is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour and so on with voice over

2014-02-05 Thread Dean Adams
Hi All,
I have been asked by a friend who uses jaws on a pc if voice over can 
give you webpage attributes like webpage text size and colour background and 
forground colour insert 5 then insert f . C;ould not find anything on voice 
over for this .

Regards Dean

Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
Voip phone: +6124307 9248
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Mobile: +61428133758
Skype and Twitter : deanadams9

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how to select non contiguous items

2014-02-05 Thread Scott Berry
How do I select non contiguous items for selection?


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Re: how to select non contiguous items

2014-02-05 Thread Craig J Dunlop

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Feb 5, 2014, at 5:35, Scott Berry  wrote:
> How do I select non contiguous items for selection?
> Scott
> -- 
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> For more options, visit The way 
> that I have done it is when interacting with the list of files that I wish to 
> pick from I continually hold the voiceover keys down navigating through my 
> files when I hear one I want keeping voice over held down press command enter 
> sometimes that unselect the first file so you have to do it again. At that 
> point continuing to navigate with VoiceOver in the arrow keys I use command 
> enter to pick the rest of the files that I want. When done I have course 
> press command see. Not sure if that's what you were looking for but hope it 
> helps. And of course if you accidentally select the file you didn't mean to 
> the command see will be select.

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Re: how to select non contiguous items

2014-02-05 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Hi, interact with the list of items you want to select, starting on the first 
item you want to pick.
Lock your vo keys with vo semi colon.
Turn off cursor tracking with vo shift f3

use down arrow and when you get to the items you want to add to your list of 
items to select, hit command return.

After you are done selecting your items, turn cursor tracing back on with 
voshift f3
put your vo keys back by doing vo semi colon again.
then you can do a copy command, whatever function you wanted to do with your 

ps-this sounds more complex then it actually is.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:35 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> How do I select non contiguous items for selection?
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour and so on with voice over

2014-02-05 Thread John Panarese
   Yes.  Control-option-t will identify text attributes, including color, size 
and font.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Dean Adams  wrote:

> Hi All,
>   I have been asked by a friend who uses jaws on a pc if voice over can 
> give you webpage attributes like webpage text size and colour background and 
> forground colour insert 5 then insert f . C;ould not find anything on voice 
> over for this .
> Regards Dean
> Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
> Voip phone: +6124307 9248
> landline Phone: +61243892195
> Mobile: +61428133758
> Skype and Twitter : deanadams9
> -- 
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Re: how to select non contiguous items

2014-02-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

It is not necessary to turn off Cursor Tracking when selecting non-contiguous 
items anymore.  It was needed, I believe, up until Mountain Lion but is not 
anymore.  These instructions will work as well:

* Interact with the list of items.
* Navigate to the first item you wish to select.
* Press VO-cmd-return
, press the key combination a second time to select as the first one unselects 
the item.
* navigate through the rest of your list with VO up or down pressing 
VO-cmd-return on items you wish selected.  Only one return is needed for all 
subsequent selections.
* If you accidentally select something, simply press VO-cmd-return to unselect.
* Stop Interacting with the list and you'll hear a little VO sound effect which 
is essentially turning Cursor Tracking back on automatically.
* Press cmd-c to Copy or whatever key combination does your desired action.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:40 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie  

> Hi, interact with the list of items you want to select, starting on the first 
> item you want to pick.
> Lock your vo keys with vo semi colon.
> Turn off cursor tracking with vo shift f3
> use down arrow and when you get to the items you want to add to your list of 
> items to select, hit command return.
> After you are done selecting your items, turn cursor tracing back on with 
> voshift f3
> put your vo keys back by doing vo semi colon again.
> then you can do a copy command, whatever function you wanted to do with your 
> files.
> hth,
> Caitlyn
> ps-this sounds more complex then it actually is.
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:35 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> How do I select non contiguous items for selection?
>> Scott
>> -- 
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fix columns?

2014-02-05 Thread May McDonald Homuth
Good morning all.

For some strange reason my lovely mail client has changed the layout of the 
email columns.

It use to be, status, from, subject

Now it's, status, subject, from

Does anyone know how to change this back? I'd undo what I did, but um I don't 
remember changing anything to make it do that.

Any ideas?

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Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address

2014-02-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to iCloud. I go to the 
groups page and press the "manage subscriptions button". Then I find a group 
and push this button again for the specific group. Then it says "use email 
address for this group", where email address is a specific email address. There 
is no indication that the address is clickable or that there is a dropdown, but 
according to Google help, there's an area in which you can edit the email 
address. How do you access this with VO?


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

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Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious

2014-02-05 Thread Brian Fischler
Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a clean install 
isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple finally admitted there is still a 
problem. What really annoys me is that Apple turns out is like every other 
company they lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple claimed they had 
fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.

So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my computer off or put 
it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half my emails are missing from gmail, and 
I think the sluggishness and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by gmail constantly 
searching making safari unusable at times, and the same with iTunes. Not sure 
if there is anything I could do, but this instability of Mavericks and one day 
the computer working and the next not reminds me of Windows. I hope this isn't 
the future of Apple releasing buggy updates. Very disappointing.

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Re: click2flash

2014-02-05 Thread Jim Gatteys
On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:41 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:

> Hello!
> Could you be able to send me the link from where you downloaded the 
> extension? Thank you very much!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 04/02/2014, a las 23:15, Jim Gatteys  escribió:
>> My click2flash says 2.9.1  and there doesn't seem to be an update.  I was 
>> confused when I first got the extension beczused there was a program called 
>> click2flash as well.  I guess I'd better check for updates.
>> Jim
>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>>> That's me again. I downloaded the 5.1 version and installed it correctly, 
>>> but now I can not see it in the preferences windows to find the settings. 
>>> and do what you suggest.
>>> SOS
>>> Thanks!
>>> Daniela Rubio T
>>> iPhone: +34662328507
>>> El 04/02/2014, a las 20:43, Anne Robertson  escribió:
 Hello Jim,
 Having installed ClickToFlash, open Safari Preferences and select 
 Extensions in the tool bar.
 Interact with the HTML content and make sure that the Enable Extensions 
 check box is checked.
 In the list of extensions, select ClickToFlash. You'll probably have to 
 bring the mouse and do a VO-Shift-Space on it.
 Stop interacting with the list and navigate to Extension Info group. 
 Interact and make sure that the Enable ClickToFlash check box is checked.
 Navigate past the Uninstall button and check the Click this checkbox to 
 access the settings check box.
 The ClickToFlash preferences window will open. Here you have five sets of 
 preferences. VO gives no feedback when you select a preference pane but 
 the selection does work.
 Placeholder opacity: purely a visual preference.
 Show Flash source as tooltip: This check box should be checked.
 Allow invisible Flash: leave this check box unchecked.
 Block Flash manually: leave this check box unchecked.
 sIFR text policy: leave as show text only.
 Flash to HTML5 conversion scripts: leave as use default. There follows a 
 list of the default scripts.
 Load Flash if HTML5 conversion fails: uncheck this check box.
 Use HTML5 media fallbacks: leave this check box checked.
 Downloading: Use a download manager: leave this check box unchecked.
 AirPlay device hostname: apple-tv.local Insertion at end of text. AirPlay 
 device hostname: here you can enter the name of any appropriate device you 
 may have.
 AirPlay password: this will be the password for your device.
 Leave the rest as they are.
 Control lists:
 Here you can specify sites where you always want to allow flash or where 
 you never want to allow flash.
 Media player: leave everything as it is.
 Shortcut menu: Leave everything as is except if you use an external media 
 player such as AppleTV, in which case, check the Send via AirPlay check 
 Keyboard shortcuts:
 Set the following short cuts:
 Option-f: Load all Flash in frontmost tab.
 Option-Click: Hide targeted Flash object.
 Option-Space: - Play/pause.
 Option-w: Enter fullscreen.
 Option-Up Arrow: - Volume up.
 Option-Down Arrow: Volume down.
 Option-Left Arrow: Previous track.
 Option-Right Arrow: Next track.
 Option-t: Show/hide track selector.
 Option-r: Toggle repeat.
 Option-Comma: - Open preferences.
 On 4 Feb 2014, at 19:39, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
> does anyone know how to use the click2flash extension for safari?  I'd 
> appreciate any information.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Re: click2flash

2014-02-05 Thread Earle
Do you need to install flash before installing the extension?  What does this 
extension do exactly?  I have heard of it before but didn't really pay much 
attention to it.

Thanks for any info you can provide.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:41 AM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Could you be able to send me the link from where you downloaded the 
>> extension? Thank you very much!
>> Best
>> Daniela Rubio T
>> iPhone: +34662328507
>> El 04/02/2014, a las 23:15, Jim Gatteys  escribió:
>>> My click2flash says 2.9.1  and there doesn't seem to be an update.  I was 
>>> confused when I first got the extension beczused there was a program called 
>>> click2flash as well.  I guess I'd better check for updates.
>>> Jim
>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:
 That's me again. I downloaded the 5.1 version and installed it correctly, 
 but now I can not see it in the preferences windows to find the settings. 
 and do what you suggest.
 Daniela Rubio T
 iPhone: +34662328507
 El 04/02/2014, a las 20:43, Anne Robertson  escribió:
> Hello Jim,
> Having installed ClickToFlash, open Safari Preferences and select 
> Extensions in the tool bar.
> Interact with the HTML content and make sure that the Enable Extensions 
> check box is checked.
> In the list of extensions, select ClickToFlash. You'll probably have to 
> bring the mouse and do a VO-Shift-Space on it.
> Stop interacting with the list and navigate to Extension Info group. 
> Interact and make sure that the Enable ClickToFlash check box is checked.
> Navigate past the Uninstall button and check the Click this checkbox to 
> access the settings check box.
> The ClickToFlash preferences window will open. Here you have five sets of 
> preferences. VO gives no feedback when you select a preference pane but 
> the selection does work.
> General:
> Placeholder opacity: purely a visual preference.
> Show Flash source as tooltip: This check box should be checked.
> Allow invisible Flash: leave this check box unchecked.
> Block Flash manually: leave this check box unchecked.
> sIFR text policy: leave as show text only.
> Flash to HTML5 conversion scripts: leave as use default. There follows a 
> list of the default scripts.
> Load Flash if HTML5 conversion fails: uncheck this check box.
> Use HTML5 media fallbacks: leave this check box checked.
> Downloading: Use a download manager: leave this check box unchecked.
> AirPlay device hostname: apple-tv.local Insertion at end of text. AirPlay 
> device hostname: here you can enter the name of any appropriate device 
> you may have.
> AirPlay password: this will be the password for your device.
> Leave the rest as they are.
> Control lists:
> Here you can specify sites where you always want to allow flash or where 
> you never want to allow flash.
> Media player: leave everything as it is.
> Shortcut menu: Leave everything as is except if you use an external media 
> player such as AppleTV, in which case, check the Send via AirPlay check 
> box.
> Keyboard shortcuts:
> Set the following short cuts:
> Option-f: Load all Flash in frontmost tab.
> Option-Click: Hide targeted Flash object.
> Option-Space: - Play/pause.
> Option-w: Enter fullscreen.
> Option-Up Arrow: - Volume up.
> Option-Down Arrow: Volume down.
> Option-Left Arrow: Previous track.
> Option-Right Arrow: Next track.
> Option-t: Show/hide track selector.
> Option-r: Toggle repeat.
> Option-Comma: - Open preferences.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 4 Feb 2014, at 19:39, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> does anyone know how to use the click2flash extension for safari?  I'd 
>> appreciate any information.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
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magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone,
I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because supernova 
is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems.
Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the mac 
and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  Zoom doesn't have the huge feature set of zoomtext, but it does work very 

For best performance you need a newer mac with the best display possible, such 
as a macbook with retina display.

Make sure accessibility shortcuts are turned on.
Make sure smooth images is on.
Make sure mouse tracking is set to move the window when the pointer reaches an 

You can also download a third party app to customize the cursors and pointers 
on the mac so that you can have the red X or the yellow X or whatever is most 
visible for you.

I have a sheet around here to do with best practices for magnification which I 
could send you if that will help.


Erik Burggraaf
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2014-02-05, at 1:50 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because supernova 
> is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems.
> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the mac 
> and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
> software?
> Thanks in advance,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread April
Not comparable.  

On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
text can be increased minimally.

On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  

1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  

Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 

On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
programs that have individual magnifiers.

Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are 
> still able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
> screenreading software? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread erik burggraaf
HI,  You need to look again.  The options to increase the sizes of dock and 
menus are available in mountain line and up.


