this next part, I do 
> not personally
> use Safari extensions and after following these exact steps that you so 
> expertly outlined, the 1 Password button does not appear in my toolbar. It 
> was only after struggling with this for a couple of hours that I decided to 
> pose a question to the list. Now I am so sorry that I did, because obviously 
> this is not an open forum for such questions, or maybe you are just one bad 
> apple that spoils the bunch.
> I have had my say, and now I will return to more productive tasks.
> Scott
> On Feb 23, 2013, at 8:29 AM, Gabe Vega  wrote:
>> I think it's so funny, when these Fudora outlier people, come on this list 
>> and ask questions. The most simplest of questions. Yet, they are supposed to 
>> be the experts, the trainers, and the support staff for everybody else? Just 
>> doesn't make cents. Maybe that's why they only have a six dollar question, 
>> because no one in the right mind would pay them anymore for such 
>> incompetence. But, from an expert, to answer your question. You need to make 
>> sure the extension is activated in the extensions listening preferences. 
>> Once verify that is active, make sure all appropriate settings for the 
>> extension are chosen, and then look for the one password extension in the 
>> appropriate place maybe the toolbar maybe near the towbar, but if it is not 
>> there it's simply just might not be accessible. Not all extensions are 
>> accessible, and we have experience
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Re: New Mac user

2013-02-26 Thread Rod Skene
I like the NUM pad commander. It really cuts down on keystrokes. I use the DAS 
Multi media keyboard for Mac and love it

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 26/02/2013, at 11:09 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> First, the mac is completely different from windows; some things work better, 
> some things do not. You cannot come to the mac expecting it to be just like 
> windows, or you will be disappointed and frustrated.
> That said, you do not need to press the vo keys as often as certain podcasts 
> lead you to believe. For instance, to activate a button, checkbox, or similar 
> control in a dialog, you can press space, not vo-space. Pressing enter in a 
> dialog will activate the default button (vo will tell you if a button is 
> default when you move over it). Tab will work similar to windows, moving you 
> around from control to control. If it does not, open system preferences, go 
> to keyboard, and make sure tab navigation is turned on and set how you want 
> it. In menus, you can simply arrow, no need to hold the vo keys down, much 
> like in windows. Speaking of menus, you should go into the vo utility 
> (vo-f8), select navigation in the table, and enable cursor wrapping so that 
> vo will not stop at the end of a menu or dialog but instead loop around to 
> the beginning. Finally, some vo commands have mac equivalents: ctrl-f3 goes 
> to the doc, ctrl-f2 goes to the menu bar, and so on. Note that you may need 
> to press function with any command that uses an f key, if you have a keyboard 
> that has a function key and your mac is set up to require it (again, system 
> preferences > keyboard is where you can change that).
> On Feb 26, 2013, at 11:39 AM, wrote:
>> Hello I don't want keep pressing vo Kees every time I need to be like free 
>> windows 
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Is one password worth the $50?

2013-02-28 Thread Rod Skene
There is a trial you can download from their website. It is a full trial with a 
15 or 30 day limit. I decided to purchase from the app store after using the 
trial. I did not learn the program and one sitting, but before the trial was 
done, I felt very confident using most elements of the program. Except for the 
Safari extension of course. The extension is not necessary to use the program.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software.  Please excuse any spelling errors.

On 27/02/2013, at 7:06 AM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> I've been debating whether to buy one password or not. I am very 
> conscientious about creating strong passwords that have random characters but 
> of course this does mean I have to keep a list of them somewhere and don't 
> remember them all. So, while I know nobody can tell me whether it would 
> personally be worth the money to me, I would like input from people who are 
> using this system and maybe also from people who have decided not to buy it.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
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Re: moving to the top of message list in mail

2013-03-04 Thread Rod Skene
I use the numPad commander. Three goes to the beginning and decimal goes to the 
end. This way only one key executes the command. Also, the three is just above 
the decimal key so it makes sense to me three goes to the top decimal to the 

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 04/03/2013, at 12:18 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> I use control one finger flick up on my track pad.
> On 4/03/2013, at 4:14 PM, Kliphton  wrote:
>> My fault, it's go to beginning, and go to end respectively.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: moving to the top of message list in mail
>> Just curious, what command are you guys assigning to 1?  I've tried "Go to
>> Begining"  and Go to Top of Window"  and neither works properly.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> IDE never thought of using keyboard commander like that. Thanks for
>> opening my mind a bit more. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 04/03/2013, at 11:40 AM, "Kliphton"  wrote:
 Your best bet is to create a commander.  I use option 1 to go to the 
 top, and option 2 to go to the bottom.  I don't think there is any other
>> way.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Noel Romey
 Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:48 PM
 Subject: moving to the top of message list in mail
 Hey guys,
 Does anyone know the easiest way to go to the top of the message list 
 in mail in Mountain lion?  I have seen that command+up arrow held 
 down and and it is supposed to move to the top.  VO doesn't allow me 
 to do this.. Any ideas or experiences?
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Re: trying to access Chase statements

2013-03-05 Thread Rod Skene
Did you look in your download folder to see if the file was downloaded when you 
clicked on the link?

