I have the Mac App Store version of one password. I also have not found 
anything that seems to be an accessible with the app although I have some 
trouble completing some tasks. I think most of my problems or me and not 
accessibility issues. I'm sure if I studied the manual more I would be a better 
one password user.
I also have the iOS app and it works great. Rod

Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse any errors.

> On Mar 21, 2015, at 11:00 AM, jeff `greene <greenebo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cliph, Thanks for the info! I believe in earlier versions of one
> password the safari plug-in that did the auto-log-in was the part that
> didn't work. Also, do I get one password from the app store, or from
> the developer's website?
> Thanks, Jeff
>> On 3/21/15, Kliph <kliphzkor...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> I haven’t found any part of 1password on the mac, or iPhone that wasn’t
>> accessible.  There is a way to log in to sites automatically, put you must
>> log in to 1password first, this is to keep your data more secure.
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>>> On Mar 21, 2015, at 8:32 AM, jeff `greene <greenebo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, This might have been covered before, but here goes... I have been
>>> wanting to use a password manager like one password for a long time. I
>>> heard a while ago that part of one password wasn't accessible, have
>>> they corrected that? Also I tried a password manager on the windows
>>> side a while ago that promised to log me into all my sites
>>> automatically. But, it only worked about half the time. How is one
>>> password on automatic log-ins?
>>> Thanks, Jeff
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