Erik Burggraaf
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2014-02-05, at 1:58 PM, April  wrote:

> Not comparable.  
> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon text 
> can be increased minimally.
> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
> menu.
> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
> programs that have individual magnifiers.
> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because supernova 
> is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the mac 
> and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
> software? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread April Brown
Is there?  Where?  I haven't  been able to find them.  One on One training 
person told me the only option was to decrease the resolution.  That was a 
month ago.  I think menus are still stuck in 5 point font.  Dock isn't bad 

April Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:10 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> HI,  You need to look again.  The options to increase the sizes of dock and 
> menus are available in mountain line and up.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2014-02-05, at 1:58 PM, April  wrote:
>> Not comparable.  
>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
>> text can be increased minimally.
>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
>> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>> menu.
>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
>> Hi everyone, 
>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>> screenreading software? 
>> Thanks in advance, 
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi Erik,
Thanks a lot, so you do think the retina might be a better choice over the 
non-retina pro or the 3 inch air for someone who still has some sight?
Thanks again,
Greetings, Anouk,
On 05 Feb 2014, at 20:07, erik burggraaf  wrote:

> Hi,  Zoom doesn't have the huge feature set of zoomtext, but it does work 
> very well.
> For best performance you need a newer mac with the best display possible, 
> such as a macbook with retina display.
> Make sure accessibility shortcuts are turned on.
> Make sure smooth images is on.
> Make sure mouse tracking is set to move the window when the pointer reaches 
> an edge.
> You can also download a third party app to customize the cursors and pointers 
> on the mac so that you can have the red X or the yellow X or whatever is most 
> visible for you.
> I have a sheet around here to do with best practices for magnification which 
> I could send you if that will help.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2014-02-05, at 1:50 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems.
>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>> screenreading software?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi april,
I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
magnification for you?
Greetings, Anouk,
On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:

> Not comparable.  
> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon text 
> can be increased minimally.
> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
> menu.
> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
> programs that have individual magnifiers.
> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because supernova 
> is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the mac 
> and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
> software? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread April Brown
 The zoom in the system preferences is basically a magnifying glass that you 
move around the screen.  The motion can cause dizziness.

 If you mean a non included program, I don't know.  I haven't bought any 

April Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hi april,
> I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
> magnification for you?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
>> Not comparable.  
>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
>> text can be increased minimally.
>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
>> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>> menu.
>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
>> Hi everyone, 
>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>> screenreading software? 
>> Thanks in advance, 
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Vivianna
hi all.
i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
thanks much.


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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Anouk Radix
Thanks april, i meant just the included zoom.
Greetings, Anouk,
On 05 Feb 2014, at 20:22, April Brown  wrote:

>  The zoom in the system preferences is basically a magnifying glass that you 
> move around the screen.  The motion can cause dizziness.
>  If you mean a non included program, I don't know.  I haven't bought any 
> programs.
> April Brown
> Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:
>> Hi april,
>> I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
>> magnification for you?
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
>>> Not comparable.  
>>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
>>> text can be increased minimally.
>>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
>>> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>>> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
>>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>>> menu.
>>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>>> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
>>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, 
>>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
>>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>>> screenreading software? 
>>> Thanks in advance, 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread isaac
You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring windows 7 
over I am not sure.
On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:

> hi all.
> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
> another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
> purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
> thanks much.
> Vivianna
> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread May and Noah
You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
product key.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:

> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring windows 
> 7 over I am not sure.
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>> hi all.
>> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
>> another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
>> purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
>> thanks much.
>> Vivianna
>> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Chris Blouch
From a technical standpoint the VMWare fusion virtual machine file is 
just a file and you can move it around at will to another machine or 
make copies on the same machine. As far as Microsoft is concerned, I'm 
not a lawyer but I suspect they would draw the line at a single Windows 
license being run concurrently on more than one virtual machine. In 
other words, you could have 25 copies of a virtual machine spread over 
10 desktops and as long as you are only running one of them at a time 
you should be fine with one license.


On 2/5/14 2:24 PM, Vivianna wrote:

hi all.
i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
thanks much.



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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Vivianna
I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.  
someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second machine.  


On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
> product key.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
>> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
>> windows 7 over I am not sure.
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>>> hi all.
>>> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
>>> another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must 
>>> i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
>>> thanks much.
>>> Vivianna
>>> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Chris Blouch
As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at 
the same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?


On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:

I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second machine.  


On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
product key.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:

You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring windows 7 
over I am not sure.
On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:

hi all.
i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
thanks much.


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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Jim Gatteys
I found this option which seems like it will make all text larger.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hi april,
> I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
> magnification for you?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
>> Not comparable.  
>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
>> text can be increased minimally.
>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
>> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>> menu.
>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
>> Hi everyone, 
>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>> screenreading software? 
>> Thanks in advance, 
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Mike Arrigo
You can use the same copy of fusion, as long as you have the serial 
number to activate it. Windows 7 will probably ask you to reactivate 
it, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Original message:

hi all.
i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have? 
also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?

thanks much.


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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Vivianna
 lol, i agree.  that's what i thought.
so, i can just literally copy it over to the new machine with everything else?
that's so cool.  thanks.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the 
> same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?
> CB
> On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:
>> I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
>> someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
>> machine.  hmmm?
>> Vivianna
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
>>> product key.
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
 You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
 windows 7 over I am not sure.
 On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
> hi all.
> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
> purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  
> also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this 
> one?
> thanks much.
> Vivianna
> -- 
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread May and Noah
It tells you after a while that the key isn’t activated and when you try it 
says this key has been used on another machine. So you’d have to call them and 
say, nope, it hasn’t or something like it.

I know because I just copied from one mac to another.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the 
> same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?
> CB
> On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:
>> I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
>> someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
>> machine.  hmmm?
>> Vivianna
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
>>> product key.
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
 You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
 windows 7 over I am not sure.
 On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
> hi all.
> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
> purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  
> also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this 
> one?
> thanks much.
> Vivianna
> -- 
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Daniel Hawkins
Hmm, I just downloaded Tinkertool, looks fully accessable by Voiceover. I 
cannot see so but if you go under toolbar and click fronts, and play around 

Here is the download page for Tinkertool

Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
4GB Dual Channel DDR3

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
NVDA installed

Phonak Compilot

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> I found this option which seems like it will make all text larger.
> Jim
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:
>> Hi april,
>> I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
>> magnification for you?
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
>>> Not comparable.  
>>> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
>>> text can be increased minimally.
>>> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
>>> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
>>> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
>>> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
>>> menu.
>>> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
>>> the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
>>> programs that have individual magnifiers.
>>> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
>>> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, 
>>> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are still 
>>> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
>>> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
>>> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
>>> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
>>> screenreading software? 
>>> Thanks in advance, 
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> -- 
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Re: GSSD, what is it?