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 04/03/2013, at 12:46 PM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

> Hi.
> I am trying to view the Chase credit card statements.  They are supposed to 
> be viewable PDF’s, but when I click the links in Safari nothing happens.  
> Does anyone have suggestions?  Thanks.Bill
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Re: 1 Password again

2013-03-08 Thread Rod Skene
After the desired webpage opens, I sometimes have to command tab Back to one 
password and leave the webpage open. Then, option command return again and that 
usually works for me.

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 07/03/2013, at 4:47 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> I almost hate to post on this subject as I got blasted the last time but I am 
> still having some difficulties with 1 Password.  Let me see if I can explain 
> what is happening.
> I cannot seem to get the program to auto submit my saved log in information 
> for a particular site. I have several of my accounts set up inside of 1 
> Password and upon successfully logging into the program I then go to the log 
> ins table, and focus on the item that I want to log into, then I press the 
> keyboard combination
> of option, command return which is followed by Voice Over saying Auto Fill in 
> Browser. 
> At this point Safari will open to the desired website but I will only be on 
> the page in which I need to enter in my log in info. Am I wrong for thinking 
> that the program should log me into the site upon pressing the keyboard 
> command, or am I mistaken?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
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Re: Radio player for Mac

2013-03-10 Thread Rod Skene
For free solutions, I use the radio and iTunes and piano pub for Pandora. I 
also think TuneIn radio has a website that works pretty good with voiceover. I 
really like radium though as you mentioned it is a paid app, but it works 
great. I really like how it is not in the command tab sequence. It just stays 
up in the extras menu.
Sorry I don't have something more in line with what you were asking for. Good 
luck. Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 10/03/2013, at 7:58 AM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi their folks, 
> I am looking for a radio player in the line of tapin radio for windows, or 
> TuneIn radio for iOS. 
> I know that radium works fine, but it is a paid app. If you have any ideas, 
> please let me know.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: Radio player for Mac

2013-03-10 Thread ROD SKENE
I don't know of any special VO  shortcuts, but there is a few in preferences 
you can activate. For example, anywhere, I can press command shift x, and it 
will pause/play the stream. You can change the volume in more options pop up 
button. Interact with headphones and VO right arrow. Interact with the volume 
slider. It has built-in air play support, so you can change the volume of air 
play speakers separately.
My favorite feature is SiriusXMsupport. Sure beats the online player. 
Good luck,

On Mar 10, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hey, thanks for the hint. Radium seems to be wonderful. Bought it right now. 
> In the version information in the App Store they said they improved VO 
> accessibility. Do you know if there are some special VoiceOver short cuts. 
> And do you know how to in- or decrease volume?
> Thanks and all the best
> Jürgen
> Am 10.03.2013 um 14:57 schrieb Rod Skene :
>> For free solutions, I use the radio and iTunes and piano pub for Pandora. I 
>> also think TuneIn radio has a website that works pretty good with voiceover. 
>> I really like radium though as you mentioned it is a paid app, but it works 
>> great. I really like how it is not in the command tab sequence. It just 
>> stays up in the extras menu.
>> Sorry I don't have something more in line with what you were asking for. 
>> Good luck. Rod
>> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.
>> On 10/03/2013, at 7:58 AM, Brandt  wrote:
>>> Hi their folks, 
>>> I am looking for a radio player in the line of tapin radio for windows, or 
>>> TuneIn radio for iOS. 
>>> I know that radium works fine, but it is a paid app. If you have any ideas, 
>>> please let me know.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email:
>>> My ring to Skype:
>>> California, United States
>>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>>> Extension 512
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>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
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>>> Extension 170
>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
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>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
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Re: Radio player for Mac

2013-03-10 Thread ROD SKENE
Yep, I really like Radium too. My only suggestion would be to make organizing 
the favorites with VoiceOver easier. I was able to do it,, but it took some 
time. Drag and Drop did not work very well. Small issue though compared to how 
much I use the app and how much I like using it!

