Re: New to the the Mac, and the dictation program.

2014-01-08 Thread April Brown
Hi Daniel,

  I understand totally.  Speaking and listening are exhausting to me.  
Which is one reason VoiceOver will be so difficult to learn.  My State 
Representative thinks I'd do good for call center from home.Yeah.  I 
comprehend about 1 word out of 10 from  most people.  And lately sales reps 
on the phone have been so hyper auctioneer fast, that after telling them to 
slow down three times, I often have to give up.

  The main reason I need Dictation to work, is my fingers don't work 
well on the keyboard anymore.  Even though I hear the letters pressed, half 
don't show up, or sometimes, odd letters end up in the middle of words that 
I know I didn't push.  And yeah.  My jaw hurt from spending the day trying 
to get Dictation to work yesterday.

  As for my writing, I write young adult adventure novels, with little 
to no romance.  I also have a cookbook and a memory loss workbook.  
Planning to self publish soon, though waiting on a novel in a contest.

Have a great day!


On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 7:31:23 PM UTC-5, Daniel Hawkins wrote:
> Welcome to the list!
> I am too am blind, pretty much went completely blind since last year. I’m 
> considered profoundly deaf and wear a digital hearing aid and I can hear my 
> Mac and iPhone thru my bluetooth device called a Phonak Compilot. So I 
> understand your frustration. Expecially learning Voiceover. I got my Mac 
> since last March and I had zero experience with Apple. Everything I learned 
> was thru just randomly typing the keyboard and reading help menu and from 
> what others said. I tried several times calling the Apple accessabilty 
> hotline, and they are not very knowledgeable.
> I for one do not use dictation because i don’t hear and speak that well. 
> And by now you probably can tell my grammar is horrible. My english was 
> never was good.
> I am right now am trying to type up a book and have no clue what to do. My 
> grammar is so bad,  will need a serious editor. So I can understand about 
> editing using a screenreader and no braille display. Just recently I just 
> completed grade 1 braille, so I am going to get a braille display soon. So 
> hopefully I can edit better.
> I’m courious, what novels do you write?
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:30 PM, April Brown > 
> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
>   Thanks for letting me know.  I thought dictation was supposed to be 
> for full dictation, instead it's a helper program which is okay.
>   I've looked at the Applevis site some.  I haven't done any of the 
> videos or podcasts as most of those speak too fast for me to comprehend. 
>I wouldn't try Dragon again.  I think it was installed over 20 
> times on three different windows machines. One day when my eye hurt so bad 
> I couldn't keep it open, I looked up and the only thing it had on the 
> screen was a pop-up asking me if I wanted to uninstall Windows.  So 
> apparently my voice is too strange for Dragon.  They also say I had to 
> reinstall Windows several times because Dragon would crash it to the point 
> where it wouldn't even turn on. I will keep looking though. Once I learn 
> Braille well enough there are Braille displays that can be used.
> Thanks, I won't feel like I'm doing it wrong now.
> April
> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:37:31 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
>> Welcome to the list.
>> Dictation on the Mac is not meant to be a keyboard replacement across the 
>> board - there is no way to teach it new words or enter alternative modes to 
>> get it to input numbers instead of words. If dictation is your primary 
>> means of interacting with the computer, you might want to look into paid 
>> solutions like Dragon Naturally Speaking. Unfortunately, I have no 
>> experience with Dragon so cannot say how well it will work with Voiceover 
>> or Zoom.
>> As for Voiceover training, it is quite a learning curve, to be sure. I'd 
>> first go to where you will find podcasts and guides on 
>> all things Voiceover for the Mac and iOS. They also offer app entries which 
>> discuss apps from an accessibility perspective. Most visually impaired 
>> Apple users consider this to be an indispensable resource.
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 11:05 AM, April Brown  wrote:
>> I am legally blind, and wear a hearing aid, among other health problems.  
>> In this cold my fingers are not able to use the keyboard at all.  
>> I am trying to learn the dictation program and having difficultly.  I 
>> bought my new Mac mini about three weeks ago.  In general, dictation works 
>> well in e-mail and social media. There are some words it cannot seem to 
>> understand no matter what and other words it gets part of time.
>> I did contact Apple customer support chat system, as well as have had one 
>> on one training on Satu

Re: Using Dragon Experience On The PC Side

2014-01-08 Thread April Brown
Hi Eileen, 

 I had version 11 when it first came out.  The last try - we took the 
computer back to the store and had them install it.  (Now remember, I've 
reformatted hard drives, and set up many a computer).  After training it 
the recommended nine hours.  It worked about an hour.  Several lost days of 
work.   Speaking is exhausting.  I think with my hearing loss, programs jut 
cant understand me, even if people still can.

Thanks for asking,


On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 2:39:34 PM UTC-5, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
> Hello April, 
> I would like to know which version of Dragon you were using? I have Dragon 
> Naturally Speaking Preferred 12.5 installed on my PC, running JAWS 15. I am 
> able to navigate the desktop, open programs, dictate, and edit my docs 
> either by using Dragon or a combination of Dragon and JAWS. I can't speak 
> for the Mac side because I don't have Dragon installed there. I know it can 
> be finicky, but like all programs you need to spend time with it. It seems 
> like Dragon and your PC didn't like each other and caused more problems 
> than it was worth. I'm hoping that there are others on this list that can 
> chime in on their experiences with Dragon on the Mac side. 
> Cheers, 
> Eileen 
> Sent from my iPhone

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Does Dictation have a page limit in Pages for working?

2014-01-08 Thread April Brown
Although I my have to limit my use of Dictation to non-novels, I still need 
to know if Dictation has a page limit.

It works well in social media, email, and Page documents under 5 pages.  If 
the Pages document is more than twenty pages long, I only get the color 
wheel, and it crashes and won't reopen.  It also doesn't try to add words 
to the document.

Is there a page limit in Pages?


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Re: Does Dictation have a page limit in Pages for working?

2014-01-08 Thread Jessica D
I have never done a dictation that long. Are you using inhanced dictation? If 
not, i recommend it or you can only dictate 30 seconds at one time.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 8:07 AM, April Brown  wrote:
> Although I my have to limit my use of Dictation to non-novels, I still need 
> to know if Dictation has a page limit.
> It works well in social media, email, and Page documents under 5 pages.  If 
> the Pages document is more than twenty pages long, I only get the color 
> wheel, and it crashes and won't reopen.  It also doesn't try to add words to 
> the document.
> Is there a page limit in Pages?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Does Dictation have a page limit in Pages for working?

