Please Help Me With Getting An App Accessible

2012-05-15 Thread BBS
Hey guys. I found a cool app in the App store called Menuweather. It 
does what Imap weather radio does on the Iphone, and that's announce 
severe weather alerts, current conditions, and so on. There is one 
problem. The app isn't accessible at all. Download the app and see what 
I mean. Then review the app like I have and request that it gets the 
Voiceover treatment. It really disgusts me that developers don't care 
to realize that there are blind users like us that can use these apps 
too. BTW, it uses Growl to announce these things.

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Re: moving an app to the dock

2014-01-22 Thread BBS
Hi Don. In Mavericks, the command to move an item to the dock has been changed 
to command+control+shift+t. HTH.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 23, 2014, at 12:18 AM, don bishop  wrote:

> Using Mavericks on an imac.  Just got yorufukrou and it's installed and in 
> the applications folder.  I want to move it to the dock.  I select it and 
> then hit command shift t but all that does is to show or hide the tab bar.  
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Don
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Re: Unreal VoiceOver very choppy again

2014-01-24 Thread BBS
Hi Daniel. Just curious after your last message. Did Apple release another 
update to Mavericks or did you say that you just updated to 10.9.1 just last 

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:11 AM, Daniel Hawkins  

> I sometimes get that choppynes too. Last night after the update, it was 
> choppy for a while. I have No Sleep installed on my Mac, and it sometimes 
> help just plug it in and just leave it for a while. 
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
> iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
> iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
> 4GB Dual Channel DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> NVDA installed
> Phonak Compilot
> On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:09 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Ray,
>> Yeah been trying to do everything except that, but might have to try and do 
>> that this weekend, as this is just getting ridiculous. My concern would be 
>> if I take the time and effort to do that and still have these issues I might 
>> blow a gasket. Amazingly, the choppiness hasn't occurred during this email 
>> writing so maybe there is a process running when I first wake up my  
>> computer some mornings that I am not aware of that is causing the issue.
>> On Jan 24, 2014, at 10:53 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Sounds like you might want to do an OS reinstall.  Back your drives then do 
>>> the install fresh after hard formatting the principal drive your OS was on. 
>>>  A bit dramatic, takes about two and a half hours, but, well worth the 
>>> effort.
>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>>> built-in!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>>> On Jan 24, 2014, at 9:48 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 This is starting to get unbelievably frustrating as when I get to work I 
 expect to work and not deal with hours of hours of VoiceOver problems. I 
 just did a system repair and all was working fine for two days and now 
 VoiceOver is back to being unbelievably choppy when reading anything. 
 Multiple voices are choppy and it is not just one program where the 
 choppiness occurs. I can't read an email all the way through without 
 having to use VO and the arrows for all the words I can't understand or VO 
 skips. Any ideas? According to Apple customer support and yeah VO just 
 crapped out as I typed the word support I have enough RAM for what I am 
 doing, and they are clueless to what the issue can be. Thanks.
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Re: Unreal VoiceOver very choppy again

2014-01-25 Thread BBS
Hi guys. The only times I have issues with Voiceover having stuttery speech in 
Mavericks is when starting up my Mac after shutting it down, which is rare, and 
if using Fusion in the background Windows is doing something heavy like an 
update or being stupid. Other than that, my Mac runs great. Apps launch fast 
and it’s all good. As for Bryan’s issue with Voiceover skipping when reading 
emails, have you tried not interacting with the text of the message and letting 
VO read automatically? This is what I do and it never skips. Oh and I’m using 
Karen for my Voiceover. Can’t stand Tom because he sounds robotic. At least 
Karen has a lot of inflection in her voice.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 24, 2014, at 6:55 PM, Mario Navarro  wrote:

> yes, tom is very good.
> I am using tom to.
> cheers.
> A dignidade pessoal e a honra não podem ser protegidas por outros. Devem ser 
> zeladas pelo indivíduo em particular.
> Mohandas Gandhi
> Mario Navarro
> No dia 25/01/2014, às 00:12, Jessica D  escreveu:
>> I have never had thisissue. I am currently using Tom because he sounds the 
>> most human to me.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 24, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I tried using Fred for a while. I didn't notice stuttering, but it is a 
>>> very random problem anyway. However, the overall sluggishness of the system 
>>> persisted. Good thought though, thanks for the suggestion.
 On Jan 24, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Hey Daniel,
 Yup you are right, I can't stand the compact voices. I do have multiple 
 voices installed and the sluggishness is with all of them. I am not even 
 sure how I would revert to the compact voices, will have to look in to it 
 the next time the skipping words happens.
> On Jan 24, 2014, at 5:14 PM, Daniel McGee  
> wrote:
> Bryan, I am really sorry you seem to be experiencing such awful chopping 
> issues under Mavericks and VO.
> The only time I have had this occurred with me is when I power up my late 
> 2011 MBP I get VO stuttering as it were through the standard "Welcome to 
> OS 10. Voiceover is on." This is using the higher quality voice.
> After this things settle down for me. The only suggestion I have and if 
> it doesn't work then I am sorry I am unable to think of any other ideas 
> to solve your problem except from the dreaded re-install already 
> mentioned.
> Have you tried using the compact voices to see if that fixes the lag?
> I have found that when I used the Compact Daniel voice I got no lag with 
> the welcome message announced by Voiceover at the log on screen.
> Of course, I'm aware that people yourself maybe included, may not like 
> the compact versions but this is just a testing method as it were to see 
> if the problem occurs  with the compact version.
> Good luck and please do report back even if you've already tried this out.
> Daniel 
>> On 24 Jan 2014, at 21:34, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I know a clean install is not usually necessary, but I can't think of 
>> anything else to try. I have:
>> * uninstalled Soundflower, which reports suggest can cause audio 
>> processes to run constantly and eat CPU power like crazy
>> * repaired disk permissions multiple times, the most recent from Safe 
>> Mode so I was sure to get everything
>> * reset the PRAM
>> * turned Time Machine off
>> * turned Speakable Items off
>> * looked for runaway processes, and found none since I removed 
>> Soundflower
>> My machine ran fine under Mountain Lion, especially after I gave it 8gb 
>> of ram to play with. It is a 2011 Mini, and a low-end CPU, but, again, 
>> it ran fine four months ago and only has problems now. I hate to revert 
>> to Mountain Lion since there are features of Mavericks I enjoy (tagging, 
>> the new iCloud features, new VO voices, and more). More to the point, 
>> though, I shouldn't have to. Most everyone on this list seems to have 
>> gotten the same or better performance out of Mavericks compared to 
>> Mountain Lion, it's just us lucky few that are running into problems.
>>> On Jan 24, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:
>>> I don't think this is a Mavericks/vo problem per se or at least all by 
>>> itself; there would apparently seem to be some other variable along 
>>> with Mavericks and vo that is triggering this since there are many 
>>> people who are not experiencing the problem along with those who are. I 
>>> upgraded to Mavericks on both my iMac and Macbook Air; I have chosen to 
>>> go back to Mountain Lion on the iMac and may do so on the Macbook Air 
>>> but neither computer had the choppy voiceover problem. If Mavericks is 
>>> indeed one component in why this is happening, maybe y

Re: got my New Macbook Pro yesterday

2014-01-25 Thread BBS
Hey Scott. Glad to hear that the Mac is going well for you. I remember when I 
got the Mac I'm on almost 4 years ago. I was kinda confused with the whole 
interacting thing with Voiceover, but that I learned that quick. Next thing I 
knew I was downloading apps on here. I think the first 3 apps I downloaded on 
here were Skype, Adium, and RS Games. I couldn't figure out why RS wasn't 
working but I found out quickly that I had to put anything with the app 
extension into the applications folder in order to work because it won't run 
from the dog which is a disk image. Now I'm that advanced that I have Windows 
on this thing, (which I kinda hate doing but have no choice because businesses 
use Windows and if I could find an app developer that would make QuintinC's 
Playroom available for the Mac for free since the owner of it is too cheap to 
make it himself,) and Mavericks is now the third OS version upgrade I installed 
myself. So yeah, it's not too hard to master it. Good luck with your learning 

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Just got my Macbook Pro yesterday.  I really like it a lot.  Thanks to 
> everyone who gave me advice it's actually coming very fast for me.  Again 
> thanks a bunch.
> Scott Berry   
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Re: got my New Macbook Pro yesterday

2014-01-25 Thread BBS
Hi Alex and Hope. Yes, Adium is an instant messaging client.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 25, 2014, at 9:01 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Multiple mail accounts are very easy. Add the new one in Mail's preferences, 
> and it will show its messages right in your inbox. In other words, Mail 
> offers you a unified inbox. If you want to see only one account, go to the 
> mailboxes table, arrow to inbox, right arrow to expand it, arrow to the 
> account you want, and then head over to the messages table. Any folders 
> shared by multiple accounts (such as sent or drafts) will have the same 
> structure - unified by default, but you can always expand them in the 
> mailboxes table to view messages from a particular account. I believe Adium 
> is an instant messaging app, but am not certain.
> On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
>> Hi all. I have a MacBook air, and am  relatively new to it. Can you tell me 
>> how I can switch between multiple mail accounts?
>> Also, what is Adium?  
>> Hope Paulos
>>> On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:10 PM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>> That is great, Scott.  Welcome to the world of the Mac.  I just added an 
>>> iMac to my family of Apple products and am making all the little tweaks to 
>>> make it mine.
>>> Take Care
>>> John D. Panarese
>>> Director
>>> Mac for the Blind
>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>> Email,
>>> Website,
>>>> On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>>> Shoot not bad at all.  I already have the major VO commands down.  I am 
>>>> doing well with interactions.  I also have the dock down and how to move 
>>>> stuff and 
>>>> have the Mac pretty much set the way I want.  It's really awesome and 
>>>> everything I wanted.  For me Mac was the way to go.  I'll probably do 
>>>> bootcamp in a while but I want to be able to enjoy the Mac OS first.
>>>> ScottOn Jan 25, 2014, at 1:28 PM, BBS  wrote:
>>>>> Hey Scott. Glad to hear that the Mac is going well for you. I remember 
>>>>> when I got the Mac I'm on almost 4 years ago. I was kinda confused with 
>>>>> the whole interacting thing with Voiceover, but that I learned that 
>>>>> quick. Next thing I knew I was downloading apps on here. I think the 
>>>>> first 3 apps I downloaded on here were Skype, Adium, and RS Games. I 
>>>>> couldn't figure out why RS wasn't working but I found out quickly that I 
>>>>> had to put anything with the app extension into the applications folder 
>>>>> in order to work because it won't run from the dog which is a disk image. 
>>>>> Now I'm that advanced that I have Windows on this thing, (which I kinda 
>>>>> hate doing but have no choice because businesses use Windows and if I 
>>>>> could find an app developer that would make QuintinC's Playroom available 
>>>>> for the Mac for free since the owner of it is too cheap to make it 
>>>>> himself,) and Mavericks is now the third OS version upgrade I installed 
>>>>> myself. So yeah, it's not too hard to master it. Good luck with your 
>>>>> learning experience.
>>>>> Shawn
>>>>> Sent From My White MacBook
>>>>>> On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>>>> Just got my Macbook Pro yesterday.  I really like it a lot.  Thanks to 
>>>>>> everyone who gave me advice it's actually coming very fast for me.  
>>>>>> Again thanks a bunch.
>>>>>> Scott Berry
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Re: got my New Macbook Pro yesterday

2014-01-29 Thread BBS
Hi Maria. Does the web version of the Playroom have sounds or is it like RS's 
web client?

Sent From My White MacBook

On Jan 28, 2014, at 9:36 PM, Maria and Joe Chapman  

> HI.  there is a way to play the playroom on the web. 
> check out the link.
> Warm regards and blessings 
> Maria, Joe and FurBabies
> Email:
> On 26 Jan 2014, at 7:28 am, BBS  wrote:
>> Hey Scott. Glad to hear that the Mac is going well for you. I remember when 
>> I got the Mac I'm on almost 4 years ago. I was kinda confused with the whole 
>> interacting thing with Voiceover, but that I learned that quick. Next thing 
>> I knew I was downloading apps on here. I think the first 3 apps I downloaded 
>> on here were Skype, Adium, and RS Games. I couldn't figure out why RS wasn't 
>> working but I found out quickly that I had to put anything with the app 
>> extension into the applications folder in order to work because it won't run 
>> from the dog which is a disk image. Now I'm that advanced that I have 
>> Windows on this thing, (which I kinda hate doing but have no choice because 
>> businesses use Windows and if I could find an app developer that would make 
>> QuintinC's Playroom available for the Mac for free since the owner of it is 
>> too cheap to make it himself,) and Mavericks is now the third OS version 
>> upgrade I installed myself. So yeah, it's not too hard to master it. Good 
>> luck with your learning experience.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook
>> On Jan 25, 2014, at 6:24 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> Just got my Macbook Pro yesterday.  I really like it a lot.  Thanks to 
>>> everyone who gave me advice it's actually coming very fast for me.  Again 
>>> thanks a bunch.
>>> Scott Berry 
>>> -- 
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Re: Mail not working on MacBook Pro anymore

2014-02-06 Thread BBS
Hi Helena. That is an odd problem for sure, and have never had that happen to 
me before. The only thing I could suggest is to delete your mail accounts and 
reconfigure them. I know it'll be a pain in the a** to do that, but that's all 
I can suggest at this point. Hopefully others will chime in about this. Let us 
know if that fixes your problem.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Helena Fehr  wrote:

> Hi, all!
> For some reason I wanted to check my mail  on my MacBook Pro today, and no 
> matter what I do if I press any button to go down the list to start seeing 
> what's in my inbox, a dialog box pops up and says "Problem report for mail: 
> mail has quit unexpectedly; click reopen to launch mail again; this report 
> will be sent to apple automatically," and so on and so forth, and then you 
> can either press ok or reopen default to quit and relaunch mail. I've 
> restarted my Mac and gone through the process over and over but no matter 
> what I do the result is the same. Does anybody know what the heck is going on 
> here? So far as I know it worked until today. I can't remember the last time 
> I tried it before today, but I remember checking my mail with no problems 
> previously, and today is the first day this happened. There's also some 
> garbage about about configuration settings or something in the detail thing, 
> but I know darned well I've never had problems with it before, and now all of 
> a sudden there's nothing I can do with my mail on my Mac. Thank goodness I've 
> got my iPad, or I'd really be screwed. Can someone please help?
> God Bless!!!
>   Helena
> May The Lord bless you and protect you; May the Lord's face radiate with joy 
> because of you; may He be gracious to you, show you His favour and give you 
> His Peace (Numbers 6:24-26(.
> In Jesus Name. Amen.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:01 PM, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>> magnification on the mac [4 Updates]
>> click2flash [4 Updates]
>> Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious [1 Update]
>> Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a 
>> Different Email Address [1 Update]
>> fix columns? [1 Update]
>> how to select non contiguous items [4 Updates]
>> is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and 
>> colour and so on with voice over [2 Updates]
>> 2nd Generation AppleTV and PlexConnect [1 Update]
>> Updating iTunes [2 Updates]
>> old mail showing up continually [1 Update]
>> Any experience with Dragon Dictate? [1 Update]
>> System preferences and creating new user issue [1 Update]
>> switching from gMail to iCloud mail [2 Updates]
>>  magnification on the mac
>> Anouk Radix  Feb 05 07:50PM +0100  
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine are still 
>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems.
>> Are there people that can give an account how magnification works on the mac 
>> and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
>> software?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> erik burggraaf  Feb 05 02:07PM -0500  
>> Hi, Zoom doesn't have the huge feature set of zoomtext, but it does work 
>> very well.
>> For best performance you need a newer mac with the best display possible, 
>> such as a macbook with retina display.
>> Make sure accessibility shortcuts are turned on.
>> Make sure smooth images is on.
>> Make sure mouse tracking is set to move the window when the pointer reaches 
>> an edge.
>> You can also download a third party app to customize the cursors and 
>> pointers on the mac so that you can have the red X or the yellow X or 
>> whatever is most visible for you.
>> I have a sheet around here to do with best practices for magnification which 
>> I could send you if that will help.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> April  Feb 05 10:58AM -0800  
>> Not comparable. 
>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars. Icon 
>> text can be increased minimally.
>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices: 
>> 1. lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>> 2. use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it. 
>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>> menu.
>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>> the settings. Can't remember the name of the setting. As well as many 
>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>> On Wednesday, Februar

Re: Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious

2014-02-06 Thread BBS
Hi Alex. I completely agree with you. When I had gmail with an email client on 
Windows, I had issues on there too. This is why I switched email accounts, 
because Gmail has proven to me that it has become unreliable. I might even set 
up an iCloud account because this provider is blocking some emails from going 
through. These emails are newsletters from PSX Extreme and NBA Daily. So yeah, 
my ultimate goal is to eliminate Gmail altogether.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> While I hate to switch email providers just because Apple can't get their act 
> together, I must say it is looking tempting. I've found oddities using Mac 
> Mail and Gmail together, of course, but from what I've read in the past, it 
> isn't just the Mac. Gmail uses its "labels" system in place of folders, as 
> well as the idea of archiving, which never works well with pure IMAP 
> accounts. You can jump through hoops to get things set up, but it is not as 
> easy as just enabling the account on a new device.
> As to Gmail causing your problems, what happens if you run with Mail closed 
> for a couple days? Open it when you need it, but as soon as you check mail, 
> close the app. If the problems with sluggishness and choppy speech go away, 
> you know you've found the culprit.
> I don't think Apple lied in this case. They pushed an update to fix major 
> bugs, and it turns out there are smaller ones their beta testing missed. It 
> happens all the time. Are they above lying? No, they are a huge company with 
> a bottom line to protect. Did they lie here? Personally, I don't think so, 
> but that's just me.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:10 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>> i,
>> This is why I am no longer using gmail as my primary email service.   I am 
>> now using cloud and have no problems and iCloud seems more reliable.  HTH.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a clean 
>>> install isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple finally admitted there 
>>> is still a problem. What really annoys me is that Apple turns out is like 
>>> every other company they lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple 
>>> claimed they had fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.
>>> So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my computer off or 
>>> put it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half my emails are missing from 
>>> gmail, and I think the sluggishness and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by 
>>> gmail constantly searching making safari unusable at times, and the same 
>>> with iTunes. Not sure if there is anything I could do, but this instability 
>>> of Mavericks and one day the computer working and the next not reminds me 
>>> of Windows. I hope this isn't the future of Apple releasing buggy updates. 
>>> Very disappointing.
>>> -- 
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Re: Mactubes not working after clean install

2014-02-11 Thread BBS
Hey Alex, sounds like a good app. Can you also download videos like you can in 
MacTubes? If so, I may consider downloading it.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:12 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I googled it (youview, one word) and it brought me straight to the 
> page for the app.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 6:18 PM, Rob  wrote:
>> Where did you find it?
>> All I could find is a set  top TV box
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 4:05 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Wow, thanks so much for the recommendation! This is officially my new 
>>> favorite Youtube app! The interface is cleaner and has labels, the playback 
>>> controls work better, and it supports logging in and other features. A 
>>> really great app.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex
>>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 5:52 AM, Piotr Machacz  wrote:
 Give you view a look. It's similar to mactubes, but in my experience more 
 accessible, and you can do more than just search for videos. Another thing 
 to try is installing click to flash  into safari which should make the 
 youtube site not suck as much.
 On 10 Feb 2014, at 09:38 pm, Chris H  wrote:
> Just a thought but do these apps require flash to be installed?
> Regards Chris
> On 10/02/2014 20:27, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ever since I installed Mavericks a few weeks ago, I have been unable to
>> play videos through the Mactubes app. I get no errors, but neither do I
>> get any sound. I should have the latest version, since I re-downloaded
>> it rather than copying over my old copy, but for some reason it isn't
>> working. All was well before I did the clean install. Is there some
>> companion software I need? A setting to be changed? I have tried all
>> three player types, but none work. Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
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Re: Mactubes not working after clean install