On Mar 10, 2013, at 12:23 PM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi there,
> I just went and bought radium from the Mac App Store. 
> The latest version of radium is just such a beautiful experience. Everything 
> is simple and smooth, with a very clean Interface.
> The amount of buttons, is still the same, though, you would find that you 
> have to interact quite a bit more than you use to.
> For example, the stations table use to have two columns. On the left, you had 
> checkboxes for adding or removing stations from the favorites. Now, you have 
> a list of groups, with two buttons in each. One being a listen button, and 
> the other being a button, which could be add, or remove station from 
> favorites.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Contact me:
> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
> Email:
> My ring to Skype:
> California, United States
>   +(1)760-5140161  
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> Johannesburg, South Africa
> +(27)105-002316
> Extension 170
> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
> SIP:
> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
> On 10 Mar 2013, at 6:01 PM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> I don't know of any special VO  shortcuts, but there is a few in preferences 
>> you can activate. For example, anywhere, I can press command shift x, and it 
>> will pause/play the stream. You can change the volume in more options pop up 
>> button. Interact with headphones and VO right arrow. Interact with the 
>> volume slider. It has built-in air play support, so you can change the 
>> volume of air play speakers separately.
>> My favorite feature is SiriusXMsupport. Sure beats the online player. 
>> Good luck,
>> Rod
>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>>> Hey, thanks for the hint. Radium seems to be wonderful. Bought it right 
>>> now. 
>>> In the version information in the App Store they said they improved VO 
>>> accessibility. Do you know if there are some special VoiceOver short cuts. 
>>> And do you know how to in- or decrease volume?
>>> Thanks and all the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 10.03.2013 um 14:57 schrieb Rod Skene :
>>>> For free solutions, I use the radio and iTunes and piano pub for Pandora. 
>>>> I also think TuneIn radio has a website that works pretty good with 
>>>> voiceover. I really like radium though as you mentioned it is a paid app, 
>>>> but it works great. I really like how it is not in the command tab 
>>>> sequence. It just stays up in the extras menu.
>>>> Sorry I don't have something more in line with what you were asking for. 
>>>> Good luck. Rod
>>>> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.
>>>> On 10/03/2013, at 7:58 AM, Brandt  wrote:
>>>>> Hi their folks, 
>>>>> I am looking for a radio player in the line of tapin radio for windows, 
>>>>> or TuneIn radio for iOS. 
>>>>> I know that radium works fine, but it is a paid app. If you have any 
>>>>> ideas, please let me know.
>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>>>> Contact me:
>>>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> My ring to Skype:
>>>>> California, United States
>>>>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>>>>> Extension 512
>>>>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>>>> Extension 161
>>>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>>>>> +(27)105-002316
>>>>> Extension 170
>>>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>>>>> SIP:
>>>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