2014-02-05 Thread Chris Blouch
While not directly related, other forums have had issues with a 
corrupted security file making authentications trigger high CPU usage 
for securityd so maybe the two are related. Fixes for that seemed to 
involve removing a log file:

sudo mv /var/db/CodeEquivalenceDatabase /var/db/CodeEquivalenceDatabase.old

or possibly restarting the Security Agent:

sudo killall SecurityAgent

most conversations beyond seem to lead to contacting Apple. Were you 
playing with Kerberos or NFS file sharing?


On 2/3/14 9:54 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


GSSD, according to

provides services to the Generic Security Service API.  Not sure 
specifically what that does but that's what I located.  I did note 
that, according to some various posts around the net,  in some 
previous versions of MacOS, it had caused some problems.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 3, 2014, at 7:34 AM, Bill Holton > wrote:

I have a process called gssd that is burning up processer resources.  
I cannot find on the web what this process is.  Anyone know?


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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. I wonder how they know since the virtual hardware should be 
identical. They must have some secret sauce.


On 2/5/14 3:43 PM, May and Noah wrote:

It tells you after a while that the key isn’t activated and when you try it 
says this key has been used on another machine. So you’d have to call them and 
say, nope, it hasn’t or something like it.

I know because I just copied from one mac to another.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the same 
time, how would they know it's not the same machine?


On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:

I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second machine.  


On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
product key.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:

You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring windows 7 
over I am not sure.
On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:

hi all.
i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must i 
purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
thanks much.


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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Daniel Hawkins
I think it something have to do with the computer hardware ID. But then again 
it is a virtual software so it should not matter? lol
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
4GB Dual Channel DDR3

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
NVDA installed

Phonak Compilot

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:57 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Interesting. I wonder how they know since the virtual hardware should be 
> identical. They must have some secret sauce.
> CB
> On 2/5/14 3:43 PM, May and Noah wrote:
>> It tells you after a while that the key isn’t activated and when you try it 
>> says this key has been used on another machine. So you’d have to call them 
>> and say, nope, it hasn’t or something like it.
>> I know because I just copied from one mac to another.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the 
>>> same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?
>>> CB
>>> On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:
 I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
 someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
 machine. hmmm?
 On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about 
> the product key.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
>> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
>> windows 7 over I am not sure.
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>>> hi all.
>>> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
>>> purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have? 
>>>  also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer 
>>> this one?
>>> thanks much.
>>> Vivianna
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Re: Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address

2014-02-05 Thread matthew Dyer

I  seem to have no problem with this.  I select the use pop up button and 
though it is  not a traditional pop up it does work if you disable quick nav if 
you are using it.  If not just using the arrows  it works fine for me.  it 
works for me just fine.  HTH.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to iCloud. I go to 
> the groups page and press the "manage subscriptions button". Then I find a 
> group and push this button again for the specific group. Then it says "use 
> email address for this group", where email address is a specific email 
> address. There is no indication that the address is clickable or that there 
> is a dropdown, but according to Google help, there's an area in which you can 
> edit the email address. How do you access this with VO?
> thanks,
> Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
> -- 
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Re: Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious

2014-02-05 Thread matthew Dyer

This is why I am no longer using gmail as my primary email service.   I am now 
using cloud and have no problems and iCloud seems more reliable.  HTH.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a clean install 
> isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple finally admitted there is still a 
> problem. What really annoys me is that Apple turns out is like every other 
> company they lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple claimed they had 
> fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.
> So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my computer off or 
> put it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half my emails are missing from 
> gmail, and I think the sluggishness and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by 
> gmail constantly searching making safari unusable at times, and the same with 
> iTunes. Not sure if there is anything I could do, but this instability of 
> Mavericks and one day the computer working and the next not reminds me of 
> Windows. I hope this isn't the future of Apple releasing buggy updates. Very 
> disappointing.
> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread May and Noah
lol, I don’t know. It was annoying I must say.

May and Prince Noah

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Interesting. I wonder how they know since the virtual hardware should be 
> identical. They must have some secret sauce.
> CB
> On 2/5/14 3:43 PM, May and Noah wrote:
>> It tells you after a while that the key isn’t activated and when you try it 
>> says this key has been used on another machine. So you’d have to call them 
>> and say, nope, it hasn’t or something like it.
>> I know because I just copied from one mac to another.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the 
>>> same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?
>>> CB
>>> On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:
 I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
 someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
 machine.  hmmm?
 On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about 
> the product key.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
>> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
>> windows 7 over I am not sure.
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>>> hi all.
>>> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
>>> purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have? 
>>>  also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer 
>>> this one?
>>> thanks much.
>>> Vivianna
>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious

2014-02-05 Thread Alex Hall
While I hate to switch email providers just because Apple can't get their act 
together, I must say it is looking tempting. I've found oddities using Mac Mail 
and Gmail together, of course, but from what I've read in the past, it isn't 
just the Mac. Gmail uses its "labels" system in place of folders, as well as 
the idea of archiving, which never works well with pure IMAP accounts. You can 
jump through hoops to get things set up, but it is not as easy as just enabling 
the account on a new device.

As to Gmail causing your problems, what happens if you run with Mail closed for 
a couple days? Open it when you need it, but as soon as you check mail, close 
the app. If the problems with sluggishness and choppy speech go away, you know 
you've found the culprit.

I don't think Apple lied in this case. They pushed an update to fix major bugs, 
and it turns out there are smaller ones their beta testing missed. It happens 
all the time. Are they above lying? No, they are a huge company with a bottom 
line to protect. Did they lie here? Personally, I don't think so, but that's 
just me.

Have a great day,

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:10 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:

> i,
> This is why I am no longer using gmail as my primary email service.   I am 
> now using cloud and have no problems and iCloud seems more reliable.  HTH.
> Matthew
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a clean 
>> install isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple finally admitted there is 
>> still a problem. What really annoys me is that Apple turns out is like every 
>> other company they lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple claimed 
>> they had fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.
>> So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my computer off or 
>> put it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half my emails are missing from 
>> gmail, and I think the sluggishness and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by 
>> gmail constantly searching making safari unusable at times, and the same 
>> with iTunes. Not sure if there is anything I could do, but this instability 
>> of Mavericks and one day the computer working and the next not reminds me of 
>> Windows. I hope this isn't the future of Apple releasing buggy updates. Very 
>> disappointing.
>> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Alex Hall
Hi everyone,
My sister uses Zoom on the Mac. A machine we have here is Lion, her laptop came 
with Mountain Lion, and now it has Mavericks. On all three operating systems, 
Zoom enlarges the menu bar, dock, and everything else just fine. I'm not sure 
what people are running into, but it is definitely not a shortcoming of the Mac 
itself. If you need more details, let me know and I can see exactly what 
settings she uses.