2014-02-11 Thread BBS
Hey Alex and others. After investigating the app, I found that there was no way 
to download a video unless that save option does it but I somehow doubt it. So 
I think I'll still use Mactubes unless someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:12 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I googled it (youview, one word) and it brought me straight to the 
> page for the app.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Feb 11, 2014, at 6:18 PM, Rob  wrote:
>> Where did you find it?
>> All I could find is a set  top TV box
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 4:05 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Wow, thanks so much for the recommendation! This is officially my new 
>>> favorite Youtube app! The interface is cleaner and has labels, the playback 
>>> controls work better, and it supports logging in and other features. A 
>>> really great app.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex
>>> On Feb 11, 2014, at 5:52 AM, Piotr Machacz  wrote:
 Give you view a look. It's similar to mactubes, but in my experience more 
 accessible, and you can do more than just search for videos. Another thing 
 to try is installing click to flash  into safari which should make the 
 youtube site not suck as much.
 On 10 Feb 2014, at 09:38 pm, Chris H  wrote:
> Just a thought but do these apps require flash to be installed?
> Regards Chris
> On 10/02/2014 20:27, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Ever since I installed Mavericks a few weeks ago, I have been unable to
>> play videos through the Mactubes app. I get no errors, but neither do I
>> get any sound. I should have the latest version, since I re-downloaded
>> it rather than copying over my old copy, but for some reason it isn't
>> working. All was well before I did the clean install. Is there some
>> companion software I need? A setting to be changed? I have tried all
>> three player types, but none work. Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex
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Re: Controlling What Programs Open at Start Up

2014-02-12 Thread BBS
Hey Bryan. What you could also do is go to iTunes on your dock and press 
VO+Shift+M to bring up the contextual menus for that item. Under options, is 
there a check mark when under open at login? If there is, press return and it 
will uncheck it. As for Isaac saying that it's a bug in Mavericks, I have 
Mavericks installed and am not reproducing this issue. So I don't think this is 
a bug with the OS or else other people would be reproducing it.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> for some odd annoying reason iTunes opens every time I restart my computer or 
> awake my computer from sleep. I can't seem to find where to control what 
> programs open when your computer starts up, and am thinking that is the 
> problem as iTunes must be selected. If not than here's another serious bug 
> with Mavericks on my machine. Can someone remind where this is located. I 
> looked in system preferences and selected startup disk, but this is just for 
> startup disks, and not what programs start up.
> Also, is anyone else having this problem? I keep a few folders in my dock, 
> and every time I restart my computer the folders in my dock revert to stack 
> view rather than folder list view which I have selected. Vary frustrating and 
> annoying as I can't seem to work with the folders in stack view. Not sure why 
> in Mavericks this is happening as it never happened in Mountain Lion Thanks
> -- 
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Re: How do I upgrade my Skype account to enable multiple participants on Skype conversation?

2014-02-13 Thread BBS
Hi Kevin. You don't need to upgrade your Skype account to make conference calls 
unless you're using video conferencing. To make a conference, simply select the 
contact that you want to add and press enter. It'll open a conversation window 
with the contact. There you should see an add to call button. Click on that 
button and then that contact will be added to an existing call. HTH.

Sent From My White MacBook

On Feb 13, 2014, at 1:43 PM, Kevin Gibbs  wrote:

> Sory for a dumb question.  I have a Skype account on my mac.  but it's a free 
> account.  I suspect that free accounts don't allow their owners to have 
> multiple participants on a conversation.  Is that correct?  If so, how do I 
> upgrade my account to enable this feature?
> thanks,
> Kevin 
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RE: Text-to-Speech and Voiceover speech rates

2014-03-04 Thread BBS
Hi Sarah. That command that was said below is only to control rate of speech 
using Voiceover. Not sure if you can increase rate of speech outside of 
Voiceover but of course someone can correct me if I’m wrong.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Text-to-Speech and Voiceover speech rates



Thank you for the response. I must be doing something wrong still as I still 
can not get it to work. I have the Text to Speech screen open when I do this 
but it does not seem to do anything. Am I making a stupid mistake or do I need 
to use only Voiceover if I want it to go faster? I really would prefer using 
the Text to Speech function if possible.




On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:05:56 AM UTC-5, Isaac Hebert wrote:

You can speed up the speech rate by first pressing control option command left 
arrow to switch to the rate setting then use the up and arrow keys with the 
control option command keys held down to adjust the rate.

On Mar 4, 2014, at 9:45 AM,   wrote:



I am new to this group. I have a print disability, dyslexia, and I utilize 
text-to-speech to read. Recently, I have been turning the speech rate to the 
highest setting and I would like it to be even faster. I have found it not 
common for someone with dyslexia to request really high speech rates, but I 
have read people using voiceover may user faster speech rates. Does anyone know 
of a way to increase the text-to-speech rate without needing to use voiceover? 
I do not need a screen reader, but I do need text to be spoken. I didn't read 
much (just enough to get by) until I got a Mac with the text-to-speech built. I 
love this future, but just wish the speech rate would go faster as I have a lot 
of school work I need to read. Any suggestions?


Thank you,



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RE: + ATTENTION: Immediately install patch for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch devices. )

2014-03-05 Thread BBS
It's kinda like what Microsoft's doing or will do to Windows XP in April.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of eric oyen
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: + ATTENTION: Immediately install patch for iPhones, iPads and iPod 
Touch devices. )

I noticed one thing: apple released the patch for every version from Lion on. 
they did not release a patch for snow leopard (which is a shame as one of my 
systems here won't support a higher OS). Believe me, there are still a huge 
number of machines that run OS X 10.5 and 10.6. I do know that Apple has End of 
Lifed support for those, but when it comes to security, there shouldn't be an 
end of life.  This is, of course, my opinion.


On Mar 5, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> So if you just install the updates from Apple I think this gets resolved.
> CB
> On 2/24/14 11:52 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
>> how to patch mine, it said my browser was receptable to virus On 25 
>> Feb 2014, at 05:17 am, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> According to the article you can just go to the website
>>> to test if your browser is susceptible to the bug. I went with my Safari 
>>> 6.1.1 on OSX 10.8.5 and it said my browser was fine. So maybe some other 
>>> update fixed it on OSX.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/24/14 10:41 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
 so what about upgrades for macs running mavericks?
 On Feb 24, 2014, at 4:19 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> All,
> This is not a trifling matter.
> Perhaps? discussed here already, but sharing just in case.
> My source is a very reliable technical reporter, so better safe than 
> otherwise.
> I might add there is wisdom for os x users too.
> Karen
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:55:57 -0800
> Subject: +[SurvPC] ATTENTION: Immediately install patch for iPhones,
>iPads and iPod Touch devices.
> If you use an Apple mobile product. You had best fix it now - that 
> is about 100 million units worldwide. IF you do not fix it now, 
> expect to be hacked in the very near future.
> il-fixed-in-ios-but-not-in-os-x/
> --
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>>> --
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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RE: iBooks

2014-03-06 Thread BBS
Hi Stacy and Annie. iBooks are copyright protected and therefore they cannot
be converted. I'm afraid you'll either have to read the book on your iDevice
if you have one or upgrade to Mavericks which you said you can't do, right?

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: iBooks

Hi Stacey.

I think you may go with ibooks. There seems to be no solution to do that.

Best regards Annie.
Den 06/03/2014 kl. 13.13 skrev Stacey Robinson :

> Hello,
> I just purchased an iBook yesterday that I would like to convert to some
different format.
> Is there a free program for the mac that will do this?
> I'm running Lion which is as high as this mac will go.
> Thanks,
> Stacey Robinson
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RE: Sound

2014-03-10 Thread BBS
Hey Chris. I wxperienced sound issues when I was running the first version
of Lion on this thing but ever since then, I have no issues to report.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Apple boy
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 2:49 AM
Subject: Sound

Hi all
Just curious, anyone experience sound issues at all on the mac such as
unexplained loss of all sounds including speech? This seems to be a common
problem on the other platform.
Regards Chris

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

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RE: iPhone and iOS messages

2014-03-12 Thread BBS
Hi Piotr. iOS devices are also related to the Mac. Besides, the delete
button is your friend. No one's forcing you to read these messages. If you
have a problem with the way this list is moderated, take it up with Cara,
our moderator. Like I said, the delete button is your friend.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Piotr Machacz
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:05 PM
Subject: iPhone and iOS messages

Got a quick question. While I can see that most people that have Macs also
probably have an iDevice, what's with the big flood of iOS messages? No
offence to anyone, but that's not the topic of the list, there's others
where you can ask about your iPhone, there's that and Applevis as well. This
list is high traffic enough, and these posts aren't ¸exactly relevant.  If
the list was called "Apple visionaries", then maybe I could see why there's
so many iOS posts. But if I was in need of help with a Mac, having asked a
question, checking for new messages, only to find a lot of posts about, say,
dragging apps to the iOS dock, it'd be sightly frustrating. Lastly, not
everyone has an iOS device or primarily uses one. For example, while I have
a 5th gen iPod touch, I actually use a Galaxy S4 as my phone and check
around on sites like applevis for iOS questions and discussions. I also keep
all of my lists separated into folders, so seeing iOS posts in a "Mac"
folder isn't really fun. I would really appreciate it if people would just
take there  iPhone observations and questions to lists and sites where
that's the main focus.

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RE: Questions About Running Windows On my Mac

2014-03-14 Thread BBS
Yes, and if you don't like the speech of NVDA, there's also Vocalizer
Expressive voices you can get for it. That's what I'm currently using with
NVDA and specifically I'm using the American Siri voice with it.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: Questions About Running Windows On my Mac


First, download and install the free Refit Boot manager. This nifty bit of
software gives you first-letter navigation of your startup disks, and
automatically prompts for one. When I used it, I could hit the power button,
press W right after the chime, and Windows would boot. Or, I could press M,
and Mac OS would boot.


As to using Windows, I would personally dump Jaws - it's expensive and
resource-hungry. Go to and install NVDA, a free screen
reader that does everything Jaws can in most situations. It handles MS
Office, web browsing, and most everything else. The default speech takes
getting used to, but it can be done, and eventually you may come to love
that speech, as I do. NVDA has help documentation (NVDA key with N, arrow to

On Mar 14, 2014, at 9:20 PM, Ezzy Bueno  wrote:

Hello, List!

I am now running Windows on my Mac, through Bootcamp. My question is
how to select which system to run at start-up: Mac OSX or Windows. As
of now, my sighted friend holds the OPTION key down when the computer
starts up, in order to get the list of options. Is there anything I
can do so that I will get an audio option prompting me with a list of
options to select fom?
Also, what key do you all use fas the INSERT key with JAWS? How can I
check the battery status of my Mac while running Windows?
And finallly, do you all have any tips that you can offer me to get
strated with running Windows on my Mac? FYI, I am familiar with using
JAWS, as I use to have a PC years ago.
Thank you all for any tips you can offer! :-)


Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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Have a great day,

Alex Hall




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RE: type2phone?

2014-03-24 Thread BBS
Hi Matthew. Actually, I've used Type 2 Phone often with Voiceover on my Mac
and it doesn't interfere with the iPhone. Have you tried using it with
Voiceover on? The trick that always works for me is to turn Quicknav off on
the Mac. Give it a try.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of matthew Dyer
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: type2phone?


This is so that vo  on the mac is not interfering with iOS since the
keyboard also controls the mac  if you don't.  HTH.





On Mar 24, 2014, at 3:19 PM, Jessica  wrote:

why must boiceover be off on the mac?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 24, 2014, at 3:11 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:

If you want to control your iOS device with the app, voice over on your mac
must be off.  HTH.





On Mar 24, 2014, at 2:44 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

Did you get it figured out? I have some experience with type2phone but it's
been a while. I used to use it a ton before I got a iPhone with Siri. I
would answer your question here but I do not understand it. What do you mean
switch between your phone and your MBP? 


When you are in a text edit field on your iPhone, go to your MBP and open
type2Phone. Then start typing and it should show up on your phone.




Sent from Christina's iMac :) 


On Mar 23, 2014, at 7:38 AM, Kliphton ---  wrote:

Okay, I downloaded the app, paired my iPhone, but don't see how to switch
between the phone and my MBP?  Looked for things in the file menu, nothing
there either.  Could someone contact me off list and help me out?  My
contact info is below.




~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72

~Text only~ 914-820-2298

"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"



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RE: Stability of the Mac

2014-04-02 Thread BBS
I just want to correct the person that said there are only a few games on
the Mac. There are a lot of games to play on here. I like to play RS Games
and the Playroom on here with its web client.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: Stability of the Mac

I don't use muds, so that's not an issue for me, though I know this is
important to some people. I think someone was developing a mac client called
imud, but not sure what happened to it.
Original message:
> Hmm, everything? Have you found a MUD client of the likes of Mush-z, 
> that is free? Also, there are very few games for the blind on mac, 
> although I must honestly say I don't play many games on Windows anyway,

> Sent from my iPod

>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 23:31, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

>> Yes, you can even reinstall your operating system completely without 
>> sighted help, this is something windows does not provide. If someone 
>> offered me a windows PC for free, I would say, thanks, but no thanks.
>> the mac does everything I need, and does it better than windows.
>>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 4:23 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

>>> All I have to say is that Mac is much much more stable than Windows 
>>> with a screen reader. If things go wrong, I rarely feel I'm out of 
>>> control. I am very rarely left in the middle of doing something without 
>>> speech whereas on Windows it was and still is a frequent occurrence.  I 
>>> feel much more in control on my Mac.

>>> Andrew
 On 1 Apr 2014, at 20:21, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:

 Jenine, I can basically echo what you say. I was a windows user from 
 the windows 95 os. In fact, I worked for Microsoft for three years and 
 so had to believe in something that provided me with my bread and 
 butter, and of course, chocolate. (grin) However, I could crash any 
 windows system with great ease. Some of it is the OS itself, which, 
 although it is better in versions 7 and 8, still has more crashing 
 issues than Mac. Some of it, probably most of it, is due to the fact 
 the the screen reading software is separate from the os. this has 
 always caused instability and i don't see that changing any time soon.

 When it comes to iOS, there's no contest in my oppinion. Talks and 
 Mobile speaks and anything else is just so much more fickle than is the

 iOS. I, and lots of people i know, struggled constantly with crashes 
 and lock-ups and having to turn the phone on and off a great number of 
 times even in a day.

 I am very happy with both mac os and ios platforms andwould not want to

 give them up.

 . on apr 1, 2014, at 2:26 pm, jenine stanley 

 this is an interesting question. from just an average user point of 
 view, i have been using my macbook pro since early february and use a 
 windows laptop for work. they literally sit side by side on my desk.

 i had used the iphone since 2011 so was sort of familiar with how 
 voiceover works and love it on the ios platform that said, it's very 
 different on the mac or os side.

 speaking first to stability, i managed to crash the mbp twice in the 
 first week but literally have not made the speech stop since then. has 
 my mbp slowed down or acted strangely a few times without explanation? 
 yes, but it's come back to its original performance soon after these

 my windows machine frequently hangs up both in the operating system in 
 general and because of screen reader/video issues. outlook is really 
 bad about this and i usually have to reboot at least once a day. yes, i

 maintain my windows machine well with weekly cleaning and such but ...

 the one thing that you will find difficult at first but which, if you 
 continue to plug away at it will soon become second nature, is the 
 whole concept of interacting with things. i hated it at first and still

 am not fond of it. unlike the ios realm, you have to take an extra step

 to access some things using voice over. once you get used to it though 
 and combine quick nav with the regular vo operation, and ask this list 
 a ton of stupid questions, :) you'll be fine.

 i really like the variety of quality voices available with vo too. it's

 fast and responsive. i'm sold. be sure though to give yourself some 
 time and be patient. beprepared to read over and over any and all 
 instructions, podcasts and other things about switching, commands and
 jenine stanley

 on apr 1, 2014, at 2:14 pm, scott rumery 

 hello scott,

 you will probably get a lot of varying opinions on this topic so you 
 will have to decide which ones you will take seriously or not. havin

RE: Experience Switching to Mac

2014-04-05 Thread BBS
Hi Scott. I switched to the Mac November 3, 2010 because of two reasons. 1.
I was getting tired of my Lonovo laptop freezing and crashing. At one point,
the hard drive failed completely so I had to take it in and wait a few days
for it to be repaired. Needless to say, they didn't do a good job because
after receiving it, it still kept freezing and crashing. 2. I was going to
University and I needed a computer that was stable and didn't crash. So when
I had the money, I went to the store on campus and purchased this very white
MacBook I'm writing this message on. As for wanting to go back to the PC,
last year I did just that because a job I was doing required me to use
Windows. Let's just say I didn't miss it at all because that computer was
doing the same thing as my Lonovo was. So rather than using a PC to do
Windows stuff, I just installed Windows 7 on this Mac so I have the best of
both worlds. And like Devin says, I wish there were more games for the Mac,
including a proper client of the Playroom since the web client sucks. Not
only that, but I'd be using the OS side if the Siri voices were available
like they are in NVDA. Wish whoever made those voices work for NVDA would do
the same on the Mac.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2014 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: Experience Switching to Mac


I wanted to give the Mac a try, and I liked the iOS syncing. In 2011 I got a
Mac Mini, and my only regret is not getting a Macbook straight away so I
could take it with me. I find the Mac more convenient, stable, and usable.
However, if you do a lot with MS Office for productivity, you may miss some
features of Jaws (like Text Analyzer). Don't get me wrong - iWork is very
accessible. It just takes a bit longer to do some tasks, though other things
are easier, and some advanced screen reader features are absent.


The OS has odd little things in it you might find frustrating, such as the
inability to re-order the columns in Mail. You are going to hear the
conversation count, sender, subject, attachment status, preview, and unread
status, in that order. Once you get used to them it isn't bad, but these are
the sorts of things that can hang on for quite a while, no matter how often
you email Apple. I recommend the Pros and Cons of the Mac article on, but be warned, some people think it is too biased towards

On Apr 5, 2014, at 7:08 PM, Pamela Francis  wrote:


I thought of another thought provoking and conceivably decision-making
reason as to why one should or should not change to the Mac.

Go in to any electronics  store that sells windows laptops. You will find
their prices a little more impulsive and easier to stomach than you would
when thinking of your purchase for a Mac. However, the trade-off is the
support you get from both the Apple Store and their telephone customer
support. Apple has a dedicated accessibility line with reps who are trained
in the use of VoiceOver and how to help a visually impaired person
workaround an issue. There is also a basic voiceover tutorial built into the
OS. I paid for the one to one training upon my first Mac purchase. That
might be good for most cited users, in my opinion, the trainers are not as
well-informed in the store as the help one can get from lists such as this
or their telephone representatives. In the closest Apple Store to me, there
are no accommodations made for those who need a quieter environment to work
with voiceover. One must compete with the den of the store and any other
people in a class or on the sales floor. Don't waste your money on one to
one training as a blind person. By all means, purchase AppleCare. It Pays
for itself within the three years you have it. The Genius Bar within the
Apple Store is also a very good resource and good support if you have
computer issues that are not voice over related. One does not get this kind
of person-to-person support by Microsoft when purchasing a Microsoft
product. You pay little more for the Mac, yet when comparing it to what you
get with Windows, you get what you pay for. 