2014-01-08 Thread April Brown
Hi Jessica,

 Yes, I am using Enhanced Dictation.  If I open a 100 page document, 
about 1/3 of  novel length, it only crashes, and won't record a single 

On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 8:45:10 AM UTC-5, Jessica D wrote:
> I have never done a dictation that long. Are you using inhanced dictation? 
> If not, i recommend it or you can only dictate 30 seconds at one time.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 8, 2014, at 8:07 AM, April Brown > 
> wrote:
> Although I my have to limit my use of Dictation to non-novels, I still 
> need to know if Dictation has a page limit.
> It works well in social media, email, and Page documents under 5 pages.  
> If the Pages document is more than twenty pages long, I only get the color 
> wheel, and it crashes and won't reopen.  It also doesn't try to add words 
> to the document.
> Is there a page limit in Pages?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: VO Choppy in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Daniel Hawkins
I have 4gb or RAM and a hard drive. I’m am not experiencing the stuttering 
problem. I wonder what is your voice speed? Mine is at 40 and I’m using Alex, 
the only voice i can understand.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 7, 2014, at 11:46 PM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:

> I am just guessing here. I believe the ones who experience choppiness have 
> one common hardware. The spinning hard drive. Those who have an ssd hard 
> drive do not experience this. SSD is the best uppgrade in the computer world 
> since 2005. Make the computer load programs much faster and read/worite 
> speed. I experienced this amazing difference on a Windows pc a while back. I 
> had a payment plan, monthly payments  and still has, from my favorite 
> computer store.
> I just had to point this important factor. Run programs on the ssd and store 
> program work and other stuff on external spinning hard drive is an option. 
> Although the automatic translator translate ssd to sad, hmmm...   
> Take care
> 8. jan. 2014 kl. 05:51 skrev Brian Fischler :
> Hey all,
> I changed the voice as I was using Eve and Alex where I noticed the most 
> choppiness. I forget what voice I am using now, but the choppiness seems to 
> have died down a lot. Strange. Really loving Mavericks for the most part not 
> sure what it is, if I set some things different in verbosity or what but I 
> really love the typing echo and much easier to differentiate between caps and 
> such and deleting text. Really love it, do get the occasional busy busy in 
> certain areas, I guess that will never be gone, but I only got 4 GB of RAM on 
> this machine so that could be the cause. Going to look in to upgrading to 8 
> or 16 GB of RAM.
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Daniel Hawkins  
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Not choppy for me. But I do know when I look into a long thread in mail, it 
>> would skip mail. Say for example like this thread, I’d would scroll down and 
>> see one mail, then we I go back one it will name several that I skipped. It 
>> can get frustrating.
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>> 4GB DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Thanks Alex. Not sure yet as I just got Mavericks installed, but will check 
>>> it out in other areas besides mail. I noticed it a little on my laptop but 
>>> not as bad as on my 2010 iMac.
>>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 VO is choppy for me every so often, and arrowing along is sometimes part 
 of that, yes. However, I can't say I've paid enough attention to notice if 
 the choppiness only happens when arrowing, but I'll watch for it. Does 
 this happen when arrowing anywhere, like in a wordprocessor, or just in 
 On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:55 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
> I don't experience this issue. 
> Hope Paulos
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Curious if anyone has noticed this, as I find VO is very choppy in 
>> Mavericks when reading mail with VO and use the arrows to go through a 
>> message, however if I use VO A to read all VO is not choppy. Sometimes I 
>> like to just use the arrows to quickly go through a message, and have 
>> noticed this choppiness with two different voices on two different Macs 
>> running VO. I am also noticing a lot of busy messages in mail. Ugh, busy 
>> busy busy. Thanks.
>> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: New to the the Mac, and the dictation program.

2014-01-08 Thread Daniel Hawkins

Hmm since you are having problems with typing with your hands. Have you looked 
to I think called sticky keys? Just an idea and I never looked into it. Have 
you looked into special keyboards. Also, have you tried or used a Perkins keys 
for braille? Just some ideas. But if you have already considered these, please 
disregard those ideas.

I for one am 29, and I have stiffness in my hands, especially my left hand. 
Holding shift and hitting keys q, w, z, x, and the number rols, tab keys and 
the keys on the right side I can’t hit on a typical typing fashion. And when my 
hands get cold I find it very very hard to type or flex my fingers and sign in 
American Sign Laguage.

So, I really do hope you can find a solution. 
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 8, 2014, at 5:58 AM, April Brown  wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
>   I understand totally.  Speaking and listening are exhausting to me.  
> Which is one reason VoiceOver will be so difficult to learn.  My State 
> Representative thinks I'd do good for call center from home.Yeah.  I 
> comprehend about 1 word out of 10 from  most people.  And lately sales reps 
> on the phone have been so hyper auctioneer fast, that after telling them to 
> slow down three times, I often have to give up.
>   The main reason I need Dictation to work, is my fingers don't work well 
> on the keyboard anymore.  Even though I hear the letters pressed, half don't 
> show up, or sometimes, odd letters end up in the middle of words that I know 
> I didn't push.  And yeah.  My jaw hurt from spending the day trying to get 
> Dictation to work yesterday.
>   As for my writing, I write young adult adventure novels, with little to 
> no romance.  I also have a cookbook and a memory loss workbook.  Planning to 
> self publish soon, though waiting on a novel in a contest.
> Have a great day!
> April
> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 7:31:23 PM UTC-5, Daniel Hawkins wrote:
> Welcome to the list!
> I am too am blind, pretty much went completely blind since last year. I’m 
> considered profoundly deaf and wear a digital hearing aid and I can hear my 
> Mac and iPhone thru my bluetooth device called a Phonak Compilot. So I 
> understand your frustration. Expecially learning Voiceover. I got my Mac 
> since last March and I had zero experience with Apple. Everything I learned 
> was thru just randomly typing the keyboard and reading help menu and from 
> what others said. I tried several times calling the Apple accessabilty 
> hotline, and they are not very knowledgeable.
> I for one do not use dictation because i don’t hear and speak that well. And 
> by now you probably can tell my grammar is horrible. My english was never was 
> good.
> I am right now am trying to type up a book and have no clue what to do. My 
> grammar is so bad,  will need a serious editor. So I can understand about 
> editing using a screenreader and no braille display. Just recently I just 
> completed grade 1 braille, so I am going to get a braille display soon. So 
> hopefully I can edit better.
> I’m courious, what novels do you write?
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:30 PM, April Brown  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>>   Thanks for letting me know.  I thought dictation was supposed to be 
>> for full dictation, instead it's a helper program which is okay.
>>   I've looked at the Applevis site some.  I haven't done any of the 
>> videos or podcasts as most of those speak too fast for me to comprehend. 
>>I wouldn't try Dragon again.  I think it was installed over 20 times 
>> on three different windows machines. One day when my eye hurt so bad I 
>> couldn't keep it open, I looked up and the only thing it had on the screen 
>> was a pop-up asking me if I wanted to uninstall Windows.  So apparently my 
>> voice is too strange for Dragon.  They also say I had to reinstall Windows 
>> several times because Dragon would crash it to the point where it wouldn't 
>> even turn on. I will keep looking though. Once I learn Braille well enough 
>> there are Braille displays that can be used.
>> Thanks, I won't feel like I'm doing it wrong now.
>> April
>> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:37:31 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
>> Welcome to the list.
>> Dictation on the Mac is not meant to be a keyboard replacement across the 
>> board - there is no way to teach it new words or enter alternative modes to 
>> get it to input numbers instead of words. If dictation is your primary means 
>> of interacting with the computer, you might want to look into paid solutions 
>> like Dragon Naturally Speaking. Unfortunately, I have no experience with 
>> Dragon so cannot say how well it will work

Re: Does Dictation have a page limit in Pages for working?