Have a great day,

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Daniel Hawkins  

> Hmm, I just downloaded Tinkertool, looks fully accessable by Voiceover. I 
> cannot see so but if you go under toolbar and click fronts, and play around 
> that.
> Here is the download page for Tinkertool
> Thanks,
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
> iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
> iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
> 4GB Dual Channel DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> NVDA installed
> Phonak Compilot
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> I found this option which seems like it will make all text larger.
>> Jim
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:
>>> Hi april,
>>> I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
>>> magnification for you?
>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>> On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
 Not comparable.  
 On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
 text can be increased minimally.
 On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it.  
 Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
 On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified 
 in the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as many 
 programs that have individual magnifiers.
 Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
 On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
 Hi everyone, 
 I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are 
 still able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
 supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
 Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
 mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
 screenreading software? 
 Thanks in advance, 
 Greetings, Anouk,
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread eric oyen
I wish I could run mt lion here. I have this silly 2007 white macbook. I might 
have to look into the X86 project and see if they have a version that can make 
this machine work with mt lion.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:42 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My sister uses Zoom on the Mac. A machine we have here is Lion, her laptop 
> came with Mountain Lion, and now it has Mavericks. On all three operating 
> systems, Zoom enlarges the menu bar, dock, and everything else just fine. I'm 
> not sure what people are running into, but it is definitely not a shortcoming 
> of the Mac itself. If you need more details, let me know and I can see 
> exactly what settings she uses.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:44 PM, Daniel Hawkins  
> wrote:
>> Hmm, I just downloaded Tinkertool, looks fully accessable by Voiceover. I 
>> cannot see so but if you go under toolbar and click fronts, and play around 
>> that.
>> Here is the download page for Tinkertool
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> iPhone 4S, 16GB, Jailbroken IOS 7.0.4
>> iPad 2nd Gen, 32gb
>> iPhone 3gs 8gb, as media player
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7, Turbo to 3.3Ghz
>> 4GB Dual Channel DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> NVDA installed
>> Phonak Compilot
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:18 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> I found this option which seems like it will make all text larger.
>>> Jim
>>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:20 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:
 Hi april,
 I have not much knowledge about this but cant  Zoom do the menu bar 
 magnification for you?
 Greetings, Anouk,
 On 05 Feb 2014, at 19:58, April  wrote:
> Not comparable.  
> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars.  Icon 
> text can be increased minimally.
> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices:  
> 1.  lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
> 2.  use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it. 
> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
> menu.
> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified 
> in the settings.  Can't remember the name of the setting.  As well as 
> many programs that have individual magnifiers.
> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine  are 
> still able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because 
> supernova is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems. 
> Are there people that can give an account how  magnification works on the 
> mac and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with 
> screenreading software? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address

2014-02-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Matthew. Does VO announce it as a popup? I just get "use for this group" with no indication of a button or popup or 
edit field.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:02 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:

> Hi,
> I  seem to have no problem with this.  I select the use pop up button and 
> though it is  not a traditional pop up it does work if you disable quick nav 
> if you are using it.  If not just using the arrows  it works fine for me.  it 
> works for me just fine.  HTH.
> Matthew
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to iCloud. I go to 
>> the groups page and press the "manage subscriptions button". Then I find a 
>> group and push this button again for the specific group. Then it says "use 
>> email address for this group", where email address is a specific email 
>> address. There is no indication that the address is clickable or that there 
>> is a dropdown, but according to Google help, there's an area in which you 
>> can edit the email address. How do you access this with VO?
>> thanks,
>> Teresa
>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>> -- 
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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread April
Please do find out what settings she uses to en large the menu.  It would 
help.  For a while anyway.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 4:42:57 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My sister uses Zoom on the Mac. A machine we have here is Lion, her laptop 
> came with Mountain Lion, and now it has Mavericks. On all three operating 
> systems, Zoom enlarges the menu bar, dock, and everything else just fine. 
> I'm not sure what people are running into, but it is definitely not a 
> shortcoming of the Mac itself. If you need more details, let me know and I 
> can see exactly what settings she uses.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex

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Mail not working on MacBook Pro anymore

2014-02-05 Thread Helena Fehr
Hi, all!
For some reason I wanted to check my mail  on my MacBook Pro today, and no 
matter what I do if I press any button to go down the list to start seeing 
what's in my inbox, a dialog box pops up and says "Problem report for mail: 
mail has quit unexpectedly; click reopen to launch mail again; this report will 
be sent to apple automatically," and so on and so forth, and then you can 
either press ok or reopen default to quit and relaunch mail. I've restarted my 
Mac and gone through the process over and over but no matter what I do the 
result is the same. Does anybody know what the heck is going on here? So far as 
I know it worked until today. I can't remember the last time I tried it before 
today, but I remember checking my mail with no problems previously, and today 
is the first day this happened. There's also some garbage about about 
configuration settings or something in the detail thing, but I know darned well 
I've never had problems with it before, and now all of a sudden there's nothing 
I can do with my mail on my Mac. Thank goodness I've got my iPad, or I'd really 
be screwed. Can someone please help?

God Bless!!!

May The Lord bless you and protect you; May the Lord's face radiate with joy 
because of you; may He be gracious to you, show you His favour and give you His 
Peace (Numbers 6:24-26(.
In Jesus Name. Amen.