Pam Francis

On Apr 5, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

I totally agree with the last point. I don't think Microsoft has added a
real feature to Windows in, many years. I've been using Windows since, uh,
4th grade? Third? And nothing is truly different. Yeah yeah, you got the
start screen and the charm bar and all, but they're really just superficial
things. Apple updates all components of their OS. They add new apps and
services and improve old ones. And goodness, don't get me started on Apple's
Office suite. Lets just say? Even though I got my mac two years ago, I
downloaded Office 09, upgraded to 14, and um, how can you beat FREE? Plus,
Apple's iOS devices sync perfectly with the mac, and while Windows boasts
flexibility, Apple boa

RE: Experience Switching to Mac

2014-04-06 Thread BBS
Well April, my offr is still on the table. If you like, I can teach you how to 
use Voiceover. That goes for anyone that wants my help. Email me off list and 
we’ll set something up.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of April
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2014 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: Experience Switching to Mac


Hello.  About ten months ago, I was declared legally blind.  I have been on the 
search for a full diagnosis and prognosis since.  No luck.

In December, when my Windows 7 machine became totally unstable, and had been 
reformatted three times in less than a month, I bought a  Mac.  I figured, if I 
had to learn a screen reader, it was best to do so on one where the screen 
reader came built in.

So far, no luck learning how to use the screen reader though.  I can turn on 
and off.  That's about it.  I have a 40 page list of random commands, and can't 
figure out what any of the are supposed to do.  A dictionary would help.  
Perhaps the lines above or below that don't make sense are supposed to tell me 
what they do?  

I used to be a web designer, and I thought a screen reader should be easy to 
learn to use.  After all, I'm good with with computers.  

I'm also horrible with foreign languages, and figured braille would be 
impossible to learn.  I started the first contracted braille book I'm reading 
last night.  I started learning braille last November.

I still use a Windows 7 computer at night.  It takes about 15 minutes to turn 
on, and every scroll of the screen takes forever.  I don't count on it for 

On Saturday, April 5, 2014 4:11:11 PM UTC-4, Scott Duck wrote:


As I have said, I am thinking about switching to the Mac and have been trying 
to gather more information about it.  To that end, I have been asking specific 
questions.  I will continue to do that but I would like some general feedback 
from people who have made the switch from Windows to the Mac.  Why did you 
switch In the first place?  Having switched, do you feel that it was the right 
choice for you?  Do any of you regret having switched or have you even gone 
back to the PC?


Scott Duck

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RE: Neospeech voices for the mac?

2014-04-13 Thread BBS
Hi Teresa. I, too, would like to use Neospeech James on my Mac but
unfortunately if I wanted to use him I have to use Windows. I think all of
us should write to TTS developers like Ivona and Neospeech and get them to
make their voices available. In the meantime, however, I did find a US
English voice from Cereproc named Nathan who sounds just like him. I'm
thinking of buying him since he's closest sounding to James.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Neospeech voices for the mac?


Hi, all,


I'd love to be able to use the James American voice on the Mac. I'm unclear
on whether some of the voices included with VO are Neospeech. which ones
are, if any?



"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."-Richard P.


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RE: Neospeech voices for the mac?

2014-04-14 Thread BBS
You really think so? I just thought he sounded like James with his deep
voice. But I'm glad you like some of the Cereproc voices. Ray, I don't think
Neospeech has pulled their voices out of the consumer market completely
because early this year I purchased James for my Windows VM. However, they
are a little cautious about who buys their software because they require a
photo ID to buy them or even demo them for a week.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Neospeech voices for the mac?


Hmmm, no I don't think Nathan sounds like James at all. Nathan sounds like a
surfer dude, which is amusing, but not exactly what I'm looking for. The
voices from Cereproc are very good though. I think I like some of them
enough to splurge on one sometime.



"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too
dark to read."-Groucho Marx 


On Apr 13, 2014, at 11:57 PM, BBS  wrote:

Hi Teresa. I, too, would like to use Neospeech James on my Mac but
unfortunately if I wanted to use him I have to use Windows. I think all of
us should write to TTS developers like Ivona and Neospeech and get them to
make their voices available. In the meantime, however, I did find a US
English voice from Cereproc named Nathan who sounds just like him. I'm
thinking of buying him since he's closest sounding to James.




Sent From My White MacBook


[] On Behalf Of Teresa Cochran
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:45 AM
Subject: Neospeech voices for the mac?


Hi, all,


I'd love to be able to use the James American voice on the Mac. I'm unclear
on whether some of the voices included with VO are Neospeech. which ones
are, if any?



"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."-Richard P.


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RE: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?

2014-06-03 Thread BBS
Hey Alex. Can you send the link again to sign up for public betas? I wouldn’t 
mind playing with OS 10.10. I wonder if we’ll be getting more voices. I 
certainly hope that we can use the Siri voices that are on the iPhone on the 
Mac. That would be so cool.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?


I am, but I am waiting on my code. Apple is emailing all non-developers a 
download code they will use to grab Yosemite, and mine has not come yet.


Unfortunately, I don't have two displays to work with, only my poor, neglected 

On Jun 3, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
It ain't easy! I had to go in for a Genius Bar appointment. Basically, 
voiceover is missing telling you some stuff on the screen, plus it doesn't work 
every time anyway. When you think you've got the Braille display up on the 
screen, tell voiceover to do a search for the word focus. Then you have to 
press return when it's time to do the Perry. Like I said, it doesn't work every 
time. Just keep at it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2014, at 8:02 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello Eugenia.


Please tell me how you got your Focus Blue working on the Mac Via Blue Tooth as 
I tried it sometime ago and it would not do it and so reported it to the 
accessibility team who were investigating it. Not tried it since. I have the 
Focus Blue 40 and plan to buy the Focus blue 14 next month to use with my I 
phone and sell my Apple Wireless Keyboard as I have two of them.



On 3 Jun 2014, at 01:47 pm,Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi Alex 

Are you planning to do that public beta thing? Right now while in this message 
I am testing my Braille Edge under Usb because now I have the situation that my 
little Focus 14 sort of works in Bluetooth, doesn't work very well under USB, 
and now I can't have both my Braille Edge 40 and my Focus 14 on the Bluetooth 
list at the same time. What's weird is that is was, until I took the Braille 
Edge off, not on the VoiceOver table but on the System Preferences list. 


Now that I have the Focus 14 working well enough for me to use it under 
Bluetooth for what what I got it for, it looks like I am going to have to use 
the Braille Edge 40 with USB for a while, whether I want to or not. Luckily, it 
is the Braille Edge 40 is working very well writing this message using 
Bluetooth. So, if you do the beta thing, could you see if you can put two 
Braille displays on the Bluetooth list and be able to switch between them? If 
you can't, could somebody please test this? I may decide to do it myself, but 
I'blind need to check with Apple first because I still have that open case on 
my Focus 14. 





On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

True enough. The thing is, most developers know and will probably still use 
Objective-C for quite a while to come. I haven't used the Swift language yet, 
but I don't see how it will help avoid accessibility problems. It may offer 
slightly faster coding, but that is about it. I'll let you all know if my 
opinion changes as I get more into Swift, which won't be until Xcode6 comes out.

On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:56 PM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 

They have a new language which is called Swift. Seems to eliminate a lot of the 
cruft required to get ObjectiveC to do what they want and also eliminates a 
number of constructs that were authoring errors. So it sounds like they are 
trying to set developers up for success more easily which should be good for 


On 6/2/14, 10:37 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi guys
I just got through listening to the keynote, and I didn't hear anything that 
calls me to say, all know jeepers! I think we're going to be okay basically, 
but, as always, we will probably have some Accessibility miseries for a while. 
If I understand what was said, they wrote a new programming language which, if 
I understand what was going on there, they'll be able to figure out problems 
easier. Do I get that right?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 2, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

In short, I'm okay at least for the next round.  Can you just imagine how 
that's going to work out with accessibility? 



Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!


On Jun 2, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

This page I just found use the system requirements for the next Mac update.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 2, 2014, at 4:31 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

Has anyone found these? I'm wondering if my decrepit 2009 Mac Mini is up t

RE: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?

2014-06-03 Thread BBS
Hi Alex. When I went to sign in with my Apple ID and password on the website, I 
got a page saying that my session has expired. Is it because I’m trying to do 
this with Windows?




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?



On Jun 3, 2014, at 11:01 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hey Alex. Can you send the link again to sign up for public betas? I wouldn’t 
mind playing with OS 10.10. I wonder if we’ll be getting more voices. I 
certainly hope that we can use the Siri voices that are on the iPhone on the 
Mac. That would be so cool.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?


I am, but I am waiting on my code. Apple is emailing all non-developers a 
download code they will use to grab Yosemite, and mine has not come yet.


Unfortunately, I don't have two displays to work with, only my poor, neglected 

On Jun 3, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
It ain't easy! I had to go in for a Genius Bar appointment. Basically, 
voiceover is missing telling you some stuff on the screen, plus it doesn't work 
every time anyway. When you think you've got the Braille display up on the 
screen, tell voiceover to do a search for the word focus. Then you have to 
press return when it's time to do the Perry. Like I said, it doesn't work every 
time. Just keep at it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2014, at 8:02 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello Eugenia.


Please tell me how you got your Focus Blue working on the Mac Via Blue Tooth as 
I tried it sometime ago and it would not do it and so reported it to the 
accessibility team who were investigating it. Not tried it since. I have the 
Focus Blue 40 and plan to buy the Focus blue 14 next month to use with my I 
phone and sell my Apple Wireless Keyboard as I have two of them.



On 3 Jun 2014, at 01:47 pm,Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi Alex 

Are you planning to do that public beta thing? Right now while in this message 
I am testing my Braille Edge under Usb because now I have the situation that my 
little Focus 14 sort of works in Bluetooth, doesn't work very well under USB, 
and now I can't have both my Braille Edge 40 and my Focus 14 on the Bluetooth 
list at the same time. What's weird is that is was, until I took the Braille 
Edge off, not on the VoiceOver table but on the System Preferences list. 


Now that I have the Focus 14 working well enough for me to use it under 
Bluetooth for what what I got it for, it looks like I am going to have to use 
the Braille Edge 40 with USB for a while, whether I want to or not. Luckily, it 
is the Braille Edge 40 is working very well writing this message using 
Bluetooth. So, if you do the beta thing, could you see if you can put two 
Braille displays on the Bluetooth list and be able to switch between them? If 
you can't, could somebody please test this? I may decide to do it myself, but 
I'blind need to check with Apple first because I still have that open case on 
my Focus 14. 





On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

True enough. The thing is, most developers know and will probably still use 
Objective-C for quite a while to come. I haven't used the Swift language yet, 
but I don't see how it will help avoid accessibility problems. It may offer 
slightly faster coding, but that is about it. I'll let you all know if my 
opinion changes as I get more into Swift, which won't be until Xcode6 comes out.

On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:56 PM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 

They have a new language which is called Swift. Seems to eliminate a lot of the 
cruft required to get ObjectiveC to do what they want and also eliminates a 
number of constructs that were authoring errors. So it sounds like they are 
trying to set developers up for success more easily which should be good for 


On 6/2/14, 10:37 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi guys
I just got through listening to the keynote, and I didn't hear anything that 
calls me to say, all know jeepers! I think we're going to be okay basically, 
but, as always, we will probably have some Accessibility miseries for a while. 
If I understand what was said, they wrote a new programming language which, if 
I understand what was going on there, they'll be able to figure out problems 
easier. Do I get that right?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 2, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

In s

RE: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?

2014-06-03 Thread BBS
Yep, that was the problem. I switched back to the Mac and was able to sign up 
for the public beta with no problems. Can’t wait to try it out.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?


Probably. I've never tried it from Windows, but that may be the problem.

On Jun 3, 2014, at 11:38 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hi Alex. When I went to sign in with my Apple ID and password on the website, I 
got a page saying that my session has expired. Is it because I’m trying to do 
this with Windows?




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?


Sure: <> 

On Jun 3, 2014, at 11:01 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hey Alex. Can you send the link again to sign up for public betas? I wouldn’t 
mind playing with OS 10.10. I wonder if we’ll be getting more voices. I 
certainly hope that we can use the Siri voices that are on the iPhone on the 
Mac. That would be so cool.




Sent From My White MacBook


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Alex Hall
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite system requirements?


I am, but I am waiting on my code. Apple is emailing all non-developers a 
download code they will use to grab Yosemite, and mine has not come yet.


Unfortunately, I don't have two displays to work with, only my poor, neglected 

On Jun 3, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
It ain't easy! I had to go in for a Genius Bar appointment. Basically, 
voiceover is missing telling you some stuff on the screen, plus it doesn't work 
every time anyway. When you think you've got the Braille display up on the 
screen, tell voiceover to do a search for the word focus. Then you have to 
press return when it's time to do the Perry. Like I said, it doesn't work every 
time. Just keep at it. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2014, at 8:02 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello Eugenia.


Please tell me how you got your Focus Blue working on the Mac Via Blue Tooth as 
I tried it sometime ago and it would not do it and so reported it to the 
accessibility team who were investigating it. Not tried it since. I have the 
Focus Blue 40 and plan to buy the Focus blue 14 next month to use with my I 
phone and sell my Apple Wireless Keyboard as I have two of them.



On 3 Jun 2014, at 01:47 pm,Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi Alex 

Are you planning to do that public beta thing? Right now while in this message 
I am testing my Braille Edge under Usb because now I have the situation that my 
little Focus 14 sort of works in Bluetooth, doesn't work very well under USB, 
and now I can't have both my Braille Edge 40 and my Focus 14 on the Bluetooth 
list at the same time. What's weird is that is was, until I took the Braille 
Edge off, not on the VoiceOver table but on the System Preferences list. 


Now that I have the Focus 14 working well enough for me to use it under 
Bluetooth for what what I got it for, it looks like I am going to have to use 
the Braille Edge 40 with USB for a while, whether I want to or not. Luckily, it 
is the Braille Edge 40 is working very well writing this message using 
Bluetooth. So, if you do the beta thing, could you see if you can put two 
Braille displays on the Bluetooth list and be able to switch between them? If 
you can't, could somebody please test this? I may decide to do it myself, but 
I'blind need to check with Apple first because I still have that open case on 
my Focus 14. 





On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

True enough. The thing is, most developers know and will probably still use 
Objective-C for quite a while to come. I haven't used the Swift language yet, 
but I don't see how it will help avoid accessibility problems. It may offer 
slightly faster coding, but that is about it. I'll let you all know if my 
opinion changes as I get more into Swift, which won't be until Xcode6 comes out.

On Jun 2, 2014, at 11:56 PM, 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 

They have a new language which is called Swift. Seems to eliminate a lot of the 
cruft required to get ObjectiveC to do what they want and also eliminates a 
number of constructs that were authoring errors. So it sounds like they are 
trying to set developers up for success more easily which should be good for 



RE: new version of skype

2014-06-19 Thread BBS
Hi Jean. It depends on what version of Skype you're talking about. Do you
mean Skype on the Mac or on iOS?

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jean
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 12:26 AM
Subject: new version of skype

Hello All:
Are people using the new version of skype for ios?  What do you think of it?
I want to be sure it will work before I download it.

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RE: Alex on IOS 8

2014-06-22 Thread BBS
Hey Chris. Actually, you can get Nicky and Aaron for the Vocalizer
Expressive driver for NVDA. If you'd like, email me off list and I'll send
you a copy of the Vocalizer Expressive driver plus the Siri voices through
dropbox since I hink you've said that you use NVDA on Windows. Although
really I would love to see them available for OS X Yosemite. If someone's a
beta tester, please, if I don't become a beta tester myself, request that
the Siri voices be available for Yosemite and I think they should know that
a program on Windows has them so it would be nice if we could use them on
the Mac. BTW, I think the female Siri voice, Nicky sounds a heck of a lot
better on NVDA then she does on the iPhone.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher Hallsworth
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 1:55 AM
Subject: Re: Alex on IOS 8

Oh cool! So how do you know this? Do you have these voices on your computer
or something?

Christopher Hallsworth
Student at the Hadley School for the Blind

On 21/06/2014 03:12, Blake Sinnett wrote:
> Hello,
> The Nuance Vocalizer Expressive voices for Siri are Nicky and Aaron 
> for the US female and male, respectively. Apple seem to have exclusive 
> use of these for now. I expect this is an advantage of their partnership.
> Thanks,
> Blake
> --
> From: "Jessica Moss" 
> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 8:35 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Alex on IOS 8
>> There's a british female voice for  cerie?  When did that come about?
>>  I actually was thinking about the new male voice they came out with 
>> a while back, but have no idea what speech engine he uses, or if it's 
>> a whole new Apple's  choosing to keep quiet about.
>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 4:35 PM, David Taylor 
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I like the new British female voice for Siri, but would happily 
>>> have Serena back
>>> On 20 Jun 2014, at 21:15, Jessica Moss 
>>> wrote:
 Join the club, I love the male voice cerie uses though, and wish 
 that could be used as a reading voice, and have tried in vane to 
 find more info about it, but can't find a thing.
 On Jun 20, 2014, at 2:41 PM, isaac  wrote:

> I would love that too. I currently use samantha.
> isaac
> Skype gold_wildcat
> On Jun 20, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Yes, I would love that. My hearing impairment is such that I 
>> understand male voices much better than female ones. Currently, I 
>> use Daniel, but I'd much rather use Alex.
>> Teresa
>> "Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
>> How I wonder what you're at"
>> --Lewis Carroll
>>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Jessica Moss 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Oh wow, that will be amazing, I always wondered when/if that 
>>> would ever happen.
 On Jun 19, 2014, at 5:23 PM, Christopher Hallsworth 

 We're all curious at this moment so let's be patient.

 Christopher Hallsworth
 Student at the Hadley School for the Blind

> On 19/06/2014 19:33, Jessica D wrote:
> I would be curious to know if he would work on my iPhone 5 and 
> iPad fourth-generation.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Chris G 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm pretty excited about having Alex speaking under ios 8.
>> Will he work on the iPad 3rd generation as well as the latest 
>> iPad mini?
>> Thanks
>> Chris
>> --
>> Chris G 
>> Mystic Access
>> Where the magic is in learning.
>> 733 Delaware Rd 341
>> Buffalo, NY 14223
>> Email:
>> Phone: 888-678-1433 Ext 101
>> Fax: 888-766-7985
>> Direct: (716) 965-5717
>> web:
>> twitter: JediKent
>> --
>> Chris G 
>> Mystic Access
>> Where the magic is in learning.
>> 733 Delaware Rd 341
>> Buffalo, NY 14223
>> Email:
>> Phone: 888-678-1433 Ext 101
>> Fax: 888-766-7985
>> Direct: (716) 965-5717
>> web:
>> twitter: JediKent
>> --
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RE: Alex on IOS 8

2014-06-22 Thread BBS
Hi Jessica. If you have an iPhone 4S or higher, just use Siri. You'll hear
those voices.