2014-01-08 Thread Daniel Hawkins

I don’t think there is a limit. But there could be a possibly that it depends 
on your hardware. If you have more RAM and have SSD it would be more reliable 
and quicker for your Mac to keep up. So as to elimate the buffering done to 
translate to text.

Just an idea, and hope someone more experienced can chime in.
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 8, 2014, at 7:50 AM, April Brown  wrote:

> Hi Jessica,
>  Yes, I am using Enhanced Dictation.  If I open a 100 page document, 
> about 1/3 of  novel length, it only crashes, and won't record a single word.,
> On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 8:45:10 AM UTC-5, Jessica D wrote:
> I have never done a dictation that long. Are you using inhanced dictation? If 
> not, i recommend it or you can only dictate 30 seconds at one time.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 8, 2014, at 8:07 AM, April Brown  wrote:
>> Although I my have to limit my use of Dictation to non-novels, I still need 
>> to know if Dictation has a page limit.
>> It works well in social media, email, and Page documents under 5 pages.  If 
>> the Pages document is more than twenty pages long, I only get the color 
>> wheel, and it crashes and won't reopen.  It also doesn't try to add words to 
>> the document.
>> Is there a page limit in Pages?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: VO Choppy in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Tim Kilburn

While I agree with Terje that the SSD HD does amazing things for your computer 
performance, I only have a spinning HD in my MBP and don’t experience the 
choppiness with VO.  I don’t experience it with my 2009 iMac running OS Server 
either, which has a spinning HD as well.  In both cases, my units were upgraded 
to Mavericks, not clean installed. I do primarily use Alex so voice choice may 
be a factor.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Jan 7, 2014, at 10:46 PM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:

> I am just guessing here. I believe the ones who experience choppiness have 
> one common hardware. The spinning hard drive. Those who have an ssd hard 
> drive do not experience this. SSD is the best uppgrade in the computer world 
> since 2005. Make the computer load programs much faster and read/worite 
> speed. I experienced this amazing difference on a Windows pc a while back. I 
> had a payment plan, monthly payments  and still has, from my favorite 
> computer store.
> I just had to point this important factor. Run programs on the ssd and store 
> program work and other stuff on external spinning hard drive is an option. 
> Although the automatic translator translate ssd to sad, hmmm...   
> Take care
> 8. jan. 2014 kl. 05:51 skrev Brian Fischler :
> Hey all,
> I changed the voice as I was using Eve and Alex where I noticed the most 
> choppiness. I forget what voice I am using now, but the choppiness seems to 
> have died down a lot. Strange. Really loving Mavericks for the most part not 
> sure what it is, if I set some things different in verbosity or what but I 
> really love the typing echo and much easier to differentiate between caps and 
> such and deleting text. Really love it, do get the occasional busy busy in 
> certain areas, I guess that will never be gone, but I only got 4 GB of RAM on 
> this machine so that could be the cause. Going to look in to upgrading to 8 
> or 16 GB of RAM.
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Daniel Hawkins  
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Not choppy for me. But I do know when I look into a long thread in mail, it 
>> would skip mail. Say for example like this thread, I’d would scroll down and 
>> see one mail, then we I go back one it will name several that I skipped. It 
>> can get frustrating.
>> Daniel Hawkins
>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>> 4GB DDR3
>> 500GB HDD
>> Dual Boot:
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Thanks Alex. Not sure yet as I just got Mavericks installed, but will check 
>>> it out in other areas besides mail. I noticed it a little on my laptop but 
>>> not as bad as on my 2010 iMac.
>>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 VO is choppy for me every so often, and arrowing along is sometimes part 
 of that, yes. However, I can't say I've paid enough attention to notice if 
 the choppiness only happens when arrowing, but I'll watch for it. Does 
 this happen when arrowing anywhere, like in a wordprocessor, or just in 
 On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:55 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
> I don't experience this issue. 
> Hope Paulos
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Curious if anyone has noticed this, as I find VO is very choppy in 
>> Mavericks when reading mail with VO and use the arrows to go through a 
>> message, however if I use VO A to read all VO is not choppy. Sometimes I 
>> like to just use the arrows to quickly go through a message, and have 
>> noticed this choppiness with two different voices on two different Macs 
>> running VO. I am also noticing a lot of busy messages in mail. Ugh, busy 
>> busy busy. Thanks.
>> -- 
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>> an email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
 You received this message because you

Re: editing a pdf

2014-01-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hey again Paul 
I have, as I said, PDF Pen Pro on my computer, and have had for some time. I 
just kept letting it update itself. 

I did some experimentation with the IRS web site, and here's what I think I 
have figured out, and I think we have it at least as good as blind Windows 
users. PDF Pen Pro is even faster than Windows, at least with Adobe and JAWS. 

I tried using a form that had not been altered for screen readers, and forget 
it. It would read but not edit, at least I couldn't get it to work. However, 
the accessible versions that have been altered for screen readers work fine 
with PDF Pen Pro, using the tab key to go from field to field, just like in 
Windows. This makes me happy, although I may have to bother the Alternative 
Media Center to get out that Schedule C. 

On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:20 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hey Pauul! Guess what! PDF Pen works better than it did under Mountain Lion. 
> I just called up a 1040 for 2010 to see what would haspen. It let me start 
> editing the file. Not only that, it didn't take as long as it does under 
> Windows to load in the file. I might just might try it this year for 2013 
> taxes when the forms are available. You may not remember, but I had all kinds 
> of grief with Tax Act last year when it took me three miserable days to get 
> my Schedule C done. 
> I almost fell over when VoiceOver said EDIT TEXT. I just guessed that the tab 
> key would work for going from fiebbd like in Windows. Now I will tell you 
> that I used the accessible files that IRS puts out for its forms. I don't 
> know what would happen if I try the others, but I will sooner or later to see 
> if we still need special pdf versions for it to work. This sure beats what we 
> had before. Maybe I'll get busy and try Preview as well. 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Paul 
>> I still have a copy PDFPen on my Mac. I will try it again and see if it will 
>> work now since I just left it installed and did nothing with it for a while. 
>> Since I paid for it, I kept hoping the developers would get the point that 
>> we need PDF ediging. I will try it out again and let you know. I have kept 
>> abbl my programs updated, so if it's changed it should work. 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi
>> On Jan 5, 2014, at 9:04 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I've heard that pdf pen is supposed to let you edit a pdf. Does anyone here 
>>> have experience with editing pdf files?
>>> Regards,
>>> Paul.
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IMud for IOS is ready for beta testing

2014-01-08 Thread Tyler Thompson
Hello, for those if you interested I've got iMud working on the iPhone. (IPad 
version coming very soon). 