Re: Radium favorites

2013-03-12 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi Jürgen, 
Sorry for not responding sooner. For me, arranging the favorites was very 
First, i arrowed to the station I wanted to move in the favorites. I pressed 
command option control F5 to move the mouse pointer to the keyboard focus. 
Then, I used the standard mark item for drag and drop, control option comma, 
and I moved to the station where I wanted to move my  selected station just 
below it. Again, I pressed command option control F5 to move the mouse pointer 
to the keyboard focus. Finally, I pressed control option shift period to drop 
the selected item. 
It doesn't work very often the way I like it, but it moves stations for sure. 
Repeated tries eventually got the outcome I wanted. Sorry, I don't have a 
better solution.
This is the only part of the app I struggle with.
On Mar 11, 2013, at 10:38 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Could you tell me how you managed it?
> Thanks 
> Jürgen
> Am 11.03.2013 um 01:48 schrieb Rod Skene :
>> Yep, I really like Radium too. My only suggestion would be to make 
>> organizing the favorites with VoiceOver easier. I was able to do it,, but it 
>> took some time. Drag and Drop did not work very well. Small issue though 
>> compared to how much I use the app and how much I like using it!
>> Rod
>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 12:23 PM, Brandt  wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I just went and bought radium from the Mac App Store. 
>>> The latest version of radium is just such a beautiful experience. 
>>> Everything is simple and smooth, with a very clean Interface.
>>> The amount of buttons, is still the same, though, you would find that you 
>>> have to interact quite a bit more than you use to.
>>> For example, the stations table use to have two columns. On the left, you 
>>> had checkboxes for adding or removing stations from the favorites. Now, you 
>>> have a list of groups, with two buttons in each. One being a listen button, 
>>> and the other being a button, which could be add, or remove station from 
>>> favorites.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email:
>>> My ring to Skype:
>>> California, United States
>>>   +(1)760-5140161  
>>> Extension 512
>>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>> Extension 161
>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>>> +(27)105-002316
>>> Extension 170
>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>>> SIP:
>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>>> On 10 Mar 2013, at 6:01 PM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>>>> I don't know of any special VO  shortcuts, but there is a few in 
>>>> preferences you can activate. For example, anywhere, I can press command 
>>>> shift x, and it will pause/play the stream. You can change the volume in 
>>>> more options pop up button. Interact with headphones and VO right arrow. 
>>>> Interact with the volume slider. It has built-in air play support, so you 
>>>> can change the volume of air play speakers separately.
>>>> My favorite feature is SiriusXMsupport. Sure beats the online player. 
>>>> Good luck,
>>>> Rod
>>>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Jürgen Fleger  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey, thanks for the hint. Radium seems to be wonderful. Bought it right 
>>>>> now. 
>>>>> In the version information in the App Store they said they improved VO 
>>>>> accessibility. Do you know if there are some special VoiceOver short 
>>>>> cuts. And do you know how to in- or decrease volume?
>>>>> Thanks and all the best
>>>>> Jürgen
>>>>> Am 10.03.2013 um 14:57 schrieb Rod Skene :
>>>>>> For free solutions, I use the radio and iTunes and piano pub for 
>>>>>> Pandora. I also think TuneIn radio has a website that works pretty good 
>>>>>> with voiceover. I really like radium though as you mentioned it is a 
>>>>>> paid app, but it works great. I really like how it is not in the command 
>>>>>> tab sequence. It just stays up in the extras menu.
>>>>>> Sorry I don't have

Re: yorufukurou: a question

2013-03-12 Thread Rod Skene
I use Twitterrific on my iPhone to do this. With Facebook and Twitter, I use 
different apps, even different platforms, to accomplish different task. I 
haven't found one app for Twitter or Facebook that seems to do everything I 
would like it to do. It would be awesome if they made one. LOL

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 12/03/2013, at 4:02 PM, Brandt  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Someone asked me if it is possible to view followers of your followers, and 
> if it is, how to do so.
> I hate to bring windows into this discussion, but I know that you could do so 
> in Quitter and its derivatives. 
> I am not bringing any of the above discussed products down, but it seems to 
> me as though there are some things that can be done in one, but can not be 
> done in the other.
> If someone could please correct me on this? I would love to be wrong.
> Thanks so long.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Contact me:
> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
> Email:
> My ring to Skype:
> California, United States
>   +(1)760-5140161  
> Extension 512
> Cape Town, South Africa
> Extension 161
> Johannesburg, South Africa
> +(27)105-002316
> Extension 170
> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
> SIP:
> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
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Apple accessibility email

2013-03-25 Thread ROD SKENE
I forgot the email address for Apple accessibility. Anyone have it? I want to 
report VoiceOver can't read the available air play speakers on the Apple Tv.

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Keyboard Commander

2013-03-26 Thread ROD SKENE
What functionality would I lose by using both right and left option keys for 
keyboard commander? I don't know of any keystrokes that only use the option key 
by itself as a modifier.

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Re: Keyboard Commander

2013-03-26 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks … I never knew about the ellipsis and other keystrokes. I just used 
period three times. Curious, Does it look the same? Also, I put in the ellipsis 
buy using the ignore next keystroke. (VO shift tilde) Worked like a charm.
Thanks again,
On Mar 26, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Rod,
> The Option key is needed for various special characters such as accented 
> letters and various punctuation signs. For instance, the sign ≥ (Greater than 
> or equal to) is Option-Period. …(ellipsis) is Option-Semicolon and so on.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 26 Mar 2013, at 16:17, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What functionality would I lose by using both right and left option keys for 
>> keyboard commander? I don't know of any keystrokes that only use the option 
>> key by itself as a modifier.
>> Thanks,
>> Rod
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Re: Keyboard Commander

2013-03-26 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks, iTunes did just that the first time I opened it with option I. I would 
have not known why. Interestingly, it only did it the first time I used 
keyboard commander to open it.  second time it opened right up.