Sent From My White MacBook

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: Alex on IOS 8

Can I get a url to hear samples of those?  I found a link to another one not
mentioned on this post, which sounded entirely too amazing, and wish those
would become available for the IPhone, but we probably would have to pay an
arm and a leg for them.
  I couldn't believe how little android users had to pay for the loquendo
voices compared to mobile speak users who had to pay $100 per voice, which I
thought was outragious, and I would never pay anybody that amount of money,
as opposed to $5 per voice, that's pathetic.
On Jun 22, 2014, at 5:27 AM, BBS  wrote:

> Hey Chris. Actually, you can get Nicky and Aaron for the Vocalizer 
> Expressive driver for NVDA. If you'd like, email me off list and I'll 
> send you a copy of the Vocalizer Expressive driver plus the Siri 
> voices through dropbox since I hink you've said that you use NVDA on 
> Windows. Although really I would love to see them available for OS X 
> Yosemite. If someone's a beta tester, please, if I don't become a beta 
> tester myself, request that the Siri voices be available for Yosemite 
> and I think they should know that a program on Windows has them so it 
> would be nice if we could use them on the Mac. BTW, I think the female 
> Siri voice, Nicky sounds a heck of a lot better on NVDA then she does on
the iPhone.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher 
> Hallsworth
> Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 1:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Alex on IOS 8
> Oh cool! So how do you know this? Do you have these voices on your 
> computer or something?
> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
> On 21/06/2014 03:12, Blake Sinnett wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The Nuance Vocalizer Expressive voices for Siri are Nicky and Aaron 
>> for the US female and male, respectively. Apple seem to have 
>> exclusive use of these for now. I expect this is an advantage of their
>> Thanks,
>> Blake
>> --
>> From: "Jessica Moss" 
>> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 8:35 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Alex on IOS 8
>>> There's a british female voice for  cerie?  When did that come about?
>>> I actually was thinking about the new male voice they came out with 
>>> a while back, but have no idea what speech engine he uses, or if 
>>> it's a whole new Apple's  choosing to keep quiet about.
>>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 4:35 PM, David Taylor 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I like the new British female voice for Siri, but would 
>>>> happily have Serena back
>>>> On 20 Jun 2014, at 21:15, Jessica Moss 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Join the club, I love the male voice cerie uses though, and wish 
>>>>> that could be used as a reading voice, and have tried in vane to 
>>>>> find more info about it, but can't find a thing.
>>>>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 2:41 PM, isaac  wrote:
>>>>>> I would love that too. I currently use samantha.
>>>>>> isaac
>>>>>> Skype gold_wildcat
>>>>>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>>>>>> Yes, I would love that. My hearing impairment is such that I 
>>>>>>> understand male voices much better than female ones. Currently, 
>>>>>>> I use Daniel, but I'd much rather use Alex.
>>>>>>> Teresa
>>>>>>> "Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
>>>>>>> How I wonder what you're at"
>>>>>>> --Lewis Carroll
>>>>>>>> On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Jessica Moss 
>>>>>>>>  wrote:

Re: Us congress hearing of maan alsaan Money laundry قضية الكونغجرس لغسيل الأموال للمليادير معن الصانع

2015-02-20 Thread BBS
And what does this have to do with Apple products?

Sent From My White Macbook
  - Original Message - 
  From: bader salmeen 
  To: undisclosed-recipients: 
  Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 4:44 PM
  Subject: Fwd: Us congress hearing of maan alsaan Money laundry قضية الكونغجرس 
لغسيل الأموال للمليادير معن الصانع

  YouTube videos of

   U.S. Congress money laundering hearing


  Saudi Billionaire  " Maan  Al sanea"

   with bank of America 

  and  The  owner of Saad Hospital and  Schools

   in the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia

  and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Awal Bank  in Bahrain 

  With Arabic Subtitles

  موقع اليوتيوب الذي عرض جلسة استماع الكونجرس الأمريكي 

   لمتابعة نشاطات غسل الأموال ونشاطات

  السعودي معن عبدالواحد الصانع

  مالك مستشفى  وشركة سعد  ومدارس سعد بالمنطقة الشرقية بالسعودية   ورئيس مجلس 
ادارة بنك اوال البحريني

  مترجم باللغة العربية

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Re: growl stopped working with the new Skype.

2015-02-22 Thread BBS
Hi Eric. Actually, they stopped supporting Growl a few months ago. This is 
why I'm using an older version of Skype that does support Growl. If in fact 
they do tell me to upgrade, I'll probably get rid of Skype altogether as I 
don't have anyone to talk to on there anymore.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Oyen" 

To: "[MacVisionaries]" 
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 12:37 PM
Subject: growl stopped working with the new Skype.

ever since MS updated their Skype a couple of weeks back, I no longer hear 
speech in the text frame automatically. Also, it appears that the growl 
checkbox was removed from the application configure dialog for Skype. Any 
clues as to how I can work around this? According to system 
preferences/growl, the proper items are enabled.

so, am I missing something here or did MS break some of the accessibility 
for older OS X versions running current version Skype?


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Re: Some External Hard Drive Questions

2015-02-25 Thread BBS
Hi Chris and others. Actually, someone from the Peel The Apple list called 
me on Facetime. He showed me how to partition the hard drive so that my time 
machine backup and Youtube videos from my PS3 could both fit on there 
without any problems. He didn't recommend that I just copy the videos onto 
the drive over top of the time machine backup. So one partition is strictly 
Mac Journaled format and one is FAT32 so that my Youtube videos were able to 
be copied.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Some External Hard Drive Questions

My understanding was that a time machine drive is just an ordinary Mac
formatted disk. The main issue is that TimeMachine keeps making
incremental backups until the entire volume is filled. So if you copy
those movies to the disk first you should be ok but later if you delete
one TM might suck up that extra free space.


On 2/12/15 8:37 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
Hey all. Today I bought an external hard drive because of that freak 
accident with my Mac a few weeks ago. So I got a few questions about it.

1. I want to do a time machine backup of my entire HD. However, I have a 
whole bunch of youtube videos I copied onto another system other than my 
Mac. Can I copy over those videos onto the external drive without 
partitioning it?

2. If I have to partition the drive, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks in advance.

Sent From My White MacBook


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Re: when i am using the newest update to night owl i don't hear any tweets from the main time line.Is there a way i can fix it?

2015-03-19 Thread BBS
Hi guys. The only way all tweets can be autoread is if you have a program 
called Growl and you set it to notify you of all tweets. It costs $1.99 in 
the Mac App Store. HTH, if not, call me on Skype and I'll help you there.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "David Taylor" 

Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: when i am using the newest update to night owl i don't hear any 
tweets from the main time line.Is there a way i can fix it?

Yes, you can, in notifications, but I would highly advise you not to do 
that, and it doesn’t read every tweet if your timeline gets busy. You are 
best to just go to your home timeline and press 0 for the newest tweet, 
space for the oldest unread etc. All notifications options can be controlled 
from the Notifications and Accounts/Notifications sections of Yoru prefs, 
and just make sure that your timeline options are checked if you really are 

On 19 Mar 2015, at 14:38, adrian  wrote:

When ever i go to my time in night owl i all ways hear the chime to let me 
know that i have a new tweet.But i doo not hear any tweets with voice 
over.Is there a way i can fix it. to have voice over anounce my tweets?

```Sent from my iPad

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Re: Significant accessibility improvements to latest update of IOS SiriusXM app

2015-03-19 Thread BBS
That's good about the accessibility improvements but I think I'm gonna stick 
with Radium, mostly because it doesn't time out every 90 minutes. Unless 
that part has changed, it's gonna take a lot to convince me to try the app.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Significant accessibility improvements to latest update of IOS 
SiriusXM app

I completely agree with your assessment of the previous version.  You could 
use it, but it wasn't great.  this is much better.

On Mar 19, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 

I confess that I am by no means an XM fanboy for various reasons, however, 
I do remember the app not being terrible, but it also not being the 
greatest either.  This is wonderful news that they have improved 

Now, if only Pandora could fix the issue of me not being able to delete 
stations, we'd be in good shape, but that's another post altogether.  LOL!


Check out my web site at:
- Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:06 PM
Subject: Significant accessibility improvements to latest update of IOS 
SiriusXM app

Hi all,

this morning SiriusXM released an update to their IOS app, and the 
accessibility is very much improved.  You can now sync favorite stations 
across devices, search for channels by name or channel number, view 
recents, and the bottom row of buttons is now labeled.  The skip button at 
the top is also now labeled.  Just thought some might want to know.


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My Appologies

2015-03-29 Thread BBS
Hey guys. I'm sorry for writing off list to that idiot Mario. If that ruins my 
reputation on this list and if you think I should be punished for it, I can 
accept that. I wasn't aware that he was gonna forward my email that was 
personally meant for him off list so again, I apologize and will just delete 
anything that he sends from now on.

Sent From My White Macbook

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Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8

2015-03-29 Thread BBS
I'm with you man. I was there for a few years and got tired of the daily/hourly 
drama there. I don't care if my account there gets hacked or suspended. I have 
a bad reputation over there for being the poor little blind guy that can't 
afford Jaws. Well now I have a Mac so I don't care if I don't have enough money 
for Jaws. Voiceover on the Mac and iPhone beats Jaws any day.

Sent From My White Macbook
  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 1:44 PM
  Subject: Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8


  This is why I won't promote and flat out refuse to go to the zone bbs.


  Check out my web site at:
- Original Message - 
From: Shawn Krasniuk 
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8

Chris, Mario kinda reminds me of another person on another mailing list 
named Pablo Morales. Both of them like to complain about issues that most of us 
aren't experiencing. The thing is, Apple must be doing something right if blind 
and sighted people keep buying their products. And sure, there are bugs, but I 
along with a hand full of blind beta testers are working hard to make iOS 8.3 
and OS X Yosemite the best it can be. 
As for Mario's questionable language, surprisingly, I'm not offended. I 
just laughed at it because it shows how childish this person really is, so it 
was entertaining for me. But on a serious note, this ain't the Zone BBS or it's 
mailing list, so I agree with others that the swearing temper tantrum isn't 
appropriate for a *Family* mailing list and should be dealt with.

Sent From My White MacBook

  On Mar 28, 2015, at 3:34 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 


  What bothers me mostly about this entire thread is that those unlike you, 
and the Believer, etc. will not present the list with any rock-solid examples 
of how things are still broken.  How must one expect us to believe them if they 
won't even back up their comments with anything worthwhile.

  Check out my web site at:
- Original Message - 
From: Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8

I have to agree with the believer, here.  I don't know what you guys 
are talking about.  Many of Yuma's comments are about whether Apple is still on 
the cutting edge.  I agree that Tim Cook and Johnny Ives aren't the visionaries 
that Steve Jobs was, there's no question about that.  But in terms of the 
actual products, I've got IOS 8.2 on my phone, and I actually find Voiceover to 
be more responsive than with IOS 8.0, so it seems pretty clear to me that they 
made some accessibility improvements.  I'm running Yosemite on my MBA, and am 
happy with that as well.  I don't feel in anyway that accessibility is being 
pushed off to the side.  Are there things that could be improved, absolutely.  
But Apple is still doing a better job than any other company of building native 
accessibility into its products.  I had to use Windows 8 at my old job, and I 
can say truthfully it'd be a cold day in hell before I switch back to a PC.  I 
haven't used an Android phone since 2010, and I'm sure the landscape there has 
changed significantly since then.  But when I did try it, the experience did 
not bring me joy. 

This is just my experience, and as such, it is not intended to 
invalidate the experiences of anyone who may actually be having problems, just 
to say that not all of us are.  Don't know why some would be while others 
aren't, but perhaps that is the case.

  On Mar 28, 2015, at 8:01 AM, mário navarro  


  man, why  you are so stupid?
  you work for apple?
  apple pay all your debts at the end of the month?
  apple solves all your problems of accessibility in the voice over?
  yes, because only you have no accessibility problems in your iPhone 
  shut your mouth and respect the people in the group ...

  Em 28/03/2015 02:04, Christopher-Mark Gilland escreveu:

All of the nightmarish things that happened with I O S 8 in the 
beginning have pretty much been fixed.

I run I O S 8.2 on all of my devices, including my IPad Air first 
generation, and all is very very smoothe.  I really don't have any issues any 
longer.  OK, in Safari, on huge web pages, sometimes the item chooser will crap 
the bed, but even that is becoming more and more rare, and t

Re: Moderation of the list

2015-03-29 Thread BBS
All I can say is, all's well that ends well. Like I said earlier, I wasn't 
offended. It was entertaining for a while but it lost its luster when this 
hacker tried to ruin my reputation on this list. Glad to see things back to 
normal so that now we can get back to the wonderful world of OS X and iOS.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: Moderation of the list


Thank you!  I was 100% confident that you would get to the bottom of this.
Please might I ask going forward who the actual moderator(s) are?

There is no need for you to apologize, as far as I see things.  You simply
were doing your job, and you have a life outside this list.  Those who
expected you to instantly do something frankly are the ones who were out of
line, in my not so humble opinion.

Anyway, as I said, thank you for doing this.  It is very much appreciated.


Check out my web site at:
- Original Message - 
From: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 12:20 AM
Subject: Moderation of the list

Wanted to let you all know that the account in question is now blocked
from the list. I should point out a couple things:

1. I'm not the moderator, I just help out with registering new users, as
many of you already know. By nature of that role I can also help folks
out by fiddling with their accounts. While I may be overstepping my
role, it was obvious to me that this cup of sewage was spoiling our
barrel of wine.

2. I went through the history of postings from when the account was
added in 2011 and the screeds of late do not seem to be of the same
person. I suspect the account somehow got hacked and the new owner
decided to have some 'fun' by trolling our list. The original poster was
usually on-topic up through December of last year and then went silent.
Suddenly he pops up on the list with 27 posts in two days of a most
unpleasant nature.

3. I'm not familiar enough with how this system works to know if we can
delete the messages. I'll poke around and find out. That won't help your
inbox but it might be some solace to the real owner of the account whose
name is now associated with the recent unpleasantness.

Sorry for not pulling the plug sooner. I'm not on my email as often on


-- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Re: weather aps for the mac?

2015-04-03 Thread BBS
Hi Ted. I'm actually looking for a good weather app for the Mac myself. I 
want something that can notify me of any severe weather and the weather 
widget doesn't do that.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "ted phillips" 

Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 9:21 AM
Subject: weather aps for the mac?

Hi all.  I am wondering if there are any good weather programs for the mac 
that will give detailed information?  I have the stock weather widget, but 
it is only giving a little info for one day.

Thanks all

Ted Phillips

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Re: weather aps for the mac?

2015-04-04 Thread BBS
Actually Chris, it did. I was just asking because it's been a while since 
they've updated the app. But I guess that's the only one that does just that 
and is somewhat accessible.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2015 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: weather aps for the mac?


I don't even think Menu Weather did this.  That would! however be really 


- Original Message - 
From: "BBS" 

Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: weather aps for the mac?

Hi Ted. I'm actually looking for a good weather app for the Mac myself. I 
want something that can notify me of any severe weather and the weather 
widget doesn't do that.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "ted phillips" 

Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 9:21 AM
Subject: weather aps for the mac?

Hi all.  I am wondering if there are any good weather programs for the 
mac that will give detailed information?  I have the stock weather 
widget, but it is only giving a little info for one day.

Thanks all

Ted Phillips

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Re: Keystroke form muting voiceover

2015-04-05 Thread BBS
Hi Pam. If I remember correctly, with track pad commander on, you could 
double tap with three fingers on the trackpad to mute Voiceover just like 
double tapping with three fingers to mute it on an iPhone. If I'm wrong 
about this, someone correct me.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Pamela Francis" 

Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2015 1:12 AM
Subject: Keystroke form muting voiceover

Hi everyone,
I was attempting to listen to a service over the Internet this afternoon. In 
so doing Alex continually seemed to want to give me every notification I 
would never have gotten had I been doing something I could've gotten away 
from or been able to repeat. Normally I don't mind. However in cases like 
this, is there a keystroke to mute voiceover until such a service or meeting 
is over? I hit the control key to shut him up, however he has since earned 
the name disrespectful Alex.

Pam Francis

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Orbis, Formerly Menuweather

2015-04-06 Thread BBS
Hi all. Today in my two software updates, I noticed that there was an update 
for Menuweather. This update has a few changes to it. Now, the program is 
called Orbis and in the details of the update, they state that the app has a 
new user interface. I'm sorry to say this, but the new user interface isn't 
better than the previous user interface, it's actually worse. It was really bad 
that I had to delete the app. First off, there's absolutely no way to access 
any sort of preferences. Command+comma doesn't open any sort of preferences, 
and if you think that they're available in menu extras, you're sadly mistaken. 
Pressing VO+Space on the menu item only hides or shows the window which might I 
add only contains your city and a table which you can interact with to see a 
forecast for your city. Maybe I'm missing something and maybe a podcast or 
something might help point out what I'm doing wrong but who knows.
Also, like Skype and other apps I don't know of, they've gotten rid of support 
for Growl, a feature I appreciated in previous versions because I don't have 
Voiceover on all the time and there's no way I know of to make notification 
center speak notifications automatically. So yeah, I'm not too fond of this 
update and unless there's a podcast on how to use this app properly, I'd like 
to know if I can downgrade bak to the last version of Menuweather before the 
update. Anyway, thanks for listening to my bitching and hope to hear back from 
you soon.

Sent From My White Macbook

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Re: IoS 8.3, strange behavior

2015-04-11 Thread BBS
I agree with you on Apple being not perfect, beta testers aren't perfect as 
well. When I tested iOS 8, I didn't think of going into an app like Weather 
and tapping the status bar to see if I could see my network. I was more 
focussed on other serious issues like touch tones not being audible. Like I 
said on another mailing list, this bug or strange behavior isn't really that 
important. We can see how many bars we have with our network connection 
right? So shouldn't we have enough common sense to realize that our carriers 
wouldn't change on us?

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "The Believer" 

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: IoS 8.3, strange behavior

   If beta testing were to be truly effective, Apple would have to
create a very detailed flow chart the testers would have to follow
faithfully. That in itself would not be practical. More testers on the
team tho I have no idea how many there are now.

   We could label this any way we like but bugs are things that do any
number of things that are not desired. This is not a desired result of
tapping the status bar therefore its a buglet.

From The Believer. . .
   By way of the Chariots of the
Gods cameth the Aliens who
dwelt amongst the humans,
and bringeth much knowledge.

On 4/11/2015 2:04 PM, Shen wrote:

Thank you all for responding to my email and confirming the strange 
behavior. Note that I said "strange behavior," and not bug. In my opinion, 
it's not a bug, but a strange behavior.

A strange behavior which has never happened in the past.
Here's also my opinion on Apple's beta test and what not.
I agree that everything is a work in progress. I also agree that when 
something as complicated as an operating system, it is almost impossible 
to be completely bug free. However, Apple has a dedicated Accessibility 
team. They also have senior engineers who answer calls helping end users 
with accessibility issues. I've also met people, blind and not, who are 
private beta testers for VoiceOver and Zoom.
With all this in place, it seems so impossible for something as obvious as 
an incorrect status bar item to slip through without being discovered. It 
is almost impossible to test a braille display without seeing this issue.
Of course private beta testers are just that, private, certain select 
people, and who probably are not as thorough as people who work for Apple. 
All we can do is report it as a new issue and hope Apple will add it to 
their growing list of bugs to fix.
I also agree that the missing email in the inbox is still there. I thought 
I'm the only person having this issue.
I also have a new bug in Yosemite after updating to 10.10.3. I will check 
into that further before I report it to Apple.


On Apr 11, 2015, at 1:24 PM, The Believer  

   The day Apple masters perfection is the day we each one of us wins the 

   It's called "work in progress". If people wait for an OS that is 100% 
bug free, they be in for a long wait.

   This wee buglet that has drawn so much interest did not break 
anything, or am I missing something? I tried it and did not experience an 
earth shattering meltdown. If this really bothers people, let them pile 
on Apple Accessibility with bug reports and divert their attention from 
much more important bugs.

 From The Believer. . .
   By way of the Chariots of the
Gods cameth the Aliens who
dwelt amongst the humans,
and bringeth much knowledge.

On 4/11/2015 1:15 PM, Robin wrote:

I thought the advent of "public" BetaTesting would resolve these
perceived "bugs' and/or "flaws" in Apple's iOS (iOS8 & Beyond)

This doesn't make me more secure about forthcoming/upcoming iOS updates
such as, iOS9

I suggest keep the pressure on by detailing perceived "bugs" and/or
"flaws" detected in iOS in the form of Constructive Criticism to Apple's
Accessibility Department

Is Apple "slipping as it pertains to accessibility...only time will tell
the true story
At 05:06 AM 4/11/2015, you wrote:

When companies say they have fixed bugs, I take it like a pinch of
salt, as from beta testing in the past [not Apple], things are still
the same. Still bugs when you write Braille with Braille displays on
the I phone.

It's our day for slagging Apple perhaps smily.

On 11 Apr 2015, at 12:53 pm, Sean Murphy  wrote:

How am i not surprised that the email bug is not fix. Now another

bug with something that was working.

My experience is the part

On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:43 pm, Kawal Gucukoglu 


Using an iPhone 6 Plus, there is the same bug.

Another problem, which has not been fixed yet, is the focus in

email, when you go to read a message, it suddenly disappears. This has
been the case since the new operating system came out. So to bugs, not
been fixed.

On 11 Apr 2015, at 8:15 am, Shen  wrote:

I updated my iPhone 6 yesterday to iOS 8.3 and immediately noticed

something a little strange. It doesn't affect 

Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

2015-04-13 Thread BBS
Hey Chris. Actually, when I was beta testing the first Yosemite beta, they 
came out with this feature in I think beta 2 or something like that. Whoever 
also beta tested 10.10 in its early stages can correct me if I'm wrong but I 
think I'm right and yes, that is a nifty feature to have.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:15 PM
Subject: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Wow, I just discovered something really awesome with the new OSX 10.10.3 
update that just came out.

I don’t know if any of you noticed this, but when I updated through the app 
store’s software update phicility, I saw after successfully updated that it 
asked me if I automatically wanted OSX to be updated in the future. 
Apparently, there is now an option within the preferences of the App Store 
to turn this on or off.  I thought that was really cool.  I’ve never seen 
the mac ask me that before, so I therefore presume that this is something 
new that Apple just added.  If that be the case, that’s definitely a very 
nice feature to have.

I guess the only drawback would be if you’re a developer/beta tester, and 
you don’t always want to update to the latest seed, but that’s neither here 
nor there.  LOL!


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Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

2015-04-13 Thread BBS
I remember in one of the earlier Yosemite betas, like I said, 10.10 beta 2 
or 3, it asked me if I wanted to turn on automatic updates. I said yes. Not 
sure if that was just for apps or if that was for the entire OS, but yeah it 
was there.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Hmm.  I tested Yosemite, but don’t recall seeing that feature.  But then, 
maybe I’m just not remembering clearly.


On Apr 14, 2015, at 12:58 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hey Chris. Actually, when I was beta testing the first Yosemite beta, they 
came out with this feature in I think beta 2 or something like that. 
Whoever also beta tested 10.10 in its early stages can correct me if I'm 
wrong but I think I'm right and yes, that is a nifty feature to have.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:15 PM
Subject: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Wow, I just discovered something really awesome with the new OSX 10.10.3 
update that just came out.

I don’t know if any of you noticed this, but when I updated through the 
app store’s software update phicility, I saw after successfully updated 
that it asked me if I automatically wanted OSX to be updated in the 
future. Apparently, there is now an option within the preferences of the 
App Store to turn this on or off.  I thought that was really cool.  I’ve 
never seen the mac ask me that before, so I therefore presume that this is 
something new that Apple just added.  If that be the case, that’s 
definitely a very nice feature to have.

I guess the only drawback would be if you’re a developer/beta tester, and 
you don’t always want to update to the latest seed, but that’s neither 
here nor there.  LOL!


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Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

2015-04-13 Thread BBS
Hey again Chris. I forgot to ask in my previous message, what is this 
setting in system preferences under so I can check if we're talking about 
the same thing?

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Hmm.  I tested Yosemite, but don’t recall seeing that feature.  But then, 
maybe I’m just not remembering clearly.


On Apr 14, 2015, at 12:58 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hey Chris. Actually, when I was beta testing the first Yosemite beta, they 
came out with this feature in I think beta 2 or something like that. 
Whoever also beta tested 10.10 in its early stages can correct me if I'm 
wrong but I think I'm right and yes, that is a nifty feature to have.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:15 PM
Subject: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Wow, I just discovered something really awesome with the new OSX 10.10.3 
update that just came out.

I don’t know if any of you noticed this, but when I updated through the 
app store’s software update phicility, I saw after successfully updated 
that it asked me if I automatically wanted OSX to be updated in the 
future. Apparently, there is now an option within the preferences of the 
App Store to turn this on or off.  I thought that was really cool.  I’ve 
never seen the mac ask me that before, so I therefore presume that this is 
something new that Apple just added.  If that be the case, that’s 
definitely a very nice feature to have.

I guess the only drawback would be if you’re a developer/beta tester, and 
you don’t always want to update to the latest seed, but that’s neither 
here nor there.  LOL!


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Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

2015-04-13 Thread BBS
Thanks. I'll check it out when I'm on the Mac side. I'm currently using 
Windows right now because I'm trying out this new voice by Acapela which is 
the best one they've ever made. For those of you who use Infovox Ivox and 
for those of you that are tired of your Macs being slow with the Nuance 
voices and who like Ava, apparently Assistiveware's releasing an update some 
time this week with this new voice. Her name is Sharon and she sounds 
exactly like Ava but better.
Anyway, so that I don't get in trouble from others for going off topic, 
Chris, I found that Yosemite beta 2 was very bad in terms of speed and felt 
like reverting back to Mavericks several times, but I'm glad I didn't and I 
persevered through it all. This is also on a white MacBook but I have 4 GB 
of ram and still experienced the problem you're having now. But now the only 
time it's slow is if I'm coming back to the Mac side after using Windows. I 
found that a simple reboot fixed my problem.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Oh, I was saying that if you go into the app  store on the mac, then hit
command+Comma to bring up the preferences, you then can apparently turn on
or off the ability for OSX to update automatically.  that's all I was
saying.  It had nothing to do with System prefs.  Sorry for the confusion.
Speaking of! confusion though, have you been following the issues with my
macvbook I've been having the last few hours?  I'd be incredibly! interested
on your thoughts, especially being you tested Yosemite.

- Original Message - 
From: "BBS" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Hey again Chris. I forgot to ask in my previous message, what is this
setting in system preferences under so I can check if we're talking about
the same thing?

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Hmm.  I tested Yosemite, but don’t recall seeing that feature.  But then,
maybe I’m just not remembering clearly.


On Apr 14, 2015, at 12:58 AM, BBS  wrote:

Hey Chris. Actually, when I was beta testing the first Yosemite beta, they 
came out with this feature in I think beta 2 or something like that. 
Whoever also beta tested 10.10 in its early stages can correct me if I'm 
wrong but I think I'm right and yes, that is a nifty feature to have.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - From: "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 11:15 PM
Subject: Wow! Now how cool is that! of a discovery!

Wow, I just discovered something really awesome with the new OSX 10.10.3 
update that just came out.

I don’t know if any of you noticed this, but when I updated through the 
app store’s software update phicility, I saw after successfully updated 
that it asked me if I automatically wanted OSX to be updated in the 
future. Apparently, there is now an option within the preferences of the 
App Store to turn this on or off.  I thought that was really cool.  I’ve 
never seen the mac ask me that before, so I therefore presume that this is 
something new that Apple just added.  If that be the case, that’s 
definitely a very nice feature to have.

I guess the only drawback would be if you’re a developer/beta tester, and 
you don’t always want to update to the latest seed, but that’s neither 
here nor there.  LOL!


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Re: IOS 9 siri voices now available

2015-06-09 Thread BBS
Hi Yuma. That's awesome that we can use the Siri voices in iOS 9. I hope 
some time in El Capitan they let us use those voices on there too. And guys, 
sorry but I'm gonna have to take Yuma's side with this one too. A friend of 
mine posted the news on Twitter last night so I heard it long before Yuma 
posted this information. So if you want to blame something, blame the people 
that posted it on Twitter.

Sent From My White Macbook
- Original Message - 
From: "Yuma Decaux" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 11:42 AM
Subject: IOS 9 siri voices now available

Hi All,

Just to let you know that Siri voices are now available to use as standard 
voice over too. This is cool as it normalises the experience between asking 
siri stuff and voice over. Or let’s say voice over is now siri :)


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RE: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?

2016-03-11 Thread BBS
I heard something similar to that extent from a friend. I heard that Nuance was 
developing new voices for the Mac. One was called Zoey and the other was called 
Aaron. That would be cool if the rumors were true. I just hope that older Macs 
will be able to handle Fuji. A friend of mine said that me upgrading to El 
Capitan on this thing was pushing it and that I should've stayed on Yosemite. 
So I wonder if this thing will be able to handle Fuji? If not, I guess I'll 
have to save up for a new Mac.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ray Foret jr
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 9:10 PM
To: Mac Visionaries List
Subject: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?

While this article doesn’t say anything about the voices for Siri that we use 
on the iPHone such as Aaron and some of the other new voices we like there, I 
kind of wonder if at long last we might be seeing these new voices come to the 
Mac in the fall.

Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray Still a very happy Mac, Verizon 
Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!

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RE: Answering a call on the mac

2016-03-12 Thread BBS
Hi. If you configure both your iPhone and your Mac correctly, you can have your 
Mac answer and make phone calls with Facetime.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Marie Lyons
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Answering a call on the mac


What types of calls can be answered on the mac?


Marie Lyons

On Mar 12, 2016, at 3:52 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:


I just used right arrow and where it says accept button would press VO space.  
Never have I pressed enter.   Has that changed?



On 12 Mar 2016, at 14:11, N2KPV  wrote:


Hi All , is there a keyboard command for answering a call on  the mac ?  I 
recall that I used to use Enter or space , but that doesn't work anymore .   


Thanks , Ben C.  


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RE: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?

2016-03-12 Thread BBS
Actually, Jaguar was either 10.2 or 10.1. Can somebody that has used a Mac 
longer than I have chime in here?

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?

Think they forgot “Jaguar,” “lynx,” “bobbcat,” and that may be it after that 
> On Mar 12, 2016, at 8:05 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Yeah,pantha tiger, lion, mountain goat, snow leopard,
> I think they ran out of cat types.
> Guess there are only a surtain number of names they can use.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Devin Prater
> Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2016 10:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?
> A few years ago they were about cats.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 12, 2016, at 3:04 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> Thought the OS names were all about Californian landmarks?
>> Last time I checked Fuji was Japanese!
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Devin Prater
>> Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2016 10:01 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?
>> That's the rumored name of the next OS.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 12, 2016, at 3:00 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> So folks, what is Fuji?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
>>> Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2016 8:43 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: could Siri's iPhone voices finally be coming to the Mac?
>>> Oh yeah. So will I. I'll probably be one of the first ones to spring for 
>>> the public beta once it's released. And if our Macs can handle Fuji, I hope 
>>> we'll get to use Siri.
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent From My White MacBook
>>> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
>>> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
>>> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
>>> Facetime:
>>>> On Mar 12, 2016, at 1:38 AM, Ray Foret jr  wrote:
>>>> Well, got news for yuh, Aaron is already on the iPHone.  Under the default 
>>>> dialect, you’d click on what Apple calls the “male Siri” voice.  Actually, 
>>>> that’s the newer Siri voice we got back with IOS8 but many of us thought 
>>>> it was strictly server side until a jail breaker discovered that in fact 
>>>> the voice was on the phone itself.  It wasn’t until we got in to IOS9 that 
>>>> the Siri voices (the newer ones I mean) were made available for Voice 
>>>> Over.  So, Looks like both you and I might have to spring for new Macs: 
>>>> that is, unless I really really want to try pushing this mid 2009 Mac book 
>>>> pro in to the realm of Foji.  And you know what?  I might just attempt it.
>>>> Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the 
>>>> blind built-in
>>>> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray Still a very happy Mac, 
>>>> Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!
>>>>> On Mar 12, 2016, at 1:01 AM, BBS  wrote:
>>>>> I heard something similar to that extent from a friend. I heard that 
>>>>> Nuance was developing new voices for the Mac. One was called Zoey and the 
>>>>> other was called Aaron. That would be cool if the rumors were true. I 
>>>>> just hope that older Macs will be able to handle Fuji. A friend of mine 
>>>>> said that me upgrading to El Capitan on this thing was pushing it and 
>>>>> that I should've stayed on Yosemite. So I wonder if this thing will be 
>>>>> able to handle Fuji? If not, I guess I'll have

RE: Answering a call on the mac

2016-03-13 Thread BBS
Additionally, make sure that you allow cellular calls on both your Mac and 
iPhone. Once you do that, you should be good to go.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 4:20 PM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Re: Answering a call on the mac


You need to sign in to iCloud using your ID and then make sure your face time  
is on.  Also make sure you have a valid e-mail or phone number associated with 
your Face Time.  As you have done the configuration in your IOS then it should 
work on your Mac.


Please anyone correct me if I have missed any steps.


Hope this is helpful.



On 13 Mar 2016, at 20:43, Helga Schreiber  wrote:


Hi all! Can anyone tell me the steps in how can I configure my Mac to receive 
Face time and if possible skype calls? I already have it configure in my iPod 
touch, iPhone 6S,and on th e iPad that my school lend me for. This semester in 
ordr to receive those kind of calls! Or is that already set on my Mac and I 
don't it guys?  I'm just owndering!  I will really appreciate it a lot if 
anyone her can offer me any help with this matter! I look forward in hearing 
from you soon. Thanks and God bless!

Helga Schreiber 


Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 

Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).

Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.

Phone:  (561) 706-5950 


Skype: helga.schreiber26 

4Life Website:  <> 

INT Website:  <> 


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 

Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.2.1  

On Mar 13, 2016, at 10:17 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

You can answer any call using the Mac that is if you configure all your devices 
to pick up the calls meaning make sure your Mac, iPhone is answering face time 
calls (I.e. turn face time on).  Any call comes in is a face time call on the 


In the Notification centre, I have my face time preference as alert so it 
brings up an notification to tell me that I can answer or decline the call.


Hope this is helpful and not too complicated for all the new mac users.  I’d 
like to welcome anyone new to this list, I unfortunately can’t always answer 
the questions on this list, due to work commitments, but wish I could 
contribute more than I am doing.





On 13 Mar 2016, at 02:29, BBS  wrote:


Hi. If you configure both your iPhone and your Mac correctly, you can have your 
Mac answer and make phone calls with Facetime.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:  <>


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Marie Lyons
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Answering a call on the mac


What types of calls can be answered on the mac?


Marie Lyons

On Mar 12, 2016, at 3:52 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu < <>> wrote:


I just used right arrow and where it says accept button would press VO space.  
Never have I pressed enter.   Has that changed?



On 12 Mar 2016, at 14:11, N2KPV < <>> wrote:


Hi All , is there a keyboard command for answering a call on  the mac ?  I 
recall that I used to use Enter or space , but that doesn't work anymore .   


Thanks , Ben C.  


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RE: adjusting ios voices like one can on the mac?

2016-04-03 Thread BBS
Hi Karen. No, you still can't change tone and what not but there are several
male voices you can choose from including Alex.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Karen Lewellen
Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2016 12:58 PM
To: list voiceover
Subject: adjusting ios voices like one can on the mac?

Hi folks,
I may be about to obtain an iphone 5s.
One major major factor preventing me from managing an ios device before is
what Apple illustrated in person.  that you can speed up and slow down
voices, but you cannot adjust for tone and the  like as one can on a mac.
Has this changed?  if not, how many male voices does one have to choose from
with the edition of ios supported on this phone?
I am hoping there are more options, perhaps letting me get closer to
physical comfort enough for the times I will be using the phone.
Thanks for your wisdom,

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RE: Facebook app for the Mac

2016-04-03 Thread BBS
Hi Christine. If you want a simple contact list to chat with people on 
Facebook, I recommend Trillian. The latest version which is 3.4.5 is accessible 
with Voiceover.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2016 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: Facebook app for the Mac

Try using full Facebook in groups mode with quicknav off. Try using j and k t 
navigate your timeline.  

I can't test right now power outage. 

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn 

> On Apr 3, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> Facebook on Safari is just so very bad, at least it is for me. Is there an 
> app that can make it better, or am I doing something wrong that someone can 
> advise me on?
> Kristeen
> -- 
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RE: how to know when the mac has shut down

2015-12-26 Thread BBS
I don't know what the big deal is. I hardly ever shut down my Mac unless I'm 
taking it with me. It's not gonna hurt it if you leave it on all night.

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Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2015 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: how to know when the mac has shut down

I think the starup sound is built-in to the bios, the pre-OS environment. I 
don't think we can access that.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 26, 2015, at 5:03 PM, Caitlyn Furness  
> wrote:
> I also wonder if we can assign a sound to the shut down process, sort of like 
> the start up chime?
> Caitlyn
>> On Dec 26, 2015, at 5:50 PM, Sharon Hooley  wrote:
>> Interestingly enough, I can hear a lot of electronic signal, and thus the 
>> lack of it, because I wear a hearing aid and the cochlear implant and can 
>> tune into a certain setting. So I'm wondering if there's a device you can 
>> plug in that can give off those signals so the rest of us can hear it and 
>> thus know that the Mac, and other devices for that matter, is completely 
>> shut down?
>> Sharon H.
>>> On Dec 23, 2015, at 8:44 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
>>> Could you put a light meter on the Apple logo on the back of the lid? I 
>>> believe that is linked to the backlight in 
>>> Jonathan Cohn 
 On Dec 23, 2015, at 8:42 AM, Rhonda Partain  wrote:
 Thanks for your answer. So how do I know when the screen is locked?
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
 Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:58 AM
 Subject: RE: how to know when the mac has shut down
 Hello Rhonda,
 You ask an excellent question.  
 To my knowledge, there is no vibratory or auditory feedback to indicate 
 that the Mac is shutting down.  By the same token, although this has been 
 suggested to Apple, time and time again, by me and others, there is also 
 no feedback to indicate when the display is locked, as there is on iPhone.
 [] On Behalf Of Rhonda Partain
 Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 8:43 PM
 Subject: how to know when the mac has shut down
 Is there some way to have the mac make a sound when it is shutting down?
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RE: Installing Windows 7 under bootcamp without sighted assistance

2016-01-03 Thread BBS
Hi. I'm confused. Are we installing Windows to the flash drive via Bootcamp or 
are we installing it to the Mac? I've been thinking of going back to Bootcamp 
with Windows 10 because this thing runs terribly slow with it under VMWare 
Fusion. Look forward to your reply.

Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2016 11:43 PM
Subject: RE: Installing Windows 7 under bootcamp without sighted assistance

HI Andrew,

Yeah done it a few times, and have windows 10 currently on my mac book air 
under bootcamp.

 I've tried installing it with out assistance but it appears no go at least I 
haven't found a way yet.

It's pretty easy really, run the Boot camp assistant in the Mac OSX and then 
follow the prompts.

All you need now is an ISO of the windows installer package and a USB / flash 
drive with more than 8GIG of available storage 

Once bootcamp finishs what it needs to do the machine restarts in to the 
windows installation the problem we have is that apple / windows drivers are 
not installed until the very last stage of the setup, 

If you have the ISO on your desktop then bootcamp should pick it up without 
problem and you then only need to make sure the flash drive is selected as 
bootcamp writes / downloads the apple windows bootcamp drivers to the flash 
And then that's where windows is actually installed from.
Oh and the only thing to be aware of is the step that asks you to set the drive 
partition size  by default it only gives you 20GB 

Hope this helps.

Simon F

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Andrew Lamanche
Sent: Monday, 4 January 2016 5:42 PM
Subject: Installing Windows 7 under bootcamp without sighted assistance


Has anyone on the list had experience of installing Windows 7 in Bootcamp 
without sighted assistance?  Having looked at the process on Apple's support 
pages, I can see that it is probably not possible.  Also, even if sighted 
assistance is required, would you mind sharing your experience?  Please feel 
free to write off list. I'd appreciate that.


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RE: Vocalizer Expressive Compared with JAWS

2016-01-09 Thread BBS
I like Expressive compared to Vocalizer 5. The way I see it, the more human a 
voice sounds, the more I'll use it. This is probably why my teachers in school 
got me using a braille display because I was too hung up on how voices sounded. 
But then again, It was either Eloquence or LiteTalk.

Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Sent: Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:48 PM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Vocalizer Expressive Compared with JAWS

For my amusement, I downloaded all the Nuance Vocaliser voices from Freedom 
Scientific that I normally use with VoiceOver on OS X.  For added fun, I 
downloaded all versions of the voices (standard from RealSpeak Solo and premium 
and premium-high for Vocaliser and Vocaliser Expressive).  From this I 
established a few interesting things:

I enjoyed using Vocaliser Expressive rather more on JAWS than I normally do in 
VoiceOver.  This was a very pleasant surprise.  There is no startup delay, and 
the voice is smooth and doesn’t incorrectly pronounce stray punctuation marks 
while reading text.  I found it more responsive even than Eloquence in my XP 
virtual machine, but not more responsive than the version in OS X.

More significantly, though, the OS X and iOS version of the synthesiser has a 
very strange behaviour of raising the pitch, where the JAWS version doesn’t.  
To illustrate, try comparing JAWS and VoiceOver saying “Notes”.  This I had 
always attributed to the expressive nature of Vocaliser Expressive, thinking 
that the previous version was only of better quality because it didn’t exhibit 
that behaviour.  But now I hear, using JAWS, that Expressive is indeed an 
improvement in several key areas of inflection.

In case you’re wondering, I honestly didn’t see much to shout about in the 
Expressive versions compared to the similar-quality Vocaliser 5 versions.  
Indeed, I wish Apple would offer the lower-quality premium voices as opposed to 
compact.  My Sara unit is still using the standard-quality Realspeak 
technology, and one of the nice things about that is that you don’t have to 
listen too hard to pick out the subtle consonants like Ss.  I’d’ve been just 
fine if Apple had not moved on to the Expressive voices.  However you slice it, 
concatenative synthesis is fundamentally limited by the accuracy of the sound 

Does anybody have any thoughts?

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Re: Adding items not running to the dock?

2016-01-14 Thread BBS
George, instead of keeping it off list, why not start a new thread altogether? 
Intrigued minds such as mine would like to know this as well. I have a VM of 
Windows 10 and it can sometimes get very sluggish and my Mac's fan has to work 
very hard to keep up. This is also the case with a Windows 7 VM I have. I'm 
running the latest El Capitan with Fusion 8 on a mid 2010 white MacBook.

Sent From My White Macbook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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  - Original Message - 
  From: Basioli George 
  Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:16 AM
  Subject: Re: Adding items not running to the dock?

  hi Keath and all;

  Keath could you please email me off list at

  i really woould like to talk to you about useing v m fusion 8.
  i have the app. but wish to understand how to install and set up to it’s 
optimal functions with a iMac and windows 10 please.



On Jan 14, 2016, at 4:01 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 

The practical thing is, you don't have to have a Finder Window opened with 
your applications, therefore it's less screen clutter.  Just pop yourself into 
the dock, open your app of choice, or whatever, and boom.  You're done, nothing 
in the way.

And, you're very close.  It's actually command+ctrl+shift+T.  Don't forget 
that shift key.


- Original Message - From: "Anatoliy Popko" 
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 2:50 AM
Subject: RE: Adding items not running to the dock?


  Control+Command+t is the shortcut (press when the focus is in Finder on 
the application you need).

  Sidenote: I also haven't really figured out a place for the Doc in my 
user experience. Seems like not much key combinations to save: Command+Shift+a 
+ first letter navigation or VO+d + first letter navigation.

  If anyone has a practical use (not just a habitual user pattern) for the 
Doc, please, share. Actually, the same holds true for the Launchpad.

  Best regards,
  Anatoliy D. Popko

  -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Keith Hinton
  Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:21
  To: macvisionaries 
  Subject: Adding items not running to the dock?

  Hi folks,
  I'm curious, but how does somebody go about adding an application that 
might not currently be running to the dock?

  The dock is a feature of OS Ten despite having used OS Ten for over two 
years now that I've never really used.
  Usually, I've always gone in to the applications area and launched an 
application with command-O.
  I'd like to start adding other applications other than Mail, Safari, etc 
to the Dock though for faster access.

  VMware Fusion is an application that I tend to do serious Windows work in 
for quite a lot of things.
  So, how might I go about adding Fusion to the dock for example for faster 


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RE: How to stop automatic downloads of IOS updates?

2016-01-19 Thread BBS
Hi Donna. There is no setting to stop iOS updates. However, if your friend 
fills up his or her phone, there wouldn't be any room for the updates to 

Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 7:56 AM
Subject: How to stop automatic downloads of IOS updates?

Hi all,

I'm actually posting this for a friend who lives in a rural area.  He has lousy 
internet connectivity, and wants to stop automatic download of IOS system 
updates.  anyone know of a way to do this?  The setting to disable app 
downloads in iTunes?App Store settings only applies to purchased apps, not to 
IOS upgrades. 

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RE: Game tonight?

2016-01-24 Thread BBS
Hey Chris. If I want to watch sports which I rarely do seeing as how I have 
Sirius XM, I go to this website: I can find almost anything 
there from sports to even Pay Per View events. It may not work on your Apple TV 
because it uses flash but you can definitely give it a shot on your Mac.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Gilland
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Game tonight?

I’d assume that ESPN Radio’s not available for Apple TV4 though, or is it?


> On Jan 24, 2016, at 5:17 PM, John Panarese  wrote:
>   ESPN Radio or if you have a WFAN affiliate have been the ones covering the 
> radio broadcasts of the playoff games.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
>> On Jan 24, 2016, at 5:15 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:
>> Yeah,
>> I’m not aware of anything either, Ben.  Anyway, now I’ve just gotta figure 
>> out what network on the radio down here is coverring it, as I don’t think 
>> WBT will.  Anyway, that’s for a discussion not on this list.  LOL!
>> GRR!  Go? Panthers!
>> Chris.
>>> On Jan 24, 2016, at 5:09 PM, ben J. Bloomgren  
>>> wrote:
 I don't know of anything that sort. If they had put tuna in radio on to 
 the Apple TV for, that would be bloody amazing. On Jan 24, 2016, at 13:30, 
 Chris Gilland  wrote:
 Does anyone know if there are any apps for my Apple TV 4 that I can get 
 which will be broadcasting the Panthers vs. Cardinals game tonight?  I 
 really don’t care to pay for any type of premium membership.  I’m just 
 wanting to watch this particular game.
 Yeah, I could get it on cable, but there’s no cable jack in the room I’m 
 wanting to watch fromm, so there went that idea.
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Question From A Client About Voices

2016-01-26 Thread BBS
Hi guys. I'm writing this message for a client I'm teaching the Mac to.
We're having issues downloading the Nuance voices. She wants to be able to
use Samantha on her Mac like she does on her iPhone. We download it from the
Voiceover utility but when we try to use it, nothing happens. We tried
deleting it from her voices in her library and redownloading it but still it
doesn't want to work. She gave me a link to a podcast of some sort to learn
how to download the voices but I've done it so many times I don't really
need one. Any ideas? Because I'm really stumped at this point. Thanks in




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

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RE: facebook chat for the mac

2016-01-26 Thread BBS
Hi Walter. There used to be a good app for Facebook chat on the Mac called 
Trillian but with their recent update they've broken accessibility. I haven't 
checked for updates for a week to see if this is fixed because I've been using 
Miranda on Windows 10 all this time, but I will probably do that soon because 
I'll be going back to the Mac to get ready for my client. I'll report back if 
it's fixed.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Walter Harper
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:06 PM
Subject: facebook chat for the mac

Hello all,
Does anyone know if there is a facebook chat client for the mac?

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RE: facebook chat for the mac

2016-01-27 Thread BBS
No it’s not.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: facebook chat for the mac


I'd rather not use simple webpages wrapped in an app. Is Adium still being 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

What's the difference between menu tab and menu tab pro?

On Jan 27, 2016, at 5:20 AM, Gerry Cook  wrote:

try menu tab pro or menu tab the pro is $2.99 not bad results 

cheers gerry have a nice day
Skype: gerry.cook1 
Twitter: @gerrycook52


On 27 Jan 2016, at 12:44 PM, BBS  wrote:


Hi Walter. There used to be a good app for Facebook chat on the Mac called 
Trillian but with their recent update they've broken accessibility. I haven't 
checked for updates for a week to see if this is fixed because I've been using 
Miranda on Windows 10 all this time, but I will probably do that soon because 
I'll be going back to the Mac to get ready for my client. I'll report back if 
it's fixed.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Walter Harper
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:06 PM
Subject: facebook chat for the mac

Hello all,
Does anyone know if there is a facebook chat client for the mac?

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RE: VMware fires US dev team behind Workstation and Fusion

2016-01-27 Thread BBS
Hmmm. I guess that means that we'll have to find Mac developers that would be 
willing to make QuentinC's Playroom available for the Mac for free since 
Aminiel refuses to make one himself. That's one of the reasons I use Windows is 
so I can play those games. Yeah I know about the web client, but if you read my 
post about it in an older thread about why people use Windows, you'll know why 
I dislike it.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Phil Halton
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: VMware fires US dev team behind Workstation and Fusion

I still have a virtual machine running Windows 7 on my MacBook air, but I only 
use it for those rare occasions when I need access to a flash player-based 
website. It's really bad when you can't play flash content on a mac system. 
I've run google chrome and Safari, but they can't even see the flash player on 
a certain website that I really need. So, I resurrected my Windows 7 
installation and it works like a charm with Internet explore. 
Sent from my IPhone

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 8:01 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> I guess this means there will be no more upgrades to fusion, I no longer use 
> it as I have no more need for Windows on my home computers, and, honestly, I 
> think since Windows 8, it has really gone down hill. But it was a great 
> product when I used it, and very accessible. There are alternatives, though 
> not very accessible. There's another paid product called parallels but it's 
> not voiceover accessible. Virtual box is free, but also not accessible. Then 
> there's boot camp, but that requires sighted help to get Windows installed. 
> At least more software is now being developed for the mac, so Windows should 
> be needed less on these computers.
>> On Jan 27, 2016, at 9:53 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> We'll have to pester virtualbox to become more accessible, as I just can't 
>> wrap my head around the inner workings of the program to work with its CLI 
>> interface.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 27, 2016, at 8:19 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> I guess I won’t see my feature request for serial ports as sockets 
>>> implemented in Fusion, then. :(
>>> This is really sad news.  But of course, I understand it, on a practical, 
>>> realistic level: desktop virtualisation is now something of a fringe 
>>> market, there are free products available and those that compete 
>>> economically and favourably for consumers, and even on the server 
>>> virtualisation is readily available and incorporated as parts of technology 
>>> stacks.  And if VMWare’s products are profitable, it’s only because they’re 
>>> already asking too much.  So who’s going to be too bothered, apart from the 
>>> awesome people behind the technologies, and a bunch of geeks?  Oh yeah, and 
>>> blind Mac users unable to use any of the alternatives?
>>> We shall have to see what happens.
>>> -- 
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RE: I found a accessible fb client for the Mac.

2016-01-28 Thread BBS
Hi Adrian. Does this app use a web interface or does it just pull up a simple 
contact list? I'm looking for an app that just has the contact list. Let us 

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:43 AM
Subject: I found a accessible fb client for the Mac.

I found a accessible fb app for the Mac it is called go for face book. It is 
accessible with voice over. And plus it has short cut keys to post a status too 
and the preferences dia log is very accessible