If you're interested in beta testing the accessible mud client please send me 
your device ID in a private email and we will get you set up

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: IMud for IOS is ready for beta testing

2014-01-08 Thread Stacey Robinson
What is iMud?
I might be interested.

Stacey Robinson

On Jan 8, 2014, at 10:44 AM, Tyler Thompson wrote:

> Hello, for those if you interested I've got iMud working on the iPhone. (IPad 
> version coming very soon). 
> If you're interested in beta testing the accessible mud client please send me 
> your device ID in a private email and we will get you set up
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Christopher Edwards

Thank you for this and sorry for the delayed reply. When I went back to the 
Apple store your instructions did not work and it was the same machine I had 
used previously. However, swapping machines produced the cresults you 
described. At first I found it slightly confusing but when it was explained to 
me what was happening on screen it made sense.


From: David Taylor 
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, and 
vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and command-right 
to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your appointments during the 
selected month too. 


On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28, Christopher Edwards  


  Happy New Year to you all.

  I have been using some of my One-to-One training sessions at the local Apple 
store to have a look at Mavericks before upgrading.

  The first problem I encountered is with the Calendar. In Month View, I cannot 
navigate to either the end of the month or the beginning of the month. which 
one seems to depend on the current date. When I go forward as far as I can I 
suddenly get switched back to the beginning of the month. If I do the reverse I 
get switched back to the last day in the month that I could reach by navigating 
forward. I hope this makes sense. I was trapped in a section of the month that 
either started on the first day but stopped before the end or ended on the last 
day but did not go back to the beginning.

  The trainer told me that there was a scroll icon to click but Voiceover 
cannot find this. We tried other views but still had scrolling problems. He 
told me that in Day View I could scroll up and down by using a two finger flick 
up or down on the track pad but this did not work either despite trying various 
possibilities. I must say that so far this is quite a disappointment.

  I am wondering if this is a genuine issue with Voiceover and the calendar or 
whether it is due to an error on my part. I have tried all the tracking options 
I can think of and also routing the mouse to the last or first date to which I 
can navigate and clicking the track pad. However nothing seems to work.

  If any of you have any suggestions about what I might do they would be 
greatly appreciated.

  Many thanks,


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Re: VO Choppy in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Brian Fischler
When I was experiencing the choppiness with Alex and Eve it was 60%. I am not 
having the choppiness issue with Samantha at 60%. Thanks for letting me know 
that you are not having the problem with only 4GB of RAM as that is what I have 
On Jan 8, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Daniel Hawkins  

> I have 4gb or RAM and a hard drive. I’m am not experiencing the stuttering 
> problem. I wonder what is your voice speed? Mine is at 40 and I’m using Alex, 
> the only voice i can understand.
> Daniel Hawkins
> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
> 2.3 Quad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 11:46 PM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:
>> I am just guessing here. I believe the ones who experience choppiness have 
>> one common hardware. The spinning hard drive. Those who have an ssd hard 
>> drive do not experience this. SSD is the best uppgrade in the computer world 
>> since 2005. Make the computer load programs much faster and read/worite 
>> speed. I experienced this amazing difference on a Windows pc a while back. I 
>> had a payment plan, monthly payments  and still has, from my favorite 
>> computer store.
>> I just had to point this important factor. Run programs on the ssd and store 
>> program work and other stuff on external spinning hard drive is an option. 
>> Although the automatic translator translate ssd to sad, hmmm...   
>> Take care
>> 8. jan. 2014 kl. 05:51 skrev Brian Fischler :
>> Hey all,
>> I changed the voice as I was using Eve and Alex where I noticed the most 
>> choppiness. I forget what voice I am using now, but the choppiness seems to 
>> have died down a lot. Strange. Really loving Mavericks for the most part not 
>> sure what it is, if I set some things different in verbosity or what but I 
>> really love the typing echo and much easier to differentiate between caps 
>> and such and deleting text. Really love it, do get the occasional busy busy 
>> in certain areas, I guess that will never be gone, but I only got 4 GB of 
>> RAM on this machine so that could be the cause. Going to look in to 
>> upgrading to 8 or 16 GB of RAM.
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 PM, Daniel Hawkins  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Not choppy for me. But I do know when I look into a long thread in mail, it 
>>> would skip mail. Say for example like this thread, I’d would scroll down 
>>> and see one mail, then we I go back one it will name several that I 
>>> skipped. It can get frustrating.
>>> Daniel Hawkins
>>> - Posted from my Macbook Pro
>>> 2012 15in. Macbook Pro
>>> 2.3 Quad-core i7
>>> 4GB DDR3
>>> 500GB HDD
>>> Dual Boot:
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
>>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Thanks Alex. Not sure yet as I just got Mavericks installed, but will 
 check it out in other areas besides mail. I noticed it a little on my 
 laptop but not as bad as on my 2010 iMac.
 On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> VO is choppy for me every so often, and arrowing along is sometimes part 
> of that, yes. However, I can't say I've paid enough attention to notice 
> if the choppiness only happens when arrowing, but I'll watch for it. Does 
> this happen when arrowing anywhere, like in a wordprocessor, or just in 
> Mail?
> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:55 PM, Hope Paulos  wrote:
>> I don't experience this issue. 
>> Hope Paulos
>>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Curious if anyone has noticed this, as I find VO is very choppy in 
>>> Mavericks when reading mail with VO and use the arrows to go through a 
>>> message, however if I use VO A to read all VO is not choppy. Sometimes 
>>> I like to just use the arrows to quickly go through a message, and have 
>>> noticed this choppiness with two different voices on two different Macs 
>>> running VO. I am also noticing a lot of busy messages in mail. Ugh, 
>>> busy busy busy. Thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Jessica D
I cannot figure out how to add appointments.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 26, 2013, at 5:55 PM, David Taylor  wrote:
> Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, 
> and vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and 
> command-right to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your 
> appointments during the selected month too.
> Cheers
> Dave
>> On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28, Christopher Edwards  
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Happy New Year to you all.
>> I have been using some of my One-to-One training sessions at the local Apple 
>> store to have a look at Mavericks before upgrading.
>> The first problem I encountered is with the Calendar. In Month View, I 
>> cannot navigate to either the end of the month or the beginning of the 
>> month. which one seems to depend on the current date. When I go forward as 
>> far as I can I suddenly get switched back to the beginning of the month. If 
>> I do the reverse I get switched back to the last day in the month that I 
>> could reach by navigating forward. I hope this makes sense. I was trapped in 
>> a section of the month that either started on the first day but stopped 
>> before the end or ended on the last day but did not go back to the beginning.
>> The trainer told me that there was a scroll icon to click but Voiceover 
>> cannot find this. We tried other views but still had scrolling problems. He 
>> told me that in Day View I could scroll up and down by using a two finger 
>> flick up or down on the track pad but this did not work either despite 
>> trying various possibilities. I must say that so far this is quite a 
>> disappointment.
>> I am wondering if this is a genuine issue with Voiceover and the calendar or 
>> whether it is due to an error on my part. I have tried all the tracking 
>> options I can think of and also routing the mouse to the last or first date 
>> to which I can navigate and clicking the track pad. However nothing seems to 
>> work.
>> If any of you have any suggestions about what I might do they would be 
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Many thanks,
>> Chris
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Problem with Voices when setting an Activity in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