On Mar 26, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Red.Falcon  

> Hi there!
> One that might be effected is when you open iTunes and hold the right option 
> key down that would give you the window to choose which library you would 
> like to use!
> That also was a problem setting up a commander for iTunes with just the right 
> option key!
> Sometimes when you went to open iTunes with your shortcut  the choose library 
> window would open!
> Instead of iTunes itself!
> hth Colin
> On 26 Mar 2013, at 15:17, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What functionality would I lose by using both right and left option keys for 
>> keyboard commander? I don't know of any keystrokes that only use the option 
>> key by itself as a modifier.
>> Thanks,
>> Rod
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Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system status?

2013-05-25 Thread Rod Skene
Hi Alex, I have radium in the extras menu. When I go to the menu bar, I can 
check the song title and artist. Can you do a script so it will read the 
information from radium that is in the extras menu? Thanks, Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 25/05/2013, at 6:20 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> This is great work.  Thanks for putting in the time and effort.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On May 25, 2013, at 12:11 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I'm going to send out a link to a zip file when I'm all done with everything 
>> - right now, though the four I have are working properly, I'd consider this 
>> to still be in alpha testing. It shouldn't be too long, though.
>> Bluetooth is one thing I considered, but had not looked into. I'll do that 
>> and see if it is possible. Volume is really simple, though - I'll make a 
>> script that gives you everything, and you can use the template to choose 
>> what you want to hear.
>> On May 24, 2013, at 11:58 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:
>>> Alex, this is great!  Where would I obtain the scripts that you so far have 
>>> done?  I'd like a script that would tell me if bluetooth was enabled or 
>>> disabled, discoverable enabled or not enabled, and what devices if any are 
>>> currently connected.
>>> The other thing that would be, especially in my professional audio 
>>> production environment to know is if you could have v o read the percentage 
>>> value of the input volume slider under system prefs/sound/input tab.
>>> This way, at any time, with one keystroke, I could know exactly what my 
>>> mike level is set to on my input.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Brian Fischler" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 11:22 PM
>>> Subject: Re: What would you all like to see in scripts to speak system 
>>> status?
>>> Hey Alex,
>>> Very cool. I would love something if possible to make using the widgets 
>>> more accessible not sure if that is possible through scripts. Also for us 
>>> dummies is there anywhere we can read up on starting out with scripts. I 
>>> have never used any except the time one that you can use through keyboard 
>>> commanders and would like to become more familiar with them. Thanks,
>>> On May 24, 2013, at 11:03 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hi all,
 Now that I have four of them consistently working, I feel ready to share 
 what I've been working on for the last couple days. I am putting together 
 a series of Apple scripts that will speak information, using VO if it is 
 on or the default system speech if it is not. The ones I have so far are 
 CPU, ram, wifi, and date/time. The really cool bit, though, is that each 
 starts out by setting up a template. You can change this template, using 
 keywords to define what is spoken where.
 Let's look at the time script as an example, since everyone likes to have 
 the date and time spoken differently. Right now, I have my template set to:
 $24hours:$minutes, $weekday, $month $dayOfMonth, $year
 which yields, right now:
 22:55, Friday, May 24, 2013
 Don't like 24 hour time? All you need to do is change your template:
 $12hours:$minutes $ampm, $month $dayOfMonth, $year
 and you'd hear something like:
 10:56 PM, Friday, May 24, 2013
 My other scripts do the same thing - one keystroke, for instance, and I 
 know which wifi network I'm on and at what signal strength. Again, all of 
 these have templates with certain keywords, so you can change how the 
 script's information is spoken to exactly how you want it.
 So, my question: what else would you all like to see? I plan one for the 
 space on the startup disk, and probably all other attached volumes, plus 
 one for battery, but what else would be handy? These scripts are really 
 meant to focus on quick bits of information that sighted people can use 
 the status menus or dashboard to quickly look at - they have immediate 
 access, and now we do too, plus we can fully customize the output. I make 
 no promises that all the ideas I receive will make it, but if enough 
 people ask for a certain feature, I'll try to add it in. I've thought 
 about weather, but I really want to just distribute the scripts and not 
 have any additional libraries or anything that you'd have to install. I'll 
 look more into weather at some point. So, any small pieces of information 
 you'd like to have one-key access to, let me know. thanks.
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: re-launching Finder?

2013-05-30 Thread Rod Skene
Will going to force application to close and restart Finder work?

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

On 30/05/2013, at 8:19 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have a 2007 Mac Mini on which I am going to enable Airdrop. Part of the 
> process is to restart Finder, and to do that I have to hold down option while 
> right-clicking the Finder icon. Obviously, I can't do that with VO, so what 
> is the keyboard-only way to re-launch Finder? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: re-launching Finder?