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:01 PM, wrote:
>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> magnification on the mac [4 Updates]
> click2flash [4 Updates]
> Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious [1 Update]
> Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a 
> Different Email Address [1 Update]
> fix columns? [1 Update]
> how to select non contiguous items [4 Updates]
> is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour 
> and so on with voice over [2 Updates]
> 2nd Generation AppleTV and PlexConnect [1 Update]
> Updating iTunes [2 Updates]
> old mail showing up continually [1 Update]
> Any experience with Dragon Dictate? [1 Update]
> System preferences and creating new user issue [1 Update]
> switching from gMail to iCloud mail [2 Updates]
>  magnification on the mac
> Anouk Radix  Feb 05 07:50PM +0100  
> Hi everyone,
> I have been a blind mac user for years now. Some friends of mine are still 
> able to use magnification and some people ask me for advice because supernova 
> is crashy or jfw and magic are crashy on their systems.
> Are there people that can give an account how magnification works on the mac 
> and if it is comparable what you can get on a windows pc with screenreading 
> software?
> Thanks in advance,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> erik burggraaf  Feb 05 02:07PM -0500  
> Hi, Zoom doesn't have the huge feature set of zoomtext, but it does work very 
> well.
> For best performance you need a newer mac with the best display possible, 
> such as a macbook with retina display.
> Make sure accessibility shortcuts are turned on.
> Make sure smooth images is on.
> Make sure mouse tracking is set to move the window when the pointer reaches 
> an edge.
> You can also download a third party app to customize the cursors and pointers 
> on the mac so that you can have the red X or the yellow X or whatever is most 
> visible for you.
> I have a sheet around here to do with best practices for magnification which 
> I could send you if that will help.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> April  Feb 05 10:58AM -0800  
> Not comparable. 
> On the Mac there is no easy way to enlarge the menu or scrollbars. Icon 
> text can be increased minimally.
> On the Mac, there seem to be two choices: 
> 1. lower the resolution to magnify everything, or 
> 2. use an on screen magnifier, and not be able to read menus without it. 
> Many Mac programs have individual magnifiers for the text, though not the 
> menu.
> On Windows, everything, including menus and scrollbars, can be magnified in 
> the settings. Can't remember the name of the setting. As well as many 
> programs that have individual magnifiers.
> Even so, I prefer the Mac, since I have to learn VoiceOver.
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 1:50:15 PM UTC-5, Anouk wrote:
> erik burggraaf  Feb 05 02:10PM -0500  
> HI, You need to look again. The options to increase the sizes of dock and 
> menus are available in mountain line and up.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
>  click2flash
> Jim Gatteys  Feb 04 04:15PM -0600  
> My click2flash says 2.9.1 and there doesn't seem to be an update. I was 
> confused when I first got the extension beczused there was a program called 
> click2

Re: Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address

2014-02-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ok, I figured it out. I had to associate my email address with Google, 
and it now appears as a menu. Yay. The next time I send a message, it'll be 
from my iCloud account. yes.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Thanks, Matthew. Does VO announce it as a popup? I just get "use 
> for this group" with no indication of a button or popup 
> or edit field.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:02 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I  seem to have no problem with this.  I select the use pop up button and 
>> though it is  not a traditional pop up it does work if you disable quick nav 
>> if you are using it.  If not just using the arrows  it works fine for me.  
>> it works for me just fine.  HTH.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to iCloud. I go to 
>>> the groups page and press the "manage subscriptions button". Then I find a 
>>> group and push this button again for the specific group. Then it says "use 
>>> email address for this group", where email address is a specific email 
>>> address. There is no indication that the address is clickable or that there 
>>> is a dropdown, but according to Google help, there's an area in which you 
>>> can edit the email address. How do you access this with VO?
>>> thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>> -- 
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
You can always just call them and say you lost your key because your pc crashed.
Works here..

On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:43 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> It tells you after a while that the key isn’t activated and when you try it 
> says this key has been used on another machine. So you’d have to call them 
> and say, nope, it hasn’t or something like it.
> I know because I just copied from one mac to another.
> May and Prince Noah
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:12 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> As long as you aren't running the same key on two virtual machines at the 
>> same time, how would they know it's not the same machine?
>> CB
>> On 2/5/14 2:38 PM, Vivianna wrote:
>>> I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.
>>> someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
>>> machine.  hmmm?
>>> Vivianna
>>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
 You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
 product key.
 May and Prince Noah
 On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
> windows 7 over I am not sure.
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
>> hi all.
>> i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i 
>> purchase another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  
>> also, must i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer 
>> this one?
>> thanks much.
>> Vivianna
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>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Mavericks Desktop

2014-02-05 Thread Lee Jones
Dear List  I am curious about what people have on their mac desktops and how 
they got it there. I had an empty desktop when I got my mac.  On David 
Woodbridge's podcasts he had macintosh hd on his desktop.  I have made an alias 
for automator and copied it into the desktop folder and it does show up, not 
that I have found automator very useful.  I tried to create an alias for 
macintosh hd from the computer folder but it wouldn't let me.  I then went into 
system preferences for desktop and sscreensaver and chose add folder, and 
selected macintosh hd from the pop up but it still doesn't turn up on the 

Many Thanks Lee

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Re: magnification on the mac

2014-02-05 Thread Alex Hall
This is on Mavericks. Open System Preferences, Accessibility, and select Zoom 
from the table of items. The laptop I looked at has "full screen" set for the 
zoom style, instead of "picture in picture". Basically, with no settings 
touched at all, enabling Zoom should enlarge everything. Yes, most apps allow 
you to zoom, but that is not the same and will not affect the menu and dock 
sizes. Zoom itself, in System Preferences or cmd-option-8, will.

Have a great day,

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:53 PM, April  wrote:

> Please do find out what settings she uses to en large the menu.  It would 
> help.  For a while anyway.
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 4:42:57 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My sister uses Zoom on the Mac. A machine we have here is Lion, her laptop 
> came with Mountain Lion, and now it has Mavericks. On all three operating 
> systems, Zoom enlarges the menu bar, dock, and everything else just fine. I'm 
> not sure what people are running into, but it is definitely not a shortcoming 
> of the Mac itself. If you need more details, let me know and I can see 
> exactly what settings she uses.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex
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Adding a Folder in the iCloud Web interface?

2014-02-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I'd like to create folders and rules for my iCloud mail, via the web interface, 
so it will be synced between my Mac and iPod. I can't seem to have all 
mailboxes deselected so that the "add folder" button pops up on the web 
interface. All i get is a grayed-out 'delete folder button". I've tried the 
VO-command-enter keystroke in the folder list, and it is silent when I press 
VO-f6 to read the selection, but somehow it gets selected again. Is there a way 
I can add a folder on the web interface?


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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Phil Halton
Its more than just a matter of getting yelled at, or microsoft taking umbrage, 
Windows  will become deactivated and unusable if you just transfer the Vm file 
to another machine. When you move the VM, you must answer "move", when you are 
asked  y Fusion if you want to do a move or copy of the VM file to the new 
hardware. I believe this question is asked when you open the vm on the new 
hardware for the first time, but can't remember exactly. If you specify, copy,  
fusion will not transfer the authorization key and windows will deactivate. I 
know, I made that mistake when I brought my Windows7 vm over to my new MBA and 
didn't understand what I was being asked  u fusion. I answered "copy", and I 
had to reauthorize all my licenses including windows, office, and Jaws, and a 
few others I think - major pain in the a$$.

