Overdrive Media Console not behaving as expected

2014-01-29 Thread Edward Green

I'm using Overdrive Media Console on the Mac to play a purchased title, and am 
not finding that it behaves as I expect.

I thought that command p should toggle play/pause.  However, if I press it when 
a book is playing, it acts as a play key and starts playback from the beginning 
of the book.  Also, the resume from furthest point option doesn't seem to work.

Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong or whether this functionality 
isn't supported in the Mac version of Overdrive?



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Re: Quick way to get the time

2014-02-28 Thread Edward Green
Hi Jenine,

It's right option t, but there are a couple of things you may need to do first.

Go into VoiceOver Utility with control option f8, choose Commanders from the 
table, and make sure Keyboard Commander is enabled.  There you'll be able to 
see whether it is set to use right option for those commands (it will be by 
default), and a table listing commands that have been assigned including the 
time one.


On 28 Feb 2014, at 23:51, Jenine Stanley  wrote:

> When I do use Windows, I use Window-Eyes and there is a quick command, 
> insert-t which will give you the current time and date. It just speaks the 
> time and date and goes away. 
> Right now I use the dashboard to get this info plus the current local weather 
> but am I missing something? Is there a quick command or sequence to just get 
> the time? 
> Jenine Stanley
> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
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[no subject]

2014-03-02 Thread Edward Green

Does anyone know if there is a program on the Mac that will enable you to sign 
into TuneIn radio and play its streams? TuneIn itself only seems to have an iOS 
app and the website is a bit awkward.

I've tried Radium as an alternative but some of the international stations I 
want to listen to won't play perhaps because of rights restrictions, but they 
will play on TuneIn as long as I'm signed in.



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Re: Is There a Slacker Radio equivalent for European listeners?

2014-03-13 Thread Edward Green
Hi Mike,

You can get access to iTunes Radio in Europe.  You just need an iTunes account 
in the US store.  You have to be slightly careful how you associate your mobile 
devices with it as you might inadvertently lock yourself out of your primary 
account but it is doable.

You could probably access Pandora if you use a proxy server or a VPN.


On 13 Mar 2014, at 20:19, Pamela Francis  wrote:

> Hi,
> Check out this app. 
> It has a wide variety of music, some of which is European. Not sure if it is 
> available there, yet is worth a look.
> http://www.accuradio.com/#!/channel/4e38562b77d9e74636000212/
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 13, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Based on some of the discussions about my query, I logged on to pandora.com, 
> only to encounter a very courteously-worded note stating that, due to 
> licensing restrictions, Pandora was not available in my country.  I have a 
> strong feeling that this applies to many, if not all, EU countries.  So that 
> leaves Spotify unless, of course, they are subject to the same licensing 
> restrictions.
> iTunes radio, or whatever they call it, isn't available over here, either.
> Oh well, at least the coffee and beer are pretty spectacular here in Vienna! 
> :-)
> Cheers,
> Mike
>> On 13,Mar,2014, at 6:03 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> I wonder if the AOL Radio app is available in the UK. The US version is 
>> somewhat usable with voiceover and it's powered by Slacker.
>> CB
>>> On 3/13/14 5:45 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> No, I have not tried using Pandora. I will download the app.  Do you know 
>>> if there is a Wiki or "How to" to get started?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Mike
 On 12,Mar,2014, at 3:44 PM, isaac  wrote:
 Have you tried using pandora.
> On Mar 12, 2014, at 9:28 AM, Mike Busboom  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I had a very enjoyable conversation with the folks at Slacker Radio 
> yesterday and am really happy that the app is now accessible. 
> Unfortunately, for me at least, I learned that Slacker Radio is not 
> available here in Central Europe.  Had it been, then I would have 
> purchased the Premium subscription and would have been very satisfied.  
> To my knowledge, iTunes Radio still isn't available over here and as I 
> just wrote, nor is Slacker.  So I am wondering what music service people 
> over here are using that is both accessible and reasonably priced.  I 
> would do 100% of my listening on an iPhone.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Thank you very much,
> Mike
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Re: Latest Pages for College/Professional Work

2014-03-21 Thread Edward Green
Hi Alex,

This question may be slightly complicated by the fact that JAWS includes 
features to make use of MS Word more productive that aren't strictly speaking 
to do with accessibility.

For instance, you can search for changes in text attribute and skim read 
documents, including pulling out sentences that contain particular keywords.
  Whether these  features are useful or not will depend on what you want to do 
in Word.

That said, all the advanced productivity features in the world don't help if FS 
then breaks access to the Save As dialog box for a month ...



On 21 Mar 2014, at 18:08, Alex Hall  wrote:

> What sorts of things? Any details people can give on what is easy/confusing 
> in pages would really help. Thanks!
> On Mar 21, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>> I still hate pages even with the updates. it's not intuitive and a lot of 
>> things are awkward. I really still use Nisus writer for my heavier word 
>> processing and recommend it highly. 
>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 7:35 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Someone on Twitter was asking me about getting a Mac for college. One 
>>> concern was word-processing, and whether Pages and Voiceover is good enough 
>>> for papers, resumes, that sort of thing. I don't use Pages much, so I can't 
>>> answer accurately, but I know people on here do. So, how is Pages (the 
>>> Mavericks version) compared with, say, Jaws or NVDA with MS Office? What 
>>> can you *not* do? What is easier?
>>> I've used Pages some, and I love that the header, body, and footer are all 
>>> separate areas visible at once. However, I've not gone beyond a basic, 
>>> blank template, except to look at a flyer layout and get very confused. I 
>>> have no need for page headers, numbering, inserting tables or images, and 
>>> other advanced features. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex Hall
>>> mehg...@icloud.com
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> mehg...@icloud.com
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Dropbox preferences

2014-03-27 Thread Edward Green

Can anyone tell me how to get into preferences in the Dropbox app? I tried ctrl 
comma but not much seemed to happen, and I can't find anything in the 
application's window.



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Re: Where do I go to read system dialogues?

2014-06-06 Thread Edward Green
Hi Jenine,

It should appear in the list if you press VO F1 twice quickly.  If it doesn't, 
try VO F2 twice quickly.


On 5 Jun 2014, at 20:25, Jenine Stanley  wrote:

> My MBP says I have 1 system dialogue but I don't know where to go to read it. 
> Any help would be hugely appreciated.   
> Jenine Stanley
> dragonwalke...@gmail.com
> -- 
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Macsome Audio Recorder

2014-06-16 Thread Edward Green

Does anyone know whether the above audio recorder is accessible on the Mac 
using Voiceover?



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Re: Access: DropBox & VoiceOver (VO)

2014-06-21 Thread Edward Green
Hi Jerry,

Have you successfully managed to change Dropbox preferences on the Mac? I 
haven't been able to do this as I seem to get a blank Window whenever I open 
the client, though I am able to upload files using the Dropbox folder.

If you have managed this, please could you let me know what you did?


On 20 Jun 2014, at 16:43, Gerard Doody  wrote:

> Hi robiN I have been able to use Dropbox verry successfully with vo. I have 
> not yet heard of dropbox vo. It works well on its own both with the mac 
> andiphone. Any questions I would be glad to help with. 
> Jerry Doody
> jerrydood...@gmail.com
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 20, 2014, at 11:35 AM, Robin  wrote:
> Is DropBox VoiceOver (VO) friendly for navigation by a totally blind VO user? 
> If so, are there any tutorials and/or guides as well as podcasts 
> demonstrating such? If so, please SHARE them with me and the List.
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RE: Speaking TV guides -Offcom consultation

2014-07-11 Thread Edward Green
Hi Adrienne,


Many thanks for posting this.


I do find it more than a little ironic (as well as slightly frustrating)
that Ofcom require you to solve a capcha before you submit the online
response to what is essentially a consultation on accessibility.






From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Adrienne Chalmers
Sent: 11 July 2014 12:34
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Speaking TV guides -Offcom consultation


With apologies for cross-posting and being a bit off topic. Hope it's OK.


OffCom regulates communications  in the UK. They are looking for responses
on whether they should make it compulsory for manufacturers to make all
electronic programme guides speak.  I know most of you are not in the UK,
but, like the business with the Kindle and other e-readers and the FCC,
there will inevitably be knock-on effects for all of us, no matter where we


The link to the consultation is:- 




OffCom have assured me they welcome contributions from outside the UK.


So, sorry if I have transgressed etiquette, but I hope it was in a good


Best wishes






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Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread Edward Green
Hi Terje,

The resolution is certainly very important, as it is likely to be actively 
damaging to the accessibility cause, put off developers for engaging with the 
blind community and setting us back significantly.

Ridiculous rhetoric from the NFB yet again.


On 12 Jul 2014, at 15:28, Terje Strømberg  wrote:

> The NFB Resolution is very important for all blind and low vision all over 
> the world. We all want accessible digital future.
> A link to a comment from the president in NFB: 
> https://nfb.org/blog/vonb-blog/comments-apple-and-nfb-resolution-2014-12
> Take care
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Re: Preview pane

2015-02-21 Thread Edward Green
Hi Anne,

Many thanks for posting this.

Could I just check what you mean by ‘bring the mouse’? Do you mean VO Command 


> On 22 Feb 2015, at 07:51, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Stacey,
> This has been discussed a great deal recently, but here are the instructions 
> once again.
> Here’s how to disable the preview pane.
> Put Mail into classic view by opening Mail preferences (Cmd-Comma) and 
> selecting Viewing in the toolbar then checking the Use classic layout check 
> box.
> Close Mail preferences and navigate to the messages table.
> Do not interact with the messages table but press VO-Down Arrow.
> You should be on a horizontal splitter.
> Make sure the Trackpad commander and Quick Nav are off.
> Bring the mouse.
> Press down on the bottom edge of the trackpad with one finger, and use 
> another finger to stroke the trackpad toward you.
> There should be nothing below the horizontal splitter the next time you press 
> VO-Down Arrow.
> Sometimes it takes several attempts to get it right.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Vario Ultra (wasRe: Mario Ultra braille display

2015-03-04 Thread Edward Green
Hi all,

I really liked the feel of the Vario Ultra, but on principle I refuse to buy 
something released in 2014 that is based on Windows C.


> On 4 Mar 2015, at 16:37, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Thanks for this, Doug, it's good to know.  One question, it wasn't clear from 
> Baum's website whether the Vario connects as a display to the Mac and the 
> iPhone, or just the iPhone.  Have you used it as a display with your Mac?
> Thanks,
> Donna
>> On Mar 4, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>> Well I love my VarioUltra, but I have to say it has very major
>> problems which Baum doesn't seem to be resolving very quickly at all.
>> They've had significant difficulty shipping products at all and now
>> the current firmware version locks up and requires frequently
>> resetting the device. I know the product is new and new products have
>> growing pains, but I wouldn't consider ordering this device until
>> those of us who have it can report that it's stable. I hope it's very
>> soon because it has the potential to be a truly fabulous device. I've
>> been totally shocked by Baum's seemingly cluelessness because it's not
>> consistent with my previous experience. So definitely take a look at
>> it, but don't plan to invest until they do some serious work and until
>> they get production in order.
>> On 3/4/15, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hmm, sorry, auto-correct got the better of me. :)  That should have been
>>> Vario Ultra.
>>> Donna
 On Mar 4, 2015, at 6:49 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'll be heading out to CSUN tomorrow, and while there, thought I'd take a
 look at the Vario Ultra.  Just wondered if anyone has used that display
 with either the Mac or an iPhone?
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Re: Vario Ultra (wasRe: Mario Ultra braille display

2015-03-04 Thread Edward Green
Hi Donna,

I wish the Smart Beetle from Hims had more cells as it has a similar number of 
connection possibilities.  That said, I’m not sure what that’s going to be 
running either.