Is anyone else having a problem when setting a different voice for an activity 
in Mavericks? For some reason my activity works perfectly with all of my 
settings but doesn’t seem to accept any of the new voices in Mavericks for the 
activity. I can select the new voice in the pop up window under Voices and it 
selects and saves it as a default but doesn’t actually use it when using the 

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Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jessica,

To add an event, press Cmd-n then type in the name of the event, its date and 
time, and any other relevant information, then press Return. You can then edit 
the event. To change the date and time, click the date and time link. When 
everything is correct, press Return.



On 8 Jan 2014, at 20:11, Jessica D  wrote:

> I cannot figure out how to add appointments.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 26, 2013, at 5:55 PM, David Taylor  wrote:
>> Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, 
>> and vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and 
>> command-right to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your 
>> appointments during the selected month too.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28, Christopher Edwards  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Happy New Year to you all.
>>> I have been using some of my One-to-One training sessions at the local 
>>> Apple store to have a look at Mavericks before upgrading.
>>> The first problem I encountered is with the Calendar. In Month View, I 
>>> cannot navigate to either the end of the month or the beginning of the 
>>> month. which one seems to depend on the current date. When I go forward as 
>>> far as I can I suddenly get switched back to the beginning of the month. If 
>>> I do the reverse I get switched back to the last day in the month that I 
>>> could reach by navigating forward. I hope this makes sense. I was trapped 
>>> in a section of the month that either started on the first day but stopped 
>>> before the end or ended on the last day but did not go back to the 
>>> beginning.
>>> The trainer told me that there was a scroll icon to click but Voiceover 
>>> cannot find this. We tried other views but still had scrolling problems. He 
>>> told me that in Day View I could scroll up and down by using a two finger 
>>> flick up or down on the track pad but this did not work either despite 
>>> trying various possibilities. I must say that so far this is quite a 
>>> disappointment.
>>> I am wondering if this is a genuine issue with Voiceover and the calendar 
>>> or whether it is due to an error on my part. I have tried all the tracking 
>>> options I can think of and also routing the mouse to the last or first date 
>>> to which I can navigate and clicking the track pad. However nothing seems 
>>> to work.
>>> If any of you have any suggestions about what I might do they would be 
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris
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Mini sadly not running

2014-01-08 Thread Regina Alvarado
Is there a reliable way to know if you are at the space to put in the password 
on the Mini? Many things could be wrong I know, but my Mini is not giving a 
signal when to put password in. I have had to force a shutdown twice after 
trying to add my password. Afraid it will crash so have not tried again. Thanks 
for any assistance. I have the Mini going through the TV for sound and have a 
bluetooth keyboard from Apple. Of course bluetooth could have dropped, TV may 
not have come on for some reason or maybe I am in the wrong place to put the 
password, understood, but any thoughts on how I can try and get it running?

reggie and Allegra

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Re: Problem with Voices when setting an Activity in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Brian,
I get some confusion with voices sometimes. I choose Susan for my web browsing, 
and sometimes she doesn’t go away when I go back to something else where I have 
a different voice set. Restarting VO usually fixes this. I haven’t had your 
problem though of not getting the new voice to work in the first place. 


On 9/01/2014, at 8:29 am, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Is anyone else having a problem when setting a different voice for an 
> activity in Mavericks? For some reason my activity works perfectly with all 
> of my settings but doesn’t seem to accept any of the new voices in Mavericks 
> for the activity. I can select the new voice in the pop up window under 
> Voices and it selects and saves it as a default but doesn’t actually use it 
> when using the activity.
> -- 
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Re: Problem with Voices when setting an Activity in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Lisette,

I should have my head checked, as a simple VO F5 reset fixed the problem, 
thanks for suggesting. Love all the different voice choices in Mavericks.
On Jan 8, 2014, at 3:20 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi Brian,
> I get some confusion with voices sometimes. I choose Susan for my web 
> browsing, and sometimes she doesn’t go away when I go back to something else 
> where I have a different voice set. Restarting VO usually fixes this. I 
> haven’t had your problem though of not getting the new voice to work in the 
> first place. 
> Cheers
> Lisette
> On 9/01/2014, at 8:29 am, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Is anyone else having a problem when setting a different voice for an 
>> activity in Mavericks? For some reason my activity works perfectly with all 
>> of my settings but doesn’t seem to accept any of the new voices in Mavericks 
>> for the activity. I can select the new voice in the pop up window under 
>> Voices and it selects and saves it as a default but doesn’t actually use it 
>> when using the activity.
>> -- 
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Inserting Formulas in Numbers Under Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Christopher Edwards
I was trying out Numbers under Mavericks in the Apple store the other day. I 
you can type a formula into a cell but if you want to check the parameters or 
for the right formula I know you can select the formula you want from a list. 
I could not find out how to do this with VO even with the help of a Trainer. I 
sure I am missing something obvious but if anyone can point me in the right 
I would be very grateful.
Many thanks,

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2014-01-08 Thread May and Noah
Good afternoon.

Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?

There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the only 
Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.

May and Prince Noah

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iOS Stock Twitter App

2014-01-08 Thread Timothy Hornik
Greetings Everyone,

Anyone else noticing swiping issues with the latest update to the Twitter stock 
iOS app on an iPhone? Seems that explore by touch works great, but that is 
about it.

Thank you for your assistance,
Timothy Hornik 
M: (785) 330-3503

LinkedIn Profile: 
Twitter: @TimothyHornik

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Re: kindle

2014-01-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
It doesn’t work on the Mac, but it does on the IThings.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Jan 8, 2014, at 12:57 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Good afternoon.
> Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?
> There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the 
> only Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.
> May and Prince Noah
> -- 
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Doing a search or find in Numbers in Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

Finding the updated numbers in Mavericks amazingly better. The only thing I 
think I haven’t found is how to jump to a specific cell in Numbers. I have 
tried doing a Find with command F and VO F, but not sure how to actually jump 
to the cell once it is found, and haven’t been able to find how to do it by 
doing a google search. Any help on how to use Find/Search in Numbers would be 
greatly appreciated. Thanks

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ibooks and braille.