```Sent from my iPad

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RE: facebook chat for the mac

2016-01-28 Thread BBS
Exactly. Same here. I’m using Miranda NG on my Windows 10 VM until either the 
kind folks at Trillian make their app accessible or another app like Trillian 
comes out.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: facebook chat for the mac


Wow, that's pretty bad. Ah well, I still have Miranda NG on my XP vm.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2016, at 8:41 PM, BBS  wrote:

No it’s not.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: facebook chat for the mac


I'd rather not use simple webpages wrapped in an app. Is Adium still being 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

What's the difference between menu tab and menu tab pro?

On Jan 27, 2016, at 5:20 AM, Gerry Cook  wrote:

try menu tab pro or menu tab the pro is $2.99 not bad results 

cheers gerry have a nice day
Skype: gerry.cook1 
Twitter: @gerrycook52


On 27 Jan 2016, at 12:44 PM, BBS  wrote:


Hi Walter. There used to be a good app for Facebook chat on the Mac called 
Trillian but with their recent update they've broken accessibility. I haven't 
checked for updates for a week to see if this is fixed because I've been using 
Miranda on Windows 10 all this time, but I will probably do that soon because 
I'll be going back to the Mac to get ready for my client. I'll report back if 
it's fixed.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Walter Harper
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:06 PM
Subject: facebook chat for the mac

Hello all,
Does anyone know if there is a facebook chat client for the mac?

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RE: the app has a web interface

2016-01-28 Thread BBS
Ah oh well. Like I said before, I'll just stick to Miranda in Windows 10 until 
Trillian gets fixed.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 9:42 AM
Subject: the app has a web interface

the app for face book uses a web interface

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RE: questions about VMWARE Fusion

2016-01-29 Thread BBS
Hi Sharon. There is no hardware required, all you do is buy the product, 
install whatever operating system you want to use via either DVD or iso file 
and you're all set. And yes, it's still available.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sharon Hooley
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:21 PM
Subject: questions about VMWARE Fusion


I've never used VMWARE Fusion before, so I have a couple of questions.  Does it 
require some hardware, or can it be downloaded to use just the software?  And 
it's still available, right?


Sharon H.

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RE: questions about VMWARE Fusion

2016-01-29 Thread BBS
Hi Sharon. If you're asking about how you can convert your Bootcamp 
installation of Windows 10 to a VM, I don't know the answer. Maybe someone else 
that has done it in the past can chime in, but if not, Google's your friend.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sharon Hooley
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: questions about VMWARE Fusion

I already have windows 10 installed on my mac 10, So how do I add it?

Sharon H.

> On Jan 29, 2016, at 6:58 AM, BBS  wrote:
> Hi Sharon. There is no hardware required, all you do is buy the product, 
> install whatever operating system you want to use via either DVD or iso file 
> and you're all set. And yes, it's still available.
> Shawn
> Sent from my White MacBook
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sharon Hooley
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: questions about VMWARE Fusion
> Hi,
> I've never used VMWARE Fusion before, so I have a couple of questions.  Does 
> it require some hardware, or can it be downloaded to use just the software?  
> And it's still available, right?
> Thanks,
> Sharon H.
> -- 
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RE: El Capatin upgrade

2016-01-31 Thread BBS
Hi. If my mid 2010 white MacBook an handle El Capitan, your MacBook Pro can 
too. Probably even better than mine since you have 8 gigs of ram.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:26 PM
Subject: El Capatin upgrade

Hi guys:
I have an 8GB MBP 2010 Cor I7 500 macbook pro. Can I upgrade without issues to 
El Capatin?
Sarai D. Bucciarelli

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RE: clean install of El Capatin questions

2016-01-31 Thread BBS
Hi Sarai. No disrespect intended for Anne, but I don't think a clean install is 
necessary. If you don't have an external drive to back up your stuff through 
time machine, you could lose everything. You should just be able to install El 
Capitan via upgrade. I've done this method for 5 versions of OS X including El 
Capitan and I don't notice anything wrong or out of the ordinary. Although I do 
notice that every time my Mac has to do an update, my fan goes pretty much high 
speed but that's probably because it's showing its age and not an issue with 
the OS itself. But my point is, you should only do a clean install if its 
necessary so an upgrade will suffice for what you want to do.

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Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 11:36 AM
Subject: clean install of El Capatin questions

Hi guys:
Someone suggested a clean install of El Capatin to better handle voiceover. 
This makes me cringe! When I tried the clean install of Yosimiti, it was an 
absolute nightmare! I have questions to see if I can make this process less 
1. How can I make sure all my Dropbox content won’t be deleted from the cloud 
once I install El Capatin after erasing my Mac?
2. How can I restore all of my data from my Mac backup disk using CCC without 
restoring System files?
3. How can I restore Apple mail properly where I do not lose all of my 
subfolders of saved mail, rules, etc?
Sarai D. Bucciarelli

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RE: Windows 10 Push Goes Up Another Notch

2016-02-04 Thread BBS
Well I for one love Windows 10. I love the new Eva voice that you can unlock. 
She sounds very human. I think she's the voice that they use for Cortana.

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Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Windows 10 Push Goes Up Another Notch

Ah the Evil empire is alive and well.

I like the windows 10 features that make you provide an open WiFi connection 
with out knowing it.:)

That’s just good planning.


> On Feb 3, 2016, at 11:17 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu  wrote:
> A quick heads-up for Windows users (in VMs or on physical hardware): Windows 
> 10 is now being pushed as a “Recommended” update that is checked by default.
> If you don’t want it, and if it’s not too late, you can uncheck the 
> recommended update in question.  Once installed you download about 3 GB of 
> foistware, and the installation process starts automatically.  If you get to 
> that stage, and still don’t want it, then close the window of the installer.
> Apple are no saints when it comes to this sort of thing, for sure, but this 
> aspect of Microsoft’s latest direction is without doubt the most obnoxious 
> and anti-consumer I can think of.  I don’t want Win10 and never will because 
> of the clear disregard it has for privacy.  JMO, but Apple’s OS upgrades are 
> merely annoying by comparison.
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RE: VMWare version for latest macbook pro

2016-02-06 Thread BBS
Tony, do you have Skype? I can help you there and guide you step by step on how 
to configure it with Windows 7. Details are below.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Tony
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 2:20 PM
Subject: RE: VMWare version for latest macbook pro

8.1 is what I got. Will that be ok with Windows 7? 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare version for latest macbook pro

VMware Fusion version 8.02.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 1/23/2016 1:48 PM, Tony wrote:
> Hi, I’d like to run Windows 7 with Jaws 14 on a macbook pro and need 
> to get the correct version of VMWare, as there are a few to choose from.
> Thanks.
> Tony Santiago
> --
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RE: does any one know if the infovox voices are supported under alcapaton?

2016-02-12 Thread BBS
No not really. I find them more responsive than the Vocalizer voices.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

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From: [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: does any one know if the infovox voices are supported under 


cool i wish i can get them? are they laggy?

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RE: does any one know how i can get them with out paying for them?

2016-02-12 Thread BBS
Adrian, I agree with E.T. Besides, there is no crack to get the voices for the 
new Infovox engine which is 4.3 and even if there was, this list forbids that 
kind of thing. Besides, $15 per voice isn't that much money. If you can't save 
$15 for a voice, sorry if this is too harsh but that's kinda sad and you should 
just stick with what Apple gives you.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
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-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: does any one know how i can get them with out paying for them?

i am trying to get the infovox voices to use for the mac and voice over

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RE: does any one know how i can get them with out paying for them?