> On 4 Mar 2015, at 19:29, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> I agree, I was disappointed to see that.  As much as anything, I figured that 
> since I was going to be at CSUN anyway, I'd take a look.  However, based on 
> our current snowstorm, I may not be going anywhere after all. :( 
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Mar 4, 2015, at 1:26 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I really liked the feel of the Vario Ultra, but on principle I refuse to buy 
>> something released in 2014 that is based on Windows C.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>>> On 4 Mar 2015, at 16:37, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Thanks for this, Doug, it's good to know.  One question, it wasn't clear 
>>> from Baum's website whether the Vario connects as a display to the Mac and 
>>> the iPhone, or just the iPhone.  Have you used it as a display with your 
>>> Mac?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>>> On Mar 4, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Deb Lewis  wrote:
>>>> Well I love my VarioUltra, but I have to say it has very major
>>>> problems which Baum doesn't seem to be resolving very quickly at all.
>>>> They've had significant difficulty shipping products at all and now
>>>> the current firmware version locks up and requires frequently
>>>> resetting the device. I know the product is new and new products have
>>>> growing pains, but I wouldn't consider ordering this device until
>>>> those of us who have it can report that it's stable. I hope it's very
>>>> soon because it has the potential to be a truly fabulous device. I've
>>>> been totally shocked by Baum's seemingly cluelessness because it's not
>>>> consistent with my previous experience. So definitely take a look at
>>>> it, but don't plan to invest until they do some serious work and until
>>>> they get production in order.
>>>> On 3/4/15, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>>>> Hmm, sorry, auto-correct got the better of me. :)  That should have been
>>>>> Vario Ultra.
>>>>> Donna
>>>>>> On Mar 4, 2015, at 6:49 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I'll be heading out to CSUN tomorrow, and while there, thought I'd take a
>>>>>> look at the Vario Ultra.  Just wondered if anyone has used that display
>>>>>> with either the Mac or an iPhone?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Donna
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Re: off topic speak on

2015-03-09 Thread Edward Green
> On 9 Mar 2015, at 18:20, wayne coles  wrote:
> hello list sorry for the off topic post but can any one please send me the 
> link for speak on radio and media player for the windows only I cant find it 
> -- 
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Re: off topic speak on

2015-03-10 Thread Edward Green

You should be able to download it by clicking here 


> On 10 Mar 2015, at 14:49, wayne coles  wrote:
> thanks I had already been there but I cant find the download link all I can 
> find is the manual so if you find the download link I would be gratful if you 
> could post it please
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
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> Subject: Re: off topic speak on
> http://www.speakon.org.uk <http://www.speakon.org.uk/>
>> On 9 Mar 2015, at 18:20, wayne coles > <mailto:wayne...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> hello list sorry for the off topic post but can any one please send me the 
>> link for speak on radio and media player for the windows only I cant find it 
>> -- 
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Re: Message rules problem

2015-03-16 Thread Edward Green
Hi Daniel,

Not sure if it’s relevant, but lots of people on lists I’m on are having 
horrendous problems with BT effectively classifying list mail they receive as 
junk and moving it to their spam folders.  If the same thing is happening to 
you, I wonder if the rule is being prevented from working.

Frilliest seem to have been particularly affected.


> On 16 Mar 2015, at 22:23, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> You won't lose any emails if you delete your account. They will be there in 
> your inbox.
> And I cloud alias is an email that you can have when you go into your iCloud 
> preferences on the web. You can find the option in the more actions menu if 
> you go to the web. It's like having another email address but it is in your 
> iCloud account.
> Maybe someone else can explain if you don't quite understand.
> Kawal.
>> On 16 Mar 2015, at 6:40 pm, Daniel McGee  
>> wrote:
>> Hi Kawal, I had a thought but wanted your opinion on if it would be safe to 
>> perform. 
>> I was thinking of deleting the account from Mail's preferences quitting 
>> mail, open it again and recreate the account in question. My concern though 
>> with this is that would I lose any emails that already live in my inbox and 
>> possibly any contacts that I've created with the contacts app both on the 
>> Mac and iPhone? The email address is IMAP if that's of any help to you.  I'm 
>> more concerned about losing contacts than emails   if I'm honest.
>> P.S.
>> What is an iCloud Alias? Is it where you can use other non related email 
>> services E.G. AOL, Hotmail etc with your iCloud account? Or, is it specific 
>> to iCloud email addresses only? 
>> Thanks in advance for any further advice.
>>> On 15 Mar 2015, at 21:38, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello Daniel.
>>> I';ve been waiting for your reply.
>>> I use an iCloud Alias for all lists that I'm subscribed to leaving my main 
>>> e-mail address protected.  I have never used a G mail account for this list 
>>> or any other list.  When I first signed up to this list, there was some 
>>> instruction to say that you had to have a Gmail account.  However, I signed 
>>> up to google using an iCloud alias. So I was able to subscribe to this list 
>>> using an alias.  I do not use Google-mail as I prefer my iCloud aliases and 
>>> my e-mail ID e-mail.
>>> I'm sorry that I do not know why you are having trouble with the rules.  
>>> Hopefully, someone can help you further with this.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 15 Mar 2015, at 19:31, danielmcgee...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Kawal, well with a bit of tinkering. I Managed to get the rule from the 
>>> Mac for the blind list added from icloud..com after this, the mail boxes 
>>> did appear on all my devices but once a message cane in from that list, it 
>>> instantly went again into my bulk mailbox. I'd like to ask, are you using 
>>> your icloud email address for this to actually work? I say this because 
>>> when you sign up for this list, don't you have to use a gmail account? By 
>>> the way, the email address that's having trouble with mailing lists is a 
>>> bt/yahoo account and its the main account that I use. Its also my Apple ID. 
>>> I created my iCloud address much later wondering if I'd gain anything from 
>>> having one. I'm also not sure, that by creating the iCloud address, have 
>>> this changed my Apple ID from my bt one to iCloud?  Very confused as of 
>>> right now. 
 On 14 Mar 2015, at 11:42, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 I went to www.icloud.com and logged in as myself as you can set up global 
 rules so that it doesn't matter if you use an I phone, or Mac mini to get 
 your mail.  You have to interact with the mail frame once you choose to 
 find 'the get mail button' and there where it says more actions, you hit 
 that and you will find out how to get to the messaging rules.
 I don't have time at the moment to write full instructions but when I do, 
 will post to this list.  My rules are flawless and have had no problems.  
 If anyone else has the instructions, they are welcome to write them.
 On 14 Mar 2015, at 03:51, danielmcgee...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi all, this is the last place where I an hoping to get some answers, 
 advice call it what you will. Basically, for some quite some months now 
 the message rules that I have created with apple mail on my mac no longer 
 work at all. For example with the mac for the blind list, all the sender's 
 from there end up going into my bulk boulder on the mac and iPhone and 
 iPad mini that I have. This is despite having created the message rule for 
 that list again which has resolved the problem before but unfortunately 
 doesn't work now. Also, I'm subscribed to another list and have created a 
 message rule for all apple vis subscriptions to go into a mailbox in order 
 that they d

Annoying problem with IMAP account in Apple Mail

2015-03-18 Thread Edward Green

I’m having an annoying problem with an IMAP account in Apple Mail on a 2013 
MacBook Pro with retina display running Yosemite.

It used to work fine, but all of a sudden, it stopped sending and receiving 
messages.  What’s more, if I delete messages from a folder they appear to be 
gone, but when I close and restart Mail, they appear again.

There aren’t any obvious error messages that come up.  Removing and recreating 
the account from within Mail doesn’t work, but deleting the account.plist file 
from my library/mail folder and recreating the account gets it working again 
for a day or two, then the same thing happens.

Does anyone know how I can cure this problem permanently without having to 
delete the plist file and recreating the account? Alternatively, are there any 
other accessible mail apps for the Mac? The latest Outlook isn’t an option as I 
don’t have office 365.

I’m not having any problems with the account on other devices including other 



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Automatically enabling and disabling Quick Nav when apps gain focus

2015-04-19 Thread Edward Green

I want to set up my Mac so that the state of the quick nav toggle is changed 
automatically when apps gain focus.  I want it to be on in Safari, and off in 

I tried to create an activity associated with the Mail program, in which I 
disabled quick nav.  However, when Mail gains focus, the status of quick nav 
remains unchanged.  I tried to create a second one that enabled quick nav and 
associated it with Safari thinking both might need to exist, but the state of 
the quick nav toggle doesn’t change when I command tab between the two apps.

Is what I want to do possible, and should I be using activities to try and 
accomplish it? If so, does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?



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Macbook Air suddenly slow to boot up

2015-05-09 Thread Edward Green

My 2012 Macbook Air has suddenly become slow to boot up.

I am running Yosemite and have the hard drive encrypted.  I used to be able to 
enter the password a couple of seconds after the startup sound, but since last 
week, I have had to wait around half a minute before the password box appears.

I’m not aware of having installed anything in particular over the past seven 
days.  Does anyone have any ideas about why the machine may have suddenly 
become slow to boot and what I might try? The machine does not seem to be any 
slower during actual operation.



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Re: Macbook Air suddenly slow to boot up

2015-05-10 Thread Edward Green
Many thanks Mark, that fixed it.

> On 10 May 2015, at 07:00, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Ed,
> I suggest that you reset the system PRAM.  
> To reset the PRAM, power on the Mac while pressing Option+Command+R+P until 
> the startup chime is heard, twice.  
> It may be necessary to perform this several times until you are successful.  
> It can be tricky.  
> Good luck,
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Edward Green
> Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 10:23 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Macbook Air suddenly slow to boot up
> Hi,
> My 2012 Macbook Air has suddenly become slow to boot up.
> I am running Yosemite and have the hard drive encrypted.  I used to be able 
> to enter the password a couple of seconds after the startup sound, but since 
> last week, I have had to wait around half a minute before the password box 
> appears.
> I’m not aware of having installed anything in particular over the past seven 
> days.  Does anyone have any ideas about why the machine may have suddenly 
> become slow to boot and what I might try? The machine does not seem to be any 
> slower during actual operation.
> Cheers,
> Ed
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Re: The Audible Player on the Mac.

2015-05-24 Thread Edward Green
Hi Kawal,

Just tried it on the Mac and it’s working fine here.  I’m running Yosemite and 
using Safari.


> On 24 May 2015, at 20:29, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hi.
> Can anyone tell me if anyone has tried playing their audible books on the Mac 
> by going into their Library, choosing a book and playing it straight on their 
> Mac?  I know that one can do it by using Windows.  I am trying to do this by 
> using my Mac and see all the controls and buttons which are perfectly 
> accessible as before when I did this, the Mac Cloud player for Audible was 
> not accessible and thus you had to use the app on your I phone to play books.
> Thanks.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Facebook on OS X, seeing comments on stories

2015-05-26 Thread Edward Green

Apologies if this has been asked before.

I’m using Facebook.com on my Mac running Yosemite/Safari.  I can use Facebook’s 
keyboard shortcuts to navigate between stories on my newsfeed.  However, I 
don’t seem to be able to read other people’s comments on stories.  If I 
interact with a selected story, Voiceover won’t let me move past the like and 
comment buttons on the original story.

Does anyone know how I can view subsequent comments?



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Re: Apple Music Offline Listening

2015-07-02 Thread Edward Green
Hi Chris,

Apologies if someone else has already answered.

I’ve managed to add individual tracks to my music.  I’m not sure if there’s an 
easier way than the one I found, but this is what I did.

Your steps 1 to 8 match mine.

I then play the song.  If the song is playing, you can navigate up to the LCD 
section and interact with it.  You will find various information about the 
track, including an action menu.  From there you can copy to my music.

Note that once it’s there, you can bring up a context menu on the entry that 
will appear in My Music if you also want to make it available offline.

Strangely you don’t seem to need to play an album in order to add it.  A header 
group appears before the table of tracks, and if you interact with it, you find 
the same action menu button.



> On 2 Jul 2015, at 22:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> Actually, I don't even see the option to add it to my ICloud Music library, 
> unless I'm on my mac.
> Here's what I'm doing.  Tell me if I'm doing this maybe  incorrectly.
> 1.  Open ITunes, obviously.
> 2.  Find the For You radio button under Music and select it.
> 3.  Hit command+Shift+F to search.
> 4.  Type in, say, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and hit return.
> 5.  Interact with the HTML content.
> 6.  Under the top results heading, find Breakfast at Tiffany's clicable, and 
> vo+space on it.
> 7.  Interact with the scroll area, then find the table and interact.
> 8.  Find the actual track, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
> 9.  Vo+Shift+M on it.
> 10.  I see no option here to either add to playlist, which pisses the holy 
> Hannah hell! outta me, nor do I see anything to add to my ICloud.  Is that 
> what the "Copy" option does?  I thought that was for copying the track 
> somehow to the clipboard to be pasted elseware.  NO?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Shaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:31 PM
> Subject: Apple Music Offline Listening
>> There's no option that I can see to download music from Apple Music for 
>> offline listening. Anybody have an idea of where it is? I've added the 
>> track/album to my library but offline listening only shows on iOS.
>> Thanks
>> -Shaf
>> -- 
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Re: Apple Music Offline Listening

2015-07-02 Thread Edward Green
Hi again Chris,

I have just discovered you can shortcut the steps around interacting with the 
table and selecting the track.  Instead of clicking on the track, there is an 
unlabelled button above the name, which is a play button.  Just hit that, and 
the LCD section populates.