2014-01-08 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I have missed something here I am afraid.

When I am trying to read an ibook with braille on the mac, I often get stock, 
and I get the same line again and again. I recall that there need to be changed 
some settings to get braille to work correctly in ibooks on the mac, but I can 
not figure out which settings I need to change. If anyone can help I will be 
very happy.

Thank you an advance.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: kindle

2014-01-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Does it work on the Mac now? Hopefully my previous info is outdated? :) I’ve 
tried reading with Cloud Reader and VO seems to behave strangely. Previously, 
on the Mac, VO hasn’t recognized the text in the Kindle app itself. Admittedly, 
I haven’t tried it in the last  few months.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Jan 8, 2014, at 1:09 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> It doesn’t work on the Mac, but it does on the IThings.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Jan 8, 2014, at 12:57 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Good afternoon.
>> Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?
>> There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the 
>> only Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> -- 
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Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hi Jessica, 
I just had a 1:1 session at the Apple Store last Sunday on this very topic. 
However, I am using Mountain Lion, but I would think that the concepts would be 
the same as in Mavericks.  this is what I do and thanks to David he has 
answered one of my problems that occurred last weekend in navigating the date 
in the calendar. 

Open the native calendar on your Mac. Everyone has their way of doing this. I 
preferred to open the doc with VO-D. and then type CA to get to the calendar. 
When the calendar opens, the title stated January. You need to interact with 
this and then use VO-right arrow or VO-left arrow to highlight the date you 
want to use. Next, I pressed VO-spacebar to open the date. It will state "New 
Event." I used my tab key once to get to the event edit field and interact with 
it using VO-Shift-down arrow and typed the name of the event. Next, tab over 
once and you will land on a pop-up button stating "event Details." You will 
need to interact with that with VO-Shift-down arrow. VO should state something 
like a list of 26 items. At this point, you can turn on QuickNav if you like by 
pressing the right and left arrows at the same time. For each item you will 
need to arrow over to the right and either interact with the edit field or 
press VO-spacebar to open the pop-up button. If you are in a pop-up list, arrow 
up/down to the item you want and then press enter. In the from to area, this is 
where you specify your time frames for your appointment. this can be tricky, 
but I equate the selection of the time like using the picker on the iPhone, but 
use the up arrow to change the number and when you tab over once use the 
up/down arrow to select AM or PM. Again, there are loads of tabbing, 
interacting, and selecting with VO-spacebar with the native calendar app on the 
Mac. When you have completed interacting with the "Event Details," stop 
interacting with it and tab over to the "Done" button and press VO-spacebar. 
this will save the appointment to the calendar. HTH. 


On Jan 8, 2014, at 11:11 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> I cannot figure out how to add appointments.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 26, 2013, at 5:55 PM, David Taylor  wrote:
>> Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, 
>> and vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and 
>> command-right to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your 
>> appointments during the selected month too.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28, Christopher Edwards  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Happy New Year to you all.
>>> I have been using some of my One-to-One training sessions at the local 
>>> Apple store to have a look at Mavericks before upgrading.
>>> The first problem I encountered is with the Calendar. In Month View, I 
>>> cannot navigate to either the end of the month or the beginning of the 
>>> month. which one seems to depend on the current date. When I go forward as 
>>> far as I can I suddenly get switched back to the beginning of the month. If 
>>> I do the reverse I get switched back to the last day in the month that I 
>>> could reach by navigating forward. I hope this makes sense. I was trapped 
>>> in a section of the month that either started on the first day but stopped 
>>> before the end or ended on the last day but did not go back to the 
>>> beginning.
>>> The trainer told me that there was a scroll icon to click but Voiceover 
>>> cannot find this. We tried other views but still had scrolling problems. He 
>>> told me that in Day View I could scroll up and down by using a two finger 
>>> flick up or down on the track pad but this did not work either despite 
>>> trying various possibilities. I must say that so far this is quite a 
>>> disappointment.
>>> I am wondering if this is a genuine issue with Voiceover and the calendar 
>>> or whether it is due to an error on my part. I have tried all the tracking 
>>> options I can think of and also routing the mouse to the last or first date 
>>> to which I can navigate and clicking the track pad. However nothing seems 
>>> to work.
>>> If any of you have any suggestions about what I might do they would be 
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> -- 
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Re: Useing The Calendar With Mavericks

2014-01-08 Thread Jessica D
Thanks, i will try it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 5:05 PM, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:
> Hi Jessica, 
> I just had a 1:1 session at the Apple Store last Sunday on this very topic. 
> However, I am using Mountain Lion, but I would think that the concepts would 
> be the same as in Mavericks.  this is what I do and thanks to David he has 
> answered one of my problems that occurred last weekend in navigating the date 
> in the calendar. 
> Open the native calendar on your Mac. Everyone has their way of doing this. I 
> preferred to open the doc with VO-D. and then type CA to get to the calendar. 
> When the calendar opens, the title stated January. You need to interact with 
> this and then use VO-right arrow or VO-left arrow to highlight the date you 
> want to use. Next, I pressed VO-spacebar to open the date. It will state "New 
> Event." I used my tab key once to get to the event edit field and interact 
> with it using VO-Shift-down arrow and typed the name of the event. Next, tab 
> over once and you will land on a pop-up button stating "event Details." You 
> will need to interact with that with VO-Shift-down arrow. VO should state 
> something like a list of 26 items. At this point, you can turn on QuickNav if 
> you like by pressing the right and left arrows at the same time. For each 
> item you will need to arrow over to the right and either interact with the 
> edit field or press VO-spacebar to open the pop-up button. If you are in a 
> pop-up list, arrow up/down to the item you want and then press enter. In the 
> from to area, this is where you specify your time frames for your 
> appointment. this can be tricky, but I equate the selection of the time like 
> using the picker on the iPhone, but use the up arrow to change the number and 
> when you tab over once use the up/down arrow to select AM or PM. Again, there 
> are loads of tabbing, interacting, and selecting with VO-spacebar with the 
> native calendar app on the Mac. When you have completed interacting with the 
> "Event Details," stop interacting with it and tab over to the "Done" button 
> and press VO-spacebar. this will save the appointment to the calendar. HTH. 
> Cheers, 
> Eileen 
>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 11:11 AM, Jessica D  wrote:
>> I cannot figure out how to add appointments.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 26, 2013, at 5:55 PM, David Taylor  wrote:
>>> Hi, simply interact with the grid and use vo-left or right to move by day, 
>>> and vo-up or down to move by week, remembering your command-left and 
>>> command-right to move by month. Using tab, you can move through your 
>>> appointments during the selected month too.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
 On 26 Dec 2013, at 22:28, Christopher Edwards 
 Happy New Year to you all.
 I have been using some of my One-to-One training sessions at the local 
 Apple store to have a look at Mavericks before upgrading.
 The first problem I encountered is with the Calendar. In Month View, I 
 cannot navigate to either the end of the month or the beginning of the 
 month. which one seems to depend on the current date. When I go forward as 
 far as I can I suddenly get switched back to the beginning of the month. 
 If I do the reverse I get switched back to the last day in the month that 
 I could reach by navigating forward. I hope this makes sense. I was 
 trapped in a section of the month that either started on the first day but 
 stopped before the end or ended on the last day but did not go back to the 
 The trainer told me that there was a scroll icon to click but Voiceover 
 cannot find this. We tried other views but still had scrolling problems. 
 He told me that in Day View I could scroll up and down by using a two 
 finger flick up or down on the track pad but this did not work either 
 despite trying various possibilities. I must say that so far this is quite 
 a disappointment.
 I am wondering if this is a genuine issue with Voiceover and the calendar 
 or whether it is due to an error on my part. I have tried all the tracking 
 options I can think of and also routing the mouse to the last or first 
 date to which I can navigate and clicking the track pad. However nothing 
 seems to work.
 If any of you have any suggestions about what I might do they would be 
 greatly appreciated.
 Many thanks,
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Re: kindle