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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Phil Halton
that's true, microsoft will see the new installation and deactivate the copy.

On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Vivianna  wrote:

> I have the software copy of windows 7 as well as the key written down.  
> someone told me that i won't be able to use that same key on a second 
> machine.  hmmm?
> Vivianna
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:32 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> You can use the same version of vmware, but windows yells at you about the 
>> product key.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 2:29 PM, isaac  wrote:
>>> You should be able to use the same version and as far as transferring 
>>> windows 7 over I am not sure.
>>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:24 PM, Vivianna  wrote:
 hi all.
 i am currently using VMware fusion with a OEM of windows 7.  if i purchase 
 another machine can i use the same fusion that i already have?  also, must 
 i purchase another version of windows 7 or can i transfer this one?
 thanks much.
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Re: Google Groups settings Web Interface: How to Change Subscription to a Different Email Address

2014-02-05 Thread matthew Dyer

Yes it will say use x pop up button whare x is the email address.



On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:52 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Thanks, Matthew. Does VO announce it as a popup? I just get "use 
> for this group" with no indication of a button or popup 
> or edit field.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 1:02 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I  seem to have no problem with this.  I select the use pop up button and 
>> though it is  not a traditional pop up it does work if you disable quick nav 
>> if you are using it.  If not just using the arrows  it works fine for me.  
>> it works for me just fine.  HTH.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I'm trying to change my Google groups subscriptions over to iCloud. I go to 
>>> the groups page and press the "manage subscriptions button". Then I find a 
>>> group and push this button again for the specific group. Then it says "use 
>>> email address for this group", where email address is a specific email 
>>> address. There is no indication that the address is clickable or that there 
>>> is a dropdown, but according to Google help, there's an area in which you 
>>> can edit the email address. How do you access this with VO?
>>> thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>> -- 
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Re: Gmail Issues are Starting To Get Hilarious

2014-02-05 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Matthew,

Yeah this is a major consideration, just dreading having to switch all of my 
mailing lists, plus I have thousands of emails in archived folders in gmail, so 
completely deleting gmail from my computer would be a very long process.
On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:10 PM, matthew Dyer  wrote:

> i,
> This is why I am no longer using gmail as my primary email service.   I am 
> now using cloud and have no problems and iCloud seems more reliable.  HTH.
> Matthew
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Every day it is something new with Gmail and MacMail, and no, a clean 
>> install isn't going to fix a thing. At least Apple finally admitted there is 
>> still a problem. What really annoys me is that Apple turns out is like every 
>> other company they lie. I waited to install Mavericks until Apple claimed 
>> they had fixed the problem which they claimed they did in December.
>> So everything was working fine yesterday, I didn't turn my computer off or 
>> put it to sleep, and bingo this morning, half my emails are missing from 
>> gmail, and I think the sluggishness and VoiceOver choppiness is caused by 
>> gmail constantly searching making safari unusable at times, and the same 
>> with iTunes. Not sure if there is anything I could do, but this instability 
>> of Mavericks and one day the computer working and the next not reminds me of 
>> Windows. I hope this isn't the future of Apple releasing buggy updates. Very 
>> disappointing.
>> -- 
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Re: Mavericks Desktop

2014-02-05 Thread matthew Dyer

If you want your hard drive to show up you  can go to finder preferences and 
look in general settings and there is a check box that if enabled it will allow 
macintosh hd  visible on the desktop.  HTH.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:02 PM, Lee Jones  wrote:

> Dear List  I am curious about what people have on their mac desktops and how 
> they got it there. I had an empty desktop when I got my mac.  On David 
> Woodbridge's podcasts he had macintosh hd on his desktop.  I have made an 
> alias for automator and copied it into the desktop folder and it does show 
> up, not that I have found automator very useful.  I tried to create an alias 
> for macintosh hd from the computer folder but it wouldn't let me.  I then 
> went into system preferences for desktop and sscreensaver and chose add 
> folder, and selected macintosh hd from the pop up but it still doesn't turn 
> up on the desktop.  
> Many Thanks Lee
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Re: Adding a Folder in the iCloud Web interface?

2014-02-05 Thread Alex Hall
I had to hit the "get mail" button, then a menu appeared where I could set 
several options. I used it to make a message rule, but I think you could create 
folders from it as well.

Have a great day,

On Feb 5, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'd like to create folders and rules for my iCloud mail, via the web 
> interface, so it will be synced between my Mac and iPod. I can't seem to have 
> all mailboxes deselected so that the "add folder" button pops up on the web 
> interface. All i get is a grayed-out 'delete folder button". I've tried the 
> VO-command-enter keystroke in the folder list, and it is silent when I press 
> VO-f6 to read the selection, but somehow it gets selected again. Is there a 
> way I can add a folder on the web interface?
> thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour and so on with voice over

2014-02-05 Thread Dean Adams
Hi John,
Thankyou for that is there also a key combo for getting the webpage 
attriubutes like foreground and background colour etc. Are these key combo's 
listed anywhere. many thanks 
Regards Dean
Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
Voip phone: +6124307 9248
landline Phone: +61243892195
Mobile: +61428133758
Skype and Twitter : deanadams9

On 6 Feb 2014, at 12:58 am, John Panarese  wrote:

>   Yes.  Control-option-t will identify text attributes, including color, size 
> and font.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Dean Adams  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>  I have been asked by a friend who uses jaws on a pc if voice over can 
>> give you webpage attributes like webpage text size and colour background and 
>> forground colour insert 5 then insert f . C;ould not find anything on voice 
>> over for this .
>> Regards Dean
>> Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
>> Voip phone: +6124307 9248
>> landline Phone: +61243892195
>> Mobile: +61428133758
>> Skype and Twitter : deanadams9
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Re: Adding a Folder in the iCloud Web interface?