> On 2 Jul 2015, at 22:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
> Actually, I don't even see the option to add it to my ICloud Music library, 
> unless I'm on my mac.
> Here's what I'm doing.  Tell me if I'm doing this maybe  incorrectly.
> 1.  Open ITunes, obviously.
> 2.  Find the For You radio button under Music and select it.
> 3.  Hit command+Shift+F to search.
> 4.  Type in, say, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and hit return.
> 5.  Interact with the HTML content.
> 6.  Under the top results heading, find Breakfast at Tiffany's clicable, and 
> vo+space on it.
> 7.  Interact with the scroll area, then find the table and interact.
> 8.  Find the actual track, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
> 9.  Vo+Shift+M on it.
> 10.  I see no option here to either add to playlist, which pisses the holy 
> Hannah hell! outta me, nor do I see anything to add to my ICloud.  Is that 
> what the "Copy" option does?  I thought that was for copying the track 
> somehow to the clipboard to be pasted elseware.  NO?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Shaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:31 PM
> Subject: Apple Music Offline Listening
>> There's no option that I can see to download music from Apple Music for 
>> offline listening. Anybody have an idea of where it is? I've added the 
>> track/album to my library but offline listening only shows on iOS.
>> Thanks
>> -Shaf
>> -- 
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Re: Apple Music Offline Listening

2015-07-02 Thread Edward Green

For me, it’s the top option in the action menu on albums.


> On 3 Jul 2015, at 06:40, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks! That makes things a lot easier.
> I'm not sure on how to add complete albums to my music and later download them
> When I search for an album on Apple music, click on it, I go and interact 
> with the header which is named after the album name
> I find  name of the album, the option to play, shuffle, show action menu, the 
> artists in the album, the number of songs, and the option to love it
> I do not find the option to add it to my music.
> Even when I click on show action menu, I just have add to and share as the 
> options
> Add to shows up in the playlists in my library
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 03-Jul-2015, at 4:45 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi again Chris,
>> I have just discovered you can shortcut the steps around interacting with 
>> the table and selecting the track.  Instead of clicking on the track, there 
>> is an unlabelled button above the name, which is a play button.  Just hit 
>> that, and the LCD section populates.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>>> On 2 Jul 2015, at 22:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
>>> wrote:
>>> Actually, I don't even see the option to add it to my ICloud Music library, 
>>> unless I'm on my mac.
>>> Here's what I'm doing.  Tell me if I'm doing this maybe  incorrectly.
>>> 1.  Open ITunes, obviously.
>>> 2.  Find the For You radio button under Music and select it.
>>> 3.  Hit command+Shift+F to search.
>>> 4.  Type in, say, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and hit return.
>>> 5.  Interact with the HTML content.
>>> 6.  Under the top results heading, find Breakfast at Tiffany's clicable, 
>>> and vo+space on it.
>>> 7.  Interact with the scroll area, then find the table and interact.
>>> 8.  Find the actual track, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
>>> 9.  Vo+Shift+M on it.
>>> 10.  I see no option here to either add to playlist, which pisses the holy 
>>> Hannah hell! outta me, nor do I see anything to add to my ICloud.  Is that 
>>> what the "Copy" option does?  I thought that was for copying the track 
>>> somehow to the clipboard to be pasted elseware.  NO?
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Shaf" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:31 PM
>>> Subject: Apple Music Offline Listening
>>>> There's no option that I can see to download music from Apple Music for 
>>>> offline listening. Anybody have an idea of where it is? I've added the 
>>>> track/album to my library but offline listening only shows on iOS.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Shaf
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Re: Apple Music Offline Listening

2015-07-03 Thread Edward Green
It sounds as though you’re in the right view.  Maybe try opening the action 
menu, then arrow down and back up in case the menu is behaving strangely.

I use the ‘For you’ view as it happens.


> On 3 Jul 2015, at 07:04, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
> Oh. Should I search for the album from specific view? That is, the new, 
> radio, or for you views? 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 03-Jul-2015, at 11:30 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For me, it’s the top option in the action menu on albums.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>>> On 3 Jul 2015, at 06:40, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Thanks! That makes things a lot easier.
>>> I'm not sure on how to add complete albums to my music and later download 
>>> them
>>> When I search for an album on Apple music, click on it, I go and interact 
>>> with the header which is named after the album name
>>> I find  name of the album, the option to play, shuffle, show action menu, 
>>> the artists in the album, the number of songs, and the option to love it
>>> I do not find the option to add it to my music.
>>> Even when I click on show action menu, I just have add to and share as the 
>>> options
>>> Add to shows up in the playlists in my library
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 03-Jul-2015, at 4:45 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>> Hi again Chris,
>>>> I have just discovered you can shortcut the steps around interacting with 
>>>> the table and selecting the track.  Instead of clicking on the track, 
>>>> there is an unlabelled button above the name, which is a play button.  
>>>> Just hit that, and the LCD section populates.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
>>>>> On 2 Jul 2015, at 22:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Actually, I don't even see the option to add it to my ICloud Music 
>>>>> library, unless I'm on my mac.
>>>>> Here's what I'm doing.  Tell me if I'm doing this maybe  incorrectly.
>>>>> 1.  Open ITunes, obviously.
>>>>> 2.  Find the For You radio button under Music and select it.
>>>>> 3.  Hit command+Shift+F to search.
>>>>> 4.  Type in, say, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and hit return.
>>>>> 5.  Interact with the HTML content.
>>>>> 6.  Under the top results heading, find Breakfast at Tiffany's clicable, 
>>>>> and vo+space on it.
>>>>> 7.  Interact with the scroll area, then find the table and interact.
>>>>> 8.  Find the actual track, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
>>>>> 9.  Vo+Shift+M on it.
>>>>> 10.  I see no option here to either add to playlist, which pisses the 
>>>>> holy Hannah hell! outta me, nor do I see anything to add to my ICloud.  
>>>>> Is that what the "Copy" option does?  I thought that was for copying the 
>>>>> track somehow to the clipboard to be pasted elseware.  NO?
>>>>> Chris.
>>>>> - Original Message - From: "Shaf" 
>>>>> To: 
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 5:31 PM
>>>>> Subject: Apple Music Offline Listening
>>>>>> There's no option that I can see to download music from Apple Music for 
>>>>>> offline listening. Anybody have an idea of where it is? I've added the 
>>>>>> track/album to my library but offline listening only shows on iOS.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> -Shaf
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Re: here is an extremely! in depth walkthrough of Apple Music on the Mac with ITunes

2015-07-03 Thread Edward Green
Hi Chris,

I’d be very surprised if they removed Internet Radio because they’d introduced 
iTunes Radio.  Bear in mind that Internet Radio is a means by which you can 
access thousands of different radio stations, many of which don’t play music.

Still, I guess you never know though.


> On 3 Jul 2015, at 22:39, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> I can confirm this. I thought they would remove it to encourage customers to 
> use Apple Music radio. So far, they haven't, but it could be a future 
> possibility.
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> The Chat Zone
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> Apple Music
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>> On 3 Jul 2015, at 22:24, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
>> wrote:
>> Oh, o, Kayy?  Awesome.  Thank you for that tip.
>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: Jeffrey Shockley
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Friday, July 03, 2015 6:28 AM
>>> Subject: Re: here is an extremely! in depth walkthrough of Apple Music on 
>>> the Mac with ITunes
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for this. :)
>>> In your podcast you stated that “Internet Radio is gone.” However, that is 
>>> not true. All you have to do is click the “More” button, and check the box 
>>> to show it.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Jeffrey
 On Jul 2, 2015, at 10:08 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
 This is very very in depth!
 I hope you all are able to get something out of this.
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Question about Apple Music/For You on the Mac

2015-07-03 Thread Edward Green

When I go to the ‘For You’ tab of Apple Music on iOS, I’m presented with a list 
of things that Apple Music presumably thinks that I might want to listen to.

However, when I click the equivalent radio button on the Mac, the Apple Music 
HTML content remains empty until I search for something.

Does anyone know if this is supposed to happen, and if not, how I can get 
whatever shows up on iOS to show up on the Mac?



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Most efficient way to jump to search results in iTunes

2015-07-03 Thread Edward Green

This is a bit of a basic question, but what’s the quickest way to jump from the 
search field to the search results in iTunes on the Mac?

Currently I type in my search query and press enter, use VO+shift+up arrow to 
stop interacting, use VO+End to jump to the bottom of the screen which lands me 
on the HTML content, and press VO+shift+down arrow to interact.

However, it struck me that there was probably a quicker way.



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Re: Apple Music Offline Listening

2015-07-04 Thread Edward Green

Yes, just VO+shift+M  on the album rather than on the individual songs.


> On 4 Jul 2015, at 06:05, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yes! Arrow down and arrow up worked for me. Is there any way to add entire 
> albums for off-line listening? For now, I am adding the album to my music, 
> sorting my music library by date and downloading each of the tracks separately
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 04-Jul-2015, at 12:46 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It sounds as though you’re in the right view.  Maybe try opening the action 
>> menu, then arrow down and back up in case the menu is behaving strangely.
>> I use the ‘For you’ view as it happens.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>>> On 3 Jul 2015, at 07:04, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Oh. Should I search for the album from specific view? That is, the new, 
>>> radio, or for you views? 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 03-Jul-2015, at 11:30 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For me, it’s the top option in the action menu on albums.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
>>>>> On 3 Jul 2015, at 06:40, venky...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Thanks! That makes things a lot easier.
>>>>> I'm not sure on how to add complete albums to my music and later download 
>>>>> them
>>>>> When I search for an album on Apple music, click on it, I go and interact 
>>>>> with the header which is named after the album name
>>>>> I find  name of the album, the option to play, shuffle, show action menu, 
>>>>> the artists in the album, the number of songs, and the option to love it
>>>>> I do not find the option to add it to my music.
>>>>> Even when I click on show action menu, I just have add to and share as 
>>>>> the options
>>>>> Add to shows up in the playlists in my library
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On 03-Jul-2015, at 4:45 am, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again Chris,
>>>>>> I have just discovered you can shortcut the steps around interacting 
>>>>>> with the table and selecting the track.  Instead of clicking on the 
>>>>>> track, there is an unlabelled button above the name, which is a play 
>>>>>> button.  Just hit that, and the LCD section populates.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ed
>>>>>>> On 2 Jul 2015, at 22:57, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Actually, I don't even see the option to add it to my ICloud Music 
>>>>>>> library, unless I'm on my mac.
>>>>>>> Here's what I'm doing.  Tell me if I'm doing this maybe  incorrectly.
>>>>>>> 1.  Open ITunes, obviously.
>>>>>>> 2.  Find the For You radio button under Music and select it.
>>>>>>> 3.  Hit command+Shift+F to search.
>>>>>>> 4.  Type in, say, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and hit return.
>>>>>>> 5.  Interact with the HTML content.
>>>>>>> 6.  Under the top results heading, find Breakfast at Tiffany's 
>>>>>>> clicable, and vo+space on it.
>>>>>>> 7.  Interact with the scroll area, then find the table and interact.
>>>>>>> 8.  Find the actual track, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
>>>>>>> 9.  Vo+Shift+M on it.
>>>>>>> 10.  I see no option here to either add to playlist, which pisses the 
>>>>>>> holy Hannah hell! outta me, nor do I see anything to add to my ICloud.  
>>>>>>> Is that what the "Copy" option does?  I thought that was for copying 
>>>>>>> the track somehow to the clipboard to be pasted elseware.  NO?
>>>>>>> Chris.

Re: Is There An Easier Way of Interacting With Apple Music?

2015-07-04 Thread Edward Green
Hi Shawn,

Further to Chris’s post, I’d recommend using VO+end to move directly to the 
HTML content rather than repeated presses of VO right arrow.


> On 4 Jul 2015, at 07:42, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Don't tab; use the vo keys to navigate to the HTML content then interact with 
> it.
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>> On 4 Jul 2015, at 07:19, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
>> Hey all. I know there must be an easier way to get to the HTML content of 
>> Apple Music but don't know what it is. I've been tabbing all this time to 
>> get to the HTML content. Is there an easier way?
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my White MacBook
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Siri identifying songs and Apple Music

2015-07-05 Thread Edward Green

Given that Siri can identify playing songs, I was wondering whether iOS 8.4 
would let you instruct Siri to add a playing song to your Apple Music library 
once you’d asked her to identify it, without having to go into Apple Music 
later and search for it.