2014-01-08 Thread Jessica D
How do you get kindle for mac? I thought it did not exist for mac.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 3:57 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?
> There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the 
> only Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.
> May and Prince Noah
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Re: kindle

2014-01-08 Thread May and Noah
There is a mac version, but it so doesn’t work with voice over.

So I found out.

May and Prince Noah

On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:26 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> How do you get kindle for mac? I thought it did not exist for mac.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 3:57 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Good afternoon.
>> Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?
>> There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the 
>> only Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.
>> May and Prince Noah
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Re: kindle

2014-01-08 Thread May and Noah
Whoops, meant to say this as well. Darn hitting send too soon. 

kindle is in the mac app store.

May and Prince Noah

On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:26 PM, Jessica D  wrote:

> How do you get kindle for mac? I thought it did not exist for mac.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 3:57 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Good afternoon.
>> Does anyone know of kindle works well with voice over?
>> There was a last minute change with a text book of mine for class and the 
>> only Etext I can find is for kindle. Thanks for any help.
>> May and Prince Noah
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Background Sounds Getting Softer

2014-01-08 Thread Brandon Olivares

I’m noticing on the new OS X that when Voiceover speaks, all the other sounds 
go into the background. This is quite annoying. Is there a setting to change 


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Re: Background Sounds Getting Softer

2014-01-08 Thread Brett C.
This is called audio ducking. You can change the setting by going to your VO 
utility, select sound, and uncheck audio ducking.

Brett C.

On Jan 8, 2014, at 4:37 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m noticing on the new OS X that when Voiceover speaks, all the other sounds 
> go into the background. This is quite annoying. Is there a setting to change 
> this?
> Brandon
> -- 
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Re: Background Sounds Getting Softer

2014-01-08 Thread don bishop
wish there was a similar setting in ios7 for the iphone.  

- Original Message -
From: Brett C. 
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 3:44 pm
Subject: Re: Background Sounds Getting Softer

> This is called audio ducking. You can change the setting by going to your VO 
> utility, select sound, and uncheck audio ducking.
> Brett C.
> On Jan 8, 2014, at 4:37 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm noticing on the new OS X that when Voiceover speaks, all the other 
> > sounds go into the background. This is quite annoying. Is there a setting 
> > to change this?
> > 
> > Brandon
> > 
> > -- 
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Renaming A File in ML

2014-01-08 Thread Eileen Misrahi
Hello List,

I have a file that has one extension that I want to change to another file 
format. How is this done in Mountain Lion? 

Thanks in advance.


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rhapsody help!

2014-01-08 Thread Chris Moore
I needs some tips on navigating the rhapsody site.  In particular:
1. How do I use the player?
2. How do I look at my music library, and
3. How do I add albums/songs to the library?

The iPhone app works reasonably well, and I was hoping that the mac would 
provide similar functionality.


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Re: IMud for IOS is ready for beta testing

2014-01-08 Thread Tyler
iMud is an accessible MUD client for OSX and IOS (MUDs being text based 

On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 9:54:58 AM UTC-7, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Tyler, 
> What is iMud? 
> I might be interested. 
> Stacey Robinson 
> On Jan 8, 2014, at 10:44 AM, Tyler Thompson wrote: 
> > Hello, for those if you interested I've got iMud working on the iPhone. 
> (IPad version coming very soon). 
> > 
> > If you're interested in beta testing the accessible mud client please 
> send me your device ID in a private email and we will get you set up 
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone 
> > 
> > -- 
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Re: Which program can we use instead of dvdremaster pro.

2014-01-08 Thread Esther
Hi Annie and Others,

As Chris suggested, Ripit by the Little App Factory is supposed to work in 
Mavericks.  Also,
As it happens, the same day I read your post, I got an email about a MacHeist 
discounted app bundle that let's you purchase 9 apps for $19.99, including Mac 
DVDRipper Pro.  The other apps of interest  include Launchbar and Algoriddim's 

The sire is::
I'll paste in the email ad, since it's easier to read than going to the web 
site,  I think this deal runs for 6 more days,

Subject: Introducing MacHeist nanoBundle 4!

Introducing the MacHeist nanoBundle 4. We’ve put together another
awesome set of 9 Top Mac Apps worth over $365 for the
improbable price of $19.99.

And to top things off, MacHeist is donating 10% of each bundle
purchase to a partnering charity of the customer's choice. To date,
MacHeist customers have raised over $2,000,000 for charitable efforts
around the world.

Mac DVDRipper Pro
Developer: DVDSuki Software
More info:

It’s all about freedom!
Mac DVDRipper Pro imports your DVDs onto your Mac with the rest of
your iTunes movie purchases in one click!

Convert your movies so that they’re compatible with all of your
devices. Enjoy them everywhere… from on your iPhone, or iPad, in
the car, to on your Apple TV in the comfort of your living room.

Replace at least 3 separate apps. Free yourself from your DVD
collection with one streamlined app.

Intensify Pro
Developer: MacPhun
More info:

Bring out the best in your photos!
Intensify Pro takes your snapshots and brings out an incredible level
of hidden detail and contrast.

Whether your picture is a little blurry, under exposed or just
missing a ‘little something’, the adjustments available will let
you achieve effects from rich and subtle to dramatic.

Intensify Pro works within your existing workflow either as a
standalone app or a plugin within your favorite organization or
editing app.