2013-05-30 Thread Rod Skene
Okay, this might work. Go to the doc, focus on Finder, VO command F5 to move 
the mouse cursor to the VO cursor, control option number pad five to simulate a 
right-click with the option key.

I tried this and saw a re launch option at the bottom of the menu. I hope this 
works for you. Rod Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse 
any errors.

On 30/05/2013, at 8:37 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I don't think so; I've tried to do that several times, and the finder never 
> actually relaunches, and in the end you have to shut the machine down via the 
> power button.  I've unfortunately had to do that several times when I've 
> tried to empty my recycle bin or copy a file, and one or the other gets hung 
> up, and canceling the operation does nothing but say "stopping," but the 
> operation never stops, just sits.
> On May 30, 2013, at 9:30 PM, Rod Skene wrote:
>> Will going to force application to close and restart Finder work?
>> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.
>> On 30/05/2013, at 8:19 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We have a 2007 Mac Mini on which I am going to enable Airdrop. Part of the 
>>> process is to restart Finder, and to do that I have to hold down option 
>>> while right-clicking the Finder icon. Obviously, I can't do that with VO, 
>>> so what is the keyboard-only way to re-launch Finder? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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2012-08-25 Thread ROD SKENE
I have really enjoyed NewsRack on the Mac lately, but this morning the app 
wasn't working very well.  
Every time I pressed a keystroke,NewsRack was busy then VoiceOver would say 
NewsRack ready.  I would press another keystroke and again VoiceOver would say 
busy … NewsRack ready. This would happen over and over.
Anyone know how I can get NewsRack working again?
Thanks for any help.

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1Password for Mac

2012-08-26 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi folks,¬
There is a 30 day free trial of 1Password.
I was very happy  they had  a trial.  I would pay the cost of the app if I can 
navigate it easily.  Now, I will have the chance to see if it works for me. 

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Re: 1Password for Mac

2012-08-26 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks Paul,
The email threads have been very helpful, and I have learned a lot from them.  
I just installed 1Password today and want to give it a decent effort before 
asking too many questions.
I was happy to get the Safari plug in installed.  I was also able to get my 
first login credentials into 1Password.  It worked great on the Mac.
My biggest concern is being able to access my banking apps, audible, etc. on my 
iPhone after upgrading to more secure  passwords with 1Password.
Time will tell if I can get it all to work for me on the Mac and iPhone too.  

On Aug 26, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Rod,
> I'm still exploring the 1password interface on the mac. The first thing you 
> should know about, is that 1password consists of 2 components, each with its 
> own interface. The main part is a very accessible mac app that goes into your 
> applications folder, called, you guessed it, The other, less 
> accessible part, is what they call their safari 1password extension. This is 
> a plug in program that works inside safari. A day ago, I posted a message 
> with the subject line of 1password accessibility, describing what you will 
> find while working with the extension, and some tips on how to use it. If you 
> bump into issues with it, please post them and we may learn from each other 
> as we go.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Aug 26, 2012, at 7:35 PM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> Hi folks,¬
>> There is a 30 day free trial of 1Password.
>> I was very happy  they had  a trial.  I would pay the cost of the app if I 
>> can navigate it easily.  Now, I will have the chance to see if it works for 
>> me. Grin.
>> Rod 
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Secure Password

2012-09-01 Thread ROD SKENE
Good morning,
My computer doesn't  make those click sounds  anymore when I type in a secure 
edit field.  Is there a way I can get the click sounds to come back when I type?

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Re: closing dashboard widgets

2012-09-16 Thread ROD SKENE
Thank you.  I tried forever to close them since upgrading to Mountain Lion.  
I'm glad I decided to read these old posts in stead of just deleting them all. 
Thanks again,

On Sep 8, 2012, at 1:37 PM, John Panarese  wrote:

>   It was changed.  Try control-option-command-escape.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> before upgrading to mountain lion, to close a widget in dashboard you 
>> pressed control+option+comand 2. How can you close the widgets now? they 
>> seam to have changed this.
>> THanks for any help.
>> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> -- 
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Re: Cannot read Bookshare books if xml

2012-09-20 Thread ROD SKENE
Hmmm … I'm not sure what the trouble is.  I just upgraded to 10.8.2 and just 
opened a xml file from a Bookshare book in Safari and it worked for me.  I wish 
I could help.
Good luck,

On Sep 20, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Howard Dupuis  wrote:

> Should have said that I'm talking about 10.8.2 on the mac -- not the new iOS. 
> Thanks.
> On Thursday, September 20, 2012 1:45:10 PM UTC-4, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> After upgrading to the newest OS yesterday, I can't read Bookshare books in 
> Safari, which is how I like to read 'em. What I've always done is just 
> download the book, open the xml file -- and I'd be good to go. No more. 
> Safari opens a completely blank file.
> I've got no idea why this might have happened. Any thoughts?
> Thanks.
> -- Howard
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Re: Cannot read Bookshare books if xml

2012-09-20 Thread ROD SKENE
I don't use web spots.  Maybe that's the difference.  Although, I can jump 
quickly in the xml file by headings.  I set up keyboard commander to jump by 
different  headings.  right Option 1 for level 1 headings, right option 2 for 
level 2 headings, and so forth.  It works well for me.  I can return to where I 
was reading quickly.  
Hope this helps,

On Sep 20, 2012, at 5:27 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I only ever got this to work once, and trying to set a webspot so I
> could come back to where I left off crashed Safari. Ever since then
> all my attempts to open xml books in Safari end in frustration and no
> books. So, I don't think it is something new in 10.8.2, I think it is
> some bug or setting that has been around longer.
> On 9/20/12, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> Howard,
>> Hmmm … I'm not sure what the trouble is.  I just upgraded to 10.8.2 and just
>> opened a xml file from a Bookshare book in Safari and it worked for me.  I
>> wish I could help.
>> Good luck,
>> Rod
>> On Sep 20, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Howard Dupuis  wrote:
>>> Should have said that I'm talking about 10.8.2 on the mac -- not the new
>>> iOS. Thanks.
>>> On Thursday, September 20, 2012 1:45:10 PM UTC-4, Howard Dupuis wrote:
>>> After upgrading to the newest OS yesterday, I can't read Bookshare books
>>> in Safari, which is how I like to read 'em. What I've always done is just
>>> download the book, open the xml file -- and I'd be good to go. No more.
>>> Safari opens a completely blank file.
>>> I've got no idea why this might have happened. Any thoughts?
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- Howard
>>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: downloading actual youtube videos?

2012-10-02 Thread ROD SKENE
I download YouTube videos with an app called MacTubes.  There are many 
unlabeled buttons but the help tags make the app accessible.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Maria Chapman  wrote:

> Hi.  I have youtube to mp3 converter, which works well.  I'm working on a 
> presentation i have to do though, and was hoping to include some clips in the 
> presentation.  Because I'm presenting to sighted people I'd like to know if 
> it's possible to download the whole video somehow with the mac.  
> thanks
> God Bless! Maria from australia
>  Newbie mac user.
> will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
> skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 
> -- 
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keyboard shortcut

2012-10-20 Thread ROD SKENE
Good morning listers,
How can I create a keyboard shortcut for Notification Center?  Also, any 
suggestion for the keyboard combination I should use?

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Re: keyboard shortcut

2012-10-20 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks Alex.  It worked.  It didn't at first but when I restarted my Mac, the 
new keyboard shortcut worked great.  I used Traci's key combination of option n.
On Oct 20, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I use ctrl-shift-n, since most keyboard shortcuts in the mac tend to use 
> command and option before control. Go to system preferences, keyboard, 
> keyboard shortcuts tab, select mission control from the first table, then go 
> to the second and find the item called "show notification center". Press 
> enter, type the shortcut you want, then stop interacting and close system 
> preferences.
> On Oct 20, 2012, at 11:48 AM, ROD SKENE  wrote:
>> Good morning listers,
>> How can I create a keyboard shortcut for Notification Center?  Also, any 
>> suggestion for the keyboard combination I should use?
>> Thanks,
>> Rod
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Home folder shortcut

2012-10-21 Thread ROD SKENE
Hello all,
Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut for my home folder?  I know I can 
use the command shift H when the focus is on the finder, but I would like a 
keystroke to quickly go to my home folder from anywhere.

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Accessing SiriusXM content on the Mac

2012-11-09 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi everyone,
I am trying to get prepared for when Pulsar doesn't work anymore.  I tried to 
use the Sirius XM online player with no luck.  I couldn't even login.  I am 
using click to flash.  I even tried putting my login information into 1Password 
and have the app login for me.  Still no luck. 
Does anyone know how to access Sirius XM radio on the Mac without Pulsar.  I 
wish Pulsar would never go away and keep updating.

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2012-11-17 Thread ROD SKENE
Hi everyone,
I have a trial version of 1Password and want to purchase the app from the App 
store.  I have entered quite a bit of information into the trial version.  What 
is the best way to upgrade to a full license
?  I do sink with Dropbox with the 1Password iOS app on my iPhone.   
I'm not sure if I should delete the app from my Mac before purchasing from the 
App store or will the app be upgraded to a full license if I leave the trial 
version of 1Password on my Mac  without deleting.
Thanks for suggestions.