2016-02-13 Thread BBS
Hi George. I completely agree with you. This thread has gotten off topic and 
feelings have been hurt. If Mark or Cara were reading this, they’d say let’s 
drop this subject. For those who aren’t against piracy, good for you. Keep at 
it. But we all know that it’s against the law. As for Adrian, like I said last 
night, either save $15 for a voice or just stick with Alex or the Vocalizer 
voices. Now let’s save Cara and Mark’s time and drop this thread like adults.




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Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Basioli George
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: does any one know how i can get them with out paying for them?


can we stop this silly stuff now getting tired of deleatting

On Feb 13, 2016, at 13:05 PM, wrote:


Alright, in order to keep the piece, I'll drop that subject. No, I'm not 
running away, and I'm not acquiescing to another view point, but I'll agree to 

Sent from Outlook Mobile  .
Devin Prater


On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:59 PM -0800, "E.T."  

The dictionary would also disagree with your definition.
 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?
On 2/13/2016 12:53 PM, wrote:
> And how does it happen to disagree with /me/? I'd kindly ask you to read
> my message again, because I did not say that I am proposed to piracy, I
> just said that piracy is, in fact, not stealing.
> Sent from Outlook Mobile .
> Devin Prater
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:51 PM -0800, "Mary Otten"  > wrote:
> Devon,
> The law just happens to disagree with you.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 13, 2016, at 12:30 PM,
>  wrote:
>> Piracy isn't stealing, it's copying. Sure, it's illegal, but it's
>> not stealing, as the original person still has a copy. Stop with
>> the sensational crap and learn, for your own sake. We don't grow
>> in any way by simply spouting out what w've been taught, like a
>> machine. Now onto the voice thing. My question is, why not use the
>> built-in Vocalizer voices? I know, Infovox is new, and people
>> always gravitate to new things, but Vocalizer has pretty much any
>> language one would need. The only glaring omission that there is
>> for me is that there is no Esperanto voice, but guess what?
>> Infovox doesn't have one either. So really, use Vocalizer unless
>> you have no regard for the law. In that case, go ahead and search,
>> fore telling you not to will only further your resolve. Besides
>> that, if the crack didn't exist, iVox wouldn't have a "lost sale"
>> anyways, because you wouldn't have bought it, I'm sure. Now if
>> Infovox has an Esperanto voice, I'd surely shell out some money
>> for that, as no other voice system for the Mac has it.
>> Sent from Outlook Mobile .
>> Devin Prater
>> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 11:25 AM -0800, "Shaf"
>> > wrote:
>> This is why piracy exists. If developers priced their apps reasonably
>> and didn't have any "3 activations per user" BS, people would be more
>> willing to pay. If a developer who's not filthy rich creates and
>> incredible app at a reasonable price, I'll absolutely support them.
>> On 2/13/2016 7:06 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
>> > I don’t need to comment on the ethics of the discussion, since 
>> that has already elicited all the usual fairly predictable responses, but 
>> I’m pretty sure I remember paying more for the Mac voices than for the Doze 
>> ones, so I checked where prices stand now.
>> >
>> > Here are the numbers: to buy all of the Infovox iVox English 
>> voices for the Mac, in one go, and benefiting from the 40% discount for 30 
>> or more voices (total 39 English voices) it would cost me £280.80, which 
>> entitles me to a licence of each voice for one Mac.  On Windows, the same 
>> product is the InfoVox 4 English bundle, which costs £270.00 from Computer 
>> Room Services, who will ship you a physical USB key, that permits 
>> activations on up to 3 Windows boxes.
>> >
>> > So, no.  Alas, we Mac users are, in fact, being ripped off pretty 
>> thoroughly compared to our unfortunate Windows-using friends.  This is, of 
>> course, entirely unsurprising.  I think it’s best to avoid discussing the 
>> price when advocating the Mac platform. :)
>> >
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Vis

RE: To The List About The Recent Spam

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Hi Anne. Are these French voices you have made by Acapela? I’m about to write a 
report to Assistiveware about this because the voice I was using when the 
hacker attacked the list was an Acapela voice and my Mac was unusable when it 
encountered the message.

Stacy, what happened was somebody typed in the letters E and R in a single 
word. He did this for the entire email and that’s how Voiceover crashed.




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Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: To The List About The Recent Spam


Hello George,


First of all, the command to open the VO utility is VO-F8. Then, it is not only 
the Alex voice that is affected. I do not have Alex on my Mac! I use Fred and 
quite a few other voices in Various languages. Switching to a French voice did 
not work for me. I had to do a restart to get speech back.






On 15 Feb 2016, at 15:25, Basioli George  wrote:


do the following


command f8 to open the voice over utilities

in the table inter act and arrow down to speech and stop interactting

v o right errow to the defalt voice pup up menu and it will read alix since 
this is your defalt set voice

v o spacebar on this and arrow down to a new voice and do v o spacebar and the 
defalt voice will change and it will speak in the new choice


close the voice over utility


how’s that

On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:21 AM, Caitlyn F  wrote:


Hi how do you fix this problem doesn't only affect the Alex screenreader my mac 
is completely useless right now and all I have to work with is my iPhone thanks 
a lot Caitlyn

Sent from Caitlyn's I phone

On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:11 AM, Andrew  wrote:

y screen reader stopped talking and I had to force shut the ocmputer.  Yes, we 
are grateful for helping us with this unacdceptale action.  Andrews problem.

On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 4:05:24 AM UTC, Chris Gilland wrote:


Don't beat yourself up over this. 

You're doing the best you can, and that is all anyone ever could ask of you. 

On behalf of the whole list, we thank you very very greatly for all you're 


- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor"  > 
To:  > 
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 10:55 PM 
Subject: To The List About The Recent Spam 

> Hello Everyone, 
> I became aware of the offensive emails and the deliberate string to shut 
> down the Alex screen reader this morning. 
> At that time, I looked at the email address of the sender and recognized 
> it 
> as one that I had just banned, last night, from the V iPhone list, for 
> posting offensive language. 
> For whatever reason, when I attempted to locate her/his address in the 
> members list of this group, I could not find it.  Yet, the posts continued 
> to come to the list. 
> I was away from my computer for most of the day but, upon returning home 
> about an hour or so ago, I managed to locate the user and first, change 
> his/her posting privileges and then remove him from the list. 
> To be quite honest, the account I located was unlike any I've seen in any 
> groups.  So, it is possible, more messages will come through but I think I 
> located the right address.  Only time will tell. 
> Please know that I, on behalf of Cara, am paying close attention and am 
> doing all I can to rid the list of such nuisances. 
> For the record, the malicious string shut down my speech synthesizer, as 
> well.  Very, very annoying.  Like others in this groups, I had to use my 
> Windows computer with a non-mac screen reader to discover the source of 
> the 
> problem. 
> Please know that we are in this together and, together, we'll get through 
> it. 
> Mark 
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
> Visionaries list. 
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or 
> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. 
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at   
> The archives for this list can be searched at: 
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RE: Malicious Email how to get around question

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Bryan, you can download the Nuance voices to your Mac by going into the VO 
Utility and select ustomize. On the iPhone, as long as you’re not using Alex, 
you should be fine.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Malicious Email how to get around question


Hey guys,


Wow what kind of an whole creates a bug to knock out VoiceOVer that is a whole 
new kind of jerk. I only have the stock voices my mac came with. I read it 
might be easier to get around on the iPhone? Any words of wisdom on how to get 
through this the easiest way with only having stock voices on both IOS and my 
mac? Thanks,

On Feb 15, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Kevin Chao  wrote:


Workaround: Use a non-Apple TTS (e.g. Nuamce). 
Unfortunately, VoiceOver will crash (Alex, Fred, etc.) even if message isn't 
open, as offending text is in subject and preview. 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:17 AM Brian Fischler  wrote:

Hey all,

Was not around for a few days so just started going through my list mail and 
read about these awful malicious emails taking out VO. I am assuming they are 
further down in the mailbox where all my list mail is. If you do not open the 
email does it affect you? I typically let VO read little of an email before 
opening. If this will knock out VO is there a way to get around these emails as 
I would love to avoid this issue. Thanks so much.

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Your M

RE: Malicious Email how to get around question

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Hi Bryan. The Nuance voices are Samantha, Tom, Ava, those voices. The string 
only effects Alex and other voices but if you use Samantha, you’ll be fine.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Malicious Email how to get around question


Thanks Sean. How do I know which the nuance voices are, I thought they just had 
the names for the voices. I assume if you are running Alex and the subject of 
the malicious email is read it then knocks out VO? Was this virus written to 
target blind VO users? So bizarre and really evil. Thanks,

On Feb 15, 2016, at 4:00 PM, BBS  wrote:


Bryan, you can download the Nuance voices to your Mac by going into the VO 
Utility and select ustomize. On the iPhone, as long as you’re not using Alex, 
you should be fine.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

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From:  <> 
[ <>] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 1:26 PM
To:  <>
Subject: Re: Malicious Email how to get around question


Hey guys,


Wow what kind of an whole creates a bug to knock out VoiceOVer that is a whole 
new kind of jerk. I only have the stock voices my mac came with. I read it 
might be easier to get around on the iPhone? Any words of wisdom on how to get 
through this the easiest way with only having stock voices on both IOS and my 
mac? Thanks,

On Feb 15, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Kevin Chao < <>> wrote:


Workaround: Use a non-Apple TTS (e.g. Nuamce). 
Unfortunately, VoiceOver will crash (Alex, Fred, etc.) even if message isn't 
open, as offending text is in subject and preview. 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:17 AM Brian Fischler < <>> wrote:

Hey all,

Was not around for a few days so just started going through my list mail and 
read about these awful malicious emails taking out VO. I am assuming they are 
further down in the mailbox where all my list mail is. If you do not open the 
email does it affect you? I typically let VO read little of an email before 
opening. If this will knock out VO is there a way to get around these emails as 
I would love to avoid this issue. Thanks so much.

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RE: Help with message are extremely offensive

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Hi Jessica. You'll have to use Tessa or whatever Nuance voice you prefer until 
you finish deleting all that crap that that person sent. There's no other work 
around unfortunately.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Help with message are extremely offensive

Ok, as an addon, how to semi-fix it, sense Alex still crashes whenever I launch 
mail, so things aren't totally fixed.
On Feb 14, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

> I doubt he has a large number of IP addresses at his disposal. To begin with, 
> they would have to answer to a validated NX so far as sending mail is 
> concerned. THis will limit his options a bit. Most ISP's these days won't 
> even allow you to operate a mail server. Also, rather a lot of them also 
> block the usual ports that are often used in spam. It is far easier to hijack 
> someone else's account than it is to bypass firewall redirects. This doesn't 
> mean that its impossible, but it does mean it is far easier to get someone to 
> click on a link in email.
> now, as for security, I can save something questionable to a file, port it 
> over to my linux vmware machine and view it there. if a problem develops, its 
> a simple erase of the vmware files and reinstate the machine from a good 
> clean backup.
> I might just start doing that with my email and browsing activities.
> eric
> On Feb 14, 2016, at 4:08 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Be careful though, as this guy may have a dynamic IP, and this day with 
>> VPN's and such.  And don't say, don't give him any ideas.  Odds are, this 
>> individual probably already knows about this stuff.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Eric Oyen" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 5:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: Help with message are extremely offensive
>> hmmm.
>> well, far be it from me to offer advice. However, I had to dig pretty deep 
>> into how filters work on apple mail in order to get this to work right. 
>> Basically, I found his originating IP address, eliminated the last octet 
>> (last digits after last period), placed a star in there and checked the 
>> function move to mailbox and specified trash.
>> so far, it seems to work.
>> btw, there was another kind of message starting to show up around a few (not 
>> many) of the google groups. whatever it is, its either malformed or contains 
>> scripting designed to cause problems on macs. It caused my voiceover screen 
>> reader to lock up, caused both the mail client to crash and any web browsers 
>> I used to also crash. Even viewing the raw source caused issues. I posted a 
>> no subject response to it and removed the offending material. Hopefully, 
>> someone realizes their account has been pawned.(pardon the leet speak there).
>> anyway, some domains (and IP spaces) are known for this kind of trouble. It 
>> may seem like hard work initially, but the reward is that you never have to 
>> see the problem after that. :)
>> thanks,
>> Eric
>> On Feb 14, 2016, at 3:11 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Good point Chris. Still, what made me think it might be all of the Google 
>>> groups is the tremendous frequency with which these offensive posts are 
>>> being put up. Then again, considering the fact that I am on to other Google 
>>> groups and this is not happening with them, you have a good point.
>>> After all, if memory serves correctly, we had an antagonist a few weeks ago 
>>> who seem to be on the edge of doing this very sort of thing when we all 
>>> demanded specificity from him as to a specific claims that he made 
>>> regarding Firefox and accessibility: a thread which I'm sure you were and I 
>>> remember all too well.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly barefooted Ray,
>>> Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to macvisi

RE: Good News From Trillian Developers

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
You must be doing something wrong because Trillian 3.2 has been installed here. 
If you want, you can add me to Skype and I’ll send you the file if that’s 
easier for you. Details are below.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


I downloded that one as well, and it said the same thing.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

Ok try this link.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:


I've downloaded this, but all it gives me is a folder full of files that have a 
bunch of strange extensions, and text files, but no applications to run; has 
anyone else had this issue?

On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

Hi Sharon. Trillian is an instant messaging client that lets you connect to 
multiple chat accounts such as Facebook Chat and Aim.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


What is Trillian, anyway?





Sharon H.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

Oh wonderful, thanx for the info on this.

On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

Oh man!  This is wonderful!  Thank you.




- Original Message -

From: Shawn Krasniuk  

To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries  

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 2:22 PM

Subject: Good News From Trillian Developers


Hi all. I just received an email from Kevin at Trillian. He says that they'll 
fix the current accessibility issues that are present in the current release of 
the app in version 3.4. In the meantime, for those of you that don't have a 
time machine backup of the app which I doubt I have, he has given me a link 
that people can use to download Trillian 3.2. I also have it in my dropbox 
should the link not work anymore. The link that Kevin gave me is and the dropbox link should this link not work is



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper




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RE: Hi my name is Dora!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Hi Dora. It's Shawn. Long time no talk. I don't see you on Skype anymore. Did 
you get a new account or something? You can add me again if you like. I 
experienced the issue with that malicious string that guy posted to the list 
too except I was using an Acapela voice. I've reported it to Assistiveware 
already for those who use the voices as well. Anyway Dora, I hope you enjoy 
your time on this list.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dora Speck
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!

Hi there!
That's nice Where'd you get yours from?
> On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:47 PM, Singing Sparrow  wrote:
> Dora, I am glad to meet you I have a macbook as well; Mine is a mid 2010 
> white polly carbon running yosemity and I have so far 2 gigs of ram and a 250 
> gig harddrive
> On 2/15/2016 10:03 PM, Dora Speck wrote:
>> Hello. I'm Dora. I'm from British Columbia, Canada. I'm 24, totally blind 
>> and single. I hope to make new connections as time goes on.
>> Thanks. :)
>> Dora Speck
>> [Sent from my iPhone]
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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Dora Speck

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RE: What is Trillian!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Hi Simon. Trillian is an IM client that lets you connect to multiple chat 
services like AIM and Facebook Chat.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:10 AM
Subject: What is Trillian!




Could you tell me what Trillian actually is?


I’ve not heard of it before?





Simon F



From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: Good News From Trillian Developers


You must be doing something wrong because Trillian 3.2 has been installed here. 
If you want, you can add me to Skype and I’ll send you the file if that’s 
easier for you. Details are below.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


I downloded that one as well, and it said the same thing.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Ok try this link.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:


I've downloaded this, but all it gives me is a folder full of files that have a 
bunch of strange extensions, and text files, but no applications to run; has 
anyone else had this issue?

On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Hi Sharon. Trillian is an instant messaging client that lets you connect to 
multiple chat accounts such as Facebook Chat and Aim.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


What is Trillian, anyway?





Sharon H.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

Oh wonderful, thanx for the info on this.

On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  


Oh man!  This is wonderful!  Thank you.




- Original Message -

From: Shawn Krasniuk <> 

To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries <> 

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 2:22 PM

Subject: Good News From Trillian Developers


Hi all. I just received an email from Kevin at Trillian. He says that they'll 
fix the current accessibility issues that are present in the current release of 
the app in version 3.4. In the meantime, for those of you that don't have a 
time machine backup of the app which I doubt I have, he has given me a link 
that people can use to download Trillian 3.2. I also have it in my dropbox 
should the link not work anymore. The link that Kevin gave me is and the dropbox link should this link not work is



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper




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RE: Hi my name is Dora!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
I think it was made in 2005 or somewhere around there. As for your question 
about downgrading, I've thought of doing that but I've stopped myself. I'm a 
beta tester for both El Capitan and iOS 9 so I want to make the experience 
better for people, not worse and if I can do that, I'm happy.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dora Speck
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!

Hey there.
Nice to meet you Simon, and Thank you all for the welcome messages!
When did this group start?

Dora Speck

[Sent from my iPhone]

> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:05 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Dora,
> Welcome to the list.
> I'm Simon and I'm from the deep south of the world.
> New Zealdnd that is.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
> Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 5:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Hi my name is Dora!
> Hello. I'm Dora. I'm from British Columbia, Canada. I'm 24, totally blind and 
> single. I hope to make new connections as time goes on.
> Thanks. :)
> Dora Speck
> [Sent from my iPhone]
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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> -- 
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> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> --- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
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The archives for this list can be searched at:

RE: Hi my name is Dora!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Unfortunately, I can't tell you that. Apple has a strict rule when it comes to 
disclosing new features or bug fixes. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the 
next release and find out for yourself.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dora Speck
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!

That's good!
There's mo way around the lagginess is there?

Dora Speck

[Sent from my iPhone]

> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:17 PM, BBS  wrote:
> I think it was made in 2005 or somewhere around there. As for your question 
> about downgrading, I've thought of doing that but I've stopped myself. I'm a 
> beta tester for both El Capitan and iOS 9 so I want to make the experience 
> better for people, not worse and if I can do that, I'm happy.
> Shawn
> Sent from my White MacBook
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!
> Hey there.
> Nice to meet you Simon, and Thank you all for the welcome messages!
> When did this group start?
> Dora Speck
> [Sent from my iPhone]
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:05 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> Hi Dora,
>> Welcome to the list.
>> I'm Simon and I'm from the deep south of the world.
>> New Zealdnd that is.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
>> Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 5:04 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Hi my name is Dora!
>> Hello. I'm Dora. I'm from British Columbia, Canada. I'm 24, totally blind 
>> and single. I hope to make new connections as time goes on.
>> Thanks. :)
>> Dora Speck
>> [Sent from my iPhone]
>> -- 
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> --- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit

RE: What is Trillian!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Depends on what the Jabber server you’re trying to connect to is. Facebook 
stopped supporting Jabber last year so the only way to sign in to Facebook with 
Trillian is with the Facebook option itself.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


Hi Shawn,


Thanks for that, it makes lots more sense now.


And might have just answered  a question I have at work.


Do you know if trillian works with Jabba chat systems?


I’m trying to find a Jabba chat client that will work on both Mac os and 
windows 10



From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 8:13 PM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


Hi Simon. Trillian is an IM client that lets you connect to multiple chat 
services like AIM and Facebook Chat.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:10 AM
Subject: What is Trillian!




Could you tell me what Trillian actually is?


I’ve not heard of it before?





Simon F



From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: Good News From Trillian Developers


You must be doing something wrong because Trillian 3.2 has been installed here. 
If you want, you can add me to Skype and I’ll send you the file if that’s 
easier for you. Details are below.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


I downloded that one as well, and it said the same thing.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Ok try this link.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:


I've downloaded this, but all it gives me is a folder full of files that have a 
bunch of strange extensions, and text files, but no applications to run; has 
anyone else had this issue?