I haven’t been anywhere I can test this, but it strikes me it would be a neat 



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Error when streaming NFB convention

2015-07-08 Thread Edward Green

I get the following error on both my Macs when trying to stream the NFB 
Convention using the iTunes feed at 
"This webpage has content that requires an Internet plugin
This page contains content of “audio/x-scpls” type.  You do not have the 
plug-in required to view this content."

Does anyone know what plug-in might be missing and where I can get it? I’m 
using Yosemite/Safari.



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Re: Error when streaming NFB convention

2015-07-08 Thread Edward Green
Hi Ray,

Thanks, pasting the url into iTunes worked.

Yes, I have Safari set to open saved files.

Interestingly Voiceover didn’t report the error message by itself in Safari, it 
just said ‘HTML content’ for the meat of the page, which was empty when I 
interacted with it.  my sighted wife saw the error and clicked it with the 
mouse, then it spoke.  I made it happen again, and was unable to find the error 

Thanks again,

> On 8 Jul 2015, at 18:56, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Ed, you've got something weird going on.  I use the iTunes feed just fine.  
> Now, this morning, there did seem to be an issue with the stream but it's 
> back up now.  One final point.  Do you have Safari set to open safe files 
> automatically?  Here's another thing you might try.
> 1.  Go to the iTunes streaming link on the site.
> 2.  Copy the link to your clip bord.
> 3.  Now, open iTunes.
> 4.  Now, press Option plus u.
> 5.  Now, paste in the copied link.
> Here's a final tip.  IF the stream stops, just press the return key.  This 
> will force a refresh of the connection.
> HTH.
> PPS.  You don't need any extra plug ins to do this.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
> Sent from my Mac,
> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>> On Jul 8, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Edward Green > <mailto:ergreen1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I get the following error on both my Macs when trying to stream the NFB 
>> Convention using the iTunes feed at 
>> https://nfb.org/convention-streaming-schedule: 
>> <https://nfb.org/convention-streaming-schedule:>
>> "This webpage has content that requires an Internet plugin
>> This page contains content of “audio/x-scpls” type.  You do not have the 
>> plug-in required to view this content."
>> Does anyone know what plug-in might be missing and where I can get it? I’m 
>> using Yosemite/Safari.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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Re: Introduction and some questions

2015-07-11 Thread Edward Green
Hi Dewald,

Good to have you on the list.

The Mac often displays warning messages in what Voiceover describes as System 
Dialogs.  These can range from backups not having been performed for a few 
days, through to low battery notifications.  In short, they’re worth dealing 

In order to get to them, press VO f1 f1, or in other words, hold down control 
and option, and press f1 twice quickly.  This will put you in a list of running 
applications, use the up and down arrows until you hear ‘system dialog’.  
Pressing enter will put you in a list of the various system dialogs you have 
running, press enter on one of them and explore it using VO left and right 
arrows.  Note that the buttons to dismiss them (often close or ok) can appear 
at either the far left or far right of the dialog, depending on what the dialog 


> On 11 Jul 2015, at 08:21, Dewald Gmail  wrote:
> Hi all. My name is Dewald. I am from South Africa. 
> Jonathan Mosen recommended me to this list. 
> I am a piano technician and love to tinker with technology. 
> I got my first Mac in December of last year through a Black Friday deal on 
> Best Buy. 
> I was still in the US by that time. 
> Anyway ... I have some questions, because I'm still new to using it, but yet, 
> I have turned my back on Windows for good. 
> When I start up my Mac, or just waking it up from sleeping, it says 3 system 
> dialogues".
> And it will repeat it a couple of times.
> Sometimes it's 1 system dialogue, or two or three system dialogues. 
> What is this?
> About the notification center: 
> do I have to go in there from time to time and clean up, or is there a way 
> for it to do it automatically? 
> Whichever app I use, I don't know if it is my internet connection or what, 
> but like using something that doesn't even need a connection it will say busy 
> busy busy, ready. Very irritating. 
> They say you can press command-tab to switch between windows.
> Mine, when i press the combination, it just makes a dunk sound. 
> So I don't know if it's only me, but, I have to press the combination, then 
> release, to give it time to focuss or something, and then I can hold in the 
> command key and press tab repeatedly to cycle between windows. 
> And last for now, do any of you use Scrivener successfully? Is it possible 
> and can someone email me off-list to help.
> Thank you very very much for any help. 
> I am so excited about my Mac and all the things I can do with it. 
> Just a short amuzing story. 
> I was living with two room mates in Vancouver WA, The one guy had an HP 
> printer, copier and scanner. 
> I had an HP pc trying to connect to this thing, wanting to print something. 
> I spent hours trying to find the right driver, and no matter how I tried to 
> install it, it ended up giving me an error. 
> While I was wondering what I could do, the other guy came with his Mac, 
> connected it to the HP printer, and I promise you, a few seconds later, the 
> machine was spitting out paper. 
> I was dum-founded. 
> You would think: HP to HP ... easy, right?  
> That sold me to get a Mac. And also of course that it came with Voiceover. 
> Amazing! 
> Thank you,
> God bless, 
> Dewald. 
> Sent from my iPhone
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Expanding a Twitter conversation in Yorufukuru

2015-07-25 Thread Edward Green

When using yorufukuru, is there a way of reading the replies to someone’s Tweet 
in the app without having to go to the Twitter site? I’m talking about replies 
to tweets of people I follow rather than replies to me.



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Re: RNIB Overdrive syncing question

2015-07-28 Thread Edward Green
Hi Daniel,

Do you mean being able to resume playback on the Mac from where you left off on 
your iDevice?

If so, this is a limitation in the Mac Overdrive program - you can’t do it.


> On 28 Jul 2015, at 12:21, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Dear all, since last week, I have been using the RNIB Overdrive service for a 
> one month trial and so far, I'm enjoying the experience. 
> I have just one question for those who may use it. 
> Currently, I find the syncing works pretty well between iPhone and iPad but 
> can anyone confirm that they got it to work successfully from Mac back to one 
> of the above devices and vice verser again?
> I realise that this is a shot in the dark, so to speak because this is 
> primarily  for UK users but thought I'd ask here just in case.
> Many thanks
> Daniel
> -- 
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Re: RNIB Overdrive syncing question

2015-07-28 Thread Edward Green
Hi Daniel,

It’s not a limitation between Mac and iOS, it’s a limitation of Overdrive for 
Mac full stop.  It wouldn’t work on the Mac if your second device was a PC 
rather than an iPhone.

I googled the problem when I was having it, and it was posted as an FAQ by one 
of the commercial audio book sellers who also use the Overdrive platform.


> On 28 Jul 2015, at 20:48, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Hi Edward yes, that's exactly what I meant but I'm glad to know that it's a 
> limatation  that I wasn't going mad trying to get it to sync from iPhone to 
> Mac. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know 1st hand that it's a 
> limatation between Mac and iOS? 
> Rachael, I haven't gotten around to returning an audiobook yet but just in 
> case I run into the problem you have, an I right in that a simple closed and 
> open again from the app switcher gets rid of the books after there expiration 
> date? If so, I can live with that, just as long as the books free up the 
> storage space I'll be happy. Can think of nothing worse than books being 
> deleted and not returning the storage space that was once taken up by then. 
> We're talking 16gb I devices here too.
> P.S.
> If I can't use Mac and iPhone, no worries, I'll continue to use iPad and 
> iPhone, as that works quite nicely. :) 
> Daniel 
>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:51, RACHEL & DAMIEN  wrote:
>> i could never get it to sink between my ipad and mac.  also, i thought the 
>> overdrive on the iphone was supposed to delete the books when the time runs 
>> out.  mine doesnt and i feel i have to reload the app every so often to get 
>> rid of the titles on there.
>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:49, Edward Green  wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Do you mean being able to resume playback on the Mac from where you left 
>>> off on your iDevice?
>>> If so, this is a limitation in the Mac Overdrive program - you can’t do it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ed
>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 12:21, Daniel McGee  wrote:
>>>> Dear all, since last week, I have been using the RNIB Overdrive service 
>>>> for a one month trial and so far, I'm enjoying the experience. 
>>>> I have just one question for those who may use it. 
>>>> Currently, I find the syncing works pretty well between iPhone and iPad 
>>>> but can anyone confirm that they got it to work successfully from Mac back 
>>>> to one of the above devices and vice verser again?
>>>> I realise that this is a shot in the dark, so to speak because this is 
>>>> primarily  for UK users but thought I'd ask here just in case.
>>>> Many thanks
>>>> Daniel
>>>> -- 
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Re: RNIB Overdrive syncing question

2015-07-28 Thread Edward Green
No worries, hopefully Overdrive will fix the Mac software at some point.


> On 28 Jul 2015, at 21:23, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Hi Edward, thanks for your straight to the point answer. At least I know that 
> PC is out of the question then. I wouldn't meet the requirements  anyway,  my 
> machine running Vista. 
> Your help has been appreciated.
> Daniel 
>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 21:04, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> It’s not a limitation between Mac and iOS, it’s a limitation of Overdrive 
>> for Mac full stop.  It wouldn’t work on the Mac if your second device was a 
>> PC rather than an iPhone.
>> I googled the problem when I was having it, and it was posted as an FAQ by 
>> one of the commercial audio book sellers who also use the Overdrive platform.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 20:48, Daniel McGee  wrote:
>>> Hi Edward yes, that's exactly what I meant but I'm glad to know that it's a 
>>> limatation  that I wasn't going mad trying to get it to sync from iPhone to 
>>> Mac. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know 1st hand that it's a 
>>> limatation between Mac and iOS? 
>>> Rachael, I haven't gotten around to returning an audiobook yet but just in 
>>> case I run into the problem you have, an I right in that a simple closed 
>>> and open again from the app switcher gets rid of the books after there 
>>> expiration date? If so, I can live with that, just as long as the books 
>>> free up the storage space I'll be happy. Can think of nothing worse than 
>>> books being deleted and not returning the storage space that was once taken 
>>> up by then. We're talking 16gb I devices here too.
>>> P.S.
>>> If I can't use Mac and iPhone, no worries, I'll continue to use iPad and 
>>> iPhone, as that works quite nicely. :) 
>>> Daniel 
>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:51, RACHEL & DAMIEN  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> i could never get it to sink between my ipad and mac.  also, i thought the 
>>>> overdrive on the iphone was supposed to delete the books when the time 
>>>> runs out.  mine doesnt and i feel i have to reload the app every so often 
>>>> to get rid of the titles on there.
>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:49, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>> Do you mean being able to resume playback on the Mac from where you left 
>>>>> off on your iDevice?
>>>>> If so, this is a limitation in the Mac Overdrive program - you can’t do 
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ed
>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 12:21, Daniel McGee  wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all, since last week, I have been using the RNIB Overdrive service 
>>>>>> for a one month trial and so far, I'm enjoying the experience. 
>>>>>> I have just one question for those who may use it. 
>>>>>> Currently, I find the syncing works pretty well between iPhone and iPad 
>>>>>> but can anyone confirm that they got it to work successfully from Mac 
>>>>>> back to one of the above devices and vice verser again?
>>>>>> I realise that this is a shot in the dark, so to speak because this is 
>>>>>> primarily  for UK users but thought I'd ask here just in case.
>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> -- 
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Re: RNIB Overdrive syncing question

2015-07-28 Thread Edward Green
Hi Daniel,

To delete a book using iOS:
>From the home menu, swipe down to the ‘files’ button and double tap it.
Double tap the region indicating how many parts are downloaded.
The delete button should be level with the top of the home button, to the right 

> On 28 Jul 2015, at 21:30, Daniel McGee  wrote:
> Hi Rachael, so does the book still take   up the storage of the  book on your 
> device? Have you tried deleting and reinstalling the app to see if that gets 
> rid of the book? 
>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 21:13, RACHEL & DAMIEN  wrote:
>> hi, i’ve closed the app from the app switcher but for me the book is still 
>> there.
>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 20:48, Daniel McGee  wrote:
>>> Hi Edward yes, that's exactly what I meant but I'm glad to know that it's a 
>>> limatation  that I wasn't going mad trying to get it to sync from iPhone to 
>>> Mac. If you don't mind me asking, how do you know 1st hand that it's a 
>>> limatation between Mac and iOS? 
>>> Rachael, I haven't gotten around to returning an audiobook yet but just in 
>>> case I run into the problem you have, an I right in that a simple closed 
>>> and open again from the app switcher gets rid of the books after there 
>>> expiration date? If so, I can live with that, just as long as the books 
>>> free up the storage space I'll be happy. Can think of nothing worse than 
>>> books being deleted and not returning the storage space that was once taken 
>>> up by then. We're talking 16gb I devices here too.
>>> P.S.
>>> If I can't use Mac and iPhone, no worries, I'll continue to use iPad and 
>>> iPhone, as that works quite nicely. :) 
>>> Daniel 
>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:51, RACHEL & DAMIEN  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> i could never get it to sink between my ipad and mac.  also, i thought the 
>>>> overdrive on the iphone was supposed to delete the books when the time 
>>>> runs out.  mine doesnt and i feel i have to reload the app every so often 
>>>> to get rid of the titles on there.
>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 18:49, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>> Do you mean being able to resume playback on the Mac from where you left 
>>>>> off on your iDevice?
>>>>> If so, this is a limitation in the Mac Overdrive program - you can’t do 
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ed
>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2015, at 12:21, Daniel McGee  wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all, since last week, I have been using the RNIB Overdrive service 
>>>>>> for a one month trial and so far, I'm enjoying the experience. 
>>>>>> I have just one question for those who may use it. 
>>>>>> Currently, I find the syncing works pretty well between iPhone and iPad 
>>>>>> but can anyone confirm that they got it to work successfully from Mac 
>>>>>> back to one of the above devices and vice verser again?
>>>>>> I realise that this is a shot in the dark, so to speak because this is 
>>>>>> primarily  for UK users but thought I'd ask here just in case.
>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> -- 
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Identifying posters to mailing lists in Mac Mail

2015-08-28 Thread Edward Green

I am running the latest version of Yosemite and Apple Mail on a Macbook Pro.