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Re: nfl on line is accessible on pulsar

2011-08-19 Thread ROD SKENE
Thanks Mary, you made my day!
Do you know where I can get channel listings?  
My favorite is college football. This news leads me to think college ball will 
be available on the Pulsar App too.
Thanks so much again. Have a great weekend!
On Aug 18, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> In case there are folks on here who want to listen to the NFL on sirius/xm on 
> line, I'm happy to say that the games are available via accessible 
> application Pulsar from rogueamoeba software.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-21 Thread Rod Skene
done better regardless of political views, I am very excited to read the book. 
Does anybody know if it will be on audible? Hard return thanks, hard return Rod 
excuse the hard returns. If I am practicing with the new dictate or microphone 
button on the keyboard. LOL ha ha

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> you maybe right.  I think we are talking about what you claim the current 
> president is doing or not doing that can lead the list off into god knows 
> what. lol.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>> Hi sandi & Christine,
>> Steve Jobs innovation was do to his being free to do so!
>> It's not about left Right or center!
>> Freedom equals innovation but serfdom IE "regulations and unnecessary costs"
>> equals the suppression of new innovative ideas like Steve Jobs Had!
>> Contact me off list if you need any  further clarifications!
>> Chuck Reichel
>> '
>> On Oct 21, 2011, at 12:44 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>>> hi, i do agree with Christine.
>>> and what ever that man was totally awesome. for more than one reason.
>>> 1. he made it possible for a blind person too use her or his computer
>>> without sighted assistance.
>>> 2. he have so far known where the market will run.
>>> For not long ago i had a chat with a danish blind friend of mine.
>>> We was talking about how he now adored  everything mac.
>>> So well he asks, Sandi, what is it that makes this os that amazing? I
>>> have never had to think that little before i said "BSD"
>>> He goes like, but aint that something close too that Linux you was
>>> drowning us all in for the last 5 years?
>>> Sure thing i said, but ya know what dude? tis  is a bout 1 terabyte better.
>>> 1. it is stable like a rock
>>> 2 you ain't gonna break it. but last but not least.
>>> 3. i don't have to come and help you out all the  time while i eat
>>> pizza, which have always annoyed the H outta me.
>>> Don't get me wrong, i will help anyone who wanna start use a mac…
>>> but  why does it always have too be when i eat pizza that the damn
>>> phone  starts cheering?
>>> I simply can't wait too read his book.
>>> He have done so much. Now the huge question is after a bit of time,
>>> where will apple go.
>>> What will be changed? How will it effect us?
>>> have a great day y'all :)
>>> /Sandi
>>> On 10/21/11, Christine Grassman  wrote:
 I think this is leading somewhere that this list should not go. I don't
 think this should be a forum for anyone's political beliefs or 
 whether one is on the right, the left, or dead center.
 On Oct 21, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
> Steve Jobs was correct!
> Without FREEDOM Innovative products like Apple produced would never have
> happened!
> Regulations and unnecessary costs AKA stemming from "Obama's" Socialist
> Marxists policies will and are at this very moment smothering innovation!
> If companies like Apple and those new start ups,  are loaded down with
> unnecessary regulations there is not any incentive to take the risks that
> Steve Jobs took!
> Steve Jobs enjoyed the GODLY freedom "endowed by their Creator with
> certain unalienable Rights, Freedom that is,
> " that the USA offers and produced Apple!
> Chuck Reichel
> In GOD I Trust
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:
>> A glimpse in to the life of a man who changed the life of so many
>> people.
>> Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term
>> Presidency'
>> In one of the most hotly-anticipated biographies of the year, "Steve
>> Jobs," author Walter Isaacson reveals that the Apple CEO offered to
>> design political ads for President Obama's 2012 campaign despite being
>> highly critical of the administration's policies and that Jobs refused
>> potentially life-saving surgery on his pancreatic cancer because he felt
>> it was too invasive. Nine months later, he got the operation but it was
>> too late.
>> Those are just some of the tidbits about Jobs' life revealed in the
>> upcoming biography, a copy of which was obtained by The Huffington Post.
>> The publication date of the official biography of the
>> notoriously-secretive Apple co-founder was pushed up after his death in
>> October. "I wanted my kids to know me," Isaacson quoted Jobs as saying in
>> their final interview. "I wasn't always there for them and I wanted them
>> to kn