On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Hi Sharon. Trillian is an instant messaging client that lets you connect to 
multiple chat accounts such as Facebook Chat and Aim.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


What is Trillian, anyway?





Sharon H.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

Oh wonderful, thanx for the info on this.

On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  


Oh man!  This is wonderful!  Thank you.




- Original Message -

From: Shawn Krasniuk <> 

To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries <> 

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 2:22 PM

Subject: Good News From Trillian Developers


Hi all. I just received an email from Kevin at Trillian. He says that they'll 
fix the current accessibility issues that are present in the current release of 
the app in version 3.4. In the meantime, for those of you that don't have a 
time machine backup of the app which I doubt I have, he has given me a link 
that people can use to download Trillian 3.2. I also have it in my dropbox 
should the link not work anymore. The link that Kevin gave me is and the dropbox link should this link not work is



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper




The following informatio

RE: What is Trillian!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
Ok well you shouldn’t have any problems there then.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:28 AM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


We have our own Jabba server setup at work for chat across the campus.


It’s only really for me as an accessible chat client to work with it.

So far the best option is iChat but that gets annoying after 5 minutes.


From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


Depends on what the Jabber server you’re trying to connect to is. Facebook 
stopped supporting Jabber last year so the only way to sign in to Facebook with 
Trillian is with the Facebook option itself.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:22 AM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


Hi Shawn,


Thanks for that, it makes lots more sense now.


And might have just answered  a question I have at work.


Do you know if trillian works with Jabba chat systems?


I’m trying to find a Jabba chat client that will work on both Mac os and 
windows 10



From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 8:13 PM
Subject: RE: What is Trillian!


Hi Simon. Trillian is an IM client that lets you connect to multiple chat 
services like AIM and Facebook Chat.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:10 AM
Subject: What is Trillian!




Could you tell me what Trillian actually is?


I’ve not heard of it before?





Simon F



From: [] 
On Behalf Of BBS
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: Good News From Trillian Developers


You must be doing something wrong because Trillian 3.2 has been installed here. 
If you want, you can add me to Skype and I’ll send you the file if that’s 
easier for you. Details are below.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


I downloded that one as well, and it said the same thing.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Ok try this link.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:


I've downloaded this, but all it gives me is a folder full of files that have a 
bunch of strange extensions, and text files, but no applications to run; has 
anyone else had this issue?

On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:


Hi Sharon. Trillian is an instant messaging client that lets you connect to 
multiple chat accounts such as Facebook Chat and Aim.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper



On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Sharon Hooley  wrote:


What is Trillian, anyway?





Sharon H.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

Oh wonderful, thanx for the info on this.

On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  


Oh man!  This is wonderful!  Thank you.




- Original Message -

From: Shawn Krasniuk <> 

To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries <> 

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 

RE: Hi my name is Dora!

2016-02-15 Thread BBS
I can give it to you tomorrow. I would tell you to go to the Mac App Store and 
do a search for it, but the version on there isn't accessible. So if you can 
wait until tomorrow, I'll send it through Skype.

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Dora Speck
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!

Fair enough. :)
Where can I get Trillion?

Dora Speck

[Sent from my iPhone]

> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:22 PM, BBS  wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can't tell you that. Apple has a strict rule when it comes 
> to disclosing new features or bug fixes. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until 
> the next release and find out for yourself.
> Shawn
> Sent from my White MacBook
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!
> That's good!
> There's mo way around the lagginess is there?
> Dora Speck
> [Sent from my iPhone]
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:17 PM, BBS  wrote:
>> I think it was made in 2005 or somewhere around there. As for your question 
>> about downgrading, I've thought of doing that but I've stopped myself. I'm a 
>> beta tester for both El Capitan and iOS 9 so I want to make the experience 
>> better for people, not worse and if I can do that, I'm happy.
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my White MacBook
>> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
>> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
>> Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
>> Facetime Username:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:12 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Hi my name is Dora!
>> Hey there.
>> Nice to meet you Simon, and Thank you all for the welcome messages!
>> When did this group start?
>> Dora Speck
>> [Sent from my iPhone]
>>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:05 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>>> Hi Dora,
>>> Welcome to the list.
>>> I'm Simon and I'm from the deep south of the world.
>>> New Zealdnd that is.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Dora Speck
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 5:04 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Hi my name is Dora!
>>> Hello. I'm Dora. I'm from British Columbia, Canada. I'm 24, totally blind 
>>> and single. I hope to make new connections as time goes on.
>>> Thanks. :)
>>> Dora Speck
>>> [Sent from my iPhone]
>>> -- 
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> --- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit https://groups.googl

RE: Good News From Trillian Developers

2016-02-16 Thread BBS
Ok well if you want I can give it to you through Skype.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


All I did was downlode the file from the link provided, so have no idea what to 
make of that, unless there were more than one file.

On Feb 16, 2016, at 12:50 AM, BBS  wrote:

You must be doing something wrong because Trillian 3.2 has been installed here. 
If you want, you can add me to Skype and I’ll send you the file if that’s 
easier for you. Details are below.




Sent from my White MacBook

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:  <>


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Good News From Trillian Developers


I downloded that one as well, and it said the same thing.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 11:34 PM, Shawn Krasniuk < <>> wrote:

Ok try this link.  



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime:  <>


On Feb 11, 2016, at 7:46 PM, Jessica Moss < <>> wrote:


I've downloaded this, but all it gives me is a folder full of files that have a 
bunch of strange extensions, and text files, but no applications to run; has 
anyone else had this issue?

On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Shawn Krasniuk < <>> wrote:

Hi Sharon. Trillian is an instant messaging client that lets you connect to 
multiple chat accounts such as Facebook Chat and Aim.



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime:  <>


On Feb 11, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Sharon Hooley < <>> wrote:


What is Trillian, anyway?





Sharon H.

On Feb 11, 2016, at 6:59 AM, Jessica Moss < <>> wrote:

Oh wonderful, thanx for the info on this.

On Feb 8, 2016, at 6:16 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland < 
<>> wrote:

Oh man!  This is wonderful!  Thank you.




- Original Message -

From:  <> Shawn Krasniuk

To:  <> 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 2:22 PM

Subject: Good News From Trillian Developers


Hi all. I just received an email from Kevin at Trillian. He says that they'll 
fix the current accessibility issues that are present in the current release of 
the app in version 3.4. In the meantime, for those of you that don't have a 
time machine backup of the app which I doubt I have, he has given me a link 
that people can use to download Trillian 3.2. I also have it in my dropbox 
should the link not work anymore. The link that Kevin gave me is  
<> and the 
dropbox link should this link not work is  



Sent From My White MacBook

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime:  <>



The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at  <>
The archives for this list can be searched at:

RE: To The List About The Recent Spam

2016-02-16 Thread BBS
What happens when you press the function key along with VO+F8? Does it open the 
Voiceover utility?

Sent from my White MacBook
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Marie Lyons
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: To The List About The Recent Spam

V/O F8 doesn’t do anything on my computer. Well since then I wound up with 3 
different voices. Alex reads the message but Victoria and Fred seem to make the 
announcements.  I don’t like this.  I have no idea why I can’t fix it.

Marie Lyons
> On Feb 15, 2016, at 9:18 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
> Marie,
> Press VO-F8 to launch the VO Utility.  VO-Shift-DownArrow on the Category 
> table.  Arrow to the Speech option.  VO-Shift-UpArrow to stop interacting & 
> move right to the voice options.  Press VO-SpaceBar to select it.  Down Arrow 
> to the Configure option.  Pick any other voice than Alex, Bruce, or Fred.  
> Wait for it to download & then select it.  That’ll do it.
> You see there’s an ass on the list, who has figured out a string of text 
> that, when inserted into the subject line of an email, causes Alex to shut 
> down.  It’s real cute.  I hope he reaps what he’s sown.  
> Hope this helps,
> CJ
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Marie Lyons  wrote:
>> My v/o keeps shutting down.  What can I do to fix it?
>> Marie Lyons. I had called disability support and they couldn’t figure 
>> it out.  Help greatly appreciated
>> Marie Lyons
>>> On Feb 14, 2016, at 10:55 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I became aware of the offensive emails and the deliberate string to 
>>> shut down the Alex screen reader this morning.
>>> At that time, I looked at the email address of the sender and 
>>> recognized it as one that I had just banned, last night, from the V 
>>> iPhone list, for posting offensive language.
>>> For whatever reason, when I attempted to locate her/his address in 
>>> the members list of this group, I could not find it.  Yet, the posts 
>>> continued to come to the list.
>>> I was away from my computer for most of the day but, upon returning 
>>> home about an hour or so ago, I managed to locate the user and 
>>> first, change his/her posting privileges and then remove him from the list.
>>> To be quite honest, the account I located was unlike any I've seen 
>>> in any groups.  So, it is possible, more messages will come through 
>>> but I think I located the right address.  Only time will tell.
>>> Please know that I, on behalf of Cara, am paying close attention and 
>>> am doing all I can to rid the list of such nuisances.
>>> For the record, the malicious string shut down my speech 
>>> synthesizer, as well.  Very, very annoying.  Like others in this 
>>> groups, I had to use my Windows computer with a non-mac screen 
>>> reader to discover the source of the problem.
>>> Please know that we are in this together and, together, we'll get 
>>> through it.
>>> Mark
>>> --
>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>> Visionaries list.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners 
>>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>> ---
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
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>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" g

RE: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

2016-02-18 Thread BBS
Hi Jessica. My offline contacts are hidden by default. I don't know why that 
isn't the case for you. By the way, they released Trillian 3.4 which fixes the 
accessibility issues and more. It's not in the app store yet but I have it.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:26 PM
Subject: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

Ok, with a ton of playing around with it, I finally got trillian up and 
running, however, it now wants to show every single contact I have on facebook, 
which is over 100, whether they're on line or not, and is a pain in the neck to 
deal with, sense it doesn't say if they're on line or not.  Is there any way to 
hide my off line contacts?

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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RE: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

2016-02-19 Thread BBS
Kevin from Trillian gave me the link to downlad it. What's your email address? 
I'll forward the link to you off list unless other people want it as well.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

Oh cool, how did you manage to get it?
On Feb 18, 2016, at 9:40 PM, BBS  wrote:

> Hi Jessica. My offline contacts are hidden by default. I don't know why that 
> isn't the case for you. By the way, they released Trillian 3.4 which fixes 
> the accessibility issues and more. It's not in the app store yet but I have 
> it.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
> Ok, with a ton of playing around with it, I finally got trillian up and 
> running, however, it now wants to show every single contact I have on 
> facebook, which is over 100, whether they're on line or not, and is a pain in 
> the neck to deal with, sense it doesn't say if they're on line or not.  Is 
> there any way to hide my off line contacts?
> --
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> For more options, visit
> --
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
> list.
> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
> Visit this group at
> For more options, visit

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To post to this group, send email to

RE: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

2016-02-20 Thread BBS
No, it's not the old version. This is 3.4 that he gave me.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

Are you talking about the old version that was brought up about a week ago? I 
got that one up and running, but can't find that option anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 19, 2016, at 11:38 AM, BBS  wrote:
> Kevin from Trillian gave me the link to downlad it. What's your email 
> address? I'll forward the link to you off list unless other people want it as 
> well.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 6:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
> Oh cool, how did you manage to get it?
>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 9:40 PM, BBS  wrote:
>> Hi Jessica. My offline contacts are hidden by default. I don't know why that 
>> isn't the case for you. By the way, they released Trillian 3.4 which fixes 
>> the accessibility issues and more. It's not in the app store yet but I have 
>> it.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
>> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
>> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
>> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:26 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
>> Ok, with a ton of playing around with it, I finally got trillian up and 
>> running, however, it now wants to show every single contact I have on 
>> facebook, which is over 100, whether they're on line or not, and is a pain 
>> in the neck to deal with, sense it doesn't say if they're on line or not.  
>> Is there any way to hide my off line contacts?
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
>> --
>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is 
>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails fro

RE: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

2016-02-22 Thread BBS
Here is the link to get Trillian 3.4. Sorry Scott Berry for the wait as well.

Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime Username:

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

Where are you finding this?  I've done google searches for it, and the latest 
I've been able to find is 3.3, which I tried after the older version still 
refuses to show my contacts as being on line, and the 3.3 version is just as 
On Feb 20, 2016, at 5:12 AM, BBS  wrote:

> No, it's not the old version. This is 3.4 that he gave me.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 1:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
> Are you talking about the old version that was brought up about a week ago? I 
> got that one up and running, but can't find that option anywhere.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 19, 2016, at 11:38 AM, BBS  wrote:
>> Kevin from Trillian gave me the link to downlad it. What's your email 
>> address? I'll forward the link to you off list unless other people want it 
>> as well.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
>> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
>> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
>> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 6:47 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
>> Oh cool, how did you manage to get it?
>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 9:40 PM, BBS  wrote:
>>> Hi Jessica. My offline contacts are hidden by default. I don't know why 
>>> that isn't the case for you. By the way, they released Trillian 3.4 which 
>>> fixes the accessibility issues and more. It's not in the app store yet but 
>>> I have it.
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: 
>>> shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: 
>>> bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:26 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.
>>> Ok, with a ton of playing around with it, I finally got trillian up and 
>>> running, however, it now wants to show every single contact I have on 
>>> facebook, which is over 100, whether they're on line or not, and is a pain 
>>> in the neck to deal with, sense it doesn't say if they're on line or not.  
>>> Is there any way to hide my off line contacts?
>>> --
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RE: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread BBS
Hi Stacy. Try setting your rotor to language and flick up or down. Is he in 




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:44 AM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S


Hi all,

Alex seems to have disappeared on my iPhone.

I was trying out a female voice and decided to go back to alex.

It says this voice is selected but the female voice has taken over my phone.

How do I get Alex back?



Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk.


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RE: getting trillian working on jabba chat server!

2016-02-24 Thread BBS
Hi Simon. I’m not familiar with the iPhone client for Trillian but you need to 
make a Trillian account before you can add any additional accounts.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 12:53 AM
Subject: getting trillian working on jabba chat server!


Hi List,


I’m trying to setup trillian to work with a chat server at work.


It’s a linux based server using a chat system using the jabba protocol.


So It’s got nothing to do with the Trillian chat services at all.


What I’ve got at the moment is the iPhone trillian client and I can’t figure 
out how to connect to the chat server or change the port to what we have the 
system set for 


Is trillian able to run as a chat client for a non trillian service and if so 


Any assistance here would be appreciated.


I’m needing a client that will work on multiple platforms and be accessible to 


Thanks for any help if you can assist.



Simon f


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RE: Trillian 3.4 has been released

2016-02-28 Thread BBS
Do you have Growl installed? If you have Growl installed, it’ll read incoming 
messages automatically.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Trillian 3.4 has been released


I finally got the accounts online, and it works well enough, but is there a way 
to get it to auto-read incoming messages?

Sent from Outlook Mobile  .
Devin Prater


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 3:03 PM -0800, "Grant"  wrote:

You do, alas, need a Trillian account. But you can sign up from within the app, 
and if you have multiple devices it’ll sync your accounts between them; so it 
does have some usefulness.



On Feb 28, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  


I'm trying to remember.  I actually have a friend who wants to get started 
using Trillian, but don't you have to get an account on the Trillion web site?  
I don't remember how that worked, as it's been ages since I set mine up.



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RE: Trillian 3.4 has been released

2016-02-28 Thread BBS
No it’s $4.00.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

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From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: Trillian 3.4 has been released


Is Growl free nowadays?

Sent from Outlook Mobile <> .
Devin Prater


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 8:18 PM -0800, "BBS"  wrote:

Do you have Growl installed? If you have Growl installed, it’ll read incoming 
messages automatically.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Trillian 3.4 has been released


I finally got the accounts online, and it works well enough, but is there a way 
to get it to auto-read incoming messages?

Sent from Outlook Mobile <> .
Devin Prater


On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 3:03 PM -0800, "Grant"  wrote:

You do, alas, need a Trillian account. But you can sign up from within the app, 
and if you have multiple devices it’ll sync your accounts between them; so it 
does have some usefulness.



On Feb 28, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  


I'm trying to remember.  I actually have a friend who wants to get started 
using Trillian, but don't you have to get an account on the Trillion web site?  
I don't remember how that worked, as it's been ages since I set mine up.



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RE: Understanding the VMware concepts with windows

2016-03-03 Thread BBS
This is one of the instances why I prefer Bootcamp over VMWare Fusion. I only 
have 4 gigs of ram in my system too so rather than putting up with slowness, I 
use Bootcamp and Windows 10 runs a heck of a lot faster than it did with 
Fusion. The only down side is you need sighted help to install Windows with 
Bootcamp but once it’s done, you’re all set.




Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10

Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs

Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk

Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper

Facetime Username:


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Helga Schreiber
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2016 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Understanding the VMware concepts with windows


Hi Simon. This is Helga! So you will recommend me to a bigger Mac computer 
right? I really want to have computer that allow me to run windows and OS10 at 
teh same time! Wihtout closing one andopening one. Is not possible to upgrad to 
a bigger Macbook if I already bought mine right? Just owondering!I really want 
to have both screen readrs! For school purpose guys! I look forward inhearing 
form you soon! Thanks and God bless!

Helga Schreiber 


Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of Blind 

Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).

Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.

Phone:  (561) 706-5950 


Skype: helga.schreiber26 

4Life Website: 

INT Website: 


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever 
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 

Sent from my iPhone 

On Mar 3, 2016, at 5:16 AM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:

No, from my own point of view, you really don't want to try running a vm and 
host OS on only 4 gb of memory.

I wouldn't try running windows on less than 4 GB infact I have 4 for each of my 
windows 8 vm's but only run one at a time so the host has 4 gb also.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Thursday, 3 March 2016 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding the VMware concepts with windows

   4 gigs sounds typical but you can verify that in OS X by selecting About 
this Mac from the Apple menu.

   If 4 is enough to run both OS X and Windows, I have no idea. I also have no 
idea how many windows can be open at one time but there has to be a limit 

>From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 3/2/2016 3:05 PM, Helga Schreiber wrote:

Hi E.T. where i ca check  how much memory I have in my Mac in ordr to 

open windows and Os10 at the same time? I'm must owndeirng! I actually 

ahve a Macbook Air 11 inches,and I have 4 gigs on it, is that wrong in 

ordr to have two screeen readrs? Just wndering! I look forward in 

hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!!


Helga Schreiber


Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of 

Blind Students.

Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).

Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.

Phone:  (561) 706-5950


Skype: helga.schreiber26

4Life Website:


INT Website:


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that 

whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 

3:16 Sent from my iPhone


On Mar 2, 2016, at 5:22 PM, E.T.>> wrote:


 In Windows, yes. But as I said, if you cannot open more than one, 

you might be short on memory.


>From E.T.'s Keyboard... 

Many believe that we have been visited in the past. What if it were 



On 3/2/2016 2:16 PM, Ramy Moustafa wrote:

ok, but can i open more than 1 window at a time?


On 3/2/16, E.T.>> wrote:

   How much memory does your Mac have? You need to split that 

between OS X and Windows. You do this in VMware settings. I added 

memory and have 16gigs and split that evenly between OS X and Windows, works ok.


   When you run both aat the same time, both are using/sharing 



   You can leave VO as is.


>From E.T.'s Keyboard... 

Many believe that we have been visited in the past. What if it were 



On 3/2/2016 11:35 AM, Ramy Moustafa wrote:

Hello all:



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