I am a member of some NFB lists, and whenever I receive emails from those 
lists, the list is announced as the sender rather than the poster.  This 
doesn’t happen in Outlook 2013 under Windows.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might get the poster (rather than 
the list) to show as the sender under Apple Mail?



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Strange problems with fonts and text attributes in Text Edit

2013-10-21 Thread Edward Green

I having problems changing fonts and adding text attributes in tExt Edit.  I'm 
not sure whether Voiceover is incorrectly reporting what I'm trying to do or 
whether I'm doing something wrong (probably the latter!).

When I select text and bold it, whether that's a word or a line, Voiceover 
reports that all the text is bold.

When I go to change the font, I do a select all, and press command t to bring 
up the fonts.  I interact with the table of font families and change it to 
something like helvetica, but when I go back into my document, the font hasn't 

Am I missing something?



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Mavericks available now

2013-10-22 Thread Edward Green
Subject line says it all.

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Re: Mavericks available now

2013-10-22 Thread Edward Green
It's free.

On 22 Oct 2013, at 21:19, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Is it a free or paid upgrade? I will be curious to know how it works, but 
> think I will wait until at least the first update in case there are any major 
> bugs.
> Original message:
>> Subject line says it all.
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Re: Mavericks available now

2013-10-22 Thread Edward Green
Hi Michael,

It's still downloading and I haven't found any early podcasts yet, so I'm still 
waiting to see - I'll let you know what I find.

On 22 Oct 2013, at 21:15, Michael Marshall  wrote:

> hey,
> any changes or improvements to VO with the new OS?
> On 23/10/2013, at 6:07 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Subject line says it all.
>> -- 
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Change to quick key behaviour in Safari in Mavericks

2013-10-23 Thread Edward Green

I use quick keys to navigate web elements in Safari.

In Mountain Lion, when I pressed b to move between buttons, it would cycle 
through what I traditionally think of as buttons which might be search, go, 
submit etc.  However, using b now seems also to bring in pop up buttons (what 
Windows calls combo boxes).  Has anyone else noticed this? While I suppose they 
are buttons according to Safari, I find it a bit annoying.



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Re: email problems

2013-10-24 Thread Edward Green
Hi Alia,

Go into System Preferences, interact with the preference pains scroll area, 
choose Notification Centre, interact with the table and choose mail.

Then set the alert style to none by clicking on the relevant radio button.

This should fix it.


On 24 Oct 2013, at 19:02, alia robinson  wrote:

> Okay, when I am reading email and more comes in VO is interupted to say 
> ‘three rows added’ or however much mail I got, and focus is taking away from 
> the body of my email. I get a lot of long mail, and this is a huge problem. 
> Also having the issue where vo-J doesn’t focus the email on text, and I have 
> to do it more than once. Not loving this upgrade much especially for mail. 
> Alia
> -- 
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Re: how to save attachments on a Mack

2013-10-24 Thread Edward Green
Hi Becky,

If you definitely want to save them, go into the file menu and choose save 

If you just need to access them from the message, command y may be enough for 


On 24 Oct 2013, at 19:01, Becky Sabo  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been having trouble saving attachments on my Mack when people send me 
> items.  How do I go about saving attachments on my Mack any help would be 
> good.
> Thanks
> Becky Sabo
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]On Behalf Of Nicholas Parsons
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:50 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Solving captures on a mac?
> You can get Rumola from:
> http://skipinput.com
> It's a Safari extension. It fills in CAPTCHAs automatically for you. There's 
> a trial version and then I think it's something ridiculously cheap like 99 
> cents for 99 solutions. I've never had to top up since installing it so now I 
> can't remember. :)
> Best,
> Nic
> On 24/10/2013, at 1:37 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Please tell me Nick where to get that from?
> Kawal.
> Sent from my I phone
> On 23 Oct 2013, at 03:36 pm, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
> I use Rumola to solve CAPTCHAs. It's fantastic.
> On 23/10/2013, at 11:00 AM, Rob  wrote:
> Dear List,
> How do you solve captures
> on a mac?
> On my PC I use Firefox and Webvisum.
> I  have not received my ordered  macbook yet, but I wanted to know the answer.
> I also would like to know if any of you are using the password app called 
> Keepass on a mac?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
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Re: email problems

2013-10-24 Thread Edward Green
Hi Alia,

Sorry it didn’t work, Turning it off in Notification Centre solved it for me.

If you’re running Mountain Lion or higher, the other thing you could try is to 
go into Mail, Preferences, General, and limit notifications to VIPs (it’s set 
to Inbox only by default).  You could then simply not add anyone to your VIP 
list and you shouldn’t get any notifications.  However, this obviously won’t 
work if you use your VIP list.

Hope that works.

On 24 Oct 2013, at 20:48, alia robinson  wrote:

> Hey, 
> thanks for the suggestion, but I already have it off in notifications. It’s 
> not a notification thing; it’s from the apple mail itsself telling me I’m 
> getting mail It has always said “two rows added” or whatever it says, but 
> never when I had focus on text reading it. I have my mail set to none in 
> notifications. I do appreciate the suggestion though. 
> alia
> On Oct 24, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Alia,
>> Go into System Preferences, interact with the preference pains scroll area, 
>> choose Notification Centre, interact with the table and choose mail.
>> Then set the alert style to none by clicking on the relevant radio button.
>> This should fix it.
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Offline dictation available in Mavericks

2013-10-25 Thread Edward Green
Hi all,

I’ve just stumbled across the ability to be able to dictate offline using 
Mavericks, as long as you’re prepared to spare 500MB of disc space.  Under 
Mountain Lion as with iOS, you needed an Internet connection and it was done 
over Apple’s servers.

Apologies if this has already been posted to the list, but I haven’t seen it 
and thought it may be of interest.



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Re: Offline dictation available in Mavericks

2013-10-25 Thread Edward Green
Got it in one.  It’s on the dictation tab, and you need to tick the enhanced 
dictation check box.


On 25 Oct 2013, at 17:41, Chris H  wrote:

> So how do I do this? Do I go to System Preferences Dictation and Speech?
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> christopher...@gmail.com
> On 25/10/2013 17:20, Edward Green wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve just stumbled across the ability to be able to dictate offline using 
>> Mavericks, as long as you’re prepared to spare 500MB of disc space.  Under 
>> Mountain Lion as with iOS, you needed an Internet connection and it was done 
>> over Apple’s servers.
>> Apologies if this has already been posted to the list, but I haven’t seen it 
>> and thought it may be of interest.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
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Re: Offline dictation available in Mavericks

2013-10-25 Thread Edward Green
Hi Juergen,

Yep sure.  It’s on the Dictation tab of Speech and Dictation in System 
Preferences.  You need to click on the Enhanced Dictation check box and you 
should be good to go.


On 25 Oct 2013, at 18:43, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi,
> could you send a link or could you explain how to do this?
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 25.10.2013 um 18:20 schrieb Edward Green :
>> Hi all,
>> I’ve just stumbled across the ability to be able to dictate offline using 
>> Mavericks, as long as you’re prepared to spare 500MB of disc space.  Under 
>> Mountain Lion as with iOS, you needed an Internet connection and it was done 
>> over Apple’s servers.
>> Apologies if this has already been posted to the list, but I haven’t seen it 
>> and thought it may be of interest.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>> -- 
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Software DAISY players that support streaming

2013-10-26 Thread Edward Green

Are there any software DAISY players for the Mac that support the streaming of 
DAISY content?



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Getting to system dialogs

2013-11-16 Thread Edward Green

Is there an easy way to get to an open system dialog? Sometimes Voiceover 
reports them as being open, but if I’ve missed them pop up, they don’t appear 
to be in the command tab cycle.



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Re: Getting to system dialogs

2013-11-16 Thread Edward Green
Thanks Chris, VO f1 twice did the trick.

On 16 Nov 2013, at 11:02, Chris H  wrote:

> Try either the application chooser or window chooser. Vo f1 twice and Vo f2 
> twice respectively.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> christopher...@gmail.com
> On 16/11/2013 09:32, Edward Green wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there an easy way to get to an open system dialog? Sometimes Voiceover 
>> reports them as being open, but if I’ve missed them pop up, they don’t 
>> appear to be in the command tab cycle.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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Viewing source coe using Mavericks/Safari

2013-12-03 Thread Edward Green

I’m not sure if it has to do with the change from Mountain Lion to Mavericks or 
the latest version of Safari, but I don’t seem to be able to view source code 
any more using Voiceover from the Developer menu.  I get information about the 
URL, document type etc, but I can’t see the code itself.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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RE: moving between 2 documents in pages?

2013-12-07 Thread Edward Green
Hi Andrew,

Does command grave accent work for you once you're in the Pages window?



-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Head
Sent: 07 December 2013 07:21
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: moving between 2 documents in pages?

Hi all,
Just wondering what is the keystroke for moving between 2 open documents in
pages? when I command tab to the pages app, I see the last document I had
open, but I have two documents. How can I view the other doc and move back
and forth between the 2?
Kind regards,
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Adding contacts from the CC field of a message

2013-12-07 Thread Edward Green

Is there a quick way in Mail to add people in the CC list of a message that 
I’ve received to contacts?



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Re: Can I listen to the BBC from my Apple TV

2014-01-03 Thread Edward Green
Hi Gena,

You can certainly get some BBC radio stations on the Apple TV, but I’m not 
convinced it’s the most straight forward way to listen to them.

Essentially, when you click on a category of radio station, you are presented 
with a list of stations in that category in alphabetical order.  Many US 
stations start with numerals rather than a letter, so these will appear first.

The problem is that you have to know in which category the station you want to 
listen to will appear.  It’s easy for me as any BBC station I want will either 
be in sport or news, but I don’t know if their music stations appear across 
several categories.  I don’t believe it's possible to search for a radio 
station though I’d be happy to stand corrected.

If you only want national BBC stations, it’s probably far simpler to get those 
through Freeview/satellite/cable, assuming you have one of these services on 
your TV set in addition to your Apple TV.


On 2 Jan 2014, at 11:59, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello All,
> Just installed a TV and can’t find the BBC radio stations. It appears great 
> to have so much choice but how do you find what you want to listen to?
> I selected radio and was presented with a whole list of music categories and 
> just got lost. Is there a TV podcast on AppleVis?
> Thanks.
> Gena
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Re: Can I listen to the BBC from my Apple TV

2014-01-04 Thread Edward Green
Hi Gena,

Not sure if it’s location-specific, but we get 4 Extra on channel 708.