Swift Publisher
Developer: BeLight Software
More info:

Easily create newsletters, calendars and more!
Pages is good for general document editing… but if you need a more
advanced layout, it can be a pain. If you’re designing newsletters,
fliers, brochures, catalogs, or calendars, Swift Publisher makes
creation easy.

It integrates seamlessly with iPhoto and Aperture. It's never been
easier to get your images into your design.

However if you need a little inspiration, it comes with over 1,000
images to design with.

But this offer also includes the extras pack! This includes over
40,000 more images and 100 fonts.

Developer: Tumult
More info:

Create web animations… no coding required.
Hype enables you to quickly and easily generate interactive website
animations using the industry standard HTML5.

Your animations are automatically compatible with every desktop
browser. They will also work seamlessly with iPhones, iPads and most
other modern devices that surf the web.

Sometimes perfect cross-compatibility isn’t possible. Hype takes
the guesswork out of testing and warns you beforehand.

Developer: Fileability
More info:

A sweet text editor that doesn't get in your way.
A text editor should make it easier for you to be productive, not
harder! Chocolat is simple enough that you can just sit down and
work. It’s powerful enough that advanced users should also be right
at home.

Here are some of the reasons you’ll make Chocolat part of your

Snippets: Store frequently used text and recall each bit quickly.

Multiple Cursors/Selections: Need to add the same code to 3 places?
Do it all in one step.

Folding: If you’ve got a long complicated document, the ability to
collapse sections will make it easier to read.

Error Checking: Catch bugs before they bite you!

Split Editing: Need to see two documents at once, or two parts of the
same document? No problem.

Code Completion: You’ll seriously think we're psychic. Seriously.

Developer: Objective Development
More info:

Take control of your Mac!
LaunchBar makes controlling almost every aspect of your Mac a matter
of a few keystrokes.

iTunes: Browse your iTunes Library, find your favorite tunes and
enjoy your music.
Calendar: Create events and reminders in your calendars in seconds.
Bookmarks: Get instant access to all of your web browser’s
bookmarks, bookmark folders and history.
Files: Move, rename, compress, assign color labels, create folders
and much more.
Contacts: Quickly create new email messages, retrieve phone numbers,
postal addresses and other contact details.

Re: Renaming A File in ML

2014-01-08 Thread Richard Ring
Renaming a file isIn a file list in Finder just press enter on the file, erase 
the old name and type in a new one, but that would not change the format, only 
the name.
If you want to change the format of a file, how you would accomplish this 
depends on the type of file you are dealing with.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:23 PM, Eileen Misrahi  wrote:

> Hello List,
> I have a file that has one extension that I want to change to another file 
> format. How is this done in Mountain Lion? 
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers, 
> Eileen
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Re: IMud for IOS is ready for beta testing

2014-01-08 Thread Matthew Elliff
I might be interested, but where is the device ID found? do you mean the model 
number or the serial number?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:48 PM, Tyler  wrote:
> iMud is an accessible MUD client for OSX and IOS (MUDs being text based games)
>> On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 9:54:58 AM UTC-7, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Tyler, 
>> What is iMud? 
>> I might be interested. 
>> Stacey Robinson 
>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 10:44 AM, Tyler Thompson wrote: 
>> > Hello, for those if you interested I've got iMud working on the iPhone. 
>> > (IPad version coming very soon). 
>> > 
>> > If you're interested in beta testing the accessible mud client please send 
>> > me your device ID in a private email and we will get you set up 
>> > 
>> > Sent from my iPhone 
>> > 
>> > -- 
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2014-01-08 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys 
Below is information I received from the developers of PDF Pen. It's very good. 
We can't use the program for everything that it will do, but it's a definite 
improvement from before. 

Greg Scown
JAN 08, 2014  |  01:45PM PST
Hi Eugenia,

We did do past work to make fields accessible. I'm sure that works better with 
forms designed for accessibility in the sense that such forms have sensible 
field names rather than "field_00835" or something helpful like that. I do not 
know if the work we did will be sufficient to meet all of your needs, and we do 
welcome any feedback on that.



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2014-01-08 Thread May and Noah
OMG, well I was mistaken. My text book is on Ibooks and not kindle. So, now to 
the drawing board for Ibooks.

Thanks again to all those that helped with my kindle question. Now any word on 
how to use Ibooks? *smiles*

I do have the text book now and I’ve at least figured out how to open the book 
and that VO reads it great, but I’m stuck on how to use it for now, ha.

May and Prince Noah

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Re: rhapsody help!

2014-01-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
The website is somewhat trickier than the IOS app. You can go to the “my music 
link” then go to “library” from there. If you tab to the title of a track or 
album, then shift-tab, you’ll reach “options”. For whatever reason, you can’t 
forward tab to this link. Press VO-space on “options” and then VO-shift-end to 
the bottom of the text VO displays. There you will find the “add to library” 
etc. choices.


"We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan

On Jan 8, 2014, at 4:33 PM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello,
> I needs some tips on navigating the rhapsody site.  In particular:
> 1. How do I use the player?
> 2. How do I look at my music library, and
> 3. How do I add albums/songs to the library?
> The iPhone app works reasonably well, and I was hoping that the mac would 
> provide similar functionality.
> Thanks
> Chris 

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Re: Mini sadly not running

2014-01-08 Thread Daniel Hawkins

I for one never used the password login part. But maybe a few advice that can 
help you on the reliability.

If you get a headphone and if needed a splitter, you can just plug the 
headphone or earbud in and hear what is being said on the Mac. That can elimate 
the problems if tv hav a problem. And maybe it would be good to have a usb 
keyboard for those rare cases that blooth don’t work.

Have you tried to hit cmd and F5? Sometimes Voiceover crashes or just don’t 
work. Just press cmd F5 once. Wait a min and redo the command and wait a few 
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

On Jan 8, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Regina Alvarado  wrote:

> Is there a reliable way to know if you are at the space to put in the 
> password on the Mini? Many things could be wrong I know, but my Mini is not 
> giving a signal when to put password in. I have had to force a shutdown twice 
> after trying to add my password. Afraid it will crash so have not tried 
> again. Thanks for any assistance. I have the Mini going through the TV for 
> sound and have a bluetooth keyboard from Apple. Of course bluetooth could 
> have dropped, TV may not have come on for some reason or maybe I am in the 
> wrong place to put the password, understood, but any thoughts on how I can 
> try and get it running?
> reggie and Allegra
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downloading files from sendspace

2014-01-08 Thread Andrew Head
Hi all,
I downloaded an audio file someone had shared on sendspace. It’s an mp3 file, 
but when it was downloaded, the mac saw it as a safari file and not as an mp3 
file. I tried opening it, but when I extracted the mp3 file, it was only 15 kb 
instead of 129 mb. In the future, how do I get files from sendspace to show up 
as their proper mp3 format or what ever format they are in? 
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air

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