2014-02-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

If you create the folders on your Mac and ensure that they are within the 
iCloud mail account, they will sync between all devices and you shouldn't need 
to deal with the web-interface for this.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 5, 2014, at 4:11 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'd like to create folders and rules for my iCloud mail, via the web 
> interface, so it will be synced between my Mac and iPod. I can't seem to have 
> all mailboxes deselected so that the "add folder" button pops up on the web 
> interface. All i get is a grayed-out 'delete folder button". I've tried the 
> VO-command-enter keystroke in the folder list, and it is silent when I press 
> VO-f6 to read the selection, but somehow it gets selected again. Is there a 
> way I can add a folder on the web interface?
> thanks,
> Teresa
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Re: is there a key combo for getting webpage attributes like text size and colour and so on with voice over

2014-02-05 Thread John Panarese
   I would think the same command would work on web content.  If you do a 
control-option-h twice for the commands menu, you can get a list of all 
VoiceOver commands based on specific categories.  So, for example, text 
commands, web commands, etc.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Feb 5, 2014, at 8:13 PM, Dean Adams  wrote:

> Hi John,
>   Thankyou for that is there also a key combo for getting the webpage 
> attriubutes like foreground and background colour etc. Are these key combo's 
> listed anywhere. many thanks 
> Regards Dean
> Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
> Voip phone: +6124307 9248
> landline Phone: +61243892195
> Mobile: +61428133758
> Skype and Twitter : deanadams9
> On 6 Feb 2014, at 12:58 am, John Panarese  wrote:
>>  Yes.  Control-option-t will identify text attributes, including color, size 
>> and font.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On Feb 5, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Dean Adams  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have been asked by a friend who uses jaws on a pc if voice over can 
>>> give you webpage attributes like webpage text size and colour background 
>>> and forground colour insert 5 then insert f . C;ould not find anything on 
>>> voice over for this .
>>> Regards Dean
>>> Sent from Dean Adams Macbook Pro
>>> Voip phone: +6124307 9248
>>> landline Phone: +61243892195
>>> Mobile: +61428133758
>>> Skype and Twitter : deanadams9
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How to map a network drive in OSX 10.91?

2014-02-05 Thread Jared

I need help mapping a network drive in OSX 10.91. I am able to connect to 
the share on the server I want and when I look in the terminal I can see 
it’s mounted at /Volumes/music. When I look at the list of things I can add 
under login options I see “All files”, documents, music, etc. I am unable 
to select the volume I want to mount. I assume I need to somehow click “All 
files” and brows from there but am unable to do this. Any help with this 
would be appreciated.

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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Vivianna
thanks for this information.  i have it in my notes.
move, don't copy.


On Feb 5, 2014, at 5:37 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Its more than just a matter of getting yelled at, or microsoft taking 
> umbrage, Windows  will become deactivated and unusable if you just transfer 
> the Vm file to another machine. When you move the VM, you must answer "move", 
> when you are asked  y Fusion if you want to do a move or copy of the VM file 
> to the new hardware. I believe this question is asked when you open the vm on 
> the new hardware for the first time, but can't remember exactly. If you 
> specify, copy,  fusion will not transfer the authorization key and windows 
> will deactivate. I know, I made that mistake when I brought my Windows7 vm 
> over to my new MBA and didn't understand what I was being asked  u fusion. I 
> answered "copy", and I had to reauthorize all my licenses including windows, 
> office, and Jaws, and a few others I think - major pain in the a$$.
> -- 
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Re: How to map a network drive in OSX 10.91?

2014-02-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

Here you go.  This process will work in most versions of the MacOS.

1.  Log in and mount the volume you wish to always connect to.
2.  Go to the Users & Groups pane in System Preferences.
3.  VO-space on the Login Items tab.
4.  Navigate right to the Add Login Item button.
5.  Press cmd-shift-c to list all mounted volumes.
6.  Select the volume you wish automatically mounted.
7.  Press the Add or Open button or whatever it is in this dialog.

All done.  Now, whenever you log into your user account, this volume will be 
mounted.  I also prefer to have connected server volumes to have an icon 
displayed on the Desktop as I prefer accessing things that way instead of 
always having to mess with the Sidebar.  To do this, if you're interested:

1.  Go to your Finder.
2.  Press cmd-comma to open Finder Preferences.
3.  In the General pane, make sure that the checkbox for Connected Servers is 
4.  Close your Finder Prefs.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Feb 5, 2014, at 7:38 PM, Jared  wrote:

> I need help mapping a network drive in OSX 10.91. I am able to connect to the 
> share on the server I want and when I look in the terminal I can see it's 
> mounted at /Volumes/music. When I look at the list of things I can add under 
> login options I see "All files", documents, music, etc. I am unable to select 
> the volume I want to mount. I assume I need to somehow click "All files" and 
> brows from there but am unable to do this. Any help with this would be 
> appreciated.
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Re: question about VMware fusion on new MBA

2014-02-05 Thread Mike Arrigo
Right, if you copy it, it will change a bunch of things, such as the network 
address. Moving is definitely preferable.
On Feb 5, 2014, at 9:07 PM, Vivianna  wrote:

> thanks for this information.  i have it in my notes.
> move, don't copy.
> Vivianna
> On Feb 5, 2014, at 5:37 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>> Its more than just a matter of getting yelled at, or microsoft taking 
>> umbrage, Windows  will become deactivated and unusable if you just transfer 
>> the Vm file to another machine. When you move the VM, you must answer 
>> "move", when you are asked  y Fusion if you want to do a move or copy of the 
>> VM file to the new hardware. I believe this question is asked when you open 
>> the vm on the new hardware for the first time, but can't remember exactly. 
>> If you specify, copy,  fusion will not transfer the authorization key and 
>> windows will deactivate. I know, I made that mistake when I brought my 
>> Windows7 vm over to my new MBA and didn't understand what I was being asked  
>> u fusion. I answered "copy", and I had to reauthorize all my licenses 
>> including windows, office, and Jaws, and a few others I think - major pain 
>> in the a$$.
>> -- 
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do new Mac Minis have CD ROM drives anymore?

2014-02-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs

I have three  questions:
1.  do new Mac Minis  have CD ROM drives anymore?  I'm thinking of buying a 
new one to replace my aging XP DAW, and wonder how I'm going to get all my 
soft synth libraries installed if there is no CD-ROM drive on the machine. 
 the specs my wife read to me made no mention of a CD-DVD drive.  

2.  the next question is this, what is the maximum amount of RAM Apple will 
put in a Mac Mini?  Is it 8GB or 16GB?

3.  I bought my first Mac  Mini in 2010 and tried to run it without a 
Monitor.  As I recall, I was successful.  but I recall there being some 
discussion about how Mac Minis of that era ran sluggishly or not at all 
with VO if a monitor was not connected.  For reasons of portability, I 
would like the option of being able to use my Mac Mini without a monitor if 
I happen to be in a place where a suitable monitor isn't available, but all 
the rest of my easily transportable stuff, small MIDi keyboard, small flash 
drives, etc are in my small backpack.  Does anyone know if current Mac 
Minis can or can't use VoiceOver in the absence of a monitor?


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