On 3 Jan 2014, at 22:42, Georgina Joyce  wrote:

> Hello,
> Much appreciate your time in replying. Yes, I found them. But as you say, 
> it’s not easy. Radio 4 is in the News category, 4 Extra in comedy and radio 2 
> in adult contemporary. I was going to use my free view box but 4 extra isn’t 
> available.
> Well at least it’s fun exploring all the opportunities available to us now.
> Thanks.
> Gena
> On 3 Jan 2014, at 17:05, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Gena,
>> You can certainly get some BBC radio stations on the Apple TV, but I’m not 
>> convinced it’s the most straight forward way to listen to them.
>> Essentially, when you click on a category of radio station, you are 
>> presented with a list of stations in that category in alphabetical order.  
>> Many US stations start with numerals rather than a letter, so these will 
>> appear first.
>> The problem is that you have to know in which category the station you want 
>> to listen to will appear.  It’s easy for me as any BBC station I want will 
>> either be in sport or news, but I don’t know if their music stations appear 
>> across several categories.  I don’t believe it's possible to search for a 
>> radio station though I’d be happy to stand corrected.
>> If you only want national BBC stations, it’s probably far simpler to get 
>> those through Freeview/satellite/cable, assuming you have one of these 
>> services on your TV set in addition to your Apple TV.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>> On 2 Jan 2014, at 11:59, Georgina Joyce  wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> Just installed a TV and can’t find the BBC radio stations. It appears great 
>>> to have so much choice but how do you find what you want to listen to?
>>> I selected radio and was presented with a whole list of music categories 
>>> and just got lost. Is there a TV podcast on AppleVis?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Gena
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Downloading entire TV seasons/series in iTunes

2014-10-06 Thread Edward Green
Hi all,

Further to the thread about sorting TV season episodes in order, is it possible 
to download an entire series from the iTunes store rather than doing it 

I've tried to do this on the iPhone, but can only see download buttons for 
individual episodes.



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Downloaded Yosemite

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Green

I'm currently going through the very slow process of downloading Yosemite.

Is there any way I can use the version I'm downloading to update multiple Macs 
or do I need to download it on each one? If the download is stored somewhere, 
please could you tell me where so I can transfer it?

We have a few in the family, and while demand might slacken off in the next few 
days speeding up the download, downloading it each time looks like it might get 



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Re: Downloaded Yosemite

2014-10-17 Thread Edward Green
Great thanks Tim.

On 17 Oct 2014, at 21:04, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> When it finishes downloading, the Installer will open.  Instead of pressing 
> the Continue button, press cmd-q to Quit it.  Now, go into your Applications 
> folder and locate the Install Yosemite package and copy/paste it to another 
> location.  You can use the original to install it on the computer that is 
> currently downloading it and use the pasted copy to install Yosemite on your 
> other machines.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Oct 17, 2014, at 1:34 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently going through the very slow process of downloading Yosemite.
>> Is there any way I can use the version I'm downloading to update multiple 
>> Macs or do I need to download it on each one? If the download is stored 
>> somewhere, please could you tell me where so I can transfer it?
>> We have a few in the family, and while demand might slacken off in the next 
>> few days speeding up the download, downloading it each time looks like it 
>> might get tedious.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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Having Voiceover speak on Yosemite login screen

2014-10-18 Thread Edward Green

Apologies if this has been posted before, I’ve tried to check but the Yosemite 
traffic has obviously been fairly busy.

I’ve enabled file vault after installing Yosemite, meaning that I need to enter 
a password when I turn on my Macbook.  However, Voiceover isn’t speaking on the 
login screen.

Can I change this somewhere?



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Re: Having Voiceover speak on Yosemite login screen

2014-10-18 Thread Edward Green
Hi Joseph,

Thanks for this, that’s useful to know.

I’m the only one using this Mac (I disabled the guest account), so I’ll 
probably just wait a few seconds and enter my password as I don’t have several 
accounts to cycle through.  VO does come on when I do.  Alternatively, I might 
turn off File Vault if it gets too annoying!


> On 18 Oct 2014, at 16:39, Joseph  wrote:
> Hello,
> If you are booting with file vault the answer is no. Because VO cannot talk 
> at that low level. When you boot, Several seconds after the startup chime, 
> press Command F5 and you will hear a beep. Type in your account name. Note, 
> nothing will speak. Press enter and you will hear 2 beeps. Now type in your 
> password. The same thing, nothing will talk. Press enter and you will hear 3 
> beeps. This means that you are now booting. Depending on how you have your 
> system set, VO will probably start talking once the system is booted.
>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 8:31 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Apologies if this has been posted before, I’ve tried to check but the 
>> Yosemite traffic has obviously been fairly busy.
>> I’ve enabled file vault after installing Yosemite, meaning that I need to 
>> enter a password when I turn on my Macbook.  However, Voiceover isn’t 
>> speaking on the login screen.
>> Can I change this somewhere?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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Re: About making calls from my Mac using my Iphone

2014-10-18 Thread Edward Green
Hi Joseph,

When you arrow or VO down Below where iPhone says call using iPhone  is dimmed, 
do you see the number? If so, press enter on the number and the call will 

Does that work?


> On 18 Oct 2014, at 20:42, Joseph  wrote:
> Hello,
> Disconnected ethernet and activated Wi-Fi on the same network with the 
> iPhone. Then restarted both devices.
> Still NoGo.
>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 12:33 PM, christopher hallsworth 
>>  wrote:
>> My guess is once the ethernet is used on the mac then wifi is plain and 
>> simple ignored by the mac.
>>> On 18 Oct 2014, at 20:32, Joseph  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am using ethernet on my iMac but they are both on the same network. 
>>> Perhaps that’s the problem. But why wouldn’t it work through ethernet over 
>>> the local Wi-Fi network.
>>> Ok, I’ll switch to Wi-Fi on my Mac and see what gives.
 On Oct 18, 2014, at 11:58 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
 Hi Joseph. You have to turn off wifi on both your iPhone and your iMac. 
 When I did this, everything worked.
 Sent From My White MacBook
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 1:54 PM, Joseph  wrote:
> No Go!
> Hello folks.
> Well here’s the summery.
> I switched off the Wi-Fi on my iPhone. After about a minute or so, I 
> restarted it.
> All items on the iPhone in FaceTime are active including using cel phone. 
> Everything is checked in FaceTime on my iMac. When I go to make a call, 
> the choice for cel phone is dimmed out.
> Again, the iMac is a mid 2010 27 inch unit. The iPhone is a 4S. In both 
> cases, the latest OS is running.
> But No Go.
> At this point I give up as far as using the iMac to make calls over the 
> cel phone using Wi-Fi.
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Jumping to the top of the message list in Mail/Yosemite

2014-10-21 Thread Edward Green

Under Mavericks, Mail retained my place in the message list more often than not 
when new messages arrived.

However, under Yosemite, I am jumped to the top of the message list when I 
receive new mail.  I can obviously use the command to jump to the bottom of the 
list, but this still means I have to arrow back up.

I rarely have an empty inbox so I’d be grateful for any suggestions on how I 
can stop this happening.



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Re: Jumping to the top of the message list in Mail/Yosemite

2014-10-22 Thread Edward Green
Hi Mark, Alex and Gigi,

Thanks for your experiences/suggestions.

Interestingly the issue doesn’t occur when I’m not interacting with the message 

> On 22 Oct 2014, at 09:22, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Edward,
> After countless hours of using Yosemite Mail, on two Macs, one being a 
> ventage 2009 model and the other recently purchased,  I can tell you that I 
> have never lost Message Column item focus in Mail when in Standard View.  
> Rarely do I use Classic view, anymore, so cannot comment on that portion of 
> the application.  
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Edward Green
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 11:29 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Jumping to the top of the message list in Mail/Yosemite
> Hi,
> Under Mavericks, Mail retained my place in the message list more often than 
> not when new messages arrived.
> However, under Yosemite, I am jumped to the top of the message list when I 
> receive new mail.  I can obviously use the command to jump to the bottom of 
> the list, but this still means I have to arrow back up.
> I rarely have an empty inbox so I’d be grateful for any suggestions on how I 
> can stop this happening.
> Cheers,
> Ed
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Boundary sounds in Yosemite

2014-10-24 Thread Edward Green

Sometimes when I command tab between applications or hit command r to refresh 
in Safari, I get the same sound I hear if I try to move beyond a boundary such 
as the top of the message list in Mail.

Are keys sticking or is something else going on?

I didn’t notice this under Mavericks.



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Mac OSX, Voiceover and BBC iPlayer

2013-07-07 Thread Edward Green

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to watch or listen to programmes on the BBC 
iPlayer website using Mac OSX Mountain Lion and Safari?

I can search for episodes, click on the page for the relevant show but can't 
then find any controls to play the programme etc.

I installed the latest version of Adobe Flash Player but to no avail.

Grateful for any advice.

Many thanks,


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Re: Mac OSX, Voiceover and BBC iPlayer

2013-07-07 Thread Edward Green
Hi Chris,

Does this mean that you can't use BBC iPlayer on the Mac?

On 7 Jul 2013, at 21:06, Chris H  wrote:

> Ed, that's because Flash is not accessible on the mac and shall not be fixed 
> by either Adobe or Apple.
> On 07/07/2013 20:49, Edward Green wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone tell me if it's possible to watch or listen to programmes on the 
>> BBC iPlayer website using Mac OSX Mountain Lion and Safari?
>> I can search for episodes, click on the page for the relevant show but can't 
>> then find any controls to play the programme etc.
>> I installed the latest version of Adobe Flash Player but to no avail.
>> Grateful for any advice.
>> Many thanks,
>> Ed
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Re: Mac OSX, Voiceover and BBC iPlayer

2013-07-07 Thread Edward Green
Hi Anne,

Thanks for this.

Do you know if I need to change any settings to get it to find iPlayer radio 
shows? None seem to come up when I do a search.


On 7 Jul 2013, at 21:42, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ed,
> The app you need is Get iPlayer Automator
> <https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/39019/get-iplayer-automator>
> It works even outside the UK.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 7 Jul 2013, at 22:08, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Does this mean that you can't use BBC iPlayer on the Mac?
>> Ed
>> On 7 Jul 2013, at 21:06, Chris H  wrote:
>>> Ed, that's because Flash is not accessible on the mac and shall not be 
>>> fixed by either Adobe or Apple.
>>> On 07/07/2013 20:49, Edward Green wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Can anyone tell me if it's possible to watch or listen to programmes on 
>>>> the BBC iPlayer website using Mac OSX Mountain Lion and Safari?
>>>> I can search for episodes, click on the page for the relevant show but 
>>>> can't then find any controls to play the programme etc.
>>>> I installed the latest version of Adobe Flash Player but to no avail.
>>>> Grateful for any advice.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Ed
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Re: Mac OSX, Voiceover and BBC iPlayer

2013-07-09 Thread Edward Green
Hi Adrienne,

If you go into preferences, on the general tab there is a checkbox you can tick 
labelled "download audio described and unsigned versions".

I don't know if this works or not as I haven't actually tried it.


On 9 Jul 2013, at 12:47, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers  

> Hello, probably a question for Anne.
> Wow, after all these years of iPlayer misery. Would it seem churlish of me to 
> ask if there is a way of getting the BBC audio described programmes on this?
> Thanks
> Adrienne
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Issue playing Audible books in iTunes under Mac OSX

2013-07-09 Thread Edward Green

I'm having a strange problem when I'm playing an Audible book that has multiple 
parts in the latest version of iTunes under Mountain Lion.

If I am on the second part of the book and stop it, when I press play I'm 
returned to the beginning of part 1.  If I use the next chapter command until I 
read the end of part 1, I'm returned to where I left off in Part 2.

Does anyone know what setting I need to change so that I'm returned to where I 
left off in Part 2, instead of having to scroll through Part 1 to get there?



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Can anyone recommend an accessible OCR program for Mac OSX?

2013-07-11 Thread Edward Green

The subject line says it all really.

Many thanks,


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Re: Can anyone recommend an accessible OCR program for Mac OSX?

2013-07-11 Thread Edward Green
Hi Gigi,

I'm not looking for something like Ipal, a commercial app is fine for my needs. 
 Do you have a preference over Bootscan or Abbyy Fine Reader? I've used Abbyy 
in the past under Windows.


On 11 Jul 2013, at 21:39, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Ed 
> I guess it depends on what you need to do. I have VueScan together with Abby 
> Fine Reader. That works fine for me. 
> There is one that I have seen that, if I needed to tons of scanning, I would 
> consider. I saw it once, and I was impressed. HOwever, it's expensive. It is 
> called iPal and it runs with a camera device that takes pictures of the page 
> and gives it back, almost immediately. 
> the first two I mentioned are considerably less money and can be gotten from 
> the app store. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi
> On Jul 11, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The subject line says it all really.
>> Many thanks,
>> Ed
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Re: Can anyone recommend an accessible OCR program for Mac OSX?

2013-07-11 Thread Edward Green
Hi Anne,

Is it possible to perform the OCR using vuescan or do you also need Fine Reader?


On 11 Jul 2013, at 21:51, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ed,
> Many of us use a combination of VueScan and ABBYY FineReader because it's 
> easier to scan multiple pages with VueScan then pass the file containing 
> multiple images to FineReader for the OCR. ABBYY FineReader is available in 
> the Appstore and will work directly with a scanner, but VueScan has to be 
> purchased from the developer at:
> www.hamrick.com
> You can use VueScan without a license but it leaves a watermark which upsets 
> ABBYY FineReader.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 11 Jul 2013, at 22:45, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Gigi,
>> I'm not looking for something like Ipal, a commercial app is fine for my 
>> needs.  Do you have a preference over Bootscan or Abbyy Fine Reader? I've 
>> used Abbyy in the past under Windows.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed 
>> On 11 Jul 2013, at 21:39, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Ed 
>>> I guess it depends on what you need to do. I have VueScan together with 
>>> Abby Fine Reader. That works fine for me. 
>>> There is one that I have seen that, if I needed to tons of scanning, I 
>>> would consider. I saw it once, and I was impressed. HOwever, it's 
>>> expensive. It is called iPal and it runs with a camera device that takes 
>>> pictures of the page and gives it back, almost immediately. 
>>> the first two I mentioned are considerably less money and can be gotten 
>>> from the app store. 
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi
>>> On Jul 11, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The subject line says it all really.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Ed
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Re: Help with Mac Mini, I did an incredibly bone-headed thing!

2013-07-16 Thread Edward Green
Hi Donna,

Did you associate an Apple ID with your Mac Mini and does it have Internet 
access? If you did, then it should be relatively straight forward to sort out.

When prompted for your password, enter something incorrect three times.  THis 
should bring up a message inviting you to use your Apple ID to reset your 
password, and it should be self-explanatory from there.

Hope that helps.

On 16 Jul 2013, at 21:25, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> A couple of months ago I started setting up the Mac mini for our office. I 
> had to put it aside to turn to other tasks that were more pressing, and when 
> I came back to it this afternoon, it seems I am not remembering the 
> administrative password I set for myself. I know, I know what a moron! 
> Anyway, I have to get access to this computer, Even if it means reformatting 
> the hard disk. Anyone have any thoughts as to what I can do?
> Thanks,
> Donna   
> Sent from my iPhone
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How Mac handles MP3 files

2013-07-19 Thread Edward Green

This is probably a fairly basic question but it is borne out of being more 
familiar than Windows file structures than Mac ones, so apologies.

 I recently downloaded an MP3 file from the Internet which iTunes automatically 
added to my iTunes library.

The file appears in my downloads folder.  However, I'd like all my music files 
to appear in one place for the purposes of backing up.

If iTunes has added the file to my iTunes library, does this mean that it has 
also copied the file over to my Music folder? If not, and if I move the file 
from Downloads and paste it into my Music folder, will it appear twice in my 
iTunes library?

Grateful for any thoughts.



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Re: How Mac handles MP3 files

2013-07-19 Thread Edward Green
Hi Alex and Esther,

Many thanks for your responses, they're extremely helpful and I'll go and have 
a look in iTunes to see what it's up to.

Thanks again,

On 19 Jul 2013, at 22:50, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Ed,
> In addition to what Alex said, that where a track added to your iTunes 
> library will be stored depends on what boxes you have checked on the Advanced 
> pane of your iTunes preferences file (that you can bring up with 
> Command+comma), you can preview an mp3 or other DRM-free audio file without 
> adding it to your iTunes library by using Apple's Quick Look feature.  When 
> you're focused on the file in Finder, instead of open it, press space bar to 
> start it playing with Quick Look.  Quick Look can be used on documents, PDF 
> files, movies (with supported file types), etc.  You can't navigate the way 
> you can if you opened the file in a supporting application -- e.g., you can't 
> rewind, or jump to a specific chapter in the PDF of a book -- but you can 
> quickly inspect these files.  You can play through the whole mp3 file this 
> way, without adding it to your iTunes library.  Quick Look doesn't work in 
> background, though.  If you switch applications with Command-Tab, or because 
> you get a skype call, the Quick Looked mp3 file will stop playing until you 
> Command-Tab back to it.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On 19 Jul 2013, at 11:40, Alex Hall wrote:
>> That depends on whether or not you've checked the "copy files to my library 
>> folder" box in iTunes' preferences. If so, then the file is in your library 
>> and you can move that copy out of downloads. If it is not checked, you must 
>> either copy it in manually or not move it, since iTunes has now basically 
>> pointed to it and cannot find it if it moves.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 19, 2013, at 17:08, Edward Green  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is probably a fairly basic question but it is borne out of being more 
>>> familiar than Windows file structures than Mac ones, so apologies.
>>> I recently downloaded an MP3 file from the Internet which iTunes 
>>> automatically added to my iTunes library.
>>> The file appears in my downloads folder.  However, I'd like all my music 
>>> files to appear in one place for the purposes of backing up.
>>> If iTunes has added the file to my iTunes library, does this mean that it 
>>> has also copied the file over to my Music folder? If not, and if I move the 
>>> file from Downloads and paste it into my Music folder, will it appear twice 
>>> in my iTunes library?
>>> Grateful for any thoughts.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ed
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Safari and clickable elements

2013-07-29 Thread Edward Green

Apologies if this seems like a silly question, but if Voiceover announces that 
something is clickable on a web page, in OSX how do I click/activate it? I've 
tried VO space as well as return, but haven't had any joy.

Many thanks,


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Re: Safari and clickable elements

2013-07-30 Thread Edward Green
 the central "5" key acting 
> as the current position of the mouse that can be clicked.  Pressing the 
> number keys around that position moves the mouse one screen pixel in that 
> direction (left, right, up, down, or diagonally).  So if you press the "4" 
> key to the left of the "5", you move the mouse 1 pixel to the left.  Press 
> the "6" key and move to the right.  Press the "8" key and move up, etc.
> On a laptop the mouse keys are where the embedded numeric keypad used to be: 
> the keys below the "7 8 9" keys on the right side of the keyboard, with "7 8 
> 9" on the top row corresponding to "7 8 9" on the numeric keypad, "u i o"  
> for "4 5 6", and "j k l" for "1 2 3".  So the "i" key is in the central 
> position of the "5" key on the numeric keypad, and you click by pressing this 
> key when Mouse Keys are turned on.
> You can set up turning Mouse Keys on and off with 5 presses of the Option 
> key.  Go to the Accessibility under System Preferences with Option+F5, and in 
> the Mouse & Trackpad pane check the box for "Press the Option key five times 
> to turn Mouse Keys off and on", then close the window with Command+W.
> So, route your mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor, turn Mouse Keys on, 
> click, and then turn Mouse keys off.
> This may be set up to click with Fn+"i" on a laptop under Mountain Lion, 
> though just pressing "i" will work in Lion.  
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On 29 Jul 2013, at 11:06, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Clickable elements can be very tricky, depending on how the web designer has 
>> implemented Javascript. For example, on the concertwindow.com site, There 
>> are several elements on the front page that rarely do anything when clicked. 
>> I find that i have to try various methods on different sites, including 
>> VO-shift-space, turn on mouse keys and do a num-pad-5, or use the trackpad. 
>> Sometimes just VO-space works. The nice thing about mouse keys is that they 
>> are actual mouse clicks and are not dependent on VO. Neither is the trackpad 
>> when trackpad commander is turned off.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Jul 29, 2013, at 1:42 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
>> wrote:
>>> HI.  try routing the mouse to the vo cursor with vo command f 5 and doing a 
>>> vo shift space twice to double click the mouse.
>>> Maria and Joe Chapman
>>> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
>>> On 30/07/2013, at 6:37 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Apologies if this seems like a silly question, but if Voiceover announces 
>>>> that something is clickable on a web page, in OSX how do I click/activate 
>>>> it? I've tried VO space as well as return, but haven't had any joy.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Ed
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Accessible FTP software

2013-08-03 Thread Edward Green

Please could someone recommend some accessible FTP software for use under OSX 
Mountain Lion?

Many thanks,


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Ventrilo question

2013-08-05 Thread Edward Green

Please can someone let me know how to enter an individual chatroom on a 
Ventrilo server using Voiceover?

When I connect to the server, I can see a table of users which includes the 
various different rooms, but I'm not sure how to enter a given room.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Re: Accessible FTP software

2013-08-05 Thread Edward Green
Many thanks Tyler, does Terminal support secure FTP do you know?

On 3 Aug 2013, at 13:28, Tyler Thompson  wrote:

> I’ve seen a couple posts asking for FTP software. I wanted to chip in my 2 
> cents here. So I haven’t ever seen a fully functional FTP client for mac from 
> a 3rd party developer. Ignoring accessibility issues they tend to be buggy. 
> It is, however 100% possible to send files via FTP using your terminal (not 
> sure that’s been discussed). Attached is a link with a brief tutorial on how 
> to do just that.
> http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-ftp-from-terminal-to-transfer-mac-files.html
> On Aug 3, 2013, at 1:00 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please could someone recommend some accessible FTP software for use under 
>> OSX Mountain Lion?
>> Many thanks,
>> Ed
>> -- 
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Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials

2013-08-09 Thread Edward Green
Hi Mike,

Have you considered uploading your old files to somewhere like Dropbox albeit 
temporarily and circulating the link to groups like this one? It looks like 
there's quite a bit of demand and recording new ones is obviously going to be 

While the operating system hasn't changed as you say, the basics are still 

On 9 Aug 2013, at 21:12, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Yes, I did these back in version 10.5 of the mac operating system. Definitely 
> time to do a new version. Although the basics really have not changed much, 
> there are some new improvements.
> Original message:
>> www.blindcooltech.com 
>> Though they are a bit dated now, they are still extremely useful for 
>> learning and fully explaining the basics. After all, that's how I learned.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:37 PM, "Corey Knapp"  wrote:
>> Hi thanks for that does anyone know where I can download the actual mp3 
>> files thanks I think that there 12 ro 13 files thanks in advance.
>> Corey
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf 
>> Of Scott Rumery
>> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 12:54 PM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>> Cc: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility
>> Subject: Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials
>> You can get them from the iBlink  radio app.
>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:40 PM, "Corey Knapp" > > wrote:
>> Hi Does anyone know where I can download the mac tutorials that Mike Arrigo
>> Did on blindcool tech they are no longer available on blindcooltech thanks 
>> in advance.
>> Corey
>> --
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Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials

2013-08-09 Thread Edward Green
Hi Jamie,

How many is a lot? I get a journal once a quarter that a hundred or so people 
download and it seems to work.

On 9 Aug 2013, at 21:37, Jamie Pauls  wrote:

> Dropbox will quickly lock down someone's account if a lot of people start 
> downloading files. I am thinking of the time when Curtis Delzer tried to 
> share his Samsung Haven podcasts via Dropbox. Perhaps Mike might charge a 
> nominal fee for his new Mac tutorials. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 9, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Have you considered uploading your old files to somewhere like Dropbox 
>> albeit temporarily and circulating the link to groups like this one? It 
>> looks like there's quite a bit of demand and recording new ones is obviously 
>> going to be time-intensive.
>> While the operating system hasn't changed as you say, the basics are still 
>> useful.
>> Ed
>> On 9 Aug 2013, at 21:12, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> Yes, I did these back in version 10.5 of the mac operating system. 
>>> Definitely time to do a new version. Although the basics really have not 
>>> changed much, there are some new improvements.
>>> Original message:
>>>> www.blindcooltech.com <http://www.blindcooltech.com>
>>>> Though they are a bit dated now, they are still extremely useful for 
>>>> learning and fully explaining the basics. After all, that's how I learned.
>>>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>>> built-in!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:37 PM, "Corey Knapp"  wrote:
>>>> Hi thanks for that does anyone know where I can download the actual mp3 
>>>> files thanks I think that there 12 ro 13 files thanks in advance.
>>>> Corey
>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> 
>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <http://googlegroups.com>] On 
>>>> Behalf Of Scott Rumery
>>>> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 12:54 PM
>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Cc: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility
>>>> Subject: Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials
>>>> You can get them from the iBlink <http://www.serotek.com/iblink> radio app.
>>>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:40 PM, "Corey Knapp" >>> <mailto:core...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Does anyone know where I can download the mac tutorials that Mike Arrigo
>>>> Did on blindcool tech they are no longer available on blindcooltech thanks 
>>>> in advance.
>>>> Corey
>>>> --
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>>>> --
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Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials

2013-08-09 Thread Edward Green

I agree for new material that it would be much better to put it up as a 
podcast.  However, if Mike were to put up old material, then I thought it might 
look a bit odd for material relating to an old version of Mac OSX to appear as 
a podcast, which is why I suggested the Dropbox route.


On 9 Aug 2013, at 21:45, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

> Funny, I was just going to make that very point.  Sharing a podcast on a 
> public odcast server such as the blind geek zone or else cool blind tech 
> would be the better way to go about this.  
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Aug 9, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:
>> Dropbox will quickly lock down someone's account if a lot of people start 
>> downloading files. I am thinking of the time when Curtis Delzer tried to 
>> share his Samsung Haven podcasts via Dropbox. Perhaps Mike might charge a 
>> nominal fee for his new Mac tutorials. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Edward Green  wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> Have you considered uploading your old files to somewhere like Dropbox 
>>> albeit temporarily and circulating the link to groups like this one? It 
>>> looks like there's quite a bit of demand and recording new ones is 
>>> obviously going to be time-intensive.
>>> While the operating system hasn't changed as you say, the basics are still 
>>> useful.
>>> Ed
>>> On 9 Aug 2013, at 21:12, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>>> Yes, I did these back in version 10.5 of the mac operating system. 
>>>> Definitely time to do a new version. Although the basics really have not 
>>>> changed much, there are some new improvements.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> www.blindcooltech.com <http://www.blindcooltech.com>
>>>>> Though they are a bit dated now, they are still extremely useful for 
>>>>> learning and fully explaining the basics. After all, that's how I learned.
>>>>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>>>> built-in!
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>>>>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:37 PM, "Corey Knapp"  wrote:
>>>>> Hi thanks for that does anyone know where I can download the actual mp3 
>>>>> files thanks I think that there 12 ro 13 files thanks in advance.
>>>>> Corey
>>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> 
>>>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <http://googlegroups.com>] On 
>>>>> Behalf Of Scott Rumery
>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 12:54 PM
>>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>> Cc: Mac OSX & iOS Accessibility
>>>>> Subject: Re: Mike Arrigo 's mac tutorials
>>>>> You can get them from the iBlink <http://www.serotek.com/iblink> radio 
>>>>> app.
>>>>> On Aug 9, 2013, at 12:40 PM, "Corey Knapp" >>>> <mailto:core...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Does anyone know where I can download the mac tutorials that Mike 
>>>>> Arrigo
>>>>> Did on blindcool tech they are no longer available on blindcooltech 
>>>>> thanks in advance.
>>>>> Corey
>>>>> --
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Daisy apps for the Mac

2013-08-09 Thread Edward Green

Are there any Daisy apps for the Mac that support the online streaming of Daisy 

Many thanks,


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2013-08-18 Thread Edward Green

I was wondering whether anyone had any experience of using Livedrive Briefcase 
from www.livedrive.com

Specifically, I can upload files as the briefcase appears as a drive like 
Dropbox, but I can't find a way of getting to the icon I need to click on in 
order to change the settings, which appears elsewhere on the screen.

Many thanks,


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Reading Kindle books in the iOS app using a braille display

2013-08-25 Thread Edward Green

Please could someone tell me how to navigate to the next page using a braille 
display in the Kindle iOS app? I can read the contents of the currently visible 
page but don't seem to be able to move it on.

I've seen a couple of posts on the net about the command not always working, 
but I can't find out what the command actually is.

I'm using a BraillePen12 if that makes a difference.

Many thanks for any assistance.


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Re: Reading Kindle books in the iOS app using a braille display

2013-08-25 Thread Edward Green
Brilliant Lisette, that works.

Many thanks,

On 25 Aug 2013, at 19:49, Lisette  wrote:

> Hi
> Try o and ow with space. Works on the braille sense. 
> Lisette 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 26/08/2013, at 5:51 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please could someone tell me how to navigate to the next page using a 
>> braille display in the Kindle iOS app? I can read the contents of the 
>> currently visible page but don't seem to be able to move it on.
>> I've seen a couple of posts on the net about the command not always working, 
>> but I can't find out what the command actually is.
>> I'm using a BraillePen12 if that makes a difference.
>> Many thanks for any assistance.
>> Ed
>> -- 
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Re: uploading to an ftp server using ciberduck.

2013-09-02 Thread Edward Green
Hi Jessica,

Option up arrow is the Cyberduck shortcut for uploading files.  You'll see the 
standard open dialog when you invoke this command, from where you will choose 
the file(s) you want to upload.

I take it you've already discovered the list of files/folders on the server 
where you'll be uploading to.


On 3 Sep 2013, at 02:35, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I've managed to connect to a friend's server using ciberduck, but have no 
> idea how to upload a file to the server.  Can someone please help out here?
> -- 
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2013-09-05 Thread Edward Green

I like Cyberduck, though as Alex says, you're better off finding it online 
rather than paying for it in the app store.  The online version of the program 
encourages you to donate when you quit, but obviously you can either ignore 
this or choose how much you donate.


On 5 Sep 2013, at 14:20, Kjsc Radio  wrote:

> Transmit is in the app store as well and its a bit cheeper if you by it from 
> there.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 5:59 am, Mike  wrote:
>> I use  transit every day and really like it. You get a week long free trial 
>> or something like that when you first download it but once that expires you 
>> have to pay around $30.
>> I know a lot of people cringe at paying $30 for a program but if it's 
>> something you use a lot it's worth it in my opinion.
>> Mike m
>> How to be Blind
>> www.htb2.com
>> Roundtable podcasts, software reviews, accessibility tutorials, and more!
>> On Sep 5, 2013, at 7:24 AM, "Red.Falcon"  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi guys!
>>> I do not use them myself but people have talked about Transmit so if you 
>>> can use the archive's you could maybe find out more!
>>> HTH Colin
>>> On 5 Sep 2013, at 12:45, "Jed Barton"  wrote:
 Hey Dave,
 I’m looking for something like that as well.  Can you let me know if you 
 find anything?
 From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
 [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Eagle
 Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:38 AM
 To: macvisionaries
 Subject: FTP
 Hi everyone, I finally return to my mac after nine months of neglect, 
 primarily due to my PC breaking. 
 I am pleasantly surprised to find that I'm really enjoying the experience. 
 However, I cannot find an FTP solution, and since I work quite a bit with 
 FTP this is a bit of a blow. Apparently you can use terminal, but I can't 
 find a place to enter a password. I can find username and host but no 
 password field. I have selected ftp in the services list. Any help with 
 terminal for FTP would be very much appreciated. I tried filezilla, which 
 works brilliantly on the PC and is fully accessible on the PC, but sadly 
 this is fully inaccessible on the mac. 
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Using Airdrop with Voiceover

2013-09-08 Thread Edward Green

I have just got a new Macbook Pro, and want to transfer files onto it from my 
Macbook Air.

I have clicked on Airdrop on both machines and each can see the other.

I then go to the folder I want to transfer on the Air, and press VO comma to 
mark it.  However, when I locate the image for my Macbook Pro and press VO 
period, I am told that the marked item is no longer available.

I also tried to copy and paste it but suspected that wouldn't work as the 
things I'd read about Airdrop suggested that I needed to use drag and drop, and 
sure enough, the it didn't.

It's probably stating the obvious, but both machines are running Mountain Lion 
and connected to the same WiFi network.

Any tips/guidance on where I'm going wrong would be much appreciated.



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Re: Using Airdrop with Voiceover

2013-09-08 Thread Edward Green
Many thanks Jeff,

I'll give that a try.


On 8 Sep 2013, at 14:01, Jeff Berwick  wrote:

> I don't know if this is the only way to use Airdrop, but I launch it on both 
> computers, open up a finder window on the source machine, find the file(s) 
> that I want to transfer, do a [VO] [shift] [m] on the file (bringing up a 
> context menu) and then choose Airdrop from the Share menu.  You will then be 
> asked to confirm the action on the destination machine.
> Hth,
> Jeff
> On 2013-09-08, at 8:37 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just got a new Macbook Pro, and want to transfer files onto it from 
>> my Macbook Air.
>> I have clicked on Airdrop on both machines and each can see the other.
>> I then go to the folder I want to transfer on the Air, and press VO comma to 
>> mark it.  However, when I locate the image for my Macbook Pro and press VO 
>> period, I am told that the marked item is no longer available.
>> I also tried to copy and paste it but suspected that wouldn't work as the 
>> things I'd read about Airdrop suggested that I needed to use drag and drop, 
>> and sure enough, the it didn't.
>> It's probably stating the obvious, but both machines are running Mountain 
>> Lion and connected to the same WiFi network.
>> Any tips/guidance on where I'm going wrong would be much appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
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Re: Using Airdrop with Voiceover

2013-09-08 Thread Edward Green
Many thanks for the confirmation Alex,

On 8 Sep 2013, at 17:12, Alex Hall  wrote:

> That is indeed the only way to do it. I contacted Apple about this some 
> months ago, and made them aware of the bug that causes VO users to not use 
> Airdrop normally. Hopefully this will be fixed in an update, but until then, 
> the share menu is your only option.
> On Sep 8, 2013, at 9:10 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>> Many thanks Jeff,
>> I'll give that a try.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed
>> On 8 Sep 2013, at 14:01, Jeff Berwick  wrote:
>>> I don't know if this is the only way to use Airdrop, but I launch it on 
>>> both computers, open up a finder window on the source machine, find the 
>>> file(s) that I want to transfer, do a [VO] [shift] [m] on the file 
>>> (bringing up a context menu) and then choose Airdrop from the Share menu.  
>>> You will then be asked to confirm the action on the destination machine.
>>> Hth,
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2013-09-08, at 8:37 AM, Edward Green  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have just got a new Macbook Pro, and want to transfer files onto it from 
>>>> my Macbook Air.
>>>> I have clicked on Airdrop on both machines and each can see the other.
>>>> I then go to the folder I want to transfer on the Air, and press VO comma 
>>>> to mark it.  However, when I locate the image for my Macbook Pro and press 
>>>> VO period, I am told that the marked item is no longer available.
>>>> I also tried to copy and paste it but suspected that wouldn't work as the 
>>>> things I'd read about Airdrop suggested that I needed to use drag and 
>>>> drop, and sure enough, the it didn't.
>>>> It's probably stating the obvious, but both machines are running Mountain 
>>>> Lion and connected to the same WiFi network.
>>>> Any tips/guidance on where I'm going wrong would be much appreciated.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: Lost my mail sounds

2013-09-14 Thread Edward Green
Hi Alison,

Have you gone into your Mail preferences, General, and checked what you have 
Mail sounds set to?


On 14 Sep 2013, at 12:43, Allison Manzino Vàzquez  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone have any ideas why this would happen? I lost my mail sounds. I am 
> running the latest updates to Mountain Lion, and can't figure out where my 
> mail sounds went. When I try to add a sound it says no sounds in 
> library/sounds folder. I put two mail sounds there, but it still doesn't 
> sound when I send a message or recieve one. Any ideas? The research I have 
> done claims it is a bug in Mountain Lion. If you have any thoughts, please 
> let me know.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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Re: Word processor

2013-09-17 Thread Edward Green
Hi Anne,

Thanks for the hints you send David on Pages.

How do I bring up the contextual menu on the paragraph style in Pages? I tried 
VO shift m but it didn't seem to work even though it works elsewhere in Pages.

Many thanks,

On 17 Sep 2013, at 22:04, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello David,
> There are only two heading levels by default, but you can add as many as you 
> like. Off the top of my head, the option to customise the paragraph style is 
> in the same contextual menu as the hotkey.
> If you can't find it, I'll give you sensible instructions in a few days when 
> I get back from training a teacher to use VoiceOver.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 17 Sep 2013, at 22:17, David Eagle  wrote:
>> Thanks Anne, that worked great. There only seems to be two heading levels, 
>> but this is fine for me. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be using a 
>> mac for everything, but it's happening. Thanks again for your help.
>> On 17 September 2013 16:06, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> First of all, when you open a Pages document, go to the View menu and hide 
>> everything you can. Also, never use Quick Nav in Pages. Once you have some 
>> text in your document, press Cmd-Shift-t to show the styles drawer.
>> Stop interacting with everything and navigate left past the Toolbar to the 
>> drawer and interact. Navigate right and interact with the Paragraph styles 
>> table. There you should find what you're looking for. You set a hotkey by 
>> getting a contextual menu on the style you want and pressing "h" for hotkey. 
>> The submenu offers you the available hotkeys which are F1 to F8.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 17 Sep 2013, at 16:47, David Eagle  wrote:
>> > Thanks for that Anne, OK, I've just managed to access the Styles Drawer, 
>> > but everything says dimmed and I can't find headings anywhere. Thanks for 
>> > helping. I hadn't realised that a header wasn't a heading. Makes sense now 
>> > you explain it.
>> >
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>> David Eagle
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